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U.S. Army U.S. Navy U.S. Air Force

Founded: June 14, 1775 as the Continental Army


Number on active duty: 482,416 (2021 statistics)

Recruiting Update: Finished 2022 about 10,000 soldiers below target and projections for 2023 are that the numbers could be about 20,000 short of goals.

Notes: The combined strength of the Regular Army, Reserves and National Guard is over 1 million soldiers.

Local recruiting center: 4414 SW College Road, Ocala; 352-732-3396; goarmy.com

Founded: March 27, 1794

Number on active duty: 343,223 (2021 statistics)

Recruiting Update: In 2022, goals for active enlistments were reached, but 2023 has shown a slight downturn.

Notes: The first U.S. Navy was actually formed in 1775 as the Continental Navy, but was disbanded. The rebirth in 1794 was to combat Barbary pirates.

Local recruiting center: 2023 E. Silver Springs Blvd., Ocala; 352-622-4270; navy.com

Founded: Sept. 18, 1947

Number on active duty: 328,888 (2021 statistics)

Recruiting Update: In 2022, goals were reached, but a 10 percent shortage is expected for 2023.

Notes: Its origins go back to the U.S. Army Signal Corps created in 1907.

Local recruiting center: 2421 SW 27th Ave., Ocala; 352-272-8476; airforce.com

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