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MidAtlantic tourney starts Monday
(Aug. 18, 2023) As the final weeks of summer drift by, white marlin and blue marlin typically get frisky and in a hungry mood, which bodes well as the annual MidAtlantic tournament kicks off Monday.
This year, August has a “Blue Moon” where a full moon occurs twice in the same month and the days following the first full moon on Aug. 1 saw a dramatic increase in billfish catches along the canyons.
Patches of nutrient-rich cobalt blue water brought forage species for marlin, tuna, wahoo and dolphin to feed on and that scenario got the juices flowing for those heading to the canyons in the Mid-Atlantic region.
Anglers and captains retuning to Canyon Club Resort Marina in Cape May, New Jersey, and Sunset Marina in Ocean City, Maryland, have chat- ted about encounters with billfish and an increase in the number of release flags flying from their riggers verifies what they are reporting.
The timing couldn’t be better as the 2023 MidAtlantic tournament is right around the corner.
The staff at Canyon Club Resort Marina and Sunset Marina have been hard at work preparing for the tournament where teams will battle it out for bragging rights and a shot at a portion of the lottery-like purse.
According to Tournament Director Aaron Hoffman, registration has been very steady.
“We’re about 30 percent ahead of where we were last year at this time,” he said, adding online registration at the tournament’s web site www.themidatlantic.com is the quickest and easiest way to secure a spot in the lineup. “Port caps are once again set at 125 boats in Cape May and in Ocean City, so by registering online ahead of the late registration on Sunday, Aug. 20, you can be sure you’ll get your spot in the tournament.
“Additionally, you can pay your calcutta fees online as well, which cuts down on the time required when picking up your tournament packet prior to the captain’s meeting,” he added.
Hoffman also highly recommends securing transient dockage space quickly as well.
Canyon Club Resort Marina will once again be the tournament’s headquarters, and at Sunset Marina, the event’s designated satellite venue.
Nightly dockside hospitality is scheduled for both marinas and tournament participants will receive spe-