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What’s In and What’s Out

&In Out

What's IN: Walking


Trends come and go in the blink of an eye. But what never goes out? Tongue-in-cheek, observational comments of said trends.

What's IN: Ladies Pink Blazer

Not the whole pant suit, mind you – just the jacket! At the recent Atlanta Apparel trade show, cool gals sporting pink business jackets were spotted everywhere. They draped the shoulders of women spanning generations, which is a rarity these days. In a pink blazer and black skirt, any woman can look like she just walked off the set of “The Devil Wears Prada.”

What's OUT: Juicy Couture Track Suits

Thank God! Despite Juicy Couture’s hopes to rebrand itself several years ago, the public so far is not racing to clear the shelves of this product. Remember the resurgences of bell bottom jeans and Zany Zappers? They tried, but failed and so is the velour track suit with ‘juicy’ stitched to the derriere. In what world was this ever deemed classy? We fell for it then, but not so much now; hopefully this is a sign the world isn’t headed to hell now as fast as we thought. Something feels more metropolitan when walking to your destination, even in Ocala where most points of interest are reached by vehicle. Touting the health benefits of walking is just a boorish lecture no one wants, so let’s think about the look, then, shall we? Nothing beats a cool or sexy strut downtown or anywhere else, so get to work on it. Besides, that footprint left behind is not carbon.

What's OUT: Segways

Strap on a helmet and stand erect between two wheels. The literal definition of “looking like a dork.” The Segway was the latest in man’s ultimate quest for atrophy and we are glad to report that production of this nerd mobile ceased back in June. Apologies to all the mall cops out there.

What's IN: The Gathering Table

Friends and family getting together for meals is back in style and perhaps we can thank the pandemic for reigniting that yearning to gather. With fast and junk foods slowly falling out of favor with the populace, the next natural progression is to eat healthy and together. The gathering table is not just for Thanksgiving anymore

What's OUT: Flash Mobs

We all think we are characters in “High School Musical” or something? If you still find yourself pondering social media for the next dance gathering at the train station then you need to seriously think about taking up mahjong or bingo, activities much more hip than the flash mob.

What's OUT: “Family Guy”

Twenty seasons of long and irrelevant cutaways to nowhere have finally reached the worn-out stage. The characters of Brian and Stewie have always carried the show because they do not rely solely on the moron toilet talk of Peter and Chris. Writers fatigue has clearly set in, but die-hard fans still cling, waiting for the next 3-minute Conway Twitty aside.

What's IN: “Rick and Morty”

An alcoholic scientist drags his grandson on adventures across the multi-verse. Quick-witted and highly provocative, the animated series purports to be science fiction but is really a magician’s fantasy set against a backdrop of nihilism and sarcasm. An immediate hit when it started in late 2013, “Rick and Morty” has only produced 51 episodes in close to nine years, but is beginning its sixth season this month, all to the relief of starved fanatics who actually believe in infinite realities.

What's OUT: Cheese fondue

Okay, this traditional favorite still won’t go away, but have you ever seen one at a party that did not have something weird floating in it at some point in the evening?

What's IN: Seacuterie

Don’t know what Seacuterie is? Time to get hip, then. Think charcuterie board, but with seafood and you get the idea. It’s actually been around a while, but the really cool among us are making it a “thing.” Try varieties of shellfish, crabcakes, smoked salmon with breads, crackers, cheeses, herbs and sauces and you are instantly a hip hostess.

Do you have any opinion on what is ‘In’ or ‘Out’? Send them via email to editor@ocalamagazine.com

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