Limsi presentation CIDESAL-BA_March2013

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Connecting with people using UNOPORUNO William Turner – LIMSI/CNRS Jorge Garcia Flores – LIPN/CNRS

William Turner – LIMSI/CNRS

CIDESAL Buenos Aires


How do you

connect with people?

You try and get to know them.

The Web is a source of information for

UNOPORUNO has been designed to

William Turner – LIMSI/CNRS

knowing people.

find that information.

CIDESAL Buenos Aires



Isn’t GOOGLE enough?

intech Instituto Tecnologico de Chascomus (IIB-INTECH),

CONICET-Universidad Nacional de Gral. San Martin, Argentina

Snippets obtained with Google. Not ordered by potential relevancy for finding people on the move!!!

William Turner – LIMSI/CNRS

CIDESAL Buenos Aires



Results obtained using UNOPORUNO

Snippets ordered by their potential value for finding relevent information on highly skilled members of a diaspora:

The Top 5 William Turner – LIMSI/CNRS

CIDESAL Buenos Aires


5 Statistically, the TOP 5 represents roughly

snippets generated by Google

2,5% of all the

(Turner et al., CIC Conference, Mexico City, October 2012)

The UNOPORUNO filters used to identify the Top 5 information sources for

knowing a person are relevent in 80% of the cases (Garcia Flores et al., JAPTAL, oct. 2012)

William Turner – LIMSI/CNRS

CIDESAL Buenos Aires



From technical reliability to user satisfaction

William Turner – LIMSI/CNRS

CIDESAL Buenos Aires


7 UNOPORUNO filters are designed to

find people on the move.

The system shows its conclusion here:

But it invites the user to make the final decision and determine the

« status real » William Turner – LIMSI/CNRS

CIDESAL Buenos Aires


UNOPORUNO learns from user’s decisions


High Value Snippets : allow direct access to CV’s , personal or institutional Web pages enabling a user to decide on mobility status

Medium Value Snippets: point to web pages which don’t allow a user to decide upon home country or host country affiliations: •

Where does a Uruguayan scientist who published an article in 2010 during her post-doc in a French lab live now? In France or in Uruguay?

An article in a scientific journal doesn’t contain the information needed to decide upon the mobility status of a person. A CV or a personal Web page generally does.

Low Value Snippets: common names such Michael Jackson, the singer, and Michael Jackson, the biologist, illustrate the « homonym problem » which causes UNOPORUNO to produce snippets which have low information value

William Turner – LIMSI/CNRS

CIDESAL Buenos Aires


first, upon the capacity of UNOPORUNO to present high value snippets in the Top 5 User satisfaction depends,

Results of a case study done on a corpus containing 300 names

William Turner – LIMSI/CNRS

CIDESAL Buenos Aires



second, upon the time taken by users to process UNOPORUNO information User satisfaction depends,


The time taken to process 300 names was roughly 3000 minutes or about 50 hours William Turner – LIMSI/CNRS

CIDESAL Buenos Aires



Processing UNOPORUNO Data: Describing patterns of mobility

William Turner – LIMSI/CNRS

CIDESAL Buenos Aires


Talent Mobility is responsible for building ties between institutions, over 12 national borders and creating the conceptual links structuring international knowledge networks

William Turner – LIMSI/CNRS

CIDESAL Buenos Aires



Name: Gustavo SOMOZA Mobility Status : unable to decide; Uruguayan affiliation not found Current country location: Chascomús, Argentina Occupation: Director Team affiliation: Laboratorio de Ictiofisiologia y Acuicultura Unit Affiliation: Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnologicas (IIB-INTECH) Institution: Universidad Nacional de San Martín Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnologicas (IIB-INTECH) Subject area: Ictiofisiología/ Acuicultura/reproducción sexual/neuroanatomí/actividad biológica/diferenciación sexual/ peces teleósteos/Neurogénesis/xenobióticos

Mobility Trajectory: No information found member of Red Uruguay Encuentro

William Turner – LIMSI/CNRS

CIDESAL Buenos Aires



Connecting with a person using UNOPORUNO

William Turner – LIMSI/CNRS

CIDESAL Buenos Aires



Getting to know a person’s cognitive network

William Turner – LIMSI/CNRS

CIDESAL Buenos Aires



Getting to know a person’s institutional network

William Turner – LIMSI/CNRS

CIDESAL Buenos Aires


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