3 minute read

Kiwanis Korner

Growing Together in Service Above Self


Tyler Stentiford, Paul Stentiford, Jenny Conley, Wes Wheeler, George Albright, Justin Garner and Phil Olstein Buddy Martin Philip Glassman Brady Ackerman

Wes Wheeler, Cyndie McQuaig, Allison Campbell, Brady Ackerman, Tom James, Beth McCall, Mike McGuinnis and Buddy Martin Penny Miller, Adam Hammersky, Joe Voge, Joy Guydan, Guest Speaker His Compassion and Philip Glassman Mike McGuinnis, Buddy Martin and Doug Oswald Steve Geohegan, Rick Fungaroli, John West, Andy Spahn, Phil Olstein, Tom Pecca and George Albright

During the month of April, Kiwanis of Ocala brought forth several guests of honor through the efforts of Program Chair, Phil Olstein, hosting speakers that are serving Marion County in giving back while covering multiple walks of service and life. His Compassion, a 501c3 organization, was introduced by Philip Glassman, member and Publisher of OM/Ocala Magazine and Adam Hammersky, USMC and OM Business Analyst. Joy, Director of Staff, shared of their founding and touching story of feeding the multitudes weekly and how they provide help to those less fortunate on a daily basis. She gave the current status and numbers of individuals and families served, including how they interact and work with all agencies in Marion County, especially during this last year of COVID. They are changing lives daily. The famous Wes Wheeler, and Kiwanis member, introduced a special guest of honor, Mike McGinnis, Captain of the Ocala Quarterback Club, former SEC Official and AD at CFCC. His next introduction was Buddy Martin, not only a champion of Marion County but also of Florida and beyond, and is a renowned talk and radio show host, author, publisher and editor of his own Sports Magazine. Buddy and his family have given back to our City and County throughout many generations. A special introduction was then given by Buddy for guest speaker, Brady Ackerman, the running back for UF, well-known sports broadcaster, coach and philanthropist for the Boys and Girls Club. He is currently the coach for Belleview High School and gave a heart-warming talk of his life story which lifted the spirit of everyone in attendance.

The Guest House, one of Ocala’s bestkept secrets for giving healing and hope, was introduced by Phil Olstein, member. The Guest House was represented well by staff and the co-founder and owner, John West also known as a star in Hollywood, of whom we now tout as our own Marion County Star. They shared of bringing healing, hope and new life to the hurting over the years and updated statistics during the year of COVID. They have made and been the difference to thousands that are hurting, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Paul Stentiford, member, introduced guest speaker, Justin Garner, Director of Hospitality, for the World Equestrian Center. He shared of upcoming events, the new Hotel and updates of the overall status of WEC. Tours are given daily, along with having 4 restaurants that are open to the public. Their amazing staff is now booking venues, whether it is for weddings, equine, or other special events. There is nothing to be found like it anywhere in the world and Marion County is proud to be the home of the World Equestrian Center.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Kiwanis International is a global community of clubs, members, and partners, dedicated to improving the lives of children one community at a time. Today, with more than 550,000 members in 80 Countries, Kiwanis empowers members to pursue creative ways to serve the needs of our children, such as fighting hunger, improving literacy and being a mentor. Kiwanis Clubs host over 150,000 service projects per year. www.facebook.com/KiwanisClubOfOcala

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