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Kiwanis Corner
Kiwanis Korner
Kiwanis of Ocala Honoring Special Speakers For July and August

Chris Ramos, the IT Specialist for the City of Ocala, was introduced by Joe Voge, President and Tammy Hoff, incoming President and Program Chair. He shared very informative details and updates on staying safe and secure online. He had many participate in the discussion afterward regarding procedures and what to be aware of or look for, scam awareness, password tips, and staying safe while shopping and banking online.
Kevin Sheilly, our CEO of CEP (Chamber Economic Partnership), was given the floor by Wes Wheeler. He shared many educational updates on the current status of the CEP and the major growth taking place in our Ocala Metro area and our County of Marion.
Tammy Boynton, of the local Alzheimer’s Association, was brought forth by member, Gary Rigby. She discussed in detail understanding the difference between Alzheimer’s and Dementia, due to sometimes seeming to have likeness regarding beginning symptoms. All were invited to participate in the upcoming Annual Alzheimer’s Walk to be held at Tuscawilla Park on October 16th.
Special Tribute was recently held for our long-time friend and fellow Kiwanian, Harold Donahue, in honor of his recent passing.

Joe Voge, President Tammy Hoff, President Elect
Chris Ramos Wes Wheeler Gary Rigby
Tammy Boynton Kevin Sheilly
Happy 92nd to Elton Clemmons
Several family and friends along with fellow Kiwanians, gathered to celebrate Elton Clemmons and his 92nd Birthday.
Harold Donahue
Sandra Kinsey, Aggie Albright, Penny Miller, and Elton Clemmons Elton Clemmons and Jonathan Nilson, Grandson
Kiwanis International is a global community of clubs, members, and partners, dedicated to improving the lives of children one community at a time. Today, with more than 550,000 members in 80 Countries, Kiwanis empowers members to pursue creative ways to serve the needs of our children, such as fighting hunger, improving literacy and being a mentor. Kiwanis Clubs host over 150,000 service projects per year. www.facebook.com/KiwanisClubOfOcala

Ocala Kiwanis Brick Program
Sponsoring Camp Kiwanis for the Kids Sponsoring Camp Kiwanis for the Kids In Honor of Nick Nikkenen, Chair of In Honor of Nick Nikkinen, Chair of the Camp Kiwanis Trustee Board and the Camp Kiwanis Trustee Board and Assistant Property Appraiser of Marion Assistant Property Appraiser of Marion County. Nick recently passed from County. Nick recently passed from complications of COVID. complications of COVID.
Honoring All Heroes During COVID 19 Honoring All Heroes During COVID-19
Caretakers, Nurses, Doctors, Military, Volunteers, Caretakers, Nurses, Doctors, Military, Volunteers, or any person meing a difference during the or any person meing a difference during the pandemic season. Bricks may be also purchased to honor pandemic season. Bricks may be also purchased to honor anyone that has passed during this period of COVID. anyone that has passed during this period of COVID.

Each brick: $250 Each brick: $250
minimum donation. minimum donation. May include name May include name of honoree, reason of honoree, reason for honoring and/or for honoring and/or description of honor description of honor (3 16-character lines). (3 16-character lines). Deadline for purchase: Deadline for purchase:
Nov 10, 2021 Nov 10, 2021
Dedication Ceremony Dedication Ceremony at Camp Kiwanis on at Camp Kiwanis on Nov 20, 2021 Nov 20, 2021
For more info For more info and order forms: and order forms:
NC Sizemore: NC Sizemore: 352-291-8778 or 352-291-8778 or ncsizemore@gmail.com ncsizemore@gmail.com or Karin Dailey: or Karen Dailey: 518-669-3696 518-669-3696 ocalakiwanis.org ocalakiwanis.org Facebook: Facebook: Kiwanis Club of Ocala Kiwanis Club of Ocala http://bit.ly/Kiwanisbricks http://bit.ly/Kiwanisbricks
From camping at Camp Kiwanis (since 1948), to projects to improve academics, citizenship, and child safety, From camping at Camp Kiwanis (since 1948), to projects to improve academics, citizenship, and child safety, the Kiwanis Club of Ocala serves and cares for the children of Ocala and surrounding areas. the Kiwanis Club of Ocala serves and cares for the children of Ocala and surrounding areas.
Kiwanis International is a global community of clubs, members, and partners, dedicated to improving the lives of children one community at Kiwanis International is a global community of clubs, members, and partners, dedicated to improving the lives of children one community at a time. Today, with more than 550,000 members in 80 Countries, Kiwanis empowers members to pursue creative ways to serve the needs a time. Today, with more than 550,000 members in 80 Countries, Kiwanis empowers members to pursue creative ways to serve the needs of our children, such as fighting hunger, improving literacy and being a mentor. Kiwanis Clubs host over 150,000 service projects per year. of our children, such as fighting hunger, improving literacy and being a mentor. Kiwanis Clubs host over 150,000 service projects per year.