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Letter from the Publisher

Easter the way we like it

HAPPY EASTER, EVERYONE! That certainly has a nice ring to it, does it not? We all remember last year at Easter we were not able to celebrate the holiday in the normal fashion as the pandemic had just started its grip on us. Unable to gather with family, last Easter took on a whole new look as our fears of the unknown basically paralyzed us. How thankful I am that a year later we have accumulated more knowledge of this virus and now have a vaccine that even experts believed would take years to develop, if at all! So now, albeit with certain safeguards, we are able to gather among family and friends to celebrate Easter more like we traditionally have.


For me, I’m taking my kids to the Golden Ocala Easter celebration with an egg hunt and visit from the Easter Bunny himself. My youngest is already excited and so am I. In 2020, the Easter celebration at Golden Ocala was cancelled and proved to be what was a sign of things to come for the remainder of 2020.

That’s why I look at this Easter as marking a one-year anniversary of sorts for this pandemic. Easter was the first event to be affected by the quarantines and lockdowns and the fact that we are more open is a sign of things returning back to some sense of normal. We still have a way to go, but we can at least see some light at the end of the tunnel.

I am going to enjoy the time with my kids this Easter and cherish the moment a bit more than usual, knowing what was missed last year and how easily things can be taken away. I want everyone to have a joyous Easter the way they know how and cherish the moment as well!

Our charity spotlight this month is Meals on Wheels, and I think it is a good reminder to us all that there are many homebound seniors that are in dire need of the community’s help. Without Meals on Wheels, many seniors who would be unable to feed themselves, subsisting on things such as ketchup packets. But Meals on Wheels provides proper nutrients to these folks as well as some human contact and compassion that is sorely needed as well.

For many, companionship comes in the form of a pet and, like the homebound owner, is in need of food as well. Thankfully, Meals on Wheels also offers Pet Meals on Wheels so that the furry friends can partake of a nice lunch without having to beg for scraps.

Through the pandemic, there was a fear that the number of volunteers that would be able to deliver meals would dwindle, creating a dire situation. But that did not happen as staff and volunteers at Marion Senior Services held firm to their mission. What a reflection this is on the people of our community!

On a final note, I would like to wish my parents, Jerry and Sharon Glassman, a happy 51st wedding anniversary. They will be celebrating the occasion on April 1 and I know will be doing so for many years to come!

‘Til next month,

Meals on Wheels in action with Police Chief Mike Balken


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