The Oxy Campaign For Good - Impact Report

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FROM THE CO-CHAIRS Dear Oxy friends and colleagues, This Campaign began with an audacious request: to imagine the vast possibilities of a better world. The Oxy Campaign For Good was publicly launched in 2019 with a plan to strengthen the College for generations. As believers in a democratic society and the transformative power of liberal arts education, we saw no better time — and no place better than Occidental — to broaden access, empower academics, and foster an environment of inspiration and support. We turned to the community to join us in securing that comprehensive vision. Together we had just a few years to accomplish our goal. We did it. You did it. The Campaign outpaced its initial goal by more than $27 million, raising in excess of $252 million. That extraordinary generosity will grow our endowment by more than $150 million and preserve the Oxy experience for years to come. A financial cornerstone for the College, the endowment climbed well over $500 million for the first time and will remain a key growth priority. By every measure, this Campaign showed us the incredible dedication of the Tiger community. More than 15,000 alumni, parents, faculty, friends, students, and staff came together across the country — and around the world — to support the cause. Hundreds volunteered for outreach, Reunion activities, and countless other engagements, including welcoming new community members. The Campaign also drew invaluable guidance from two Oxy presidents. Former President Jonathan Veitch navigated the Campaign’s initial phase, when we raised more than $100 million, and President Harry Elam led us through the unexpected challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic to our successful Campaign close this year. Thanks to every person who contributed time, talent, and resources, The Oxy Campaign For Good will make a life-changing difference for Oxy students today and for generations to come. We hope the entire community shares our tremendous pride in the lasting achievements of this collective work. With sincere gratitude, Anne Wilson Cannon ’74 William M. Kahane ’70 Gil Kemp P’04 Ian McKinnon ’89



FROM THE PRESIDENT Just four years ago, Occidental publicly embarked on an endeavor as ambitious as it was essential: the College’s first comprehensive campaign in a quarter-century. Notably, its $225 million goal was the largest in our history. Today we have not just met that goal. We have surpassed it and kept on going. From the outset, we were confident that we would reach this moment. Still, we could not have imagined the historic challenges that materialized along the way — chiefly a pandemic that kept us physically separate from each other for nearly a year. Never before had we attempted a monumental fundraising effort without seeing one another in person. That the Oxy community achieved this feat — under these circumstances — speaks to what we can accomplish when we come together as a community. It requires hard work, vision, and unity of purpose. I am especially thankful to several groups instrumental in the Campaign’s results. The members of the campaign steering committee gave selflessly of their time and insight. Our four Campaign co-chairs inspired with their visionary leadership and tireless commitment. And the thousands of generous Campaign supporters established a new standard for philanthropy and forward thinking at Oxy. As this report shows, the campus community is already feeling the impact of your generosity. The Campaign’s conclusion marks not an end but the beginning of a new era: the Occidental Promise. An integrated strategic plan, the Occidental Promise lays out our future opportunities and priorities. These include ensuring our academic excellence, forging a mutually beneficial relationship with Los Angeles, and fully renovating the Norris Hall of Chemistry. The Occidental Promise focuses us on educating the whole student as we renew our community. I am truly honored and thrilled to be part of Occidental College and this landmark campaign. With optimism and commitment, the foundations set over these last few years promise a groundbreaking new chapter for Occidental. Sincerely, Harry J. Elam, Jr. President, Occidental College



More than




million raised

total gifts

individual donors




of all gifts were made by alumni

million raised by parents of students and alumni

Tiger connections*



million raised for athletes, teams and athletic facilities

million committed to the endowment

More than

$15 million in unrestricted support for the endowment

*Tiger Connections include alumni gatherings on-campus, online or in their hometown, mentoring a student, or volunteering in an affinity or leadership group. 3


FOR ACCESS FOR GOOD Together, we raised $97 million for investments in endowed scholarships, internships and research experiences.



ACCESS AND OPPORTUNITY Occidental is dedicated to giving promising scholars access to an education that will transform their lives by committing to meet 100% of a student’s demonstrated financial need. During The Oxy Campaign For Good, the community came together to raise $97 million for Access, creating over 75 new endowed funds for scholarships, internships and research experiences. Our success ensures that, regardless of their circumstances, the best and the brightest students can attend Occidental and take advantage of everything the College has to offer. The full Oxy experience includes close relationships with professors; high-touch academic programs combining theory and practice; hands-on experiences such as internships, research and study abroad; and comprehensive career services support. Providing support for these transformative programs means ensuring equitable opportunities for all students to be successful.

69 New endowed scholarships

$1.7 million Funding for internships and student research experiences

76% Students receive some form of financial assistance

2/3 Students study or conduct research abroad




“Oxy has provided me with the money to pursue this education, something that no one in my family has been able to do prior, which has been the key to unlocking the door to my passions, my goals and everything that I’ve wanted to accomplish.”

Andy Devries ’20 a French studies and media arts and culture double major from Medford, Ore.

EMPOWERING MIDDLE-INCOME STUDENTS THROUGH THE EDGERTONOCCIDENTAL MERIT SCHOLARSHIP CHALLENGE “Every year, Occidental loses great students to UCLA, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego and other UC campuses because their families don’t qualify for most forms of financial aid at Oxy,” says Occidental trustee Louise D. Edgerton ’67 M’69. To increase endowed scholarship funds for middleincome families in California, Louise and her husband, Brad, created the EdgertonOccidental Merit Scholarship Challenge. The challenge raised nearly $7 million for the program, creating 10 new endowed scholarships.


OPENING DOORS TO DISCOVERY: EXPANDING ACCESS TO RESEARCH The Oxy Campaign For Good played a powerful role in expanding student access to undergraduate research. One new program is the Research Early Access Program (REAP), launched in 2021 with a three-year, $247,500 grant from the Sherman Fairchild Foundation. REAP aims to increase the number of academically talented underrepresented and first-generation students pursuing degrees in the sciences by recruiting firstyear students and pairing them directly with a faculty mentor for an immersive summer research experience. The Richard T. Proffitt ‘66 Endowed Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Biochemistry and the Dr. Edmond and Diane Clinton ’68 ’68 Endowed Undergraduate Research Fellowship in the Biosciences were created to further support access to undergraduate research.

“Early hands-on research opportunities give students the chance to participate in science as it is truly practiced. These programs enhance learning through close mentoring relationships with faculty and develop students’ critical thinking, creativity in problem-solving, and intellectual autonomy.”

Clair Morrisey, Faculty Director, Undergraduate Research Center



EMPOWERING FUTURE LEADERS Bolstered by a lead gift from Bonnie Mills ’81 and a dedicated fundraising committee (Kimberly Beattie, Bob Cody ’68, Julie Williams ’70 and Silva Zeneian ’01), the Andy Beattie ’75 Endowment for Campaign Semester reached its endowment goal of $500,000.

“It’s honestly the most incredible experience that you can have—there’s no other experience like it at an undergraduate college.”

Josh Bogen ’20, Campaign Semester participant

THE OBAMA SCHOLARS PROGRAM The prestigious leadership training program targets Oxy juniors and seniors, enrolling around 10 new Obama Scholars annually. Scholars participate in a fully-funded 10-week summer program of experiential learning and leadership training and receive up to $10,000 in postgraduate funding to launch their career in support of the public good. Participants also enroll in the Obama Scholars Seminar in addition to their regular class schedule and are mentored by Obama Scholars faculty advisers and the Advisory Council. Donor support during The Oxy Campaign For Good generated more than $7 million to establish the program’s endowment.

IMMIGRATION RIGHTS & SOCIAL JUSTICE SUMMER INTERNSHIP Supported by gifts totaling $650,000 from an anonymous donor, each summer up to 15 Occidental students can participate in a 10-week full-time paid internship at an immigration-focused nonprofit partner in Los Angeles. Connecting classroom learning with real-world insight, students gain an insider’s understanding of complex issues related to immigration and benefits nonprofit partners, who receive extra support for essential projects. The fund ensures access to this transformative opportunity for students of all financial backgrounds.


EXPANDING ACCESS TO GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES Study abroad opportunities transform a student’s college experience and provide life-changing moments beyond campus. The generosity of the Chaffee family — Lyman Chaffee ’60, Wilber Chaffee ’52 P’88, David S. Chaffee ’64 and wife Marilyn M. Chaffee ’65 P’96 P’98 and sister Marta (Chaffee) Stang ’58 and husband Harry — collectively contributed over $2 million in endowed funds to expand access to global opportunities. (The Chaffee family ties to Oxy run deep, with more than 30 graduates of Oxy since 1916.) To date, the funds have supported 23 students to study abroad in places like Jordan, Botswana, the Galapagos Islands, Nepal, Spain, Australia, the Netherlands, and the Czech Republic, among others. Honoring her mother, Arminé Dingilian Aroian P’67, a survivor of the Armenian Genocide of 1915 who spoke 10 languages and excelled in many different fields, The Arminé Dingilian Aroian Global Opportunities Endowed Fund, established by Lois A. Aroian ’67, will provide financial support for students studying abroad.

Hunter Leong ’24 in front of South Korea’s Yonsei University, where he spent a semester studying abroad.



FOR DISTINCTION FOR GOOD Together, we raised $54 million to endow professorships and fuel the continued evolution of academic and cocurricular programs.



“This is why I’m at Oxy—to be involved in directly mentoring student research. It’s what we are all about as liberal arts professors in a small college setting.”

Joseph Schulz, Professor, Biology

Central to the Oxy experience is the connection between students and their professors, who serve as educators, guides, and mentors. This is why increasing resources for faculty was a focus of The Oxy Campaign For Good. The $54 million raised to endow professorships, faculty research and continue the evolution of academic and co-curricular programs will enhance the student academic experience and aid in the recruitment and retention of talented faculty. The funds also endow enrichment programs like the student athlete experience, student clubs and organizations, support for mental health and programming devoted to equity and inclusion.

“I love my teammates—they are probably one of my biggest support systems and I couldn’t imagine myself where I am today without them. My coaches, teammates and the sport itself have had a major impact on who I am and how I carry myself through the world—and for that I am eternally grateful.”

Kayla Lin ’23 (water polo), a biology major. $7.8 million was raised for Oxy Athletics and the Tiger Club during the Oxy Campaign For Good.




“Faculty are the heart and soul of Occidental, and the support of our donors really does make a difference. Their generosity allows us to fund the size and quality of the faculty we need. Endowed professorships create a foundation for the College and move Oxy towards the future.”

Margi Rusmore, Michael G. Gibby ’68 and Barbara J. Gibby ’68 Professor of Science

ENDOWING PROFESSORS, DIRECTORS AND CHAIRS Support for endowed professorships and academic departments attracts top talent and underwrites compelling teaching and advising, one-on-one research partnerships, and lifelong relationships that shape careers. We are grateful to recognize the recently established endowed professorships and directorships below: • • • • • • • •

Stephen L. Casner ’73 and Karen Johnson Casner ’74 Endowed Professorship for Computer Science Wellington Chan Endowed Chair in Chinese Studies* Choi Family Endowed Directorship for Instrumental Activities Eldred Family Endowed Fund for the Director of Religious Life* Michael G. Gibby ’68 and Barbara J. Gibby ’68 Endowed Professorship for Science Mary Jane Hewitt Endowed Department Chair in Black Studies John Stauffer Chair of Chemistry Jonathan Veitch Endowed Department Chair in History Fund

12 *funding realized during the Campaign

INVESTMENTS IN NEW AREAS OF STUDY The Stephen L. Casner ’73 and Karen Johnson Casner ’74 Endowed Professorship for Computer Science boosted Oxy’s investment in the computer science major, established in 2017. Lauded by the Los Angeles Times for its interdisciplinary approach, the major also provides students with a rigorous technical grounding. An anonymous $500,000 gift permanently endowed the Mary Jane Hewitt Department Chair in Black Studies, honoring the legacy of the first Black woman to serve as a tenured faculty member at Occidental. The gift provided critical support to Oxy’s newest major, established in 2018.

SUPPORT FOR OUR COMMUNITY OF SCHOLARS New endowed funds such as the Gary Kaplan ’71 Endowed Faculty Research Fund enrich the intellectual community of scholars that are at the heart of a student’s academic experience.

“The investments made through The Oxy Campaign For Good have created conditions for our faculty to achieve personal and professional satisfaction, which enables us to maintain that important continuity for our students.”

Wendy Sternberg, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College



CULTIVATING CREATIVITY: STRENGTHENING THE ARTS Occidental sits at the epicenter of the creative community of Los Angeles. Transformative gifts such as the ones below fueled academic departments and initiatives: The Alan Freeman ’66 M’67 Endowed Fund for Theater Productions will enhance the Theater Department’s academic offerings and educational experiences by encouraging innovation and experimentation. A five-year, $1 million grant from the Mellon Foundation widened Oxy’s network of community partners in Northeast L.A., expanding its arts education programs to enhance local residents’ engagement with the issues that matter to them through programming by Oxy Arts. The Barbara U. Johnson ’43 P’71 GP’04 GP’13 Endowed Fund for New Music provides support to enhance music instructional programs and expand the resources available to students for the creation and performance of new music.

Occidental College Department of Theater & Performance Studies presents Into the Woods, May, 2022


EQUITY AND INCLUSION A grant from the Mellon Foundation will fund nine oneyear postdoctoral fellowships in the arts and humanities and each cohort will automatically transition to tenure-track faculty positions. Their work, background, expertise, and experiences will contribute to diversifying Oxy’s faculty. In the 2022-23 academic year, the College welcomed the first two postdoctoral fellows: Janna Ireland, who teaches photography; and Jose Guadalupe Sanchez III, who teaches painting. Alice Walker Duff ’69 and her husband Joe Duff ’68, Gene Grigsby ’66, Carl Ballton ’69 and a host of others established the Ubuntu Fund to support the academic and life success of African American and underrepresented students at Oxy. In the 2022-23 academic year, the fund piloted a grant program for student-led initiatives that support Black community building efforts and cosponsored “Welcome Black,” a new annual tradition connecting new students to Black community members who can offer guidance and support. A $300,000 gift from an anonymous alumnus of the 1990s helped fund a new justice, equity, inclusion and diversity (JEID) training and professional development program for faculty and staff. Spring 2023 workshop topics included supporting first-gen students, social class on campus and addressing controversial social media.

SUPPORT FOR STUDENT WELLNESS The Choi Family and other donors funded a new campus-wide health promotion program to address the growing need for mental health and wellness education for students. The new Health Promotion Program launched in fall 2023 to provide peer-led workshops and events to help students build skills around health and wellness, learn to advocate for their health, and gain the experience and support they need to thrive at Oxy and beyond. In addition to the Choi Family, members of the Oxy community who also contributed to the program are Board of Trustees Chair Lisa H. Link and David A. Link P’18, Lisa Coscino ’85, John Hinchliffe ’88, Terry L. Hinchliffe and Stephen F. Hinchliffe III P’23, as well as anonymous parent donors.



FOR CAMPUS FOR GOOD Together, we raised $31 million to transform our historic campus with new buildings and facilities and critical renovations.


Over $31 million was raised to modernize campus and classrooms, preserve Oxy’s rich architectural heritage, and maintain the Quad, courtyards and other welcoming spaces. New and renovated classroom and lab facilities will keep Oxy students competitive, and ensure they have the tools they need to be well prepared for their journey after college. Investments in the student-athlete experience have enabled our swimming, diving, water polo and tennis teams to train and compete in NCAA- and SCIAC-regulation facilities on campus for the first time in decades. The Campaign’s imprint can be felt in every corner of campus.

“The Fletcher Jones classroom has been wonderful for teaching and hosting workshops. The thoughtful design and spacious layout allows faculty to more easily engage with students during class, and the multiple whiteboards foster collaborative problem-solving amongst the class.”

Justin Li, Department Chair, Computer Science





Choi Family Music Production Center


Percussion Studio

1 2 10


Anderson Center for Environmental Sciences


Fletcher Jones Foundation Genomics Center 21

12 9

17 22 11

19 20

13 24 15 5


Fletcher Jones Foundation Computing Classroom



14 16


Norris Hall of Chemistry

- Academics - Athletics - Campus Life



Oxy Arts


Keck Theater Renovations


De Mandel Aquatics Center

Family Tennis Center 10 McKinnon and Robinson Family Terrace


Gresham 21 Improvements: Dining Hall

22 Cannon Rotunda

Way Veterans Housing 23 Toland (off-campus)

Y. Gilman Memorial 24 Lucille Fountain

19 Cannon Plaza

and Stephen Hinchliffe Arbor 20 Ann (location in Cannon Plaza)

17 Barack Obama ’83 Steps

18 Sycamore Glen

Memorial Chapel 15 Herrick and Interfaith Center

16 Oxy Gaming Room

Hall of Fame 13 Athletics Hallway

Anderson 14 Improvements: Baseball Field





Patterson Field 11 Payton Jordan Athletics Center 12 Improvements: and Bill Henry Track



The reinvigorated athletics complex is anchored by the De Mandel Aquatics Center, McKinnon Family Tennis Center, and Robinson Family Terrace, allowing our teams to once again compete on campus.

“Coming back to play in the new pool with everyone I knew was one of the best choices I have ever made because it relit a new sense of competition in me.”

Keegan Klein ’23, a water polo player and biochemistry major, reflecting on returning from remote learning.

“The Anderson Center for Environmental Sciences brings our research facilities up to speed to better support the kind of research going on here. The new space is more conducive to collaborative work for both avian and marine biology. It opens up a lot of possible new research directions for us.”

John McCormack, Professor of Biology; Director and Curator of the Moore Laboratory of Zoology 20

“In a competitive higher education landscape, Oxy will be able to offer a wholly modern, comprehensive music education that is embedded and defined by the liberal arts. Given the singularity of what we can do, we believe that this will be a game-changer—not just for the department but for the entire College.”

David Kasunic, Associate Professor of Music

REIMAGINED LANDMARKS Taylor Pool has been transformed into Cannon Plaza, a multipurpose outdoor space for the Oxy community. Renovations to Gilman Fountain and Sycamore Glen expand accessibility and enhance the beauty of the beloved campus.

Since opening its doors on York Boulevard in 2019, Oxy Arts has presented 12 exhibitions and hosted over 125 events including dance performances, concerts, film screenings, workshops and the Oxy studio majors senior comps, all open to the community. Support from donors like Linda White and Stroller T. White ’59 and the Kathryn Caine Wanlass Charitable Foundation were instrumental in the creation of the Oxy Arts building.



FOR TODAY FOR GOOD Together, we raised more than $37 million in annual support to underwrite the Oxy experience for current students.



The Oxy Fund’s impact can be felt in every area from financial aid and academics to student life and athletics. Through The Oxy Campaign For Good, thousands of community members came together to support today’s students.

DAY FOR OXY: A NEW TRADITION The first-ever Day For Oxy, April 20, 2020, looked dramatically different from initial expectations. As the world shut down, Day For Oxy became a remote event and a resounding success. Surpassing our initial gift goal by 618%, community members gave 2,594 gifts which totaled over $1.6 million. Four years later, the annual day of giving has generated more than $6.5 million total to support the student experience.

“What I love about Day for Oxy is seeing everyone rally to support and push for what Occidental can do and be.”

Jackie Provost ’02

NAVIGATING THE PANDEMIC CHALLENGES AT OXY During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, gifts to the Oxy Fund were instrumental in supporting the shift to online learning, funding technology requests from students and faculty, including laptops, Wi-Fi hotspots and software needs and providing daily COVID testing and PPE to vaccine distribution to the Oxy community.

Students celebrate the fourth annual Day For Oxy with Oswald on Founders Day, April 20, 2023




“It’s important for those who can, to give back, to create that opportunity for the next generation of students. I want to be involved, I want others to be involved, and it’s important to be involved.”

Bill Kahane ’70, Campaign Co-chair

Community is empowering. During The Oxy Campaign For Good, we celebrated 261,171 Tiger Connections — almost doubling our goal of 136,000. Connections took many forms, including on-campus gatherings for class reunions, online through virtual events and meet-ups, off-campus events with local Tigers in their own community, welcoming new students and their families into the Oxy community or serving as a volunteer in an alumni organization or affinity group.

A longstanding tradition, Summer Send-Offs connect incoming students and families with local alumni and current students before move-in.


Oxy’s newest program, Hometown Tiger Mixers, brings together alumni and students across generations over winter break. In January 2023, mixers were held in San Diego, Portland, OR, Washington D.C. and Seattle.

After the on-campus launch in May 2019, Oxy took to the road with alumni events across the country. Students, alumni, faculty and friends of the William and Elizabeth Kahane United Nations Program gathered in New York City to honor the program as well as to celebrate the public launch of The Oxy Campaign For Good.

Alumni giving comprised 67% of the more than 53,000 gifts made during the Campaign, totaling $146 million. Contributions from class reunion giving had a tremendous impact on student access, and will collectively fund more than $1.2 million in endowed and annual student scholarships and financial aid. We are grateful to the following classes for their generosity in establishing: • • • • • •

Class of 1971 Endowed Scholarship Class of 1978 Memorial Scholarship Class of 1985 Endowed Memorial Scholarship Class of 1986 Memorial Scholarship Class of ’87 Memorial Scholarship Class of 2010: The Nick Lee ’10 Endowed Financial Aid Fund

Thank you as well to those in the Class of 1973 for their efforts and support towards establishing an endowed scholarship for the Class of 1973.

“So I asked, what if we include raising $250,000 for a Class of 1971 scholarship? There’s a whole lot of folks in the middle for whom a little can go a long way. For me, this is a labor of love.”

Brenda Barham Hill ’71 P’03, President, Alumni Board of Governors 25



“We believe that Oxy students become great leaders, thinkers and changemakers because of the transformative experience at Occidental. Growing the endowment through planned gifts will ensure that generations of Oxy students continue to make a positive impact on the world.”

Gil Kemp P’04, Trustee and Campaign Steering Committee Co-chair Barbara Gibby ’68 and Dr. Michael G. Gibby ’68, Trustees

LEGACY GIFTS SEED ENDOWMENT GROWTH As chair of Swarthmore College’s comprehensive campaign, Occidental Trustee Gil Kemp P’04 saw firsthand how an incentivized appeal to alumni to document estate gifts could be “a really powerful tool” for his alma mater. As co-chair of The Oxy Campaign For Good, he reasoned, it could work in Eagle Rock as well. In response to the College’s efforts, a pair of Legacy Gift Challenges secured 55 new or previously undocumented planned gifts totaling more than $15 million. An additional $550,000 was contributed to the Oxy Fund through an incentive program backed by Kemp and Mike Gibby ’68 in 2020-21, and Kemp, Gary Kaplan ’71, and Karen Casner ’74 and Steve Casner ’73 in 2021-22. By seeding the future growth of the endowment, “Legacy giving is a wonderful way to support a marvelous institution,” Kemp says. “It’s an easy way to make a difference for Occidental in the long run, because you’re not giving from current income or assets. I hope more people will think about it for themselves in the future.”


BUILDING A BIGGER ENDOWMENT On June 30, 2016, Occidental’s endowment stood at $371 million. Seven years later, the College endowment has grown by more than $200 million, thanks not only to prudent investments by the College’s financial managers and the Board of Trustees Investment Committee, but also to the success of The Oxy Campaign For Good. Between planned gifts, unrestricted gifts and Campaign-specific initiatives, the Campaign will grow the endowment by more than $150 million in the years to come, providing long-term financial security to the College and giving Occidental the flexibility to offer an exceptional liberal arts education for every student. Unrestricted gifts to the endowment accounted for more than $15 million in the Campaign. In 2021, Trustee and Campaign co-chair Anne Wilson Cannon ’74 made a multi-million-dollar estate gift to Occidental, the bulk of which will ultimately create an unrestricted endowment to fund student scholarships, endowed professorships, and other areas with the greatest need.


$500 Mil

$400 Mil $371,680,490 $300 Mil









*pending final audit 27


“Thanks to your generosity, The Oxy Campaign For Good will secure the College’s mission for generations of students to come. From this day forward, let’s build on that momentum and bring the Occidental Promise to life.”

Lisa H. Link P’18 Chair, Board of Trustees

We would like to thank the members of the Campaign Steering Committee for their leadership and support. The success of the Campaign would not have been possible without them.

CO-CHAIRS Anne Wilson Cannon ’74

Gil Kemp P’04

William M. Kahane ’70

Ian McKinnon ’89

MEMBERS David W. Berkus ’62 P’95 GP’16

Gary L. Kaplan ’71

Eileen A. Brown ’73 and Harold A. Brown ’73

John B. Power ’58 H’19 GP’12 GP’26

Lucia W. Choi-Dalton ’89 P’27

S. Tod White ’59

Steve Robinson ’77

Gloria C. Duffy ’75

HONORARY MEMBERS David H. Anderson ’63 Dennis A. Collins P’94

Tawnie Buchanan Farmer ’64 and John Farmer P’98

Ginny Goss Cushman ’55 and John C. Cushman ’55*

Stephen Hinchliffe Jr. ’55 H’16 P’88 GP’18 GP’23 Catherine Young Selleck ’55 H’18

We are grateful to our many volunteer leadership groups, including: Access and Opportunity Task Force

Music and MAC Task Force

Affinity Groups

Obama Scholars Advisory Council

Alumni Council

Oxy Fund Executive Council

Board of Governors

Parents Council

Board of Trustees Boesche Society

Regional Engagement Committee Volunteers

Campaign Steering Committee

Reunion Committee

Class Secretaries

Science Task Force

Day For Oxy Advocates

Senior Class Gift Committee

Economics Committee

Student IA Committee

Fifty Year Club

Tiger Club

Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) Committee

Volunteers in Service of Tiger Admission

Hameetman Career Center Executive Committee


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