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Quarterly update –Member news What we’ve been doing for members
It’s been a busy three months, with ongoing engagement about the NDIS Review, the launch of OTA’s mental health endorsement pilot, and a renewed focus on compensable schemes.
Aged Care
Ongoing impact of AN-ACC
OTA, along with Allied Health Professionals Australia (AHPA) and other allied health representatives continue to lobby with the Department of Health and Aged Care (the Department) and key stakeholders to raise concerns about low levels of allied health service provision in residential aged care and the associated impacts on older people and allied health professionals.
Recently, action was taken to clarify the Quarterly Financial Report results for quarter two that saw a further decline in allied health minutes. Additionally, clarification was sought from the Department on the responsibilities of providers under the Aged Care Act and specifically in relation to Schedule 1 of the Quality of Care Principles that sets out the range of care and services that all aged care homes must provide to residents who need them, including therapy services. We will continue to engage with our members to understand the impacts and convey them to the Department and the Minister.
NACA update
OTA was pleased to attend the National Aged Care Alliance (NACA) in Melbourne on 18 and 19 May. On day one, we heard updates from the First Nations and Workforce NACA strategic priority groups, and from the Interim Inspector General of Aged Care, Ian Yates on the progress of this new position. On day two, we heard from the Care Economy Taskforce on their work addressing aged care workforce, reform updates and budget announcements from the Department of Health and Aged Care, details on data quality initiatives within the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission and work underway by the Independent Hospital and Aged Care Pricing Authority to develop aged care pricing.
Support at Home
OTA met with members of the Support at Home Implementation team on 26 May to discuss the proposed assessment tool (IAT) and care pathways. Members of the AHPA Aged Care working group were present. There was a strong focus on the need for the IAT tool to accurately identify allied health service needs and for this to be reflected in the care plan. To support this, OTA has reviewed the current version of the IAT tool and provided information to the Department on all the questions within the tool that would trigger an OT referral, some additional considerations for assessors to help with accurately identifying an OT referral, and references to literature that evidence the value of OT across all highlighted areas. The Department has agreed to review discipline specific input against the models and tools proposed. OTA will continue to liaise with the Department to inform the development of allied health pathways.
OTA provided a response to proposed legislative changes requiring increased reporting responsibilities for providers outlined in the Aged Care Legislation Amendment (Transparency of Information) Principles 2023. Our submission recommended the legislation requires providers to supply information pertaining to therapy services delivered as reflected under Schedule 1 Part 2 of the Quality of Care Principles to build a clearer picture of allied health service utilisation and cost in aged care.
OTA submitted a response to the new standard Psychotropic Medicines in Cognitive Disability or Impairment Clinical Care Standard calling on a stronger focus for non-pharmacological strategies and emphasising the expertise of occupational therapists in delivering interventions that support non-pharmacological approaches to managing symptoms of cognitive disability or impairment. Scan the QR code to read more about the new standard:
The Department released Consultation Paper No.2 on A New Model For Regulating Aged Care following the release of their concept paper in February 2022 and Consultation Paper 1 in September 2022. In addition to providing a response to the first consultation paper, OTA, in conjunction with AHPA, presented a submission in response to Consultation Paper 2. Key recommendations addressed concerns around over-regulation, delivery of quality care and sector harmonisation.
OTA was invited, as a member of AHPA, to contribute to the Inspector General of Aged Care’s Implementation Report on Royal Commission Recommendations. The report outlines the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety and called for feedback on the action taken to address the recommendations outlined. The submission highlighted the lack of action pertaining to allied health recommendations and made a call for priority attention.
Mental health
OTA Mental Health Strategy
Deakin University has been busy developing the first two modules in a comprehensive suite of training developed by expert OTs designed for OTs. The Mental Health Assessment and Planning module was released on 30 June, followed by the Mental Health Systems, Mental Health Diagnoses and Co-occuring Factors module. The Mental Health Capability Framework has been used to drive the development of these eLearning modules and support the pathway for occupational therapists seeking OTA mental health endorsement. Check out page 17 for more information about these modules.
OTA launched the Mental Health Endorsement Pilot Program on 1 March 2023. The pilot is intended to test and support implementation of the OTA Better
Access to Mental Health endorsement review. With the pilot phase coming to an end in the coming months, the new endorsement program provides a greater alignment with mental health occupational therapy practice across a range of funding programs, including the Medicare Better Access and Eating Disorders programs, and provides a more comprehensive and focused application process. Built on the foundations of the OTA Mental Health Capability Framework, the OTA Mental Health Endorsement Program provides recognition of the additional knowledge, skills and experience of OTs focusing their scope of practice on mental health. opportunities and issues papers that have been released by the Review to date.
The endorsement program sets a high standard for our profession and provides an important signal to practitioners, funders, and users of occupational therapy services about what the profession considers the foundation for safe and effective practice. For more information about the endorsement program and application process, please scan the QR code.
In May, OTA made two submissions on NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework and NDIS Participant Safeguarding, calling for better information for providers and participants about the Safeguarding Framework, increased oversight on the NDIA, and a reduction in red tape for providers undergoing the NDIS registration and auditing processes.
In July, OTA made a submission to the Review responding to its Pricing and Payments issues paper. OTA’s submission calls for better expertise and evidence gathering when setting NDIS prices to ensure these accurately reflect the true cost of delivering services. OTA has also objected to the proposal to replace fee for service payments with outcome or enrolmenttype payment for services and objected to the proposal to introduce preferred provider arrangements, as these pose a significant risk to smaller providers.
A huge thank you to our NRG and individual members who provided their feedback; this has greatly helped to inform our submissions. You can read more about OTA’s advocacy in this area and view OTA’s recent submissions by scanning the QR code.
National Disability Insurance Scheme NDIS Review
OTA has been engaging heavily with the NDIS Review, working with the OTA NDIS National Reference Group to develop a range of submissions to respond to consultation