O'Brien Press Children's Catalogue 2016-2017

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Children’s catalogue

2016–2017 w w w. o b r i e n . i e

CONTENTS A Guide to Reading Levels page C4 New books C5–12 O’Brien Press Online! C13 Picture Books C14–16 Information Books C16 Panda Cubs C16 Joke Books C16 Art & Craft Books C16 Panda Series C17–19 Panda Legends C19 Yellow Flag Books C20–21 Glenmore Valley Series C21 Flyers Series C22–23 Bridges C23 Red Flag Books C24–25 Graphic Novels C24 Blue Flag Fiction C26–37 Green Flag Fiction C38–41 Leabhair Ghaeilge C42–43 O’Brien for Schools C44–45 Trade Distribution List A42 Rights Agents A43 All ISBNs listed in this catalogue are ISBN-13 Where an eBook ISBN is listed, the title is available from www.obrien.ie and the world’s leading eBook stores. See page A40. The O’Brien Press Ltd 12 Terenure Road East Dublin 6, D06 HD27, Ireland Tel: +353 1 4923333 Fax: +353 1 4922777 E-mail: books@obrien.ie Website: www.obrien.ie

AUTHOR INDEX Aggs, Patrice C18 Agnew, Sheila C28 Allison, James C24 Arrigan, Mary C28 Barrett, Philip C6, C14 Bermingham, Ann C22 Blackwood, Gary C32 Boland, Gerry C21 Bowie, Sarah C6 Brady Dawson, Brianóg C17-C19, C42 Broderick, Marian C22, C25 Bruzzone, Catherine C43 Burlington, Marie C19, C23 Byrne, Bob C23 Carey, Anna C8, C39 Carroll, Mary C16 Cashman, Seamus C15 Colfer, Eoin C22, C28 Colton, Nicola C14 Conlon-McKenna, Marita C29 Curtin, Judi C9, C26, C27 Dagg, Stephanie C17, C18, C22, C42 Deeley, Patrick C18, C19, C42 Donovan, Anna C17, C19, C42 Doody, Noreen C5 Doolan, Catherine C18, C42 Dunbar, Robert C37 Fitzgerald, Nita C15 Fitzpatrick, Tom C16 Flegg, Aubrey C32, C39 Gallagher, Brian C10, C30 Gogarty, Brian C14 Griffin, Matt C10, C31 Grogan, Jerry C16 Halligan, Jim C24 Hannigan, Dave C31 Hayes-McCoy, Felicity C19 Healy, Shay C16 Herron, Anne Marie C17, C18, C42 Hood, Kim C12, C38 Judge, Chris C14 Kiely, Kevin C33 Kiernan, Celine C41 Kissane, Dan C25 Kostick, Conor C40 Leavy, Una C5, C14, C17, C18, C42 Lennon, Tom C40 Llywelyn, Morgan C32 Long, Katie C16 Long, Ruth Frances C12, C38 Lyons, Fergus C17-C19 Mac a’Bháird, Natasha C7, C9, C15, C23, C38 Mac Liammóir, Micheál C37 Mac Uistin, Liam C36 Magee, Wes C23 Maguire, Gregory C34 Mansfield, Creina C18, C34 Massey, Eithne C7, C14, C23, C33, C35 May, Judy C37 McBratney, Sam C21, 40 McCaughren, Tom C11 McGann, Erika C30 McGann, Oisín C8, C19, C22-24, C33 McHale, Conor C15, C22

McQuinn, Anna C21 Meaney, Roisin C26, C37 Michael, Jan C34 Moller, Linda C25 Moore, Tomm C35 Moore-Mallinos, Jennifer C16 Murphy, Frank C22, C24, C34 Ní Dhonnchú, Dairíne C43 Ní Ghlinn, Áine C42, C43 Ní Mhurchú, Caitríona C42 Nolan, Alan C24, C35 Ó Siochfhrada, Pádraig C37 O’Brien, Brendan C16 O’Brien, Joe C10, C20, C31, C33 O’Connor, Finbar C24 O’Leary, Seán C C16 O’Neill, Karl C21 Parkinson, Siobhán C21, C25, C34 Perdue, Gillian C18, C19, C24, C42 Pierce, Nicola C11, C27 Potter, Maureen C25 Prendergast, P.R. C41 Prendergast, Peter C23 Ranson, Claire C15 Rosenstock, Gabriel C43 Roy, James C41 Shaw, Elizabeth C17, C42 Siggins, Gerard C10, C31 Sirr, Peter C35 Snell, Gordon C17, C19, C24 Somers, Ian C40 Stewart, Maddie C16 Swift, Jonathan C14 Tarrant, Margaret C15 Taylor, Marilyn C35 Trevor, William C25 Webb, Mary C14 Webb, Sarah C15, C19 Weir, Liz C21, C25 Wells, Grace C25 Whelan, Gerard C36 White, Maureen C38 Wickham, Mark C14 Wilde, Oscar C15 Wyley, Enda C16, C23, C35 Zag C15 Zig C15

The front cover image is from The Moon Spun Round: W.B. Yeats for Children, ed. Noreen Doody, illus. Shona Shirley MacDonald See page C5

17 M Acros Adam Adve The Alfie Frog Alfie Gan Alfie Cos Alfie King Alfie Trap Alfie Gift Alfie Puz Alfie Que Alfie son Alice C26 Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice All Ab Amel Amy’ Ancie Boo And T C24 Anim C25 Anna Arriva Art a &2 Art a tion Baby Bad H Barry Beas Behin Benn Benn BestBeyo Big B boo Big B Big F Black Blood C33 Blue Blue Blue, Bonjo Boo a Boom Brian Brian Brian Bróg Broke Buac

TITLE INDEX 17 Martin Street C35 Across the Divide C30 Adam’s Starling C24 Adventures of Shamrock Sean, The C14 Alfie Green and a Sink Full of Frogs C20 Alfie Green and the Bee Bottle Gang C20 Alfie Green and the Chocolate Cosmos C20 Alfie Green and the Conker King C20 Alfie Green and the FlyTrapper C20 Alfie Green and the Magical Gift C20 Alfie Green and the Monkey Puzzler C20 Alfie Green and the Snowdrop Queen C20 Alfie Green and the Supersonic Subway C20 Alice & Megan’s Cookbook C26 Alice Again C26 Alice and Megan Forever C26 Alice in the Middle C26 Alice Next Door C26 Alice to the Rescue C26 All About Gaelic Football C16 Amelia C34 Amy’s Wonderful Nest C17 Ancient Ireland Colouring Book C15 And The Blood Flowed Green C24 Animals Don’t Have Ghosts C25 Anna’s Secret Granny C22 Arrivals C10 Art and Craft Adventures 1 & 2 C16 Art and Craft Explorer Collection 2 C16 Baby Giant, The C19 Bad Hair Day C18 Barry’s New Bed C18 Beastly Jokes C16 Behind the Walls C27 Benny and Babe C28 Benny and Omar C28 Best-Loved Irish Legends C14 Beyond the Cherry Tree C33 Big Break Detectives Casebook, The C24 Big Brother, The C18 Big Fight, The C22 Black Wreath C35 Blood Brother, Swan Sister C33 Blue Horse, The C29 Blue Lavender Girl C37 Blue, Where Are You? C23 Bonjour Alice C26 Boo and Bear C16 Boom Chicka Boom C25 Brian and the Giant C14 Brian and the Vikings C14 Brian Boru C32 Bróga Thomáis C42 Broken Spell, The C30 Buachaill Bó, An C42

Busy Fingers C16 Butterfly Shell, The C38 Cá Bhfuil Murchú? C42 Cage of Roots, A C31 Cáitín sa Chistin C42 Cave of Secrets C32 Celtic Tales of Enchantment C36 Central Park Showdown C28 Charlie Harte and his TwoWheeled Tiger C24 Chieftain’s Daughter, The C40 Cinnamon Tree, The C39 City of Fate C27 Cliffs of Moher and The Burren C15 Colm’s Lambs C21 Conor’s Canvas C19 Conor’s Caveman C35 Conor’s Concert C18 Conor’s Cowboy Suit C18 Copper Girl C37 Crack in Everything, A C38 Crowded Shadows, The C41 Daifní Dineasár C42 Dancing in the Dark C41 Danny and Baby Do It All C18 Danny’s Crazy Christmas C19 Danny’s Pesky Pet C18 Danny’s Sick Trick C18 Danny’s Smelly Toothbrush C17 Darkness at the End, A C12 Death by Chocolate C24 Deirdre agus an Fear Bréige C42 Demon from the Deep End C24 Demon Notebook, The C30 Destination: Homicide C24 Diabolic Downloads C24 Diamond Star Girl C37 Dochtúir Dan, An C43 Don’t Ask Alice C26 Don’t Even Think About It C37 Don’t Open That Box! C22 Dream Invader C36 Dreaming Tree, The C23 Drochlá Gruaige C42 Dublin Fairytale, A C14 Ducks in Trouble C18 Éasca Péasca C43 Ed’s Bed C22 Ed’s Funny Feet C22 Edda C40 Emma the Penguin C19 Enchanted Journeys C37 Epic C40 Eva and the Hidden Diary C27 Eva’s Holiday C27 Eva’s Journey C27 Evil Hairdo, The C24 Faery Nights/Oícheanta Sí C37 Faoin Sceach Gheal C29 Faraway Home C35 Féile Fever C31 Fiacla Mhamó C42 Fields of Home C29 Finding A Voice C38 Finn’s Thumb C19 Fintan’s Fifteen C35 Fireman Sinead! C17

Fishbum and Splat C22 Four Kids, Three Cats, Two Cows, One Witch (maybe) C34 Fridge in a Denim Jacket!, The C15 Friend or Foe? C30 Fugitives! C32 Garden for Tom, A C17 Girl Called Blue, A C29 Glac Sos! Uimhir a hAon C43 Gods and their Machines, The C33 Going Potty C22 Granny Makes a Mess! C18 Granny’s Secret C18 Granny’s Teeth C17 Great Pig Escape, The C25 Gulliver C14 Guns of Easter, The C36 Hal’s Sleepover C16 Hannah in the Spotlight C9 Harvest Tide Project, The C33 Hazel Wood Girl C37 Helpful Hannah C19 Here, There and Everywhere C21 Hidden Gift, The C40 Hide & Speak Irish C43 Hollow in the Hills, A C38 Horse Called El Dorado, A C33 Hunt for Diarmaid and Gráinne, The C36 I Won’t Go To China C23 Ice Dreams C25 In Deep Dark Wood C29 In The Claws of the Eagle C39 Into the Grey C41 Irish Legends C7 It Wasn’t Me C34 It’s Called Dyslexia C16 It’s Great Being Little C15 Jigsaw Stew C22 Jimeen C37 Jimmy’s Leprechaun Trap C25 Juliet’s Story C25 Kate C34 Katie’s Cake C17 Katie’s Caterpillars C17 Katie’s War C32 Kicking On C31 Kings of the Boyne C11 Lámhainní Glasa C42 Leave it to Eva C27 Legends’ Lair C10 Leprechaun Who Wished He Wasn’t, The C21 Let’s See Ireland! C6 Lighthouse Joey C19 Little Black Sheep, The C17 Little Croker C31 Little Witch Who Can’t Spell, The C23 Lockie and Dadge C34 Lost Fairy, The C22 Lough Neagh Monster, The C21 Mad Grandad and the Flying Saucer C8 Mad Grandad and the Kleptoes C22 Mad Grandad and the Mutant River C22

Mad Grandad and the Robot Garden C8 Mad Grandad’s Doppelganger C23 Mad Grandad’s Wicked Pictures C23 Magical Celtic Tales C5 Making of Mollie, The C8 Marco Master of Disguise C21 Marco Moonwalker C21 Marco Moves In C21 Marooned in Manhattan C28 Midnight Carnival, The C30 Million Dollar Gift C40 Milo and One Dead Angry Druid C28 Milo and the Pirate Sisters C28 Milo and The Raging Chieftains C28 Missing Ellen C38 Missing Sisters C34 Mo Mhadra Beoga C42 Moncaí Dána C42 Moon King, The C34 Moon Spun Round, The C5 More Beastly Jokes C16 Most Beautiful Letter in the World, The C21 Move C40 Muckeen and the Big Freeze C19 Muckeen and the UFO C18 Muckeen the Pig C17 My Book of Kells Colouring Book C15 My Dog Lively C18 My Ireland Counting Book C15 No Goodbye C29 No Peace for Amelia C34 No Shoes for Tom! C17 Nursery Rhymes C15 O’Brien Book of Irish Fairy Tales & Legends, The C14 Olanna’s Big Day C23 Only Eva C27 Oscar Wilde: Stories for Children C15 Out of Nowhere C36 Pageboy Danny C19 Páidí Péintéir C43 Pirate Queen C32 Plain Jane C12 Poison Factory, The C24 Poison Throne, The C41 Rainbow Bridge, The C39 Real Rebecca, The C39 Rebecca is Always Right C39 Rebecca Rocks C39 Rebecca’s Rules C39 Rebel Prince, The C41 Resonance C41 Ribbit Ribbit! C17 Riddle, The C19 Robots Don’t Cry C23 Rock Boy, The C34 Romanian Builder, The C23 Rosette For Maeve?, A C21 Rugby Flyer C10 Rugby Rebel C31 Rugby Spirit C31 Rugby Warrior C31 Run for the Hills C11 Rún Mór, An C42

Run with the Wind C11 Safe Harbour C29 Saga C40 Sailí na Spotaí C42 Sally Go Round the Stars C15 Scuab Fiacal Danny C42 Secret Gift, The C40 Secret of Kells, The C35 Secrets and Shadows C30 See If I Care C26 Shakespeare Stealer, The C32 Shakespeare’s Scribe C32 Shoestring Soup C19 Silver Notebook, The C35 Silver Stag of Bunratty, The C33 Sinéad ag Damhsa C42 Sinead the Dancer C17 Sisters ... no way! C34 Six Million Ways to Die C24 Skimming C37 Snip Snip! C18 Snobby Cat C19 Something Beginning with P C15 SOS Lusitania C33 Spirit of the Titanic C27 Spotty Sally C18 Star Dancer C32 Storm Weaver C10 Stormclouds C30 Story of Ireland, The C16 Strawberry Squirt C18 Strongbow C32 Supermarket Ghost, The C24 ‘S’ Word: A Boys’ Guide to Sex, Puberty and Growing Up, The C41 Taibhse C43 Táin, The C36 Taking Sides C30 Thar an Trasnán C43 Tiger Boots C31 Time After Time C9 Tina and the Tooth Fairy C19 Tommy The Theatre Cat C25 Trouble for Tuffy C22 tUan Beag Dubh, An C42 Under Fragile Stone C33 Under the Hawthorn Tree C29 Viva Alice! C26 War Children C36 Watching Wood, The C30 When Love Comes to Town C40 Where the Stones Sing C33 Where’s Larry This Time? C6 Where’s Larry? C14 Where’s Murphy? C19 Wild Atlantic Way, The C7 Wildflower Girl C29 Wings over Delft C39 Winter of Spies, A C36 Wish List, The C28 Witch Apprentice, The C25 Witch in the Woods, The C25 Wolfgran C24 Young Rebels, The C32 Zombaí C43

A Note from the Managing Director What an exciting year to be creating magical children’s books! We are thrilled to launch a new series from Judi Curtin with Time After Time, and to welcome Tom McCaughren and his foxes under our roof. So many of our great family of authors – Anna Carey, Natasha Mac a’Bháird, Joe O’Brien, Brian Gallagher, Nicola Pierce and Kim Hood – have brand new exciting novels, and Gerard Siggins, Matt Griffin and Ruth Frances Long have continued their popular series. The biggest breakout, though, has been in picture books. Our team have collaborated with Ireland’s best new illustration talent to produce books we will be proud of for many years to come: in particular Let’s See Ireland, and The Moon Spun Round. Happy reading!

RIGHTS AVAILABLE AND SOLD Indicated under each entry as follows: W = world rights, all languages, all territories AL = Albanian AR = Arabic Arm = Armenian AU/NZ = Australia, New Zealand B = Britain (exc. NI) BA = Bahasa B/C = Britain and Commonwealth BU = Bulgarian CAN = Canada CA = Catalan

CH = Chinese CR = Croatian CZ = Czech DA = Danish DU = Dutch EL = English language only ES = Estonian EU = European Union F = French F/C = French (Canada only) FI = Finnish G = German GR = Greek H = Hungarian HE = Hebrew

IL = Irish language I = Italian IN = India (EL) J = Japanese IC = Icelandic KO = Korean LA = Latvian LI = Lithuanian NO = Norwegian P = Portuguese PO = Polish RO = Romanian RU = Russian SA = South Africa (EL) SC = Scots Gaelic

SE = Serbian SL = Slovene Slo = Slovak SP = Spanish SW = Swedish T = Turkish TH = Thai U = Ukrainian US = United States WE = Welsh IR = rights for Ireland only, including Northern Ireland

A GUIDE TO READING LEVELS Using O’Brien flags to select books for your home or classroom Republic of Ireland

Northern Ireland and Scotland

England and Wales

Black flag Picture books

Usable throughout the school (but especially Junior Infants)

Usable throughout the school (but especially Year 1 [P1])

Usable throughout the school (but especially Reception)

Orange flag Reading level 4+

Senior Infants (also First Class)

Year 1 [P1]. Key Stage 1


Purple flag Reading level 5+

First Class (also Senior Infants, Second Class)

Year 2 [P2]. Key Stage 1

Year 1. Key Stage 1

Yellow flag Reading level 6+

Second Class (also First Class, Third Class)

Year 3 [P3]. Key Stage 1

Year 2. Key Stage 1

Red flag Reading level 8+

Third Class, Fourth Class

Year 4, Year 5 [P4, P5]. Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2

Year 3, Year 4. Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2

Blue flag Reading level 10+

Fifth Class, Sixth Class

Year 6, Year 7 [P6, P7]. Key Stage 2

Year 5, Year 6. Key Stage 2

Green Flag Reading level 12+

First Year, Second Year (second-level schools)

Year 8, Year 9, Year 10 (secondary school). Key Stage 3

Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 (secondary school). Key Stage 3

Young Adult

Older and more confident readers

Older and more confident readers

Older and more confident readers

This is a general guide to reading levels. It will help you to choose suitable books for children and their abilities.

As children start school at different ages under the various educational systems listed here, and also begin formal reading at different stages, this suggested guide to suitability for various ages differs for each system.



Existing titles pages C14-16


The Moon Spun Round W. B. Yeats for Children Ed. Noreen Doody, illus. Shona Shirley MacDonald Bringing the spirit and beauty of Yeats’s writing to a whole new young audience! This sumptuously illustrated book compliments the carefully selected works of WB Yeats: poems, stories, a descriptive prose passage on Sligo, extracts from his letters, an adaptation of his memories of childhood, and an account of his daughter Anne’s memories of childhood. Including unpublished work, this gorgeous book draws on Yeats’ preoccupation with magic, fairy lore, place, family and childhood. A mystical and magical tone that pervades the collection will enthrall younger readers!

The Stolen Child Where dips the rocky highland Of Sleuth Wood in the lake, There lies a leafy island Where flapping herons wake

64 pages €19.99 hb ISBN 978-1-84717-738-4 Rights available W

The drowsy water-rats; vats, There we’ve hid our faery Full of berries And of reddest stolen cherries. Come away, O human child! To the waters and the wild With a faery, hand in hand, than you can understand. For the world’s more full of weeping


Magical Celtic Tales Una Leavy Illus. Fergal O’Connor Storytelling has always been at the heart of Celtic societies. From firesides to books, these tales have been passed from generation to generation. Some are well known, such as the Irish legend of Diarmaid and Gráinne, while those less frequently told, including The Magic Pail from Cornwall, deserve their place in this unique collection. Tales from all celtic lands, including Brittany, The Isle of Man, Scotland and Wales, meet here. Skillfully retold by author and poet Una Leavy and brought to life by Fergal O’Connor’s lively illustrations. Read of giants and dragons, of fairies and princesses: all beautifully illustrated and told for a new generation of children. M AGIC AL




96 pages €14.99 hb ISBN 978-1-84717-546-5 Rights available W

The Seal Catcher’s Story A story from Scotland

Scotland, there was a young man Long ago and far away, in the north of in a cottage near the shore. There was named Hamish. He lived with his family a and Mother, three sisters, two brothers, Grandfather and Grandmother, Father bit and farmed a bit, the women knitted. cousin and a baby. The men fished a But they were still very poor. Hamish one day. ‘But what can I do? ‘I’ll have to earn more money,’ thought or a blacksmith or a weaver.’ It takes years to become a stone-mason screeched and swooped, waves He wandered down to the beach. Seagulls on the smoothest stones lay three themselves Sunning rocks. the against slapped rolled off into the water. sleek seals. As Hamish approached, they ‘Such fine, shiny coats they have, ‘Aren’t they handsome!’ he said to himself. so glossy and dark.’ him. He punched the air with his fist. He paused. Suddenly a thought struck Rich people buy seal skins for ‘That’s it!’ he shouted. ‘I’ll be a seal catcher! of seals; they’ll be easy to catch. I’ll sell waistcoats and jackets. There are plenty ’ rich! be them to a merchant and soon I’ll legend his grandmother often old the about thought he On his way home bring nothing but bad luck – not that told. It was said that killing seals would killing seals harm anyone? Only people he believed such rubbish. How could


Still, Hamish decided not to mention living by the sea believed such nonsense. him. it at home. They would only try to stop sharpest knife. Without a word to Next morning he borrowed his father’s Within hours he was back with a bundle anyone, he slipped down to the beach.






29/06/2016 09:28:17




horns were strap p voices crisp as cric ‘Hur rah!’ chirp ed ‘Poor Ned is puz ‘Well his cows are Loosening the teth ‘Time to go milki men rode out on eac As soon as they we he lit the wick . Not a Wisps of straw fluttere ‘It’s “Themsel ves!”’ N away with this! I’ll follo cows back with Captain Without saddl e or bri ‘Fly, my brave horse! F ‘Run like you’v e never r with it!’ Twigs whipped his che hedges and bridg es and di Grimly he clung to Capta before there were lights ah sparks.Voices carried on th urged Captain on harder th ‘Faster, Capt ain, faster! We Just then the moon came was the Fairy Mound, wher e daylight. As they neared the h horns: ‘Ta ranta ta rantata taaaa

NEW BOOKS FOR CHILDREN Let’s See Ireland! Sarah Bowie Follow Molly’s journey in this gorgeous picture book that is sure to delight adults and children alike! Molly, her parents and her cat Mipsy tour Ireland and see all the main sights! Written and illustrated by Sarah Bowie. Locations include: Dublin Zoo, Christ Church Cathedral, Rock of Cashel, Hook Lighthouse, Wexford, Cork City, Cliffs of Moher, Giant’s Causeway, Belfast, Newgrange. 32 pages €12.99 hb/ISBN 978-1-84717-731-5 Rights available W

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These are th e red deer who live in Kerry. They are th e BIGGEST wild animals in Irelan



24 25

16 DERRY CITY WALLS Oh , I love Derry so I do – the , re are fine big walls running all around the outside of the old city. Imagine that! You can walk along the top of them, lookin g down at all the action below, but be careful on the unless you’re as sure-footed narrower bit s as a leprechau the cannons n. Watch out too, especially for the big one cal And keep yo led ‘Roaring ur eyes peele Meg’! d for secret passageways!


Where’s Larry This Time? Philip Barrett Follow Larry the Leprechaun around Ireland, and see if you can find him in Belfast, the Skelligs or Viking Dublin! But it won’t be easy: he is hiding in the middle of Irish dancers, traditional musicians, climbers, tourists, hurlers and many others. Locations include: Cobh, The Titanic Quarter ­(Belfast), Ben Bulben, Donegal, Clonmacnoise, ­Westport House, Hook Head Lighthouse, Kilkenny Castle and many more! Great fun for all the family. 32 pages €9.99 pb/ISBN 978-1-84717-745-2 Rights available W

looks the big mountain that BEN BULBEN See it Ben Bulben – I’d say a bit like a table? That’s fella the ghost of that poet could be haunted by him it here. Well I remember W.B.Yeats. He loved while reciting bits of poetry walking up and down Fionn into bumped I also I was searching for gold. had their big here long, long ago. They Fianna his and Mac Cumhaill passed by. so I had to hide till they’d hunting dogs with them

See also page C14


NEW BOOKS FOR CHILDREN Irish Legends Newgrange, Tara & the Boyne Valley Eithne Massey Illustrated by Lisa Jackson Stories inspired by the Boyne Valley from long, long ago, part of an ancient oral tradition, handed down from generation to generation and written down by the Christian monks of medieval Ireland. Stories include: How the Boyne Was Born, Fionn’s First Adventures, The Battle of the Hags, How Aengus Tricked the Dagda, Art’s Quest Beyond the Seas,The Magic Branch


ok ay,

64 pages €12.99 hb/ISBN 978-1-84717-683-7 Rights available W

s the hunt, to find Aengu Dagda returned from Early next morning the . of Brú na Bóinne, smiling sitting at the doorway over the take to back ‘I’m said the Dagda. ‘You can go away now,’ place again.’ to let me have the house Aengus. ‘You promised ‘I don’t think so,’ said I could stay for tonight isn’t it? And you said for today. It is today now, too, remember?’ and stronger than his have been older, bigger The Dagda may well bright. son, but he was not very ed, but that sounds he muttered. ‘I’m confus ‘Today, tonight, today,’ right.’ Aengus smiled and said,

I stay. By the way, I did ‘Here I am and here You can pick it up on hambone is at the gate.

clean out the house.Your your way out.’

The Wild Atlantic Way My Ireland Activity Book Natasha Mac a’Bháird Illustrated by Alan Nolan Puzzles, games, colouring and tons of interesting facts about Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way, Ireland’s amazing coastal trail. Sasha Seal guides the reader through crosswords, matching games, mazes, wordsearches and stories, encouraging young readers to explore what Ireland’s spectacular Atlantic coast has to offer.

en, se,

24 pages €7.99 pb/ISBN 978-1-84717-834-3 Rights available W

Fun at the Beac ets Grab your buck and spades and head to one of hundreds of beautiful beaches along the Wild Atlantic Way.

See also page C15

odd Can you spot the n? one out in each colum


, beside the seaside Oh, I DO like to be beside the sea! Oh, I DO like to be

Follow the fishing lines to see who caught the fish!

c What’s in the picni ble basket? Unscram the letters.






1 2 3

Caw! Bagsie the leftover sandwiches!


7 6



Mad Grandad and the Flying Saucer Oisín McGann Lenny and Mad Grandad take their new flying saucer for its first flight. Getting into space is easy: getting home alive might be harder!

Guard said, smiling.

ISBN 978-1-84717-870-1

panel. Suddenly, a big, yellow, metal

Grandad tried the controls. The clamp was holding the spaceship in place. ‘Lenny, we can’t move!’ he cried.

‘They get clamped,’ the Parking He pushed a button on his control thing was fired from a hatch in his spaceship. It shot over to our flying saucer and stuck with a loud CLANG! 28


Mad Grandad and the Robot Garden Oisín McGann The new robot gardener looks like a great way to cut down on boring work: but the robot has other plans! ISBN 978-1-84717-869-5

Also Alice See

Both titles 64 pages €6.99 pb Rights available W; Rights sold SL

BLUE FLAG FICTION Existing titles pages C26-37

Anna Carey

Also by Anna for readers age 12+ See page C39

FREE Teaching Guide online


288 pages €8.99 pb ISBN 978-1-84717-847-3 eBook ISBN 978-1-84717-903-6 Rights available W

The Making of Mollie It’s spring 1912, and 14-year-old Mollie Carberry lives in Drumcondra with her loving but distracted parents, her older sister Phyllis, her spoiled older brother Harry and her saintly little sister Julia. Mollie is convinced that her life is boring – until she discovers that Phyllis is a secret suffragette. After attending a suffrage meeting, Mollie wants to do something for the movement too – and she soon convinces her best friend Nora to join her. At last, they have some excitement in their lives! While some of their classmates approve of their new cause, others can’t see the point. Their timid schoolfriend Stella worries that Mollie and Nora are going to get into trouble. And their classmate Grace, who also happens to be Nora’s cousin, disapproves of anybody who steps out of line. As the weeks go by, Mollie and Nora become ever more determined to do something for the cause, even though nobody in the cause seems to particularly want their help.

Also read See


FREE Teaching Guide online

Also by Judi Curtin: the hugely popular Alice & Megan and Eva series. See pages C26, C27

288 pages €12.99 pb ISBN 978-1-84717-872-5 eBook ISBN 978-1-84717-905-0 Rights available W

Time After Time Molly and Beth are best friends and love spending time together. But when their two families move in together, maybe they are a little too close for comfort! Out shopping one day, they need to avoid the most embarrassing encounter ever with Molly’s mum, and hide in a shop they had never noticed before. When they leave by the side door, they realise immediately that something is not right! Transported back to the past, where mobile phones don’t work and the world feels very different, they realise that they have a chance to see the world through their parents’ eyes. Before finding their way home, can they see what their own pasts looked like?

‘Ireland’s answer to Jacqueline Wilson. Perfectly written stories of friendship and growing up . . . these sweet stories are a joy.’ Irish Independent ‘Write On’ supplement ‘Curtin has a deliciously warm touch ... highly recommended’ Irish Independent I love Judi Curtin’s books ... they are like a hot chocolate on a cold winter’s morning’ Sunday Business Post

Natasha Mac a’Bháird

Also by Natasha for readers age 12+ See page C38

192 pages €8.99 pb ISBN 978-1-84717-845-9 eBook ISBN 978-1-84717-902-9 Rights available W

Hannah in the Spotlight Star Club Book 1 The summer holidays are here, and Hannah is wishing she could have gone to drama camp. Instead it looks like she’s going to end up being an unpaid babysitter to her younger brothers and sisters. Then she meets Meg, who has just moved in next door, and together with her friends Ruby and Laura they decide to form Star Club – a drama club of their own, where they’ll all get a chance to practise their acting skills. The girls work hard to get their first show ready for Maisie’s birthday party. Then disaster strikes, and Hannah finds herself torn between Star Club and big sister duty. Meanwhile, something very strange is going on with Meg, who seems to have a lot of secrets she’s not sharing. But whatever happens, the show must go on!



Gerard Siggins

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Welcome to the wonderful world of Alfie Green Joe O’Brien lives in Dublin with his wife and children. He is the author of nine Alfie Green books, as well as three books in the Danny Wilde GAA series, a fantasy novel, Beyond the Cherry Tree, and Legends’ Lair, all for older children. His book Alfie Green and the Chocolate Cosmos was shortlisted for Children’s Book of the Year at the Irish Book Awards in 2010.

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Specifically designed for children who have graduated from picture books and first readers, Flyers are aimed at more advanced readers, age 6+. Flyers are longer – with ‘proper’ chapters – and are slightly more challenging than Pandas, but still great fun to read, with engaging storylines and vibrant, lively illustrations.

Yellow Flag – Reading Level 6+

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The Big Fight Frank Murphy Illus. Kieron Black

Ed’s Funny Feet Eoin Colfer Illus. Woody

Anna’s Secret Granny Stephanie Dagg Illus. Phillip Morrison

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ISBN 978-1-84717-197-9


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Yellow Flag – Reading Level 6+

Robots Don’t Cry Bob Byrne


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EVA Series!

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See page C9 for Time After Time, Judi’s new novel! When Molly and Beth’s parents get together, things get complicated. But that’s nothing to what happens when the best friends walk through a doorway in a spooky shop that leads to – Thursday 26 July 1984: where the hair is weird and the technology is basic. But then Beth, whose mum died when she was little, decides to try to find her. Can the girls navigate their way through the strange world of their parents’ youth – and back home again (without using Google maps)?!


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Milo and the Pirate Sisters Mary Arrigan When ghostly Mr Lewis has to leave his cosy home in the castle, Milo and Shane help set him up in a local ruined mill. Little do they know the danger this puts him in, and the trouble it will cause for themselves – and this time Mr Lewis can’t help them.

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The Wish List Meg Finn is in trouble. Unearthly trouble. Her soul is up for grabs and the divine and the demonic are battling to get it. Her only hope of salvation is the Wish List – but can she fulfil the wishes in time and get enough credits to pass St Peter?

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MARITA CONLON-MCKENNA Marita Conlon-McKenna’s first novel, Under the Hawthorn Tree, became an immediate bestseller. A firm favourite with children, she has since won several awards, including the International Reading Association Award, the Reading Association of Ireland Award and the Bisto Book of the Year Award.

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Under the Hawthorn Tree A gripping story of love, loyalty and courage, set in the 1840s, the time of the Great Famine in Ireland. Under The Hawthorn Tree is a classic of Irish children’s literature. ‘A sublime story ... I don’t know any child who will not find this book enthralling.’ The Irish Times ‘Beautiful and moving ... historically true and fictionally vivid.’ Sunday Times ‘Marita Conlon-McKenna handles this appalling event in Irish history sensitively but never compromising the truth of hardship and human suffering.’ ­Writeaway.org.uk

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Friend or Foe? When Emer Daly saves Jack Madigan from drowning it seems that the two children will be friends for life. Eight months later, however, they are on opposite sides in a life and death struggle, when Dublin city is torn apart in the Easter Rising. With their young lives in turmoil, what will come first – friendship, family or loyalty to a cause?

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Taking Sides Dublin, 1922. Working class Annie Reilly befrends Peter Scanlon, a student in Belvedere College. Peter carries messages for the rebels in the Civil War. When Annie’s life is threatened, he has to decide where his loyalties lie.

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Secrets and Shadows When her home is destroyed in the 1941 Luftwaffe bombing, Grace Ryan moves in with relatives. There she meets Barry Malone, a boy from Liverpool. They suspect their teacher Mr Pawlek of spying for the Nazis. But what starts as an adventure puts their very lives in danger.

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The Demon Notebook Grace and her four best friends are failed witches. They have a notebook full of useless spells to prove it. But one night, they stumble upon real magical powers and their notebook takes on a diabolical life of its own.

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Gerard Whelan was born in Enniscorthy, County Wexford, and has lived and worked in several European countries. His award-winning books have become hugely popular with young readers.

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See page C12 for Plain Jane, Kim’s new novel

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See page C12 for A Darkness at the End, the conclusion to the trilogy.

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tar éis tamaill.



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Leabhair Ghaeilge

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