Alumni Reunion Weekend 2024 Program

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JUNE 7–9 2024
1. Academic Commons/ Mary Norton Clapp Library Braun Room Critical Making Studio Library Gallery
Academic Quad 3. Anderson Center for Environmental Sciences Moore Laboratory of Zoology Outdoor Classroom 4. Arthur G. Coons Administration Center AGC 111 Hameetman Career Center 5. Berkus Hall 6. Booth Music and Speech Center Booth Music Courtyard Booth 204 7. Cannon Plaza 8. Collins House 9. FEAST Bruce Steele Garden 10. Hameetman Science Center 11. Herrick Memorial Chapel and Interfaith Center 12. Intercultural Community Center 1501 Campus Road 13. Johnson Hall Choi Auditorium Johnson Hall 105 14. Johnson Student Center Branca Patio Gresham Dining Hall Marketplace Rose Hills Plaza Salsbury-Young Room Studenmund Room 15. Mullin Grove/Campus Entrance 16. Norris Hall of Chemistry Mosher 1 Mosher Patio 17. OXY ARTS 4757 York Boulevard 18. Payton Jordan Athletic Center Dance Studio 19. Samuelson Pavilion 20. Solar Array Parking Lot 21. Sycamore Glen 22. Thorne Hall Thorne Hall Patio 10 Fifty Year Club Hameetman Science Center Patio 7 Class of ’74 Cannon Plaza formerly Taylor Pool 14 Class of ’79 Branca Patio 16 Class of ’84 Mosher Patio 22 Class of ’89 Thorne Hall Patio 14 Class of ’94 Rose Hills Plaza 14 Class of ’99 Salsbury-Young Room, Johnson Student Center REUNION CLASS DINNERS 4 5 22 6 19 20 15 17 16 21 11 12 13 9 7 8 10 18 1 2 6 Class of ’04 Booth Music Courtyard 19 Class of ’09 Samuelson Pavilion 21 GOLD (Classes of 2014 and 2019) Sycamore Glen KEY LOCATIONS 14 3 EV S EV EV Check-in Friday & Saturday Check-in Sunday only Restrooms Shuttle Stop Water Station EV Charging Station Ride Share Pick-up Point S


Dear Tigers,

On behalf of the Occidental College Alumni Board of Governors and the Alumni and Parent Engagement staff, welcome to Alumni Reunion Weekend 2024! Reunion is one of the most joyful aspects of the alumni experience – being back on campus, reconnecting with friends, and making new memories as you relive old ones. We have a great line-up of events scheduled, highlighting the best of Oxy and our amazing alumni, and offering ample opportunity to connect and celebrate with your classmates. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and please let us know if there is anything we can do to make your reunion the best possible experience.

Kick things off on Friday afternoon with our Alumni Faculty Journeys and Academic Insights panel, or explore campus with one of the fascinating program open houses or tours. As the sun sets, meet your classmates for Happy Hour at the Tiger Tavern. Enjoy opening night festivities with food, drink, music, and pub games in Cannon Plaza (formerly Taylor Pool). Then, head over to any of the offcampus class gatherings organized by reunion class committees in Highland Park and Eagle Rock.

Greet the morning on Saturday with a yoga session or enjoy a cup of coffee with emeriti faculty. The day is chock full of activities, with something for everyone! Join one of the alumni group celebrations or an Alumni Seal Conversation. Grab a bite at the Decades Lunch before heading over to Choi Auditorium to join President Harry J. Elam, Jr. for the Alumni Seal Celebration and Keynote Conversation with Alumna of the Year, Dr. Judy D. White ’77. The highlight of the weekend is definitely your reunion Saturday night. This magical evening starts with class photos and the All-Class Social on the Quad. Then, enjoy your class reunion dinner under the stars before dancing the night away at Oswald’s Afterparty.

Reunion culminates on Sunday with Fifty Year Club Day. At the Fifty Year Club Annual Meeting in Thorne Hall, the Class of 1974 will be considered for induction. Then, following a group photo, guests will enjoy the traditional champagne lunch.

Whether you have attended a past reunion or are stepping on campus for the first time since you graduated, I am sure you will enjoy being on our beautiful campus and reconnecting with friends. The jacarandas are in bloom, your classmates (and Oswald) are here, and we have a great weekend planned for you. Welcome home.

Io Triumphe!

“Reunion is one of the most joyful aspects of the alumni experience – being back on campus, reconnecting with friends, and making new memories as you relive old ones.”
Dana Brandsey ’02 Director, Alumni and Parent Engagement
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6:30 – 9:30 a.m.

Breakfast in the Marketplace

Marketplace, Johnson Student Center

Pay on site. Cash only. See page 16 for more information.

10 – 11 a.m.

Campus Tour (Session 1)

Tour departs from Academic Quad

Learn about the Oxy experience directly from our admission officers and student tour guides.

10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

The Civil Rights & Title IX Office Hours

AGC 111, Arthur G. Coons Administration Center

Drop by at your leisure to chat with Andrea Boyle, case and support manager, about how the College addresses sexual misconduct and other forms of sex discrimination on campus. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and connect directly with our Title IX staff.

11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Lunch in the Marketplace

Marketplace, Johnson Student Center

Pay on site. Cash only. See page 16 for more information.

11 a.m. – 6 p.m.

OXY ARTS Open House - Fotos

y Recuerdos: Guatemala

in Los


OXY ARTS (4757 York Blvd.)

Enjoy a walkthrough of the OXY ARTS summer 2024 exhibition, Fotos y Recuerdos: Guatemala in Los Ángeles, featuring a community archive of family photographs from the Guatemalan diaspora in Los Angeles, alongside original photographs by youth artist Michelle Montenegro and a community photo studio.

12:15 – 4:15 p.m.

Estate Tour of the Huntington Library and Gardens

The bus will depart from the Mullin Grove Entrance at 12:30 p.m.

Enjoy a docent-led outdoor walking tour exploring some of the 130 acres of magnificent gardens. Guests will learn how Henry and Arabella Huntington’s San Marino Ranch was transformed into the world-famous cultural landmark that we know today.

This is a ticketed event.

1 – 4 p.m.

Discover 3D Printing: Open House

Academic Commons

Discover 3D printing through a live demonstration at Oxy’s Critical Making Studio, where you’ll learn how to find models online, create your own designs, and witness the process of bringing models to life using software alongside our 3D printer. Plus, print and take home your very own 3D printed souvenir!

1:30 – 2:30 p.m.

A Mystery of Mysteries: Why Does Oxy Have One of the Largest Collections of Mystery and Detective Fiction in the World?

Braun Room, Academic Commons

Learn about the strange case of collector extraordinaire Ned Guymon 1922, and see highlights of the rare first editions he gathered.

1:30 – 2:30 p.m.

Planning for College: A Workshop with Oxy Admission

Johnson 105, Johnson Hall

Please join us for an introduction to college planning for any reunion attendees with children in middle school or high school. The workshop covers what selective colleges and universities look for when evaluating an application, and the types of financial assistance available to

help pay for college. This workshop will be led by Robin Hamilton Meryl ’08, senior associate dean of admission, and Jordan Brown ’13, associate dean of admission.

3 – 4 p.m.

Boomerang of Wisdom: Alumni Faculty Journeys and Academic Insights

Johnson 105, Johnson Hall

Engage with Laural Meade ’88, resident professor of theater & performance studies, Viviana MacManus ’03, associate professor of Spanish & French studies, and Sydney K. MitsunagaWhitten ’11, resident professor of comparative studies in literature and culture, to gain insights into their research areas, the latest academic developments, and what it’s like to return to Oxy as a member of the faculty.

3 – 4 p.m.

Campus Tour (Session 2)

Tour departs from Academic Quad

Learn about the Oxy experience directly from our admission officers and student tour guides.

3:30 – 4:15 p.m.

Campus Sustainability Walking Tour

Tour departs from the Solar Array Parking Lot

In January 2024, President Elam signed the Second Nature Climate Commitment, pledging to develop a comprehensive action plan for campus climate resilience and mitigation. This plan will expand on and enhance existing sustainability efforts on campus. Join Oxy’s new Sustainability Coordinator Alison Linder and Assistant Sustainability Coordinator Isa Merel ’23 for a walking tour showcasing our sustainability achievements and ongoing projects. Starting at the 1-megawatt solar array and ending at the student-managed Bruce Steele Garden, participants will gain a full understanding of past achievements and future goals for Oxy’s charge towards climate resiliency and sustainability.

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4 – 5 p.m.

Hameetman Career Center

Open House

Hameetman Career Center, Arthur G.

Coons Administrative Center

Check out the Hameetman Career Center and learn more about the new and exciting programs created to prepare students for life after Oxy.

4 – 5:30 p.m.

Oxy Gospel Choir Reunion

Rose Hills Plaza, Johnson Student Center

The Black Alumni Organization (BAO) is hosting a reunion for all former members and supporters of the Oxy Gospel Choir! This special gathering will be filled with joyful fellowship and the spirit of gospel music. Reconnect with old friends and reminisce about past performances as we come together to celebrate the bond that brought us together through music that began over 50 years ago. The event will include a memorial tribute to Shedrick Wise, Jr. ’75, founder, organizer, and director of the Oxy Gospel Choir.

4:15 – 5 p.m.

Garden Micro-Tour & Sustainability Mixer

FEAST Bruce Steele Garden


Join the Food, Energy, and Sustainability Team (FEAST) for a micro-tour of the Bruce Steele Garden to round out the Campus Sustainability Tour. Attendees will get a snapshot of the day-to-day operations of Oxy’s own student-run organic garden, home to a flock of chickens, raised garden beds, a native plant nursery, and the occasional naughty squirrel. Stick around for a Sustainability Mixer for a chance to taste the inaugural batch of Oxy olive oil, produce grown at the garden, and for an opportunity to connect with alumni, current students, and the staff and faculty behind the scenes of Oxy’s sustainability strides.

4:30 – 6 p.m.

STEM Departments Reunion

Mosher Patio, Norris Hall of Chemistry

Join us for a STEM departments reunion, where alumni from various STEM disciplines are invited to reconnect with each other and their esteemed faculty members. Immerse yourself in lively conversations about pathways after college and explore the dynamic advancements within Oxy’s STEM programs. Engage in discussions about our current initiatives and gain valuable insights into the innovative channels that are shaping the future of STEM education at Oxy. Join us for an evening of mix and mingling as we celebrate our shared experiences and accomplishments in the field of STEM.

4:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Special Collections and College Archives Open House

Braun Room, Academic Commons

Drop by Special Collections and the College’s archives for a visit complete with fascinating items from Oxy’s history, rare books, and artifacts, curated and hosted by Alanna Quan ’16, archivist, and Helena de Lemos, Special Collections librarian.

5:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Happy Hour at Oxy’s Tiger Tavern

Cannon Plaza

Kick off the first night of Alumni Reunion Weekend by connecting with your classmates for happy hour in the beautiful new Cannon Plaza (formerly Taylor Pool)! Enjoy refreshments, games and music. This is a ticketed event.

Individual Class Gatherings

Some class reunion committees have offcampus class gatherings on Friday evening. Scan the QR code below or visit for details about these gatherings.

Barack Walk (Self-Guided Tour)

Enjoy this unique self-guided tour of campus highlighting President Barack Obama ’83’s time at Oxy. Tour brochures will be available at the Check-In Canopy.

Friday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. | Saturday: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Oxy’s Undergraduate Research Conference Student Poster Presentations, and Archives Library displays

Academic Commons

Drop by the Academic Commons for a glimpse into some of Oxy’s best student research work, straight from our annual Summer Research Conference, along with some fascinating finds from the Special Collections and College Archives.

Games on the Quad

Academic Quad

Enjoy life-size lawn games on the quad, including chess, Jenga, cornhole, and more!

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7:30 – 9:30 a.m.

Breakfast in the Marketplace

Marketplace, Johnson Student Center

Pay on site. Cash only. See page 16 for more information.

9:30 – 10:30 a.m.

Rise and Shine Yoga

Dance Studio, Payton Jordan Athletic Center

Start your day with an uplifting morning yoga class on campus. The session is suitable for all ability levels and will feature a soothing program of breathing exercises, followed by a series of poses, with your instructor assisting as needed. Namaste!

This is a ticketed event.

10 – 11 a.m.

Estate Planning and Mimosas

Studenmund Room, Johnson Student Center

Join alumna Linda Spuck ’84 for a discussion about estate planning, bequests, retirement accounts, life estates, life income gifts, and life estate gift annuities. She will explain how charitable planning can help you increase income, protect assets, care for loved ones and leave a legacy. Mimosas, coffee and treats will be offered.

10 – 11 a.m.

Professors Pollock and Braker

Retirement Celebration

Moore Laboratory of Zoology Outdoor Classroom, Anderson Center for Environmental Sciences

Professor Roberta Pollock is retiring this year after 35 years at Oxy and Professor Elizabeth Braker P’17 is retiring after 33 years at Oxy. Lab alumni and those who’ve taken classes with either professor are invited. Light refreshments will be provided. After catching up, tour the lab to see how it has (and has not) changed over the years. Lab alumni are invited to take their lab manuals with them.

10 – 11:30 a.m.

Coffee with Emeriti Faculty

Academic Quad

Join us for a cup of coffee or tea with professors emeriti Alan Freeman ’66

M’67 P’89 P’91, Marcia Homiak, Linda Lyke, Lynn Mehl, and Nalsey Tinberg P’11 P’13. Enjoy the opportunity to chat with this group as they reflect on their time at the College and what they’ve been doing in retirement.

10 – 11:30 a.m.

Out@Oxy Mimosa Brunch

Branca Patio, Johnson Student Center

Join the Out@Oxy alumni organization committee for brunch and to find out more about their efforts towards student/ alumni outreach and the establishment of a definitive archive of LGBTQIA+ life at Oxy. Stop by for a mimosa, some small bites, and a surprise or two as we celebrate Pride Month in conjunction with our reunion activities. Open to everyone in the community, allies and LGBTQIA+ alike!

11 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Connect to the Glee-ful Past: Introducing the Glee Club Alumni Choir!

Booth 204, Booth Music and Speech Center

Director of Choral & Vocal Activities

Desiree LaVertu P’22 P’25 invites you to a preview of the Glee Club alumni ensemble (name TBD!) before its Fall 2024 launch. Come sing some Oxy Glee Club classics, mingle with singers from all years of the choir, and get first access to signups for this new ensemble.

11 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Occidental College’s

Philanthropy Celebration

Collins House Patio

Members of Oxy’s premier donor recognition societies are invited to a special reception in honor of their loyal and generous support of the College. By invitation only.

11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Lil’ Tigers Cookie Decorating Academic Quad

Calling all young bakers and decorators! Let your creativity soar as you decorate delicious cookies with colorful frosting, sprinkles, and edible decorations. This sweet activity is perfect for kids of all ages to unleash their imaginations and create tasty masterpieces.

11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Special Collections and College Archives Open House

Braun Room, Academic Commons

See event description on page 5.

11 a.m. – 4 p.m.

OXY ARTS Open House - Fotos y Recuerdos: Guatemala in Los Ángeles

OXY ARTS Center (4757 York Blvd.)

See event description on page 4.

11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Alumni Seal Conversation –

How Children Help Us Find the Way to Sesame Street: Sesame Workshop’s Approach to Child-Centered Research

Mosher 1, Norris Hall of Chemistry

Since 1969, Sesame Street has put children’s voices at the center of their content development process. By centering children’s voices, content remains fun, funny, and relevant for children and their families around the world, ultimately driving improved educational impact. Join 2024 Alumni Seal Award honoree for Professional Achievement Dr. Kim Foulds ’02 to learn more about the evolution of Sesame’s approach to child-centered research and how children continue to shape and inform Sesame Workshop’s global content creation.

12 – 1:30 p.m.

Decades Lunch

Gresham Dining Hall, Johnson Student Center

Join us for a no-host lunch in Gresham Dining Hall, where you can mingle with alumni from your graduation decade.

This is a ticketed event. If you did not register in advance, you can pay on site. Cash only. See page 16 for more information.

1 – 4 p.m.

Discover 3D Printing: Open House

Academic Commons

See event description on page 4.

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1:15 – 2:30 p.m.

Alumni Seal Celebration

and Keynote Conversation with Dr. Judy D. White ’77

Choi Auditorium, Johnson Hall

Join President Harry J. Elam, Jr. and the Alumni Board of Governors in honoring the 2024 Alumni Seal Award honorees

Read all about the honorees on pages 10-11. Following the bestowing of the Alumni Seal Awards, Alumna of the Year Dr. White will present “A Conversation and Panel About the Relentless Pursuit of Racial Healing,” detailing her journey in pursuing racial healing in the educational world and community.

2 – 3:30 p.m.

Celebrating 30 Years of the José F. Silva ’84 Endowed Memorial Scholarship

Intercultural Community Center

Join the Occidental College Latino Alumni Association (OCLAA) as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the José F. Silva ’84 Endowed Memorial Scholarship (formerly known as the Latino/a Scholarship Fund). We encourage Latino/a alumni of all generations to join this historic celebration of Latinidad at Oxy. Join our movement to raise $400,000 for the scholarship fund and raise awareness of our history at Oxy. Enjoy light bites, drinks, and the opportunity to meet caring supporters of the Scholarship.

2:45 – 3:45 p.m.

Oxy Trivia!

Choi Auditorium, Johnson Hall

Get ready to put on your game face! Join us for an exhilarating trivia challenge that will put your Oxy knowledge to the test. From mind-bending brain teasers to obscure facts, be prepared to engage in a battle of wits and showcase your Tiger expertise.

2:45 – 3:45 p.m.

The Entrepreneur JourneyTurn Your Ideas Into Reality

Johnson 105, Johnson Hall

Entrepreneurship is the dream of many, but often it can be overwhelming. Where do you start, or how do you execute an idea? In this session, Ming Chan ’99 will share insights from both the triumphs and setbacks of his 18-year entrepreneurial

journey, and discuss how you can turn your ideas into reality and start your entrepreneurial journey successfully.

3 – 4 p.m.

Alumni Seal Conversation: “Making Democracy Work to Fight Climate Change”

Mosher 1, Norris Hall of Chemistry

Fighting climate change can seem overwhelming - so many big changes to make while somehow keeping “civilization” going. How is it possible? Join Dennis ““Denny” Zane ’69, Alumni Seal Award honoree for Service to the Community, for a discussion examining one emerging and very promising strategy: taking it to the voters – in the form of a major regional ballot measure in Southern California that could raise $90 billion over 30 years to

invest in the good stuff that can displace and replace the bad stuff.

3 – 4:30 p.m.

Affinity Group Reception

Collins House

Oxy alumni organizations welcome you to join them for a social to reconnect alumni across all class years and interests. The following alumni organizations will be gathering: Alumni of Occidental in Education ALOED | Alpha Lambda Phi Alpha ALPHA Alumnae | API Alumni and Allies for Oxy A4Oxy | Black Alumni Organization BAO | Delta Omicron Tau DOT Alumnae | Gamma Kappa Theta GKT Alumnae | Kappa Alpha Theta KAT Alumnae | Out@Oxy | Occidental College Latino Alumni Association OCLAA | Sigma Alpha Epsilon SAE Alumni | Zeta Tau Zeta ZTZ Alumnae

4:30 – 6 p.m.

All-Class Social and Class Photos

Academic Quad

Reunion classes will begin their celebration with a cocktail and time to mingle. Individual class photos will be taken.

This is a ticketed event and is included in Your Reunion Night.

6 – 9 p.m.

Class Dinners

Catch up with classmates and enjoy great food and special programs that highlight your class stories and achievements, all planned by your class reunion committees. This is a ticketed event and is included in Your Reunion Night.

Reunion Dinner Locations

Fifty Year Club | Hameetman Science Center Patio

1974 | Cannon Plaza

1979 | Branca Patio

1984 | Mosher Patio

1989 | Thorne Hall Patio

1994 | Rose Hills Plaza

1999 | Salsbury-Young Room

2004 | Booth Music Courtyard

2009 | Samuelson Pavilion

GOLD (2014 and 2019) | Sycamore Glen

8:30 – 11 p.m.

Oswald’s Afterparty

Academic Quad

Keep the good times rolling on the Quad! Continue to catch up with friends and enjoy music, dancing, fun photo opportunities, and casino tables. Beer, wine, soft drinks and snacks will be served.

This is a ticketed event and is included in Your Reunion Night.

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8 – 9:30 a.m.


in the Marketplace

Marketplace, Johnson Student Center

Pay on site. Cash only. See page 16 for more information.

9:15 – 10 a.m.

All-Class Memorial Service

Herrick Memorial Chapel and Interfaith Center

Reflect on and celebrate the lives of fellow alumni through an interfaith service led by Rev. Susan Young, director of religious and spiritual life.

10:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Fifty Year Club Meeting & Class of 1974 Induction

Thorne Hall

Honor the Class of 1974 at the Fifty Year Club annual induction event. Steeped in tradition and fun, this is an event you don’t want to miss. This year, we honor Alice Walker Duff ’69 H’02 with the Auld Lang Syne Award and thank President Harry J. Elam, Jr. for his service to Oxy with the Io Triumphe Award. The Fifty Year Club photo will be taken on the steps of Thorne Hall immediately following this event.

11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

Fifty Year Club Lunch

Thorne Hall Patio

The celebration of our new and returning Fifty Year Club members continues at this champagne lunch. This is a ticketed event.

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For 69 years, the Occidental College Fifty Year Club has provided opportunities for members to engage with the College and with each other through a variety of gatherings during the year. These activities culminate at Fifty Year Club Day during reunion, when we induct the newest Fifty Year Club class and honor dedicated faculty and outstanding fellow alumni by presenting the Io Triumphe and Auld Lang Syne awards.


The Io Triumphe Award is bestowed annually by the Fifty Year Club in recognition of faculty, administrators, or staff who have demonstrated extraordinary loyalty to the College and the principles for which Oxy stands.

President Harry J. Elam, Jr.

Harry J. Elam, Jr. is the 16th president of Occidental College and a leader in promoting academic excellence, inclusion, and innovation in higher education. In his time as president he has guided the College through a global pandemic, closed out the most successful fundraising campaign in the College’s history, created the Equity and Justice Agenda, and developed and launched the Occidental Promise, the College’s strategic plan with the vision for its next decade. Under his leadership, the College’s endowment has increased to a historic high.

President Elam is a scholar of theater and performance studies. He has authored or co-edited seven books on drama and culture, and has directed numerous award-winning plays. He is also a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the College of Fellows of the American Theatre, which are among the highest honors in the field.

Prior to his arrival at Occidental College, President Elam served as vice provost for undergraduate education at Stanford University, where he was responsible for nearly all undergraduate policies and programs and won every major teaching award.

For his steadfast and caring stewardship of the College, the Fifty Year Club is honored to present the 2024 Io Triumphe Award to President Elam.


The Auld Lang Syne Award was established by the Alumni Association and the Fifty Year Club in 1954. It is given annually to a member of the FYC in recognition of their unswerving loyalty to the College.

Alice Walker Duff ’69 H’02

Trustee Emerita Alice Walker Duff ’69 H’02’s journey as a champion for justice and a change-maker at Occidental began as a student. She and husband-to-be Joseph H. Duff ’68 joined with other students to start the Black Student Caucus (now the Black Student Alliance). Together, they fought to address issues now embodied in the four cornerstones of Oxy’s mission: excellence, equity, community, and service. Since then, Alice has continued to have a profound impact, including helping to steer the course of the College as a Trustee. Today, she is the co-convener of the Black Alumni Organization. Alice, with Joe and others, created and endowed the Ubuntu Fund to support the success of African American and underrepresented students at Occidental. She also supports the Upward Bound Program, cementing her commitment to working across generations and communities at Oxy.

Beyond Occidental, Alice co-founded Crystal Stairs, Inc. which became the 17th largest non-profit, founded after 1969, in the nation. For more than five decades, Alice has enabled mission-driven organizations to create and maintain integrity, excellence and effectiveness. She has applied her skills in the fields of education, civil rights, arts, childcare and public policy, focusing largely on the interests of children from lowincome families and communities of color.

Alice and Joe, a retired civil rights attorney and former head of the L.A. NAACP, have cultivated deep and enduring relationships at Occidental for more than fifty years. For her impact on the College and her role in shaping the Oxy of today, the Fifty Year Club is proud to present Alice with the 2024 Auld Lang Syne Award.

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The Alumni Seal Awards were established in 1965 to pay tribute to alumni who, through concern for their profession, community and the College, have distinguished themselves and thereby brought honor to Occidental College. This year’s honorees will be recognized throughout the weekend.


Dr. Judy D. White ’77

Judy White, Ph.D., is a retired superintendent of schools for Riverside County, the first woman and first person of color to hold that role. Prior to that she was the first Black person selected as the Moreno Valley Superintendent of Schools. She was also the first Black person to obtain a doctorate from Azusa Pacific University. Judy has received more than 147 awards during her 42 years as a public educator, serving as a teacher, principal, assistant superintendent, local superintendent, and state superintendent. She has received awards such as Superintendent of the Year, Living Legend, and Citizen of the Year. Judy has provided seminars and keynotes, served on panels, and mentored hundreds of educational professionals. A sociology major at Occidental, her innovative legacy includes programs such as City of Readers, Parent Ambassadors, Adopt a School, Excellence on Purpose, and many more. She also raised $10 million during the COVID-19 pandemic to provide technology devices for students in Riverside County.


Dr. Kim Foulds ’02

Kim Foulds, Ph.D., is the vice president for content research and evaluation at Sesame Workshop, the media and education nonprofit organization behind Sesame Street. She oversees research and evaluation on Sesame Workshop’s co-productions and community engagement interventions around the world. Embedding research activities throughout the lifecycle of Sesame’s projects and working with research institutions to evaluate efficacy, Kim uses learning science to translate data and provide guidance to maximize the impact of Sesame’s global programming. Over the last six years, Kim has also led in developing and managing the research agenda for Sesame’s initiatives to support children affected by the Syrian refugee crisis in the Middle East and the Rohingya crisis in Bangladesh. Funded by twin $100 million grants from the MacArthur Foundation and the LEGO Foundation, the research agendas supporting these initiatives include the first evaluation of an accelerated remote preschool program and the first study of the effects of educational media on children’s emotional development. Kim holds a Ph.D. in education and a M.A. in African studies from UCLA and a bachelor’s in Diplomacy and World Affairs from Occidental.

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Andrew Rubin ’71

A retired criminal defense lawyer, Andrew Rubin is also a passionate mental health advocate. He has served on the boards of agencies including Mental Health Advocacy Services; Mental Health Association of San Bernardino; Mental Health America, California Chapter; and Mental Health America, National. In 1999, he joined the board of directors for Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services to fulfill his interest in contributing to an organization that provides direct mental health services to people in communities that lack affordable access to care. He has held several leadership roles, including board chair from 2004-06. He is honorary chair of the board committee for the Alive Together community walk, a community walk which raises awareness and funds for Didi Hirsch’s Suicide Prevention Center. As an active alumnus, Andrew has served on the Occidental Board of Governors and the Tiger Club Board of Directors in addition to serving as a reunion committee member, Day for Oxy advocate, and—for nearly 50 years—class secretary. Andrew earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from Occidental in 1971 and a JD from Stanford University in 1974.


Paula Noble Fellingham ’71

Paula Noble Fellingham, Ph.D., author of eight books and many courses and magazine articles, received her doctorate in human relations after majoring in music at Occidental. She is a leader in the global women’s movement as founder/ CEO of WIN WIN Women, a multimedia network and international community of women that combines media platforms such as television, radio, social media, a website, an app, live events, and an online university to help 3.9 billion women achieve excellence in every area of their lives. She also leads the Women’s Global Alliance and the Women of the Middle East Network, and founded the nonprofit organization Global Prosperity and Peace Initiative. Through this work, Paula has co-presented 400+ live events for women in 152 nations. She has also received awards from three United States presidents: George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump. Paula owns and 10 other websites that empower women and families. She has been married for 52 years to Gilbert Fellingham, a university professor. They have eight grown children and 26 grandchildren.


Dennis “Denny” Zane ’69

At Occidental, Denny Zane was a student anti-war organizer and a protégé of Professor of Philosophy William Neblett. In the early 1980s, Denny served three terms on the Santa Monica City Council, including a term as mayor. He formulated a number of successful affordable housing policies for Santa Monica as well as the strategy to create the Third Street Promenade. After serving as the executive director of the Coalition for Clean Air in the early 1990s, in 2007 Denny founded Move LA to convene environmental, labor, and business leaders to champion sales tax ballot measures to fund transit expansion in Los Angeles County. Measure R (2008) and Measure M (2016) both prevailed and together will generate $120 billion over 40 years. Another measure, approved in 2017, helps raise $500 million per year to fund services for homeless persons. In 2019, Denny convened social justice advocates and labor leaders in L.A. to formulate Measure ULA, which voters approved in 2022, to raise hundreds of millions of dollars each year to prevent homelessness and build affordable housing.


Marissa Chan ’17

Marissa Chan is a Ph.D. candidate in population health sciences within the Department of Environmental Health at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Her research interests and work experience center on environmental and beauty justice, specifically focusing on the intersection of place-based environmental hazards and product-based exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in personal care products. Through her work, she aims to highlight the presence of EDCs in personal care products to a variety of stakeholders, support community voices and knowledge in environmental and beauty justice efforts, and work towards developing community-driven interventions and solutions. Her current research explores differences in access to safer hair products in the greater Boston area. Prior to entering the doctoral program, she received an M.S. from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and majored in Urban and Environmental Policy with a minor in public health at Occidental.


Linda Lyke

Professor of Art & Art History Emerita Linda Lyke, a Los Angeles artist who taught at Occidental College from 1976-2022, is known for her printmaking, multicolored abstract monotypes, and mixed media work. She has had 19 solo shows and her prints have been juried into 90 national print and drawing exhibitions. She is represented in many private and public collections, including the Ian Potter Museum in Melbourne, Australia; Belfast Print Workshop in Ireland; Texas Tech University; Security Pacific in California; the James Jones Collection in Pomona; the Brand Library in Glendale; and the De Cordova Museum in Massachusetts. Linda’s work explores two distinct artistic directions: one that investigates the intuitive process of abstraction, and the other that references a cultural history that reflects on a specific place over time. She received a MacArthur Fellowship to research megafauna in Kenya. She was president of the Los Angeles Printmaking Society from 2017-18. She received her bachelor’s and an MFA at Kent State University.

11 occidental college | june 7–9



Friday, June 7

9 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Check-In Canopy on the Quad


Saturday, June 8

9 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Check-In Canopy on the Quad

If you have questions about your residence hall room or have a problem with your key card, you may contact Reunion Student Worker(s) in the Berkus Hall Courtyard on duty Friday and Saturday, (9 a.m. – 8 p.m.), Sunday (9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.) or Campus Safety during off-duty hours at (323) 259-2599.

Persons under the age of 21 are not permitted to stay in Alumni Reunion Weekend residence hall rooms in Berkus Hall.

Guests staying in residence halls accept financial responsibility for any damages to their room during the weekend and will be invoiced for any damages.


Residence hall rooms must be vacated by 1:30 p.m. on the day of check-out. Keys cards must be returned to the Reunion Student Worker or the key card drop box. Lost, misplaced or unreturned key cards may incur a charge of $20 for replacement. Key cards cannot be left in residence rooms to be collected. Key cards left in residence rooms will be considered unreturned and subject to a $20 replacement fee.


If we come across any items in your residence room after check-out, we do our best to notify you. Please note that Occidental does not take responsibility for any lost or stolen items or any items left in residence hall rooms, parking garages, and we cannot guarantee that items left in residence hall rooms will be found after check-out.

12 alumni reunion weekend 2024

The Occidental Promise

The Occidental Promise is the culmination of an 18-month collaborative strategic planning process to develop priorities that will guide our work through 2030. The plan was informed by the recommendations of working groups composed of faculty, staff, and students, written by President Elam, and unanimously endorsed by the Occidental College Board of Trustees.

The plan speaks to the College’s potential as well as its distinctiveness. The plan defines three interdependent promises that will guide our strategic approach:

Promise 1: Our engagement with the world around us will foster our excellence, through an immersive education that is hands-on, project-based, and community-engaged.

Promise 2: We will deepen and expand our partnerships with Los Angeles community, civic and industry organizations, creating distinctive learning opportunities for students and faculty.

Promise 3: We will educate the whole student, attending to well-being, resilience, and community, ever mindful of the significance of equity and inclusion in addressing students’ needs.

Because of their importance in all that we do, equity and inclusion, and sustainability and climate resilience will inform and infuse each of these promises.

Highlights from the first year of implementing the Occidental Promise include:

• Hired a director of sustainability and a sustainability coordinator to orchestrate the College’s efforts to act in response to climate change including developing an overall strategy for carbon reduction, water resource management, extreme heat resiliency, and more.

• Pilot funding for the new “Peer Power Program” has allowed us to staff the initiative with a director and student peer educators. This academic year, the program has implemented a number of staff- and peer-led educational workshops, trainings, drop-in spaces, and events to help Oxy students build skills around health, mental health, and overall well-being; learn to advocate for themselves; and gain the experience and support they need to thrive at Oxy and beyond.

• Retaining and attracting top faculty is crucial to the success of the Occidental Promise. This year, an anonymous donor made a significant contribution to establish the Faculty Home Loan Program Fund which will allow Occidental to remain competitive in recruiting and retaining faculty.

• We have made great fundraising progress to renovate the Norris Hall of Chemistry, which will enable us to double down on our efforts to be one of the best and most diverse undergraduate scientific research programs in the country. This spring, we successfully completed the Barbara and Michael Gibby ’68 Norris Hall of Chemistry Renovation Project Challenge—collectively raising over $1 million for the renovation. Join us in the next phase of the Norris Hall of Chemistry renovation and we have until June 30 until this challenge ends. To get involved contact

Learn more and read the full Occidental Promise at

editorial 13 occidental college | june 7–9



Howden Fraser ’69


Linda Larson Ashley ’66

Former president

Marilyn (Nottingham) Robertson ’70 P’00


Dave Alpert ’71


Nancy (Wilson) Artz ’68 Member-at-large

Robert “Bob” Niemack ’71 Member-at-large


60th Reunion Committee

Rev. Stephanie Miller P’93 P’96 P’96

Don W. Sumner P’98

Lyn Gawley Pohlmann P’92

Thomas B. Liesy P’92 GP’27

Carolyn C. Liesy P’92 GP’27

Stephen K. Matson

Judith A. Henderson

Sharon D. Smith


50th Reunion Committee

Karen (Johnson) Casner

Lynne Lombardo

William “Steve” Wilson

Diana (Hunzicker) Leahy

Diana (Nelson) McGrail P’05 P’07

Jeanie (Duckett) McNamara M’76

Mark Baker, M.D.

Les Zendle


45th Reunion Committee

Kathryn Andrews

Gail (Schulman) Ginell

Paul Bogel P’17

Judith (Kairys) Ghormley

Denise Rozell


40th Reunion Committee

Susan Schroeder

Cristina (Humbaugh) Weekes

Susan (Bradley) Krant

Russell Kartub


35th Reunion Committee

Yvonne (Grgas) Beck

Julie (Dixon) Gonzalez

Marcie Chan

Thomas Breckner

Alison (Clay) Graff

Kenneth “Ken” Savin

Vincent Garcia

Lucia (Rosling) Shaw

Marc Monasch

John Collinson


30th Reunion Committee

Angel Cervantes

Errol Garnett P’21

Mario Vega

Alice Ng

Elizabeth (Villegas) Payne

Marialuisa Casso


25th Reunion Committee

Erika Schwilk

Anne (Montone) Denson

Monica Banken

Sara (Bushey) Ohrel

Araceli Naranjo

Quyen Vo-Ramirez

Rebecca Kingsbury


20th Reunion Committee

Joel Key

Olivia (Greenwood) Johnston

Jessica (Monge) Coria

Kristina Becht

Leila Pazargadi


15th Reunion Committee

Sarah (Garza) Rodriguez

Ana Bonilla


10th Reunion Committee

Tayler (Renshaw) Shebly

Ian Mariani


5th Reunion Committee

Luis Sy

Elliot Davis

Clarie Krelitz



Brenda Barham Hill ’71 P’03 President

Jacob R. Stevens ’08


Steven C. Case ’80


David I. Poetzinger ’89 P’17

Vice President

Talia A. Robinson ’97

Vice President

Jackie M. Provost ’02


Kevin F. Adler ’07

Paul M. Andres ’81

Jordan A. Brown ’13

Melvin A. Canas ’95

Regina M. Clemente ’03

Anne (Mikolajcik) de Ridder ’98

Williams Kwame Do III ’16

Sharon K. Emanuelli ’73 P’16

Isaac L. Glanzrock ’17

Lucia M. Gonzalez ’95

Alex P. Graves ’09

Cynthia A. Haynes ’13

Ryan W. Henderson ’18

William A. Johnson, Jr. ’75

Dr. Kenneth C. Kalunian ’75

Deanna D. Kilgour ’86 P’18

Jessica A. Kirkpatrick ’02

Maria G. Limas ’95

Clarissa Martinez De Castro ’89

Araceli Naranjo ’99

Calli C. Obern ’16

Angela Patriarca ’03

Benjamin A. Phelps ’03

Esther H. Teodoro ’95

Jacob E. Valk ’13

reunion planning
14 alumni reunion weekend 2024
Join us on campus October 18-19, 2024 for Homecoming & Family Weekend, featuring Oswald’s Homecoming Celebration and Spirit Parade, Student for a Day sessions, the annual Glee Club Homecoming concert, athletic contests, and much more! Alumni support makes Oxy stories like yours possible. 15 occidental college | june 7–9 For 137 years, bright, curious and talented students have come to Occidental to experience a distinctive, innovative liberal arts education against the global backdrop of Los Angeles. Class giving to the Oxy Fund and other areas of support enables the College to build upon this extraordinary foundation.



Office of Alumni and Parent Engagement (323) 259-2601


All guests will receive a 20% discount off OxyWear and Oxy Gifts during Alumni Reunion Weekend. No coupon is necessary.

Alumni will need to bring towels and/or athletic equipment as these amenities are NOT provided by the Athletics Center. Reunion Weekend name tag and ID are required when checking in at the Athletics Center. This is an exclusive benefit for Alumni Weekend only. An Alumni Pass must be purchased to use the athletics facilities outside of Alumni Reunion Weekend.

* Hours are subject to change. Visit for the most up-to-date information.


The College’s alcohol license requires that Campus Dining be the sole provider and server of all alcohol at events on campus. Alcohol is not permitted and may not be served or consumed in common spaces except as part of a registered College event.


In order to provide a safe and healthy environment for all of our alumni, students, staff and faculty present on campus during Alumni Reunion Weekend, it is the policy of Occidental College that smoking or vaping of tobacco or any substance, including e-cigarettes, is prohibited in all enclosed buildings, facilities, and designated outdoor event spaces or within 30 feet of any of the foregoing. The College expects all visiting alumni on campus to comply with local, state and federal laws. Although marijuana is legal under California law, it remains illegal under federal law. Therefore, marijuana use on campus is prohibited.


The College endeavors to make its facilities accessible to everyone, however its hillside location and historic architecture are exempt from certain requirements of Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act. With advance notice of at least 21 days from guests with disabilities, the College will make a reasonable attempt to accommodate their needs, but does not guarantee accessibility. Guests are responsible for providing their own auxiliary aids, such as wheelchairs, if needed. Service animals specifically trained to perform work or a task are welcome on campus. Shuttle rides are provided between campus building entrances for the duration of Reunion Weekend. Please refer to the inside cover of this program for shuttle stop locations.

PLEASE NOTE: Campus Safety will NOT provide rides to off-campus locations, nor will it pick up guests from off-campus locations.


We understand that alumni may wish to visit places that are memorable to them while on campus, including their former residences. The residence halls and the rooms within them, however, are occupied during the summer by participants in on-campus summer programs. Frequently, the occupants are under the age of 18. For this and other reasons, alumni are not permitted to enter any residence halls other than Berkus Hall. The exceptions are the rooms specifically assigned to Alumni Reunion guests in Berkus Hall.


1. Call Campus Safety at (323) 259-2599. A Campus Safety officer will respond and assist as needed.

2. If you believe you are experiencing a life-threatening medical emergency, call 911 immediately (9-911 from a campus phone). If you call 911 from a cell phone, you may need to give the dispatcher your location (Occidental College, 1600 Campus Road, L.A. 90041). Then immediately call Campus Safety (323) 259-2599 and report the incident, or have someone else assisting with the situation call Campus Safety while you remain on the line with 911.

3. When calling 911 or Campus Safety, be prepared to provide the following information: (a) whether the subject is breathing, conscious or bleeding; (b) the subject’s gender and age; (c) your name and phone number.

4. Stay on the phone with the dispatcher and answer as many questions as possible regarding the subject’s condition.


The Marketplace at Johnson Student Center offers “all-you-care-to-eat” dining for the summer. Guests are charged one price for a meal and may select from a variety of menu choices. The purchase price includes all-you-care-to-eat within the dining room. Food may not leave the facility. The Tiger Cooler (Samuelson Pavilion) will also have “Tiger Express” service lunch available on Friday, June 7. All dining options are cash only. ATM located in Mail Center, Johnson Student Center.




SATURDAY 6/8 Breakfast 7:30 – 9:30 a.m.

11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.


Breakfast 8 – 9:30 a.m. Lunch 11 a.m.


Occidental College is committed to providing a nondiscriminatory and harassment-free learning, living and working environment for all members of the Occidental community, including students, faculty, administrators, staff and visitors. The College prohibits discrimination or harassment on the basis of an individual’s protected characteristic (such as race, religion, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, etc.) The College also strictly prohibits all forms of sexual or gender-based harrasssment, discrimination, and misconduct, including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. Misconduct of this nature is contrary to Occidental’s institutional values and is prohibited by state and federal law. Occidental College’s Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Policy and Sexual and Interpersonal Misconduct Policy are available at civil-rights-title-ix. Inquiries or complaints concerning the application of either policy may be referred to the College’s Civil Rights & Title IX Coordinator, Alexandra Fulcher, at or (323) 259-1338.

6:30 – 9:30 a.m.
11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
5 – 7:30 p.m.
– 2 p.m.
REGULAR MEAL PRICES CASH ONLY Breakfast $14.50 + tax Lunch & Dinner $15.50 + tax Children ages 3–9 ½ price + tax
– 1:30 p.m.
FRIDAY 6/7 SATURDAY 6/8 SUNDAY 6/9 Athletics Fitness Center* 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Athletics Open Swim* 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Academic Commons (Library) 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Closed Bookstore 10 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. 10 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

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