Uruguay FPM presentation

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Cristen D谩valos, Fernando Lema, and Saoussen Khalifa Fundaci贸n Polo Mercosur (FPM) CIDESAL Anual Meeting 2011

General Objectives for the FPM 1) Analyse the national demand for skilled human resources in Uruguay's National Innovation

System 2) Identify individual skilled migrants and their networks 3) Create awareness on the nexus between highly skilled migration and development policies

Objective 1: Study on Uruguay's Biotechnology Sector and Skilled Migration

Biotechnology & Skilled Migration  Employed a survey with 33 institutions in

Uruguay’s biotechnology sector (including agronomy, pharmaceutics, food, and nanotechnology)  Technological Platform (TP): selected 12/33 biotechnology companies and analysed their technology, key words, and technological platform  Created a shortlist with 22/43 skilled Uruguayan migrants connected to the above 12 companies

Biotechnology & Skilled Migration: Prospective  Interviews with the 22 skilled Uruguayan migrants spread across France, Spain, Italy,

Germany, UK, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Australia, USA, and Canada (CIDESAL collaboration: Daniel Pardo, JBM)  Knowledge Platform (KP) analysis (possible CIDESAL collaborations: Daniel Pardo, Bill Turner, Jorge Garcia)  Dissemination and publication of the results for Uruguay's biotechnology study case

Objective 2: Identifying Individual Skilled Migrants and their Networks

High-Skilled Uruguayan Migrants  In collaboration with the Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación (ANII) and the Programa de Desarrollo de las Ciencias Básicas (PEDEClBA), as well as data from the biotechnology study and the UNESCO, the FPM created a database of 446 high-skilled

Uruguayan migrants  Database has information including: name, email, sex, nationality, level of education, profession, place of residency, address of institution abroad, and area of knowledge

Profile I (preliminary results) Male and Female Skilled Migrants 24; 5%


140; 32% Female Incomplete

278; 63%


Profile II (preliminary results) Location of Skilled Migrants Others


URU Israel


Scandanavia UK



Italy & Portugal

Italy & Portugal SPA


Chile Canada & Mex

















Profile III (preliminary results) Hum; 16; 4%


M.D.; 24; 6% Agro; 23; 6%


SS; 97; 25%

SS Ing. & Tech. Chem

Nat Science other; 94; 24%

Phy Math

Ing. & Tech.; 87; 23%

Nat Science other Agro

Math; 13; 3%

Phy; 19; 5%


Chem; 14; 4%


Highly Skilled Migrants: Prospective  Complete information in the database (Google, email, surveys)  Produce, disseminate and publish the results (possible CIDESAL collaborations: FPM and

UDELAR)  Exploit database with data mining (possible CIDESAL collaborations: Bill Turner and Jorge Garcia)  Explore other uses for the database (academic and policy-making)  For

example an index of mobility: measure the level of cooperation between skilled migrants with the country of origin

Skilled Migrant Networks (I)  Built 3 databases for academic and professional networks:  (i) Migrant associations abroad  (ii) Migrant professional networks (Latin American and

Uruguayan)  (iii) Academic networks (Latin American)

 Pilot method: sent out a letter of presentation to 9/18 academic and professional networks

located in the USA (no response)

Skilled Migrant Networks (II)  Created a database of the 48 Consejos Consultivos  Elaborated letters of presentation and disseminated a brief questionnaire survey (5 questions) among the Consejos Consultivos (7 responses)  On September 24 the FPM participated in a virtual teleconference with the Consejos Consultivos  Objective: present the CIDESAL project and exchange

views on skilled migration and development

 FPM launched Facebook: Red Encuentro

Objective 3: Creating Awareness on Skilled Migration and Development

Meetings and Seminars in 2011  “Navegaciones y regresos”: a 3-day event held at the National 

Library between April 26-28. Organised between universities from France and Uruguay on the theme of literature and migration “1er encuentro sobre migración y ciudadanía”: took place between May 12-14 at the Ministry of Foreign Relations to contribute with an interdisciplinary approach to debate on the construction of migration policy “Migración calificada en América Latina: Desafío para las políticas públicas”: FLACSO, ANII, IOM, Ministry of Foreign Relations, WB, and UNESCO invited key actors in the region to reflect on the instruments that consolidate the nexus between high-skilled migrants and the development in the region “Migración y Desarrollo: los desafíos del crecimiento en Uruguay”: on September 24 the FPM held a teleconference with the Consejos Consultivos to discuss the CIDESAL project and views on skilled migration and development Presented films on the theme of migration at the 1er Festival de Cine Científico CINEconCIENCIA held between October 5-9

Looking forward to 2012  Produce, disseminate and publish (biotec study

and database of skilled migrants)  Promotion of networks:  Transfer from Facebook to other social networks for

improving interaction with Uruguay's skilled migrants 

Possible CIDESAL collaborations: FPM and Colombia Nos Une

 Capacity-building on the nexus between Uruguay's National Innovation System and skilled

migration policy 

Key actors: INIA, ANII, LATU, INEFOP, MRREE, MEC-DICYT, academic system (PEDECIBA, UDELAR, ORT, etc.)

Construction of Public Policy  Proposal to improve ANII´s instruments that link skilled migrants to Uruguay's National Innovation System (i.e.: private and academic

sectors)  Inform and advise Uruguay’s parliament on the nexus between skilled migrants and development  Collaborate with the Ministry of Labour (Instituto Nacional de Empleo y Formación Profesional – INEFOP) in the identification of specialists in key areas of development

Fundaci贸n Polo Mercosur Contact: Web: www.polomercosur.org Facebook: Red Encuentro Email Fernando: iplema@yahoo.com Email Cristen: davalcl@polomercosur.org

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