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Ocean Pines General Manager June report
OPA considers new racquet center club house, golf club irrigation and firehouse
By Cindy Hoffman Staff Writer
(June 22, 2023) General Manager John Viola reported on maintenance projects during the monthly board of directors meeting on Saturday.
Projects that have been completed include the painting of the restrooms at the golf club, and the restrooms and bar at the Yacht Club.
Playground upgrades have been made, including the addition of a baby swing at Bridgewater Park and an ADA entrance to the Manklin playground.
Ocean Pines trails are getting cleaned up with tree trimming and mulching. Signs have been ordered for the parks and will be placed when they come in.
Viola told the board that workers will be starting the trim work on the North Gate Bridge. That job had been put off to address other priorities. There will be two fountains in the ponds at this entrance, he said.
“The course is in excellent, top shape,” Viola said. “The place is packed. The base sales numbers are up over 2022.”
Viola also told the board that big increases in golf play had been the norm since the arrival of club golf pro Bob Beckelman.
Capital items
Viola reported that he is already meeting with committees and getting their thoughts on the capital items proposed for FY 2024-25. He said he will start talking to the Budget and Finance Committee about the priorities.
Viola has formed a work group to replace the playground equipment in Bainbridge Park to make it ADA compliant. The group is looking to get grants for this project, he said.
The association released a survey on June 15 for residents to gauge community interest in the types of amenities and play structures at the proposed new playground.
The survey takes about three minutes to complete and responses are kept confidential and anonymous. The survey can be found here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ DJM9Q7P
As for other projects, Viola told the board he is gathering information on toll booths for the boat slips, and that there are still plans for a new firehouse. He said a working group will be making a presentation during the August board meeting. Viola said the group is pursuing grants to help pay for the project and wants to see the results of those efforts before making a presentation to the board.
Back on the golf course, Viola said he is working with a contractor to develop plans for a new irrigation system there.
“We do need an irrigation system. We have a multi-million-dollar course. Let’s now give this team the irrigation system that they need. We are certainly making the money,” Viola said.
Viola also reported that he expects to sit down with some contractors and see what is needed and what is viable in terms of a new racquet club house. Options being considered include a renovation of the current building, or erecting a completely new building, with either one or two stories.
The general manager concluded his presentation by reporting that a pavilion for the Veteran’s Memorial Park is being considered. Frank Brown has developed some sketches and Viola said he hopes for a joint partnership on this project.
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