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Spring Just Walk Berlin back on Sat. at SD Park
By Jack Chavez Staff Writer

(May 4, 2023) The trees are budding and the flowers are blooming, making this the perfect time to step outside and take a stroll through town after a long winter.
That’s what the Town of Berlin and the Worcester County Health Department are inviting people to do Saturday morning with the return of the annual “Spring Just Walk Berlin.”
Participants will meet up at 8:30 a.m. at Stephen Decatur Park and walk a path through town before looping back around to the park. There will be available paths that are one, two and three miles long.

“We’ll have resources onsite that I think will be beneficial for the community to learn more about, but I also think the walk itself, it’s through town, so you’re part of the community,” said Berlin town Administrative Assistant Kate Daub. “It brings the community together to promote physical activity and being inside.”
Daub said the event is catered to as many people as possible — it’s a flatsurface, easy walk.
“We are trying to promote more physical activity as part of the community,” Daub said.
Staff from Atlantic General Health will be on the way promoting healthy living and offering resources and services such as blood pressure checks. Health Department representatives will be present as well to promote healthy-living resources.
Drawing on the turnout from last year’s Fall Glow Walk that featured around 50 to 75 walkers, Daub said she’s hoping they can get a similar turnout on Saturday.
The walk is free for participants. There is no rain date scheduled if inclement weather cancels the walk.

For more information, visit https://berlinmd.gov/2023/04/26/s pring-just-walk-on-saturday-may6th/.

Bikes, food and blessings offered
Continued from Page 6
There is no entry fee but participants are welcome to provide a donation. Bring nonperishable food items for the group’s food bank.

Food will be available at the event.
Look for the Fathom Church flags lining the driveway and follow it back.
There will be people parking bikes on the property. The event will be held outside on the lawn. All are welcome. For more information, call 443-497-1302.