Oxy SLICE Calendar - Spring 2020

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Student Leadership, Involvement and Community Engagement Taking a holistic approach to student development, SLICE offers involvement opportunities and programs that center on leadership development, identity construction, intercultural communication and community engagement. Putting Oxy’s values into action, SLICE intentionally focuses on meaning-making and transformative learning on campus and in the public sphere. With a team of dedicated educators, accomplished event organizers and skilled student programmers, SLICE offers the tools and resources you need to succeed. Whether you are interested in starting a club, being involved in student government or engaging with elected officials and community organizations, SLICE can guide and support your passions.

PROGRAMMING WITH PURPOSE SLICE Program Coordinators (PCs) develop and produce dynamic programs and events that cultivate leadership development, social justice and a sense of belonging. With programming partners, student service providers and the greater Oxy community, we challenge students to connect learning with meaningful and reciprocal experiences outside of the classroom. Together, PCs support student development and help create a strong commitment to equity, inclusion and a life devoted to the public good.

This semester, we are observing Black History Month, Womxn’s Hxstory Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Though the following programs are representative of SLICE initiatives and collaborations, this calendar is not allencompassing. For a full list of our events, visit www.oxy.edu/student-life/involvement or login to: oxy.presence.io Event details are subject to change. Follow us on Insta @oxyslice to receive important updates and announcements.


Service Recognition Banquet 5 PM | LOWER HERRICK

As a sendoff for the MKL Day of Service, the campus community gathers to celebrate students’ commitment to service and leadership development. Invitations for the Service Recognition Banquet are sent at the beginning of the semester to students who have participated in a significant way in OxyConnects and in the SLICE Days of Service.


MLK Day of Service

CHECK-IN AT 8 AM | REMSEN BIRD HILLSIDE THEATER In anticipation of the 2020 MLK Day of Service on January 25, we are gathering to celebrate Oxy's rich history of community engagement. Join us in recognizing students, faculty and staff who have built lasting partnerships and long-term relationships with community partners and local nonprofits. Space is limited. Tickets available at www.eventbrite.com/e/89152398223


Spring Involvement Fair 11:30 AM | ACADEMIC QUAD

Each semester, Oxy clubs, organizations and departments come together to help students explore involvement opportunities, identify shared interests and exhibit student support services. Join us at the iFair to network and get a better sense of what this semester has to offer both on campus and in the Greater Los Angeles area.


Valentine’s Day Self-Love Event 12PM | ACADEMIC QUAD

Practicing self-love can be especially challenging for Oxy students. Let’s take a moment to celebrate YOU! Enjoy our chocolate fountain, craft your own unique sugar scrub and receive complimentary face masks. Remember, today is just another opportunity to center your well-being and happiness.


Equity and Inclusion in Leadership 12PM | JSC COMMONS

Let’s discuss the importance of providing leadership opportunities and support for womxn and students of color. Learn more about creating a culture of inclusion and how to identify actionable ways to prioritize equity and inclusion in your organization.


Black Student Alliance presents Apollo Night


Apollo Night is the beloved student-based talent show and one of the most attended events at Oxy. This year’s lineup is amazing and not to be missed! For more information and to secure your tickets, email bsa@oxy.edu


Oxy Womxn in Leadership NOON | JSC SALSBURY/YOUNG

Engage in dialogue about womxn’s empowerment while joining a support system designed for womxn, by womxn. Hear from both student leaders and senior administrators as we discuss Oxy’s commitment to the empowerment and autonomy of womxn.


Restorative Justice, Creating Spaces, and Facilitation Training NOON | LOWER HERRICK

Developed for students who want to use the basic principles and practices of restorative justice, this training prompts students to reflect on their role in fostering a culture of care based on respect, responsibility and repair of harm.


50 Days Until Graduation Cocktail Party 7–9 PM | MITCHELL GARDEN

Celebrate with your fellow seniors as we countdown the days until graduation. An opportunity to reflect on your collegiate journey, this event also marks the Class of 2020’s first chance to contribute to the Senior Class Gift. Class-branded giveaways will be provided to the first 150 guests. IO TRIUMPHE! Oxy and state ID/ passports are required for a wristband. Must be 21 or older to consume alcohol.


International Womxn’s Day Open Mic: A Celebration of Womxn of Color 7 PM | GREEN BEAN

International Womxn’s Day marks a call to action for accelerating womxn’s equality. As a celebration of the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of womxn, we are gathering to demonstrate our appreciation through artistic expression. To sign up, email slicepc@oxy.edu


A Taste of Oxy: Cultural Food Fair 6 PM | ACADEMIC QUAD

Join us for a food market experience where you can savor a range of regional cuisines and engage in cross-cultural communication that centers tradition, identity and storytelling.


Chavez-Huerta Day of Service CHECK-IN AT 9 AM | JSC SLICE

The Chavez-Huerta Day of Service brings together Oxy students, faculty and staff to work collectively on a communitybased project that embodies the spirit of social justice. Registration opens at the beginning of March. Space is limited. For more information, visit www.oxy.edu/student-life/involvement/programs/days-service




Programming Board presents: SpringFest 2020 GATES OPEN AT 8 PM | GREEK BOWL

Oxy’s Programming Board presents its annual SpringFest. Enjoy an eclectic night of visual arts and music featuring the best in up-and-coming performers. Gourmet food trucks, live screenprinting, DJs and a dynamic concert experience make this a night to remember.


Student Affairs Leadership Awards Ceremony & Reception 11:30 AM | COLLINS HOUSE LAWN

Gather with students, staff and faculty for a celebration of outstanding student leaders and organizations across campus. Students are nominated by staff and faculty in four categories: Endowed Awards, Individual Leadership Awards, Student Organization & Programming Awards and Dean’s Awards. Space is limited. RSVP to vkerney@oxy.edu


Self-Care in Leadership NOON | JSC COMMONS

Leadership roles can be both rewarding and burdensome at the same time. In this session, we discuss ways to reinvigorate yourself by prioritizing downtime, relaxation and self-care. Learn more about how your well-being is connected to multiple dimensions of high performance.


Project SAFE Presents: Take Back the Week Join Project SAFE for Take Back the Week (TBTW)! April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and TBTW is Oxy’s collaborative week of events and activities designed to raise awareness and build community around ending sexual violence. Look out for more information about TBTW events, including Take Back the Night, educational workshops and self-care activities. To find out more about Project SAFE, visit www.oxy.edu/project-safe (Please note: The focused attention of TBTW can be challenging for those who have experienced sexual violence. Project SAFE’s priority is the safety and wellbeing of all students. If you have been affected by sexual violence, the Survivor Advocate is available for confidential support, resources and information. Email survivoradvocate@oxy.edu or call 323-259-1359)


Earth Day 2020: 50th Anniversary Celebration & Teach-in NOON | ACADEMIC QUAD

Join the call to protect our planet for future generations. Learn more about Oxy’s sustainability initiatives, enjoy live performances and discuss eco-issues with environmental activists and educators.


Denim Day 2020


Join the movement! Today, millions of people across the world will wear jeans with a purpose— supporting survivors and educating ourselves about all forms of sexual violence. Gather on the Quad to learn more about sexual assault prevention and on-campus support.


Destress Study Fest NOON | ACADEMIC QUAD

Stressed about finals? Take advantage of our SLICE Rejuvenation Station! We’ll be providing refreshments and information about student support services and everyday ways to relieve stress and anxiety.

CENSUS Census 2020: Everybody Counts!

This April, Los Angeles County will be ready to stand up and be counted. Thanks to our unprecedented partnership with the state, cities and community-based organizations, we are committed to making sure all county residents in every neighborhood and of every background have the assistance and encouragement they need to fill out their surveys. So much is depending on it—not just political representation but billions of dollars in federal funding for programs residents here depend on for food, education, housing and health care. YOU can help! Join the effort to educate and mobilize our campus community. More information at 2020census.gov/en/jobs


Census 2020 Goodwill Ambassador Community Outreach 6 PM | OXY ARTS

The information session will offer students, campus stakeholders and community members an interactive experience wherein the importance of the Census is relayed and engagement opportunities discussed. Additionally, the Higher Ed Toolkit for Administrators and Student Organizations will be introduced. For more information, mrodriguez6@oxy.edu


CIVIC LEARNING & DEMOCRATIC ENGAGEMENT SLICE is developing a Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement track that inspires students to be engaged and active community members. By centering the value of dialogue across difference, we aim to nurture social responsibility and provide students with the knowledge, skills and abilities to make a difference. For more information about this initiative, visit www.oxy.edu/student-life/involvement


2020 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count VARIOUS TIMES AND LOCATIONS

Every year, the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority counts the number of people experiencing homelessness through the Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count. The count helps us all better understand homelessness in our region and direct resources where they’re needed most. Thousands of volunteers are needed to canvas more than 80 cities and 200 communities across L.A. County. We’re looking to YOU to help us count our homeless neighbors. Volunteer at TheyCountWillYou.org


California Vote Center at Occidental College LOWER HERRICK

The primary election is the first time Angelenos will cast ballots under a brand-new model, one that includes state-ofthe-art equipment, an updated design for mail-in ballots and new locations for in-person voting. This semester, as Los Angeles County transitions from polling places to vote centers, Occidental College is a proud participant in the Vote Center Placement Project. The Oxy Vote Center will be a place to drop off your mail-in ballot, register to vote (even on the day of the election), get help voting in multiple languages and get a replacement vote-by-mail ballot if yours is lost or destroyed. For more information about this initiative visit www.lavote.net or email mrodriguez6@oxy.edu


Elect Her Workshop


Thinking about running for elected office? Join us for this exciting workshop to learn how to craft your message and create a communication strategy that works. Hear from campus and community leaders about what it takes to win and develop your confidence as a student leader. The training is open to Oxy students of all genders, majors and class levels. Lunch is provided. Space is limited.. RSVP to: mrodriguez6@oxy.edu

Cultural Graduation Celebrations There are several unique cultural graduation celebrations dedicated to honoring Occidental graduates: Asian Pacific Islander Graduation, Black Graduation, Latinx Graduation, Lavender Graduation, First Generation Reception and International Graduation. Cultural Graduation Celebrations are an opportunity for smaller groups to come together and acknowledge students’ accomplishments. For many underrepresented and first-generation students, a college diploma represents a long road marked by hard work and success, not just for the individual students but also for their family, friends and supporters. These focused events provide more intimate settings for students to share these personal milestones with their communities. The Intercultural Community Center partners with cultural organizations to coordinate the Cultural Graduation Celebrations. Although they are not designed to replace the traditional graduation ceremonies hosted at Occidental College, these events bring together family and friends while celebrating the rich diversity of our campus. For more information, visit www.oxy.edu/about-oxy/diversity-inclusion/cultural-graduation-celebrations

OxyConnects OxyConnects develops intentional partnerships with local nonprofits, allowing students to work on a sustained basis with surrounding communities. The program is designed to foster deep partnerships with community organizations. Each OxyConnects program employs a student Program Coordinator who serves as a liaison with the community partner, recruits and trains student volunteers, coordinates logistics and leads reflection activities with student volunteers. Program Coordinators and student volunteers serve throughout the academic year, offering long-term support and sustainability to community partners. Partnerships include:

School on Wheels (SOW) SOW provides the opportunity for Oxy students to mentor and tutor young people impacted by homelessness and currently living in transitional housing. OxyConnects SOW members travel to the Good Shepherd Center twice a week to provide tutoring, homework help and educational activities. This semester, SOW also is serving a second site in Los Angeles called the Dream Center.

Neighbor to Neighbor (N2N) N2N collaborates with local nonprofit Recycled Resources to serve the homeless and housing-insecure community of Northeast Los Angeles. N2N members operate and staff the resource center every Saturday morning to distribute clothing, toiletries and other necessary items for people impacted by homelessness.

Comparte Comparte works with Instituto de Educaciรณn Popular del Sur de California (IDEPSCA) and the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) to provide English language workshops for day laborers at community job centers in Los Angeles and also for workers on campus at Oxy.

Excess Food Recovery Team (EFRT) EFRT is a food-donation program where students coordinate with campus dining to collect and donate excess food from the Marketplace to three local community partners. EFRT members also partner with Food Forward to become Glean Team Leaders who volunteer at local farmers market once a month.

Delevan Drive Delevan Drive provides weekly in-class activities and crafts for children with special needs at Delevan Drive Elementary. Delevan Drive members also meet during the week to plan and create sample crafts for the students.

ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF OCCIDENTAL COLLEGE (ASOC) The mission of ASOC is to advocate on behalf of the student body, to promote discussions about how Occidental College can evolve to better serve the students, and to support and organize activities that enhance the educational, recreational and social experience of students. All branches of ASOC serve to promote, regulate and maintain the social and educational welfare of our student body through a student government that embodies the mission of Occidental College. More information at www.oxy.edu/student-life/clubs-organizations/asoc

ASOC BRANCHES Senate The Senate acts as an official voice for the student body, supports students and their activities, allocates and administers funds from the student body fees, oversees Student Services, and serves as the legislative body for all Associated Students of Occidental College. Meetings: Mondays at 8 pm in the Brown Learn Lab

Diversity & Equity Board (DEB) DEB works toward empowerment and improved conditions for structurally marginalized groups on and off campus. DEB supports initiatives that foster a campus climate of inclusivity, further ASOC’s commitment to equity, and lead to improved practices at Occidental College. Meetings: Wednesdays at 6 pm at the Intercultural Community Center

Nina Srdić Hadži-Nešić '21 ASOC President

Renewable Energy and Sustainability Fund (RESF) RESF’s mission is to disburse student fees with the goal of contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally just campus by promoting renewable energy, resource conservation, sustainable programming and workshops, food justice, environmental justice and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and by advocating for environmental sustainability, education and awareness on campus. Meetings: Monday at 7:30 pm in the Studenmund Room, Johnson Student Center

Honor Board Acting as the ASOC's judicial branch, Honor Board is comprised of 10 student jurors elected by the student body. Honor Board voices student perspectives in cases concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct, the College's Academic Ethics policy or the Honor Principle. Meetings: Fridays at 1 pm in Room 117, Hinchliffe Hall

Interested in being more involved on campus? Looking to make a difference? Running for office might be the next step in your personal and professional development. As a part of student government, you'll have the opportunity to network, gain leadership experience and be a voice for students campus-wide. For more information, visit www.oxy.edu/student-life/clubs-organizations/asoc

ASOC FUNDED STUDENT SERVICES Bengal Bus Bengal Bus is a student-run program that provides free and low-cost transportation throughout Oxy's surrounding community. Book your ride to L.A.-area airports and other popular locations including Target, the Highland Park Metro stop, museums, beaches and more! bus@oxy.edu | FB & Insta: @oxybengalbus app: TapRide

KOXY Radio KOXY Radio is Occidental College’s student-run radio station. Besides giving students the opportunity to curate their own radio shows, KOXY puts on concerts for the student body, bringing in artists of many different genres. KOXY prides itself in engaging with the student body, providing sound supports, showcases, giveaways and music on the Quad for all to enjoy. koxy@oxy.edu | Insta: @koxyradio | koxyradio.com

Bike Share Oxy Bike Share is a student-run free bike rental service. Aside from offering rentals and repairs, Bike Share hopes to create a community focused on sustainability and adventure through a love of bicycles. bikes@oxy.edu | Insta: @oxybikeshare

Food, Energy & Sustainability Team (FEAST) Organic Garden Located below the Urban Environmental Policy Institute, the FEAST Organic Garden is a student-run garden that hosts planting and harvest parties, raises a brood of hens, offers various sustainabilityrelated workshops, and is a community focused on environmental awareness. feast@oxy.edu | Insta: @oxy.feast.garden

La Encina La Encina is Occidental College’s official yearbook, created by a student team of photographers, editors and writers. La Encina strives to provide a comprehensive, enjoyable and accurate record of the school year for the benefit of the current and future Occidental community. laencina@oxy.edu | Insta: @laencinayearbook

Oxy TV Oxy TV broadcasts a variety of eclectic and relevant entertainment, news and opinion to Oxy students, staff and alumni. It provides rising filmmakers, designers, performers and artists with a highly visible platform to showcase their talents. oxytv@oxy.edu | Insta: @occidentalTV

Oxy Design Service (ODS) ODS is a student-run graphic design service that designs for departments, clubs and organizations on campus. If you are hosting an event, planning a fundraiser, presenting a speaker or showing a movie, let ODS help you spread the word! ods@oxy.edu | Insta: @oxydesignservice

Programing Board The Programing Board plans and markets major campus events like SpringFest, collaborates with other student services on events, and creates a sense of community and school spirit at Oxy. pb@oxy.edu | Insta: @oxyprogrammingboard

The Occidental As the official student newspaper of the College, The Occidental endeavors to provide fair, accurate and balanced journalism of the highest quality to members of the campus and local communities, maintaining professional journalistic standards and ethics. theoccidental@oxy.edu | Insta: @theoccidentalnews theoccidentalnews.com


SAC is a student-run organization that provides services to students, faculty, staff, clubs and organizations. The Center loans out chalk, tape, paint and Quad-sitting equipment to help promote events on campus, while offering a wide range of services from selling discounted tickets to renting out camping equipment. Additionally, SAC collaborates with other on-campus departments, such as the Bengal Bus and the Sustainability Fund, to provide students opportunities to engage in activities both on campus and in the Greater Los Angeles area.

SAC SERVICES: Board games and hammocks Camping equipment rentals Club deposits and mailboxes Discounted movie tickets Discounted theme park tickets Quad-sitting equipment TAP Vendor FREE chalk, paint and tape loans

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