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Phone: 519-669-5790 ext 104 Email: ads@woolwichobserver.com Job Listings: jobs.observerxtra.com

Help Wanted Help Wanted


W. C. Brown and Sons

Looking for a Part Time Sales and Customer Service Clerk. Needed 2 - 3 Days a week. Flexible hours. Must be able to work Saturdays. Apply in person with a resume to: W.C. Brown and Sons --- Men’s Clothier --Downtown Elmira 519-669-1152


Online Auction

Held at 2827 Hutchison Road, ½ mile North of Crosshill Auction Begins to Close: MONDAY FEBRUARY 6 AT 5:00 PM

OVER 700 LOTS INCLUDING: Ford 4000 diesel loader tractor; Exmark zero-turn mower; lots of tools; Waterloo County & other antiques; primitives; pottery; collectibles; farm literature; leather furniture; good bedroom & dining room sets; milk bottle collection; composite & other patio furniture; plus much more.

NOTE - Pickup located at 2827 Hutchison Rd. ½ mile north of Crosshill on the gravel road. Call 519-699-4451 to preview.

FOR CATALOGUE AND BIDDING please go to jacobauctions.hibid.com


Gerber Auctions Ltd. 519-699-4451 Jacob Auctions Ltd. 519-348-9896

Help Wanted

HELP WANTED IN BAKERY - FULL OR part time. Hillcrest Home Baking 519-669-1381.

EAR & HEARING CLINIC SEEKING PT RECEPtionist - ELMIRA. Must be available days, evenings, holiday coverage. Submit resume to victoria@earand hearingclinic.com

Work Wanted

EXPERIENCED MENNONITE CLEANing lady. In Elmira & Floradale area only. Call Darlene at 519-496-1241.

For Rent

TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR rent in Elmira. First floor unit, eat-in kitchen with stainless steel fridge, stove, microwave and dishwasher. Separate dining, living room. Large master bedroom, good size 2nd bedroom in suite full size washer and dryer, your own hotwater tank. Huge outside private space including gazebo and large area for seating and BBQ. Large storage locker per unit. $2,200 /month plus hydro. Contact 226-748-4818

All classified advertising is prepaid. Ads will be accepted in person, email, or phone during regular office hours. Deadline is Wednesdays by 10am. Order and pay online at: observerxtra.com/classifieds

Residential: $9 per 20 words (20¢ per extra word)

Commercial: $15 per 20 words (30¢ per extra word)

Farm Services

BAGGED PINE SHAVINGS AGRICULTURAL Spray Lime, 22.5kg. bag; feed grade lime, 25kg. Delivered. Call George Haffner Trucking, 519-574-4141 or 519-669-2045.

ICE SALT & ICE MELT - ICE SALT COMES IN 20kg, Ice melt comes in 20kg bags. Call George Haffner Trucking, 519-574-4141 or 519-669-2045.

FERTILIZER AND SEED GRAIN - AT COMPETItive pricing. Call George Haffner Trucking, 519-574-4141.

KILN DRIED CORN & CORN SCREENING Delivered by Einwechter. Minimum 15 ton lots. Call George Haffner Trucking 519-574-4141 or 519-669-2045.


RETIRED COUPLE SEEKS 2 BEDROOM, 1.5 bath townhouse or apartment to rent. No pets, non smokers. Please call 519-747-3874.

STILL BUYING ALL ANTIQUES, COINS, jewellery, wrist and pocket watches, Omega, Rolex, Tudor etc. Fair, honest prices. Over 40 years in business. gallamore@golden.net or call Terry at Elmira 519-242-6900.

Trades & Services

TUTORING SERVICE. AGES 16 - 18. VISUAL arts, Mathematics, speak some German. Please call 519-620-0575 or m_konstan@alumni. waterloo.ca

Coming Events

SENIORS VALENTINE'S DAY DINNER and Dance at Hygate Active Senior Living, Waterloo, Friday, February 10 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. $22/ person. Menu: 1 pc fish and chip dinner. Live music, dance and door prizes. Call Stacey to buy your tickets 519-501-1131

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