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Mike Backus ON…
Shortage of workers
“I am immensely proud of Oswego Health’s efforts building career development pipelines for caregivers working in partnership with Cayuga Community College, Sean Broderick and the Fulton City School District, New Visions through CiTi BOCES, just to name a few. These programs have helped us demonstrate the opportunities in healthcare to local students who then can enter programs to learn nursing and other clinical skills. Marq Brown, vice president of human resources and chief people officer for Oswego Health, leads our recruiting and retention efforts building the next generation of caregivers for our community.”
Competition from largest health centers
“I’m a competitive guy by nature and I believe Oswego Health is an emerging leader in healthcare in Central New York. We proved our ability to care for this community through the pandemic and continue to build upon those efforts. Coupled with that community support, I am noticing a trend of people who want to remain local for their care. Traveling to Syracuse or Rochester for a primary care visit or orthopedic consult isn’t easy and we’ve built a system at Oswego Health that I think offers patients quality care in a convenient setting. Our focus on providing high quality, accessible, and affordable care makes us competitive with anyone.”
Trend forcing smaller hospitals to join larger systems
“Trends change and I think patients are noticing that bigger isn’t always better in healthcare. Again, our focus is on high-quality, accessible and affordable care that is patient-centric. That’s how we have provided care for this community for over 142 years as a sole, community hospital. Oswego Health made prudent, at times conservative, financial decisions and saved for tough times like healthcare is facing today. That’s allowed us to invest in our workforce to ensure patients have the skilled caregivers they need when they need them. We were able to make some of those real-time decisions because they were made locally, here at Oswego Health in consultation with our volunteer community board. We can adapt. We can innovate. And we can pivot in real time. That’s how we cared for this community for the last 142 years and it’s how we’ll continue to care for this community.”
Oswego Health
At a Glance
110 West Sixth St. Oswego, NY 13126
315-349-5511 www.oswegohealth.org
President and Chief Executive Officer
Michael C. Backus
Medical Director or equivalent
Duane Tull, MD
Chief Financial Officer or equivalent
Eric Campbell
Chief Nursing Officer or equivalent
Kathryn Pagliaroli
Chief Branding Officer
Jamie Leszczynski
Number of Employees: 1,245
Licensed Physicians: 251
Number of Beds: 164
Inpatient Visits in 2021: 4,965
Outpatient Visits in 2021: 303,086
Visits to Emergency Department in 2021: 26,273
Number of Surgeries in 2021: 4,409
Source: 2023 CNY Healthcare Guide
Tim Nekritz