Vol 62 Issue 2 - OCEA Employee 2009 April May June

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OCEA EMPLOYEE The official publicati n of the Oran e County Employees A

oc ati n


Our OCEA Bargaining Team at the First Day of Bargaining! Seated (left to right): Sandy Silverthorn, Debra Fyvie, Victoria Moroz, Nick Berardino, Robert Gibson, Pamela Waters, Kristina Jones, and Benito Paredes. Standing (left to right): Frank Flavin, Al Jabbar, Doug Cochran, Latanya Carter, Luisa Camino, Aaron Peardon, Loretta van der Pol, Lani Nguyen, Jim Arkyns, Kim Scaife, Jerry Suclla, Steve Mata, Susan Johnson, Jeff Gallagher, Teresa Garcia, April Barrio, Jason Motsick, Arlyn Buck, Steve Johnson, Jim Riley, Phyllis Oudmayer, Bill Stein, Don Drozd, Llesena Ontiveras, Bo Gutierrez, Oliver Didio, Maria Corona, Ray Yarbrough, Mike Torley, Virgilio Fermin, Tim Steed, Butch Garcia, Vicky Malton, John Leos, Chris Welch, Frank Eley, and Lisa Major.

See page 6!

Saturday June 13, 2009

free foreclosure prevention workshop hosted by hud See page 13 for more details!

Protect Your Pension VOTE NOVEMBER 2009

Re tirement Board Russell is OCEA’s choice! Russell Baldwin is a long-time OCEA member who has served on our OCEA Board of Directors for many years. In the November 2009 election, we will be choosing Russell for the Retirement Board for the THIRD TIME! We need Russell on the Board to help balance out the anti-employee faction on the Retirement Board! Let’s keep a strong “employee voice” on the Retirement Board!


2.7% at 55 VICTORY!

We need Russell Baldwin, so that we can continue our success on the Retirement Board!

Let’s lead the way! RE-ELECT RUSSELL!



FEATURES 2 President’s Message Facing challenges!

3 General Manager’s Message Bucky Pope rides again!

5 2009 OCEA Health Fair “Make a Difference . . .”!

6 2009 OCEA Bargaining

Confronting crisis together!

8 Court Services Technicians Challenging work!

10 OCEA Hot Dog Days!

Our OCEA hot dogs rock!

13 OCEA Foreclosure-Prevention Workshop Free workshop on June 13!

18 OCEA Labor Management Committees

OCEA members are involved!

20 “I Love My Job”

Meet Susan Kindberg, Sheriff-Coroner Department!

23 OCEA Board of Directors Chooses Two New Members We welcome Debbie Fyvie and Gary Morrison to our Board!

26 Special Events & Discounts

OCEA members can save money!

28 OCEA Presents

“Foreclosure Prevention” on June 13! “Wills and Trusts,” on June 24!



ber, Denise Parker A long-time OCEA mem s! shows her OCEA color


What’s Going On Here

r is a 10-year OCEA t’s what! Denise Parke tha , on ati cip rti pa er Memb Probation Officer II. the County as a Deputy by yed plo em w no er, memb re fetching smile , and you won’t find a mo ard ew St p” EA OC an is e Denis after a “Chop at the To photograph was taken is Th . rth ea on re he anyw rally at OCEA!

12 OCEA Adopt-A-Pet 24 OCEA Classifieds 25 OCEA New Members Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 13, 2009: “Free HUD Foreclosure Prevention Workshop”!



OCEA President’s Message Facing Challenges! Dear Members, As you know, we have recently begun negotiations for a new contract for the eight County of Orange bargaining units that OCEA represents. The Board of Directors and professional staff of OCEA began the planning for these negotiations in October of last year. We understood the challenges we were facing and knew that a realistic assessment, and member involvement in negotiations, would be a key component. All members of the affected bargaining units were invited to participate in the selection process for the bargaining team. This process included an application, interview, training, and ultimately a signed commitment. I am confident that the team of OCEA Board members, Stewards, and regular members we have assembled have the necessary resolve and determination to see us through these negotiations. We understand the financial crisis that this country, the state, and our County is currently facing. These conditions and adversities we are negotiating under are

Robert Gibson OCEA President

unprecedented since the Great Depression. With great challenges come great opportunities. We will address these difficulties and come to common-sense solutions. We will not allow the bargaining

confident that your union will not sell-out your future. Be confident that your union is here to protect and preserve the benefits and gains made by those that came before us. As always, please feel free to contact

“We are not numbers on a spreadsheet— we are public servants.” process to become a tool for the politicians and executives of this County to loot or threaten the welfare and security of our members and their families. We will not allow the politicians that ran on a platform of eliminating our benefits or jobs to succeed. We are not numbers on a spreadsheet—we are public servants. We are not retirement system liabilities—we are members of this community. We are not the politician’s ticket to higher office by our destruction—we are the safety net for the most challenged of our society. Be confident as we work through these times that your union will fight for you. Be

me or any of the leadership of OCEA with any comments, questions, or concerns you may have. I also encourage you to become involved and let your voice be heard. Yours faithfully,

Robert Gibson OCEA President rgibson@oceamember.org

2009 Bargaining! Left to right (foreground): OCEA Assistant General Manager Lisa Major, OCEA General Manager Nick Berardino, and OCEA President Robert Gibson. 2


Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 24, 2009: “Wills and Trusts”!

OCEA General Manager’s Message Bucky Pope, Miracle Catches, and You! It’s interesting how often the world of sports can provide lessons and inspiration for the members of a labor union. It’s probably because labor and management can easily be portrayed as opposing teams, and each team has its strategy, players, and teams. Over the years, Los Angeles has had many professional football teams, beginning in 1926 with the Buccaneers and the Wildcats, which were road teams that were actually based in Chicago. But the team which was associated with Los Angeles from 1947 to 1995 (decades longer than any other pro football team) was the Los Angeles Rams. (Side note: The Rams played in Anaheim beginning in 1980.) The Rams were loved and hated, sometimes at the same time, and if you were a fan back in the old days, you’ll remember names like Rosey Grier, Lamar Lundy, Deacon Jones, Merlin Olson, Roman Gabriel, Dick “Scooter” Bass, and many others. But to many Rams fans, the name of one Bucky Pope brings a special wistful tear, as they contemplate Bucky’s meteoric career. In the early sixties, after graduating from Catawba College, Bucky showed his capabilities to Crazylegs Hirsch, of the Rams organization. Bucky says: “I caught passes for him, over my right shoulder, over my left shoulder and straight over my head. I was fast and quick, and I could really catch the ball.”

In 1964, Bucky’s first year with the Rams, he caught 25 passes, for 786 yards. That’s an average of 31.4 yards per reception. That season he had 10 touchdown receptions. And that wasn’t all. It seemed that a lot of his catches were “miracle catches.” But that was to be expected of someone whose nickname was the “Catawba Claw.”

Nick Berardino OCEA General Manager

used a football analogy in talking about his Progressive Party (the Bull Moose Party). He told a group of boys: The principles for which we stand are the principles of fair play and a square deal for every man and every woman in the United States. A square deal politically, a square deal in matters social and industrial. I wish to see

“I caught passes for him, over my right shoulder, over my left shoulder and straight over my head. I was fast and quick, and I could really catch the ball.” Pope himself recently explained it more prosaically: “I’m 6-foot-5. And I could run like hell.” What does all of this have to do with OCEA? Well, you might want to think about Bucky Pope when you contemplate the increasingly ambitious role that OCEA and its members have assumed in recent years. We are giving it all we have. We’re trying harder, and we’re reaching further. We are making “impossible” catches. All of us, as OCEA members, are the beneficiaries of this approach. But we can only keep it up when our members stay involved, as members of a team! Former President Theodore Roosevelt

King of the hill! Theodore Roosevelt poses with the “Rough Riders” in 1898, after their capture of San Juan Hill and Kettle Hill, in Cuba, during the Spanish-American War.

you boys join the Progressive Party, and act in that party and as good citizens in the same way I’d expect any one of you to act in a football game. In other words, don’t flinch, don’t foul, and hit the line hard.

Isn’t that pretty much what all of us want? A “square deal politically, and a square deal in matters social and industrial”? I think so. Let’s not flinch. Let’s not foul. Let’s hit the line hard. And let’s keep making “impossible” catches. In solidarity,

Nick Berardino OCEA General Manager

Football in the “really” old days. Here we see a 1911 photograph from the Library of Congress collection. It shows Wilder Graves Penfield, a football player at Princeton, who later became a prominent neurosurgeon.

Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 13, 2009: “Free HUD Foreclosure Prevention Workshop”!



OCEA Announces 2009 Scholarships! Two $2,000 scholarships will be awarded . . .


Orange County Employees Association

Applications must be received at OCEA on or before July 24, 2009. Many OCEA members have children who will be attending college in the fall. During these difficult times, students are doing all they can to help relieve the cash crunch. OCEA is doing its part by sponsoring the

For scholarship application and rules, visit www.oceamember.org, or call OCEA at (714) 835-3355.

2009 OCEA Scholarship

“2009 OCEA Board of Directors Scholarships!”

OFFICERS Robert Gibson.

President 1st Vice President

Lezlee Neebe. Arlyn Buck.

2nd Vice President

Phyllis Oudmayer.


Chris Prevatt.

Treasurer Insurance Officer

Luisa Camino. Frank Eley.

Applications for the 2009 scholarships are now being accepted.

Past President


OCEA is sponsoring two $2,000 scholarships. Children (and certain other dependents) of OCEA members may apply.

Jeff Gallagher.


Chris Prevatt.



An applicant must be enrolled (or must intend to enroll and subsequently enroll) in an accredited college, university, or community college for the Fall 2009 quarter or semester.

Forensic Science Social Services

Arlyn Buck.

SSA/Adult Services

Luisa Camino.

Public Defender

Alan Dean Clow.

Health Care Agency

Maria Corona.

OC Public Works (RDMD)

Frank Eley.

Further eligibility requirements, selection criteria, and applications are available at OCEA and on the OCEA website homepage.

Debra Fyvie.

Applications must be received at OCEA on or before July 24, 2009, and the names of the two award-winners will be awarded at the August 18, 2009, meeting of the OCEA Board of Directors.

Steven Johnson.

Dept of Child Support Services Probation

Jeff Gallagher. Eusebio “Butch” Garcia.

Social Services Agency Probation

Robert Gibson.

Health Care Agency Probation

John Leos.

Assessor’s Office

Gary Morrison.

Superior Court Clerk

Lezlee Neebe. Cheryl Neuenschwander. Phyllis Oudmayer. Chris Prevatt.

Superior Court Clerk

Dept of Child Support Services HCA/Tobacco Use Prevention Sheriff-Coroner

Bill Stein. Pamela Waters.

OCEA Board of Directors Election is Set for November! Ten positions on the Board of Directors of the Orange County Employees Association will be filled in the general election to be held in November 2009. Members should indicate a desire to be a candidate by completing and returning to OCEA an application, available through Linda Bates at the OCEA office and also on the OCEA website. To be eligible to be a candidate for the Board of Directors, a person must be a regular member employed in a representation unit represented by OCEA, must be actively employed by the County for all or a portion of the six-month period immediately preceding nomination for a position on the Board, and must meet at least one of the following qualifications: 1) three years as a regular member in good standing; 2) one year as an employee representative or representation unit executive committee member; or 3) current or prior service as a member of the OCEA Board of Directors. A 4


candidate is ineligible if the candidate’s election would increase the number of Directors from the Department or Office where the candidate is employed to more than three. (Article VI, Section 1, OCEA Bylaws.) In order for the Nominations and Resolutions Committee to certify that applicants are members in good standing, applications must be submitted to Linda Bates at OCEA no later than noon on September 14, 2009. (Note: Nominations of candidates may also be made by a written petition of at least 25 regular members who have been members for at least 120 days at the time the petition is submitted. The petition must be submitted to the Board at the September Board meeting.) Applications and additional nomination information and requirements are available at OCEA Headquarters, (714) 835-3355—or on the OCEA website (www.oceamember.org) via the “Get Involved” tab.


The OCEA Employee magazine (USPS 004-330) is published quarterly (January-March; April-June; July-September; and October-December) by the Orange County Employees Association, 830 N Ross, P O Box 177, Santa Ana, CA 92702; telephone (714) 835-3355 Periodical postage paid at Santa Ana, California Subscription prices: members, $3 00 per year; non-members, $6 00 per year POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Orange County Employees Association, P O Box 177, Santa Ana, CA 92702-0177 Advertising in the OCEA Employee magazine does not constitute OCEA endorsement of the products or services advertised The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Orange County Employees Association unless specifically so stated Contributions in the form of articles, photographs, human-interest incidents, retirement news, etc , are welcomed and encouraged Association office hours are 8 a m to 5 p m , Monday through Friday, except public holidays OCEA reserves the right to edit or reject any material submitted for publication Photographs will be returned only upon request Copyright 2009 by the Orange County Employees Association All rights reserved Reproduction of any portion or contents prohibited by law Printed by Anchor Printing, Tustin, CA

Editor: Thomas A. Sawyer Design & Layout: Kevin Rush 830 North Ross Street, Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 835-3355

Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 24, 2009: “Wills and Trusts”!

Make a Dif ference . . .

in your well-being!

in your family’s future!

in your community!

. . . in your life 2009 OCEA Health Fair Presented by the OCEA Health & Welfare Trust

Tuesday, October 6, 2009 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Vendors, Giveaways, Screenings, and Fun in the OCEA Parking Areas! Representatives from health organizations will attend to help educate attendees regarding health-related topics, such as stress management, immunizations, back care, and financial education. Free screenings and tests will be offered, as well as literature on important health topics. It will be a great time of giveaways, information, and exciting door prizes! Attendance at the OCEA Health Fair is a permitted use of Annual Leave, subject to approval by your supervisor.

Orange County Employees Association 830 N. Ross St., Santa Ana, CA 92701 • (714) 835-3355 • (714) 835-7654 Fax • www.oceamember.org Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 13, 2009: “Free HUD Foreclosure Prevention Workshop”!



2009 Bargaining Begins! Confronting Crisis Together . . . Our Plan . . . At the time this issue goes to press, we are in the thick of bargaining with the County in our eight County units. In general, we are meeting weekly with the County for bargaining. At each bargaining session, we are prepared to move through the process as speedily as possible.

OCEA is prepared to move quickly through the process, from start to finish. But rest assured that even if negotiations are protracted, as they have been occasionally in past years, OCEA will be ready, and we will get the job done whether the bargaining takes five hours, or five weeks, or five months. We will remain steadfast and committed!

OCEA’s Team! The union clap! It’s a slow clapping that gathers speed, and finally the building starts to shake!

OCEA bargaining! This photo was taken during the second session of coalition bargaining between OCEA and the County, on April 22, 2009. 6


Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 24, 2009: “Wills and Trusts”!

Bargaining OCEA General Manager and Chief Negotiator Nick Berardino, left, ponders an issue, while OCEA President Robert Gibson reviews his notes during coalition bargaining in the OCEA Assembly Room.

Background . . . OCEA bargaining surveys went out to our County members late last year, and we gave careful consideration to the views as expressed by our members in those surveys (and as we have heard their views in a variety of ways over the past few months). In mid-February, we put out the call for members to round out our bargaining teams. As in previous bargaining, we have “coalition bargaining,” meaning that we have one coalition bargaining team, made up of OCEA members from all eight of our County bargaining units. We are bargaining for all eight units at the same time. It is expected that a few OCEA groups will engage in additional bargaining with the County relating to the special requirements of employees in specific departments. As mentioned above, OCEA will definitely be prepared for anything. We asked that bargaining team members commit to be away on vacation no more than five total days for however long bargaining continues. We indicated that they should expect to work long hours, including nights and weekends, be a part of a team, and be 100% committed to supporting team decisions. We asked all this, in exchange for little outside of our team’s

knowledge that they have made a major contribution to the welfare of their fellow County employees and their families.

The County’s bargaining team.

In early March, OCEA General Manager Nick Berardino sent a message to member home email addresses, which stated, in part (regarding negotiations): At OCEA, we believe that we should begin these discussions by taking the high road. We should express our sincere desire to reach an agreement that will protect all of our interests during this time of unprecedented financial crisis. We truly want to be partners with the County in a cooperative effort that creates solutions, not divisions.

Left to right: OCEA Board members Bill Stein, Pamela Waters, John Leos, and Phyllis Oudmayer are members of the OCEA coalition bargaining team.

We will make every effort to work together with the County, but let there be no doubt that should the County choose to conduct itself in a manner that demonstrates a lack of commitment to a cooperative partnership, we will once again be left with no other option but to resume and continue aggressive actions against the County. We sincerely hope that OCEA and the County can work together and jointly find positive solutions during this challenging time.

OCEA General Manager Nick Berardino addresses our bargaining team.

Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 13, 2009: “Free HUD Foreclosure Prevention Workshop”!



Correctional Services Technicians Do a Great Job Under Challenging Circumstances! The Orange County jail system is exceedingly complex, and it presents ongoing challenges to the County in general, and to the Sheriff-Coroner Department in particular. The jail system is constantly evolving, and all those who take part in running and maintaining the system must evolve and adjust to an ever-changing landscape.

contraband, video-taping of incidents, and escorting inmates.

We are extremely proud of our Correctional Services Technician members!

Nowhere is this more evident than among the employees in the Correctional Services Technician (CST) classification. The County employs about 170 CSTs. More than 90 percent of them are OCEA members! The Correctional Services Technicians are included in the County General Bargaining Unit, one of the eight County units that OCEA represents during bargaining. The CST classification was established back in 1982, and in the subsequent quartercentury, the CSTs have fulfilled vital roles in the operation of the jail system. Their history represents an ongoing assumption of additional duties, as well as the assumption of greater responsibilities. Moreover, as the jail population’s lowsecurity population has decreased, the risks faced by the CSTs has grown. The CSTs have constant contact with jail inmates in a variety of circumstances. Examples of CST duties are the operation of security doors, searching inmates for

This photograph was taken during a recent meeting of OCEA labor relations staff and Correctional Services Technicians in OCEA’s Assembly Room. In foreground: OCEA Labor Relations Representative Frank Flavin. To the left: CST Ron Vance and CST Lauri Kennedy. In back, pointing: CST John Powell.

OCEA has been dedicated to advancing the interests of Orange County public employees since 1937. If you are not yet an OCEA member, you owe it to yourself to become a part of our dynamic association! This is especially true in these days of proposed “take-backs”! For a member application, call (714) 835-3355. You will be glad you did!



Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 24, 2009: “Wills and Trusts”!

OCEA Hosts 2009 SCOPO Meeting On April 24, 2009, OCEA hosted a meeting of the State Coalition of Probation Organizations, at OCEA headquarters. It was a full day of meetings and speakers, attended by probation employees from throughout the state. OCEA is one of SCOPO’s member organizations, and many OCEA members in the Probation Department are actively

OCEA Board of Directors member Jeff Gallagher addresses the group. Jeff is SCOPO Administrative Vice-President.

involved. SCOPO is a statewide coalition, and its aims are to promote the employment interests of probation line staff. SCOPO works to improve the legal framework within which probation officers and institutional counselors are employed. SCOPO also serves as a resource for

Left to right (starting at back): OCEA Labor Relations Representative Frank Flavin, OCEA President Robert Gibson, SCOPO lobbyist Jim Frayne, and Yolo County Chief Probation Officer Don Meyer.

member organizations in connection with collective bargaining. Present at the meeting were SCOPO representatives from many different counties throughout California. At the luncheon, guest speakers were Wayne Quint (President of the Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs), Steve Kawamura (Principal Analyst at Los Angeles County, Office of the CEO), Don Meyer (Yolo County Chief Probation Officer and President of the Chief Probation Officers of California), and Sean Barry (Orange County Chief Deputy Probation Officer). As always, the event was well-attended, and it gave probation employees from throughout the state the opportunity to exchange ideas informally. In short, it was another great SCOPO meeting!

2009 National Nurses Appreciation Week

OCEA Salutes Our Nurse Members May 6 through May 12 of every year is recognized by most nations in the world as Nurses Appreciation Week. The movement to designate a national recognition day in the United States began in 1953, but was not formally accomplished until 1982, under President Ronald Reagan. Since that time, the observance week has culminated with a National Recognition Day for Nurses on May 12, Florence Nightingale’s birthday. The theme for this year’s observance is, “Nurses: Building a Healthy America.” Most people can recall from their early school years that Florence Nightingale was a nurse. Some of those people can even recall that she was a famous British nurse who pioneered changes in military field and hospital nursing practices (which then directly impacted physician practices).

contributing to the high mortality rates of injured military personnel during the Crimean War. Reforms implemented as a result of her studies elevated nursing to the professional status and respect it now enjoys. OCEA respects and enjoys its representation of nurses!

Also, be sure to check the Professional Nurses Caucus page on the OCEA website (www.oceamember.org), which we update frequently. Loretta van der Pol OCEA Senior Labor Relations Representative

And remember, our OCEA Professional Nurses Caucus continues its activities. Lunch meetings are all held on the first Tuesday of each month at OCEA from noon to 1:00 p.m. in the OCEA Assembly Room. All professional nurses are welcome to attend! Just notify Loretta van der Pol, OCEA Senior Labor Relations Representative, ahead of time, to help us plan for lunch. (Email her at lvanderpol@oceamember.org.) We look forward to seeing you!

What very few people in this country know about Florence Nightingale is that she was also a talented mathematician and statistician. She had been raised with an extensive classical education, with additional tutoring from the brilliant mathematician James Sylvester. Her data-gathering, statistical analyses, and educated presentations demonstrated how the poor hygiene and sanitary conditions were Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 13, 2009: “Free HUD Foreclosure Prevention Workshop”!



Come on Out to an OCEA Hot Dog Day! We’re in our eighth year of giving away hot dogs! You’ll love our dogs! And these days, OCEA’s hot dog events are more festive than ever, because we had our OCEA van “wrapped” in OCEA’s black, white, and red motif, complete with OCEA logos! Our OCEA Hot Dog Days are a great opportunity for you to say hello to your OCEA Benefits Administrators, or your OCEA Labor Relations Representatives, and ask any questions you may have. Frequently, members of the OCEA Board of Directors attend these events, and you may also see OCEA management employees, such as OCEA’s General Manager Nick Berardino. Any OCEA employees you see at these events would be pleased to speak with you! Our OCEA Hot Dog Days at “the Pit,” in the Santa Ana Civic Center, just off of Civic Center Drive, are always among our largest OCEA Hot Dog Days, with more people, and more dogs dispensed, than at most other locations. The photographs on these pages were taken on April 16, 2009, at our first “Pit” Hot Dog Day this year. OCEA Hot Dog Days are happy days! These two lasses have made it to the front of the line, and they are still smiling! On the left is Alex Pop, a Staff Analyst in the Auditor-Controller’s Office. In the foreground is Cammy Danciu, an Information Processing Tech in Risk Management. The remaining photographs on this page portray “slices of the hot-dog life,” typical of what you might see at any OCEA Hot Dog Day!



Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 24, 2009: “Wills and Trusts”!

2009 OCEA Hot Dog Schedule All OCEA Hot Dog Day events start at 11:30 a.m., except where otherwise noted. This schedule is subject to change! Be sure to check the OCEA website (www.oceamember.org) for current information.

OCEA Labor Relations manager Tim Steed, in the white shirt, “works the line,” telling members and non-members about the benefits available to OCEA members.

Joanna Aguilar, a Specialist employed in the office of the Clerk of the Board, happily takes possession of an OCEA hot dog.

Left: OCEA General Manager Nick Berardino, in foreground, and OCEA General Counsel Don Drozd, cross Ross Street on their way to the April 16, 2009, OCEA Hot Dog Wagon event held at “the Pit,” in the Civic Center. Right: At the left is OCEA Assistant General Manager Lisa Major, chatting with OCEA Board of Directors member Alan Clow.

Thurs., June 11

ARC - 3320 E. La Palma, Anaheim

Tues., June 16

RDMD - 1143 Fruit Street, Santa Ana

Tues., June 23

Sanitation District - 10844 Ellis Avenue, Fountain Valley

Thurs., June 25

Harbor Court - 4601 Jamboree Blvd., Newport Beach

Tues., June 30

Housing & Community Services - 1770 N. Broadway, Santa Ana

Thurs., July 2


Fri., July 3

Costa Mesa

Tues., July 7

D.A. - 401 Civic Center

Thurs., July 9

North Court - 1275 North Berkeley, Fullerton

Thurs., July 16

AMEA Police Dept./Library - Location TBD

Fri., July, 17


Tues., July 21

Registrar of Voters - 1300 South Grand Ave., Bldg. C, Santa Ana

Thurs., July 23

SARC - 1928 S. Grand Ave, Santa Ana

Tues., July 28

HCA - 1725 17th Street, Santa Ana

Thurs., July 30

Sand Dollar - 1240 S. State College, Anaheim

Tues., August 4

Water District - 10500 Ellis Avenue, Fountain Valley

Thurs., August 6

Harbor Court - Laguna Hills - 23141 Moulton Parkway, Laguna Hills

Tues., August 18

RDMD Katella Yard - 1750 Douglas Road, Bldg. C, Anaheim (3:30 p.m.)

Thurs., August 20

CSS / SAO - 909 & 1015 N. Main Street, Santa Ana

Tues., August 25

Harbor Court - 4601 Jamboree Blvd., Newport Beach

Thurs., August 27

Irvine Court Facility

Thurs., September 10

RDMD/Sheriff (Hutton Towers) - 320 N. Flower Street, Santa Ana

Tues., September 15

“The Pit” - Civic Center - 12 Civic Center Plaza

Thurs., September 17

West Court/PHN/Probation (Westminster) - 8141 13th Street, Westminster

Tues., September 22

Braden Court - 1337 Braden Court, Orange

Thurs., September 24

MOB/OCH/Theo/Lamoreau1 - 401 The City Drive, Orange

Tues., September 29

Central Court/Law Library - 515 N. Flower St., Santa Ana

Thurs., October 1

North Court - Fullerton - 1275 North Berkeley, Fullerton

Tues., October 6

OCEA Health Fair

Thurs., October 8


Thurs., October 15

RDMD/Sheriff (Hutton Towers) - 320 N. Flower Street, Santa Ana

Tues., October 20

Fire Authority

Thurs., October 22

SSA Eckhoff - 840 N. Eckhoff (behind building), Orange

Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 13, 2009: “Free HUD Foreclosure Prevention Workshop”!



Give Blood in 2009! The year 2009 will have great opportunities for giving blood in drives sponsored by the American Red Cross, at many County work locations. From the American Red Cross website, www.redcross.org:

In this issue of the OCEA Employee, in association with the Orange County Animal Care Center, we present six exciting animals on the prowl for new owners.

Every minute of every day, someone needs blood. That blood can only come from a volunteer donor, a person like you who makes the choice to donate. There is no substitute for your donation. When you make a blood donation, you join a very select group. Currently only 3 out of every 100 people in America donate blood. Sign up online at www.givelife.org (sponsor code: OC1). If your work location is not currently listed below, please contact Vanessa Van Mil, at (714) 697-5491 to inquire about setting up your blood drive for 2009!

Here is the present 2009 schedule: June 18: Social Services Agency – Main Street June 25: Social Services Agency – Grand Avenue July 9: Department of Child Support Services July 14: Children and Family Services August 12 and 13: Hall of Administration October 7 and 8: Hall of Administration October 8: Social Services Agency – Grand Avenue October 20: Children and Family Services October 29: Department of Child Support Services

Tina: Female, 2 years old, white, shorthair rabbit, ID# A0953275. Tina is a beauty who will hop right into your heart!

Lika: Spayed female, 6 years old, tan and black, German Shepherd, ID# A0953043. Lika is a sweetheart who is looking for her forever home!

Daley: Spayed female, 4 years old, black and white, Chihuahua Mix, ID# A0950723. Daley may be tiny, but she has a huge heart!

Leslie: Female, 6 years old, white, Miniature Poodle, ID# A0952515. Leslie is an adorable girl who would make a great companion!

Dani: Spayed female, 2 years old, black and white, domestic longhair, ID# A0948565. Dani is an affectionate cat who will purr for your attention!

Holly: Spayed female, 3 years old, brown and white tabby, domestic medium-hair, ID# A0953209. Holly is sweet and caring and she loves to be by your side!

These animals are so beautiful that they may not be available when you inquire. Other animals are available! Please call (714) 935-6848 or go to www.ocpetinfo.com for more information! 12


Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 24, 2009: “Wills and Trusts”!

Join us for a Free Foreclosure Prevention Workshop When:


June 13, 2009 Location: 830 N. Ross St. Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 835-3355 www.oceamember.org

Session 1

10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Session 2

1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Counseling will be available in English and Spanish. Lenders will be on site to do loan workouts so bring the following:

When it comes to foreclosure, waiting around before getting help is a bad strategy. This FREE Workshop will educate homeowners who are behind on their mortgage payments on what to do to avoid Foreclosure. Lenders and HUD-approved Counseling will be on-site to assist with loan workouts. Experts from banks, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, and nonprofit housing organizations will participate and provide individual counseling and other assistance for families worried about or experiencing foreclosure. Housing Counselors and Legal Aid Agencies will be available to confidentially meet one-on-one to offer free advice and answer questions. A short presentation on how to negotiate with lenders and/or loan servicers to prevent and avoid foreclosure will also be provided. Bring your loan documents and meet with lenders who will be doing loan workouts on site. This FREE Foreclosure Prevention Workshop is a community service program of the Orange County Homeownership Preservation Collaborative (OC HOPC), a coalition of nonprofit organizations, lenders, US Department of Housing and Urban Development, local cities and housing agencies in Orange County.

Examples of “loan workouts” are as follows: Reinstatement: Your lender may be willing to discuss accepting the total amount owed to them in a lump sum by a specific date. They will often combine this option with a Forbearance. Forbearance: Your lender may allow you to reduce or suspend payments for a short period of time after which another option must be agreed upon to bring your loan current. A Forbearance option is often combined with a Reinstatement when you know you will have enough money to bring the account current at a specific time in the future. The money might come from a hiring bonus, investment, insurance settlement, or a tax refund. Repayment Plan: You may be able to get an agreement to resume making your regular monthly payments, in addition to a portion of the past due payments each month until you are caught up.

• Completed Foreclosure Intake Form (see attached)

If it appears that your situation is long-term or will permanently affect your ability to bring your account current:

• Your loan documents

Mortgage Modification: If you can make the payments on your loan, but you do not have enough money to bring your account current or you cannot afford the total amount of your current payment, your lender may be able to change one or more terms of your original loan to make the payments more affordable. Your loan could be permanently changed in one or more of the following ways:

• Monthly expenses and recent tax return • Paycheck stubs • Any sort of revolving debt statements (credit card, car payment, etc.)

RSVP Recommended: Send name, address, phone, lender name, and which session you would like to attend via email to: cyatch@oceamember.org

• Adding the missing payments to the existing loan balance. • Changing the interest rate, including making an adjustable rate into a fixed rate. • Extending the number of years you have to repay.

Avoid foreclosure scams! You don’t have to pay for this workshop and these services! • Free Loss Mitigation Counseling

• Free Legal Counseling

• Free Housing Counseling

• Free Rental Information

• Free Foreclosure prevention information

Or call: (714) 835-3355 x 211 Or register online at: www.oceamember.org HOSTED BY: DISCLAIMER: This program is presented by third-party agencies and vendors and no endorsement, recommendation, or guarantee is made by OCEA, expressed or imp ied.

Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 13, 2009: “Free HUD Foreclosure Prevention Workshop”!



ATTENTION: Be sure to bring all forms completely filled out.

ATTENTION: Be sure to bring all forms completely filled out.

ATTENTION: Be sure to bring all forms completely filled out.

Stellar OCEA Board of Directors Member Departs!

Ron Cooper Retires from County Employment Ron Cooper has been such a fixture at OCEA and in the County, that it is hard to believe that he has retired, but he has, effective early this year. Ron is a softspoken person, but when he talked at OCEA, people listened, because his words were backed up by many years of life experience. Ron really cared about OCEA, his fellow members, and people in general. Our Board long valued Ron’s wisdom and knowledge, and he will be greatly missed by OCEA’s Board, staff, and membership. In his over 30 years with the County, Ron saw firsthand many of the events that most of our members only know from secondhand accounts. At the time of his retirement, Ron was a Senior AuditorAppraiser with the Orange County Assessor’s Office, and he managed a team of auditor-appraisers conducting property tax audits of local businesses. During the entire time of his employment with the County, Ron was a member of OCEA. Few of our members can match that period of OCEA membership!

Ron has been a member of our Board of Directors since late 2003. He was also a member of the Board of Trustees of the OCEA Health & Welfare Trust, which administers dental, vision, and disability insurance plans. Ron was also a member of the Assessor’s Office LMC, and he was an OCEA Steward. He also served on many of OCEA’s Coalition Barraging Teams. As to the reasons Ron became involved in OCEA, he says, “I have always been one to be involved with my children—Boy Scout leader, Little League coach, PTA, and so on. After they were grown, I felt as though I should ‘pay back’ all those who had invested time for my benefit now that I was able to do so.” Ron’s involvement with OCEA is part of that process. Ron is just one example of the quality people we are lucky to have on our OCEA Board of Directors: intelligent, wise, and experienced, with a commitment to OCEA

OCEA President Robert Gibson (left) thanks Ron Cooper for Ron’s years of service to OCEA and his fellow members. that goes back to a time before some of us were even born! Ron, we wish you the best of luck! We hope you enjoy many years of happiness in your retirement!

One of OCEA’s Best!

Becki Daher Leaves Our OCEA Board of Directors Becki Daher, who has been an important part of the OCEA Board of Directors for so many years, has decided to leave the Board. Becki has been a County employee and a member of OCEA since 1980—except for a 10-year period between 1986 and 1996 when she was exploring the private sector and having a child. Becki is a Senior Forensic Specialist with the Sheriff-Coroner Department, Forensic Science Services Identification Bureau. Becki’s job duties are diverse. Becki was a member of our OCEA Board of Directors from 1999 to 2009. From 2003 through 2007, Becki was a member of our Executive Committee and served as OCEA Secretary. She also served as Chair of the Board’s Legislative Committee and also as Chair of the Courtesy Committee. Also,

Becki was Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Board Member requirements. Becki is an extremely active OCEA member. She is a great OCEA Steward, and it would be hard to name an OCEA event in which she was not a participant. Becki once said of OCEA, “I have a lot of respect for the history and consistency of this organization. As a member of the Board, I am able to see the dedication that all of the OCEA staff has to the organization and its members.” She once described OCEA as an everpresent security that provides strong representation to its members. She said, “When (OCEA) is needed, they respond quickly and effectively. To me, the best thing about OCEA is knowing that someone is always there if and when I need them.”

Becki Daher in a thoughtful mood at a meeting of the OCEA Board of Directors.

Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 13, 2009: “Free HUD Foreclosure Prevention Workshop”!




(some members have concerns that the Agency’s staffing shortages will cause problems with attendance at the LMC meetings) is being finalized for distribution.

OCEA Labor Relations Representative Llesena Ontiveras

Report for Meeting of April 14, 2009 OCEA’s OCERS LMC met on April 9, 2009. Present at the meeting were Llesena Ontiveras (OCEA Labor Relations Representative), Sandy Guevara, Anthony Beltran, Sally Koltunik, Steve Delaney, and Suzanne Jenike. The issue of gift cards being revoked from the quarterly staff recognition lunch was discussed. Staff has voiced concern that their input was not sought prior to putting this cost-savings measure in place. The Committee decided to implement a cost-savings component to their meetings. It was decided that Anthony will create an online type of form on the OCERS intranet where cost-saving ideas can be submitted by staff. An update of this online form will be reviewed at the next LMC meeting. Please note that the OCERS LMC is currently recruiting new members. If you are interested in participating in a committee dedicated to resolving workplace issues, OCEA encourages you to apply.

SSA LMC Update OCEA Labor Relations Representative Llesena Ontiveras

Report for Meeting of April 14, 2009 OCEA’s SSA LMC had its monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 14, 2009. The committee’s primary focus continues to be cost-savings. To this end, the group reviewed an example of a business card that can be hand-written in lieu of ordering business cards. Stacy Dyer presented the group with additional items that were submitted to the CEO’s website, and reviewed the suggestions. Those who were in the position to further investigate specific items will be following up with the group. In addition, the newly designed intranet home page was reviewed and approved by the group. Remember, to submit a cost-savings idea online through Orange County’s Budget Savers Site, please visit: http://budgetsavers. ocgov.com. Please note that the SSA LMC is currently recruiting new members. If you are interested in participating in a committee whose mission is “to achieve the Agency’s business goals and objectives by developing and collaborating on solutions to workplace issues, by obtaining diverse viewpoints for decision making, and encouraging effective communication among employees, management and the LMC,” then OCEA encourages you to apply.

Health Care Agency LMC Update OCEA Senior Labor Relations Representative Loretta van der Pol

HCA’s sponsor discussed the State level budget shortfall and the polling status of the ballot initiatives. HCA Human Resources reported that recruiting is still being conducted only for critical, funded positions.

OC Waste and Recycling LMC Update OCEA Labor Relations Representative Tim Steed

Report for Meeting of March 26, 2009 The OC Waste and Recycling Labor Management Committee met on March 26, 2009, at the Prima Landfill Facility in San Juan Capistrano. The meeting was attended by most of the LMC regulars, as well as about a half dozen employees of the Prima Facility. The pending issue of the need for boot allowances for expanded classifications in the engineering series and other classifications was discussed. Evidently other classifications do field work similar to other employees who receive a boot allowance. The OC Waste and Recycling Labor Management Committee meets monthly at various OC Waste and Recycling locations. For more information contact Mike Kashani, at Mike.Kashani@iwmd. ocgov.com.

Public Administrator/Public Guardian LMC Update OCEA Labor Relations Representative Tim Steed

Report for Meeting of April 16, 2009 The LMC members discussed moving the monthly meeting to a quarterly, or as needed, basis. After a brief discussion, the body agreed to move to a quarterly meeting schedule. Our next meeting will be June 16, 2009. Ann Barlow indicated that the agency will put the “Workplace Issue” forms on the agency intranet, or in some other way make them accessible electronically. The topic of cost savings came up. Manager Barlow told the group that all cost-savings that are related to PA/PG that went to the CEO’s office will be directed to the LMC. As of today, no costsavings suggestions have come to the LMC. The LMC welcomed David Stump to the Committee. David Stump is a Sr. Deputy Public Guardian. Welcome aboard, David! If you are interested in joining the PA/PG LMC, or have questions, please contact Tim Steed at tsteed@oceamember.org.

Report for Meeting of April 2, 2009 The committee co-chair will be leaving her position after May’s meeting reminded everyone that nominations to fill-in behind her should be submitted. The email to HCA management thanking them for their support of the committee and encouraging the continuation of the same 18


Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 24, 2009: “Wills and Trusts”!

Child Support Services LMC Update OCEA Labor Relations Representative Aaron Peardon

The Child Support Services first-quarter LMC meeting was co-chaired by Cindy Tran-Chang and Debra Fyvie and sponsored by OCEA Labor Relations Representatives Frank Flavin and Aaron Peardon. Also attending were Martha McCool, Yasie Malek, Melanie Ramos, Phyllis Oudmayer, Fabiola Salgado, Maria Nofal, Elisa Marquez, and Lorena Palma. The meeting was a great success. The OCEA Hot Dog Wagon will be present at the 2009 Child Support Services Employee Recognition Day on August 20. OCEA is happy to partner with CSS management in saying “thank you” to all of the hardworking Child Support Services employees. The United Way Committee will be planning a book fair and holiday fair in the near future. Please stay tuned for the dates of these events. OCEA partnered with the Social Committee headed by Elisa Marquez in a combined site visit/bake sale on St. Patrick’s Day. Decked out in green, OCEA Board of Directors member and LMC member Phyllis Oudmayer was instrumental in coordinating this event. OCEA provided free Starbucks coffee to CSS employees while the Social Committee held a bake sale. Over 150 people attended and helped make the bake sale a success. Funds will be used for the annual holiday event. The Social Committee is planning more events such as a taco bar in May, opportunity basket sale in June, and barbecue in July.

The St. Patrick’s Day bake-sale in the Child Support Services Department was an exciting event. Here employees pay a visit to OCEA’s table.

Angelica Barrera (a Child Support Officer) and Joann Diaz (an Office Assistant) take a gander at OCEA’s table of information and giveaways. These stellar members each joined OCEA immediately after being hired!

OCEA Board of Directors member Debbie Fyvie (left) and OCEA Labor Relations Representative Aaron Peardon, at the OCEA site visit at Child Support Services.

For LMC Updates, be sure to check out our website, www.oceamember.org! Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 13, 2009: “Free HUD Foreclosure Prevention Workshop”!



“I Love My Job!” Susan Kindberg Investigative Assistant, Sheriff-Coroner Department I have worked for the County of Orange for 24 years. All of this time has been with the Sheriff’s Department. I started out in Records. I was there for approximately nine months. I then transferred to Personnel and worked there for approximately 14 months. From there I promoted to Investigative Aide and transferred to Narcotics and worked there for almost 17 years! In my capacity as an Investigative Aide, I was offered the opportunity to learn and access numerous computer programs. In 2000, I was upgraded to an Investigative Assistant. This allowed me to carry my own caseload and go out into the field and write my own reports. In October 2003, I transitioned into another post, in Fugitive Warrants. I was responsible for processing fugitives from out of state and ensuring the proper paperwork was received and presented when they appeared in court. I also scheduled extraditions of our own fugitives so they could come back to Orange County to answer to our charges. Working

It’s that time again! This year, OCEA benefit plan open-enrollment will be September 21 through October 23, 2009. This is your annual opportunity to review and make changes to your Health and Welfare and supplemental benefit elections. Among other things, during OCEA open enrollment you may make a wide variety of permissible changes, such as adding or dropping dependents, changing option packages, and (for OCEA 20


in this unit also involved frequent communications with the Governor’s Office. My days of transferring were not over. In February 2006 I joined North Investigations as the court liaison. I have been there ever since. In this capacity I process in-custody reports, out-of-custody reports and discovery requests, a huge undertaking in itself which includes, but is not limited to, photographing evidence and providing numerous other items of discovery to the DA’s offices located in Central, Harbor, North, and West; the latter being of significant importance as these items have to be processed in a timely manner. Working so many aspects of the department has definitely benefited me. I can’t believe I’ve been with the County for 24 years. It’s all gone by so fast and I’ve enjoyed every day. I’ve had wonderful supervisors who’ve had the utmost confidence in my abilities to perform my job. Although I have several more years before I can retire, I can only imagine that it will go by just as quickly.

members) upgrading certain plans. Watch for Open Enrollment Packets! In mid-September, OCEA will mail openenrollment packets to eligible employees. If you want to make changes, follow the instructions in the packet, and be sure to mail or deliver your changes to OCEA on or before October 23. If you fail to make changes during the open enrollment period, with limited exceptions you will not be able

Susan Kindberg, right, with her husband, Warren. I was born in Anaheim and raised in Orange. I graduated from Villa Park High School and currently live in Villa Park. I’ve been married to Warren for over 16 years and have two young sons. I love animals but am partial to cats. Presently I have a cat named Precious who’s 13 years old. I enjoy working on word searches and going shopping. Both of my parents are retired and I have a younger brother named Steve.

to change your benefit elections until open enrollment in late 2010. (Remember, OCEA is not part of the County’s “pony” system.) Open enrollment is a great time to review your benefit needs and those of your family, reassess your current benefits, and examine your many alternatives. For help, call an OCEA Benefits Administrator at (714) 835-3355.

Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 24, 2009: “Wills and Trusts”!

November 2009! Protect Your Pension! RE-ELECT RUSSELL


Retirement Board We’re voting for Russell—and here’s why: • Russell will continue to fight to preserve your retirement benefits! • Russell is one of us—a County employee for over 15 years! • Russell is an OCEA member and an OCEA Steward (for over 15 years)! • Russell is seeking his third term! • Russell has the experience! • Russell has been an OCEA Board of Directors member for many years! • Russell has been a member of many OCEA Bargaining Teams! • Russell is committed to enhancing our future! • Russell is honest and will demand accountability!


Let’s lead the way! ELECT RUSSELL BALDWIN! Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 13, 2009: “Free HUD Foreclosure Prevention Workshop”!



Anaheim Municipal Employees Association Holds General Meeting The Anaheim Municipal Employees Association is one of the labor organizations which is an “OCEA affiliate.” OCEA affiliates are independent organizations, but OCEA has entered into arrangements with them through which OCEA provides certain representation services, including assistance during bargaining. OCEA is proud to be associated with AMEA. Their members as a group are thoroughly committed to the betterment of the lives of AMEA members and their families. Also, AMEA members have supported events that have benefitted working men and

women of Orange County and elsewhere, even where the focus of the event has not specifically been Anaheim’s employees. On March 25, 2009, AMEA held a general membership meeting to discuss the City’s economic situation, and to look at possible ways that the City may be attempting to address its financial problems. The story in Anaheim is similar to that of many other jurisdictions. The general economic downturn has seriously impacted the City. Present at the meeting were AMEA President Brian Beger and many other AMEA Board

Left to right: AMEA Second Vice-President Erick Armeson, AMEA Secretary Mike Holmes, OCEA Labor Relation Representative Jason Motsick, AMEA First Vice-President Dave Pangle, AMEA President Brian Beger, and OCEA Labor Relations Representative Tim Steed.

members. (See photograph below.) The meeting had an excellent turnout, with approximately one-third of AMEA’s entire membership participating. Also present at the meeting were OCEA General Manager Nick OCEA General Manager Nick Berardino, at the Berardino, OCEA AMEA membership Assistant General meeting. Manager Lisa Major, OCEA General Counsel Don Drozd, OCEA Senior Labor Relations Representative Jim Riley, and OCEA Labor Relations Representatives Jason Motsick and Tim Steed.

A large percentage of AMEA’s members attended the meeting.

Garden Grove Employees Raise Money and Food for Orange County Food Bank Employees of the City of Garden Grove formed seven teams and from March 9 through April 1, 2009, competed in a drive for donations of cash and canned goods to help aid those in need.

such as themed lunches, $2 casual dress days, raffles, and a lunch-time dog show. Employees also bought chances to win tickets to an Angels baseball game, a spa, or an amusement park.

The OCEA Hot Dog Wagon was there on April 1, 2009 (in support of our Garden Grove City Employees Association members and our Garden Grove Employees League members) at the closing ceremony. In all, City employees (members and non-members) raised a total of $8,000 in cash and canned foods for the Orange County Food Bank. More than $5,700 was raised in cash alone!

“What made this year’s [drive] especially rewarding was that in spite of difficult financial times, City employees made it their goal to raise more than last year,” says Garden Grove City Manager Matt Fertal. “This time, the teams surpassed the previous total by $1,000.”

Donations were generated through events 22


At the closing ceremony luncheon, teams displayed all of their donations along with team banners.

Great smiles! Shown here are many of the Garden Grove employees who participated in the food drive! (Photograph by Bill Newkirk.)

Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 24, 2009: “Wills and Trusts”!

OCEA Board of Directors Chooses Two New Members

We Welcome Debbie Fyvie and Gary Morrison to Our OCEA Board of Directors Early 2009 has been a time of change on our Board of Directors, with two members leaving (see the articles on Ron Cooper and Becki Daher on page 17), and with our Board electing two new members to fill the vacant slots.

Debra Fyvie,

Department of Child Support Services

After careful consideration, our Board selected longtime OCEA members Debra Fyvie (Department of Child Support Services) and Robert “Gary” Morrison (Assessor’s Office) as OCEA’s new Board members.

Robert “Gary” Morrison, Assessor’s Office

Debbie is a Senior Law Office Supervisor with Child Support Services. She has been a member of OCEA since 1999. Debbie has been an OCEA Steward since 2002, and she is also a member of the OCEA Women’s Forum Committee. Debbie has been on the Child Support Services LMC since 2004. She was a member of our 2007 OCEA Coalition Bargaining Team. She worked with OCEA on the anti-Proposition 75 campaign, and she has been an OCEA Health Fair volunteer. Debbie says that she wants “to make a difference for the betterment of County employees.”

Gary is an Auditor-Appraiser II with the Assessor’s Office. He was hired by the County in 1999, and he joined OCEA that same year. Gary has been an OCEA Steward since 2007, and he is an active participant in OCEA events. Gary says, “The County of Orange is at an extremely important crossroads,” and he adds, “I think it is of the utmost importance to fight for the rights of the working man.”

Debbie Fyvie, at a recent OCEA bargaining session.

Gary Morrison at an OCEA Board of Directors meeting. Left to right: Frank Eley, Gary Morrison, Chris Prevatt, and Jeff Gallagher.

OCEA Calendar Second Tuesday each month

OCEA Steward Meeting

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.; 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

OCEA Board of Directors Meeting

3:00 p.m.

Third Thursday each month

OCEA PAC Meeting

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Third Thursday each month

OCEA Steward Training

8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Fourth Thursday each month

Court Steward Meeting

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Third Tuesday each month

Check out our website (www.oceamember.org) for the latest information on OCEA events! Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 13, 2009: “Free HUD Foreclosure Prevention Workshop”!



OCEA Classifieds Classified ads are a free service to all members. Only members may submit ads. Ads may be edited or rejected by OCEA. Notify Sunny Hermosillo if you wish to cancel your ad, or regarding corrections or other changes. Mail your classified ads to Sunny Hermosillo at OCEA Headquarters, or fax them to her at (714) 835-7654, or email them to her at shermosillo@oceamember.org. REAOC: Join the Retired Employees Association. Participate for only $1.00 a month. P.O. Box 1496, Brea, CA 92822-1496. Call 714-840-3995; FAX 714840-7189. Email: reaoc@reaoc.org. Website: www. reaoc.org. ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE ON AGING: Free information on services for older adults. 800-510-2020 FOR RENT: Mission Viejo, California, behind Saddleback Church. Unfinished private bedroom, upstairs, has balcony with shared bathroom with 1 other roommate. Included utilities, cable, wireless high-speed internet, community pools and spas, basketball court, walking trail, plus kitchen privileges and laundry privileges. Includes Mission Viejo Lakes and street parking. It’s a 6-year old, three-level house in one of the best neighborhood areas. It’s between El Toro and Maragarite. Single person, nonsmoking, no drugs, quiet, and clean. Come see for yourself. 949-3075849. 4/09 FOR SALE: 4 Used tires and stock rims from 2007 Chrysler 300 with 14,000 miles. $175 OBO. Rudy Torres, 714-289-9133. 04/09 FOR RENT OR SALE: San Felipe Marina Resort & Spa located only 4 hours from OC, a relaxing/ adventures getaway available for sale or rental. Fully furnished two-bedroom unit, clear water private beach, off-road ideal locations, great food. Need to sell, you make offer! Call 951-343-9115. 04/09

FOR RENT: Two bedroom, one bath, townhouse at Normandy Place in Santa Ana. New paint, new wood floors and tiles. Walk-in closet, central air and heating, one garage and one assigned parking, community pool. Close to 5 and 55 freeway. $1300 plus deposit. Ready to move in 6/1/09. Call 949-302-6827 or email hnlily@yahoo. com if interested. 04/09 FOR RENT: Timeshare in Las Vegas. Fully furnished, sleeps four; one bedroom with a sofa bed in living room, two TVs. Following dates are available: June 14 - June 21 and July 6 - July 13. $60/night. Email susiek1095@yahoo.com or call Susan at 714-345-4519. 04/09

FOR RENT: Gorgeous 2 BR, 2 BA condo in Garden Grove. New paint, ceramic tile, wood floors, cathedral ceilings, huge windows, skylight, new light fixtures, berber carpet, indoor washer and dryer (included), refrigerator (included), and huge walk in closet. Two pools, streams and ponds with ducks and fish. Gated and onsite security. Very peaceful. Small pets allowed with no extra fees or charges. Email Selina at zamt69a@aim.com. 03/09 FOR RENT: Beautiful home in a quiet neighborhood in Tustin close to 5 Freeway. House is located in a cul-de-sac, close to Tustin shopping center. $550/shared bath, or $650/private bath (utilities included). $150/ additional private onecar garage. Available now. Please call 714-5395577, or 714-832-3899. 03/09 FOR RENT: Apartment for rent. Close to Civic Center in Santa Ana. 3 blocks east of Main St., between Tenth St. and Washington. (1109 French St., Santa Ana.) 2 BR. $950 - 975. Call 714-5422985. 03/09 FOR RENT: Cabin in Big Bear Lake area. Two bedrooms, full kitchen, living room, dining room, fireplace, TV/VCR/DVD. Linens/towels included. Near ski slopes and lake. $65/night. Email: sleye1@sbcglobal.net or call Sly at 714-6869790. 03/09 FOR SALE: I have a master bedroom furnished, queen bed, desk, bookshelf, and dresser for sale. Call (714) 821-4635 if interested. 03/09 FOR RENT: Looking for a mature, responsible person to rent a room in a 4 BR home. Shared bath. washer/dryer on site. Deposit $675. Utilities are shared including wireless internet and cable. Close to beach, 405 Freeway, & Golden West College. No pets, drugs, or smoking allowed. Easy street parking. Call 714-206-4366 if interested. 03/09

FOR RENT: Two bedroom, two bath, CONDO in city of Orange, master suite with own bathroom and walk-in closet. Nice fireplace, all new appliances and remodeled. Garage. Villa Park School District. Cross-streets Meats & Orange Olive Rd. $1,500 per month. Contact 714-904-3174. 03/09

FOR RENT: $650/mo for your own room and bath, utilities included ($200 deposit). Location is near Taft and Glassell in Orange, two miles north of Old Towne and Chapman University; freeways close; also close to public transportation. No smoking or illegal drugs or abuse of alcohol; no pets. Call Debi at 714-614-8134 or email manydebs2go@yahoo.com. 02/09 FOR SALE: Volvo XC70 unused, factory-ordered, 16” snow chains in Volvo bag w/ original receipt. $200 firm. Call David at 714-962-4260 or 714-9077354. 02/09 FOR SALE: Previously viewed DVDs—$5 each. Titles: Bend It Like Beckham, Fat Albert, King’s Ransom, Bringing Down the House, Shanghai Knights, The Truman Show, Mickey Blue Eyes, Fever Pitch, The Constant Gardener, Poseidon, Monster-in-Law, Waitress, Must Love Dogs, The Manchurian Candidate, and others. 714-864-7551. 02/09

FOR RENT: 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bath located near Anaheim Hills area. $ 2,300/month + deposit. Call 714-685-0423. 01/09 LOOKING TO BUY: I am looking for a used Specialized Mountain Bike, either a Rockhopper or Stumpjumper model. Size 19-inch or larger frame. A bike that has seen better days is okay. Please email me at jssprik@yahoo.com, or call 949-650-7072. 01/09

FOR RENT: Anaheim, $1980, plus deposit. Quiet cul-de-sac house. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Gated pool and spa. Laminated and tile flooring. New stove. New interior and exterior paint. Central air and heating. Close to schools, 57, 5 and 91 freeways. Ready to move-in 5/1/09. Call 714-797-3427 or email helena.chang123@gmail.com. 03/09

Stay informed! Please REGISTER at

www.oceamember.org and sign up for email updates.



Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 24, 2009: “Wills and Trusts”!

OCEA NEW-MEMBER ROSTER Cynthia Ademiluyi Beatriz Baires Kristina Behnke Virginia Binion Paula Bishop

Probation Department Health Care Agency

Matthew Moulson

Sheriff’s Department

Joyce Mwangi

Superior Court

Probation Department

Heather Ngyuen

Human Resources

Sheriff’s Department

Phuong Nguyen

Sheriff’s Department

Social Services Agency

Diana Norman

Superior Court

Pamela Bower

Superior Court

Emmanuel Nsereko

Amber Bradley

Superior Court

Frances Ortega

Natalie Bulick

Public Library

Christopher Parker

Sheriff’s Department

Shaana Burris

Child Support Services

Kimberly Patterson

Superior Court

Andrea Calderon Daniel Camey Maria Cardenas Lissette Carrasco Isaac Carrillo Spring Case Junkoo Chang

Superior Court Sheriff’s Department Social Services Agency District Attorney’s Office

Superior Court

Lisa Peters

Superior Court

Jordan Plano

Sheriff’s Department

Rebecca Polee Donna Rathman

Sheriff’s Department

Christopher Reis

Public Library Sheriff’s Department Sheriff’s Department

Karina Rios

County-Clerk Recorder Treasurer-Tax Collector

Enrique Chavez

Sheriff’s Department

Christopher Rivero

Pedro Chavez

Sheriff’s Department

Ruth Rocha

Alan Cleveland

Sheriff’s Department

Lynn Rodriguez

Shawn Dailey

Sheriff’s Department

Richard Serrato

Jacob Deperno

Sheriff’s Department

Nancy Shaffer

Ryan Dowell

Sheriff’s Department

Raul Sobero

Social Services Agency

Jeanie Song

Probation Department

Sharon Sotelo

Social Services Agency

Raymond Fajardo

Probation Department Housing & Community Public Library Health Care Agency

Sheriff’s Department

Sandra Felix

Social Services Agency

Janet Taylor

Superior Court

Isidro Gallardo

Probation Department

Jessica Tran

Housing & Community

Public Library

Karmell Walker

Ryan Gentile

Sheriff’s Department

Travis Wallace

Ramon Gutierrez

Sheriff’s Department

Michele Wallevand

Mary Harris Mathew Harvey Samantha Hatheway Manuel Higuera Jason Hoover Kitty Jones Pamela Kaapuni Austin Kaesman Yong Kim

Superior Court Sheriff’s Department Public Library

Brian Young

OC Public Works (RDMD)

Orange County Sanitation District Christopher Martin

Orange County Water District Hui Yinh Lianh Wei Xu

Seal Beach CEA Matt Glover Orlando Porter Dana Kukuruda Kenneth Sabo

Yorba Linda CEA Marcia Brown Benjamin Pena Steven Dear Garrett Tarango Rachel Elgin Susan Vance Drexel Fulmer Heidi Viers Alex Martinez

Sheriff’s Department Social Services Agency Sheriff’s Department

Randall Linares

Water District

Yara Lopes

Probation Department

Anthony Lopez

Social Services Agency

Lilian Macaraeg

Superior Court

Anneke Mendiola

Superior Court Sheriff’s Department

Treasurer-Tax Collector

Brandon Koenig

Ryan McBride

Orange County Fire Authority Thomas Alvarez Louie Grijalva Sarah Beigel Collette Whitlock Kimberly Brown

Public Works

Superior Court

Sheriff’s Department

Cory Malone

Superior Court

Cecilia Yandrich Pedraza

Sheriff’s Department

Michael Kobel

Do Mai

Health Care Agency

Steve Williams David Ybarra

Garden Grove Employees League Ryan Gilbrook Jose Vasque Antonio Martin

Superior Court Sheriff’s Department

Lucille Wight

Probation Department

Garden Grove CEA Thomas Freeman Carole Kanegae

Social Service Agency

Blake Farrell

Lydia Gan

Costa Mesa CEA Daniel Baker Thomas Henderson Cristina Goodfellow Silvia Kennerson Henry Granados Barbara Zwart Darrick Hanson

Social Services Agency

Estella Ramirez

Treasurer-Tax Collector Superior Court

Probation Department


Superior Court Social Services Agency Sheriff’s Department Social Services Agency

Maximiliano Montano

Sheriff’s Department

Yanira Moran

Sheriff’s Department

RECRUITING OCEA Stewards Alan Clow Alex Galvan

Francisco Galvez Maribel Nava

Shanon Sipilovic Pamela Waters

RECRUITING OCEA MEMBERS Cindy Baasch Monica Brito Eva Burdett Ryab Castillo Christina Dudoit

Alex Galvan Misty Grijalva Rosemary Montes Selamawit Nigatu Emma Noor

Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 13, 2009: “Free HUD Foreclosure Prevention Workshop”!

Sharon Ranieri Keith Ruppel Raymond Scruggs Shanon Sipilovic Omar Soriano



OCEA Discounts Angels baseball tickets for selected games will soon be available exclusively on OCEA’s website! Great seats! Terrific savings! Register at www.oceamember.org today! More e-ticket programs coming soon! Automotive & Car Rentals

Cosmetics, Jewelry, & more

The Red Book: New cars at fleet prices! Call (800) 422-4561 or log on to www RedBook4Autos com for details

Avon: 10% off plus FREE shipping and free gift for all online orders Visit www youravon com/leticialopez

Avis: Save up to 15% off regular rates through Tickets-AtWork Corporate Program Corporate code D472600 Call (800) 698-5685

BeautiControl: 15% off a variety of quality skin-care, spa, and makeup products Visit www beautipage com/jessicagon

Budget: Up to 25% savings on selected cars through Tickets-At-Work Corporate Program Corporate code X989202 Call (800) 455-2848

Mary Kay: 10% off all skin care and cosmetics for men, women, and children! Call Jo Padore at (949) 559-8022


Dollar Rent-A-Car: New!!! Call (800) 800-3665 to find out more! Corporate code CH0415

Apple Computers: 17% off selected Apple products Please visit www apple com/r/store/government/state/epp html

Enterprise Rent-A-Car: 10% off regular price! Call 1-800736-8222 Corporate code 32E8228

Big Ear, Inc.: 15% off all hearing protection, headphones, adaptors, Ipods and more! Please contact Ariel, a Big Ear certified technician, at (949) 378-2599 or visit his website at www 1404 bigearinc com

Hertz: 5% off daily and weekly rentals! Join Hertz #1 Gold Club online and save more! Corporate code 1335448 Call (800) 654-8216 Thrifty Car Rental: New!!! Great savings through TicketsAt-Work Corporate Program! Visit our website for more details Call (800) 847-4389 Wheeler’s Auto Service: 10% off all parts and labor Walking distance from downtown Santa Ana Call (714) 543-4689 and ask for William

Candies, Flowers, & more ProFlowers.com: 20% discount on a variety of gifts for all your personal and corporate occasions! Same-day delivery available! Call (800) 210-2279 to place your order Corporate code OCEA SunKissed Floral Designs: 10% discount and free delivery on all floral arrangements! Located in Orange Call Maria Maag at (714) 997-3619

Chiropractic & Dental Services DiversiCare Medical & Therapy Center: Suitably located close to Civic Center Great discounts on body massages and chiro treatments Call (800) 717-0766 for more details Orthodontic Office of Mark J. Weisenberg, DDS, MS: Excellent discounts on Invisalign treatments and orthodontic braces Delta Dental provider Located in Villa Park Call (714) 974-9000 to schedule your appointment! Restore Health Chiropractic: Savings of over $200 exclusively for all OCEA members! Call Dr Laura Hazen at (714) 505-1901

Verizon Wireless: 15% off calling plans and accessories! Contact Tim Slaton at (949) 241-2425

Entertainment & Travel Tickets-At-Work: Up to 40% off a variety of nationwide shows such as Cirque du Soleil, Broadway, Las Vegas, and more! Please log on to the OCEA website (wwwoceamember org) for full list of attractions! Great savings! You must be registered on OCEA’s website to receive discounts

Jewelry Cookie Lee: Complementary catalog plus 10% off & free shipping on all OCEA members’ orders! For more information contact Eva McNamee at (562) 879-4911 Teresa’s Jewelers: Great deals on a variety of contemporary jewelry styles! Call the Jewelers at (714) 834-9277

Photography Artistic Bridals & Portraits Photography: 10% off wedding photography & event plans from their already low prices OCEA members-only plan is also available! Call Mike Nemeth at (949) 496-4559 today! Main Photo & Imaging Services: 20% off all your photo and digital needs! Visit www mainphoto com for more details OC Image Services & Tip Wynn Photography: Log on to www ocimageservices com and www tipwynn com to view their professional images Up to 25% off on selected plans! 30 Minute Photos Etc.: Online boutique photo service offers 40% off for all OCEA members’ orders Corporate code IRVINE



Restaurants Pasta Bravo (at the Block): 20% off catering for all your personal and corporate occasions Call Store Manager at (714) 769-4031 for more information OCEA membership card required at the time of delivery

Scrapbooking Close to My Heart: 10% off all essential material to make your memories last for generations! Contact Andrea Lewis at (714) 777-1170 or visit www alewis myctmh com Digital Personal Publishing: Great savings on storybooking to cherish for years to come! Professional consultation offered by Melodie Jones at (714) 401-0926 or melodiejones@flash net

Special Occasions Custom Made Gift Baskets: Celebrate your loved ones’ special occasions with a very personal touch! Call Lisa Sipprell at (949) 235-1144 for more information Wagstaff Music: 25% off DJ services! For more details call Bryan Wagstaff at (714) 437-7712 Wire-Wrapped Silverware: Unique and Brilliant! Contact Barbara Newber at (714) 393-9518 to purchase her inexpensive pieces of art!

Vacations Amtrak: Free Companion Coupons available at the OCEA Special Events office Visit the OCEA website for more information Offer valid as long as supplies last Club Med Vacations and Cruises: 30% to 50% off on lastminute vacation packages! Contact LaVonne Campbell at (714) 991-7222 to schedule your trip Grand Canyon Railway: 20% off train travel & stays or 10% off already discounted packages! Call (866) 422-9724 or visit www thetrain com/corporate Corporate code OCEA

Wellness Just for Kicks: A new fitness program just for women! 15% off initial season sign-ups as well as new lower rates! For details, please visit www justforkicksfitness com Corporate code OCEA LifeTurn Weight Loss Program: One-of-a-kind program to help you lose weight 40% off first 3-month cycle and 75% off the second Call (714) 423-5858 and ask for Cheryl Dison

Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 24, 2009: “Wills and Trusts”!

Special Events So Cal Attractions AQUARIUM OF THE PACIFIC: OCEA Price $15/Adult; $10/Child ages 3-11 (Reg $20 95 & $11 95) Open 9 a m – 6 p m ; Black-Out Dates Dec 25 Parking fee $7/vehicle paid at the entrance Tickets expire NOVEMBER 30, 2009 *Purchase your tickets online at www.oceamember.org. BOOMERS FAMILY FUN CENTERS: OCEA Price $15/Person (Reg $29 99) Arcade games and batting cages not included; NO EXPIRATION!!! CATALINA FLYER (Newport Beach at the Balboa Pavilion): OCEA Price $59/Adult; $47/Child ages 3-12 (Reg $68 & $63), round-trip fare No Black-Out Dates Reservation required 1800-830-7744 For more information please log on to www catalina-flyer com NO EXPIRATION!!! CATALINA EXPRESS (Long Beach, San Pedro, or Dana Point**): OCEA Price $56/Adult; $46/Child ages 2-11 (Reg $66 50 & $51); Black-Out Dates July 4-6 & Aug 30-Sept 1 Reservation required 1-800-891-5652 For more information on departure schedule please log on to wwwcatalinaexpress com/scheduleFares php Tickets expire DECEMBER 31, 2009!!! **Dana Point departures will be an additional $2 per person payable at time of check-in DISCOVERY SCIENCE CENTER: OCEA Price $11/Adult; $8/Child ages 3-17 (Reg $12 95 & $9 95) Open 10 a m – 5 p m Black-Out Days Thanksgiving & Christmas Parking fee $3/vehicle paid at the entrance NO EXPIRATION!!! K-1 SPEEDWAY: OCEA Price $15/Person (Reg $25 95) No Black-Out Dates Standard race good anytime at any K1 locations; includes one-year K1 Speed license for new drivers Drivers must be at least 4’11” to drive NO EXPIRATION!!! MEDIEVAL TIMES DINNER & TOURNAMENT: OCEA Price $42/Adult; $32/Child ages 12 & under (Reg $54 65 & $37 40) Reservation required 714-521-4740 No restrictions Tickets expire SEPTEMBER 30, 2009!!! PIRATE’S DINNER ADVENTURE: OCEA Price $47/Adult; $33/Child ages 3-11 (Reg $56 95 & $37 95) Reservation required 1-866-439-2469 Tickets expire NOVEMBER 30, 2009!!!

Movie Theaters AMC Theatres (Loews & Cineplex): OCEA Price $6/person (Reg $11 50 ) Special engagements excluded during the first two weeks on new releases Valid 7 days a week NO EXPIRATION DATE

Century Cinema: OCEA Price $6/person (Reg $10 50 ) Special engagements excluded during the first two weeks on new releases Valid 7 days a week NO EXPIRATION DATE

San Diego Zoo: OCEA Price $28/Adult; $21/Child ages 3-11 (Reg $35 & $26) Unlimited use of Guided Bus Tours, Express Bus, and Skyfari Aerial Tram For park hours please log on to www sandiegozoo com Tickets expire MARCH 31, 2010!!!

Krikorian Premier Theaters: OCEA Price $7/person (Reg $10 50 ) No restrictions Valid 7 days a week NO EXPIRATION DATE

SeaWorld San Diego: OCEA Price $50/Adult; $45/Child ages 3-9 (Reg $65 & $55) 2 Days of Fun Admission!!! For park hours please log on to www seaworld com Parking fee $10/ vehicle paid at the park Tickets expire DECEMBER 31, 2009!!!

Regal Entertainment Group: OCEA Price $6/person (Reg $10 50 ) Special engagements excluded during the first two weeks on new releases Valid 7 days a week NO EXPIRATION DATE

*Purchase your tickets online at www.oceamember.org.

Amusement Parks

Six Flags Magic Mountain: OCEA Price $25/Adult; $15/Child under 48 inches (Reg $59 99 & $29 99) Parking fee $15/vehicle paid at the park Tickets expire DECEMBER 31, 2009!!!

Disneyland & Disney’s California Adventure: *All Disney tickets may be purchased online at www.oceamember.org.

Universal Studios Hollywood: OCEA Price $53/Person ages 3 & up (Reg $67/Adult; $54/Child under 48”) No Black-Out Dates Parking fee $12/ vehicle paid at the park Tickets expire DECEMBER 31, 2009!!!

Standard 1-Day 1-Park Admission: OCEA Price $64/Adult; $56/Child ages 3-9 (Reg $69 & $59) For information on Park’s hours please visit wwwdisneyland com Tickets expire December 17, 2009!!! Disneyland Resort parking fee: $15/vehicle paid at the park Downtown Disney District parking fee: $6/hr (up to 3 hrs free with validation)

Water Parks KNOTT’S SOAK CITY: OCEA Price $21/Adult; $19/Child under 48” (Reg $24 99 & $19 99 for Southern California residents) No Black-Out Dates Parking fee $12/vehicle paid at the park Tickets expire SEPTEMBER 30, 2009

DISNEY ANNUAL PASSES: Premium: $370/Person ages 3 & up (Reg $389) No Black-Out Days Parking pass included Tickets valid for one year from activation date Passes must be activated by JANUARY 2, 2010!!!

RAGING WATERS: OCEA Price $23/Adult; $19/Child under 48” (Reg $35 99 & $21 99) No Black-Out Dates Parking fee $10/vehicle paid at the park Tickets expire SEPTEMBER 13, 2009!!!

Deluxe: $256/Person ages 3 & up (Reg $269) Black-Out Days schedule available in Special Events office Tickets are valid for one year from activation date Passes must be activated by JANUARY 2, 2010!!!

*Purchase your tickets online at www.oceamember.org. WILD RIVERS - IRVINE: OCEA Price $20/Adult; $15/Child ages 3-9 (Reg $31 98 over 48” & $19 99 under 48”) No Black-Out Dates Parking fee $10/ vehicle paid at the park Tickets expire SEPTEMBER 13, 2009!!!

Parking pass $59 available for purchase only at Disney’s Will Call Center Knott’s Berry Farm: OCEA Price $27/Adult; $20/Child under 48” (Reg $51 99 & $22 99 for So Cal Residents Program) No Black-Out Dates Not valid for Special Ticket Events Packages For park hours please log on to www knotts com Parking fee $6/vehicle paid at the park Tickets expire MARCH 31, 2010!!! LEGOLAND California: OCEA Price $43/Person ages 3 & up (Reg $63/Adult & $53/Child) Second-visitfree promotion!!! Second visit must occur within 90 days from the first Parking fee $10/vehicle paid at the park For park hours please call 760-918-5346 or log on to www legoland com/plan-your-visit hours htm Tickets expire JANUARY 31, 2010!!! San Diego Wild Animal Park: OCEA Price $28/Adult; $21/Child ages 3-11 (Reg $35 & $26) Includes use of Wgasa Bushline Railway (parking excluded) For park hours please log on to www sandiegozoo com Tickets expire MARCH 31, 2010!!!

*Purchase your tickets online at www.oceamember.org.

Purchase tickets: To order by mail, please include: 1) name and phone number, 2) letter stating your ticket order, and 3) check payable to OCEA for the full amount of the ticket order plus $6.40 for shipping and handling. Send orders to: Special Events, OCEA, 830 N. Ross Street, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Checks for over $500 not accepted. Ticket sales are final. Sorry, no refunds or exchanges. Please allow sufficient time! Mailed ticket orders are generally processed within five business days of receiving the order. Sorry, OCEA makes no guarantees on mailed orders. Shipping and handling charges cover costs of certifying and insuring mailed tickets. For further information, contact Joanna Nachurski at (714) 835-3355 or via email at jnachurski@oceamember.org. Ticket hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Now you can purchase certain tickets online at

Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 13, 2009: “Free HUD Foreclosure Prevention Workshop”!

www.oceamember.org See the announcement on page 26!



2009 “OCEA Presents” Meeting Topics

Wills and Trusts Do you need them?

June 13, 2009 Free Foreclosure Prevention Workshop (See page 13 for details!) June 24, 2009 Wills and Trusts (Two meetings will be held, from noon to 1:00 p.m., and from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.) July 29, 2009 FICO/How to Improve Your Credit Score

Wed., June 24, 2009 Noon to 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.*

OCEA Assembly Room * Meeting will be held twice. Both sessions cover the same material.

ll h wi ! c n u L ded rovi p e b

August 19, 2009 Breast Cancer Awareness September 27, 2009 Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure October 6, 2009

• Wills! • Trusts!

• Probate! • Provisions for minors! • Provisions for incapacity! Don Drozd is OCEA’s General Counsel. He received his BA degree from the University of California at Santa Barbara and his Juris Doctor degree from the UCLA School of Law. Don was admitted to the California State Bar in 1974, and he is certified by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization as a specialist in Estate Planning.

OCEA Health Fair November 18, 2009 OCEA Food and Toy Drive

Meetings are held in the OCEA Assembly Room from Noon to 1:00 p.m. Lunch will be served.

Parking is available under the building and in the dirt lot north of OCEA.

Please RSVP if possible. Email Cathy Yatch at cyatch@oceamember.org or call her at (714) 835-3355, ext. 211. 28



Come to our “OCEA Presents” event on June 24, 2009: “Wills and Trusts”!

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Protect Your Pension VOTE NOVEMBER 2009

Re tirement Board Let’s lead the way! RE-ELECT RUSSELL!

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