1 minute read
Buzz Meadery proposes new building on Berlin Commons
Continued from Page 3 space.
“I know it is a big ask. If there was a way to get you a suitable lot and create open space there, it would mitigate some of the ill effects of what we are doing on Gay Street and make it healthier and better looking.”
Hammond said the whole south side currently drains into Bottle Branch.
Engelhart said storm water calculations are done for a new building and annual fees are supposed to reflect the storm water management impacts.

“I think we are exempt because of the lot size,” Pfeffer said.
“The calculations still have to bear out,” Engelhart replied. “You need to discharge into the storm water system properly. Anything you are building has a storm management review.”
The drawings of the building show a rainwater cistern on the side of the building.
Megan Hines said their next step is to create a more specific concept drawing of the building for the planning commission to consider.
“We live in Berlin, have a business in Berlin. We want everything to be done right,” she said.

She expects to bring the plans back to the commission for their next meeting.