1 minute read
The commissioners presented a proclamation on Feb. 7 to Worcester County NAACP President Ivory Smith recognizing February as Black History Month. The commissioners also paid tribute to a number of historic figures whose contributions helped to shape Worcester County.
Five members of the Republican Women of Worcester County Board attended a Maryland Federation of Republican Women Leadership Conference on Jan. 7, at the Renditions Golf Club in Davidsonville. Pictured, from left, are Sandy Zitzer, RWWC president; Gina Shaffer, legislative chair; Jean

Ring Ceremony
The annual Junior Ring Ceremony took place at Worcester Preparatory School on Feb. 8. It is tradition that seniors present the juniors with their rings along with a few insightful comments as to why the recipient is special to them. Class of 2024 students standing with their alumni parents are Mason Williams and his mother, Meg (’90); Cole Campbell and his mother, Erika (’88); Lebby Becker and her mother, Tara (’91), and Baylor Hoen with his father, Chris (’90).