1 minute read

How long have you been in business: I have over 40 years of experience in the Real Estate market.

Type of Business: Real Estate

Most memorable times thus far: Being a part of Bonnie and Kathy’s story. They are two sisters who inherited the 420 +/- acres of rare animal land on Hwy 27. They gave me the opportunity to work with them after they had interviewed numerous other Realtors in Ocala.


I helped them put the sale together with the Roberts Family so they could realize a multigeneration legacy for their family from the sale of this property.

Putting together the sale of Brunetti’s land of 678+/- acres on 80th Avenue next to Golden Ocala to the Robert’s family which was the beginning of where the World Equestrian Center was built.

Most difficult times & how you learned to overcome them: Handling difficult situations while staying true to my values and integrity.

Favorite Charitable Causes:

Susan G. Komen Foundation – As a breast cancer survivor this is very near and dear to me. I think they are a forerunner in research for treatments and cure for breast cancer.

Florida Fillies - They do great things for our local horse community including scholarships and donations to various non-profit organizations.

Helping Hands Foundation – They provide shelter and related assistance for the homeless, and others who are in difficult situations.

Most Exciting place you have traveled to and why: Paris, France. We were the guests of one of JJ’s clients, the owners of Chanel, and visited their Thoroughbred farm where we saw the famous

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