Each Is equal to 2 of our current working groups!
Right now we are moving in different directions and communicating to small numbers of people at once, making more work than is needed. One explanation is better than forty two.
We should be pulling in a similar directions and communicating to a wider audience at once.
What are the problems stopping us right now? •Lack of trust •Lack of transparency •Lack of communication •Lack of cohesion and security • difficult people • own ego •Jealousy •Anger •Fear •Lazyness What can we do?
Don’t preach about the system, we have managed to recreate it! This is where the true revolution begins. If we can loose the ego, jealousy and hatred we have and stop running around in our own circles (in many senses of the word), we can bring about true freedom. Please don’t call it democracy, it’s more than that, all I know is it’s made up of trust, honesty, respect, peace love and freedom.
•Adopt better attitudes towards each other •Stand up for our own AND each others rights, the rights we have consensus on •List the duties of working groups •List the current projects in working groups •Organise information on working groups and make it available to everyone •Hold meetings at times they do not clash • Re-structure • Daily co-ordination meetings in the late morning so people know what is happening.
Current proposal process Idea for proposal Things go round in circles, nothing gets sorted out. Things don’t get done even when consensus is reached. Process Meeting
GA Consensus? y Working Group
Talk about it another time
New Proposal Process Proposal @ GA With 5 -15 minute Q + A Consensus? Yes
-An “action group� is set up to resolve issues -A time limit for re-proposal to GA (eg. 1 day) agreed -All peoples who have a point on the discussion are Invited to attend.
All the people who want to contribute to the proposal meet Organise who is doing what And produce a timetable
Request for skills or services
Workgroups for daily tasks
Reply with a reasonable timescale -Feedback to GA/forum/notice board regularly -On completion documentation produced feedback gathered and passed off to WG or disolved
Types of group Working group
Action group •Is a temporary group •Is set up for a specific purpose with Clear aims and objectives •Works to a timetable & budget •Is responsible for documenting new Procedures relating to said action for review. •A key reason for this is so anyone can get involved with any proposal without having to join a WG. AG’s can hand off to an existing WG, form a new WG or disband when the goal is achieved.
•Has specific daily duties or •Has a specific skill set •To achieve a long term “external system” goal •Has clearly defined responsibilities & tasks to fulfil within pre-agreed budgets & to pre-agreed levels •Is accountable to GA and does not set policy independently Communication group •To source, streamline and make available to all, information regarding the running of the camp(s) Beautification group •Acts as a neutral intermediary in liaison Anyone who is not in any other between the GA, action & working groups & group is volunteered to this group. individuals, to resolve conflict or They are responsible for keeping misunderstanding quickly & effectively camps tidy, fetching water, meeting •Is responsible for keeping track of internal and greeting, making art and helping meetings and all internal and external events, other groups as required. ensuring times don't clash All Groups are open, subject to change of members and constructive debate is welcome.
Existing Working Group
Proposal at GA Clarifying questions
Test for consensus
Discussion in small groups
Comments by individuals Test for consensus
Agreement Disagreement Test for consensus Disagreement
Pass to working group to action Simple amendment process
Complex amendment process
Test for consensus
The current Set-Up
Pass back to working group Working group amends proposal For next GA
New Proposal from individual /WG
Proposal put to GA
How about?
Clarifying questions Agreement
Test for consensus
Disagreement Idea from WG
Discussion in small groups
Comments by individuals Test for consensus
Agreement Disagreement
Does this fit in a working group? Do we need a Action group?
New Action group
Non consensus action group
Consensus Action Group
Pass to working group to action
Existing working group Responsibility?
Action Group carries out proposal and documents it.
New working group Responsibility?
New Working group
Re-draft proposal
New Proposals Communication Feedback
Action Group
Communication group
Working Group
AG c
d 2
BG 1 d
CG a
Groups should be dynamic
2 3
GA Structure Feedback from working groups •Updates •Calls for volunteers •upcoming events. Feedback from action groups •Second test for consensus on blocked issues •Updates on progress of proposals Proposals •New proposal suggestions •New action groups formed Shoutouts •Peoples mic time •Proposals for GA themes?
This is to update people on things that have already passed process. This should not be a debate. Go to the working group to discuss issues.
This is where already established action groups come to either gain consensus for a previously unresolved proposal or to update on the progress of an ongoing proeopsal.
This is time for anyone to make a proposal. A set time is given to voice the proposal and for Q + A. One time is reached an action groups is set up to carry the process forward.
This is for people to shout out any news they find relevant to the group. A time limit is set for each individual. Not to be confused with open mic times where the discussion is on the world, life and everything
Finance Beautification
Tech First Aid E.E.E
Internal Comms Outreach
Key: Coms Group Working group
Tranquillity Health and Safety Direct Action
Info Tent
Finance Beautification
Tech First Aid E.E.E
Internal Comms Outreach
Health and Safety Direct Action Info Tent
Coms Group Working group
Flow of resources
Finance Beautification
Tech First Aid E.E.E Media
Internal Comms Outreach
Key: Coms Group Working group
Tranquillity Health and Safety Direct Action
Info Tent Flow of communication
Formalise: •To make something known to everyone so that confusion is avoided at a later date. •To make a note of what has been said in some way so that everyone understands Pro-cedure: •Something our universe and lifeforce follow i.e life and death, changing of seasons •A pre set plan to make things run smoothly . Tool: •Something that can be used for good or bad •Slang for a person who is used by the system Understanding: •Using respect and logic to communicate in a way we can all agree on without aggravation. •Finding out the true facts and spreading them. Obligation: •Something we have been promised by another •Something we agree to do. •Something we feel in our hearts
Action group:
Other Planned working groups; you may not realise but at least half of these already operate: Recording Studio Art School Theatre Women's group Church Liaison Inner Healing Cafe Crèche Peoples library And MANY more...
Discussion Liaison Planning
Action Record what to do for others
How are people supposed to find, find out about and join 42 working groups? Pass to working group A lot of these groups overlap.
Form new Working Group Disband
Internal Coms This group is the hub for activity on camp. People who are a part of this working group help to collect information from all around the camp to make it useful and available to the people who need it. example of tasks are: •Workgroup Liaison – Work with working group co-ordinators to gather information on times of meetings to update calendars, shopping lists for logistics and relay information to people. •Conflict resolution – to work with occupiers, working groups and the public to resolve any issues quickly •Update internal websites and notice boards about daily and ongoing events, times, places, descriptions.
•Because info have enough to deal with, with the public! •2 way Radio and internet connection suggested •Database for contacting groups and email addresses •info on events from groups
Logistics This group Is important because it gets things to where they are needed. This group will know what we need to keep momentum and how to find, grow, build or buy these things. They will also be involved in getting these things places. This may involve driving if this group becomes a multi-camp group. This group will: •know how to get things in the greenest, cheapest and fastest way possible •Make it their business to find out what other groups need in order to do the things they want and to get it to them at a time they can agree on •Safely keep a supply of items needed by the camp and top up supply points such as kitchen and toilets
Occu-time 09:00
all group discussion time
Discuss yesterdays decisions
Co-ordination and lunch
group doing time
GA and Dinner
Decide on tomorrow
Enlightenment and sleep
War on Want
Groups may desire to cosider themselves to have a purpose or classification, such as Community Care, community maintanance, Information Coms, Cookery, Art, Music, Library, ect as they all do related things. We could have a two tier classification system where Working, Action, Comms and Beautification are the type of group and the above are the area they serve.