from the publisher
2021 gave us cause to celebrate AS WE NEAR THE END OF 2021, there is plenty to be thankful for, indeed plenty to celebrate. First and foremost, let’s just say it -- 2021 wasn’t 2020. Thank goodness! We came out of the coronavirus pandemic at least enough to be able to gather with friends and family. As we all learned, being able to be with those we care about is no small thing. I even went to a concert recently, a reggae event in St. Pete’s Vinoy Park. I had forgotten how much I missed such indulgences. The holiday season always reminds me of just how blessed we are to live where we do. Our community abounds with goodwill and charity, and we here at OM pride ourselves in sharing with our readers each month some of the wonderful people and organizations who give of themselves to help the downtrodden and displaced among us. This month we are featuring Champions for Champions, an organization established 10 years ago by Maria Roman, the mother of a Down syndrome son. After working 20 years with Special Olympics, Roman decided there needed to be an avenue for people like her son to have access to many aspects of life that we all enjoy. It started out with the group teaming up with Toastmasters International to help special needs people learn how to speak to a group. It was a success that led other Toastmasters groups around the country to start similar programs. Champions for Champions didn’t stop there. They introduced programs in cooking, music, dance and more. Champions for Champions’ motto is “We want to create endless possibilities,” and the organization is doing exactly that for people like Roman’s son – including starting a UniversAbility Pageant, a beauty pageant for special needs people to showcase their talents. Now, the UniversAbility Pageant has gone international. What a tribute to Roman and Champions for Champions supporters. Of course, Champions for Champions is just one of many charities OM has featured over the past year. Among those we have shared with our readers are Wear Gloves, RAMAL, KutDifferent, Shores Assembly’s feeding program, the Get Fit fitness program, the Salvation Army, the Boys & Girls Club, His Compassion Food Bank, Meals on Wheels and the Ocala Lions Club’s vision program. While there is a special focus on giving thanks and celebrating our fellow man at this time of year, I hope OM readers count their blessings all year long through the charities we highlight. Speaking of blessings, I am looking forward to taking my two children skiing for the first time with a trip to Colorado this month. I’m hoping for a white Christmas, for sure. Yes, 2021 has been a return to some semblance of normalcy. And for that we are blessed and grateful. So, dear readers, Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah, and may 2022 be even better.
Champions for Champions