Design and Marketing Tips for Ecommerce Websites

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Design and Marketing Tips for Ecommerce Websites Achieving success as an online store owner takes a lot of work and the reason why majority of online stores usually collapse within their first year of operation is because the owners either do not know what to do or are simply not willing to put in the work. Fortunately, most of the work only needs to be done at the initial set up of the online store and the rest is just routine work that can easily be automated. You do not have to do the set up work at the initial set up yourself and you can find a good developer to do the bulk of the work on your behalf. That said, below are some few tips that should be taken into consideration when setting up and designing your online store. Choose the right template When it comes to web design, templates are everything. The template will dictate the theme of the website and the overall look and feel of the online store. As you may already know, human beings are attracted by what they see and by making your online store beautiful you stand a better chance of getting conversions of customers. Regardless of whether you are designing bigcommerce templates, Shopify templates or custom eBay templates, you should always try to do the following; 

Add search boxes to all the pages of your online store. This makes it easier for visitors to find the things that they are looking for conveniently and increases the chances of converting them into paying customers.


Specify the payment methods and all costs right from the outset. If there are any shipping costs involved then the visitors should know about them upfront as well. The main reason why many potential customers abandon purchases after they have initiated them is because the get a price shock when they get to the payment completion page only to be charged extra for something they were not warned about before.

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