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Jenkins Point public meeting scheduled May 15 in Pines

(May 12, 2023) Ocean Pines Association and Maryland Coastal Bays Program will co-host a public meeting on the Jenkins Point Restoration Project at 6 p.m. Monday, May 15, in the clubhouse meeting room on 100 Clubhouse Drive.

Association President Doug Parks said the meeting will include an informational presentation from Maryland Coastal Bays Program.

“The Jenkins Point project is designed to use natural and naturebased techniques to enhance community resilience to sea level rise, flooding and coastal storms, and to enhance wildlife habitat to the greatest extent possible to support coastal species,” Parks said in a news release. “The meeting is intended to give residents an explanation of the various aspects of the project, including the design concept of the work, and an introduction to the project team and contractors.”

To attend the meeting virtually, use the invite link: teams.microsoft.com/l/meetupjoin/19%3ameeting_YTg3NDllNzctNjliNi00MDJkLWEyNjAtNGVjZDU1 MTYxZjUw%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22625a6 322-2b2f-40fa-94f8d7dd44d78153%22%2c%22Oid%22 %3a%221bbee60b-d4e0-49eb-b4c6d257cae7f063%22%7d.

Latham candidate for OP board

Continued from Page 58 pier.”

Latham said he planned to continue to seek solutions to provide ramp use for both residents and nonresidents and to see that fee structures are effective.

Latham said if he is elected his focus would be on OP’s finances to ensure the community has proper reserves to address road, drainage and other major projects.

As Latham sees it, it will be important to monitor the Route 90 bridge project and the Route 589 expansion to ensure the community has appropriate input.

He also prioritizes safety, fire and police protection.

“If elected, my goal will be to help make our community even better. I will use my business background in leadership, communications, and financial acumen to help drive the decisions on important issues that are in the best interest of the Ocean Pines community.” print of the storage shed is a “sizable addition” that involves some utility relocation work.

Latham is a United States Marine Corps veteran and has a bachelor’s degree and a master’s in Business Management Studies from the University of Maryland, University College.

He currently works full time as the vice president of indirect and fleet GPO sales at Corcentric, LLC, a national procurement and financial automation consulting company.

“I’m not discounting anything that’s been mentioned but we have the solar installation behind the property, (it) has utilities running through this spot so again it’s a little more than say an Amish-built shed in the backyard somewhere. This is a building addition with utility (relocations) and it’s needed for that facility.

Mitrecic agreed that it’s not as simple as a backyard shed, but that no matter the degree of complexity, chances are that, had the county sent out an RFP, a firm the size of Becker

Morgan would not have been needed.

Commissioners Caryn Abbott and Eric Fiori agreed with Mitrecic, with Fiori saying that the designs, which indicate it will affect three-quarters of the existing building are perhaps a bit too complex.

“Looking backward on this, maybe (don’t) try to tie it into the building so invasively. (That) might be a little bit of cost savings,” Fiori said. “This is a need but again I support Joe saying we don’t need to hire a high-end firm for something like this.”

The next step will be having the commissioners award the construction contract.

Atlantic General Hospital to hold Anniversary Celebration

(May 12, 2023) Atlantic General Hospital Foundation is preparing to present one of its largest fundraising events, the annual Anniversary Celebration, with this year’s edition marking Atlantic General Hospital’s 30th.

Bob Kelly, president of Bil-Jac Foods, also known as Kelly Foods Corporation, has signed on to be legacy sponsor again this year.

He has said the continued endorsement has been important to him and his family for years. This year marks Kelly Food’s 19th consecutive year as Legacy Sponsor.

Kelly Foods and the Kelly family have contributed more than $231,000 to Atlantic General Hospital since 2004, with plans to continue the family tradition of giving to the community hospital as an annual sponsor of Atlantic General Hospital’s Anniversary Celebration.

Kelly’s father always believed it was important to give back to the community and he demonstrated this by contributing financially, in addition to volunteering his time to serve the local hospital in their hometown of Medina, Ohio.

“When I moved to the Eastern Shore in the 1970s, I remember what it was like when there was no hospital in Worcester County. A local community hospital is not something that should be taken for granted. I encourage our community members to help support our local hospital in any way possible, especially during trying times,” Kelly said.

Bob Kelly’s father, Bill, and Bill’s brother, Jack founded Bil-Jac Foods in 1947 based on their passion to help dogs thrive by improving their nutrition through the best combination of ingredients, vitamins and minerals. Although the Kelly Foods headquarters is located in Medina, Ohio, they also have a presence in Berlin with their pet food plant that is located half a mile from Atlantic General Hospital.

Additional event sponsorships are available. Several sponsorship levels include a number of complimentary admissions to attend the celebration at Newport Farms Estate located at 10851 Hayes Landing Road in Berlin.

Guests are encouraged to wear cocktail attire for the outdoor event that will take place, rain or shine, during the evening of Thursday, May 18th from 6-10 p.m. Features of the gala include an abundance of sophisticated hors d’oeuvres, an array of stylish cocktails, and live musical en- tertainment for your listening and dancing pleasure.

Visit www.agh.care/agh30 to submit sponsorships or purchase admissions.

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