SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
OCEAN CITY BIKE WEEK Thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts converge in Ocean City this weekend for events – Page 49
Doerr gets 10 in arson Prosecution asks five, judge doubles it in St. Louis Ave. case
REMEMBERING 9/11 The local Red Knights Motorcycle Club, Maryland Chapter 3, hosted its 12th annual 9/11 Parade of Brothers Memorial Ride and ceremony on Sunday in honor of Americans who lost their lives during the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States. A few hundred people rode their motorcycles down the Ocean City Boardwalk to the firefighters’ memorial at North Division Street where the ceremony took place.
Mitrecic weighs in on buskers Commissioner argues rights of customers being violated by Boardwalk performers By Katie Tabeling Staff Writer (Sept. 16, 2016) Worcester County Commissioner Joe Mitrecic has raised some questions about the rights of performers and whether they outweigh the public’s need for a reasonable noise level on the Boardwalk.
During the Sept. 6 Ocean City Council session, Mitrecic told the mayor and council what had been a pleasant Labor Day on the Boardwalk soured because of excessively loud violin music coming from a performer stationed next to Shenanigan’s, where he was dining. “I wouldn’t even say he played music – he made noises and his electric violin was plugged into an amplifier,” he said. “I couldn’t hear the music playing in the restaurant. I know that you’re up against it, but something has to be done with the street performers.”
The violinist was identified as Ion Lucian Ionescu, who, according to city officials, was permitted to perform in a space near Fifth Street. Ionescu has become somewhat a wellknown busker this summer, since he had complained about the Boardwalk lottery system and regulations to city officials. On July 29, Ocean City police gave him a spoken warning after a merchant complained about the sound level of the violinist’s amplifier. A day later he was issued a written citation for violating the See MORE Page 6
By Brian Gilliland Associate Editor (Sept. 16, 2016) Circuit Court Judge Dale Cathell sentenced Matthew Raymond “Ray” Doerr to 10 years in prison for starting the fire in March that destroyed the vacant house formerly located at 19 St. Louis Ave. in Snow Hill on Wednesday. Doerr was visibly shocked by the sentence, and his longtime girlfriend burst into tears, since he had agreed to a plea deal with State’s Attorney Beau Oglesby that carried a sentencing recMatthew Doerr ommendation for half the amount of time. Doerr originally faced charges of first-degree arson and destruction of property exceeding $1,000 in value. Oglesby amended the charging document to second-degree arson and agreed to not prosecute the second charge in exchange for a guilty plea. First-degree arson is used for houses, and second-degree is for “structures,” Oglesby said during the case. The maximum sentence for first-degree arson is 30 years in prison and up to $50,000 in fines, while seconddegree arson carries a maximum of 20 years and in $30,000 fines. Oglesby said he was confortable with the decision to reduce See NIGHT Page 5
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Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
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Motorcycles fill the Ocean City Boardwalk on Sunday as several hundred riders drive their bikes to the firefighters’ memorial at North
Division Street. The local Red Knights Motorcycle Club, Maryland Chapter 3,
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hosted its 12th annual 9/11 Parade of Brothers Memorial Ride and ceremony in honor of Americans who lost their lives during the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States. (Right) Bagpiper Randy Welch leads a
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procession to the memorial.
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Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Night of drinking ends in fire, 911 call, decade in slammer Continued from Page 1 the charges because the house was unoccupied at the time of the fire, the utilities had been disconnected, and the building was slated for demolition. The sentencing guidelines in these circumstances, Oglesby said, were between five and 12 years in prison. He recommended 10 years, with five suspended for Doerr, who has been incarcerated since his arrest in April. There was no discussion of a fine. As part of a plea deal, the defendant must stipulate to a recitation of the facts as the prosecution presents them, though the judge could still disqualify the agreement based upon what he or she hears as evidence. Doerr offered no adjustments to Oglesby’s statements. Oglesby said Doerr had been drinking heavily that day, admitting to consuming eight beers and three mixed drinks before midnight on March 11. According to a witness, Doerr said he was feeling like doing “something reckless,” like burning down a house. These and other similar statements
caused the witness, who was also drinking with Doerr that night, to come forward and tell investigators what he knew. In addition to the witness statements, one of the city-owned surveillance cameras spotted a man wearing clothes similar to what Doerr was wearing that night making several passes behind 19 St. Louis Ave. shortly after midnight until the fire started around 12:25 a.m. According to investigators, the fire began in what had been the laundry room of the cottage using materials already present in the house, but the ignition source was never identified. Oglesby said the call to 911 reporting the fire was traced back to Doerr’s cell phone. For his part, Doerr told the judge he was extremely sorry and embarrassed about what happened. “I thank God no firefighters were hurt,” he said. Cathell said the most dangerous place to start a fire in Ocean City was in old town, since most structures are wood.
Berlin man sentenced to five years for stalking neighbor
(Sept. 16, 2016) Michael Murray, 49, of Berlin was sentenced to five years in jail for a combination of stalking, trespassing and harassment charges brought by a neighbor. The neighbor said the incidents began shortly after she moved into an adjacent property in August 2014. She said Murray would stare at her constantly, which then escalated to him appearing in her yard, at the back door of her home or knocking on windows, uninvited. After a long period of inactivity from
December 2015 to March 2016, the neighbor purchased a motion-activated “deer camera,” and mounted it overlooking the rear entry to her home. Each day for the next three days the camera captured images of Murray standing in her back yard, for as long as a half-hour, after 10 p.m. Murray faced 22 total charges, and was convicted of 17, the most serious of which is stalking. Judge Dale Cathell sentenced Murray to five years for stalking, to be served concurrently with eight 90-day sentences for each of the lesser charges.
This house located at 19 St. Louis Ave. was demolished following arson in early March.
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Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
More calls for B’walk noise control Continued from Page 1 “30-foot rule,” which states that if music can be heard from a 30-foot distance, the musician could be cited. Weeks later, the American Civil Liberties Union took up his grievance and mailed a letter to City Solicitor Guy Ayres that cited a 2013 federal court ruling against a similar restriction and threatened legal action if the city persisted. Although the buskers’ freedom of expression was protected, Mitrecic argued, he believed that his rights as a citizen were violated. “I could not hear the music playing in the restaurant, and at some point in time that has to be a violation of my rights. I could not enjoy the dinner that I was there to enjoy with my wife [and]
that I paid for. So at some point in time, whose rights matter more than others?” Mitrecic asked. He also claimed that he could hear Ionescu a block and a half away from the restaurant. “If I sat in my front yard and played a guitar on my own personal property, I don’t think I could get away with this,” he told the council. In a later interview, Shenanigan’s owner Greg Shockley said Ionescu’s music was so loud that patrons could hear him from a distance of 60 feet. “I have background music playing, so it was like a wall of sound,” Shockley said. “People have been complaining about his music, so there has to be a balance struck between his rights to stand out there and busk and my cus-
tomers that are paying to come in and relax. They’re [customers] not able to do that because they’re fighting to listen to my music or his music.” Mitrecic told the council last week that he understood its struggle to make a inclusive Boardwalk, but that something needed to be done about the disturbance created by the performers. “I understand you’re up against it,” he said. “But at this point in time, this gentleman is infringing on the rights of people trying to enjoy the Boardwalk and that’s not fair. “I don’t know if a petition can be started by Ocean City or the voters, whether it could come to referendum,” he continued. “I don’t know the answer, but I certainly know that you’re looking for it.”
Lotto system inaugural year smooth
By Katie Tabeling Staff Writer (Sept. 16, 2016) The Boardwalk performer’s lottery system officially closed out its inaugural year yesterday, and from a city perspective, it was a modest success. “It went smoothly and cooperatively,” said City Clerk Diana Chavis, who presided over the drawings for performance spaces. “I don’t know if everyone was
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pleased, but we made the best out of it.” The City Council adopted a random lottery system in April because its previous “first come, first serve” process led to multiple problems, including performers more or less camping outside at City Hall to ensure they were at the head of the line in the morning. With 33 performance spots designated — and not all of them prime in the eyes of the performers — people also
complained that the best locations seemed to be gobbled up before anyone else had an opportunity to obtain one of the higher profile spaces. As a result, the council passed an ordinance creating the random selection process, which took place every Monday from April 25 to Sept. 15. The last drawing was held on Sept. 6. That doesn’t mean, however, that the performers will See LOTTERY Page 7
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Lottery setup provides town framework to address issues Continued from Page 6 be off the Boardwalk as well. “It’s only the fact that the lottery has ended. Performers can still be on the Boardwalk,” Chavis said. They still have to abide by the same rules and stay in the same spots.” The new system started slowly, since only one or two buskers registered for early May. More entertainers signed up as the season wore on, culminating with 20 people signing up for a spot in July and August. “I think the lottery went well,” said Greg Shockley, chairman of the Boardwalk Task Force, the advisory committee that recommended the selection process. “My business [Shenanigans on Fourth Street] is on the Boardwalk, so I saw a good rotation of entertainers in front of my location.” Among those who did their routines in front of his Irish restaurant, he said, were a magician, a guitar player, a juggler and an escape artist. “That was one of the concerns we wanted to address with the rotation,” Shockley said. “There didn’t seem to be complaints from businesses. I spent some time out there beyond Fourth Street and it seems to be a more controlled setup.” The Boardwalk performers themselves, however, don’t agree. Since the City Council passed the new measures, street entertainers have been protesting and local dissident Tony Christ filed a $1 million federal lawsuit on their behalf in 2015.
“I’ve heard [the buskers] say it should be a free-for-all and they should go wherever they want. They don’t care for the lottery,” Shockley said. A third amended complaint filed by Maryland Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, and its president David Gray Wright last week indicates the performers are not backing down. The re-filed lawsuit removes any specific mention of monetary compensation, but argues that a segment of Ocean City’s code that addresses performers is unconstitutional “to the extent that it forbids freedom of speech and expression that is protected” by the First Amendment. While that litigation is pending, Ocean City officials and business owners are considering complaints they have heard about the lottery and how to improve it. “Part of our charge is to create an Ocean City street performer system that works for everyone,” Shockley said. “It’s a work in progress.” But for now, Shockley seems to think that one set of regulations in place is better than none. “It gives everyone guidelines to work in. The street performers know what to expect, the merchants know what to expect and the police enforcing it have a set of guidelines to work with so they can arbitrate disputes when they arise,” he said. “Whether we [the Boardwalk Task Force] can do anything about it or not, that’s part of the task force’s job to look at it and what can be done and improve it for everybody.”
Second public hearing on fee hike set for Tuesday at SDHS (Sept. 16, 2016) The Maryland Public Service Commission will hold its second public comment hearing on Tuesday, Sept. 20 at 6:30 p.m. at Stephen Decatur High School to discuss a proposed settlement agreement in the case among Sandpiper, the Maryland Office of People’s Counsel and the Staff of the Maryland
Public Service Commission. Under the terms of the proposed settlement, residential customer rates based on usage will decrease over time, but a $4.50 fixed monthly customer charge will increase to $6.50, $8 or $10 depending on the customer’s rate class, and remain the See FLAT Page 10
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Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
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Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Resort tow companies seek higher cap on service rates
A n O c e a n C ittyy Trr a d ittii o n
Ocean City only jurisdiction in county to legislate what customers will pay for help
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By Katie Tabeling Staff Writer (Sept. 16, 2016) Resort area towing companies are hoping for a service rate increase as they operate in Ocean City to meet higher operations costs and to bring them in line with prices charged in the surrounding areas. During Monday’s Police Commission meeting, resort officials heard automotive business operators make their case for change in the city ordinance that sets a cap for towing a disabled car. The ordinance, which was passed in 2008, sets rates for a standard tow for a gross vehicle mass of 26,000 kilograms at $150, moving a vehicle to the side of road is at $10 a day, storage is at $10 for the first day with an additional $15 charge for each following day. Ocean City is the only municipality in Worcester County that regulates tow truck rates. Other jurisdictions allow free market operations. “We were already being paid more than what the ordinance states,” said
John Derrickson of John’s Autobody Repair & Tow in Berlin. He served as a spokesperson for the half-dozen company owners who filled the room. “I believe you’re paying us $185 a tow. So I feel like we need to bring this up-tospeed on the cost of business.” The business owners were also spurred to action after receiving a letter from State Farm Insurance. The insurer had received a complaint from a driver about what he considered an outrageous service fee. The driver wrote to State Farm, which, in turn, reminded local companies of the cap. “There’s something called Sherman’s law – you cannot rip people off,” Derrickson said to the commission. “We had a conversation with a tow company and they charged $725 for a car they had for an hour. I think State Farm picked that car up and someone complained.” “We were told a tow from Ocean City should cost $102,” he continued. “Well, we might as well close up our doors because that fixed cost alone is more than that.” In response, Derrickson and several other companies, including Racetrack Towing, White Knight Towing and See CERTAIN Page 11
Flat fees on electric to increase Continued from Page 7 same until the PSC approves future changes. In addition, the proposed settlement calls for several new non-recurring charges and creates additional commercial rate classes based on usage levels. The proposed settlement, among other changes, will authorize financial incentives for builders who install gas or propane in multi-family housing units, and allow poultry houses to bypass the minimum consumption requirements usually needed to qualify for a negotiated rate for gas delivery service. The application has been docketed
by the commission as Case No. 9410. Case filings and associated pleadings in the matter are available in the electronic docket file, which may be viewed or downloaded at www.psc.state.md.us. Sandpiper serves nearly 11,000 residential, commercial and industrial natural gas and propane customers in Worcester County. Members of the public may also submit written comments by Friday, September 30, 2016 to: David J. Collins, Executive Secretary, Maryland Public Service Commission, William Donald Schaefer Tower, 6 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202
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Ocean City Today
tow, we need to pay them a little extra money,” Derrickson said. “And it doesn’t stop there. When the police are done with them, they’re out calling us at 5 a.m. wanting to get their car out of the yard. I have people who tried to ram my fence because they want their car out. “A DWI tow is painful compared to an accident tow where the insurance company gets with you in a couple of days,” he added. “It’s not as labor intensive.” As for an accident tow increase, the companies agreed that $325 rate could be the cheapest cost, versus the thousands spent on court fees and insurance. But Derrickson said that all the companies present will consider extenuating circumstances such as a fixed income. “When we’re dealing with Mrs. Jones and you’re real with us, we adjust our tow bills all the time to help people. Sometimes we tow it back home for free,” he said. “Everyone in the room is doing that.” Officials and the councilmembers did not weigh in on the proposed price spikes, Mayor Rick Meehan did see a point to further discuss the matter. “I think asking us to address this is a fair request so give us the opportunity to look into this and get back to you,” he said. “We can get some information about how Berlin and Worcester County charges to make sure we’re competitive and consistent.”
OC tow companies accuse Delaware firm of poaching
By Katie Tabeling Staff Writer (Sept. 16, 2016) In a larger discussion of tow rates regulations imposed by the Ocean City government, local automotive business owners brought up a practice they say is undercutting their operations. “There is M.A.G Towing & Auto Service Center in Roxana, Delaware, and they’re towing cars out of here left and right,” said John Derrickson of John’s Autobody Repair & Tow in Berlin, who served as a spokesperson for the half-dozen of towing companies during Monday’s Police Commission. “That tax base of those tows is going back to Delaware, Sussex County.” Although city officials were quick to point out that M.A.G Towing meets all of the insurance requirements with a business license and truck tags, towing company owners responded that in the state of Maryland it is illegal to tow for police agencies without state requirements. Those requirements are trucks must have Maryland tags, the business must have a Maryland business
license and an impound lot within the state. “I know from experience because I wanted to tow for Delaware State Police, and they told me ‘when you own property and pay taxes, then you can get a chance to be on the Delaware State Police tow list,” Derrickson said. “I spent a million dollars in Selbyville and now I can tow in Delaware.” According to state legislature, that policy works both ways. Although the Ocean City Police Department cannot prevent M.A.G. from coming into the resort and conducting business, it cannot legally work for law enforcement agencies. “I just don’t think it’s fair to you guys if they’re not paying taxes,” Derrickson said. “I just wanted to bring it up while we’re all in the same room.” Before turning back the conversation to proposed tow rate increases, Councilman Doug Cymek assured the towing company owners that OCPD would be on the case. “The Police Chief [Ross Buzzuro] will have someone look into that,” he said.
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Continued from Page 10 Shore Towing, met in Berlin to discuss the situation. In the past eight years, the cost of living, fuel and prices for tow trucks have gone up. Derrickson said trucks cost in the range of $90,000 to $100,000. He also added that it cost $500 to have a Department of Transportation official inspect a vehicle or a facility. “I understand why we have to do it. We don’t want an accident, we don’t want tires blowing out on the road, but that’s an expense we’re not being compensated for,” he said. Incidental costs such as broken cables and flat tires on the trucks also are not being covered through the fees, according to the drivers. The tow truck company owners proposed a sizable increase to the rates, reflecting what they charge in other jurisdictions in the county. The proposed cost for a typical “snatch and go” tow would be increased to $250 compared to the city’s set $150 rate. For cars heavier than 26,000 kilograms, the price is set a little lower than that, but is at an hourly rate. The standard show-up fee without a tow is proposed at $100 as compared to the current $65. The companies also suggested a $325 cost for an accident tow and a $285 for a tow involving a DWI arrest. “Drunk drivers are typically doing that between 1 and 3 in the morning. To get someone out of bed and do that
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Certain fees could more than double under rate proposal
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
1 984
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Drowning Michael Hilditch, 44, of the Baltimore area, was found dead in the ocean at 32nd Street on the afternoon of Sept. 10. According to Ocean City Beach patrol Capt. Butch Arbin, a witness told lifeguards about spotting Hilditch floating face down in the ocean. No one saw him struggling in the water or sitting on the beach and first responders were unable to revive him. In addition, Hilditch was found within 30 yards of a lifeguard stand.
Resisting arrest
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A Worcester County Sheriff’s Office deputy was on patrol Sept. 5 when he saw Glenn Harmon, 52, of Snow Hill, walking down the street. The deputy was aware that two circuit court warrants had been issued for Harmon for failing to appear in court. In addition, the deputy was also aware that Harmon had allegedly led the Snow Hill Police Department and Worcester County Sheriff`s Office on pursuits to avoid capture. Police said Harmon fled when the deputy asked him to stop, but he was eventually caught and arrested. Harmon was taken to the Worcester County Detention Center and held on no bond for both of his warrants. A criminal summons was issued charging Harmon with obstruction of justice, failure to obey a lawful order and resisting arrest.
Wanted man, drugs
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Warner Rivers, 26, of Berlin, was arrested by a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office deputy on Sept. 4 for having an active district court warrant. Police said several people were at the residence where Rivers was supposedly living and told officers he was not there. Shortly thereafter, police found Rivers hiding in a bedroom and a search uncovered suspected heroin and cocaine. Rivers was charged with two counts of possession of a controlled dangerous substance. He was held at the Worcester County Detention Center on $3,000 bond for the warrant in addition to a $5,000 bond for the possession charges.
Stealing from restaurant Ocean City police officers arrested and charged Roxana Calugaru, 24, of Romania, with a felony theft scheme on Sept. 8. According to the report, Calugaru was stealing money from customers and the local restaurant she was working at between July 13 and Aug. 28, 2016. Police said Calugaru was altering tip amounts on credit card transactions and making unauthorized
charges on customer’s credit cards totaling $699.72. A manager at the restaurant allegedly noticed discrepancies between Calugaru’s server report and the computer billing system.
Disorderly conduct, drugs Ocean City police officers arrested and charged Muhammad Khursheed, 25, of Brooklyn, New York and Santinder Singh, 29, of Centreville, Maryland, with possession of cocaine on Sept. 11. Police were called to a group of disorderly subjects who had parked their cars illegally in front of the beach. Police said that once they were on the scene, they immediately smelled marijuana. Police reported finding a partially smoked marijuana cigarette and a bag of cocaine in the cup holder. A few hours earlier, Khursheed was arrested by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Police for disorderly conduct.
Crash kills one, injures one Police responded to a crash on Sheephouse Road near Buck Harbor Road in Pocomoke City last Saturday at 11:30 p.m. and discovered a 2013 Toyota had left the road and struck a tree, trapping both the driver and passenger. The driver, Timothy Gingrich, 18, of Greenbackville, Virginia was extricated and taken to Peninsula Regional Medical Center. Gingrich was later transferred to University of Maryland Shock Trauma in stable condition. As of Tuesday, his condition was listed as “fair.” The passenger in the vehicle, Logan Moloy, 21, of Fruitland, Maryland was pronounced deceased on the scene, according to police. Moloy was taken to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore for an autopsy. Both alcohol and the vehicle’s speed were factors in the crash, police reported. The investigation is being conducted by the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Crash Reconstruction Unit.
Pedestrian struck Early Monday morning, Maryland State Police were called to the intersection of Old Snow Hill Road and Carter Road for a vehicle collision involving a pedestrian. According to police, Alphonso Ruffin, 35, of Pocomoke City, was operating a 2013 Gray Dodge Dart that allegedly struck pedestrian Curtis Broadwater Sr., 43, of Pocomoke City. Broadwater, police said, was walking north along Old Snow Hill Road when he was struck. He was taken to Peninsula Regional Medical Center with non-life threatening injuries following the crash.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Ocean City Today
Pocomoke man believed to kill father, sister, self By Brian Gilliland Associate Editor (Sept. 16, 2016) The remains of both Marvin Wilmer Purnell, 78, and his daughter, Karen Purnell, 53, were found in the family home on Groton Road Monday after an apparent hourlong standoff with relative Marvin Desmond Purnell, 46, that ended with his suicide. What started with a routine welfare check, initiated by a friend of Karen’s who had not seen her in some time, ended in unusual circumstances and with the grisly discovery. The unidentified friend paid a visit to the home before contacting authorities, and while receiving no answer at the door, told police she noticed a “very strong disturbing odor” from the residence. Upon arrival, deputies found the house secure from the outside, without signs of forced entry. As the deputies attempted to make contact with the occupants, police say they
heard a male voice in the house. “Deputies asked the male to open the door and the male failed to comply with commands to open the door,” a Maryland State Police press release said. Next, the deputies obtained a key to the house via undisclosed means, and entered the residence, according to the release. Upon entry, they encountered the decomposing remains of Marvin Wilmer Purnell and Karen Purnell in the kitchen, and saw a third body in the hallway opposite of the kitchen, later identified as Marvin Desmond Purnell, according to the release. “After observing the three bodies, deputies exited the home for safety and to set up a perimeter,” the release said. They attempted to contact Purnell
using a cell phone and loudspeaker, and were unsuccessful for about an hour, after which teargas was fired into the home. According to police, the tear gas canister set the home on fire, requiring a response from the Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Co. to extinguish the blaze. Authorities, including the Worcester County Fire Marshal, did not comment on the size of the fire. After the fire was put out, investigators were able to remove Purnell’s body, which was found lying on top of a rifle of unknown caliber, make or model. Examination of the body revealed a single gunshot wound to his neck. An autopsy conducted by the Maryland Medical Examiner concluded that the gunshot was self-inflicted. Sgt. DaVaughn Parker of the Mary-
Juvenile airlifted to Johns Hopkins following crash
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By Kara Hallissey Staff Writer (Sept. 16, 2016) Troopers from the Berlin barrack arrested and charged Renata Lovitt, 30, of Berlin with driving under the influence of alcohol, driving while impaired by alcohol while transporting a minor and negligent driving on Sept. 10 after she crashed into the back of another vehicle on Route 50. After a preliminary investigation, police reported Lovitt slammed into the back of another car that was stopped on Route 50 because of traffic. According to reports, Lovitt smelled like alcohol and performed poorly on field sobriety tests. She was taken to the Berlin barrack, where she refused to take a breath test before seeing an Ocean City commissioner and being released on a $25,000 unsecured bond. There were three 9-year-old passengers and a 10-year-old who were evaluated at Atlantic General Hospital for precautionary measures. In addition, two passengers from the other car were taken to the hospital and a 14-year-old was flown to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore.
land State Police said he was on the scene during the incident and said neither he, nor anyone he talked to, reported hearing a gunshot. Parker said the preliminary autopsy report revealed Marvin Wilmer Purnell had sustained two gunshot wounds, one to the jaw and another in his cheek. Karen Purnell, he continued, had been shot in the back of the head, along with both stabbing and cutting wounds on her upper body. Parker said the medical examiner has not been able to determine if Karen Purnell’s wounds were sustained before or after her death. The elder Marvin Purnell and Karen Purnell’s deaths have been ruled homicides. No time of death has been determined for the Purnells. State police are still awaiting the results of toxicology screens.
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Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
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SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Ocean City Today
Eagle’s Landing clubhouse repairs West OC golf course awaits approval from City Council for improvements to start
By Katie Tabeling Staff Writer (Sept. 16, 2016) Pending the Ocean City Council’s approval, the Recreations and Parks department will proceed with a slew of repairs to the clubhouse at the Eagle’s Landing golf course in West Ocean City. During the Recreation and Parks Commission on Tuesday, Recreation and Parks Director Susan Petito requested permission to use $185,000 that had been set aside to repair the building’s roof and gutter, drainage system and restrooms. “The roof is 26 years old and it’s falling apart,” she said in a later interview. “It absolutely needs to replace its shingles. We’re also having some drainage problems around the clubhouse. In certain types of storms, we’re getting some leaking in the building. The restrooms have been used hard and need some TLC.” The $185,000 used for several of the clubhouse repairs will be provided through a memorandum of understanding between the county and city officials that was inked to provide a new spray irrigation system in 2014.
The conditions of that deal allow the county to pay for a new pipe infrastructure in return for 40 years of easement rights to transport wastewater under and on the golf course. Although the deal was set in 2014, the new spray system went nowhere because the county did not secure funding until 2015. This summer, city officials announced that they were slowly moving forward, pending paperwork from the Maryland Department of Agriculture. In early July, the Worcester County Commissioners unanimously approved bid specifications for the project and recently awarded the contract to Leibold Irrigation Inc. in Illinois. “We are just waiting for that contract to be signed so that project can start,” Petition said. “We’re hoping to have the installation start in the beginning of November.” As for the clubhouse repairs, the commission has begun considering its options for the highest priority item: the roof. “We’re debating on what type of roof would work out there, and we think we’re going to put out a bid for a couple of different options,” she said. “Whether it’s a shingle roof or metal one. I think we were looking at a shingle one with some metal en-
hancements, but it’s premature for me to say that right now. “When the prices come in, we’ll decide what works best,” she added. After these repairs are completed, the Recreation and Parks staff will see is any money remains for small repairs, like in the kitchen or to create a sit-down bar where golfers can eat food from the Caddyshack Café. “We already have the money. We just need to assess after we’re finished the priority projects,” Petito said. In other business, the commission discussed miscellaneous construction projects in parks and various recreation facilities. The floor in the Northside Park Recreation Complex’s community room will be pulled up and replaced starting on Sept. 26. New tile is expected to be installed by early October. The roof of the facilities’ west side will also be recovered, which means installation of a new material will be overlaid the on the old. “It was a little less expensive than other options, and we’ll be starting that soon,” Petito said. “We’re hoping that the construction will not impact our participants too badly. It’s all for the improvement of the amenities we have here. When it’s finished, it’ll be wonderful.”
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Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
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Ocean City Today
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City environment projects get $45K Funding to help handle match grant for check valves, stormwater basin
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SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
By Katie Tabeling Staff Writer (Sept. 16, 2016) The Ocean City Council unanimously agreed to spend $45,000 on several of the resort’s environmental projects, including helping cover a matching grant for check valves to assist with the flooding on the streets. Environmental Engineer Gail Blazer told council members during Tuesday’s work session that the Federal Emergency Management Agency awarded a grant to Ocean City this year to order flood check valves. Fourteen CheckMate Inline Check Valves arrived in March and were scheduled to be installed by Public Works over the course of a year and a half. The resort split the bill of the project, with FEMA covering 75 percent of the cost. “One of the conditions [of the grant] is a 25 percent match, and we were going to use that in-kind with Public Works to get them in on the project so we can go out and get a installer to get help put them in. We’re working on putting out a [request for proposal],” Blazer said. She asked the council to move
$20,000 from stormwater mitigation deferred revenue to cover the monetary match. When installed, the angled flaps will lift up and down to allow rainwater to flow in the bay. If water flows the opposite direction, the pressure forces the flap down, blocking the tide and preventing bay water from rising up through storm drains. The expectation is the device will clear up
‘We want to put some catch basin inserts so that they can be cleaned and catch hydrocarbon and sediment’ Environmental Engineer Gail Blazer several of the wet spots on the resort’s roads on rainy days. Blazer also asked that the council to authorize moving $15,000 from deferred revenue in the Critical Area and stormwater accounts to improve the quality of the stormwater runoff at the Public Works Complex on 65th Street. “We want to put some catch basin inserts so that they can be cleaned and catch hydrocarbon and sediment,” she said. In the past, Ocean City had used the catch basin inserts and managed
to remove 45 pounds of trash, debris and sediment from entering the bay yearly. The inserts are designed to allow the placement of an oil absorbent boom within the structure to provide some protection against the discharge of petroleum hydrocarbons, according to city officials. An additional $10,000 was requested from the Critical Area account to pay for projects the city staff had been working on for several years, including tree rebates, rain barrels, rain garden, beach and bay district plants, retrofit grants, and an intern salary. “Martha Bennett [the financial administrator] would like this money to be spent on a revolving basis and I thought they would be really good projects to spend it on,” Blazer said. The council agreed to request with little comment. Council President Lloyd Martin did offer one suggestion based on what he saw going on at a park. “I watched someone from the beautification committee go out and water plants, and at Fiesta Park, there’s two planters. She was carrying a large water bucket [to water them] and I thought that is a perfect place for a rain basin,” Martin said. “The committee would very much appreciate it.”
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SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Ocean City Today
VFW raising funds with beer table at BikeFest festivities
By Greg Ellison Staff Writer (Sept. 16, 2016) The campaign to save Ocean City’s Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8296 from the wrecking ball is gaining momentum. Post Commander Bob Shiffner said this week the organization hopes to raise additional capital with a table inside the Roland E. Powell Convention Center during the BikeFest event, which began on Thursday and continues until Sunday. “Come support the VFW at the Ocean City convention center on 40th Street, where we will be selling beer to save the post,” he said. The VFW will be vending brews from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., except on Sunday when the hours are limited to noon to 5 p.m. Shiffner has been enthused by the response the post has received since initiating the campaign in early August. “A lot of people have expressed interest,” he said. “People have stepped up but it’s hard because people can’t make commitments.”
‘This post (building) was built by WWII and Korean War veterans. Nine of which are still alive’ Post Commander Bob Shiffner Recent work to spruce up the exterior of the building has put a new shine on the structure. “The World Gym (67th Street) has stepped up to help us out,” he said. “We’ve had volunteers from as far away as Salisbury.” After word of the VFW’s financial challenges came to light, numerous inquiries about purchasing the piece of prime Coastal Highway real estate on 66th Street poured in, but Shiffner is more interested in preserving history. “This post (building) was built by WWII and Korean War veterans,” he said. “Nine of which are still alive.” For now the goal is to stay on the charted course, Shiffner said. “We just need to continue the effort at this level and we might find success,” he said. Although not yet officially announced, Shiffner said VFW Post 8296 is planning a large fundraising event in late October. “There are more details to come soon,” he said. Although the future of the post is still uncertain, the outpouring of community concern has encouraged Shiffner. “We are extremely thankful for the continued support and involvement,” he said.
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Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
OC Coastal Cleanup collects roughly 500 pounds of trash Adopt Your Beach program brings in 145 members to gather and catalog debris
Approximately 45 Sandpiper Energy and Chesapeake Utilities employees help out picking up trash on the Ocean City beach, as part of the International Coastal Cleanup, last Saturday. Sandpiper was one of the eventâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sponsors and provided the commemorative T-shirt.
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By Katie Tabeling Staff Writer (Sept. 16, 2016) The numbers are still being added, but the result is still the same: it was another successful International Coastal Cleanup in Ocean City. According to preliminary figures from Ocean City Surf Club, a longtime participant in the event, approximately 145 Adopt Your Beach volunteers were part of the total 214 registered participants in the worldwide trash cleanup held on Saturday. As of Tuesday, organizers reported that 500 pounds of trash was collected and about 700 volunteer hours logged. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The storm really brought us a lot of extra litter,â&#x20AC;? said OC Surf Club member Effie Cox, who also helped built the beach adoption program. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There was a lot of stuff that was uncovered and washed up to shore in the rough waters, like plastic items and surprising [amount] of sand toys.â&#x20AC;? The Ocean Conservancyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s International Coastal Cleanup has been an annual event, but this year the new Adopt Your Beach program asked its participants to clean up segments of the beach that they had claimed as their own.
While the number of workers that crew might seem large on the local scale, the Maryland Coastal Bays Program reported that more than 800,000 people picked up 18 million pounds of trash last year. In addition to the plastic pushed ashore by Tropical Storm Hermine, Cox also found many cigarette butts in the sand. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was overwhelmingly the worst we have ever seen it,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m guessing the cigarette butts all ended up in concentrated areas because of the flooding downtown. I guess the good news is it was easier to pick up more because of it.â&#x20AC;? Adopt Your Beach volunteers tackled oceanside and bayside beaches, according to the data sheets sent in logging the litter. Some people collected trash from 94th, 137th and 143rd Streets, and some midtown segments were covered but the downtown area was mostly covered. During the waning moments of Tuesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work session, Councilman Tony DeLuca recognized the OC Surf Club, Coastal Bays, and Coastal Resources Legislative Committee Green Team for organizing another successful international cleanup. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You had to be out there. It was a really successful event for Ocean City, so thank you,â&#x20AC;? DeLuca said.
Student volunteers from Stephen Decatur High School in Berlin help clean up a segment of the beach for the annual International Coastal Cleanup last Saturday. Roughly 500 pounds of trash was picked up that day in Ocean City.
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Ocean City Today
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SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
OC tackles short-term rental glut Proposed R-1A designation could stop Airbnb in resort, but poses inventory issue
By Greg Ellison Staff Writer (Sept. 16, 2016) Ocean City’s efforts to track and collect taxes from short-term vacation rentals advertised on peer-to-peer websites, such as Airbnb and VRBO, were discussed during Monday’s Tourism Commission meeting. Donna Abbott, Ocean City director of tourism and marketing, said Susan Jones, executive director of the Ocean City Hotel Motel Restaurant Association, is continuing to educate others on the issue. “She’s working on planning a short-term rental seminar to create awareness among HMRA members,” Abbott said. The topic has reached the boiling point in other U.S. markets. “Even in San Francisco, where Airbnb is based, they’ve filed a lawsuit,” she said. In late June Airbnb filed suit against San Francisco in response to an ordinance scheduled to take effect on July 27 that would require its hosts to register with the city. The ordinance’s original language mandated fines of up to $1,000 a
day for every unregistered listing. In mid-July, San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors amended the ordinance in response to legal claims by Airbnb, which has argued the rule violates not only the First Amendment, but also the Communications Decency Act and the Stored Communication Act. The latest version of the ordinance would levy fines only after the hosting service receives a fee from an unregistered property booking. Tourism Commission member John Gehrig, owner of e-marketing firm D3Corp, said Ocean City has concerns not necessarily found in larger markets like San Francisco. “The question of tax is one thing; the potential inventory glut is a bigger issue,” he said. “We have homes now that are rented by the night.” The resort is wrestling with a property rights issue, Gehrig said. “One (Ocean City) councilmen talking about this said we should implement R-1A,” he said. Although the R-1A zoning classification would prohibit short-term rentals, Gehrig said large-scale implementation could be problematic. “I said, ‘That’ll get a suit (when you) take away someone’s property rights,’” he said. “We have a tax col-
lection issue, we have an enforcement issue, but the bigger issue is inventory.” Commission member Michael James, president of Hospitality Partners and managing partner of the Carousel Group, said the Tourism Commission has discussed dedicating staff to address the issue. “We’ve talked about having an intern start coming and try to identify where all these properties were,” he said. City Council member Mary Knight said this idea is beginning to move forward in government. “We have somebody on our staff coming up with a process,” she said. “Once the process is in, they just go in and find something on Airbnb, they get the address, they check and see if they have a rental license, and then they check and see if there is remittance.” City Council member Dennis Dare said other peer-to-peer sites, like Vacation Rentals By Owner, have made the process less cumbersome. “I’m familiar with VRBO now because the house next to me started renting it out this summer,” he said. “If you go on that it pinpoints every one of them and you can contact the owner through the site.”
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Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Offshore wind farm could lower congestion costs
By Brian Gilliland Associate Editor (Sept. 16, 2016) With the only power plant in the county serving the residents of Berlin, and only part-time at that, transmitting electricity to customers on the lower shore can get costly, but quantifying exactly how much could be saved by employing other methods is not likely to be a line item on anyone’s bill anytime soon. These costs of transmission are already rolled into the kilowatt-hour charges customers see delineated on electric bills. Paul Rich of U.S. Wind, the company in the process of installing an offshore wind farm near Ocean City, described these costs as a “hidden tax” on lower shore residents. He estimated the costs at $4.25 per bill per individual customer on the lower shore. Larger customers, like hospitals, pay a great deal more, Rich said. “The congestion fees were derived from the Maryland Energy Administration and testimony by PJM before the Public Service Commission, not by me or U.S. Wind,” he said. PJM Interconnection oversees the wholesale market of electric distribution in whole or part of 13 states, including Maryland, and the District of Columbia. Morris Schriem is the Public Service Commission’s senior advisor for PJM matters. Schriem said he couldn’t quantify the amount congestion costs add to each bill, but said PJM was working within set constraints. “PJM selects the operator with the lowest cost, and with excessive demand the lines can become congested or clogged,” he said. PJM would then have to go to another operator, possibly at higher cost, to meet the demand. “There may be certain times or conditions when service is down, and you end up paying more,” he said. “The charge is imposed on the company on behalf of the customer.” The costs are not yet real-time, Schriem said, but the market is moving that way. “There is a market for the next day’s generation,” he said. The only real mechanism for tracking these costs, Schriem said, is through the quarterly and annual reports of PJM. “Offshore wind operates like a generating facility,” he said — one local to the Ocean City and Worcester County markets, which could potentially lower congestion costs, though factors such as volume of electric produced, the size of the population drawing power and the volatility of the petroleum market among others must be taken into account. “This is just one aspect of how the market runs and how the grid operates,” Schriem said. “But people should be familiarized with the idea of congestion, and if the lines are overtaxed, the system is set up to go to the next-best system and generator.”
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Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Brother Shamus bicycling for poor
Eat-In | Carry-Out
By Greg Ellison Staff Writer (Sept. 16, 2016) Instead of merely walking the proverbial mile in another’s shoes, Franciscan Brother Shamus McGrenra is bicycling 1,500 miles to raise money for the poor and needy. Since 2011, the 69-year-old McGrenra has held yearly charity rides to help fund the Dorothy Day Outreach Center on the campus of St. Francis University in Loretto, Pennsylvania, located 80 miles east of Pittsburgh. He passed through Ocean City on Wednesday while in route to Florida from New York City. To illustrate the importance of caring for all God’s children, especially the downtrodden, McGrenra offered a quote from Pope Francis. “In the poor and the outcast we see Christ’s face,” he read. “By loving and helping the poor we love and serve Christ.” In 1981, the all-volunteer outreach center was established in Loretto, seeking to further the work of its namesake. “Day was an activist in the ’30s,” he said. “She started as a Catholic worker.” In addition to being a social activist, Day was also a journalist who cofounded The Catholic Worker newspaper in 1936. She also gained notice for launching the Catholic Worker St.
Joseph House on First Avenue in lower Manhattan, which assists those in need of food or shelter. “She was a person that was completely devoted to and interested in the plight of the poor and also social justice,” he said. “They continue that seven days a week at the St. Joseph House and they have never missed a meal since she started it.” The inaugural charity bicycle ride in 2011 helped raise $12,000, with McGrenra covering 375 miles in total. In 2012 he rode an additional 50 miles and managed to solicit over $22,000 in donations to support the Dorothy Day Outreach Center. What happened next almost brought an end to McGrenra’s life and charitable efforts, when a routine medical exam uncovered colon cancer. “I was diagnosed with stage four in May of 2013,” he said. “You’re looking at a guy that doesn’t drink, smoke and I never took drugs.” After life threw McGrenra an apparent curve ball, he had to reassess. “That summer I had to cancel my third ride because I was getting radiation and chemo and I couldn’t walk up the steps,” he said. “I was on a liquid diet, I lost half of my hearing, I had double vision and I was sleeping 15 hours a day.” After undergoing 30 radiation treatments, McGrenra was in severe pain with second-degree burns left by the
radiation. “I had second-degree burns outside of my pelvis and I had second-degree burns on my colon because that’s where the cancer was,” he said. Later that year doctors found the cancer had metastasized into his lungs. “They did a follow up CT (computerized tomography) scan and he said ‘Brother it has metastasized,’” he related. “I went in December (2013) and had surgery on my right lung. They removed two small sized modules of cancer.” Returning in January for a followup exam, McGrenra was crushed when Dr. Brian McLaughlin, an oncologist at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, suggested additional rounds of chemotherapy. “He said, ‘Brother we want to do more chemo,’ and I started crying,” he said. “I said, ‘That’s it I’m done, I can’t take it because I’ve been healthy all of my life.’” Because of his misgivings about further treatments, McGrenra said the doctor spent 15 minutes explaining why he would be a prime candidate for additional therapy. “I look upon those moments as a grace moment because it was a wonderful inspiration from the Lord by way of Brian to say, ‘Brother, let’s try one more time and if it works you’re going to go back to normal,’ and that’s See CHARITABLE Page 26
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Ocean City Today
Silver Palm Cabernet Sauvignon “2013” Mendocino County - This Cabernet is dark ruby in color, with aromas of blackberry and cassis. Flavors of black cherry, spice and oak with round firm tannins lead to a soft, silky, lingering finish. $15.99 $12.79 ~Teddy’s pick. Love Noir “2015” California *90 points Beverage Tasting Institute With generous notes of dark cherry and a smooth, silky finish, this pinot noir pairs well with double cream brie on a baguette or sesame glazed salmon. Take a sip and fall in love with the darker side of pinot. $9.99 $7.99 ~Jim and Nick’s pick. Rutherford Ranch Chardonnay “2014” Napa Valley This is a deliciously versatile wine excellent as an aperitif or paired with chicken and grilled fish entrees, creamy vegetable soups and cheeses. With Rich flavors of peach, ripe pear, lemon zest with bright acidity and a creamy mouthfeel. $14.99 $11.99 Ravage Cabernet Sauvignon “2014” California The flavors are dark, rich and audacious. Dark Berries layered with luscious vanilla and mocha to round out the palate. The tannins are soft enough to add balance, while giving structure and depth. $12.99 $10.39 Meiomi Pinot Noir “2014” California *Wine Enthusiast top 100 Ruby-hued with lifted aroma; bright strawberry and jammy fruit mingle with vanilla, mocha and toasty oak. Expressive boysenberry, blackberry and dark cherry are revealed. Supple tannins, a silky texture, and exquisite balance, pairs well with hearty pasta and veal chops. $21.99 $17.59
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La Posta Pizzella Malbec “2014” Argentina *90 points Robert Parker Beautiful red/purple color with aromas of black cherries, dark fruits, dark chocolate and baker’s spice. On the palate, the wine shows dense dark berry and plum flavors along with hints of sandalwood and spice, and even a hint of violets in the finish. Don’t be concerned if you find yourself inhaling deeply from your glass. This is a full-bodied and well- structured wine that is incredibly full of life and born to be enjoyed with food and friends. Goes great with many foods, specialty meat, barbecue. $16.99 $13.59
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SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
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Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Charitable causes keeps McGrenra on road Continued from Page 24 exactly what happened.” Since undergoing further radiation treatments from February to April 2014, McGrenra’s cancer has been in remission. After completing a charity ride from Pittsburgh to New York last year, McGrenra wanted to go further this year. “Last year’s theme was returning to our roots and I visited Dorothy Day centers in Pittsburgh, Washington D.C., Baltimore and Philadelphia,” he said. “I wound up symbolically where it all started in New York City in the early part of August.” In roughly two week’s, McGrenra covered 523 miles and raised over $45,000. Since beginning his efforts in 2011, McGrenra has peddled more than 1,500 miles and raised more than $140,000 for the Dorothy Day Outreach Center. This year he hopes to match the mileage total. “This year I wanted to do something big,” he said. “I wanted to do something that was challenging to me and also as long as the Lord is allowing me to have this remission I’m going full throttle.” The theme for this year’s ride, which kicked off from the Catholic Worker St. Joseph House in New York City last Friday, is the Atlantic Coast for Dorothy Day. “Our goal this year is $40,000 and
we hope to equal or exceed that,” he said. “The best part about this fundraiser, and we started out six years ago with this philosophy, every cent that we raise goes to the poor that visit the Dorothy Day Center in Western Pennsylvania.” McGrenra said there are incidental expenses associated with any road trip, but they will not be drawn from the donations. “My Franciscan order is covering all my expenses,” he said. “We can say to everyone, ‘You give us five bucks, it’s going to help.’” After attending several fundraisers along the way, McGrenra hopes to wind up the journey in Sarasota, Florida by the early November. The motivations to continue his charitable work despite obvious obstacles can be boiled down to three issues, McGrenra said. “The first reason is part of the tenets of our Franciscan order and that is helping out the poor,” he said. “The second is, when people read this article, they skim and get a feeling for what Brother Shamus is trying to do, and all of a sudden it hits them, ‘Geez Brother Shamus has stage four cancer.’” He hopes the messaging will resonate with others facing life and death health challenges. “I am a classic example of the power of prayer and the modern miracle of
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Franciscan Brother Shamus McGrenra, who is undertaking a 1,500-mile charity bike ride, makes a pit stop at the beach near 82nd Street on Wednesday in route to Sarasota, Florida.
medicine,” he said. “I want those individuals who have been diagnosed, whether its stage zero or stage four to know that there is hope.” Lastly, McGrenra hopes his pursuits can motivate others to stay active and healthy. “For those individuals who are out there and they’re reluctant to hit the treadmill or go out and do a little walk on the beach, you know what? There is
life after 60 and Brother Shamus is almost turning 70,” he said. “There is hope for couch potatoes. You don’t have to do 1,500 miles, you can do five or you can do three. You’ll feel absolutely wonderful after you exercise.” For more information on Brother Shamus McGrenra’s exploits, visit francis.edu/charityride. You can also make donations by visiting francis.edu/go-bro-shamus.
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SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Ocean City Today
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Out of Darkness Walk looks to raise suicide awareness
The Worcester County Commissioners joined with representatives from the Worcester County Health Department and Jesse Klump Memorial Fund to recognize September as National Suicide Prevention Month. Pictured, in front, from left, are Caroline Green, Ron Pilling, Kim Klump, Jessica Sexauer, Olivia Holland and Erin Wooten; second row, Commissioners Diana Purnell and Chip Bertino, Monica Martin, Jennifer LaMade and Brittany Lawton; and in back, Commissioner Ted Elder, Steven Taylor, and Commissioners Jim Bunting, Joe Mitrecic, and Merrill Lockfaw. Learn the signs and risk factors for suicide at http://worcesterhealth.org and http://choosetolivemaryland.org. Take part in the Out of the Darkness Walk to Prevent Suicide Saturday, Sept. 24, at Caroline Street and the Boardwalk.
Klump said addressing the topic could be the difference between life and death. “That’s a the key thing if you’re worried about somebody is to actually point blank ask them ‘are you thinking of killing yourself,’” she said. “A lot of times that’s kind of a release to them that actually somebody might understand what they might be going through.” Allowing someone in crisis to unburden himself or herself through conversation could make all the difference, Klump said. “Just having somebody there to listen and be empathetic could be a big help,” she said. “It may get them through an episode of depression.” In 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that while approximately 25 million Americans suffer from depression each year, with roughly 85 percent of those diagnosed responding positively to treatment. The goal of prevention training is
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shortened Power Point version of the SafeTALK, a nationally recognized and certified awareness program, the offerings were expanded in 2012 to offer “Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training.” “There’s also ASIST, which is a two-day-long training that goes a little bit further into detail about helping someone who is in crisis,” she said. “We also provide mental health first aid for youth and for adults. There are also a variety of trainings that we provide for free for anybody that wants them if they ask.” Looking back, Klump realizes her son, who excelled in scholastics and athletics, exhibited signs before ending his life. “In hindsight, I see them but I didn’t know then what I know now,” she said. “There are usually signs. I think the more we can make people aware of them, maybe we can notice sooner in people who might be vulnerable or are having suicidal ideations.” Although not an easy conversation,
By Greg Ellison Staff Writer (Sept. 16, 2016) Remembering those who have taken their own lives and raising funds to help prevent others from pursuing a similar fate is the goal of next Saturday’s Out of the Darkness Community Walk in Ocean City. The 10-block stroll, which starts from Caroline Street and the Boardwalk at 10 a.m. on Sept. 24, is sponsored by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and local partners, including the Jesse Klump Memorial Scholarship Fund, the Worcester County Heath Department and Atlantic General Hospital. About half of this year’s fundraising goal of $35,000 has been raised thus far, with the support helping local and national prevention campaigns. The AFSP, which has established a goal to reduce the annual suicide rate 20 percent by 2025, finances research, educational programs, advocates for public policy and lends support to suicide survivors. Worcester resident Kim Klump, mother of Jesse Klump, a collegebound Snow Hill High School senior who took his own life in 2009, said the annual event provides a gathering point for those who have been affected by suicide. “It’s for loved ones who have lost someone,” she said. “It provides a place for those who are suffering from a loss, a place to really go and try to heal.” Since 2004, when the AFSP sponsored 24 community walks across the county with approximately 4,000
participants, the effort has grown to reach 385 walks nationwide, with approximately a quarter million people expected to take part this year. Describing the Out Of the Darkness Walks as a means to increase knowledge, Klump hopes the annual event continues to lift the veil of silence surrounding the topic. After her son took his life, instead of retreating to the shadows and suffering in silence, the grieving mother took a different approach. “I knew right away when I was in the hospital and they announced that he was dead I had to try to make something good come out of it,” she said. “It was almost intuitive. There was a little voice or angel beside me saying this is what you need to do to heal.” In the immediate months after losing her son, she established the Jesse Klump Memorial Scholarship Fund, which since May 2009 has awarded a Snow Hill High School graduate who maintained a 3.0 grade point average with funds to help pursue their postsecondary educational goals. After forming the Jesse Klump Memorial Fund as a 501(c)3 non-profit in July 2009, the inaugural Jesse’s Paddle fundraiser was held that August. The 8th annual event was held this July at the Pocomoke River Canoe Company. “I started a scholarship fund and I didn’t feel like that was enough,” she said. “The obvious thing was to start a prevention program because I saw it was lacking in our area.” In September 2011, the Jesse Klump Suicide Awareness and Prevention Program began and in that first year managed to reach over 500 area residents. “We do a variety of different trainings,” she said. After one year of presenting a
Organizers about half way to this year’s fundraising goal for prevention efforts
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SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
‘Just having somebody there to listen and be empathetic could be a big help. It may get them through an episode of depression.’ Kim Klump
to guide the person towards counseling, Klump said. “The key thing then is to try to get them to professional help,” she said. “We’re not saying every layperson can be a professional, but every layperson has the ability to be empathetic to someone who is in crisis.” Even if inquiring about someone’s state of mind ruffles some feathers, Klump feels the potential rewards outweigh the risks. “It’s showing them that you care and you noticed,” she said. “Some people don’t have somebody in their everyday life that does care.” Statistically, it appears the prevention education efforts are having a positive impact in Worcester County. Jessica Sexauer, county Health Department’s Local Management Board director, said between 2012 and 2014 there were 18 suicides in the area with the highest rates among older Caucasian males. “Although higher than the state average, Worcester county suicide rates are continuing to trend in a positive direction, showing a continued decrease in suicide rates,” she said. In addition to the Out Of the Darkness Walks held across the nation in September, Klump noted there is also a National Suicide Survivor Day on Nov. 19. The event, another effort by AFSP, includes a screening of the new documentary, “Life Journeys: Reclaiming Life after Loss,” along with presentations by survivors and mental health practitioners. The nearest gathering this year will be in Milton, Delaware. “National Suicide Survivor Day is the Saturday before Thanksgiving,” she said. “Basically from Thanksgiving all the way through the spring is the time of year where we tend to see the highest suicide rates.” In other recent educational endeavors, the Jesse Klump Suicide Awareness & Prevention Program last month released a resource for anyone in the area seeking assistance. “Our ‘Jesse Klump Memorial Fund Guide to Mental Health Resources’ is See JESSE Page 30
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Ocean City Today
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SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Drivers will be detoured on Route 113 again this Friday By Brian Gilliland Associate Editor (Sept. 16, 2016) The next phase of the stormwater management project that has closed and caused detours on Route 113 during the past couple of months will proceed again tonight, forcing the road to be detoured overnight between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. Friday. Another closing due next week should complete this set of crossings, Bob Rager, spokesman for the State Highway Administration, said. The reason, Rager said, is that the infrastructure for stormwater management currently under the road is designed for a two-lane, not a four-lane, highway. The new fixtures should ensure effective drainage, Rager said. This work will install two 60-inch drainage pipes under the highway. “The big one comes next week — a 72-inch diameter pipe,” Rager said. “This is a little farther south, so the detour will be Cedartown Road to Basket Switch Road.” However, as many as six additional crossings need to be made as Route 113 is converted to a dual highway. Gov. Larry Hogan announced earlier this year he expects the dualization phase of the Route 113 project to open to traffic by spring 2019, and Rager said construction on that project should be well under way by early next year. Rager called the drainage pipe installation a “design-build project,” which means design work and con-
struction is done nearly simultaneously, making it hard to predict when lane or road closures are coming. The final phase of the Route 113 project is to install an overpass at the junction of Route 113 and Snow Hill Road. No date has been given for the completion of this phase. Also, the State Highway Administration has provided more details into some resurfacing projects within Worcester County while the roads are much less congested. Work has begun on resurfacing Snow Hill Road from Nassawango Creek Road to the Wicomico County line, a distance of about 4.8 miles according to Charlie Gischlar of the SHA. The project is expected to finish in November, and daytime lane closures and flaggers are to be expected until the work is complete. Work is also expected on the Route 90, from the split from Route 50 to Old Ocean City Road (MD 346), a distance of about a mile and a half. This work is expected to last until spring 2017. Stephen Decatur Highway, from the Sinepuxent Bay Bridge to Assateague Road (MD 376) will begin seeing some nighttime lane closures and flaggers soon, Gischlar said. The 3.4-mile resurfacing operation is expected to be finished before winter. In Berlin, work on Libertytown Road from west of Ironshire Station Road to west of Ann Drive — a distance of 5.6 miles — should be starting soon, and is expected to be finished in early spring.
Jesse Klump Memorial Fund releases new resource guide Continued from Page 29 the third edition of the most comprehensive directory to mental healthcare professionals on the lower Eastern Shore,” she said. “The guide has grown to 38 pages, and includes not only psychiatrists and traditional practitioners, but also complementary therapies like massage, life coaches, yoga and meditation healers, and even a section on mental health and suicide prevention apps.” The Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore provided a grant for the cost of producing the guide and Constellation Energy has also contributed funds for a new brochure on the issue. The brochure, “Choose to Live,” addresses the prevalence of youth suicide and examines prevention tactics. “Our newly designed brochure outlines the warning signs of an impending suicide that everyone should learn to recognize, and the simple steps that one youth can take to keep a friend safe until professionals can intervene,” she said. While the literature can be pro-
vided on an individual basis, Klump said the objective is to reach as many people as possible. “If you have a place where the general public can access the material, a doctor’s office, library, wherever, we’ll provide it in larger quantities and even include display racks,” she said. One misperception Klump labors to dispel is the idea that suicide is a selfish act, with statistics revealing that for every death at least six people are left behind to grieve. “So many times I hear people say why didn’t they just realize what they put us through before they did that,” she said. “Unfortunately somebody who is in that space and contemplating suicide usually isn’t thinking about anything but ending their own pain.” To register for the Out Of the Darkness Walk prior to September 24 visit the AFSP website or contact Brittany Hines Lawton at 410-632-3648, or email Brittany.hines@maryland.gov. Participants may also register the day of the event until 10 a.m. and donations will be accepted until Dec. 31, 2016.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Ocean City Today
Pines exploring options for general manager opening By Josh Davis Associate Editor (Sept. 16, 2016) Looking to fill the general manager slot following the dismissal of Bob Thompson in late August, the Ocean Pines Association posted a want ad for the position on its website last week. The job is described as a “full-time onsite management position,” indicating that Ocean Pines would not pursue hiring a management company, as some candidates had suggested during the recent election and as Board President Tom Herrick theorized during a public meeting earlier this year. In January, Herrick introduced a motion to “investigate and provide information relative to the feasibility and value of employing a professional community management firm to provide executive management of our association.” That motion fell, 4-3. “All I’m asking for is information at no cost to the association,” Herrick said at the time. “Why any board member would want to turn a blind eye to information and just rubber stamp one of the options in the contract without exploring the other options – I don’t understand that.” Asked last week if outsourcing the position was now off the table, Herrick said, “I believe that will be a discussion topic for our entire board of directors to consider during the ‘working session’ scheduled for Sept. 19.”
During that meeting, acting General Manager Brett Hill said the entire board reviewed the ad, and that the association had already received three responses. He added that a request for information would likely be released during the following week, including exploring the use of an outside management company to hire a “placed general manager.” That “scared some of the staff members,” he said. “We’re not talking about turning the whole organization over to some outside third party and walking away,” Hill said. “We’re talking about having a management company help us provide the best fit for a general manager and having a support mechanism for that manager, so that when they are industry-specific questions, they have a resource beyond our legal counsel to help better run the organization. “That’s a structure that was not in place in the past and we’re evaluating [that],” he added. The ad described the position as “responsible for providing the overall supervision of a community association. This position is also responsible for managing the relationships with the Board of Directors and homeowners and oversees maintenance of the grounds, and other property assets. The General Manager interacts with homeowners, See ASSOCIATION Page 32
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Ocean City Today
Association looks to fill position by Jan. 1 or sooner Continued from Page 31 vendors, the board and committees’ members.” Minimum qualifications listed prior experience “in the management of a community or a town of similar size and scope,” including five years “with increasing responsibility in association management or a town similar in size and scope” and three years “as Assistant Manager or General Manager for a community or a town similar in size.” A bachelor’s degree is required – master’s preferred – along with “CMCA (Certified Manager of Community Associations) and/or other related industry designations.” Salary would be “commensurate upon education and/or relevant experience,” medical, vacation and 401K benefits were offered, and the start date was listed as Jan. 1 or “sooner if mutually agreeable.” Ocean Pines also posted a request for proposals (RFP) for legal services, following a 5-2 board vote last month that effectively ended the association’s long-time relationship with attorney Joe Moore. To apply for the general manager position, email resumes to mbennett@oceanpines.org, or visit www.oceanpines.org/administration/w ork-here to view the full ad. To view the RFP, visit www.oceanpines.org/rfp/legal-services.
OBITUARIES JOHN MANNESS Pittsville John Manness, age 59, of Pittsville, Maryland, died on Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2016. He was the son of Wallace Manness and the late Shirley Muhn Manness. John had worked for Macky’s Bayside Bar and Grill for the past 20 years. He was John Manness a horseman years before and traveled the East Coast. He is survived by his wife, Kelly Blackwell; two brothers, Raymond, and his wife, Sharon, and Kenny, both of Florida; and his sister, Cheryl Teyssier, and her husband, Tim. John also has a son, Garron Broom, of Georgia, and many nieces and nephews. John was extremely close to Kelly’s family, his sister-in-law, Lisa, and her husband, David Martin, and Carl Sickler and his wife, Dana, and their children. John had an extremely aggressive although common cancer. He donated his body in hope of science finding a cure. Date is pending on memorial service. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to: www.gofundme.com/28jzkgs4 or find his page on Facebook: John Manness cancer battle. EDWARD ANDREW NOVACK Ocean Pines Edward Andrew Novack, age 88, died on Friday, Sept. 09, 2016 at the Berlin Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. Born in Clifton, New Jersey, he was the son of the late Francis and Rose Shedlock Novack. He is survived by his wife, Marion S. Novack, four sons and five granddaughters. Mr. Novack, a graduate of Seton
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Hall College, had worked as a broker in the real estate business. He was past president of Secckler and Shepperd, Inc., president of High Crest Lake Construction, a seven-year member of West Milford Planning Board, and member of the Butler Rotary Club. No formal services are planned at this time. A donation in his memory may be made to the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department, paramedics. Arrangements are in the care of the Burbage Funeral Home. MADELINE RUTH BAKER Bishopville Madeline Ruth Baker, age 90, of Bishopville, Maryland, died Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2016 at Guiding Hands Assisted Living in Berlin. She was born in Selbyville and was the daughter of the late Alfred and Maggie (Davis) Bunting. She was a member of Harrington Moose Lodge #534. She is survived by three sons, Allan C. Baker and wife, Shirley, Robert F. Baker Jr. and Ottis J. Baker all of Bishopville; seven grandchildren, Madeline Moses, William Baker, Gary Solomon, Robert Baker III, Jason Markley, Krista Baker and April Baker; nine great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert F. Baker, in 1985. A funeral service was held on Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016 at Bishop-Hastings Funeral Home in Selbyville. Burial was in Ebenezer Cemetery in Bishopville. Condolences may be sent by visiting www.bishophastingsfh.com.
MARISSA C. BROWNING Selbyville Marissa C. Browning, age 20, of Selbyville, Delaware, died Monday, Sept. 5, 2016. She was born in Baltimore and was the daughter of Randy J. Browning and the late Tamie (Colburn) Browning. Marissa was a 2014 graduate of Indian River High School and was attending Delaware Technical and Community College. She worked part-time at Food Lion in Selbyville. She is survived by her father and step-mother, Randy J. Browning and Nanette McElroy of Selbyville; a brother, Joe Morris of Glen Burnie, Maryland; a step-brother, Eddie McElroy of Selbyville; a step-sister, Taylor Rose McElroy of Selbyville; her maternal grandma, Anneliese Colburn of Glen Burnie, Maryland; two aunts, Sandy Colburn Mattern of Pasadena, Maryland and Debra Browning of Brooklyn Park, Maryland; her grandma, Shirley LaCovey of Annapolis, Maryland and several other aunts, uncles and cousins. In addition to her mother, she was preceded in death by her paternal grandparents, Laverne and Howard Browning. A funeral service will be held at 2 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 16, 2016 at North Arundel Church, 7610 Baltimore-Annapolis Blvd in Glen Burnie, Maryland. Friends may call at on Friday at the church from noon to 2 p.m. Burial will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery, 5829 Ritchie Hwy. in Brooklyn Park, Maryland. Condolences may be sent by visiting www.bishophastingsfh.com.
OBITUARY NOTICES Obituary Notices are published free each week in the Ocean City Today. E-mail: editor@oceancitytoday.net Mail: Ocean City Today, P.O. Box 3500, Ocean City, Md. 21843 Fax: 410-723-6511 Obituary Notices are published as space allows. Every effort is made to publish all that are received.
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Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Letters to the editor Father of slain son shares emotions following honor
Editor, Anyone who has ever lost a child realizes that life, as you knew it, that level of happiness, will never again exist. Healed wounds? Not this dad! You search only for those moments that the smile meter raises ever so little. Recently, my happiness was off that meter! As long ago as 2013, Ocean City adopted a “Walk Smart” campaign in order to promote pedestrian safety. This summer season the MVA and OC’s Chamber of Commerce collaborated to name the program’s crab mascot. Four final choices were available for voting until Thursday, Sept. 1. The winner was revealed in a ceremony that very same day. The overwhelming winner? (Over 4000 of 5800 votes cast.) “Cheswick!” I would suspect that there is an obligatory explanation for that landslide victory! On May 28, 2012, my 22-year-old first son, Matthew, was struck down and killed by a drunk driver measured at over three times the legal limit while awaiting the Coastal Highway bus service. Since then so many have contributed to keeping Matthew’s legacy ongoing. For that, my gratitude is unending. The honor bestowed upon Matthew may very well be the epitome of those contributions! As far as thanks, none of this honor would have come to fruition without the dogged efforts of Mrs. Melanie Pursel of the Ocean City Chamber of Commerce and Mrs. Lora Rakowski of the MVA. Thanks, ladies, for lifting that good-feeling meter through the roof. As well, for those who voted and
shared ... Cheese on! We done good! So ... the next time you visit the Ocean, walk smart and keep in mind and be assured that “Cheswick” is with you. Chris Cheswick Taneytown, Maryland
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Thinks Trump will reunite divided US
Editor, What keeps going through my mind is the vision of Mrs. Clinton and her response to a question about the bombing of the Consulate in Benghazi, Libya in the Senate committee hearing in January 2013. I'm sure all of you who saw it in the news remember her response "At this point what difference does it make?" Well, I guess, if you're part of the, socalled, [mainstream] media, or part of any of the core members of both political parties, or one of the many people who just want a woman to be president, I guess it really doesn't make much difference. But if you're one of the many who still believe in the Republic form of government our founding fathers conceived of, it makes a big difference. None of us care to see how our nation, through numerous administrations, has lost the respect of many nations. We, as true believers in our Constitution, have witnessed an increased debt, a growth and expansion of government, increased taxes, loss of manufacturing jobs, a breakdown of our borders, an increase of illegal immigrants, civil unrest, a loss of obedience to law, a disrespect for our law enforcement officers, a weakening of our military and elected officials who no longer represent us. It Continued on Page 34
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Ocean City Today
Think about how important your vote is when you go to vote this November. It will be up to us, when voting, to take control over our government making our elected officials more responsible and conscientious as to their responsibility to our nation and our allies throughout the world. Let us, with God's help, bring this country back into a world that has been divided, helping to heal that breakdown and making us whole again. God bless each of you and God Bless America! Paul St. Andre Ocean City
to be otherwise. The Town of Ocean City, being continuously committed to a safetyfirst motto, lived up to its pledge and looked out for its residents and visitors. The emergency text alerts from the communications department that were sent out to all those currently signed up were on target with good information. Various personnel from organizations such as the OC Surf Club were on standby and had helped prepare shelters. The local fire and police departments and public works worked very hard to ensure the safety of Ocean City. Ocean City was spared the wrath of this storm, and it sure is better to be safe than sorry. Thank you to all helped make a difference. Doug Antos Ocean City
Glad to see Ocean City prepared for storm threat
New Bay Bridge not an immediate traffic solution
Letters to the editor Continued from Page 33 makes a whole lot of difference. We are at a crossroad in our nation and a choice as to what direction we take will be decided this November. We can choose to continue on the present road, which I'm afraid will end in the splitting apart of America and the end of the United States that many of us have been a part of all our lives. Or we can decide it's time for a change and a new direction. How can that happen? The answer is by putting a business person into the White House. Someone who understands what makes a business profitable and whose product is desired, will realize the many problems within our overgrown, inefficient government and will attempt, with the help of Congress, to start making effective needed changes that can be the first steps needed to redirecting our country and a start to regaining our past position as a leader of nations. A country admired and respected. The choice is ours, the voters. If we choose wrongly, we'll see our flag come down and never raised again. The other choice at least will give us a chance to save our once great country for ourselves, our children and our grandchildren.
Editor, Tropical storm Hermine has come and gone. Certainly a blessing indeed that her turning out to sea much sooner than forecasters had originally expected allowed Ocean City and surrounding communities to exhale a bit, and for some it meant going ahead with Labor Day holiday plans. For others, it was just purely comforting to know that we were spared the brunt of what was once believed
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While it is admirable to hear the governor’s concerns about traffic at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, an announcement focusing on a shiny new bridge lacks any real discussion about cost, impact on communities and the understanding that a sprawling flood of people, traffic and pavement can detract from rural Maryland. There is a large and growing body of evidence and near consensus that our conventional approach of solving traffic congestion by increasing roadway capacity is ineffective over the long term. The most immediate example that comes to my mind is Route 1 in Delaware – an expensive, new north south highway in Delaware that was over capacity starting with the day it opened. Concurrent with the highway construction was massive amounts of sprawl housing in southern New Castle County, which immediately overwhelmed the new infrastructure. We are long overdue for a more modern approach to transportation planning – one that emphasizes mass transit and other forward-thinking measures that make the most out of the infrastructure we have, and emphasizes land use decisions that decrease auto dependence and increase
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
transportation choices. What about expanded bus services with a stronger backbone service from Baltimore and Washington to Ocean City, stopping in key population centers and complementary service from rural areas to the backbone stops? Or public-private partnerships such as a high-speed ferry option? And should an eventual new bridge be built, what about revisiting passenger rail (which used to exist on the Shore)? With declining gas tax revenues, changing living preferences for millennials and a warming planet caused in part by our poor transportation habits, the time is now for fresh thinking. Fresh thinking on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge situation could also include ideas such as setting up telecommuting centers in our Eastern Shore small towns, and work policies such that state and federal employees could work from the Shore on peak traffic days or even more often, in turn saving fuel, pollution and traffic while also stimulating the vibrancy of our towns. Implementing new tolling technologies and policies which do away with the toll booths, increasing rates during peak use periods and decreasing rates for high occupancy vehicles is yet another direction that could be explored for considerably less money. These ideas and many others can be done now and for very little cost relative to a new Bay Bridge. Spending $5 million to study the environmental impacts of a new Bay Bridge feels like fiddling while Rome burns. Let’s talk about the things we can do today to relieve congestion immediately, then think about what might be needed to manage cross-bay travel demand over the long term, and only thereafter consider whether a new bridge is worth its considerable financial and environmental cost. Eastern Shore Land Conservancy is a regional nonprofit organization that has worked to advance strategic land conservation and sound land use planning on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Rob Etgen Executive Director Eastern Shore Land Conservancy
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
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Sept. 16, 2016
Ocean City Today
Page 37
Chamber awards honors residents’ civic achievements
By Kara Hallissey Staff Writer (Sept. 16, 2016) Tuesday evening the resort community took time to honor civic engagement and enjoyed food and drinks, along with a crowd-engaging performance from Everett Spells during the eighth annual Ocean City Chamber Awards Celebration at the Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel on 101st Street. Presentations began with the 2016 Maryland Chamber Executive Director of the Year awarded to Melanie Pursel, who has held the position for nine years. Pursel was described by her peers as having a dynamic personality, which gives her the ability to talk with anyone and win people over after meeting them for the first time. “I am finally speechless,” Pursel said. “It has been a tremendous evening for me and I am blown away. Thank you all.” Members of the Greater Ocean City Chamber of Commerce recognized four local residents and one non-profit for their achievements this year. They were Volunteer of the Year Sallie Johnson, of the Farmers Bank of Willards; Young Professional of the Year Cate Nellans, of Insurance Management Group (IMG); NonProfit of the Year The Worcester County Development Center; Citizen of the Year Lou Taylor, of the Worcester County Board of Education; and Business Person of The Year Ray Taranto, of Eastern Shore Golf Magazine. “Volunteers are extremely important to the community,” said Cindy Lunsford, of Peninsula Regional Medical Center as she presented the Volunteer of the Year award. “They use their passion and energy to make a difference for others.” Johnson was described as “articulate, driven and persuasive” by her peers on Tuesday night. “I am in good company with the fellow chamber ambassadors,” she said after accepting her award. “This is very gratifying and humbling. Thank you Ocean City Chamber, I am truly honored.” Originally from London, Johnson started working in the restaurant business in high school before spending more than 18 years in the sales industry. She joined the Farmers Bank of Willards in 2012, working as a bank manager and business development officer. Johnson is an ambassador for the Ocean City Chamber and volunteers for Junior Achievement.
Before investing in home, study up on school districts
Sen. Jim Mathias recognizes Cate Nellans during her Young Professional of the Year award acceptance at the Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel on 101st Street, Tuesday night.
Presentations began during the Ocean City Chamber Awards with the 2016 Maryland Chamber Executive Director of the Year award presented to Melanie Pursel, left, at the Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel on 101st Street, Tuesday night. The Worcester County Developmental Center in Newark received accolades for serving the community for nearly 50 years. Executive Director Jack Ferry, right, accepted the Nonprofit of the Year award.
Nellans thanked the chamber, Insurance Management Group, members of the Ocean City Young Professionals and her husband Ryan after receiving her Young Professional of the Year award. Pursel listed “growing as an individual personally and professionally,” being under 40 years old and going above and beyond to support charities as criteria. “My request is to keep yourself in the community and volunteer,” Nel-
lans said. “Volunteering leads to better health and lower rates of depression.” Nellans is a claims advisor for Insurance Management Group where she began working in 2007 as a receptionist and is involved with many organizations including the Ocean City Young Professionals. The Worcester County Developmental Center in Newark received accolades for serving the community See COMMERCE Page 38
By Lauren Bunting Contributing Writer (Sept. 16, 2016) Many decisions go into where to buy a home, but one of the most important questions for families with young children is “what school district is the house in?” Having quality schools in your area can really help elevate property values. But how do you assess the quality of any given school? One way schools are assessed is through the National Blue Ribbon Schools Program. This program accepts nominations of both public and private schools that meet one of two criteria: • High-Performing Schools – schools that are ranked among the highest performing schools in both reading (English-language arts) and mathematics as measured by state or nationally normed assessment in the most recent year tested, regardless of student demographics. • Improving Schools – schools with at least 40 percent of their student population classified as disadvantaged that have reduced the achievement gap and improved student performance in reading (English-language arts) and math in state or nationally normed assessments in the most recent year tested. Locally, the following schools have received this award: Ocean City Elementary School, 2001; Snow Hill Elementary School, 2004; Showell Elementary School, 2005; Stephen Decatur Middle School, 2009; and Pocomoke Elementary School, 2012. There is also the Internet source, GreatSchools.org. This website’s rating is a simple tool for parents to compare schools based on test scores. It compares schools across the state, with a rating system on a 1-10 scale, where 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest. Ratings are broken down into three categories: ratings 1-3 signal that the school is “below average,” 4-7 indicates “average,” and 8-10 is “above average.” GreatSchools.org explains that their rating reflects how well students do on standardized tests compared to other students in the state, and ratings in most states are based exclusively on test scores (which is true for the state of Maryland). Many popular real estate sites use the GreatSchools.org rating system, such as Realtor.com and Zillow.com. – Lauren Bunting is a licensed REALTOR®/Associate Broker with Bunting Realty, Inc. in Berlin.
Ocean City Today
By Kara Hallissey Staff Writer (Sept. 16, 2016) Visitors and residents can now charter a flight from the Ocean City Airport, thanks to Ocean Aviation’s newest offering on Airport Road in West Ocean City. “No one can remember a charter operator based in Ocean City,” founder and president, Michael Freed, said. “We can take anyone, anywhere. The true advantage is we can stop at a huge airport or a smaller one across the street from their home.” Charter services are useful for sales and business people on a deadline, and will also take vacationers. “It might take two or three days to get where you are going on a regular airline,” Freed said. “It is convenient for a family member who wants to come down, or someone in a hurry.” The brand-new small plane seats four passengers. Ocean Aviation has an air-carrier certificate. “We can be in Baltimore in less than an hour,” Freed said. “When you leave Ocean City there are three hours of bad roads and we eliminate that. Instead of driving three hours to New Jersey, the charter can get you there in 48 minutes.” In addition to a charter flight, Ocean Aviation has offered a flight school for the past nine years. “Our primary mission is to teach a
lot of people how to fly,” Freed said. “It is a dream people have when they are young.” Students range from 12 years old, to 80 – men and women, Freed said. He reflected on a 15-year-old learning to fly and receiving his private license on his 17th birthday. “We are very proud of our flight school graduates,” Freed said. “Airlines are hungry for pilots, and a lot of our graduates have moved onto larger airlines. We have a lot of pride in what we do.” Freed himself began flying at 18 years old and earned his flight instructors certificate shortly after. “I have been teaching many years and it’s something I love,” he said. Ocean Aviation was approved to accept international students, and people have come to Ocean City for FAA Part 141 flight training from all over the world. There have been students from India, Paris, St. John and four pupils from Ethiopia. “Our flight school is doing very nicely,” Freed said. Currently, the school has five trainers and it is always looking for more instructors. Ocean Aviation also repairs airplanes. “While they are on the beach we will repair their airplane,” Freed said. For more information, check out www.flyoceanaviation.com or call 410-213-8400.
Commerce officials name WCDC nonprofit of 2016 Continued from Page 37 for nearly 50 years and was given the nonprofit of the year award. “They provide a superior service,” Pursel said. “What is our community without the nonprofits?” The nonprofit organization provides employment opportunities, residential services and community-based supports for adults living with intellectual and physical disabilities. “I am over the moon with this award,” Executive Director of The Worcester County Developmental Center Jack Ferry, said. “My job is helping our guys earn a paycheck and I am proud of their talents.” He praised the clients who partner with the organization to allow these individuals to work every week. Currently, the organization provides daily training, employment and support to 79 clients at its facility. Jobs include commercial laundry where linens for hotels, motels and rental companies are processed, food service and catering, janitorial services, lawn care and greenhouse operations, assembly and repackaging, soap production and gift basket fulfillment. Lou Taylor, a lifelong resident and 32-year employee of the Worcester County School system, began his Cit-
izen of the Year speech by thanking the chamber in addition to Michael Franklin and Atlantic General Hospital. “It is truly an honor for me to serve in this community,” Taylor said. Currently, he is the Chief Operating Officer of Worcester County Public Schools. For 17 years, Taylor was the principal of Stephen Decatur High School and it became the first Maryland Blue Ribbon School in Worcester County during his tenure. Taylor was also recognized as the 1998-1999 Maryland Principal of the Year. “When you think of Lou’s leadership at Stephen Decatur High School and all the lives and students and families you have impacted,” Delegate Mary Beth Carozza, said. “That’s a tremendous contribution. Let’s hear it for Lou.” In addition to his involvement with Worcester County Public Schools, Taylor is chairman of the board of trustees at Atlantic General Hospital, a director for Taylor Bank, a board member of the Worcester County Education Foundation, a board member of the Community Foundation for the Eastern Shore and a board member for Hudson Health Services. See GOLF Page 40
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SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Ocean City Today
United Way brings on new board president Lower Shore organization welcomes fresh leadership with eight appointments (Sept. 16, 2016) The United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore welcomes new members to its Board of Directors. With 35 active members from organizations across the Lower Shore counties, United Way is poised to begin the campaign season with both tenured and new leadership. Along with new board members, United Way has elected new board President Rick Nelson. A life-long Somerset County resident, Nelson has served for several years on the board. “I believe in the United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore because it is the one local organization you know and trust will make a difference right here in the community that we live in,” he said. “Our United Way is proud to have a dedicated and very active Board of Directors representing Wicomico, Worcester, Somerset and Dorchester counties,” said Executive Director
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Kathleen Mommé. “We welcome Rick Nelson’s new leadership and look forward to another great year in our community.” 2016-2017 United Way Board: Bruce Bright, Ayres, Jenkins, Gordy & Almand; Pete Bugas, Interstate Container; Kim Conway-Dumpson, University of Maryland Eastern Shore; Memo Diriker, Salisbury University; Jeff Eichelberger, Sherwin Williams; Roy Geiser, TGM Group, LLC; Jim Hartstein, The Insurance Market; Ron Hickman, TGM Group, LLC; Michael James, The Carousel Hotel; Jennifer Layton, Layton’s Chance Winery; Gus Lebois, civic leader; Mary Mengason, Avery Hall Insurance Group; Cortney Monar, Princess Anne Elementary School; Allen Nelson, civic leader, Rick Nelson, Nelson’s Nationwide; Susan Parker,
Delmarva Media Group; Jan Perdue, civic leader; Scott Phillips, Peninsula Regional Medical Center; Beth Reid, Healogics at PRMC; Jesse Reid, Wicomico County Board of Education; Ginny Reid-Matern, civic leader; Laura Rodriguez, PNC Bank; Dana Seiler, Vantage Point Solutions Group; Joy Strand, McCready Health; Connie Strott, Law Firm of George G. Strott, Jr.; Annette Wallace, Pocomoke High School; and Cathie Thomas, Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce. New to the board are: Steven Farrow, Piedmont Airlines; Greg Bassett, Salisbury Independent; Amy Hasson, Salisbury University; Bryan Hurst, Perdue Farms; Davis Jean-Louis, Interstate Container; Bryan Newton, Wor-Wic Community College; Cole Taustin, Embers & Blu Crabhouse; and Sandra Tripp-Jones, City of
Cambridge. Now in its 72nd year, United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore continues to be the largest non-governmental source of funding for 70 critical programs in Wicomico, Worcester, Somerset and Dorchester counties. United Way helps Eastern Shore residents obtain educational success by reducing the achievement gap between low and middle income students; financial stability by advancing the economic security of families and individuals in our community; and good health by improving access to and awareness of local health and wellness services. In 2016, United Way provided nearly $1.4 million to community programs and helped to change the lives of over 77,000 individuals. For more information, visit www.unitedway4us.org.
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Sen. Jim Mathias speaks highly of Lou Taylor during his Citizen of the Year award acceptance at the Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel on 101st Street, Tuesday night.
Golf magazine owner lauded as business person of year Continued from Page 38 “I learned to be the man I am because of my parents teaching me good morals and faith,” Taylor said. “My mom taught me to be humble and give back to the community. God lifts me up each day.” Business Person of the Year Ray Taranto of Eastern Shore Golf Magazine described his award as a “dream come true” and Ocean City as “one of the greatest places on earth” before thanking his wife, the Ocean City Chamber, other honorees, his best friends and supportive family. “My mom came to this country as an immigrant,” Taranto said. “She showed me how to work hard and chase the American Dream. Thank you all. I love this community.” Taranto published the first edition of the Eastern Shore Golf Magazine in the fall of 2007 while founding the Tour on the Shore, an amateur golf series that has grown immensely since its inception. “Ray, you have accomplished something in a short amount of time that some people don’t in a lifetime,” County Commissioner Joe Mitrecic
said. In 2010, Taranto founded the Eastern Shore Hall of Fame, which provided an opportunity to create a scholarship program giving out $10,000 to date. This year, a Junior Tour on the Shore was added for youth and teenage golfers. “Ray has helped grow our golf industry in Ocean City,” Mayor Rick Meehan said. The winners are chosen through a process that begins with any Ocean City community member nominating a candidate. An application is filled out with the potential award winner’s accomplishments and a panel of randomly selected committee members including board members and past president’s review and vote. Past winners were recognized throughout the night and many wore flowers or corsages to highlight their achievements. “I couldn’t have been more proud to be in the room,” Pursel said. “We have an amazing community and our winners were impressive and a deserving group of individuals.”
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Cindy Lunsford of Peninsula Regional Medical Center presents the Volunteer of the Year award to Sallie Johnson during the Ocean City Chamber Awards Celebration, Tuesday.
John Gehrig, left, congratulates Ray Taranto for his Business Person of the Year award at the Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel on 101st Street, Tuesday night.
Sports & Recreation
Sept. 16, 2016
Ocean City Today
Page 41
Decatur volleyball team pulls out win over Pocomoke
By Lisa Capitelli Managing Editor (Sept. 16, 2016) It took five games, but the Stephen Decatur volleyball team was able to pull out a victory over the Pocomoke Warriors on its home court in Berlin on Tuesday. The first game was a back-andforth battle, with the visiting Warriors coming out on top, 26-24. “We always seem to want to underestimate Pocomoke and how well they can receive a serve and get the ball back over the net, and it just took us a little while to stay on our feet and play smart,” Decatur Coach Sara Patrick said. “It took us that game to get back into the groove.” The Lady Seahawks sailed through the second game, winning 25-8. “We got our serves in, we were making beautiful passes and then we were just using it,” Patrick said. “We were making smart plays at the net, so we were just playing good, solid volleyball.” Pocomoke took a 7-1 lead in the third game then pulled ahead 11-2, when Patrick called a timeout. Decatur scored the next three points before its opponent went up 12-5. The Seahawks then started to battle back. Down 17-10, junior Piper Connors served three aces to cut the advantage to four. Senior captain Madison Jones recorded two kills and Decatur only trailed by two. Connors served another ace and Pocomoke failed to return her next ball, and the score was tied 17-all. Points were traded over the next few plays, but it was the Warriors who scored the last two to win 25-23. “Serves. We couldn’t get the serves in,” Patrick said. Game four was tight early on. Then, tied 9-9, Decatur went on an eightpoint run to take a 17-9 lead. Sophomore Adriana Serpe served three aces and Decatur was within one of a victory (24-14). The Berlin squad got the final point to force a game-five tiebreaker. “When we make the serves in and make a good pass we can do something with it. As soon as that pass isn’t there we can’t seem to recover,” Patrick said. “It’s just always our focus. The first thing we do at practice every day is passing and serve receive. As soon as we get a nice pass they know what to do with it.” Before the Seahawks stepped on the court for game five, Patrick said she told her players “ to calm down” and “control the game.” “I said, ‘just focus on that pass.’ As long as we get that pass we’re good to
Wor. Prep cross country squads win 2016 opener
Stephen Decatur senior captain Madison Jones plays the ball over the net during Tuesday’s match against Pocomoke in Berlin. She had seven kills in Decatur’s victory.
Stephen Decatur junior Piper Connors digs the ball during Tuesday’s match against Pocomoke in Berlin. She is backed up by senior captain Claire Billings, the team’s libero (defensive specialist).
go for the rest of the play. For the most part they listened,” she said. Decatur built a 6-0 lead, but Pocomoke didn’t quit. Ahead 8-7, the Seahawks tacked on two points, then Serpe aced two serves to provide the home team with an 11-7 advantage.
Decatur won the game 15-10 to clinch the match. Serpe logged six kills, seven assists and 11 aces. Jones chipped in with seven kills and a block. Senior Lexi Fleeger added eight assists and 10 See LADY Page 42
By Lisa Capitelli Managing Editor (Sept. 16, 2016) The Worcester Prep boys’ and girls’ cross country teams competed against the Delmarva Christian Royals during last Friday’s season opener in Georgetown, Delaware. Both Mallard squads were successful. “It was a nice first Keith Geiger meet to start off with. With just two teams it was a good chance for them to see what [a meet] is like, especially for the newcomers,” said Prep Coach Keith Geiger. “It was relatively calm and not as intimidating with just two schools. I think the course was a little longer and it was hot that day, so the times were a little slower, and it’s the beginning of the year. I think the times will improve.” The Lady Mallards scored 24 points in the victory. The Royals earned 35. Junior Annemarie Cherry was Worcester’s top finisher. She crossed the finish line second overall (28:27). Also scoring points for the Prep squad was freshmen Damiana Colley (30:03, third) and Ashley Laws (30:44, fifth), junior Marissa Grosso (30:51, sixth) and freshman Maddy Shanahan (35:26, eighth). While the girls’ team is made up of mostly new runners, the boys’ squad has a number of veterans this year. Worcester’s boys’ team tallied 23 points in the win, while Delmarva Christian recorded 36. Senior Carter Hill won the boys’ competition, completing the race in 20:11. His teammate, senior Trent Marshall, crossed the finish line one minute later and placed second overall. “Carter and Trent are strong returners. They always finish in the top spots and it’s nice to see them continue to win,” Geiger said. Sophomore Jack Walinskas (23:15, fifth) and juniors Connor Cebula (23:58, seventh) and Matt Wilson (25:15, eighth) also scored points for Worcester. “Jack’s been pretty impressive. He was consistently fifth last year and he’s moved up this year,” Geiger said. “You can see he’s been working over the summer.” The top five finishers for each school score points for their respective teams. Worcester’s sixth and sevSee PREP Page 42
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Lady Seahawks struggle with serving, but find way to win Continued from Page 41 aces. Connors contributed with five kills, six aces, four digs and a block. While Patrick is happy her team came away with the victory, she said the girls are struggling with confidence on the court. “[While serving], for a couple of them it’s definitely nerves. It’s confidence. Confidence is so low that it’s hard to get them back up,” Patrick said. “A couple of the players that miss the most serves make every serve in
practice. It’s definitely intimidation when we get in a game situation. “It is a struggle. The coaches talk about it all the time, how do we get them to feel comfortable on the court?” she continued. “We’re waiting for that one serve to go over and then we’re like that’s all they need. That one serve over, then we’ll be fine.” The Seahawks will have a tough battle on their hands when they face the James M. Bennett Clippers on Tuesday at 5 p.m. in Salisbury.
Stephen Decatur sophomore Adriana Serpe punches the ball over the net during Tuesday’s game against Pocomoke in Berlin. Serpe logged six kills, seven assists and 11 aces in Decatur’s win.
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UNDER PRESSURE Stephen Decatur junior quarterback Quinn Ebaugh throws the ball while charged by a Wicomico player during last Friday’s game in Berlin. Decatur came up short, losing 30-23.
Prep cross country coach encouraged by newcomers Continued from Page 41 enth runners – freshman Andrew Stickler (25:17), who finished only two seconds behind Wilson, and sophomore Parker Brandt (25:43) – placed ninth and 10th overall, respectively, ahead of the final two Delmarva Christian point scorers, who came in 11th and 12th place. “They pushed back their guys so they contributed as well,” Geiger said of Stickler and Brandt. “Instead of earning nine and 10 points [Del-
marva Christian] got 11 and 12 so [Stickler and Brandt] raised Delmarva Christian’s team score higher. The more people up close to the top the better we’ll be.” Geiger said so far he is encouraged by all the newcomers. “I think they will help the team overall and keep the program going in the next few years,” he said. The next cross country meet is Wednesday, Sept. 21, at 3:30 p.m. in Salisbury.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Ocean City Today
Decatur cross country teams earn victories Boys’ team seasoned with veteran runners, while Lady Seahawks lack experience
By Lisa Capitelli Managing Editor (Sept. 16, 2016) The Stephen Decatur boys’ and girls’ cross country squads won last Wednesday’s sixschool season opener on their home course in Berlin. “I thought we did pretty well. It was a really hot day,” Decatur Coach Jody Stigler said. “The team
is about where I expected at this point. “The boys are clearly a little bit stronger than the girls [because of more veterans on the squad] … Our boys’ team is very experienced and our girls’ Jody Stigler team is very inexperienced, which basically correlates to the depth of our boys’ team and the lack of depth for our girls’ team,” he added.
The Decatur boys’ squad scored 19 points in the victory. James M. Bennett finished in second place with 48 points and Snow Hill took third with 68. Junior Jack Reimer led the Seahawks, crossing the finish line first overall (19:15) out of 55 runners. “I thought Jack ran really well and was probably the standout performer for the meet,” Stigler said. Seniors Javier Hernandez and Jared Massey finished in second (20:16) and third (20:34) place overall, respectively.
Cameron James, a senior, came in sixth place overall (21:30), followed by senior Ethan Janson in seventh (21:31). Decatur’s Lady Seahawks tallied 27 points in their win. Snow Hill was close behind with 32 points. Scoring points for Decatur were senior Peyton Dunham (fifth, 26:37), sophomore Kailey Andrews (sixth, 27:20), freshman Amber Whittaker (seventh, 28:14) and juniors Lily Belle Baker (ninth, 29:02) and Laila Mirza (10th, 29:07). See FIRST Page 44
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Stephen Decatur cross country team runners lead the pack during last Wednesday’s meet on their home course in Berlin.
First cross country race learning experience Continued from Page 43 “I have very low expectations for anyone running their first cross country race. I thought [Decatur runners] did well for the most part, but
the first race is always a learning experience,” Stigler said. “Runners are still trying to figure out the pace they should run for the race and how they compare to the other runners.
“I would say I was satisfied with their first meet,” he continued. “I do have higher expectations in the second meet for racing tactics and the second meet will show a lot more
about our team than the first meet did.” The next cross country meet is scheduled for Wednesday in Centreville at 4 p.m.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Ocean City Today
Stephen Decatur junior John Ford heads the ball to teammate, senior captain Alton Walker, during Wednesday’s game against Crisfield. (Right) Senior Andy McKahan controls the ball.
SD boys’ soccer team playing well Seahawks earn 4-0 shutout over Mardela Warriors, win 5-1 over Crisfield Crabbers
By Lisa Capitelli Managing Editor (Sept. 16, 2016) The Stephen Decatur boys’ soccer team picked up two Bayside Conference wins this week, netting nine goals and only allowing one. Decatur traveled to Mardela Springs on Monday to play the Mardela Warriors. The Seahawks shut out their opponent 4-0. “We moved the ball pretty well. It was better than we have been,” Decatur
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Coach Jamie Greenwood said. “We kept our intensity so I was happy with that.” Junior John Ford scored about three minutes into the game to give Decatur a 1-0 lead. Senior Chris Leitgeb provided the Seahawks with a 2-0 advantage about six minutes before halftime. Senior Tucker Cordial and junior Max Mariner netted shots in the second half for Decatur. Goalie Noah Shockley, a senior, stopped four Mardela shots. The Seahawks hosted the Crisfield Crabbers on Wednesday in Berlin. Crisfield struck first, scoring within the first five minutes of the game. Senior Jacob Forrester answered for Decatur with a goal a few minutes later. “I think we underestimated their
players’ physicality,” Greenwood said. “We really shut down on them after that. About 10 minutes in we got everyone on the same page. I told them we can’t start out slow – we’ve got to come out right from the start. ” The Crabbers nearly made it 2-1 when Shockley left the goal open chasing down a shot. Shooting on an empty net, the ball was almost over the goal line, but Decatur junior defender Ryan Duncan sprinted back and cleared the ball away just in time. Senior captain Alton Walker gave the home team the go-ahead goal 10:31 before halftime. Senior Andy McKahan boosted Decatur’s advantage to two See DECATUR Page 46
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Ocean City Today
Decatur preparing for match against Easton this Mon. Continued from Page 45 goals with three minutes left in the half. McKahan scored twice in the second half for a hat trick, leading the Berlin squad to a 5-1 victory. Shockley recorded 10 saves. “I think we played better after we finally got everything into gear,” Greenwood said. “I feel we dominated and we just controlled it.” The Easton Warriors are scheduled to come to Berlin on Monday for a 5:30 p.m. game against Decatur. “I think we’re playing well. Now we just need to be ready for Monday,” Greenwood said. “They’re good. They move the ball well. That’s another big test. They’re the premier team in the [Bayside Conference] North.”
k c i w n e F n i 4 5 . Rt
Kenore! is he
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Decatur golf team starts 4-0 in ‘16 Seahawks win first four matches, take 2nd in fifth; look to get back on track
By Lisa Capitelli Managing Editor (Sept. 16, 2016) The Stephen Decatur golf team edged out James M. Bennett by one stroke during last Thursday’s competition, but it was the Clippers who came out on top by one on Tuesday to cut the Seahawks’ undefeated streak at four matches. Jim Krall Seven schools participated in last Thursday’s match at Ocean Pines Golf and Country Club. “Every year, Ocean Pines gives high school golfers a fit and scores are usually higher than normal; this year was no different,” said Decatur Coach Jim Krall. “The course was in great shape and besides being hot and humid there really weren’t any excuses for their lackluster performances. But it wasn’t only my team that suffered. With the exception of a couple players, most of the field scored higher than their averages across the board.” Decatur shot a team score of 174 in the victory, followed by Bennett, who carded a 175. Parkside finished in third place with a 188. Senior captain Matt Kristick led Decatur with a 41. Senior co-captain Tanner Leonard and freshman Brady Leonard each shot 44s. Junior Spencer Carbaugh also contributed to the victory, scoring a 45. Matt Kinsey, a junior, recorded a 45 as well. “No matter how much a coach tells a player to carefully choose the right club to get the job done and use smart course management on every hole
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“A couple of my players had a rough day and didn’t score like they are capable of. That’s what makes golf so addicting to those who have been bitten by the bug,” Krall said. “We love the sport because it’s so unpredictable. One day you’re on fire and the next day you feel like you’ve never picked up a club before.” Consistency is the hardest aspect of the game, Krall said, even for the professionals. “Matt Kinsey is playing excellent golf right now and posting low rounds consistently,” he added. “I hope he continues in the zone and the others get their game back on track…[It’s] just a temporary hiccup right now.” The next golf match is at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday at GlenRiddle Golf Course in Berlin.
LONG BALL Stephen Decatur senior Jessica Wharton sends the ball across the field during Tuesday’s game against North Caroline in Berlin. Decatur lost 3-2.
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they always want to pull out the big dog and grip it and rip it,” Krall said. “Ocean Pines is a shotmaker’s course where that mentality often gets them in trouble. We were very lucky to squeeze out a one-stroke victory.” After starting the season 4-0, Decatur finished one stroke behind Bennett during Tuesday’s eight-school match at Ocean City Golf Club in Berlin. The Clippers tallied a 164, while Decatur scored a 165. Parkside took third, recording a 184. Kinsey shot a one under par 35 which earned co-medalist honors with Bennett’s Ayden Whitehead. Kinsey was Decatur’s top performer followed by Tanner Leonard (40), Kristick (45) and senior Hailey Brown (45).
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SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
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Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Ocean Pines to host Junior Tennis Open competition
(Sept. 16, 2016) The Ocean Pines Recreation and Parks Department and Delmarva Beach Tennis will host the Ocean Pines Junior Tennis Open on Saturday, Sept. 24 at the Manklin Meadows Racquet Sports Complex, at 11443 Manklin Creek Road in Ocean Pines. The event was originally scheduled for July 23. This nonsanctioned competitive tournament is offered to current high school students. The match format for singles will be eight-game pro sets. Registered players will play at least two matches. The entry fee is $20 per person and includes an event t-shirt. Registration forms may be obtained at the Ocean Pines Community Center or the Manklin Meadows Racquet Sports Complex. In case of inclement weather, the event will be held on Sunday, Sept. 25. For more information, call the Ocean Pines Recreation and Parks Department at 410-641-7052. Information about additional recreational programs, including an online version of the Ocean Pines Activity Guide, is available at OceanPines.org.
AGH presents annual tournament Hospital foundation to hold Robert E. Warfield Memorial Fall Golf Classic, Sept. 22 (Sept. 16, 2016) The Atlantic General Hospital Foundation announced that its newly named Robert E. Warfield Memorial Fall Golf Classic to benefit Atlantic General Hospital would be held on Thursday, Sept. 22 at Ocean City Golf Club in Berlin. The tournament, formerly known as the AGH Annual Fall Golf Classic, will celebrate its 23rd year recognizing the generous commitment and loyal service of the late Robert E. Warfield, Sr. “Bob” dedicated his busy life to giving to others in service and in spirit. He was an integral member of the AGH Fall Golf Classic Committee since he joined the Foundation’s Board of Directors in 1999. A founding member of the hospital’s Board of Trustees, former chairman of the Board of Directors for the AGH Foundation, he was also a member and served on the board of directors for the Ocean City Golf and Yacht Club, and on the board of directors for the Maryland Economic Development Corporation and Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund. The tournament has become an annual tradition for local golfers, with
last year’s event raising $105,000 to expand health care services and programs for the community through the local hospital. Registration begins at 11 a.m. with a 1 p.m. shotgun start. Player entry fee includes lunch and dinner as well as beverages on the course. Deluxe gift bags, course challenges and tournament prizes are also included. Bad Monkey OC Bar & Grill will provide lunch and Dough Roller Restaurants will provide dinner at the post-tournament banquet. As in years past, each team can choose their course/format – “Newport Bay/Best Ball” or “Seaside/Scramble.” Team reservations can be submitted via the website www.atlanticgeneral.org/golf. Space is limited and earliest entries are accommodated first. Nongolfers can still join the fun – dinner, awards, and live auction will begin at 5 p.m. Players and guests can take part in a silent auction featuring baskets and unique prize items including a complimentary entry into the 44th annual White Marlin Open. The auction is open to the public and the winners will be announced at the post-tournament dinner and reception. New sponsorship opportunities are available for this year and many include complimentary golfers, ad space,
Monday Only
logo placement, ample signage and recognition on select gift bag items. Sponsorship levels include: “Ace,” which includes eight players, inside cover and a full-page ad; “Albatross,” which includes six players and a fullpage ad; “Eagle,” which includes four players and a half-page ad; and “Birdie,” which includes two players and a quarter-page ad. The Carousel Group, this year’s “Legacy” sponsor, has served for 17 consecutive years as a title sponsor. Additional sponsors include Eagle sponsors AGH Auxiliary, anonymous, Global Reimbursement Consultants, Horizon CSA, NetCraftsmen and Park Place Jewelers; Birdie sponsors Atlantic/Smith Cropper & Deeley, Eastern Shore Golf Magazine and M&T Bank; and Service sponsors Bad Monkey OC Bar & Grille, Coca-Cola, Courtesy of Salisbury. In addition to sponsors Dead Freddie’s Island Grill, de Lazy Lizard Bar & Grille, Delmarva Media Group/The Daily Times, Dough Roller Restaurants, Harborside Bar & Grill and Shenanigan’s Irish Pub & Grille. For more information about the tournament or how to become a sponsor, contact Alli J. Hudson, event coordinator, in the Foundation office at 410-641-9671, visit www.atlanticgeneral.org/golf or text WARFIELD to 41444.
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Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
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Sept. 16, 2016
Ocean City Today Arts, Calendar, Crossword, Dining, Entertaiment, Events, Features, Music
Page 49
Inside Going Out Taylor Sloan cannot believe it’s the middle of September, and Thursday, Sept. 22 is the first day of fall. Leaves are starting to change colors, nights are becoming crisper and beach days are running short. I’ll be taking in every last minute of summer with my amazing friends, while it’s still here. It’s Delmarva Bike Week and OC Bike Fest in Ocean City. There will be motorcycles all over town with events happening throughout the weekend that bikers don’t want to miss! Friday, at the inlet from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. there will be vendors, official merchandise and food and beverages. Check out the Nascar Simulator sponsored by Fish Tales Bar & Grill. There will be an Artisan bike show. Stunt shows begin at 11 a.m. with two more times at 12:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. Hear Brickyard Road on the Boardwalk stage at noon. Candlebox will be on the Ocean City stage at 4 p.m., sponsored by Casino at Ocean Downs, followed by Styx at 6:30 p.m. For a full schedule, visit OCBikeFest.com. The Angler, 312 Talbot Street, has happy hour food and drink specials every day from 3-6 p.m. Drink specials include $1.50 Natural Lite cans, $2 domestic cans, $2.50 Landshark drafts, $3 rails, $4 house wine and $5 Goombay Smash. Food specials include 65-cent wings, 50-cent clams and 75-cent oysters. Saturday, Sept. 17, catch Reform School at 5 p.m. Backshore Brewing Company, located at 913 Atlantic Ave. on the Boardwalk, is home to the famous VW van that sits outside, as well as craft beer and Hoop Tea. Backshore has six beers on tap that are always rotating. Hoop Tea is an alcoholic tea beverage that is brewed with purified water, tea leaves, organic cane sugar and naturally fermented alcohol. While you are at Backshore, try the soft shell tacos stuffed with juicy grilled shrimp, black bean and roasted corn salsa, and a cilantro ranch slaw, served with homemade smokey BBQ chips or add fries for $2. For more on Backshore Brewing Co., visit www.backshorebrew.com. The Big Easy on 60, 60th Street, features New Orleans style food and See INSIDE Page 51
Thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts fill the inlet parking lot during the 2015 OC BikeFest. This year’s event began yesterday and runs through Sunday.
Plenty of activities planned for those with, without bikes
By Kara Hallissey Staff Writer (Sept. 16, 2016) OC BikeFest, Bikes to the Beach and Delmarva Bike Week are underway and expected to draw thousands of people to Ocean City and the surrounding area this weekend. Events will include live music, stunt shows, a poker run, blessing of the bikes and hundreds of vendors selling merchandise. Here are some of the festivities taking place for motorcycle aficionados: •OC BikeFest: BikeFest rolls into town for its sixth year with live music, vendors and thrill shows at two main sites, the inlet downtown and the 40th Street convention center. Festivities began yesterday, bringing names such as Rommel HarleyDavidson, S&S Cycle, Sick Boy, Fast Lights LEDS, Speeds Performance Dyno and more than 30 additional vendors in both locations. Today, there will be thrill and stunt shows taking place at the inlet all day long in addition to an artisan and custom bike show. The motorcycle thrill show showcases complicated stunt maneuvers such as large cable spools, suspended platforms, raised enclosures and a massive 10-foot wall. Brickyard Road takes to the Boardwalk stage at noon followed by Candlebox on the Ocean City stage at 4 p.m. and legendary Styx finishes out Friday night live shows at 6:30 p.m. Visitors at the inlet can also enjoy a NASCAR simulator that gives riders the experience of racing in a full-size car through an interactive game. In addition, Michele Smith will make appearances every day at the inlet during BikeFest. She will be signing autographs in addition to selling her line of lingerie and crystal covered
Mike Dolega of S&S Cycles installs a new exhaust during OC BikeFest at the Ocean City convention center on 40th Street last year.
motorcycle helmets. Saturday’s concerts kick off with Brickyard Road at noon followed by Red Sun Rising at 4:30 p.m., Pop Evil at 5 p.m. and 3 Doors Down closing out shows at 6:30 p.m. Inlet gates will be open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Sept. 16-17. At the 40th Street convention center, BikeFest launches with a huge selection of national vendors, motorcycle manufacturers and event sponsor Rommel Harley-Davidson Delmarva onsite with a lineup of motorcycles and a jump start. The center will be open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Sept. 16-17; and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday,
Sept. 18. Both Ocean City sites offer free parking for motorcycles on a first come, first serve basis and entry to the convention center is free. Admission at the inlet costs $50 for a weekend pass or $30 for a day pass and includes the concerts. Admission for children 6-15 years old is $15 and under 5 get in free. Event passes include discounts at some local restaurants and free use of the Ocean City bus system. Ticket holders can also purchase a commemorative OC BikeFest and Delmarva Bike Week poker chip for $2 each, while supplies last. Those 21 and older with a wristband can present the chip at Ocean Downs Casino, off Route 589, See LIVE Page 50
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Live music, stunt shows, poker run among activities Continued from Page 49 for a $15 free play card. Last year, BikeFest drew an estimated 170,000 to town and the number of people increase every year, organizer Kathy Micheal said. Visit www.ocbikefest.com to purchase tickets and for a full schedule of concerts and events. • Delmarva Bike Week: The 16th annual Delmarva Bike Week returns to Salisbury’s Arthur W. Perdue Stadium and Winter Place Park as well as Rommel Harley-Davidson Delmarva in Seaford, Delaware. There will be demo rides, thrill shows, food and beverages for sale, regional music acts, motorcycle demonstrations, giveaways and exhibitors selling motorcycle gear, clothing, parts and accessories during the four-day event. Perdue Stadium, home of the Delmarva Shorebirds, will house dozens of national vendors with free demo rides on the latest models of Yamaha, Star and Indian motorcycles, while Winter Place Park will have live musical performances, which take place in the beer garden, in addition to more than 60 vendors and a high wire motorcycle stunt show. Check out local acts Gideon Groove, Rock Creek Band and the Crossroads Band in addition to Get Your Wings (Aerosmith tribute) and The Land of Ozz (Ozzy Osbourne tribute) at Winter Place Park. “It is a chill zone and more relaxed,” organizer Chase Micheal said. “We feature local and regional bands all day.” Bike Week closes out Sunday, Sept. 18, with a Christian motorcycle service from 10-11 a.m. followed by live music from Gideon’s Groove from 12-2 p.m. At Shorebirds Stadium, there will be a Thunder Roads rolling bike show taking place all day Saturday. A free shuttle will travel between the two Salisbury venues Friday and Saturday. The official welcome center for OC BikeFest and Delmarva Bike Week is at Rommel Harley-Davidson Delmarva in Seaford, which will have ven-
Hundreds, if not thousands of motorcycle riders stop by Hooper’s Crab House in West Ocean City last year for the annual Bikes to the Beach event, one of many motorcycle-related activities that took place around Ocean City.
dors, food, a beer garden and live music. It is the only place visitors can pick up a free anniversary pin, and official Bike Week T-shirts will be on sale. Corporate Harley-Davidson will be in attendance with new 2017 motorcycle models as well. In addition, participants can register for Cruzin’ the Coast at the welcome center, which has been brought back by popular demand. There are eight poker stops on Delmarva where participants must get a stamp at each location and whoever has the best poker hand at the end wins cash and prizes. A registration fee of $25 includes a Cruzin’ the Coast T-shirt and playing card. Completed cards must be dropped off at the information booth at Winterplace Park no later than 10 a.m. on Sunday, Sept 18. Winners will be announced from the stage at Winterplace Park an hour later. More than 170,000 motorcycle enthusiasts traveling from Arizona and Florida to surrounding states including New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia come out to the event that grows every year. “With an event of this size, we try to make each location its own experience,” Micheal said. “Locally, it is one
of the biggest events in the area. Nationally, it is a destination trip for motorcyclists.” Visit www.delmarvabikeweek.com for a list of vendors at each venue, directions to each location and more information. • Bikes to the Beach: Hooper’s Crab House in West Ocean City, Oasis Bar ‘n Grill in Whaleyville and a number of other venues around the resort will host bike events this weekend, which began yesterday bringing live music, vendors, contests and events to its locations. At Hooper’s, located at the base of the Route 50 bridge, visitors can hear live music by groups including the Johnny Cash Experience and visit more than 30 vendors booths. Vendors such as Insane Leather, Master Lugo, Con-Lei Transportation and Fast Lights LED will sell merchandise including leather, jewelry, LED lights, T-shirts, sunglasses, cleaning products, parts and accessories for bikes. “We will have live entertainment and bands all day long from Thursday to Saturday,” said Hooper’s General Manager Ryan Intrieri. “It is always free admission and a guaranteed good time with plenty of parking.” Local American Legion Post 166
will host its annual poker run and Thunder Roads magazine will hold an event Saturday at Hooper’s. At Oasis, about halfway between Ocean City and Salisbury in Whaleyville, events kicked off Wednesday. Lower Case Blues and Poverty Ridge entertain crowds tonight, Friday. Saturday kicks off with Dirt Road Outlaws at 11 a.m. and Poverty Ridge at 5 p.m. Also, look forward to Running with Scissors, Circus Rejects and the Chainsaw Dual. In addition, tonight through Sunday, there will be a midget paintball manhunt, where participants win prizes for hitting a moving target, and live midget alligator wrestling. Visit www.oceancitybikestothebeach.com for more information. • Blessing of the Bikes: On Saturday, Sept. 17, at 1 p.m., the fifth annual Blessing of the Motorcycles takes place in the parking lot of the Knight of Columbus Hall behind St. Luke’s Church on 99th Street in Ocean City. Last year, about 100 bikes were blessed during the event sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council. Call St. Luke’s at 410-250-0300, the Knights of Columbus at 410-524-7994 or Steve Mastbrook at 302-604-2694 for more information.
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Inside going out Taylor Sloan Continued from Page 49
beverages. Entrées include chicken and waffles and jambalaya. Beverages include cucumber southside made with Svedka cucumber vodka, St. Germaine, mint leaves and lemon lime soda; and a bayou orange crush made with Bayou rum, Bayou Satsuma liqueur, orange juice and lemon lime soda. Happy hour is daily from 2-6 p.m. throughout the restaurant, featuring half-priced drinks and appetizers. Appetizer options include buffalo oysters, creole crab dip, steamed shrimp and ribs in a Big Easy barbecue sauce. For more on this new restaurant, visit www.thebigeasyon60.com. BJ’s on the Water, located at 75th Street and the bay, serves the entire menu from 11 a.m. until 1:30 a.m. Join the party for happy hour, Monday through Friday, 4-7 p.m., or late night happy hour, Sunday through Thursday, 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Happy hour drinks include $2 Miller Lite, Natural Light and Coors Light cans, rail and premium drinks are $3.50 and house wine is $4.50. Happy hour food includes three saloon burgers for $6.99, add cheese for 80 cents more. Friday, Sept. 16 catch Dust N’ Bones and Saturday, Sept. 17, hear Over Time providing live entertainment from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Happy hour deck party takes place Wednesdays, 5-8 p.m, and this week catch Sir Rod. There is no cover charge. For more BJ’s on the Water fun, visit www.Bjsonthewater.com. Bourbon Street on the Beach, 116th Street, has happy hour every day that includes $2 Natural Light, $2.50 drafts, $3.50 rail drinks, $5 house wine and margaritas and $6 hurricanes and crushes. Food specials include $1 oysters, $8 char grilled oysters, $9 wings and $8 half-pound burgers. Wednesdays enjoy prime rib for $14.99. For more information, call 443-664-2896. Claddagh on the Shore, 1106 Coastal Hwy. Fenwick Island, Delaware, has happy hour daily from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. with $2 domestics and rails, $6 crushes and sangria and half-price bottles of wine. Drink specials are available at the bar only. Enjoy sunset dining Monday
through Wednesday, 4-6 p.m. with $17 entrées. Thursday night come to Claddagh for an $18 prime rib special. Brunch is served every Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to noon. Claddagh offers a full breakfast and lunch menu with its brunch, as well as $12 bottomless Bloody Mary’s or mimosas. For more, call 302-537-4200. The Clarion Hotel, 101st Street, offers a variety of dining experiences for guests of all ages. Breaker’s Pub opens at 11 a.m. with lunch specials from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and happy hour daily, 4-7 p.m. Featured happy hour specials include $2.25 select drafts, $2.75 domestic beers, $3 rail drinks, $2.75 house wines and $4 margaritas. Horizons Oceanfront Restaurant has breakfast, 7 a.m. to noon; lunch, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.; and dinner, 510 p.m. Weekly specials include a $12.95 dinner daily; Friday and Saturday select dinner entrées are 20 percent off, 5-7 p.m., and Sunday through Thursday 30 percent off, 5-7 p.m. Or, try Horizon’s famous AUCE prime rib, crab legs and seafood buffet daily, 4:30-9 p.m. Take $4 off the $39.95 adult buffet from 4:30-6 p.m. Hear On The Edge perform in the Ocean Club Night Club this Friday and Saturday from 9:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. For more visit www.ClarionOC.com. Coconuts Bar and Grill located on 37th Street at Castle in the Sand Hotel, offers a new craft beer –Drunken Monkey Ale, an American Pale Ale brewed by Burley Oak Brewery in Berlin. The fastest happy hour on the beach continues with two-for-one drinks from 5-6 p.m. Tipsy Turtle Tuesday runs every Tuesday through Sept. 20. Order Coconuts’ Tipsy Turtle Rum Punch and be eligible to win a five-day vacation to The Green Turtle Club Resort in the Bahamas. The winner will be drawn on Sunday, Sept. 25. Friday, catch Darin Engh from noon to 4 p.m., followed by Monkee Paw at 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 17, enjoy listening to Rick and Regina from noon to 4 p.m. then hear Poole and the Gang, 5-9 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 18, see Coastal Patrol perform noon to 3 p.m., followed by Old School, 4-8 p.m. For a full entertainment schedule,
visit www.castleinthesand.com. Coins Restaurant and Pub, 28th Street, has happy hour daily, 3-6 p.m. Drink specials include $2 domestic drafts, $2.75 domestic bottles, $3.50 rails, and happy hour food includes $7 half-pound steamed shrimp/mussels and $6 wings. Coins offers a special dinner menu for early birds daily from 4-6 p.m. Early bird dinner specials include flounder, broiled or fried, for $11.99; seafood marinara with chopped clams, shrimp and scallops for $13.99; chicken teriyaki for $10.99; eight-ounce sirloin steak or prime rib for $13.99; or single crab cake for $12.99. All dishes are served with choice of two sides. Live entertainment this weekend starts Friday at 9 p.m. with Tranzfusion, and catch them again Saturday night. Check out Coins lunch and dinner menus at www.coinspub.com. The Cove at Ocean Pines Yacht Club, 1 Mumford’s Landing Road, has lunch, dinner, a variety of drinks and a children’s menu as well as brunch, Sunday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Live entertainment starts at 6 p.m. Catch The Poole Brothers, Friday, Sept. 16, and Saturday, listen to Jack Worthington. Sunday, Sept. 18, you won’t want to miss the Vigilantes performing. NFL packages and specials start Sunday, Sept. 18 with a football bar menu including: 75-cent wings (mild, hot, really hot, J.O. spice, sweet chili and garlic parmesan); chili dog and draft beer for $5; buffalo chicken dip, $8; and the sampler – popcorn chicken, potato skins, jalapeno poppers, onion rings and mozzarella sticks, $12. NFL specials are only available at the Yacht Club bar on Sundays. Pub Trivia signups begin Thursday evening at 5:30 p.m. with trivia at 6 p.m. For more, visit www.oceanpines.org. Cowboy Coast, 17th Street and Coastal Highway, has weekly theme nights; Monday is Redneck Olympics with $12 beer buckets; Tuesday enjoy shrimp and steak night for $15.99; Wednesday, sing karaoke; Thursday is beat the clock bikini night with 25cent drafts starting at 8 p.m.; Friday is Ladies Night with $1 drinks and
drafts; and Saturday get 75-cent drafts all night. Check out the International Bikini Team during the bikini bike wash happening Friday, Sept. 16 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cowboy Coast has live entertainment for Bike Week, starting tonight with Crisbie, followed by Grand Central. Saturday hear Sam Grow performing live. Music starts at 10 p.m. Visit www.cowboycoastoc.com or call 410-289-6331. Crab Bag, 130th Street and Coastal Highway, offers “super happy hour” seven days a week, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Happy hour food specials include a halfpound of steamed shrimp, a halfpound angus cheeseburger and a dozen steamed clams for $7.95 each. Happy hour drink specials include $2 rails, $1.50 domestic drafts and $2 domestic bottles. Enjoy carryout specials such as eight pieces of fried chicken and one pound of steamed shrimp for $24.95; two dozen medium crabs or one dozen medium crabs, eight-piece fried chicken and one pound steamed shrimp for $49; two dozen medium crabs, 12-piece fried chicken and one pound steamed shrimp for $79. To hear more crab specials, call Crab Bag at 410-250-3337. Duffy’s Bayside Bar and Grille, 130th Street, features happy hour from noon until 6 p.m. and includes include domestic bottle/drafts for $2.25, import beers for $3.50, Guinness for $5, rails are $3, calls and house wine are $3.75. Sunday NFL specials will be available all day, and include $5.99 bang bang shrimp, personal cheese pizza and cheese quesadilla for $5.50 each and $5.99 wings. Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. enjoy eggs Benedict for $10.99, corned beef hash for $12.99 and steak and eggs for $13.99. Monday night football food and drink specials include a personal pizza for $5.50, fish and chips for $7.99, 16-ounce Natty Boh cans for $2.25 and happy hour rail and call drink prices. See INSIDE Page 52
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Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Inside going out Taylor Sloan
Continued from Page 51
Wednesday is burger night from 6 p.m. to close and includes beef, turkey or black bean burger for $6.99 and house wine will be available for $3.75. Thursday Night football menu include Bev’s home cookin’ specials for $6.99 and happy hour drink prices. Friday enjoy a crab cake dinner for $13.99 and hear Bob Hughes play, 5-8 p.m. Check out Duffy’s happenings at www.DuffysOC.com. At Fager’s Island, 60th Street and the bay, hear Island Time, Tuesday through Sunday, 3-6 p.m. Drink specials include $5 crushes, martinis and Fager’s Island wines, two-for-one rail drinks, domestic beers and Coronas. Friday, catch The Stims on the deck at 5:30 p.m., and later watch Musician Impossible perform on the stage at 9:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 17, hear Opposite Directions on the deck at 5 p.m., and Animal House will play on the stage at 10 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 18, enjoy jazz from Everett Spells during brunch from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday evening starts off Fager’s deck party with DJ Greg at 5:30 p.m. followed by DJ RobCee at 9:30 p.m. Catch Royal Jelly on the stage at 10 p.m. For more, visit www.Fagers.com. Fin Alley, located at 300 Coastal Highway, Fenwick, offers a variety of menu items for anyone’s palate. Try the sweet and spicy shrimp skewers made with sriracha, honey and lime, with coconut coleslaw for $12. To view Fin Alley’s menu, visit www.finalleyfenwick.com. At Fish Tales Bar & Grill, 22nd Street, bayside, the kitchen is open 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. and the bar, 11a.m.-2 a.m. Happy hour is from 3-6 p.m., and dinner is served 5-11 p.m. daily. Get $3 craft and import beers, $5 Orange Crushes and Redbull bombs
during Good Tunes Tuesdays from 10 p.m to close. Wednesday night is Natty Night with 75-cent drafts and $2.50 well drinks, 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Check out the Bloody Mary bar on Sunday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Try a couple of Fish Tales’ menu items including Shorty’s shrimp, Shawn’s secret recipe, including tender gulf shrimp pickled with vinegar, fennel, dill and red onion, served with toast points and a creamy garlic sauce or the black bean sandwich on a salt and pepper bun (also available in a gluten free wrap) stuffed with smashed black beans, avocado, red onion, tomato, jalapenos and cabbage, finished with a coconut chipotle mayo. Fish Tales is fun for the whole family, so bring the kids for a meal and playtime at the Pirate themed playground, while you sip on ice cold beverages. For more, visit www.ocfishtales.com. Harborside Bar & Grill, 12841 S. Harbor Rd. West Ocean City, has happy hour Monday through Friday, 47 p.m. Specials include $2 rail drinks (plus $1 for grapefruit/orange juice), $2 domestic bottles and drafts and $5.50 Orange Crushes. Friday, Sept. 16, DJ Billy T begins at 4 p.m. for Ladies Night. Saturday, Sept. 17, hear Simple Truth or Side Project, 2-6 p.m., and DJ Jeremy, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 18, Opposite Directions will play from 2-6 p.m. and DJ Billy T starts at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Blake Haley will play from 4-7 p.m., followed by DJ Billy T starting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 20, catch Funk Shue from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21, Karaoke with DJ Jeremy is 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 22, Opposite Directions performs 8 p.m. to midnight. For all things from the home of the
Original Orange Crush, visit www.weocharborside.com. Stop by Harpoon Hanna’s in Fenwick Island, Delaware, off Route 54, and try its exclusive house beer, RAR Deep Brew Pale Ale, a medium bodied pale ale with refreshing citrus notes, a slightly malty sweetness, and a balanced hop finish (5.5 percent ABV). Happy hour is Monday through Friday, 3-7 p.m. and the Tiki Bar is open daily, weather permitting. While visiting, enjoy a couple appetizers including Chesapeake crab dip for $11.99, bacon wrapped scallops, broiled in a zesty orange sauce for $12.99, Frank’s jerk chicken marinated in Caribbean seasonings served with honey mustard for $8.99, or my favorite, coconut shrimp served with a mandarin orange sauce for $9.99. Entertainment Friday, Sept. 16, kicks off with Dave Hawkins, 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 17, Dave Sherman performs, 5 p.m., followed by Mallory and Maria at 9 p.m. Sunday, Sept.18, catch Kevin Poole, 5-9 p.m. For more entertainment and specials, visit harpoonhannasrestaurant.com. Hooters, West Ocean City, Route 50, offers happy hour every day from 3-6 p.m. with drink specials including $2.50 domestic drafts/bottles, $3 wells, $3.50 house wine and $4 calls. If you’re in the service, enjoy Military Monday’s with 10 percent off for active or retired military. Celebrate wing fest Tuesdays, 6-8 p.m., with 50cent wings, traditional or boneless. Friday catch Loud Love at 8 p.m., and Saturday, Sept. 17, hear Scrapple at 8 p.m. For more on Hooters in West Ocean City, call 410-213-1841. KY West, 54th Street, offers happy hour 4-7 p.m. at the bar only. Drink specials include $3 Miller Lite drafts/domestic bottles, $4 rail drinks See INSIDE Page 53
ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20
Aries, exercise patience as you try to resolve a situation this week. You may have found a solution that works for everyone, but it may take time for others to adjust.
TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21
Taurus, you spend much of the week daydreaming, but someone or something unexpected snaps you back to reality. Enjoy this pleasant surprise.
GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21
Gemini, others interpret your focus this week as single-mindedness, and they aren’t quite sure what to make of it. Do your best to keep colleagues in the loop.
CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22
Cancer, you are not a fan of instability, which is why you like to plan everything down to the smallest detail. This week you may have to loosen up a little bit.
LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23
Leo, you manage to attract attention pretty much everywhere you go this week, in spite of your efforts to be as inconspicuous as possible. Chalk it up to your magnetic personality.
VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22
Virgo, you are emotionally charged of late, and that is perfectly fine. It may take a few days for you to begin thinking more with your head than your heart.
LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23
Libra, a friend’s free spirit inspires you in the week ahead. Team up and plan an adventure together, or simply find time to spend with each other.
SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22
Scorpio, many thoughts are swirling around in your head, and this puts you in an introspective mood. Make the most of this reflective period and think about your long-term goals.
SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21
Over a Million Sold!
HAPPY HOUR with Awesome Food & Drink Specials! MONDAY – FRIDAY 4-7PM
Blake Haley 4-7pm DJ Billy T 7pm til
Opposite Directions 9pm-1am
Ladies Night w/Dj Billy T 7pm
Simple Truth/Side Project 2-6pm DJ Jeremy 9pm
L a d i e s N ig ht
Every Friday 7pm-til
Funk Shue’ 9pm-1am Karaoke w/DJ Jeremy
Welcome Bikers
Daily Lunch & Dinner Specials
Opposite Directions 2-6pm
$2 16 oz. Coors Light & Miller Lite Drafts $3 Shooters • $4 Glass Wine $5.50 Original Orange Crush Bar and Pub Area Only — Some Restrictions
During ALL LIVE NFL Games
Sagittarius, professional obligations are keeping you close to home and that can be frustrating when you want to wander. Check the calendar to see when you can get away.
CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20
Natural Light & High Life
2.25 +Tax
Late Night Food & Drink Specials Sunday - Thursday 10 – 1am Tecate & Tecate Light
2 +Tax 3
Shooters $ .00 Bartenders Choice
FOOD SPECIALS Include Jerk Chicken, Steamed Clams, Steamed Mussels & Steamed Shrimp
Where You Always Get Your Money’s Worth! (Bar & Pub Only)
Capricorn, make the most of your positive attitude and look for fun ways to spend time with friends and family. Engage in some light conversation with others who share your optimism.
AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18
Aquarius, a rewarding feeling awaits as you work to solve a challenging problem. The solution won’t come easy, but your hard work will pay off.
PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20
Others are noticing the excellent work you have been doing, Pisces. Anticipate a few pats on the back and enjoy all of the praise.
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Inside going out Taylor Sloan Continued from Page 52
and $5 house wine. Food specials include $8 steamed shrimp or chicken wings, $9 fried calamari and $10 burgers. Saturday at the bar, catch DJ Rhoadie playing all of your requests beginning at 10 p.m. For more, visit www.kywestoceancity.com. Macky’s, 54th Street and the bay, offers happy hour in the bar and cocktail area daily from 3-6 p.m. Drink specials include traditional drafts and cans for $3, premium drafts and cans are $4.25, rail drinks, $3.75, and call drinks, $4.50. Entertainment for the week begins with DJ Casper at 10 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 16. Saturday, Sept. 17, dance while DJ Adam Dutch spins at 10 p.m., and Sunday Sept. 18, Let’s Do Trivia starts at 9 p.m. Monday is beer and pizza night at Macky’s. Drafts and pizza are available at discounted prices including $2.50 traditional drafts, $3.50 premium drafts and $5 cheese pizzas; available in the bar and cocktail area only starting at 10 p.m. For more, visit www.Mackys.com. Blues on the Bay will take place at Macky’s on Wednesday, Sept. 21 from 6-9 p.m. benefitting Coastal Hospice at the Ocean. Tickets cost $75 and include three hours of live music from Everett Spells, heavy hors d’oeuvres and an open bar.
For more information and reservations, visit CoastalHospice.org/blues, call 410-742-8732 or Macky’s at 410742-8732. Micky Fins, located at 12952 Inlet Isle Lane, features Quarterdeck, the newly designed waterfront dock bar. Micky Fins’ happy hour is Wednesday and Thursday, 3-6 p.m.; Friday, 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and 3-6 p.m. weekends. Food specials include Deal Island whale soft sand crab sandwich with remoulade and French fries for $12; lobster tacos (tempura shrimp fried lobster tail, cilantro slaw, pico de gallo, Monterey jack and cucumber wasabi) for $13; and a Philly cheesesteak on a toasted amoroso roll, with provolone cheese and French fries for $10. Drink specials include $2 Coors Light drafts, $3.50 select premium drinks and craft bottle beer for $3.75, $5 crushes and $4.50 wines by the glass. For more specials and entertainment, visit www.ocmickyfins.com. M.R. Ducks Bar and Grill, Talbot Street, starts off with Dr. Harmonica at 5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 16. Saturday, Sept. 17, listen to everyone’s favorite, Johnny Bling at 4 p.m., and Sunday, enjoy Naked Nation, 4-8 p.m. Don’t forget about my favorite party of the weekend, the Sunday night deck party at Ducks! Get $2 Natural Lights, $3 cherry or grape bombs, $5 Chug-a-Ducks and $4 Fireball shots.
Drink specials begin at 10 p.m. Visit www.MRDucksBar.com or call 410-289-9125. Nick’s House of Ribs, 145th Street, has NFL specials during games that include $2 Miller Lite and Yuengling drafts, $2 Blue Monster shots and a variety of food specials. For more, visit www.nickshouseofribs.com. Ninth Street Taphouse, located on the Boardwalk in the Paradise Plaza Inn, has drink specials all day every day. Enjoy $2 Natty Boh drafts and $2.25 Natural Light cans. Happy hour includes $3 domestic drafts, $4 rail drinks, house wine and Assawoman Bay drafts, and $5 frozen drinks, orange and grapefruit crushes. For more, call 443-664-2641. Ocean City Fish Company, 12817 Harbor Rd. West Ocean City, offers happy hour daily, 3-7 p.m. Drink specials include $1.50 domestic drafts and $2 rail drinks. Food specials are: $1 oysters, 75-cent wings and $6.99 half-pound of steamed shrimp/sautéed clams. Sunday in the bar area, O.C. Fish Company has $4 Orange Crushes all day. AUCE crabs with corn is $29.99, add shrimp for $10 more or snow crab legs for $15. Crabs are by the dozen. Every Thursday is pint night at the sports bar. Ocean City Fish Co. has The Haymans, Friday, Sept 16 at 6 p.m., and
Side Project at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 18. For more, visit www.captainsgalleyoc.com. O.C. Wasabi, located on 33rd Street, has happy hour food specials including $6 shrimp and pork dumplings, and drink specials include $2 Natural Light, $2.50 domestic bottles, $3 rails, and $5.50 craft beers from 4-7 p.m. O.C. Wasabi accepts dinner reservations; call 410-524-7337. Phillips Crab House, 21st Street, serves up award-winning crab cakes and seafood. Phillips offers an early bird special of $4 off an adult entrée of $20 or more, 4-5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call Phillips Crab House at 410289-6821 for more. Phillips Seafood House, 141st Street, offers a variety of seafood items to please and a great happy hour that runs until 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday and until close on Sunday. Enjoy a fresh catch menu featuring local fish, seafood and steamed crabs, crab cakes Hoopers Island style, and a raw bar with local oysters. Food specials are available in the bar, lounge or patio all night, every night with buck a shuck oysters, and $1.50 Natural Light and Natty Boh cans. Happy hour drinks available at the bar, lounge or patio include $2.50 domestic drafts and bottles, $3 wine See INSIDE Page 54
Just a Short Ride over the Bridge toward Assateague
Come in for our famous Pipeline
BEST BREAKFAST IN TOWN! H e a rt y b r ea k f a s t , s ig n a t u re b u r g er s a n d s a n d w ic h e s , co m f o r t b i t e s a n d p l a t t e r s w i t h a l oc a l t w i s t
B U R G E R S Classic Cheeseburger • Mushroom & Swiss Burger Bacon Cheddar Burger Gyro Burger • One-Eyed Burger Chesapeake Burger • Patty Melt Our Famous Pipeline Burger
Piled high with homefries, egg, onions, sausage, melted American cheese and choice of brown or peppered gravy on an English muffin
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Sausage Gravy or Creamed Chipped Beef Scrapple Gravy Breakfast Tacos Fried Chicken & Waffle Homemade Chicken Fried Steak & Eggs
Served with home fries or grits
Eggs Benedict•Crab Meat Benedict•Lobster Benedict Buttermilk Pancakes Specialty Pancakes: Peanut Butter, Blueberry, M&M, Banana or Chocolate Chip
Belgian Waffles
Add Strawberry or Blueberry Fruit Topping
Rt 611 Stephen Decatur Hwy. • West Ocean City • 443-664-6779
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Inside going out Taylor Sloan Continued from Page 53
and sangria, $3 spirits, $4 craft drafts and $5 crushes. Phillips opens at 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and 3:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. For more specials, call 410-250-1200 or visit PhillipsSeafood.com. Pizza Tugos, Route 50 in West Ocean City, has happy hour Monday through Friday, 3-6 p.m. Drink specials include $1.75 Miller Lite and Yuengling drafts, $2.99 craft beer drafts and $1.99 rail drinks. Get $1 cheese pizza slices during happy hour. NFL specials include AUCE wings and pizza for $10.99 per person and $2 drafts. Order your pizza online at www.pizzatugos.com. Ropewalk Ocean City, on the bay at 82nd Street, is open 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday through Thursday; 11:30 a.m. to midnight, Friday; 10
a.m. to 2 a.m., Saturday; and 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Sunday. Ropewalk offers happy hour all day and night daily. Food specials include half-price wings and bada bing shrimp. Also, get $2 off draft beers, $2.50 select domestics, $4 Slushies, wines and rails, and $5.50 crushes. While you’re there, enjoy its specialty, Ropewalk Mule drink. For more specials, visit www.ropewalkoc.com or call 410-524-1009. Seacrets Bar and Grill, 49th Street and the bay, Monday through Friday and Sunday, domestic can beers are $4. The house beer, TropicAle, brewed by Evolution Craft Brewing Company, is $4 and craft drafts from Dogfish Head, Burley Oak, Fin City and Evolution Craft Brewing Company are $5. Seacrets Spirits and craft beers are $5, and frozen Pain in de Ass, Rum Runner and Orange Crushes $6.
Beest Happy Hour on the Beach - NOON TO 6PM! M! Large Parties Welcome • Indoor a/c & outdoor patio seating!
1330thh St.. Baayssiide ( in n th he Monte ego Ba ay Shopping Center )
410.2550.1449 duffysoc.com OPEN N 7 dayss
NFLL sPECIAALS • haappy hour drin nk pricess 12 - tiil
sunday nfl specials all day: y:
11AAM-4PM M - eggss benneedict $10..99•coornneed beef haashh $122.99•stteeaak & eggss $133..99
haappy hour drinnk pricess • pigskkiinn fo food speciaals
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mild,,Hot,,Jaamessoon on Whhiisskkeey or Old Baay
1/22 raackk baaby baackk ribss $9.99
Come to Seacrets to try its new bourbon, light-whiskey, lemon and grapefruit vodkas from Seacrets Distilling Company. Also, don’t forget Seacrets Distilling Company runs tours of its new, beautiful distillery daily with your choice of three liquor tastings afterward, for those 21 and older. Friday, laugh out loud during the Jim Long Band performance, 5-9 p.m. on the beach stage, followed by No Where Show at 9 p.m. DJ Mike T will be spinning between band sets starting at 10 p.m. Dance in the nightclub while DJ Tuff plays music between Live Wire band sets. Seacrets has a strict minor policy; anyone under the age of 21 must dine with a parent or guardian in a family dining section, and are asked to leave after completion of their meal. Minors are not permitted in bar areas, bar high top areas or the bay, beach and nightclubs. For more Seacrets entertainment, visit www.Seacrets.com. Skye Bar, 66th Street, features a raw bar, lite fare, fresh seafood and steaks, creative cocktails and an award-winning wine list. Happy hour is 3-6 p.m. daily, and includes $1 oysters from the raw bar and food and drink specials. Friday catch Elwood Bishop, and Saturday, Sept. 17, hear Aaron Howell from 4-8 p.m. Skye Bar offers NFL game day specials including chicken tempura bites,
$9; crab nachos, $14; fried pickle spears, $6; naked wings, $10; fish soft shell tacos, $12; and spicy queso dip, $5. Drink specials include $5 Orange Crushes, $3.50 rails, $1 off draft beers and $4 house wines. For Skye Bar’s menu and entertainment schedule, visit www.skyebaroc.com. Sunset Grille, 12933 Sunset Ave., opens at 11 a.m. daily. Happy hour is at the bar from 3-7 p.m. Monday through Friday. Teasers Dockside Bar & Grill specials include $3.75 rail drinks, $5.50 selected premium mixed drinks, $3.75 selected bottled beer, $6 crushes and $5 glass of wine. Tuesdays at Teasers from 3-6 p.m. get two-for-one crushes, Dogfish Head and domestic beers. For more information, visit www.ocsunsetgrille.com. Touch of Italy, 67th Street, features the Soprano bar/café every Tuesday at 9 p.m. with Bryan Russo and friend(s). Touch of Italy offers a New York-style deli and Italian marketplace with specialties straight from the Bronx. Walk around and you are in a quaint Italian restaurant with bar and fire brick oven. For more information or reservations, call 410-524-5252. If you have an event coming up you would like me to highlight in Inside Going Out, please send me an email, Taylor@OceanCityToday.net.
GET YOUR MOTOR RUNNING! S T U R G I S PA R K I N S N O W H I L L September 17, 2016 from noon to 4pm Downtown Snow Hill, Maryland
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SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Ocean City Today
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Gandalf’s got nothing on Ocean Pines resident Mark Dembowski who awaits the start of the Bearded Men’s Society of Ocean City’s second annual Beard and Mustache Competition held last Friday at Pit N Pub on 28th Street.
Kayla Lott represents the ladies during the second annual Beard and Mustache Competition, a benefit to raise funds for West Ocean City-based nonprofit Diakonia, held at the Pit N Pub on 28th Street last Friday.
Pocomoke City resident Tommy Gladding looks like a ringer at last Friday’s Bearded Men’s Society of Ocean City’s second annual Beard and Mustache Competition.
Fin City Brewing Company team members, from left, Pat Hetzell, Mike Hallman, brewmaster Vinny Wright and Billy IPA, tilt a pint last Saturday during the eight annual Brews on the Beach festival held at Hopper’s Crab House in West Ocean City.
Bearded Men’s Society of Ocean City members Jon Conley, left, who operates Berlin-based Uncle Jon’s which offers local handmade artisan beard care items, and Rob Dunne, look ready to compete during the second annual Beard and Mustache Competition last Friday at Pit N Pub, 28th Street.
Kyle Hendley of Severn, Maryland, and Kim Closs of Arlington, Virginia, have a chat over some suds during the Brews on the Beach craft beer festival in West Ocean City at Hooper’s Crab House.
Backshore Brewery represents, from left, Danny Robinson, Gina White and Nate Todd, take part in the eight annual Brews on the Beach craft beer festival last Saturday at Hooper’s Crab House in West Ocean City. Proceeds benefit Children’s House by the Sea on 66th Street in Ocean City.
Ocean City resident Dave Douglas, left, and Scott Smith, from Chattanooga, Tennessee, bring the cheer at the eight annual Brews on the Beach craft beer festival last Saturday at Hooper’s.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Ocean City Today
Annual Blues on the Bay, Sept. 21 Party at Macky’s fundraiser to build Coastal Hospice at the Ocean facility in Pines By Kara Hallissey Staff Writer (Sept. 16, 2016) Macky’s Bayside Bar & Grill will again be the location for the annual Blues on the Bay cocktail party, slated to take place Wednesday, Sept. 21. This is the ninth year owners Pam and Walter “Macky” Stansell have provided the space, food and drinks for the end-of-the-season fundraiser benefitting Coastal Hospice at the Ocean. Tickets include three hours of live music from Everett Spells, heavy hors d’oeuvres, an open bar and incredible views of the sunset over the bay. “It’s fun. Macky and Pam put on a great party,” said Maureen McNeill, director of Development for Coastal Hospice & Palliative Care. “Macky’s has expanded their deck and kitchen. The event gets bigger and better every year.” Around 7:30 p.m., Coastal Hospice board members will give a 15-minute update on the residence project. In addition, a big gift from a national corporation will be announced. Blues on the Bay is a major fundraiser for the Coastal Hospice at the Ocean and brought in almost $19,000 in 2015 for the $5 million cap-
ital project. Overall, $4.2 million has been raised so far, McNeill said. “It is a good deal for $75,” McNeill said. “It is fun, on the deck and beach at Macky’s with friends, good drinks, good food, and a good cause.” Once built, the Ocean Pines waterfront hospice is slated to house 12 patient rooms for individuals or families, a kitchen, mediation room, a shared patient care area and a palliative care clinic.
‘We saw firsthand the wonderful work they do for dying patients and the caretaking of families.’ Pam Stansell The three-story-tall residence and outreach center will serve all four counties of Maryland’s lower Eastern Shore. “This event helps us to build a beautiful facility, which achieves something for years and years to come for our community,” McNeill said. “It is an important fundraiser for us.” The Stansells have been involved with Coastal Hospice for more than 20 years and Macky is a member of the Coastal Hospice Board of Directors. In 1993, Pam’s mother, Jacque Donovan, came to live with the business owners. “One reason this event raises a lot of money is because Macky and Pam do-
nate their staff, bar and everything else,” McNeill said. “Our expenses are minimal and we spend very little to put on the party.” Founded in 1980, Coastal Hospice is a private, nonprofit organization providing hospice services, palliative care, bereavement support, education and training for patients and their families in Worcester, Wicomico, Somerset and Dorchester counties. Coastal Hospice cares for patients in their home, nursing homes, assisted living facilities or at Coastal Hospice at the Lake. Last year, it provided charity care to more than 1,100 people with about one-third of patients coming from Worcester County, McNeill said. “We saw firsthand the wonderful work they do for dying patients and the caretaking of families,” Pam Stansell said. “It is one of the most worthy causes and the new facility is going to be lovely.” Blues on the Bay will run from 6-9 p.m. next Wednesday at Macky’s on 54th Street. Tickets cost $75 per person and must be purchased by Friday, Sept. 16. “It is a nice evening especially on the beach and we have quite a big turnout,” Macky Stansell said. “Who has cancer not touched in your family?” For more information and reservations, visit CoastalHospice.org/blues, call 410-742-8732 or Macky’s Bayside Bar and Grill at 410-742-8732.
GoFundMe page created for boy battling cancer
(Sept. 16, 2016) Friends, family, coworkers and even complete strangers are rallying around Eli, the 2.5-year-old grandson of Stephen Decatur teacher and football coach, Bob Knox, and his wife, Judy, who also worked at the Berlin high school, as the young boy has been recently diagnosed with a rare but aggressive brain cancer called Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor (AT/RT). Only 1-2 percent of all brain tumors are this diagnosis. He has already had one surgery to remove a tumor, but unfortunately there is another tumor that doctors are not able to operate on. His mother, Jennifer Knox, a teacher at Spring Ridge Elementary School, has taken a leave of absence to be with him. His father, Youness Tadli, is also missing work to be with Eli. A GoFundMe page – www.gofundme.com/foreli – has been set up with all money going directly to the family to help with medical bills and travel associated with his illness. An update posted on the page on Monday said that Eli has been feeling a little under the weather after his last procedure for his G-Tube. He went for an MRI on Monday to get a baseline before he begins treatments. Hopefully, if all goes well, he will start chemo on this week. He will be participating in a trail program from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Sept. 19: The Lava Game, 10 p.m.
5909 Coastal Highway Ocean City 410-524-2305 www.thebigeasyon60.com Sept. 17: Tear the Roof Off, 8 p.m. to midnight
Route 54 and the bay Fenwick Island, Del. 800-227-0525 302-539-3095 www.harpoonhannasrestaurant.com Sept. 16: Dave Hawkins, 5-10 p.m. Sept. 17: Dave Sherman, 5-10 p.m.; Mallory & Maria, 9 p.m. Sept. 18: Kevin Poole, 5-9 p.m. Sept. 19: Dave Hawkins, 5-10 p.m. Sept. 20: Kevin Poole, 5-9 p.m. Sept. 21: Dave Sherman, 5-9 p.m.
BJ’S ON THE WATER 75th Street and the bay Ocean City 410-524-7575 www.bjsonthewater.com Sept. 16: Dust N Bones, 9 p.m. Sept. 17: Over Time, 9 p.m. Sept. 21: Sir Rod, 5 p.m. Sept. 22: Bettenroo, 8 p.m. BOURBON STREET ON THE BEACH 116th Street, behind Fountain Head Towers Condominium Ocean City 443-664-2896 www.bourbonstreetonthebeach.com Sept. 16: Rusty Foulk, 8-11 p.m. Sept. 17: Dave Sherman, 5-8 p.m.; Rusty Foulke, 8-11 p.m. Sept. 18: Just Jay, 4-7 p.m. Sept. 19: Barry Lee, 9 p.m. to midnight Sept. 21: Walt Farozic, 6-9 p.m.; Open Mic, 9 p.m. to midnight Every Thursday: Chris Button, 7-10 p.m. CAPTAIN’S TABLE 15th St. & Baltimore Ave. Ocean City 410-289-7192 www.captainstableoc.com Every Thursday-Tuesday: Phil Perdue, 5:30 p.m. CASINO AT OCEAN DOWNS 10218 Racetrack Road, Berlin 410-641-0600 www.oceandowns.com Sept. 16: Everett Spells, 5:30-9:30 p.m. Sept. 17: Sol Knopf, 4:30-8:30 p.m.; Monkee Paw, 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. COCONUTS BEACH BAR AND GRILL In the Castle in the Sand Hotel 37th Street oceanfront Ocean City 410-289-6846 www.castleinthesand.com Sept. 17: Rick & Regina, noon to 4 p.m.; Poole & The Gang, 5-9 p.m. Sept. 18: Coastal Patrol, noon to 3 p.m.; Old School, 4-8 p.m. Sept. 19: Bob Wilkinson & Joe Smooth Duo, 4-8 p.m. Sept. 20: The Poole Brothers, 4-8 p.m. Sept. 21: Chris Button and Joe Mama, 4-8 p.m. Sept. 22: Kevin Poole and Joe Mama, 4-8 p.m. COWBOY COAST COUNTRY SALOON AND STEAKHOUSE 17th Street and Coastal Highway Ocean City 410-289-6331
SIR ROD BJ’s on the Water: Wednesday, Sept. 21, 5 p.m.
HOOTERS www.cowboycoastoc.com Sept. 16: Crisbie, 8 p.m.; The Grand Central, 8 p.m. Sept. 17: Sam Grow, 10 p.m. DUFFY’S TAVERN 130th Street in the Montego Bay Shopping Center 410-250-1449 www.duffysoc.com Every Friday: Bob Hughes, 5-9 p.m. FAGER’S ISLAND 60th Street and the bay Ocean City 410-524-5500 www.fagers.com Sept. 16: The Stims, 5:30 p.m.; DJ Hook, 9:30 p.m.; Musician Impossible, 9:30 p.m. Sept. 17: Opposite Directions, 5:30 p.m.; DJ Groove, 9:30 p.m.; Animal House, 10 p.m. Sept. 18: Everett Spells, 10 a.m. brunch Sept. 19: DJ Greg, 5:30 p.m.; DJ RobCee, 9:30 p.m.; Royal Jelly, 10 p.m. Sept. 22: Bryan Clark, 9 p.m. GUIDOS BURRITOS First Street and Boardwalk Ocean City 410-289-1729 www.guidosburritos.com Sept. 18: DJ Papi Roisterous, 9 p.m. ------------33rd Street and Coastal Highway Ocean City 410-524-3663 Sept. 22: DJ Papi Roisterous, 9 p.m. HARBORSIDE BAR & GRILL 12841 S. Harbor Road West Ocean City 410-213-1846 www.ocharborside.com Sept. 16: DJ Billy T, 4 p.m. Sept. 17: Simple Truth/Side Project, 2-6 p.m.; DJ Jeremy, 9 p.m. Sept. 18: Opposite Directions, 2-6 p.m.; DJ Billy T, 6:30 p.m. Sept. 19: Blake Haley, 4 p.m.; DJ Billy T, 7 p.m. Sept. 20: Funk Shue, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sept. 21: Karaoke w/DJ Jeremy, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sept. 22: Opposite Directions, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Rt. 50 & Keyser Point Road West Ocean City 410-213-1841 www.hootersofoc.com Sept. 16: Loud Love, 8 p.m. Sept. 17: Scrapple, 8 p.m. M.R. DUCKS Talbot Street and the bay Ocean City 410-289-9125 www.mrducks.com Sept. 16: Dr. Harmonica, 4 p.m. Sept. 17: Johnny Bling, 4 p.m. Sept. 18: Naked Nation, 4 p.m. MACKY’S BAYSIDE BAR & GRILL 53rd Street and Coastal Highway Ocean City 410-723-5565 www.mackys.com Sept. 16: DJ Casper, 10 p.m. Sept. 17: DJ Cowboy, 10 p.m. NICK’S HOUSE OF RIBS 145th Street and Coastal Highway Ocean City 410-250-1984 www.nickshouseofribs.com Every Friday, Saturday & Monday: Live Entertainment OC FISH COMPANY 12817 Harbor Road West Ocean City 410-213-2525 Sept. 16: The Haymans, 6 p.m. Sept. 18: Side Project, 2 p.m. OCEAN CLUB NIGHTCLUB In the Horizons Restaurant In the Clarion Fontainebleau Hotel 101st Street and the ocean Ocean City 410-524-3535 www.clarionoc.com Every Wednesday-Sunday: DJ Dusty, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sept. 16-17: On The Edge, 9:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. PURPLE MOOSE Boardwalk, between Talbot and Caroline streets Ocean City 410-289-6953 www.purplemoosesaloon.com Sept 16-17: CK the DJ/VJ, 2 p.m.; Surreal, 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Sept. 18: CK the DJ/VJ, 2 p.m.; The Lava Game, 10 p.m.
82nd Street and the bay Ocean City 410-524-1009 www.ropewalkoc.com Sept. 16: Steel Drums, 4-8 p.m.; DJ Buddha, 10 p.m. Sept. 17: Island Fusion, noon to 4 p.m.; Rob Fahey, 4-8 p.m.; DJ Buddha, 10 p.m. Sept. 18: Island Fusion, 2-6 p.m. SEACRETS 49th Street and the bay Ocean City 410-524-4900 www.seacrets.com Sept. 16: Jim Long Band, 5-9 p.m.; Nowhere Slow, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.; DJ Tuff, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Live Wire, 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.; DJ Mike T, 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Sept. 17: Jim Long Band, 5-9 p.m.; DJ Cruz, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Element K, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.; DJ Tuff, 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.; DJ Bobby O, 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.; Big Bang Baby, 10 p.m. to 1:50 a.m. Sept. 18: Captain Jack, 5-9 p.m. Sept. 22: Full Circle, 5-9 p.m. SHENANIGAN’S Fourth Street and the Boardwalk in the Shoreham Hotel 410-289-7181 www.ocshenanigans.com Sept. 16-17: James Gallagher & Off the Boat, 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Sept. 21: Ray Wroten, 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. SKYE RAW BAR & GRILLE 66th Street, bayside Ocean City 410-723-6762 www.skyebaroc.com Sept. 16: Elwood Bishop, 4-8 p.m. Sept. 17: Aaron Howell, 4-8 p.m. THE COVE AT OCEAN PINES YACHT CLUB 1 Mumford’s Landing Road Ocean Pines 410-641-7501 www.oceanpines.org Sept. 16: Poole Brothers, 6 p.m. Sept. 17: Jack Worthington, 6 p.m. TOUCH OF ITALY 67th Street and Coastal Highway, in the Holiday Inn Oceanfront Ocean City 302-703-3090 Sept. 20: Piano Bar w/Bryan Russo, 9 p.m. WHISKER’S BAR & GRILL 11070 Cathell Road, Suite 17 Pines Plaza, Ocean Pines 443-365-2576 www.whiskersbar.com Sept. 16: Karaoke w/Donnie Berkey, 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Sept. 17: TBA
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Ocean City Today
OCBP keeps swimmers safe with fewer lifeguards on duty By Kristin Joson Contributing Writer (Sept. 16, 2016) I don’t think anyone will argue that the fall is a great time to be in Ocean City. Many people look forward to the fantastic beach weather, surfing and fishing. People even enjoy weathering out a tropical storm every now and again. With this change in season I often encounter people that think they can start taking their dogs on the beach. Some are even surprised that we still have lifeguards on duty. You might be interested to know that many beach visitors are under the impression that the beach patrol and all of the beach rules end after Labor Day. The reality is, for the past 44 years and possibly longer, the OCBP has never gone off duty following Labor Day. The earliest the beach patrol has gone off duty for the season has been the Sunday of Sunfest weekend (usually the third weekend following Labor Day). This year the patrol will end the regular guarding of the beach on Sunday, Sept. 25.
During the period following Labor Day, as Ocean City Beach Patrol personnel return to other obligations, we are in a reduced coverage scheme, and the number of Surf Rescue Technicians (lifeguards) available to staff the stands along the 10 miles of beach decreases. The Ocean City Beach Patrol is committed to provide Surf Rescue Technicians along the entire beach for all visitors and residents so rather than have unguarded areas the number of available lifeguard towers are equally distributed along the beach front. As this redistribution occurs the location and distance between stands changes (sometimes on a daily basis). This reduction in personnel is an annual occurrence but is complicated by the earlier start of college classes and the return of our education professionals to school systems throughout the United States and the late Labor Day. However, our local Worcester County Schools, started after Labor Day for students, which thanks to Gov. Hogan will be the case for all Maryland public schools in the future. Although not one of the objectives in Gov. Hogan’s plan for Maryland See OC Page 60
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
OC Beach Patrol’s last day on duty, Sept. 25 Continued from Page 59 school systems, his decision will make the beaches in Ocean City Maryland safer. A majority of our leadership and most experienced SRT’s are Maryland educators who began professional activities as much as three weeks before Labor Day. With the new plan, we will now be able to continue guarding your families later into August. Currently we have additional returning Surf Rescue Technicians to allow us to increase the total number of stands (and decrease the distance between stands) on weekends. Our main message this time of the year is to please swim in front of a lifeguard. This short walk is worth the lives of you and your family. Because of the dedication and
commitment of these public servants, we will continue to provide daily coverage between 10 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. for all 10 miles of Ocean City beach until Sunday, Sept. 25. Although this coverage will be done with fewer personnel and less lifeguard towers (than during the summer), we will supplement this coverage by increasing the number of Mobil Rescue Units patrolling the beach. These mobile units are first-aid and AED equipped with one SRT (rider) acting as the primary rescue swimmer while the other SRT (driver) maintains radio communication and backup during an emergency. Both are qualified as surf rescue technicians, medical first responders and are quad (ATV) certified. Please walk to the nearest guard tower before
going in the water. As far as the rules go (Town of Ocean City ordinances) most remain in effect until Sept. 30. The specific ordnance regarding dogs, states that dogs are not permitted on the beach or Boardwalk from May 1 to Sept. 30. Other ordinances and laws such as public drinking, vehicles on beach and fires on beach, remain in effect throughout the year. Another difference in the beach during the fall season is surfing. Beach Patrol Capt. Butch Arbin will allow modified surfing along the entire beach, except where guards are posted. The beach patrol keeps the swimmers in front or near their stand and the surfers are encouraged to congregate away from the swimmers. This is a time of the year the surfers enjoy. They can surf while the patrol is on duty and not be confined to designated surfing beaches like they are during the summer. Surfers must still utilize an ankle leash and remain 50 yards from the nearest swimmer. Having surfers in the vicinity often proves valuable in saving lives. It is helpful to have the extra floatation devices in the water at this time of year when the coverage is spread over larger spans of beach. It is not unusual for surfers to aid a distressed swimmer and keep them afloat until
a Surf Rescue Technician can reach them and take them safely back to shore. Although surfing is modified, the beach patrol still reserves the right to prohibit surfing in certain areas or under certain conditions. By enactment of section 106-94 (11) the City Council allows the use of SUP’s beginning on the Monday following Labor Day, on any day that surfing is modified. There are specific requirements included in the ordinance and can be accessed on the town’s website. The use of skim boards and other watercraft (kite surfers, windsurfers, kayaks, etc) is still prohibited. SRTs will be on duty daily between 10 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. To aide your SRT, the beach patrol suggests taking extra precautions and make sure to walk the short distance to the nearest lifeguard stand and check in with the Surf Rescue Technician and always swim in the vicinity of the SRT on duty. The first priority of the Ocean City Beach Patrol continues to be public safety. We strongly encourage all beach patrons to restrict any beach or water related activities to times when beach patrol personnel are on duty, never swim alone, always stay with the limits of their ability and never rely on a flotation device.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Ocean City Today
Sandcastle Home Tour set to take place Sept. 22-23
This Ocean City home located in Little Salisbury on 94th Street will be one of 10 residences featured on the Sandcastle Home Tour, slated for next Thursday and Friday, Sept. 22-23, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
honorary chair again this year. The home tour helped fund the creation of the three-year-old Arts Center on 94th Street and continues to benefit the nonprofit with ticket sales going toward sustaining the building and providing programs. The new and recently revamped homes on the tour are referred to organizers by local home improvement builders, interior decorators and architects. See SANDCASTLE Page 62
It is neat. They purchased one for themselves and the other for guests.” Limiting the number of tickets to 1,000 makes it exclusive, eliminates lines at the houses and allows for a route to follow. Tickets sell out every year, but there are usually a few available the day of the event. “That is what I like about our tour – the variety and exclusiveness,” Thaler said. There will be about 200 volunteer docents who will staff each home during the two-day event to guide visitors through the rooms and outdoor spaces in addition to answer questions about the residence. Ten florists donate arrangements for each home as a gift to the homeowners and a little competition among businesses. In addition, arts members painted a picture of each house, which will be on display in the homes. “Each home is easily accessible,” Thaler said. “Participants make a day trip out of it and it’s a fun thing to do with friends. They stop along the way for lunch. We see husbands and wives, couples and friends.” A few restaurants in town are offering discounts and specials for home tour participants including BJ’s on the Water, Touch of Italy and Blue Fish. The First Lady of Maryland and avid art supporter, Yumi Hogan, will be the
Billy’s Pizzas & Sub Shops 120TH STREET (FOOD LION MALL)
410-723-2500 140TH STREET (OCEANSIDE)
410-250-1778 RTE. 54 (2 MILES FROM BEACH)
Fresh Dough Pizza Fresh Baked Philly Rolls Meats, Cheeses, Vegetables Sliced Daily Cones, Shakes & Sundaes
By Kara Hallissey Staff Writer (Sept. 16, 2016) Visit 10 breathtaking private residences in Ocean City and the surrounding areas during the Art League of Ocean City’s 12 annual Sandcastle Home Tour slated for next Thursday and Friday, Sept. 22-23, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The self-guided tour takes participants to a variety of homes at their own pace from oceanfront to bayside in the resort including Bishopville and Ocean Pines with proceeds benefiting the Ocean City Center for the Arts on 94th Street. Festivities kicked off on Sept. 14 with a sold-out “Rock the Kasbah” cocktail party at the Art League of Ocean City to honor the homeowners. “We always try to vary the homes,” said Rina Thaler, executive director of the Art League of Ocean City. “We have a cute cottage, bachelor pad, vacation home and family houses. You see a little bit of every type from an oceanfront condo to bayfront properties.” The event is limited to the first 1,000 people. The cost is $30, with 10 homes featured on the tour including two townhomes purchased next door to one other in North Ocean City. “It is a bonus with two townhomes owned by the same people,” Thaler said. “Each one is decorated differently.
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Sandcastle Home Tour fundraiser for arts ctr., programs Continued from Page 61 The Sandcastle Home Tour takes place Sept. 22-23 from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The cost is $30 per person, which includes a 65-page guidebook with driving directions, descriptions and pictures of the houses in addition to advertisements and special offers. Participants can pick up their guidebooks at any time to start planning routes. Tickets are available at www.artleagueofoceancity.org or by calling 410-524-9433. In addition, Casual Designs in Berlin, Copy Central in Ocean Pines, Monkeys Trunk and Kendall Furniture both in West Ocean City will also be selling tour books.
PAYING TRIBUTE % $ ""% $% # %" % $ ! "# % * $ ! ) #+
The American flag is folded after the local Red Knights Motorcycle Club, Maryland Chapter 3, hosted its 12th annual 9/11 Parade of Brothers Memorial Ride and ceremony, Sunday, in honor of Americans who lost their lives during the 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S. A few hundred people rode their motorcycles down the Ocean City Boardwalk to the firefighter’s memorial at North Division Street prior to the ceremony.
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4 courses. House Salad,1 Starter, 2 Entrees, & 1 Dessert
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MONDAY ½ Price Bottle of Wine
TUESDAY 2 for $40
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h an an amaziinng patiioo annd n grreeat atm mosspphheree. Com ome trryy som ome trraadititiioonnal Lou ouissiiaanna diisshhes. Kid’s M Meenu Tooo! Nightly Features-Starting Monday September 19th
FRIDAY Prime Rib Night
WEDNESDAY Crawfish Boil $15
Crawfish, Sausage, Corn, Potatoes
THURSDAY Crab Cakes $18
8 oz $16 • 12 oz $20 or 16 oz $24. Comes w/ house salad
Saturday, Sept 17: Tear the Roof Off • 8-12 www.thebigeasyon60.com
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Sunfest festival celebrates 42 yrs. in OC, Sept. 22-25
By Kara Hallissey Staff Writer (Sept. 16, 2016) An Ocean City favorite returns to the resort next Thursday as residents and visitors say goodbye to summertime with four days of arts and crafts, live entertainment, food and family activities during the 42nd annual Sunfest. The festival kicks off Thursday, Sept. 22, in the inlet parking lot under large tents with 300 vendors and food booths filled with treasures and tasty treats all weekend long, Sept. 22-25. Sunfest drew more than 200,000 visitors to the downtown area last year and about the same attendance is expected next weekend. “We are really happy when attendance numbers surpass 200,000 people,” said Frank Miller, special events director for the Town of Ocean City. “It has been around 42 years and has proven itself. Sunfest has always been the keystone event for Ocean City’s summer season.” The festival kicks off at 9:30 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 22, with a parade down the Boardwalk from 13th Street to the inlet featuring Stephen Decatur High School’s marching band, cheerleaders and choir in addition to city council members and Mayor Rick Meehan. “It is a small parade that makes a lot
Members of Stephen Decatur High School’s choir put on a performance during the 41st annual Sunfest opening ceremony last year. The group will also perform during this year’s opening ceremony on Thursday, Sept. 22, beginning at 9:30 a.m.
of noise and creates a great atmosphere for the start of Sunfest,” Miller said. At the conclusion of the parade, Sunfest will open at 10 a.m. with a ribboncutting ceremony at 10:15 a.m. led by Meehan with performances by the marching band, cheerleaders and choir members. “It is a fun event for people of all ages – families with children, grandchildren or just a couple enjoying a date night,” said Jessica Waters, communications See ANNUAL Page 72
WineFest 21st Annual Wine On The Beach
Friday & Saturday, September 30 & October 1 • 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Featuring Wineries from the East Coast, Micro-Brew Beers, Delmarva Cuisine, Quality Arts and Crafts and Local and Regional Live Music
General Admission
All Drafts
Select Domestics
Slushies/Wines & Rails
LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Steel Drums 4-8pm • DJ Budda 10pm
Valid photo ID Required One Day Admission • Commemorative Wine Glass • Wine Tasting Sample Coupons Anyone under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
Island Fusion 12- 4pm • Rob Fahey 4-8pm DJ Buddha 10pm
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 Island Fusion 2- 6pm
Children Ages 13-20 - $15 * 12 and Under Free
Mastercard - Visa Cash Accepted at the gate
7 DAYS Saturday & Sunday Brunch 10AM – 2PM
$35 per person at the gate
Sorry ~ No Pets, Picnic Baskets, Coolers or Outside Beverages
On The Bay 82nd St & Coastal Hwy OC, MD 410-524-1009
Advance Tickets available at winefest.com Ocean City Convention Center or Call 1-800-OC-OCEAN
700 C oas tal H wy. Fenwick I sland, D E 3 0 2 -5 8 1 - 0 15 3 H a pp y Ho u r M o n d a y - Fr i d a y 4 - 6 p m
O pen 7 Days M o n - Fr i 4 p m • S a t & S u n 1 1 : 3 0 a m
Ocean City Today
Crabs + Corn $29.99
SALE $74
1/2 BUSHEL REG. $99
Ki d s ’ M en u A va i l a b l e
New 2016 Menu Items
• Fish, Soft Crab NEW Children’s Playground & Shrimp Tacos • Seafood Alfredo Pasta Open at North Location!
31ST ST. & COASTAL HWY. 410-289-2581 OPEN MON-FRI @ 2:30 P.M. SAT & SUN @ NOON
Just A Few Blocks South Of The Convention Center
128TH ST. & COASTAL HWY. 410-250-2403
Liquor Store Open Daily At 10 A.M.
Family Friendly!
28th Street P laza 410-289-3100 Monday Night 6 p.m.-9p.m. $5 Burgers & Cheeseburgers
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Reuben hot dogs packed with flavor, simple to make By Deborah Lee Walker Contributing Writer (Sept. 16, 2016) Are you ready for some football? These unequivocal words of wisdom have been the demise of many a reputable beings. Months of profound despair and deep depression are finally lifted in a split second. Freedom takes on new meaning and self-expression bares no shame. Yes, we are in the season of America’s favorite pastime, so you better hold onto your seat because it’s going to get a little crazy. Tailgating has surpassed the norm and superlative is the adjective of the day. If one thinks the rivalry on the field is fierce; check out the parking lot and sample the slamming smorgasbord of tasty dishes. Details follow so complete comprehension can be understood. Before we can approach the subject of food, proper attire is a must. Sporting a jersey that is indicative of your team simply will not cut it. Your entire being must be oozing with your undeniable passion. Allow me to further expand on this crucial issue. I am a devout Redskin fan and glorification of my loyalty is unprecedented. My blond hair is no match for the assortment of feathers that so proudly represent the Washington Redskins football team. A meticulous plan for my painted face has taken several hours and a much needed mimosa. But do not let the ball stop there; the same attention that has been given to the upper torso must be bestowed to the rest of the body. Take heed from my mistakes. When looking in a mirror and painting one’s face, remember your art work must be executed backwards. Mirrors reverse left and right, but not top and bottom. Embarrassment was quickly overturned by the screaming and forgiving football fanatics. For those who partake in the consumption of wine, put those plastic cups away. Connoisseurs of adult beverages know one never drinks wine from a plastic cup; crystal clear, polished wine
glasses are the only acceptable way to enjoy the fruits of the splendid vintages. Tailgating has come a long way and bragging rights are just as important as the Vince Lombardi Trophy itself. Burgers, barbecue and ribs will certainly beef up one’s repertoire of reviews, but they will not take top honors. Think out of the box if one wants to blow out the competition. Following are a few dishes that will knock your socks off. If one is a vegetarian and prefers a lighter touch, marinated mozzarella and cherry tomato skewers over basil, jasmine rice is a tasty option. Fish tacos are always popular but creativity heightens the excitement. Consider mahi mahi dusted with jerk seasoning, lightly grilled, and topped with pico de gallo, shredded pickled cabbage and avocado crema encased in a crisp, corn tortilla. But if one wants a bolder selection, believe it or not but goat is making its way to the list of champions. Braised goat is tossed in spicy gochujang, and served atop pan-fried Korean rice dumplings. But if you prefer simplicity, a Reuben dog is packed with flavor and easy to make. But before we get into the intricacies of this lip smacking treat let us masticate on a little history. Who really invented the Reuben sandwich has heated up the arena of debate and propriety has been permanently sidelined. Culinary historians have had a hot mess with a wide range of theories that has forced food buff’s to referee the possibilities. Elizabeth Weil is convinced her grandfather conceived the iconic sandwich in Omaha, Nebraska in the 1920s. According to an article that appeared in Saveur, her great-grandfather started a chain of hotels along the railroad southwest from Chicago. He trained each of his four sons in a hospitality skill, sending her grandfather to Ecole Hotelierein Lausanne in Lausanne, Switzerland where he learned to cook. In the 1920s, her great-grandfather’s friends in Omaha, Nebraska began gathering to play poker at the Blackstone Hotel. Inevitably the men grew hungry and called room service. Weil believes her See CHANGE Page 65
Happy Hour Daily 3 p.m.-6p.m. Food & Drink Specials
(Some Restrictions Apply)
Early Bird Daily 4 p.m.-6p.m. Special Dinner Menu
BEN && S Z '3 .JMJUBith ID w
TreasuresOfTheEar th t com m
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Change up game-day menu, try Reuben dogs Continued from Page 64 grandfather created a sandwich that consisted of corned beef, Swiss cheese, sauerkraut and Russian dressing on rye bread for Reuben Kulakofsky, one of the poker players. The sandwich was a hit and eventually added to their hotel menus. However, perfect harmony does not grace this particular theme. Andrew Smith, a food historian, believes Arnold Reuben created the sandwich at his eponymous sandwich shop on East 58th Street, in New York City. In the early 20th century, celebrities often ate at Reuben’s deli after the theatre. According to Reuben Sandwich History and Origin, Arnold Reuben came up with the Annette Seelos Special for one of Charlie Chaplin’s leading ladies. It consisted of ham, turkey, cheese, coleslaw and dressing. Smith also cited a 1941
cookbook, Menu Making for Professionals in Quantity Cookery, which included a Reuben made of rye bread, corn beef, Switzerland cheese, sauerkraut and dressing. The author lived in New York which Smith believes supports his belief that the Reuben sandwich is a New York and not Nebraska invention. No matter the origin, I think it is safe to say that Reuben sandwiches are packed with flavor and bump up any football menu. But imagine biting into a Reuben on top of a bacon fried hot dog – this is just pure good eating. This bad boy is so easy to make and is sure to get many high-fives. You can present them whole if you have an extra hungry bunch of guests or serve them divided into smaller portions as finger food. Either way, Reuben hot dogs will be the talk of the game.
Reuben Hot Dogs peanut or vegetable oil for frying 6 hot dogs 6 slices of bacon ¾ lb. thinly sliced corned beef, divided into 6 equal portions 1 can (16 oz.) sauerkraut, drained ½ teaspoon caraway seeds 6 slices Swiss cheese 6 tablespoons Thousand Island dressing 6 hot dog rolls 12 toothpicks 1. In a large, heavy-bottomed pan, preheat frying oil to 350 degrees. 2. In the meantime, secure one end of the hot dog with a slice of bacon and toothpick. Wrap the bacon around the entire hot dog, securing the other end with another toothpick. Repeat with the remaining hot dogs. 3. Fry the hot dogs, being careful not
to overcrowd the oil, until the bacon is crispy. Remove hot dogs, place on cooling rack, and remove the toothpicks. 4. Split the buns, keeping the bottom intact. 5. Place bacon-hot dog on the bun. 6. Top with 1 portion of corned beef. 7. Spread 1 tablespoon Thousand Island dressing on each bacon-hot dog. 8. Add 1 slice of cheese to each bacon hot dog. 9. Cover and cook on flattop griddle or barbecue grill over medium heat until cheese melts. 10. Add sauerkraut mixed with caraway seeds to each bacon-hot dog. Repeat with the remaining hot dogs and serve immediately. Secret Ingredient - Possibility. “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” — Nelson Mandela
CAR to host Paint FUNdraiser in OC (Sept. 16, 2016) The Coastal Association of Realtors (CAR) is hosting a Paint FUNdraiser on Tuesday, Sept. 20 at 6 p.m. at The Embers Restaurant on 24th Street in Ocean City to benefit Coastal Hospice at the Ocean. Tickets are $45 each, with a portion of the proceeds going to the campaign to
build Coastal Hospice at the Ocean at The Point in Ocean Pines. Light refreshments will be provided, courtesy of MNET Mortgage Corporation and Omni Land Settlement Corporation. The Embers Restaurant is donating the space for this event. Registration is available at www.tickled-
paint.com or by calling 410-713-2013. “We’ve been raising money for Coastal Hospice at the Ocean all year and this will be one more effort to support this worthy cause,” said CAR President Linda Moran. For more about CAR, call 410-6414409 or visit www.coastalrealtors.org.
Minutes from Bethany & O.C.
Food & Drink Specials for all
EPL Soccer & Football Games
Entrées Casual Dining in a Relaxed Atmosphere with Outdoor & Indoor Water Views
Happy Hour
in the Bar Mon.–Fri. 4–6pm with Food & Drink Specials
Village of Fenwick, in the back of village, by the bay 300 Coastal Highway 2 Blocks North of Rt. 54
Fenwick Island Newly Re-designed www.finalleyfenwick.com Open Every Day at 4pm
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(302) 537-4200 claddaghontheshore.com 1106 Coastal Hwy. Fenwick Island, DE
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
BERLIN TEAM HONORED The Worcester County Commissioners on Aug. 16 present commendations to members of the Berlin Little League Senior All Stars for winning the Maryland District 8 Tournament and bringing home the 2016 Maryland state championship for their age division. Worcester County is extremely proud of the Berlin Little League Senior All Stars Coach Eric Snelsire, Manager Cameron McDonough, Assistant Coach Ned Delaney, Team Parent Jocelyn Snelsire, and team members #6 Stephen Bontempo, #7 Gavin Bunting, #5 Dawson Delaney, #4 Robert Figgs, #2 Shea Griffin, #8 Christian Harrington, #12 Jeffrey McDonough, #42 Tristan McDonough, #9 Zachary Pilarski, #3 Hunter Selzer, #1 Jacob Shockley, #22 Hayden Snelsire and #19 William Wheatley, Jr.
TOP TEAM Tequila Mockingbird is the winner of Ocean City Recreation and Parks’ Co-Rec Softball League at Northside Park on 125th Street. Greene Turtle took second and Bull on the Beach third.
BREAST CANCER FUNDRAISER Ocean Pines platform tennis, pickleball and tennis held their fifth annual breast cancer fundraiser on Aug. 26. Over $2,707 was raised with more than 100 people participating and contributing to the cause. Despite the humid 92-degree weather, court play lasted from 9:30-11:40 a.m. and included 34-minute rounds. Each participant had their choice of playing one, two or all three racquet sports. The donations went to Breast Cancer Research Foundation which has raised over $500 million with 91 percent of all donations going to breast cancer research and awareness. The fundraiser co-chairs included Andrea Watkins, June Freeman and Geri Fasulo.
NEW OFFICERS The Women’s Club of Ocean Pines announces the new officers for 2016-2018. Pictured, from left, are Irene Daly, treasurer; Joyce Piatti, first vice president; Susann Palamara, president (first chair); Donna Potenza, president (second chair) and Gail Reese, secretary. Kay Hickman (not pictured) is second vice president. The purpose of the club is to promote civic and social activities, including educational and community outreach opportunities, for its members to benefit the community. In 2016, the club awarded $3,000 in scholarships and donated $1,800 to community organizations. To become a member, call Piatti at 410-302-0559. The Women’s Club meets the first Thursday of the month (except July and August) at 10 a.m. at the Ocean Pines Community Center.
AWARD WINNER Justin Pyles won honorable mention for his black-and-white photograph during First Friday at the Ocean City Center for the Arts on 94th Street, Sept. 2.
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
4 1 0 5 2 4 3 6 63
4 1 0 2 8 9 1 72 9
drink specials
9PM-2AM $ 2 bombs $4 craft beer $ 2 seelectt bootttled beer $ 2 TEQUILA shots DJ PAPI ROISTEROUS $
10 dos equis pitcher $13 domestic buckets $15 impo ort buckets $3 rails
1st st location only
FOOD specials
33rd st location only
$ 50
1. tacos $5 wings $5 nacho grande $5 cheese quesadilla
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
KIWANIS HEAR FROM ACT PHOTOS FEATURED Wildlife photographer Carl Forsberg occupies Studio E during September at the Ocean City Center for the Arts on 94th Street.
The Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines-Ocean City heard from Coastkeeper Kathy Phillips of Assateague Coastal Trust during the Aug. 24 weekly meeting, who explained how the concerns of a local group known as “Preserve Assateague Island,” 45-plus years ago, took up the cause to advocate for Assateague Island. Phillips is pictured with Kiwanis Club Speakers & Programs Chair J. Graham Caldwell, left, and club President Mark Joseph.
SALUTE OF HONOR Brigadier General USA (Ret.) Robert A. Harleston gives the salute of honor to Coastal Hospice patient Evan Rossignol of Salisbury. Gen. Harleston on Aug. 25 also presented the patient with an American flag blanket and a certificate of honor as part of Coastal Hospice’s “We Honor Veterans” program, an initiative of the National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Rossignol was a captain in the Air Force from 1960-66, and previously worked as a pharmacist while in the Air Force and at PRMC, Nanticoke Hospital and local pharmacies.
Worcester Preparatory School (WPS) Parents’ Association hosted a New Parent Coffee to welcome families who are new to the school on Sept. 8. Pictured, from left, are Sandra Rossner-FitzGerald, Marie Mehilli and Family Ambassador Co-Chair Amy Maull.
Joseph Madeiros, 85, of Willards, who creates kites that are folk art in his native Bermuda, was honored with a one-day show of his work at the Ocean City Center for the Arts on 94th Street, during First Friday, Sept. 2. The exhibition was part of Coastal Hospice’s “One More Time” program.
Ocean City Elementary School second graders, Ciara Johnson and Ashton Hein, are all smiles about the first day of school on Sept. 6 with their teacher Cindy Leitgeb.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Ocean City Today
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
FLAG DEDICATION CEREMONY BJ’s on the Water owners, Billy and Maddy Carder, recently held a flag dedication ceremony in front of their 75th Street restaurant. Pictured during the dedication, from left, are Richard Pennington, Sons of the American Legion; Marie Gilmore, Ocean City American Legion Post 166 Ladies Auxiliary president; Ben Dawson, American Legion Post 166; the Carders; Sarge Garlitz, American Legion Post 166 commander; and Bo Spicer, second vice commander. Sen. Jim Mathias also presented the Carders with an Official Citation from the Senate of Maryland for proudly flying the American flag in front of their restaurant. Del. Mary Beth Carozza was also among those in attendance.
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$3 Craft Brews, Tailgate Specials Live Music! The Vigilantes
Thurs, 9/22 Trivia Night, 5:30pm Fri, 9/23 Date Night, Dinner for Two, $60 plus tax & gratuity
The VigilaNtes
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Annual ‘Thank A Police Officer Day’ held this Saturday
(Sept. 16, 2016) Saturday, Sept. 17 is “Thank A Police Officer Day,” created in 2012 by the Whole Truth Project. Observed nationally, organizers want to inform residents of the date and to encourage a showing of support for law enforcement officers. There is a public Facebook event for the Delmarva area offering information so that citizens may get involved and participate. Everyone is invited to join in acknowledging those who protect and serve local neighborhoods and towns. Delmarva Supports Law Enforcement is a local effort. It supports community events, shares news from nearby departments, and encourages a positive view of the men and women who serve and protect. For more information, visit www.facebook.com/DelmarvaSupportsLawEnforcement or www.facebook.com/events/1188110131260986.
OPEN 7 DAYS 11AM Celebrating Our 47th Year!
CRABHOUSE 29th St. & Coastal Hwy., Oceanside
410-289-8380 • 410-289-4083
BEACH CLEANING Ali Ayd, 2, keeps a vigilant eye out for trash and debris on the beachfront by the Gateway Grand Residences on 48th Street in Ocean City during last Saturday’s Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup.
Celebrate pets during event at Tractor Supply Co. in Berlin BY THE BUSHEL (Sept. 16, 2016) Tractor Supply Co. store in Berlin will be celebrating Pet Appreciation Week on Saturday, Sept. 17, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., featuring pet adoptions with community groups, samples, giveaways, drawings for gift cards, and other familyfriendly activities. In addition, deals on pet products, from food and treats to toys and crates, will be available until Sept. 18. “Pet Appreciation Week is a time when our love for animals really shines,” said James Bolden, manager of the Berlin Tractor Supply store. “It’s an opportunity for us to celebrate the love of pets, find great homes for local adoptable animals, and showcase the community partners and rescues who care for these animals year-round.” In addition to supporting commu-
nity groups in their work to find good homes for dogs and cats, Pet Appreciation Week, held Sept. 14-18, will help raise awareness of the importance of spaying and neutering pets and provide information on proper pet care and nutrition. Saturday’s event is open to the public — and all leashed, friendly pets — and will take place at Tractor Supply at 10452 Old Ocean City Blvd. Several activities will take place during the main event, including Animal Training and Pet Adoption and Pet Care 101. Those Clever Canines will also be on hand from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Contact the Tractor Supply store at 410-641-0310 for pet adoption details and other planned activities. For more information on Pet Appreciation Week, visit Facebook.com/TractorSupplyCo or TractorSupply.com.
LOCALS’ FAVORITE FOR 60 YEARS The Courtyard by Marriott Hotel Parking 15th St. & Baltimore Ave. Ocean City, Maryland 410.289.7192 for Reservations www.captainstableoc.com
$10 OFF $15 OFF Any $50 Check Any $75 Check Cannot be combined with other coupons/earlybird/buffet. Exp 09/30/16
CLAMS • RIBS • SEAFOOD PLATTERS & MORE! 29th St. & Coastal Hwy. • Ocean City, MD
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Annual Sunfest festival kicks off Sept. 22 Continued from Page 63 manager for the Town of Ocean City. “No matter what time of day you can make it, there is always something fun going on. The event is one-of-a-kind and something that everyone should try at least once.” Following the ceremony, Rick K & The Allnighters will launch the live entertainment inside at 10:45 a.m.. The Recreation Dancers will take the stage next at 12:30 p.m., followed by Jesse Garron’s Tribute to Elvis at 3 p.m. and a ticketed performance by Chubby Checker & The Wildcats starting at 8 p.m. Outside, Boy in Black takes the stage at 11:30 a.m. followed by Rick K & The Allnighters at 1:30 p.m., Teenage Rust at 4:30 p.m. and DJ Batman spinning the tunes starting at 6 p.m. on Thursday. Live acts from classic rock sounds to bluegrass music will entertain guests for free all weekend, including a special performance by Kick It Out “A Tribute to Heart” to close out Sunfest at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 25. “There is a great mix of entertainers during four days of live music,” Miller said. “We bring in local bands and others from out-of-state. It is an opportunity to listen to bands they have never heard or they want to start following.” Three ticketed performances will start at 8 p.m. each night, Thursday through Saturday, with Chubby
Checker and the Wildcats kicking off shows on Thursday. Tickets cost $20$30. Next Friday, country music fans will flock to the inlet stage to catch newcomer Chris Janson perform. Tickets cost $25-$49. Then next Saturday, rock ‘n’ rollers Eddie Money along with Sir Rod take the Sunfest stage. Ticket prices range from $30-$60. “We start out with the ‘60s, go to modern country and slide back to the ‘80s with Eddie Money,” Miller said. “Forty-two years of great music, food and arts and crafts to peruse and buy.” Tickets for the headlining acts are on sale at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center box office on 40th Street. Box office hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Guests can purchase tickets by calling Ticketmaster at 800-551-7328 or visiting www.ticketmaster.com. Tickets will also be available for purchase at the festival grounds until they are sold out. In addition to live music, hundreds of local, regional, commercial and national vendors will be at Sunfest selling a smorgasbord of items from jewelry and paintings to ceramics and crab dishes. There will be 182 arts and crafts booths set up. “Sunfest combines three things that almost everyone loves – great food, outstanding entertainment and the ability to shop unique arts and crafts while taking in the smells and sounds of the ocean,” Waters said. “No matter how
many times you have visited Sunfest, there is always something new to see. Whether it’s a new vender, a new band or a new Eastern Shore treat to try. The event feels different then the year before, but also maintains the traditional feeling that people love about the festival.” Guests can watch 10 artists create wares in the demonstration tent and purchase them on the spot. For children, there will be hayrides on the beach, inflatables, a magician strolling the grounds from 12-4 p.m. on Saturday and Lollipop the Clown will make her rounds on Sunday during the same time. “Sunfest is grounded in a lot of great Ocean City family traditions,” Miller said. “We were named the No. 1 arts and crafts festival in the United States again by Sunshine Artist Magazine, which is based on vendor’s sales numbers and feedback.” Sunfest hours are 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, Sept. 2224, and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 25. “It’s in a great location,” Miller said. “You can’t beat an event that is held between the Boardwalk and beach.” Because parking is limited, visitors should consider taking the resort bus to the festival grounds. The West Ocean City Park and Ride on Route 50, just west of the bridge, provides free parking and a $3 ride-all-day shuttle service
to and from South Division Street, a block from Sunfest. The Special Event express shuttle service will pick visitors up from the convention center, where they can park for free, and take them directly to Sunfest for a $3 ride-all-day fare. The Boardwalk tram will also be in service during Sunfest with fares running $3 each way. For more information on bus fares, call Ocean City Transportation at 410723-1606. Visit http://ococean.com/sunfest for the full schedule of Sunfest entertainment or call 800-626-2326 for more information. In conjunction with the festival, the 41st annual Sunfest Kite Festival will take place Sept. 22-25 on the beach between Third and Sixth streets, bringing four days of kite-flying to the resort. Thousands of guests come out each year to see master kite flyers from around the world and to participate in a variety of family-friendly activities including games with the chance to win prizes, kite competitions, workshops, lessons and relays. Next Saturday at 1 p.m., the first 60 children between the ages of 5 and 12 will receive a free kite. There will be professionals on hand to assist children with assembling and launching. Call 410-289-7855 or visit www.kiteloft.com for more information.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Ocean City Today
Educators can get in free to Md. Ripley’s Believe It or Not! (Sept. 16, 2016) Ripley’s Believe It or Not! attractions in Maryland are thanking K-12 educators for all their hard work with Educator Appreciation Days.
Enter pups into OP photo contest
(Sept. 16, 2016) Enter furry friends into the second annual “Pup of the Pines” photo contest, sponsored by the Ocean Pines Recreation and Parks Department. The contest runs until Oct.15. The winner will be named the “2017 Pup of the Pines” and will receive a free 2017 Ocean Pines Dog Park registration. The pup will also be the official face of the dog park and will be featured in the Ocean Pines Activity Guide and other postings throughout the year. The top eight entries will be on display at the Ocean Pines Halloween celebration on Oct. 29 in White Horse Park. Attendees at the event will be able to vote for their favorite. Entry fee is $5 per dog. Money raised will be used for upgrades and improvements to the dog park. Entry forms are available at the Ocean Pines Community Center at 235 Ocean Parkway, online at OceanPines.org or on the Recreation and Parks Department’s Facebook page. Call 410-641-7052 for info.
All K-12 school personnel are invited to visit any of Ripley’s Maryland attractions for free now until Oct. 16. Participating attractions include: Baltimore: Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Odditorium, Ripley’s Marvelous Mirror Maze, Ripley’s 4D Moving Theater Ocean City: Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Odditorium, Ripley’s Marvelous Mirror Maze, Ripley’s Impossible LaseRace, located on the Ocean City Boardwalk. Educators need to bring a current pay stub and photo ID to receive their free admission. They can also bring up to five guests who will receive 50 percent discounts on their admission. For more information on Ripley’s Ocean City attractions, visit www.ripleys.com/oceancity.
BEACH CLEANUP Tom Ayd discovers debris on the beach at 48th Street during last Saturday’s cleanup effort promoted by the OC Surf Club. The event was part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup.
MY THAI OC Authentic Thai Food
138th Streeet Ocean City,MD 21842 2
410-250-99918 Open 7 Days 11am-9pm
Eat In & Carry Out Daily Lunch Specials 11-3
SEPT 23-25 2016
Ocean City Today
Pl ea s e jo i n Ocea n City and t he su rroundi ng E as ter n S h o re C o m m un i ti es in h o n o r in g
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Buddy Trala
f o r h i s m a n y y e a r s o f p h i l a nt h r o p y an d g e n e ro u s com m u n i t y s e rv ic e a s h e i s p r e s e nt e d w it h t h e s ix t h a n n u a l H a l G li ck D is t i n gu i s h e d S e rv ic e A wa rd
Sunday, October 23, 2016
T h e Cl ar i on F on ta i n ebl e au H o tel , Cry s t al B al l ro o m 1 0 1 0 0 C o a s t a l H i g h w a y, Oc e a n C i t y , M a r yl a n d S t a r t i ng T i m e : C o ck t a i l R e c e p t i on 5 - 6 : 1 5 p .m . D i n ne r 6: 3 0 p . m . Order Form Glick Award Gala honoring Buddy Trala seats at $125/seat =
HAL GLICK LEGACY: $25,000 (includes 3 tables of 10 and double truck ad) DIAMOND: $10,000 (includes two tables of 10 and a full page ad)
PLATINUM: $5,000 (includes a table of 10 and a half page ad)
GOLD: $2,5OO (includes a table of 10 and a quarter page ad)
FRIEND OF BUDDY TRALA: $1,5OO (includes a table of 10 and an eighth page ad) PATRON: $500 (includes 2 seats)
DONOR: $350
Al l n et p ro c eed s wi l l b en e fi t se v era l o f B ud dy â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s f av o ri t e c h a ri t ies , in c l ud in g t h e R eb ec c a an d Lei g h t o n M o o re B eh av o ri al H ea l t h C h i l d a n d Ad o l e s ce n t O ut p a ti e n t Un i t; D i ak o n i a & Te mp l e B a t Y a m
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Thursdays* Senior Citizens
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Not Valid with Discounted Items ID Required Ocean City 1600 Philadelphia & 16th Street Ocean City, MD 21842 410-289-4382
Active & Military Veterans
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North Worcester: Verizon Plaza East bound – Rt. 50, 10818 Ocean Gateway, Berlin, MD 21811 410-641-0680
Gold Coast Mall 11401-A Coastal Highway Ocean City, MD 21842 410-524-5614
BIG SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE!! Please Drink Responsibly
Not Valid with Discounted Items ID Required Pocomoke 122 Newtowne Blvd. Pocomoke, MD 21851 410-957-3912
Up To
Regular Retail Prices
le Full Thrott Flavored es Moonshin
Virginia Lightning
Bayou Rums
pirits S w e F on Bourby-Gin e Whisk
Alaska Outlaw
O.C. Distillery
WELCOME BIKERS! Jim Beam Bourbon (L) $16 .99 Wow!
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
JUST MARRIED Bruce Blackway transports in his 21-foot center console newly married couple, Katie Grace and Brandon Tomlinson, of Parsonsburg, Maryland, from his house in Ocean Pines to the Ocean Pines Yacht Club for their wedding reception after they tied the knot at the Ocean Pines Beach Club on Saturday. “Katie had the ‘arrive by boat’ idea as one of the things she just had to have for her wedding, so I am happy to assist,” Blackway said.
7th Annual Cancer Memorial Golf Tournament “Honor Someone You Love”
hosted by Ed and Margaret Colbert benefitting your American Cancer Society
September 25, 2016 Ocean City Golf Club Berlin, MD Registration $100 per player Includes: continental breakfast, lunch, cart, tee gift, range balls, 1 mulligan per player.
Cash Raffle & Silent Auction
For more information contact Ocean City Golf Club 410-641-1779 American Cancer Society 410-749-1624 or dawnhodge@comcast.com
7:30 Registration 7:30 Putting Contest 9:30 Shotgun Start 2:00 Lunch 2:30 Awards Sponsorships Available!!
Answers on page 80
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
P • B M I O R H Sestaurant & Seafood MAarTke
ting 27 Years a r b e l e C r Boats To Yo
Welcome Bikers! SEAFOOD MARKET
Visit Captain Joe’s Restaurant!
$ .50
Wild Caught North Carolina
$ .88
Steamed or Live – Market Price
• ½ LB Shrimp • Single Fish or Shrimp Taco w/ Fries (2nd Taco $3.99) • Clam Strips with Fries • 10 Boneless Wings with Fries • Steamed Clams (Dozen) • 6oz Burger with Fries MONDAY
Dine-In Only
Steamed Shrimp, Snow Crab Clusters, Andouille Sausage, Red Potatoes, and Local Sweet Corn Seasoned with Our Own Secret Spice and Served Hot. Feeds 2-3 People for Just
Dine-In Only
¢ $ Cake 50¢Clams 75Oysters 10.99 Crab Sandwich ¢ Boneless Wings 50 Fried Oyster Taco 20% OFF $ .99 with Fries 5 Crab Cake Twins Entree (Second Taco for $3.99)
Dine-In Only
Dine-In Only
per Pound Lobster
Local Whole Lobsters Steamed to perfection for just $9.99/lb Add 2 sides for $2.99
Dine-In Only
5 $ .99 6 $ .99 6 $
Dine-In, 11am-3pm Only
12.99 $ 28.99 $ 14.99 $ 11.99
.99 Fried Fish Sandwich
(add Fries for $1)
Fried Fish Basket with Fries Soft Crab Sandwich (add Fries for $1)
All You Can Eat Saturday Begins October 8th
Soft Crab Sandwich Soft Crab Platter Soft Crab Caesar Soft Crab Bite Appetizer
.88 ALL YOU CAN EAT CRABS OR SHRIMP for Just $ All You Can Eat $ Strip or $ .99 ALL YOU CAN EAT More Corn ¢ Clam Combo Special for Hush Puppy Baskets Route 611 – On The Road To Assateague Rt. 50 1/2 Mile South of Rt. 50 Like 9724 Stephen Decatur Hwy., Ocean City, MD 21842 Rt. 611
Stephen Decatur Hwy.
(Sept. 16, 2016) The Worcester County Education Foundation celebrates Christy Powell, teacher champion of Stephen Decatur High School. Powell has been a teacher in Worcester County Public Schools for the past 32 years. She began her career at Snow Hill Middle School teaching sixth, seventh and eighth grade art. In 1991, Powell represented Snow Hill Middle School in the Teacher of the Year program, and receiving the Outstanding Visual Art Educator Award from the Maryland Art Education Association. In the fall of 1998, she transferred to Stephen Decatur High School where she currently teaches Design and Photography I & II, Advanced Art and AP Studio Art. In 2001, Powell was nominated Stephen Decatur High School’s (SDHS) Teacher of the Year. She served as the chair for the Visual Arts Department as well as the Junior Class Advisor for 15 years, which involved fundraising and organizing the Junior/Senior Prom. In addition to teaching, Powell has also coached girls’ indoor track for the past two years. Powell is one of 14 teacher champions and will act as a liaison between the staff and students of Stephen Decatur High School and the Worcester County Education Foundation (WCEF). She will help the WCEF identify and focus directly on the current, under-financed needs of the teachers and students. The Worcester County Education Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)3 created by a group of concerned parents and business leaders. With a firm belief that given the right tools for learning, every child has an equal chance to live up to his or her potential, the WCEF has taken on a mission to raise money through community resources and use donations to help supplement the underfunded needs of teachers and students, in order to guarantee equal access to a first class education. The WCEF welcomes donations from community businesses and individuals who wish to support teachers and educators in the Worcester County School system. For more information or to donate, visit www.wced.foundation or call 410632-5076.
ur Tab le!
Ou From
Christy Powell
Powell to act as liaison between SDHS and WCEF
OPEN Monday-Thursday 10am Friday, Saturday & Sunday 9am
Us On
Ocean City Today
Ocean City Today
DINING GUIDE ■ CREDIT CARDS: V-Visa, MC-Master Card, AEAmerican Express, DIS-Discover ■ PRICE RANGE: $, $$, $$$ ________________________________ ■ 32 PALM, 32nd Street, in the Hilton Suites, Ocean City 410-289-2525 / www.oceancityhilton.com/dining / $$ / V-MC-AEDIS / Reservations accepted / Children’s menu / Full bar / Western Caribbean cuisine, Eastern Shore favorites, gourmet and tasty liquid desserts. ■ ALEX’S ITALIAN RESTAURANT, Route 50, West Ocean City 410-213-7717 / www.ocitalianfood.com / $-$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / Reservations accepted / Full bar / Serving homemade Italian cuisine, steaks, seafood, chicken, pork and pasta. Elegant dining room with fireplace. Early bird specials every day from 5-6 p.m. ■ BILLY’S SUB SHOP, 120th Street, Food Lion Shopping Center, 410-723-2500; 140th Street, Ocean City, 410-250-1778; Route 54, Fenwick Shoals, Fenwick Island, Del., 302-436-5661 / $ / V-MC-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Dine in, carry out. Fast delivery. Open 7 days 11 a.m. – 3 a.m. Serving fresh dough pizza, subs, burgers, cones, shakes and sundaes with beach delivery available. ■ BJ’S ON THE WATER, 75th Street, Ocean City 410-524-7575 / www.bjsonthewater.com / $-$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Open year-round. Entire dining menu served 11 a.m. to 1:30 a.m., seven days a week. Daily specials, daily duck feeding. Entertainment every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. No cover. Available for parties and banquets. Indoor and outdoor dining. ■ BLUE FISH JAPANESE & CHINESE RESTAURANT AND SUSHI BAR, 94th Street, Ocean City 410-524-3983 / www.bluefishocmd.com / $-$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / Reservations accepted / Full bar / Japanese and Chinese restaurant and sushi bar with beer, wine and cocktails. Dine in, take out and delivery available. ■ BOURBON STREET ON THE BEACH, 116th Street & Coastal Hwy., (Behind Fountain Head Towers Condominium), Ocean City 443-664-2896 / www.bourbonstreetonthebeach.com / $$-$$$ / VMC-AE-DIS / Reservations recommended for large parties / Children’s menu/ Full bar / Eastern Shore fare with a New Orleans Flare. Seafood, Steaks & Pasta dishes—Specializing in Jambalaya, Creole, & Gumbo. Home of the Ragin’ Cajun Bloody Mary. Happy Hour 4-7 p.m. Weekly entertainment. ■ CAPTAIN’S TABLE RESTAURANT, 15th Street and the Boardwalk, Ocean City 410-289-7192 / www.captainstableoc.com / $$-$$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / Reservations accepted / Children’s menu / Full bar / Family-owned, serving fine seafood, steaks and poultry on the third floor of the Courtyard by Marriott. ■ CLADDAGH ON THE SHORE, 1106 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, Del. 302-537-4200 / www.claddaghontheshore.com / $-$$ / V-MC-AEDIS / Reservations accepted / Children’s menu / Full bar / Casual dining in a relaxed atmosphere specializing in steaks and seafood. Open for breakfast on Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch and dinner Thursday through Sunday. Take out available. ■ COCONUTS BEACH BAR AND GRILL, Castle in the Sand Hotel, 37th St & the Beach, Ocean City 800-552-7263 / www.castleinthesand.com / $-$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Beachfront, open-air dining in a tropical setting. Serving grilled sandwiches, specialty salads, appetizers, wraps, tacos, frozen drinks, beer and wine. Live entertainment, daily, May 5 through Sept. 25. Happy Hour daily, 5-6 p.m., 2-for-1 drink specials. Waitress service on the beach Memorial Day thru Labor Day. Open daily, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., weather permitting. ■ COINS, 28th Street and Coastal Highway, Ocean City 410-524 3100 / www.coinspub.com / $-$$ / V-MC-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar/ Open 7 days a week, 11 a.m. Casual dining atmosphere for families. Crab cakes, hand-cut steaks, fresh seafood. Everything home-made. Happy hour 3-6 p.m., 6 days a week and early bird 4-6 p.m., daily specials. Closed Mondays. ■ THE COTTAGE CAFE, Route 1 (across from Sea Colony), Bethany Beach, Del. 302-539-8710 / www.cottagecafe.com / $, $$ / V-MC-AE / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Seafood, kids’ menu, happy hour specials. Lunch and dinner daily. Breakfast buffet on weekends. ■ THE COVE AT OCEAN PINES, 1 Mumford’s Landing Road, Ocean Pines 410-641-7501 / www.oceanpines.org/ $$ / V-MC-AE-DIS/No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Coastal cuisine. Serving lunch, dinner and Sunday brunch. Open Thursday at 4 p.m. for dinner. Open Friday-Sunday at 11 a.m. for lunch and dinner. Sunday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for brunch buffet. Friday and/or Saturday, live entertainment. Sunday brunch buffet, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Happy Hour Thurs-
day-Sunday, 4-7 p.m. ■ THE CRAB BAG, 130th Street, bayside, Ocean City 410-250-3337 / www.thecrabbag.com / $-$$ / V-MC-AE / No reservations required / Full bar / Dine in and carryout. Open 7 Days a week, 11 am til late night. Hot steamed crabs, world famous fried chicken, ribs, burgers, barbecue, pasta, seafood, steaks, sandwiches and more. Lunch and weekly carry-out and dinner specials. Happy hour at the beach with drink and food specials. ■ DOUGH ROLLER, 41st Street & Coastal Hwy, 410-524-9254; 70th Street & Coastal Hwy, 410524-7981 / www.DoughRollerRestaurants.com / $ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Ocean City’s favorite family restaurant for more than 35 years. Great kid’s menu. Dayton’s Fried Chicken available at South Division, 41st and 70th streets. Breakfast served daily at 3rd, 41st and 70th streets. Order online for carryout at both Coastal Highway locations. ■ DUFFYS, 130th St., in Montego Bay Shopping Ctr. & Coastal Highway, Ocean City 410-250 1449 / www.duffysoc.com / $-$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Casual dining, indoor or outdoor seating. Irish fare and American cuisine. Appetizers, soups, salads, sandwiches, steaks and seafood. Second Season & Daily Dinner Specials. Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m., serving breakfast, lunch and dinner; Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. Dine In, Carry Out. Happy Hour, daily, noon to 6 pm. ■ FAGER’S ISLAND RESTAURANT & BAR, 60th Street on the bay, Ocean City 410-524-5500 / www.fagers.com / $$-$$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / Reservations accepted in the dining room only / Children’s menu / Full bar / Upscale restaurant on the bay. Casual fine dining, fresh fish, prime rib and seafood. Lighter fare menu served on our decks or inside. ■ FISHTALES BAR & GRILL, 21st Street and the Bay, Ocean City 410-289-0990 / www.ocfishtales.com / $-$$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / FishTales is located in a premier outdoor beach location on the bay with the best sunsets. Come for the local fare. We offer lunch and dinner with happy hour food and drink specials. Kids play area too. So sit back and enjoy. ■ FLYING FISH CAFE & SUSHI BAR, The Village of Fenwick, 300 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, Del. 302-581-0217 / www.flyingfishfenwick.com / $-$$ /V-MC-DIS / Reservations accepted / Children’s menu / Full bar / Featuring the freshest and most innovative sushi, sashimi, and rolls plus creative and delicious small plates. Open daily at 4 p.m. for dinner. Take-outs available. Closed Monday. ■ FOX’S PIZZA DEN, 31225 American Parkway, Selbyville, Del. 302-436-FOXS / www.foxspizzade.com / $-$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Sit-down bar and restaurant. Full menu includes pizza, pastas, salads, sandwiches and more. Specializing pizza and chef specials. Open daily for lunch and dinner at 11 a.m. Take out and delivery. ■ GENERAL’S KITCHEN, 66th Street (under The Skye Bar), Ocean City 410-723-0477 / $-$$ / VMC-DIS / No reservations required / Open Thursday-Monday, 6:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Breakfast, House Specialty and The Original House of Creamed Chipped Beef, made from scratch. Juice, cereal, waffles, eggs, corned beef, hash browns, pancakes, bacon, sausage and more. ■ GROTTO PIZZA, 125th Street and Coastal Highway, Ocean City 410-250-12347 / www.grottopizza.com / $-$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full Bar / Serving lunch and dinner. Open 7 days. Grotto Pizza is a family casual dining restaurant that specializes in award winning pizza and hospitality. The full menu includes pizza, pasta, sandwiches, subs, appetizers, salads, beer, wine, cocktails and Grotto Gelato. Takeout available. ■ HARBORSIDE BAR & GRILL, 12841 S. Harbor Road, West Ocean City 410-213-1846 / www.weocharborside.com / $$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Open seven days a week, 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. Casual waterfront dining serving seafood, steaks, sandwiches, salads, wraps and pasta. Home of the “Original Orange Crush.” Entertainment Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. ■ HARPOON HANNA’S RESTAURANT & BAR, Route 54 and the bay, Fenwick Island, Del. www.harpoonhannasrestaurant.com / $$ / V-MCAE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Casual waterfront restaurant serving lunch, dinner. Fresh fish, seafood, steaks, sandwiches and all-you-can-eat Alaskan crab legs. Open year-round. ■ HEMINGWAY’S AT THE CORAL REEF, 17th Street, in the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites, Ocean City 410-289-2612 / www.ocmdhotels.com/hemingways / $$$ / V-MCAE-DIS / Reservations accepted / Children’s menu / Full bar / Elegant dining room, Floridian/island-
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
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style cuisine. Sea-food, tropical salsas, grilled steaks, pork chops, grilled pineapple, banana fritters, entree salads. ■ HIGGINS CRAB HOUSE, 31st Street, Ocean City, 410-289-2581 / $-$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Known for all-you-can-eat crabs, crab legs, fried chicken, steamed shrimp, and baby back ribs. ■ HORIZONS OCEANFRONT RESTAURANT, 101st Street, Ocean City 410-524-3535 / www.clarionoc.com / $-$$ ($20-45) / V-MC-AE-DIS / Reservations accepted / Open tables / Children’s menu / Full bar / Serving beach-inspired dishes in both our oceanfront restaurants, Horizons and Breakers Pub. All-day menu, available 11:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. Deluxe Sunday breakfast buffet open year-round and AUCE prime rib, crab legs and seafood buffet available most weekends. ■ JULES FINE DINING, 118th Street, Ocean City 410-524-3396 / www.ocjules.com / $$, $$$ / VMC-AE-DIS / Reservations accepted / Children’s menu / Full bar / Local fare, global flair. Fresh seafood year-round, fresh local produce. ■ KY WEST BAR & RESTAURANT, 5401 Coastal Highway, Ocean City 443-664-2836 / www.kywestoceancity.com / $$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / Reservations accepted / Children’s menu / Full bar / Our experienced chefs deliver the finest in cuisine nightly. OC’s best veal chop, the freshest seafood and great pasta dishes. Ky West offers fine dining and a beautiful bar described as New York funky chic. Providing excellent food and drink for a great dining adventure. ■ LONGBOARD CAFÉ, 67th Street Town Center, Ocean City 443-664-5639 / www.longboardcafe.net / $$ / V-MC-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Serving lunch and dinner. Lite fare to dinner entrees offering a variety of burgers, paninis, sandwiches and salads. The "veggies" menu features wrinkled green beans. Signature house libiations and signature entrees made with ingredients from local farms and fisheries. A family restaurant. ■ MACKY'S BAYSIDE BAR AND GRILL, 5311 Coastal Highway, Ocean City 410-723-5565 / www.mackys.com / $$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations / Children’s menu / Full bar / Macky’s is a rustic, open-air, waterfront, seafood restaurant and bar with a beautiful private white sandy beach. Open for lunch everyday at 11 a.m., happy hour from 3-6 p.m. and dinner until 10 p.m. Lite fare until 1 a.m. Take out available. ■ MIONE’S PIZZA & ITAILIAN RESTURANT, Route 50 (Tanger Outlets), West Ocean City 410213-2231 / www.mionesoc.com / $ / V-MC-AE-DIS / Beer, wine / Open 7 days a week, 11 a.m. Come and enjoy family New York style pizza, subs and pasta. Daily lunch and dinner specials. Eat in or carry out. 67th Street (Town Center), Ocean City 443-664-6635 / Beer, wine / Open 7 days a week at 11 a.m. Come and enjoy family New York style pizza, subs and pasta. Daily lunch and dinner specials. Eat in or carry out. ■ MY THAI OC, 138th Street, Bayside Plaza, 13727 Coastal Highway, Ocean City 410-2509918 / www.mythaioc.webs.com / $ / V-MC-Dis / Authentic Thai food served from 11 a.m. till 9:30 p.m. Lunch special daily from 11 a.m. till 3 p.m. Free parking for customers. Eat in or take out. Vegetarian options also. ■ NICK’S HOUSE OF RIBS, 144th Street & Coastal Highway, Ocean City 410-250-1984 / www.nickshouseofribs.com / $$/ V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Casual, family friendly with upscale atmosphere. Extensive menu from our famous baby back ribs, fresh seafood, black angus steaks. Open Monday through Friday, 4 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, noon. ■ OC WASABI, 33rd Street Plaza, Coastal Highway, Ocean City 410-524-7337 / www.ocwasabi.com/ $$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Full bar / OC’s freshest sushi and sashimi and Japanese cuisine. Open 7 days a week, noon to 11 p.m. ■ P.G.N. CRABHOUSE, 29th Street, Ocean City 410-289-8380 / $ / V-MC-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Beer, wine / The Kaouris family has been serving the finest crabs, seafood, steaks and chicken to Ocean City locals and visitors since 1969. ■ PHILLIPS SEAFOOD, Crab House, 21st Street, Ocean City 410-289-7747 and Seafood House, 141st Street, Ocean City 410-250-1689 / PhillipsSeafood.com / $$-$$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Full bar / Traditional dining, buffet and carry out. Early Bird Menu when seated before 5 p.m. All-you-can-eat buffet. Voted OC’s Best Buffet. Featuring more than 75 items including snow crab legs, carving station, made-to-order pasta, handmade crab cakes and so much more. ■ POPEYE’S LOUISIANA KITCHEN, Route 50, West Ocean City 443-664-2105 / $ / V-MC / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Family restaurant. Eat-in, carry out or drive-thru. Open seven days, year-round. Every Monday and Tuesday, two-piece chicken for 99 cents. Every Wednesday,
free kids meal with purchase of combo. ■ ROPEWALK, 82nd Street on the bay, Ocean City 410-524-1109 / www.ropewalkoc.com / $$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full Bar / OC’s newest spot to watch the sunsets. Indoor dining and bar, deck dining and tiki bar. Serving lunch and dinner in casual atmosphere. Happy hour specials all day and all night every day available at tables and bar. ■ ROPEWALK - A FENWICK ISLAND OYSTER HOUSE, 700 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, Del. 302-581-0153 / $$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / Reservations accepted except 6-9 p.m. / Children’s menu / Full bar / Family restaurant. Takeout available except between 6-9 p.m. Lunch and dinner served. Family friendly dining with a rotating oyster list and seafood creations paired with fresh fruit crushes and craft beer menu. ■ SEACRETS, 49th Street, Ocean City 410-5244900 / www.seacrets.com / $$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Island atmosphere. Soups, salads, Jamaican jerk chicken, appetizers, sandwiches, paninis, pizza and fresh seafood. ■ SHENANIGAN’S IRISH PUB, Fourth Street and the Boardwalk, in the Shoreham Hotel, Ocean City 410-289-7181 / www.ocshenanigans.com / $-$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Oceanfront dining. Enjoy great food and delicious libations while enjoying the boardwalk’s sights and sounds. Irish music or dueling pianos top off the evening. ■ SICULI RUSTIC ITALIAN KITCHEN, 104 N. Main St., Berlin 410-629-0550 / FB-Siculi Italian Kitchen / $$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Full Bar / Family friendly. Open for lunch and dinner, 11 a.m.; Sunday brunch, 10:30 a.m. Locally sourced, freshly prepared. Brick oven pizza, steaks, seafood, chicken and veal selections. Daily lunch, happy hour and dinner specials. ■ SKYE RAW BAR & GRILLE, 66th Street, Ocean City 410-723-6762 / www.skyebaroc.com / $$$$$ / V-M-AE-DIS / Reservations accepted / Full bar / Lunch, dinner, raw bar or lite fare, at the top of 66th Street and Coastal Highway. Happy hour, 3-6 p.m. with food and drink specials. ■ THE BIG EASY ON 60, 5909 Coastal Highway, Ocean City 410-524-2305 / www.thebigeasyon60.com / $-$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / Reservations accepted / Children’s menu / Full Bar / New Orleans style restaurant with an amazing patio and great atmosphere. Open 7 days, 11 a.m. to midnight. Happy Hour, every day, 2-6 p.m. for the entire restaurant. Come try our traditional Louisiana dishes from outstanding starters, unique entrees, to awesome desserts along with extraordinary hospitality. ■ TOKYO SEAFOOD BUFFET, 131st Street (formerly JR’S North), Ocean City 410-390-5939 / www.tokyoseafoodbuffetmd.com / $$ / V-MC-AE/ No reservations required / Full bar/ OC’s largest seafood, all-you-can-eat buffet featuring soups, raw sushi and sashimi, steamed and baked seafood along with classic Chinese entrees and many classic desserts and fruits. Friday through Sunday buffet features hot steamed snow crab legs. Open 7 days a week, 3:30-10 p.m. ■ TOUCH OF ITALY, 67th Street and Coastal Highway, in the Holiday Inn Oceanfront, Ocean City 302-703-3090 / www.TouchofItaly.com / $-$$ / VMC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Full bar / Full Italian style restaurant with Italian style deli and pasticceria/bakery too. Just stop in for a look and a taste of some fresh prosciutto fresh loaves of Italian bread. Large circular bar with Happy Hour and check our Web site with our daily specials from our great menu including pasta, wood fired pizzas, delicious heros and catering. Daily lunch special $6.95 plus take out service. ■ VICTORIAN ROOM RESTAURANT, Dunes Manor Hotel, OCEANFRONT at 28th and Baltimore Ave, Ocean City 410-289-1100 / www.dunesmanor.com / $$ - $$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / Reservations not required but recommended / Full Bar / Children’s menu / Open year round. Oceanfront dining atmosphere with local, farm to table/sea to table cuisine. Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner daily 7:30am to 9:00pm (Fri & Sat to 10pm). Also Zippy Lewis Lounge with happy hour from 4-7p.m., featuring Craft Beer selections and appetizer menu; Milton’s Out Door Cafe; and the Barefoot Beach Bar in season. ■ VINNY’S PIZZA & ITALIAN GRILL, 25th Street and Philadelphia Avenue, Ocean City 410-3903713 / www.vinnyspizzaanditaliangrill.com / $ / V-MC-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Beer, wine / Serving lunch and dinner. Italian food featuring subs and fabulous authentic Italian entrees. Hand tossed pizzas. Family friendly, eat in and carry out. ■ WHISKERS PUB, 120th Street, OC Square, Ocean City 410-524-2609 / www.whiskerspub.com / $ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Certified Angus®burgers and casual fare. Call for hours.
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Calendar FRI, SEP. 16 Ocean City convention center, 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Bringing national entertainment and bands, stunt shows, bike builders, vendors, food and beverages to the Boardwalk, Ocean City convention center and the Inlet. Event passes cost $50 for adults and $15 for children 6-15 years of age. Children 5 and younger are admitted free. Event passes include all entertainment and concerts, exhibitors, free use of the Ocean City bus system and $5 off cover charge at Seacrets, throughout the four-day event. A one-day pass costs $30 for adults ages 16 and older. chase@ocbikefest.com, 262-642-7158, http://www.ocbikefest.com
American Legion Synepuxent Post 166, 2308 Philadelphia Ave., Ocean City, MD, 1 p.m. Sponsored by the American Legion Synepuxent Post 166 and the Vietnam Veterans of America Ocean City Chapter 1091. Open to the public and all Veterans, active Military and their families are especially welcome. A light fare will follow. Nelson Kelly, 410-213-5228 and press 1
Ocean Pines Community Center, 235 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines, MD, 4 to 7:30 p.m. Food by Carrabba’s Italian Grill. Live entertainment by Sharon Sorrentino and Paul Mazzei and music by DJ Rupper. Dancing until 7:30 p.m., door prizes and a 50/50. The social benefits Maryland Wounded Soldiers. B.Y.O.B. Tickets cost $20 and can be purchased by calling Barbara Peletier, 443896-4914 or Anna Foultz, 410-641-7667
Bowen United Methodist Church, 8421 Newark Road, Newark, MD, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. The platters are $10 and include salt water trout, macaroni and cheese, green beans, corn bread, beverage and dessert. Proceeds benefit the belfry fund. 410-632-1134
Eagle’s Landing Golf Course, 12367 Eagles Nest Road, Berlin, MD, 5:45 p.m. Twilight Party starts at 5:45 p.m. Shotgun start is at 6:45 p.m. Two-player, 9-hole scramble. Cost is $50. Gross and net prizes. Four club max (no drivers). Walking only. Call to sign up. 410-213-7277
Assateague Island National Seashore, Berlin, MD, 7:30 p.m. Suitable for all levels including beginners and children, 8 and older. Take a beach towel and meet at the shade pavilion in the south end of North Beach parking lot of Assateague Island National Seashore. Yoga is free but park entrance fees are in effect. outreachAIA@gmail.com, 443-614-3547
SAT, SEP. 17 All Day There is a public Facebook event for the Delmarva area offering information so
that citizens may get involved and participate in “Thank A Police Officer Day.”
ages 16 and older. chase@ocbikefest.com, 262-642-7158, http://www.ocbikefest.com
Tractor Supply Co., 10452 Old Ocean City Blvd #2, Berlin, MD, All Day The event will include pet adoptions with community groups, samples, giveaways, drawings for gift cards and other family friendly activities. Also, deals on pet products will be featured from Sept. 14-18. Several activities include Animal Training, Pet Adoption and Pet Care 101. Those Clever Canines will be on hand from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Open to the public and all leashed, friendly pets. 410641-0310, http://www.TractorSupply.com
Sharptown on the Nanticoke, Sharptown, MD, 7 a.m. The town-wide yard sale begins at 7 a.m. The annual parade begins at 10 a.m. All day activities include Historical Museum and Town Hall exhibits open, games, crafts, food and more. Free admission. 410-726-9118 or 410-883-2718
Swim & Racquet Club Pool, 10 Seabreeze Road, Ocean Pines, MD, 8 a.m. The event consist of a quarter-mile swim, a 6.2-mile bike ride and a 1.5-mile run. Twelve threemember teams will be competing. Participants will receive a long-sleeved “finisher” shirt. Food and drinks available. The cost is $105 per team. Teams should arrive at the pool at 7 a.m. to register and check-in. Ocean Pines Aquatics Department, 410641-5255, http://www.OceanPines.org
White Horse Park, 239 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines, MD, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Locally grown vegetables and fruits, eggs, honey, kettle korn, flowers, artisan breads, seafood, meats and more. New vendors welcome. 410-641-7717, Ext. 3006
VFW, Post 8296, 104 66th St., Ocean City, MD, 8 to 11 a.m. A $6 donation for all-youcan-eat pancakes or 2-2-2, two eggs, two pancakes and two bacon slices. 410-524-8196
Ocean City Airport, Terminal Building, 12724 Airport Rd, Berlin, MD, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Coffee, eggs, bacon, sausage, scrapple and potatoes. Suggested donation is $7. All donations directed to the Huey Veterans Memorial Display and Park. Coleman Bunting, 410-726-7207
Ocean City convention center, 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Bringing national entertainment and bands, stunt shows, bike builders, vendors, food and beverages to the Boardwalk, Ocean City convention center and the Inlet. Event passes cost $50 for adults and $15 for children 6-15 years of age. Children 5 and younger are admitted free. Event passes include all entertainment and concerts, exhibitors, free use of the Ocean City bus system and $5 off cover charge at Seacrets, throughout the four-day event. A one-day pass costs $30 for adults
Coastal Hospice Volunteer Offices, Philmore Commons, 224 Phillip Morris Drive, Suite 102, Salisbury, MD, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Coastal Hospice & Palliative Care needs volunteers and is offering an introduction course, as well as the training required by the State of Maryland, in a combination of on-site and online programs. After attending this on-site training, volunteers can take the remainder of the training online. To register, call or email. Sally Rankin, volservices@coastalhospice.org, 410-742-8732, http://www.CoastalHospice.org/marylandhospice-care-volunteer St. Paul United Methodist Church, 405 Flower St., Berlin, MD, 11 a.m. Half BBQ chicken and roll for $8. Sponsored by the Men’s Ministry. Patrick Henry, 443-8804746
White Horse Park, 239 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines, 3 p.m. Roast pig BBQ, potato salad, baked beans, cole slaw and rolls. Soft drinks, iced tea and water. B.Y.O.B. Bring appetizer or dessert to share for 8. Everyone is welcome. Cost is $14. R.S.V.P. by Sept. 8. Stuart Glassman, 814-322-2120
Delmarva Discovery Center, 2 Market Street, Pocomoke City, MD, 7 to 10 p.m. Exclusive access to the museum after dark, where there will be a special River Otter enrichment at 8:30 p.m. Tickets include heavy hors d’oeuvres, one premium drink ticket, dessert and an evening of live entertainment including an up close look at all the center’s new exhibits. Loud and silent auctions. Tickets cost $50, must be 21 and over to attend. Proceeds benefit the Discovery Center. To purchase tickets, contact 410-957-9933, http://www.DelmarvaDiscoveryCenter.org
SUN, SEP. 18 Coastal Kayak, 36840 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, DE, All Day Paddle for a Cure will launch in the late afternoon from the Ocean City commercial Harbor. Professional guides will take participants through the harbor to the north end of Assateague Island. A donation of $30 per person is requested. Reservations are required. Must be 13 years of age and older. Benefiting Delaware’s Cancer Support Community. info@coastalkayak.com, 302539-7999, http://coastalkayak.com
Ocean City convention center, 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bringing national entertainment and bands, stunt shows, bike builders, vendors, food and beverages to the Boardwalk, Ocean City convention center and the Inlet. Event passes cost $50 for adults and $15 for children 6-15 years of age. Children 5 and younger are admitted free. Event passes include all enter-
tainment and concerts, exhibitors, free use of the Ocean City bus system and $5 off cover charge at Seacrets, throughout the four-day event. A one-day pass costs $30 for adults ages 16 and older. chase@ocbikefest.com, 262-642-7158, http://www.ocbikefest.com Ocean City Airport, Terminal Building, 12724 Airport Rd, Berlin, MD, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Coffee, eggs, bacon, sausage, scrapple and potatoes. Suggested donation is $7. All donations directed to the Huey Veterans Memorial Display and Park. Coleman Bunting, 410-726-7207
11 a.m. The General Levin Winder DAR Chapter is celebrating Constitution Week by inviting all venues with a bell to ring their bells at 11 a.m. Venues include all churches, fire houses, city governments and even individuals. http://www.dar.org
Atlantic General Hospital, Conference Room 2, 9733 Healthway Drive, Berlin, MD, 12 to 1 p.m. Group shares experience, strength and hope to help others. Open to the community and to AGH patients. Rob, 443-783-3529
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 18 3rd St, Pocomoke City, MD, 1 p.m. All roles are open. Cast needs include approximately 40 performers including adults and children of all ages. Cast will include a small singing ensemble of carolers to include men, women and select children. Auditions are cold readings from script; English accent required. matyler@hotmail.com, 443-858-3805
Berlin Butcher Shop, 101 Williams St., Berlin, MD, 2 to 5 p.m. Lisa Hall, candidate for Berlin Mayor, will talk with voters about their ideas for Berlin.
Atlantic General Hospital, Conference Room 1, 9733 Healthway Drive, Berlin, MD, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Group is a 12-step program for anyone struggling with a compulsive eating problem. No initial meeting charge. Meeting contribution is $1 weekly. Bett, 410-202-9078
St. Matthews By-The-Sea UMC, 1000 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, DE, 7 p.m. Featuring “Dave Morgan Music Ministry.” Free and open to the public. A love offering will be taken for the artists. Info: Rita Williams, 302-436-1562 or St. Matthews Church office, 302-537-1402
The Red Doors Community Center at St. Paul’s by-the Sea, 302 Baltimore Ave., Ocean City, MD, 6:30 p.m. The presentation is designed for parents, teachers, youth leaders, coaches and clergy to protect children from
Continued on Page 80
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
CALENDAR predators, bullying and preserve their online identity that will stay with them forever. Each participant will leave with a thumb drive of the presentation, with links and information that can be used at any time. RSVPs are helpful but pre-registration is not required. Fawn Mete, office@reddoors.org, 410-289-5576
Continued from Page 79
Atlantic General Hospital, Conference Room 1, 9733 Healthway Drive, Berlin, MD, 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Group is a 12-step program for anyone struggling with a compulsive eating problem. No initial meeting charge. Meeting contribution is $1 weekly. Bett, 410-202-9078
Atlantic General Hospital, conference room 1, 9733 Healthway Drive, Berlin, MD, 5 to 6:30 p.m. Berlin group No. 169. TOPS is a support and educational group promoting weight loss and healthy lifestyle. It meets weekly. Edna Berkey, 410-251-2083
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 18 3rd St, Pocomoke City, MD, 7 p.m. All roles are open. Cast needs include approximately 40 performers including adults and children of all ages. Cast will include a small singing ensemble of carolers to include men, women and select children. Auditions are cold readings from script; English accent required. matyler@hotmail.com, 443-858-3805
Ocean Pines Community Center, 239 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines, MD, 7 to 9 p.m. The Delmarva Chorus, Sweet Adeline’s, meets each Monday. Women interested in learning the craft of a cappella singing welcome. 410-641-6876
TUE, SEP. 20 All Hallows Church Parish House, 109 W. Market Street, Snow Hill, MD, 7:30 a.m. Contact agibb1@verizon.net or 410-5461978 for more information.
Atlantic United Methodist Church Thrift Shop, 105 Fourth St., Ocean City, MD, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. After the sale, the store will be closed on Sept. 21 and 22. Grand reopening on Friday, Sept. 23. 410-289-4458 Berlin Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, 9715 Healthway Drive, Berlin, MD, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Support group for caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients. It meets the third Tuesday of each month. Open to the community. Info: Heather Cormack, 410-6414400, Ext. 6123 or Kenneth Lewis, 410-208-1701 or 410-430-4818
Embers Restaurant, 2305 Philadelphia Ave., Ocean City, MD, 6 p.m. Participants will paint “Tranquil Sands” with the help of Tickled Paint instructor Gabby. Tickets cost $45, with a portion of the proceeds going to the campaign to build Coastal Hospice at the Ocean at The Point in Ocean Pines. Light refreshments provided. Sponsored by the
Coastal Association of Realtors. Register at 410-713-2013, http://www.tickled-paint.com
screening and health information. Dawn Denton, 410-641-9268
Ocean Pines library, 11107 Cathell Road, Ocean Pines, MD, 1 to 4 p.m. The University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Service is offering master gardeners to help with gardening questions. Take your bagged samples by to find solutions to your plant problems. 410-208-4014
Worcester County Health Center, 9730 Healthway Drive, Berlin, MD, 5:30 to 7 p.m. Berlin group 331. TOPS is a support and educational group promoting weight loss and healthy lifestyle. It meets weekly. jeanduck47@gmail.com
American Legion Synepuxent Post 166, 2308 Philadelphia Ave., Ocean City, MD, 6 p.m. The group meets on the third Tuesday of each month. Social hour begins at 6 p.m., followed by the meeting at 7 p.m. Current members and those interested in becoming a member are encouraged to attend. Pocomoke Elks Lodge 1624, 1944 Worcester Highway, Pocomoke City, MD, 7 p.m. Doors open at 6 p.m., early bingo at 7 p.m. and regular games start at 7:30 p.m. Food and non-alcoholic drinks available. Open to the public. 410-957-3556
Ocean Pines Community Center, 235 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines, MD, 8 a.m. Meets every Wednesday. Doors open at 7 a.m., meeting begins at 8 a.m. 410-641-7330, http://www.kiwanisofopoc.org Walgreens, 32979 Coastal Highway, Bethany Beach, DE, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sponsored by Atlantic General Hospital. Free blood pressure screening and health information. Dawn Denton, 410-641-9268
Snow Hill Senior Center, 4767 Snow Hill Road, Snow Hill, MD, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. A seven-week workshop to help people at risk for falls, to live a safer, more confident life. An interactive workshop with exercises led by a physical therapist. Also, visits from professionals such as eye care, pharmacist and community safety expert. Free, but registration is required. Dawn, 410-641-9268 Atlantic Health Center Conference Room, 9714 Healthway Drive, Berlin, MD, 1 to 2 p.m. Women Supporting Women/AGH Support group for women and men who are battling breast cancer (current patients and survivors). Lunch is provided. RSVP: Women Supporting Women, 410-548-7880
Walgreens, 37088 W. Fenwick Boulevard, Selbyville, DE, 1 to 3 p.m. Sponsored by Atlantic General Hospital. Free blood pressure
Ocean Pines Community Center, 235 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines, MD, 2 to 3 p.m. Compass Investment Advisors will discuss how to protect and grow assets despite volatility in the markets. The seminar is free. Advance registration is required. Ocean Pines Recreation and Parks Department, 410-641-7052
Ocean Pines library, 11107 Cathell Road, 3 p.m. A presentation by Peninsula Regional Medical Center’s Nancy Creighton, Executive Directory Managed Care & ACO, Cindy Lunsford COO and Chris Hall VP of Strategy & Business. Elks Lodge, 13708 Sinepuxent Ave., Ocean City, MD, 5:30 to 9 p.m. Jitterbug, swing, cha-cha to the sounds of the ‘50s, ‘60s and Carolina Beach music. Meets every Wednesday. dance@delmarvahanddancing.com, 302-200-3262, http://delmarvahanddancing.com
Macky’s Bayside Bar & Grill, 5311 Coastal Highgway, Ocean City, MD, 6 to 9 p.m. Singer and saxophonist Everett Spells will provide the musical entertainment, and tickets include an open bar and heavy hors d’oeuvres. Tickets cost $75 and benefit the campaign to build Coastal Hospice at the Ocean. Reservations: http://www.CoastalHospice.org/Blues, 410-742-8732
Captain’s Table Restaurant in the Courtyard by Marriott, 2 15th St, Ocean City, MD, 6 p.m. The group meets every Wednesday. kbates@taylorbank.com, 410-641-1700
Ocean City Elks Lodge 2645, 138th Street and Sinepuxent Avenue, Ocean City, MD, 6:30 p.m. Every Wednesday. Located at the rear of the Fenwick Inn. Doors open at 5 p.m., games start 6:30 p.m. Food is available. Open to the public. No one allowed in the hall under 18 years of age during bingo. 410-250-2645
St. Paul’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Church, DeWees Hall,, 302 Baltimore Ave., Ocean City, MD, 7 to 9 p.m. A replica of the 12th century original Labyrinth is available for walking with candlelight and sacred music anytime between 7-9 p.m., every Wednesday, through Sept. 28. Wheelchair accessible. Just off the Boardwalk at 3rd Street. Free parking behind the hall. Info: church office, 410-289-3453 or Penny, 443-880-7608
THU, SEP. 22 The Kite Loft, 511 Boardwalk, Ocean City, MD, All Day Thousands of spectators gather on the Ocean City beach between 3rd and 6th streets. See master kite flyers from around the world showcase their aerial displays of art. Kite-making workshops and kite battles. Jay Knerr, 410-289-7855,
http://www.kiteloft.com 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Self-guided tour features 10 homes in the Ocean City area from oceanfront to bayside, family homes to penthouses and beach retreats. 410-524-9433, http://www.artleagueofoceancity.com
Pocomoke Senior Center, 400 Walnut St., Suite B, Pocomoke City, MD, 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Interactive, six-week program. Topics include pain management techniques, medication management, communication with healthcare providers and others, action planning and many more. Free and open to the community. Register: Nancy, 410-957-0391 or Dawn, ddenton@atlanticgeneral.org, 410-641-9268 Ocean City inlet, South End of the Boardwalk, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Arts and crafts, food, hayrides, kids activities and musical entertainment. Admission to Sunfest is free. Ticketed events include Chubby Checker & The Wildcats on Thursday at 8 p.m.; Chris Janson, Friday, 8 p.m.; Eddie Money with special guest Sir Rod, Saturday, 8 p.m. Tickets available at www.ticketmaster.com. http://chamber.oceancity.org/events/details/sunfest-09-22-2016-6197
Ocean Pines library, 11107 Cathell Road, Ocean Pines, MD, 11 a.m. Free and open to anyone who has lost a loved one, not just Coastal Hospice families. 410-251-8163
Clarion Hotel, 10100 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, 4 to 7 p.m. Every Thursday, Beach Singles 45-Plus meets for happy hour. Arlene or Kate, 302-436-9577 or 410524-0649
Snow Hill library, 307 N. Washington St., Snow Hill, MD, 6 p.m. Tom Kane, Emergency Management Planner for Worcester County Emergency Services, will discuss the process, “Preparedness, Respond and Recovery” as it pertains to our County residents. Executive board officers for next year will also be nominated at this meeting. 443-944-6701
American Legion Post 166, 2308 Philadelphia Ave., Ocean City, MD, 6:30 p.m. Doors open at 4:30 p.m., games start at 6:30 p.m. Food and non-alcoholic drinks available. Open to the public. 410-289-3166, http://www.alpost166.org
Crossword answers from page 76
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
81 Classifieds now appear in Ocean City Today & the Bayside Gazette each week and online at oceancitytoday.net and baysideoc.com.
Must be team oriented, clean, organized and a Fantastic Cook.
HELP WANTED Maintenance
Immediate position available for year-round Restaurant Commercial Kitchen Maintenance Technician. Electrical, Plumbing, HVAC, Refrigeration, LP/NaturalGas Knowledge Required. Prior experience with diagnosing and troubleshooting refrigeration and electrical problems. Great opportunity with benefits. Send resume to: REST. MAINTENANCE P.O. Box 160, Ocean City, MD 21842
Lifeguards Looking for Part-Time & FullTime, Year Round Lifeguards for Indoor Pool. Flexible hours / Shifts available weekends and evenings. Free Certification Training! Position starts Mid-September. Housekeeping Houseman Must be personable, hardworking and possess a valid drivers license. Weekends/evening shift required. Duties include stocking storerooms, picking up linen and trash on property and assisting housekeepers, inspectors as needed. Part time- Year Round Position Applications available at the Front Desk or email info@fskfamily.com
HELP WANTED The Holiday Inn Oceanfront
6600 Coastal Highway Ocean City, MD 21842
Now accepting applications for the following year round positions: Housekeepers Houseman Day & Evening Laundry Front Desk Associate 4-12 Shift
We are looking for qualified service oriented candidates that wish to excel in the hospitality industry. Please stop by the front desk to complete an application.
Part Time Hostess, Servers & Kitchen Help. Call 410524-3396. Admin. Assistant: FT/YR Office/clerical. Good Pay. Benefits. Excellent customer service skills. Proficient in Word/Excel, Quickbooks knowledge. Send resume to Fred@paradiseoc.com. Job Interview For Hiring Positions Management, Pizza Maker, Exp. Cook & Delivery Drivers. Willing to train cook! Call 443-856-5935. Tuesday 9/13 & 9/20 @ 10am-12pm. 9936 Stephen Decatur Hwy., Ocean City, MD 21842.
The Worcester County Humane Society
is seeking F/T or P/T help for cat care. Position includes cage cleaning, feeding, medicating, grooming, and monitoring behavior/health. Veterinary assistant experience a plus. Pay commensurate with experience. Persons applying need to follow established rules & protocols, display a positive attitude, and believe in our mission & no kill philosophy. Applications available upon request at savinganimals@worcestercountyhumanesociety.org
J o i n Te T e a m D u n e s ! Noow w H i ri n g : DISHWASHER
Please apply online aatt www.real a hospittalittyyg ygroup up.com
Come Join Our Winning Team!
Now accepting applications for the following positions! Room Inspector Room Attendant Restaurant Servers Banquet Houseperson Line Cook Bartender
Looking for experienced personnel with customer service skills. Must be flexible with hours. Email resume to jobs@carouselhotel.com or stop by and complete an application at the Front Desk. We require satisfactory pre-employment drug testing and background check. Carousel Resort Hotel & Condominiums 11700 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD 21842 EOE
OFFICE SUPPORT STAFF This position is part-time with the possibility of becoming full-time. Applicant will be a self-starter, willing to learn & perform a variety of duties. Microsoft Office experience a must! May require some weekends. Fax resume to 410-524-1180.
The Princess Royale Hotel & Conference Center Located at 91st St. Oceanfront, Ocean City, MD
Local Home Improvement Contractor seeks full & parttime workers of all skill levels. Call or text 410-430-5027.
NOW HIRING!! Production Supervisor
for our WOC kitchen facility Up to $17/hour Apply online at: www.delmarvadd.com
CommanderHotel.com • 1-888-289-6166 1401 Atlantic Ave • Ocean City, MD 21842
Work At The BEACH... Work With The BEST!!
Top wages, excellent benefits package and free employee meal available to successful candidates.
Servers Bartenders Banquet Servers Email your resume to: jen@99sealevel.com Come Join Our Winning Team!
CONDOMINIUM OFFICE MANAGER We are looking for an energetic, detail oriented person to manage our Condominium Office. The candidate must have excellent communication and customer service skills as well as strong administrative experience. The ideal person would also have computer & basic bookkeeping skills. This is a full time, year round position with benefits. Salary commensurate with experience. Email resume to jobs@carouselhotel.com or stop by and complete an application at the front desk. We require satisfactory pre-employment drug testing and background check. Carousel Resort Hotel & Condominiums 11700 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD 21842 EOE
Employment Opportunities:
Year Round, Full/Part Time: Banquet Servers, Banquet Housestaff, Dishwasher, Server, Coffee Shop Attendant, Hostess/Host, Room Attendant (van will pick up in Salisbury), Wash Room (Laundry), Reservations, AM Restaurant Supervisor
Excellent Benefits and Free Employee Meal.
Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel Attn: Human Resources Dept. 10100 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD 21842 Phone: 410-524-3535 Fax: 410-723-9109 EOE M/F/D/V
(experience required) Competitive Pay & Benefits Apply online at www.princessroyale.com or fax to 410-524-7787 or email to employment@princessroyale.com
Located on the boardwalk in the heart of Bethany Beach. We are a full service, fine dining restaurant and bar serving lunch and dinner 7 days a week. Seeking professional, highly motivated, friendly, and experienced
Year Round • Cook • Bellman • AM/PM Servers • Housekeepers • PT Front Desk Clerk • PT Convenience Store Clerk • FT, YR Maintenance
Hiring for Fall & Winter!
2 8th & Oceanfront -“For Shore hore … The Best Place to Work”
Hotel & Suites tes
ASSISTANT ASSOCIATION MANAGER Exciting opportunity to join a growing Property Management team. If you have 3-5 years high-rise experience and enjoy the challenges of a fast paced environment, this Assistant Association Manager position may be a good fit for you. The primary responsibility is to support the Association Manager in all phases of the operation including, but not limited to, general property administrative, maintenance and the building/grounds operations. ResortQuest is a subsidiary of Wyndham Worldwide-a fortune 500 company. We offer competitive salaries, a great benefit package and opportunity to grow!
For confidential and immediate consideration, please email:
bethannsteele@resortquest.com or by dialing: 302.541.8831 Employment is contingent on a drug screen and background check. ResortQuest is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Now you can order your classifieds online
F/T Administrative Assistant: Full time with established technical firm located in Berlin, Maryland. Associates degree and complete computer competence a must. Send resume & transcript to: A.A. Position, P.O. Box 397, Berlin, MD 21811. PGN Crabhouse, 29th Street & Coastal Hwy. Help Wanted. Cooks. Apply within after 11am.
Now Hiring Maintenance Person
Full-Time, Year Round Health Benefits Apply in person Tues. thru Thurs., 9-3 p.m. @ Golden Sands 10900 Coastal Highway
Line Cook Needed for Year Round position. Apply in Person @ Alex’s Italian Restaurant, Rt. 50, West Ocean City.
Legal Secretary: Busy Ocean City law firm has an immediate opening for a motivated and experienced legal secretary for the Senior Partner. Experience in Estate Planning, Estate Administration, Corporate matters and administrative duties. Proficiency in word processing, written and oral communication skills necessary. Please send resume to: Williams, Moore, Shockley & Harrison, LLP, 3509 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD 21842.
DENTAL ASS’T. Experience Preferred Ocean View, DE Email Resume:
NOW HIRING!! Production Crew
for our WOC kitchen facility Starting at $10/hr. Apply online at: www.delmarvadd.com
Hiring Nurses GNA’S, RN’s & LPN’s
All shifts. Please stop by to fill out an application, fax your resume to 410-6410328 or apply online at w w w. m a h c h e a l t h . c o m . Come and find out why we are the area’s only CMS 5Star rated skilled nursing facility. EOE
Five Guys Burgers Ocean City, MD Now Hiring Y/R & P/T for
All Positions
at 64th & 136th St. locations. Stop in to fill out an application!
Become a Better You in 2016!
To order Product or to Become an Avon Representative Call Christine 443-880-8397 or email: snowhillavon@ comcast.net
Ocean City Today
Now Hiring Year Round Room Attendant. Apply within. Comfort Suites, 12718 Coastal Gateway (Rte. 50), Ocean City, MD (WOC). Growing Sales Team Has IMMEDIATE Need for Full/Part-Time Sales Reps. High Earnings Potential … Paid Travel … Flex Schedule … Great Team Environment. Call 443-484-9299 TODAY!
New location in Berlin
Crew and Assistant Managers Starting at $9.75/hr. + Tips Apply online at: www.delmarvadd.com
Winter Renal - 3BR Condo. Seawatch Building. 1st Floor Unit. Garage parking. Indoor pool/fitness. $700/mo. + utils. No pets. 412-496-1574 OC Winter Rental: 2BR, 2BA Furn. Apt. Gas, water, WiFi, cable TV incl. $675/mo. + elec. Limited to 2 people. No smoking/pets. 410-2026353
Winter Rentals - 2BR Apt. $220/wk. Efficiency Apt. $165/wk. Sec. deposits req’d. ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED. No pets. 410-2895831 W/R - 2BR Furnished. 28th St., bayside. October 1st through March 31st. Water view. $675/mo. + security. 410-430-5316
Winter Rental - 2BR, 1BA Condo For Rent. $700 a month. 1 or 2 people. Includes water. Avail. Oct. 2. Call 302-359-2313.
Winter Rental - 1BR/2BA, W/D, furnished. Non-smoking/no pets. Avail. Oct 1st thru April 30th. $700 mnthly + $500 sec. dep. Call 410-4303057. Y/R Ocean Pines - 2BR/2BA House - Waterfront w/Boatlift. Unfurn, FP, All Appliances, Double Garage. $1250/mo. + sec. dep. 717-227-9339
Winter Rental. Direct Oceanfront - Amazing View. 30th Street. 1BR, furnished. No smoking/pets. Avail Oct. 3rdApril 30th. $675/mo. + utilities. W/D. Call Scott 267-638-8211. 1BR Apartment For Rent in Old Town OC. 1 person only. $850/mo. + utils. & sec. deposit. NO PETS. Non-smoking. Call 410-289-2344.
Apartments Starting at $725 Single Family Homes Starting at $1095 Condos Starting at $1250 CALL US TODAY! 410-208-9200
Open 7 Days A Week for property viewing in: * Berlin * Ocean City * * Ocean Pines * * Snow Hill *
Maryland 800.633.1000 Delaware 800.442.5626 VA C AT I O N S
Positions available for full-time
• Carpenter • Laborer
Must have own transportation and valid driver’s license. Apply in person.
Beachwood Inc. 11632 Worcester Hwy. Showell, MD 21862
Now Hiring for
Year Round Server Part Time Cook, Bartender & Delivery Drivers w/own car
Come in for Interview on Thursdays @ 11:00 am 5601 Coastal Hwy. (Bayside)
Come Join Our Winning Team!
EXECUTIVE SOUS CHEF We are looking for an experienced and detail oriented person for our busy and diverse culinary operation. The candidate must prioritize cleanliness, quality of product, and adherence to standards. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: staff training, efficient operation scheduling, and adherence to established controls and standard operating procedures. This position reports to the Executive Chef. Ideal candidates should have culinary management experience, good organizational skills, and a thorough knowledge of food service sanitation requirements. Competitive salary with full medical & benefit package. Email resume to jobs@carouselhotel.com or come in and complete an application at the front desk. We require satisfactory preemployment drug testing and background check. Carousel Resort Hotel & Condominiums 11700 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD 21842 EOE
RAMBLER MOTEL 9942 Elm Street, WOC (Behind Starbucks) Sleeps 4, $250 per week Manager onsite 410-213-1764
Move in today. Blue Turtle Apts on 57th St. $700 month to month. 2BR/1BA, fully furn. apt. incl. elec., cent. heat & flat screen cable TV. No pets. 2 max per apt. Adults only. $350 sec. dep.
www.oceancitytoday.net www.baysideoc.com
Serving the Newspapers of Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia since 1908.
DC BIG FLEA & ANTIQUES MARKET. SEPT 17-18 OVER 600 BOOTHS! Shop for Bargains! DULLES EXPO CTR., 4320 Chantilly Shopping Ctr., Chantilly, VA 20151 www.thebigfleamarket.com 757-430-4735 AUCTIONS
BANKRUPTCY LIQUIDATION Flooring Solutions, Inc., Sterling, VA. Flooring, Equipment, Furniture & More! ONLINE ONLY SALE: BID 9/13-9/21 & 9/13-9/22. Real Estate On-Site Foreclosure Sale 9/20. www.motleys.com * 1-877MOTLEYS VAAL#16 AUTOMOBILE DONATIONS
DONATE AUTOS, TRUCKS, RV'S. LUTHERAN MISSION SOCIETY. Your donation helps local families with food, clothing, shelter, counseling. Tax deductible. MVA License #W1044. 410-636-0123 or www.LutheranMissionSociety.org DONATE YOUR CAR - 888433-6199 FAST FREE TOWING -24hr Response – Maximum Tax Deduction UNITED BREAST CANCER FDN: Providing Breast Cancer Information & Support Programs License#11-3571208
Winter Only - Waterfront Rental - 2BR/2BA - Unfurnished Mobile Home located at 11212 Gum Point Road. $800/monthly plus utilities. Call 410-430-9797. Waterfront Townhome 2BR/2.5BA + Loft. Furnished, FP, on wide canal w/view of the bay. Winter Rental $850 monthly. No smoking. 443-614-7927, 410-742-0300.
Winter, Weekly Rental 1BR/1BA, Mid-town OC Condo. Nice, great location with ocean/bay view. W/D, DW. $200/wk. + sec dep. No smoking/pets. Call 267254-0111. Year Round Rental. Montego Bay. 3BR/2BA Nanticoke Home. Partially furnished. Florida Room. $1500 monthly. Call George 410-251-2592 or 410-2502171 during nights & wknds.
YEAR ROUND 2BR/1BA Beachside Apt. Quiet living, well kept, no smoking, no pets. Includes water & internet. 1 person $978 mnthly, 2 ppl $1358 mnthly. 12 65th Street, Ocean City. Call 386314-5294 SNOW HILL
Light & Airy, Available Immediately, Quiet, Friendly Community, CAC/Heat, W/W carpet, Ample Storage, All Appliances. Please call 410-632-1430 Mon & Weds. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
OC Winter Rentals - 1 Bedroom Efficiency Apt. Fully furnished. $795/mo. Utilities & cable included. 443-5062738 YR, Town of Berlin Townhome - 2500 sq. ft. 3BR/4BA, 2-car garage, W/D, DW. $1500/mo. + security. No smoking/No pets. 720-253-7428
Year Round Selbyville Ranch House. 3BR/2BA. Air conditioned. Dishwasher. Natural gas, central heat, cooking & hot water. No smoking. No pets. Avail. Sept. Tenant pays utilities & expenses. $1400 monthly + sec. deposit. 410726-7207 Winter Rental - Oct. thru May. Oceanfront, fully furnished. 2BR/2BA, Mid-rise w/elevator. No smoking, no pets. $800 a month + utilities. Call 410-703-1945.
Yearly & Seasonal Rentals We Welcome Pets 7700 Coastal Hwy 410-289-8888 www.holidayoc.com
Looking for space, comfort and great views? Spacious, climatecontrolled offices available, with use of Conference Room, in a modern, wellmaintained building, in prime Ocean City location. Call 410-524-3440 for appointment.
CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! All Makes/Models 200-2016! Any Condition. Running or Not. Top $$$ Paid! Free Towing From Anywhere! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: (800)864-5952 BUSINESS SERVICES
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SCHOOLS BECOME DIETARY MANAGER (average annual salary $45,423) in eight months - online program offered by Tennessee College of Applied Technology Elizabethton. Details www.tcatelizabethton.edu, 423-342-3977; email Lisa.Blackburn@ Place your ad on Facebook; tcatelizabethton.edu. Twitter; LinkedIN and Google Ads Words through MDDC’s SERVICES-MISCELLANEOUS Social Media Ad Network; Call today to find out maximize Want a larger footprint in the your presence on Social marketplace consider advertising Media; 410-212-0616; or in the MDDC Small Display 2x2 email Wanda Smith @ or 2x4 Advertising Network. Reach 3.6 million readers every wsmith@mddcpress.com week by placing your ad in 71 newspapers in Maryland, EDUCATION TRAINING Delaware and the District of CoAIRLINE MECHANIC TRAIN- lumbia. With just one phone call, ING – Get FAA certification. your business and/or product will Financial Aid if qualified. No be seen by 3.6 million readers HS Diploma or GED – We can HURRY … space is limited, help. Approved for military CALL TODAY!! Call 1-855-721benefits. Call Aviation Insti- 6332 x 6 or 410-212-0616 email tute of Maintenance 866-823- wsmith@mddcpress.com or visit 6729 our website at www.mddcpress.com HELP WANTED: SALES VACATION RENTALS EARN $500 A DAY: Insurance Agents Needed*Leads, No OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND. Cold Calls*Commission Paid Best selection of affordable Daily*Lifetime Renewals* rentals. Full/ partial weeks. Complete Training* Health & Call for FREE brochure. Open Dental Insurance* Life Li- daily. Holiday Resort Services. cense Required. Call 1-888- 1-800-638-2102. Online reservations: www.holidayoc.com 713-6020 Bulk advertising at its best: advertise in over 70 newspapers and reach millions of readers with ONE call. Broaden your reach and get results for pennies per reader. Call Wanda at 410-212-0616 or email wsmith@mddcpress.com.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Looking to Rent Secure Garage Space for show car in North Ocean City. Call 301-873-7355.
Daytona Beach. 4BR, 1 level. Weekly/monthly. Pets OK. Call 443-523-3469.
Professional Female House To Share. YR/Seasonal. Pets ok. No smoking. 2 rooms avail w/shared bath, $650 each. Utilities included. WiFi, Cable, W/D. 410-208-3570 Roommate Needed. Call 443-996-1069.
Office Space in West Ocean City, next door to UPS along Route 50. 926 sq. feet. $100,000. Call Howard Martin Realty 410-352-5555. Condo For Sale By Owner. 1BR/1BA Orleans Court. 140th St. & Coastal Hwy. Furnished, second floor, elevators, 2 pools & courtyard. Great rental unit. Priced to sell. $117,500. Call for details 410-598-1194.
FSBO - Glen Riddle
Wooded lot - Maid at Arms Lane - Golf course view. Details at Zillow.com Search “Glen Riddle Lot 136” $112,900 OBO
Call: 410-707-9300
Bayfront - Gorgeous One-OfA-Kind Lot, South Point. $525,000. Call Howard Martin Realty 410-352-5555.
BERLIN MID-TOWN BUILDING 800 sq. ft. w/1 large reception area. 2 large individual offices & kitchen. 2 storage closets w/shelving. 1.5 bathrooms & 1 full bath. $800 monthly. 1637 sq. ft. 1 Large reception area & waiting room. 6 large individual offices w/built-in cabinetry. 5 storage closets w/shelving. Handicap bathroom included $1300 monthly. 2437 sq. ft. for both, $1600 monthly. Perfect for Doctor’s/Law office space! Call 410-422-3375, 410-723-0110
Berlin, 225 sq. ft. Office Space, $275/mo. includes utils. Warehouse Space for Rent. Approx. 600 sq. ft., $500/mo., utils. included. Two 120 sq. ft. Storage Sheds, each $95/mo. Call 410-7265471 or 410-641-4300. 2 Office/Retail Spaces & 3 Warehouse Units available in West Ocean City. Call 443497-4200.
Classified Deadline is Monday @ 5pm
Ocean City Today
Seeking a job for caretaking, childcare & personal assistant work in the Ocean City area. Willing to travel. Available full time, including weekends. Great references. Call 410-251-1793. Bishopville Movers Inc. Fast, reliable service. 410-352-5555
Leyland Cypress Trees
Prices include free delivery and planting. 3 1/2 - 4 ft. at $40. 4 1/2 - 5 ft. at $50. 7 1/2 - 8 ft. at $95. Call Bill at 302-344-3696
Do you have an old bicycle not being used? It could mean a world of difference to a hardworking international student. We are looking to get as many bikes as possible. Your donation will be tax-deductible. Contact Gary at 443-975-3065.
September 17th, 7am-Noon. Rain or shine. Community Yard Sale at Osprey Point in OP Gated Community, right past the Yacht Club.
For Sale - Less than 300 hrs. 120 Hp Mercury Force engine, 1998 Bayliner Capri. $4,495. See it at Racetrack Marine. (610-389-9703)
AUCTIONS The contents of mini storage units will be sold at public auction. Units to be auctioned; B13-B19-B24B26-B82-B97-L9-O3-O13O23-O45-O65-O93-O94O97-O106-O133-O143O29-O115-O164-S26-S48S56-S182-S185-S314S315-S502-S517-S614S621. Units are being sold due to non-payment of rent. Common items in units are, household items, furniture, tools, fishing equipment, paintings, antique and vintage items. Date: SATURDAY, September 24, 2016 Time: 9AM #1 Starting @ Berlin Mini Storage (Rt. 346) #2 Continues at OC Mini Storage (Rt. 50) #3 Finishes at OC Mini Storage (Rt. 611) Terms: CASH ONLY! Auctioneer: Tom Janasek
2009 HD Road King Motorcycle
Asking $11,500 Excellent condition. Original owner. Only 9,750 miles. Neither scratches nor dents. 10,000 mile checkup just completed. ABS Breaks, cruise control, custom grips. Python mufflers, power commander, RUSH Custom seat with a driver backrest and removable passenger backrest. Removable windshield. PIN STRIPING. Driver foot pegs. Including many accessories. A real beauty at a great price! Call Jack at 443-856-2252
FURNITURE WAREHOUSE -- NEW AND USED Pick-Up & Delivery Available
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SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
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SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Roofing Division
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Ocean City Today
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Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
risk of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. If the purchaser shall fail to comply with the terms of the sale or fails to go to settlement within ten (10) days of ratification of the sale, the Substitute Trustees may, in addition to any other available remedies, declare the entire deposit forfeited and resell the property at the risk and cost of the OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY defaulting purchaser, and the purchaser agrees to pay reasonable at5818 TAYLOR LANDING ROAD torneys’ fees for the Substitute GIRDLETREE, MD 21829 Trustees, plus all costs incurred, if the Substitute Trustees have filed Under a power of sale contained the appropriate motion with the in a certain Deed of Trust from Court to resell the property. PurSteven D. Hieatzman and Jaime L. chaser waives personal service of Hieatzman, dated March 15, 2013 any paper filed in connection with and recorded in Liber 6107, Folio 293 such a motion on himself and/or any among the Land Records of Worces- principal or corporate designee, and ter County, Maryland, with an origi- expressly agrees to accept service of nal principal balance of $245,700.00, any such paper by regular mail diand an original interest rate of rected to the address provided by 4.250%, default having occurred said bidder at the time of foreclosure under the terms thereof, the Substi- auction. In such event, the defaulttute Trustees will sell at public auc- ing purchaser shall be liable for the tion at the Courthouse door for the payment of any deficiency in the Circuit Court for Worcester County, purchase price, all costs and exon penses of resale, reasonable attorney’s fees, and all other charges due October 4, 2016 AT 3:20 PM and incidental and consequential damages, and any deficiency in the ALL THAT FEE-SIMPLE LOT OF underlying secured debt. The purGROUND and the improvements chaser shall not be entitled to any thereon situated in Worcester surplus proceeds or profits resulting County, MD and more fully de- from any resale of the property. If scribed in the aforesaid Deed of the Substitute Trustees cannot conTrust. The property is improved by vey insurable title, the purchaser’s a dwelling sole remedy at law or in equity shall Terms of Sale: The property will be the return of the deposit without be sold “as is” and subject to condi- interest. The sale is subject to posttions, restrictions, easements and sale confirmation and audit of the agreements of record affecting same, status of the loan with the loan serif any and with no warranty of any vicer including, but not limited to, kind. A deposit of $25,000.00 by cer- determination of whether the bortified funds only (no cash will be ac- rower entered into any repayment cepted) is required at the time of agreement, reinstated or paid off the auction. Balance of the purchase loan prior to the sale. In any such price to be paid in cash within ten event, this sale shall be null and days of final ratification of sale by void, and the Purchaser’s sole remthe Circuit Court for Worcester edy, in law or equity, shall be the reCounty. At the Substitute Trustees’ turn of his deposit without interest. discretion, the foreclosure purchaser, Edward S. Cohn, Stephen N. if a corporation or LLC, must proGoldberg, Richard E. Solomon, duce evidence, prior to bidding, of the Richard J. Rogers, Michael legal formation of such entity. The McKeefery, Christianna Kersey, purchaser, other than the Holder of and David W. Simpson, Jr., the Note, its assigns, or designees, Substitute Trustees shall pay interest on the unpaid purMid-Atlantic Auctioneers, LLC chase money at the note rate from (410) 825-2900 the date of foreclosure auction to the www.mid-atlanticauctioneers.com date funds are received in the office OCD-9/15/3t of the Substitute Trustees. _________________________________ In the event settlement is delayed BWW Law Group, LLC for any reason , there shall be no 6003 Executive Boulevard, abatement of interest. All due Suite 101 and/or unpaid private utility, water Rockville, MD 20852 and sewer facilities charges, or front (301) 961-6555 foot benefit payments, are payable by the purchaser without adjustment. Real estate taxes and all other public charges, or assessments, ground rent, or condo/HOA assessments, not otherwise divested by ratOF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY ification of the sale, to be adjusted as IMPROVEMENTS THEREON of the date of foreclosure auction, unless the purchaser is the foreclosing 7601 COASTAL HWY., UNIT #407 lender or its designee. Cost of all OCEAN CITY, MD 21842 documentary stamps, transfer taxes and settlement expenses, and all Under a power of sale contained other costs incident to settlement, in a certain Deed of Trust dated Noshall be borne by the purchaser. vember 30, 2006 and recorded in Purchaser shall be responsible for Liber 4829, Folio 166 among the obtaining physical possession of the Land Records of Worcester Co., MD, property. Purchaser assumes the with an original principal balance of
$343,900.00 and a current interest rate of 6.625% default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Worcester Co., at the Court House Door, One W. Market St., Snow Hill, MD 21863, on OCTOBER 4, 2016 AT 3:30 PM ALL THAT FEE-SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings or improvements thereon situated in Worcester Co., MD and described as Unit No. 407 in the “Coral Seas Condominium” and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. Terms of Sale: A deposit of $34,000 in the form of certified check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of current year’s real property taxes are adjusted as of the date of sale, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. Taxes due for prior years including costs of any tax sale are payable by the purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All other public and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges, ground rent, whether incurred prior to or after the sale to be paid by the purchaser. All costs of deed recordation including but not limited to all transfer, recordation, agricultural or other taxes or charges assessed by any governmental entity as a condition to recordation, are payable by purchaser, whether or not purchaser is a Maryland First Time Home Buyer. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub Trustees as liquidated damages for
all losses occasioned by the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further liability. The defaulted purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. If Sub. Trustees are unable to convey either insurable or marketable title, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is the return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 130516-1) PLEASE CONSULT WWW.ALEXCOOPER.COM FOR STATUS OF UPCOMING SALES Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et al., Substitute Trustees ALEX COOPER AUCTS., INC. 908 YORK RD., TOWSON, MD 21204 410-828-4838 OCD-9/15/3t _________________________________ McCabe, Weisberg & Conway, LLC 312 Marshall Avenue, Suite 800 Laurel, Maryland 20707 www.mwc-law.com
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY 10342 FRIENDSHIP RD. BERLIN, MD 21811 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from Peter Andrew Maynard and Carrie Hudson Maynard, dated October 23, 2009 and recorded in Liber 5397, folio 473 among the Land Records of Worcester Co., MD, default having occurred under the terms thereof and at the request of the parties secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at the Circuit Court for Worcester Co., at the Court House Door, One W. Market St., Snow Hill, MD 21863, on SEPTEMBER 26, 2016 AT 3:01 PM ALL THAT FEE-SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND AND THE IMPROVEMENTS THEREON situated in Worcester Co., Maryland and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property is improved by a dwelling. The property will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions, easements, encumbrances and agreements of record affecting the subject property, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. Terms of Sale: A deposit in the form of cashier’s or certified check, or in such other form as the Substitute Trustees may determine, at their sole discretion, for $40,000 at the time of sale. If the noteholder and/or servicer is the successful bidder, the deposit requirement is waived. Balance of the purchase price is to be paid within fifteen (15) days of the final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court for Worcester Co.,
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
PUBLIC NOTICES Maryland. Interest is to be paid on the unpaid purchase price at the rate of 5.5% per annum from date of sale to the date the funds are received in the office of the Substitute Trustees, if the property is purchased by an entity other than the noteholder and/or servicer. If payment of the balance does not occur within fifteen days of ratification, the deposit will be forfeited and the property will be resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. There will be no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event settlement is delayed for any reason. Taxes, ground rent, water rent, and all other public charges and assessments payable on an annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, and front foot benefit charges, if applicable, to be adjusted for the current year to the date of sale, and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the ground rent escrow, if required. Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, and all settlement charges shall be borne by the purchaser. If the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable title, the purchaser’s sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to the refund of the deposit to the purchaser. Upon refund of the deposit, the sale shall be void and of no effect, and the purchaser shall have no further claim against the Substitute Trustees. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale shall assume the risk of loss for the property immediately after the sale. (Matter #15-615232) Laura H. G. O’Sullivan, et al., Substitute Trustees ALEX COOPER AUCTS., INC. 908 YORK ROAD, TOWSON, MARYLAND 21204 410-828-4838 OCD-9/8/3t _________________________________ BWW Law Group, LLC 6003 Executive Boulevard, Suite 101 Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 961-6555
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY IMPROVEMENTS THEREON 2819 TERN DR., UNIT #21 OCEAN CITY, MD 21842 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated May 20, 2008 and recorded in Liber 5169, Folio 585 among the Land Records of Worcester Co., MD, with an original principal balance of $364,500.00 and a current interest rate of 2.04% default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Worcester Co., at the Court House Door, One W. Market St., Snow Hill, MD 21863, on
SEPTEMBER 27, 2016 AT 3:30 PM ALL THAT FEE-SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings or improvements thereon situated in Worcester Co., MD and described as Unit Number 21, in Phase 3, Building C of the “Old Port Cove Condominium Townhouses” and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. Terms of Sale: A deposit of $18,000 in the form of certified check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of current year’s real property taxes are adjusted as of the date of sale, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. Taxes due for prior years including costs of any tax sale are payable by the purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All other public and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges, ground rent, whether incurred prior to or after the sale to be paid by the purchaser. All costs of deed recordation including but not limited to all transfer, recordation, agricultural or other taxes or charges assessed by any governmental entity as a condition to recordation, are payable by purchaser, whether or not purchaser is a Maryland First Time Home Buyer. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further liability. The defaulted purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from improve-
ments to the property by said defaulted purchaser. If Sub. Trustees are unable to convey either insurable or marketable title, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is the return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 173746-1) PLEASE CONSULT WWW.ALEXCOOPER.COM FOR STATUS OF UPCOMING SALES Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et al., Substitute Trustees ALEX COOPER AUCTS., INC. 908 YORK RD., TOWSON, MD 21204 410-828-4838 OCD-9/8/3t _________________________________ JAMES E. CLUBB, JR., ESQ. 108 N. 8th Street Ocean City, Maryland 21842
TRUSTEE'S SALE OF TIME-SHARE INTERVALS IN THE LIGHTHOUSE POINT VILLAS CONDOMINIUM OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND By virtue of a Claim of Lien recorded among the Land Records of Worcester County, Maryland, and pursuant to the Order of the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland, Case No. 23-C-16-0624 the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction at the Lighthouse Point Villas Condominium building located at 14409 Lighthouse Avenue, the following described property located in the Town of Ocean City, in the Tenth Election District of Worcester County, Maryland, on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2016 AT 9:00 A.M. Units
Time Intervals
1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 11
52 13 37 45 1 43 1 52 35 10 34 51 34 50
Each time interval being one week per year of the corresponding unit, each unit being part of the Lighthouse Point Villas Condominium, including an undivided interest in the common elements thereof, as established pursuant to a Condominium Declaration and ByLaws recorded among the Land Records of Worcester County, Maryland, and subsequent Declarations of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions as to each condominium unit, and recorded among the aforesaid Land Records. The property will be sold in an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
with no warranties or guarantees. A secured party may bid and shall be excused from deposit requirements. The Trustee reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Terms of Sale: A deposit in the full amount of sale per time interval will be required at the time of sale, such deposit to be in cash or check. Cost of all recordation and transfer taxes, 2017 maintenance fees and all other incidental settlement costs shall be borne by the purchaser. The date of settlement shall be fifteen (15) days after final ratification by the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland, time being of the essence; otherwise, the deposit will be forfeited and the property will be resold at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser, or in any manner designated by the Trustee; or, without forfeiting deposit, the Seller may exercise any of its legal or equitable rights against the defaulting purchaser. For more information, call: James E. Clubb, Jr., Esq. Trustee 410-289-2323 OCD-9/1/3t _________________________________ JAMES E. CLUBB, JR., ESQ. 108 N. 8th Street Ocean City, Maryland 21842
TRUSTEE’S SALE OF TIME-SHARE INTERVALS IN THE OCEAN TIME CONDOMINIUM OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND By virtue of a Claim of Lien recorded among the Land Records of Worcester County, Maryland, and pursuant to the Order of the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland, Case No. 23-C-16-0623, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction at the Ocean Time Condominium building located at 13 136th Street, Ocean City, MD 21842, the following described property located in the Town of Ocean City, in the Tenth Election District of Worcester County, Maryland, on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2016 AT 9:30 A.M. Units
Time Intervals
103 104 105 201 203 204 205 205 301 302 303 303 304 306 401 402 402 403 404 406 406 501 502 503 505
1 39 15 52 6 2 46 51 3 4 2 44 47 18 10 5 45 43 48 16 35 3 19 40 5
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
PUBLIC NOTICES Each time interval being one week per year of the corresponding unit, each unit being part of the Ocean Time Condominium as established pursuant to a Condominium Declaration and By-Laws recorded among the Land Records of Worcester County, Maryland, and subsequent Time-Share Instruments as to each condominium unit, and recorded among the aforesaid Land Records. The property will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranties or guarantees. A secured party may bid and shall be excused from deposit requirements. The Trustee reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Terms of Sale: A deposit in the full amount of sale per time interval will be required at the time of sale, such deposit to be in cash or check. Cost of all recordation and transfer taxes, 2017 maintenance fee and all other incidental settlement costs shall be borne by the purchaser. The date of settlement shall be fifteen (15) days after final ratification by the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland, time being of the essence; otherwise, the deposit will be forfeited and the property will be resold at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser, or in any manner designated by the Trustee; or, without forfeiting deposit, the Seller may exercise any of its legal or equitable rights against the defaulting purchaser. For more information, call: James E. Clubb, Jr., Esq. Trustee 410-289-2323 OCD-9/1/3t _________________________________ McCabe, Weisberg & Conway, LLC 312 Marshall Avenue, Suite 800 Laurel, Maryland 20707 www.mwc-law.com
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY 209 TEAL CIR. BERLIN, MD 21811 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from Perry Masciana, dated March 23, 2007 and recorded in Liber 4902, folio 519 among the Land Records of Worcester Co., MD, default having occurred under the terms thereof and at the request of the parties secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at the Circuit Court for Worcester Co., at the Court House Door, One W. Market St., Snow Hill, MD 21863, on
Call: 410-723-6397 Fax: 410-723-6511 or E-mail: legals@oceancitytoday.net
SEPTEMBER 26, 2016 AT 3:02 PM ALL THAT FEE-SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND AND THE IMPROVEMENTS THEREON situated in Worcester Co., Maryland and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property is improved by a dwelling. The property will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions, easements, encumbrances and agreements of record affecting the subject property, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. Terms of Sale: A deposit in the form of cashier’s or certified check, or in such other form as the Substitute Trustees may determine, at their sole discretion, for $57,000 at the time of sale. If the noteholder and/or servicer is the successful bidder, the deposit requirement is waived. Balance of the purchase price is to be paid within fifteen (15) days of the final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court for Worcester Co., Maryland. Interest is to be paid on the unpaid purchase price at the rate of 5% per annum from date of sale to the date the funds are received in the office of the Substitute Trustees, if the property is purchased by an entity other than the noteholder and/or servicer. If payment of the balance does not occur within fifteen days of ratification, the deposit will be forfeited and the property will be resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. There will be no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event settlement is delayed for any reason. Taxes, ground rent, water rent, and all other public charges and assessments payable on an annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, and front foot benefit charges, if applicable, to be adjusted for the current year to the date of sale, and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the ground rent escrow, if required. Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, and all settlement charges shall be borne by the purchaser. If the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable title, the purchaser’s sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to the refund of the deposit to the purchaser. Upon refund of the deposit, the sale shall be void and of no effect, and the purchaser shall have no further claim against the Substitute Trustees. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale shall assume the risk of loss for the property immediately after the sale. (Matter #15-615103) Laura H. G. O’Sullivan, et al., Substitute Trustees ALEX COOPER AUCTS., INC. 908 YORK ROAD, TOWSON, MARYLAND 21204 410-828-4838 OCD-9/8/3t _________________________________
McCabe, Weisberg & Conway LLC 312 Marshall Avenue, Suite 800 Laurel, Maryland 20707 301-490-3361 Laura H.G. O’Sullivan, et al., Substitute Trustees Plaintiffs vs. Estate of Pamela June Boyd Defendant IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR WORCESTER COUNTY, MARYLAND Civil No. 23C16000268
NOTICE ORDERED, this 23rd day of August, 2016 by the Circuit Court of WORCESTER COUNTY, Maryland, that the sale of the property at 190 Intrepid Lane, Unit 1202, Berlin, Maryland 21811 mentioned in these proceedings, made and reported by Laura H.G. O’Sullivan, et. al, Substitute Trustees, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 26th day of September, 2016 next, provided a copy of this notice be inserted in some newspaper published in said County once in each of three successive weeks before the 19th day of September, 2016, next. The report states the amount of sale to be $114,017.75. Susan R. Braniecki CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT WORCESTER COUNTY, MARYLAND True Copy Test: Susan R. Braniecki Clerk of the Circuit Court Worcester County, MD OCD-9/1/3t _________________________________ JAMES W. ALMAND ESQ AYRES JENKINS GORDY & ALMAND, PA 6200 COASTAL HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 OCEAN CITY, MD 21842
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Estate No. 16585 TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF WILBUR KEITH GOHEEN Notice is given that Jon P. Bulkely, 6200 Coastal Highway, Suite 200, Ocean City, MD 21842, was on August 23, 2016 appointed Personal Representative of the estate of Wilbur Keith Goheen who died on July 4, 2014, without a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 23rd day of February, 2017. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates:
(1) Six months from the date of the decedent’s death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent’s death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Jon P. Bulkely Personal Representative True Test Copy Charlotte K. Cathell Register of Wills Worcester County One W. Market Street Room 102 - Court House Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 Name of newspaper designated by personal representative: Ocean City Digest Date of publication: September 01, 2016 OCD-9/1/3t _________________________________
Town of Ocean City
BID SOLICITATION Ocean City Transportation Transit Bus RFP The Town of Ocean City is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced vendors for a five year contract to provide 32, 35, and 40 foot, heavy-duty, clean diesel, low floor transit buses for the Town and Qualifying Purchasing Members in conformity with the specifications detailed in the Proposal Documents. Proposal Documents for the Ocean City Transportation Transit Bus RFP may be obtained from the Town of Ocean City’s Procurement Department by either e-mailing the Procurement Manager, Catrice Parsons, at cparsons@oceancitymd.gov or by calling 410-723-6647 during normal business hours, or via the Bid tab on the Town’s website. Vendors are responsible for checking this website for addenda prior to submitting their bids. The Town of Ocean City is not responsible for the content of any Bid Document received through any third party bid service. It is the sole responsibility of the vendor to ensure the completeness and accuracy of their Completed Bid Documents. There will be a pre-proposal meeting on Friday, September 09, 2016 at 11:00 am in the Public Works Conference Room located at 204 65th Street, Bldg. E, Ocean City, MD 21842. Sealed Bid Documents are due no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday October 07, 2016 and will be opened and read aloud at the Council Work Ses-
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
PUBLIC NOTICES sion held on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. Bids are to be submitted to the Town of Ocean City, Attn: City Manager’s Office, Room 230, 301 N. Baltimore Avenue, Ocean City, MD 21842. Late Bid Documents will not be accepted. Minority vendors are encouraged to compete for award of the solicitation. OCD-9/1/5t _________________________________
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS TOWN OF OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 110 of the Code of Ocean City, Maryland, hereinafter referred to as the Code, same being the Zoning Ordinance for Ocean City, Maryland, notice is hereby given that public hearings will be conducted by the Board of Zoning Appeals for Ocean City, Maryland in the Council Chambers of City Hall located on Baltimore Avenue and Third Street, in the Town of Ocean City, Maryland on: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 110-93(3), Powers, of the Code, an appeal has been filed pursuant to the provisions of Section 110-95(1)(a) requesting a variance to construct a covered porch, providing a zero setback instead of maintaining a 4’ setback allowed in the 10’ front yard setback pursuant Code Section 110905. The site of the appeal is described as Lot 2, Block 93N of the Bayside Estate Addition Y Plat, further described as located on the west side of Philadelphia Avenue south of 32nd Street, and locally known as 3105 Philadelphia Avenue, in the Town of Ocean City, Maryland. APPLICANT: ELIAS ZACHAROPOULOS – (BZA 2461 #16-09500007) at 6:10 p.m. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 110-93(2), Powers, of the Code, an appeal has been filed pursuant to the provisions of Section 110-94(2)(b) requesting a special parking exception for seven (7) parking spaces, associated with change of use from proposed retail to a bar The site of the appeal is described as Lot 56, Parcels 2582 and 2583, Block 10OT of the Ocean City Plat; further described as located on the northwest corner of Dorchester Street and S. Baltimore Avenue, and known locally as Fat Daddy’s, 212-216 S. Baltimore Avenue, in the Town of Ocean City, Maryland. APPLICANT: FAT DADDY’S DRINK – (BZA 2465 #16-09400010) Further information concerning the public hearings may be examined in the office of the Department of Planning and Community Devel-
opment in City Hall. Alfred Harrison, Chairman Heather Stansbury, Attorney OCD-9/8/2t _________________________________ McCabe, Weisberg & Conway LLC 312 Marshall Avenue, Suite 800 Laurel, Maryland 20707 301-490-3361 Laura H.G. O’Sullivan, et al., Substitute Trustees Plaintiffs vs. Glenn A. Ross Jr. and Theresa I. Ross Defendants IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR WORCESTER COUNTY, MARYLAND Civil No. 23C16000352
NOTICE ORDERED, this 31st day of August, 2016 by the Circuit Court of WORCESTER COUNTY, Maryland, that the sale of the property at 609 Hillcrest Drive, Pocomoke, Maryland 21851 mentioned in these proceedings, made and reported by Laura H.G. O’Sullivan, et. al, Substitute Trustees, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 3rd day of October, 2016 next, provided a copy of this notice be inserted in some newspaper published in said County once in each of three successive weeks before the 26th day of September, 2016, next. The report states the amount of sale to be $117,450.00. Susan R. Braniecki CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT WORCESTER COUNTY, MARYLAND True Copy Test: Susan R. Braniecki Clerk of the Circuit Court Worcester County, MD OCD-9/8/3t _________________________________ Jon P. Bulkeley Ayres, Jenkins, Gordy & Almand, P.A. 6200 Coastal Highway, Suite 200 Ocean City, MD 21842 Harbour Towne Condominium Association c/o Ayres, Jenkins, Gordy & Almand, P.A. 6200 Coastal Highway, Suite 200 Ocean City, Maryland 21842 Plaintiff vs. Daniel H. McGee 2205 Philadelphia Avenue, Unit 304E Ocean City, MD 21842 Defendant IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF MARYLAND FOR WORCESTER COUNTY STATE OF MARYLAND CIVIL CASE NO. 23-C-16-0304
NOTICE ORDERED, by the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland, this 1st day of September, 2016, that the foreclosure sale of Harbour Towne Condominium, Unit 304E, 2205 Philadelphia Avenue, Ocean City, Maryland, made and reported by Jon P. Bulkeley, Trustee, be RATIFIED
AND CONFIRMED, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 3rd day of October, 2016, provided a copy of this Order is published in a newspaper of general circulation in Worcester County, Maryland, once in three successive weeks, before the 26th day of September, 2016. The Report states that the total proceeds from the sale of the property to be One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00). Susan R. Braniecki CLERK, CIRCUIT COURT True Copy Test: Susan R. Braniecki Clerk of the Circuit Court Worcester County, MD OCD-9/8/3t _________________________________ RAYMOND C. SHOCKLEY ESQ WILLIAMS, MOORE, SHOCKLEY & HARRISON PA 3509 COASTAL HIGHWAY P.O. BOX 739 OCEAN CITY, MD 21842
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Estate No. 16628 TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF HELEN MARY JARVIS Notice is given that Ann Virginia Martin, 10045 Keyser Point Road, Ocean City, MD 21842, was on September 01, 2016 appointed Personal Representative of the estate of Helen Mary Jarvis who died on July 10, 2016, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 1st day of March, 2017. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent’s death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent’s death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Ann Virginia Martin Personal Representative True Test Copy Charlotte K. Cathell Register of Wills Worcester County One W. Market Street
Room 102 - Court House Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 Name of newspaper designated by personal representative: Ocean City Digest Date of publication: September 08, 2016 OCD-9/8/3t _________________________________ Rosenberg & Associates, LLC 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 (301) 907-8000 Diane S. Rosenberg Mark D. Meyer John A. Ansell, III Kenneth Savitz Caroline Fields Jennifer Rochino Rosenberg & Associates, LLC 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 Bethesda, MD 20814 Substitute Trustees Plaintiff(s) v. Estate of Earle Garner Estate of Margaret Garner 23 Pintail Drive Berlin, MD 21811 Defendant(s) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR WORCESTER COUNTY, MARYLAND Case No. 23C15001193
NOTICE Notice is hereby given this 29th day of August, 2016, by the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland, that the sale of 23 Pintail Drive, Berlin, MD 21811, made and reported, will be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 26th day of September, 2016, provided a copy of this notice be inserted in a weekly newspaper printed in said County, once in each of three successive weeks before the 19th day of September, 2016. The Report of Sale states the amount of the foreclosure sale price to be $463,250.00. Susan R. Braniecki Clerk of the Circuit Court Worcester County, MD True Copy Test: Susan R. Braniecki Clerk of the Circuit Court Worcester County MD OCD-9/1/3t _________________________________
NOTICE OF INTRODUCTION OF BILL 16-5 WORCESTER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Take Notice that Bill 16-5 (Public Health - Skin Penetrating Body Adornment) was introduced by Commissioner Mitrecic on August 16, 2016. A fair summary of the bill is as follows: § PH 1-107(c). (Adds two new subparagraphs to this section regarding prohibitions with respect to skin penetrating body adornment to prohibit off-premise advertising or solicitation for any body piercing establishment; and to prohibit a body piercing establishment or their affiliates from paying a referral fee or compensation of any kind in ex-
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
PUBLIC NOTICES change for referral of any patron for any skin penetrating body adornment procedure.) § PH 1-107(g)(2). (Repeals and reenacts this subparagraph regarding additional health and safety requirements for body piercing establishments performing any skin penetrating body adornment procedure on a patron under the age of eighteen years to relax the standards for proof of parental status by requiring written proof of the parent’s status as a parent to the patron by affidavit subject to the penalty of perjury, as opposed to the current requirement to provide written proof of the parent’s status as a parent to the patron under oath on a form approved by the Health Department, including a photo identification of the parent and proof of parental status.) A Public Hearing will be held on Bill 16-5 at the Commissioners' Meeting Room, Room 1101 - Government Center, One West Market Street, Snow Hill, Maryland, on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. This is only a fair summary of the bill. A full copy of the bill is posted on the Legislative Bulletin Board in the main hall of the Worcester County Government Center outside Room 1103, is available for public inspection in Room 1103 of the Worcester County Government Center and is available on the County Website at http://www.co.worcester.md.us/com-
missioners/legsltn.aspx . THE WORCESTER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OCD-9/1/2t _________________________________
BOARD OF ELECTIONS SUPERVISORS OCD-9/15/1t _________________________________
Town of Berlin Notice of
OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE Application has been made by the Undersigned for a Class: "A" BEERWINE-LIQUOR License: 7 Day. By: Vogendrakumar I. Patel, 249 S. Washington Street, Snow Hill, Maryland 21863; and Nipulkumar B. Patel, 310 Purnell Street, Apt. 27, Snow Hill, Maryland 21863. For: Dutt Inc. For the premises known as and located at: T/A: Marlin Market 11312 Manklin Creek Road Berlin, Maryland 21811 There will be a public hearing on the application in the Board Room, Room 1102 in the Government Center, Snow Hill, Maryland, on: September 26, 2016 @ 1:00 P.M. The Board welcomes written or oral comment at said public hearing from any interested party. OCD-9/15/2t _________________________________
MUNICIPAL ELECTION On October 4, 2016 Notice is hereby given to all eligible voters of the Town of Berlin that a Municipal Election will be held on Tuesday, October 4, 2016 for the Office of Mayor and for Council Seats in Districts 2 and 3. Voters residing in Districts 1 and 2 will vote at the Buckingham Presbyterian Church, 20 S. Main Street, Berlin, Maryland, and voters residing in Districts 3 and 4 will vote at the Multi-Purpose Building on Flower Street, next to the Head Start Center. District 1 and District 4 voters will be able to vote only for the Office of Mayor, which will appear on the ballot at both voting locations. Both polling places will open at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 4, 2016, and will remain open until 7:00 p.m. Absentee ballots will be accepted until the close of polls. For more information, please call 410641-4314 or email mbohlen@berlinmd.gov. TOWN OF BERLIN
Legal Advertising Call NANCY HAWRYLKO 410-723-6397, Fax: 410-723-6511 or E-mail: legals@oceancitytoday.net
NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE Application has been made by the Undersigned for a Class: "H" BEERWINE-LIQUOR License: 7 Day. By: Mark Steven Mayers, 11958 West War Dancer Lane #101, Berlin, Maryland 21811; and Jeffrey Allan Hamer, 55 Bay Reach, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware 19971 For: Fins Big Oyster Alehouse, LLC For the premises known as and located at: T/A: Fins Big Oyster Alehouse 119 North Main Street Berlin, Maryland 21811 There will be a public hearing on the application in the Board Room, Room 1102 in the Government Center, Snow Hill, Maryland, on: September 26, 2016 @ 1:20P.M. The Board welcomes written or oral comment at said public hearing from any interested party. OCD-9/15/2t _________________________________
Room 1102 in the Government Center, Snow Hill, Maryland, on: September 26, 2016 @ 1:30P.M. The Board welcomes written or oral comment at said public hearing from any interested party. OCD-9/15/2t _________________________________ BWW Law Group, LLC 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 961-6555 Carrie M. Ward, et al. 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 Rockville, MD 20852 Substitute Trustees Plaintiffs vs. JON P. DUNWORTH 12915 Lake Place Ocean City, MD 21842 Defendant(s) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR WORCESTER COUNTY, MARYLAND Case No. 23C16000267
NOTICE Notice is hereby given this 7th day of September, 2016, by the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland, that the sale of the property mentioned in these proceedings and described as 12915 Lake Place, Ocean City, MD 21842, made and reported by the Substitute Trustee, will be RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 10th day of October, 2016, provided a copy of this NOTICE be inserted in some weekly newspaper printed in said County, once in each of three successive weeks before the 3rd day of October, 2016. The report states the purchase price at the Foreclosure sale to be $202,000.00. Susan R. Braniecki Clerk, Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland True Copy Test: Susan R. Braniecki Clerk of the Circuit Court Worcester County MD OCD-9/15/3t _________________________________
Colona Road Culvert Replacement Project No. 0085B029.A01 Worcester County, Maryland
OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE Application has been made by the Undersigned with a request to designate as Multiple License #4 (6th location) for a Class: "H" BEER-WINE-LIQUOR License: 7 Day. By: Hale Harrison, 1522 Teal Drive, Ocean City, Maryland 21842; and John Harrison, 5939 South Point Road, Berlin, Maryland 21811 For: Harrison Ql 33, LLC For the premises known as and located at: T/A: Oceans @ 33rd 3301 Atlantic Avenue Ocean City, Maryland 21842 There will be a public hearing on the application in the Board Room,
The County Commissioners of Worcester County, Maryland are currently accepting sealed bids for the construction of Colona Road Culvert over Little Mill Creek near Pocomoke City, Maryland for the Roads Division of the Department of Public Works. Contract Documents, Construction Specifications and Plans are available from Davis, Bowen & Friedel, One Plaza East, Suite 200, Salisbury, Maryland 21801 (410-543-9091). Interested bidders are encouraged to attend a pre-bid meeting to be held on Monday, September 19, 2016 at 10:00 am, at the Worcester County Department of Public Works, 6113 Timmons Road, Snow Hill, Maryland
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
PUBLIC NOTICES 21863, at which the project scope and Bid Documents will be discussed in depth and Bidders’ questions will be answered. Sealed bids will be accepted until 1:00 pm, Monday, September 26, 2016 in the Office of the County Commissioners, Room 1103 - Worcester County Government Center, One West Market Street, Snow Hill, Maryland 21863, at which time they will be opened and publicly read aloud. Envelopes shall be marked "Bid for Colona Road Culvert Replacement Project" in the lower left-hand corner. No bidder may withdraw his bid within sixty (60) days after the actual date of opening thereof. After opening, bids will be forwarded to the Public Works Department for tabulation, review and recommendation to the County Commissioners for their consideration at a future meeting. In awarding the bid, the Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids, waive formalities, informalities and technicalities therein, and to take whatever bid they determine to be in the best interest of the County considering lowest or best bid, quality of goods and work, time of delivery or completion, responsibility of bidders being considered, previous experience of bidders with County contracts, or any other factors they deem appropriate. All inquiries shall be directed to Andrew E. Welch, P.E., Project Engineer, at 410-543-9091, or by FAX at 410-5434172. Email correspondence is encouraged to aew@dbfinc.com and will be binding. OCD-9/15/1t _________________________________
NOTICE TO BIDDERS Coating Rehabilitation of Mystic Harbour Water Tower Worcester County, Maryland The Worcester County Commissioners are currently accepting bids for Coating Rehabilitation of the Mystic Harbour Water Tower. Bid specification packages and bid forms may be picked up from the Office of the County Commissioners, Worcester County Government Center, One West Market Street - Room 1103, Snow Hill, Maryland 21863, obtained online at www.co.worcester.md.us or by calling the Commissioners’ Office at 410-632-1194 to request a package by mail. Interested bidders are encouraged to attend a Pre-Bid Meeting at 10:00 AM on Friday, September 23, 2016 at the Mystic Harbour Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant, located at 9624 Stephen Decatur Highway, Berlin, Maryland 21811. Bidders will be encouraged to view the site following the Pre-Bid Meeting. Sealed bids will be accepted until 1:00 PM EST, Tuesday, October 11, 2016 in the Office of the County Commissioners, Worcester County Government Center, One West Market Street - Room 1103, Snow Hill, Maryland 21863, at which time they will be opened and publicly read aloud. Envelopes shall be marked "Bid for Coating Rehabilitation of the Mystic Harbour Water
Tower" in the lower left-hand corner. After opening, bids will be forwarded to the Department of Public Works for tabulation, review and recommendation to the County Commissioners for their consideration at a future meeting. In awarding the bid, the Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids, waive formalities, informalities and technicalities therein, and to take whatever bid they determine to be in the best interest of the County considering lowest or best bid, quality of goods and work, time of delivery or completion, responsibility of bidders being considered, previous experience of bidders with County contracts, or any other factors they deem appropriate. All inquiries shall be directed to John S. Ross, P.E., Deputy Director of Public Works, at jross@co.worcester.md.us , or 410641-5251, extension 2412. Email correspondence is encouraged. OCD-9/15/1t _________________________________
NOTICE TO BIDDERS Replacement of Overhead Doors at Public Works Roads Building Snow Hill, Worcester County, Maryland The Worcester County Commissioners are currently accepting bids for the replacement of overhead doors at 5764 Worcester Highway in Snow Hill, Maryland 21863. Bid specification packages and bid forms may be picked up from the Office of the County Commissioners, Worcester County Government Center, One West Market Street - Room 1103, Snow Hill, Maryland 21863, obtained online at www.co.worcester.md.us or by calling the Commissioners’ Office at 410-632-1194 to request a package by mail. Interested bidders are encouraged to attend a work site inspection and Pre-Bid Meeting at 1:00 PM on Monday, September 19, 2016 at the site (5764 Worcester Highway, Snow Hill, Maryland 21863). It is highly recommended that all interested bidders attend this meeting to obtain clarifications. During the Pre-Bid Meeting the project scope and Bid Documents will be discussed to answer any questions that Bidders may have. Any questions must be submitted in writing to Bill Bradshaw, County Engineer, by email to bbradshaw@co.worcester.md.us by 2:00 PM EST on Friday, September 30, 2016. Sealed bids will be accepted until 1:00 PM EST, Tuesday, October 11, 2016 in the Office of the County Commissioners, Worcester County Government Center, One West Market Street - Room 1103, Snow Hill, Maryland 21863, at which time they will be opened and publicly read aloud. Envelopes shall be marked "Bid for Roads Building Overhead Door Replacement" in the lower left-hand corner. After opening, bids will be forwarded to the Department of Public Works for tabulation, review and recommendation to the County Commissioners for their consideration at a future
meeting. In awarding the bid, the Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids, waive formalities, informalities and technicalities therein, and to take whatever bid they determine to be in the best interest of the County considering lowest or best bid, quality of goods and work, time of delivery or completion, responsibility of bidders being considered, previous experience of bidders with County contracts, or any other factors they deem appropriate. All inquiries shall be directed to Bill Bradshaw, County Engineer, at bbradshaw@co.worcester.md.us , or 410-632-1200, extension 1150. Email correspondence is encouraged. OCD-9/15/1t _________________________________
ture meeting. In awarding the proposal, the Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all proposals, waive formalities, informalities and technicalities therein, and to take whatever proposal they determine to be in the best interest of the County considering highest and/or best proposal, quality of goods and work, time of delivery or completion, responsibility of bidders being considered, previous experience of bidders with owning and operating a retail liquor store or other similar retail store, or any other factors they deem appropriate. All inquiries shall be directed to Maureen Howarth, County Attorney, at 410632-1194. OCD-9/15/1t _________________________________
To Sublease the Worcester County Shore Spirits Retail Liquor Store located on Coastal Highway at 16th Street in Ocean City, Worcester County, Maryland The Worcester County Commissioners (Commissioners) have adopted an Exit Strategy with respect to the operations of the Worcester County Department of Liquor Control and intend to cease retail liquor operations on or before June 30, 2017. As a result, the Commissioners recently declared the following property, which is currently under lease, as surplus property and are currently accepting proposals from qualified individuals or entities to sublease this property located in Ocean City, Maryland for the remaining terms of the lease. The Subject Property is located at 16th Street and Coastal Highway and is also known as Stores Number 2 and 3 Layton’s Plaza Shopping Center comprising a total area of approximately 4,300 square feet with a lease termination date of February 28, 2024. The selection of the successful bidder will be based primarily upon a combination of the price offered for sublease of this property and the contents thereof, as well as a demonstrated ability and experience owning and operating a retail liquor store or other similar retail establishment. Bid packages are available from the Office of the County Commissioners, Room 1103 Worcester County Government Center, One West Market Street, Snow Hill, Maryland 21863. A pre-bid inspection will be held on Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 9:00 am at the 16th Street store. Interested bidders are encouraged to attend. Sealed proposals will be accepted until 1:00 PM, Tuesday, October 11, 2016 in the Office of the County Commissioners at the above address, at which time they will be opened and publicly read aloud. Envelopes shall be marked "Proposal to Sublease County Liquor Store in Ocean City" in the lower left-hand corner. After opening, proposals will be reviewed by staff and a recommendation of award will be made to the County Commissioners at a fu-
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Estate No. 16644 TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF PATRICIA Z. BRENNER Notice is given that Robert N. Brenner III, 6506 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD 21842, was on September 07, 2016 appointed Personal Representative of the estate of Patricia Z. Brenner who died on June 26, 2016, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 7th day of March, 2017. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent’s death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent’s death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Robert N. Brenner III Personal Representative True Test Copy Charlotte K. Cathell Register of Wills Worcester County One W. Market Street
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
PUBLIC NOTICES Room 102 - Court House Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 Name of newspaper designated by personal representative: Ocean City Digest Date of publication: September 15, 2016 OCD-9/15/3t _________________________________
NOTICE TO BIDDERS WEST STREET EMERGENCY STORMDRAIN REPLACEMENT TOWN OF BERLIN, MARYLAND Sealed proposals will be received by the Mayor and Council of Berlin, Worcester County, Maryland at Town Hall, 10 William Street, Berlin, Maryland 21811 until 2:00 p.m., on Tuesday, 4 October 2016 for the WEST STREET EMERGENCY STORMDRAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT located on West Street between Broad Street and Bottle Branch within the Town of Berlin, at which time the proposals will be opened publicly and read aloud. Potential bidders are encouraged to attend the Pre-Bid Meeting which will be held on Thursday, 22 September 2016 at 11:00 a.m. at Berlin Town Hall, 10 William Street, Berlin, Maryland. Bid documents are available from DiCarlo Precision Instruments, Inc. 2006 Northwood Drive, Salisbury, MD 21801 (410-749-0122). All in-
quiries shall be direction to Darl Kolar, P.E., Project Manager, EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. PBC at 410-641-5341. OCD-9/15/1t _________________________________
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Estate No. 16638 TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF JANE ELLEN PROPST Notice is given that Betty P. Williams, 4305 Farmfield Court, Baldwin, MD 21013, was on September 06, 2016 appointed Personal Representative of the estate of Jane Ellen Propst who died on June 22, 2016, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 6th day of March, 2017. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of
the decedent’s death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent’s death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Betty P. Williams Personal Representative True Test Copy Charlotte K. Cathell Register of Wills Worcester County One W. Market Street Room 102 - Court House Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 Name of newspaper designated by personal representative: Ocean City Digest Date of publication: September 15, 2016 OCD-9/15/3t _________________________________
NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE Application has been made by the Undersigned for the Change in Class
of License from a Class "D" to a Class “A” BEER-WINE-LIQUOR License, 7 Day, By Rita B. O'Neill, 11648 Gum Point Road, Berlin, Maryland 21811. For: Rita O'Neill Enterprises. Inc. For the premises known as and located at: T/A: Rita's World of Wine, Beer & Spirits 11007 Manklin Creek Road Unit #8 Berlin. Maryland 21811 There will be a public hearing on the application in the Board Room, Room 1102 in the Government Center, Snow Hill, Maryland, on: September 26. 2016 @ 1:00 p.m. The Board welcomes written or oral comment at said public hearing from any interested party. WORCESTER COUNTY BOARD OF LICENSE COMMISSIONERS OCD-9/15/2t _________________________________
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No good answer to busker dilemma
Although he didn’t say it, Worcester County Commissioner Joe Mitrecic has a point about having to listen to music from one venue while you’re trying to enjoy yourself at another. If you’re in an establishment and don’t care for its music or its ambience, you can leave. But if you do enjoy what the establishment has to offer, you shouldn’t have to leave to avoid something going on outside its area of control. But that’s where the Boardwalk performers dilemma has landed because of free speech considerations, and the absence of respect for brick-and-mortar enterprises that have paid dearly for the right to do business in their locations. As strong supporters of the First Amendment, it is painful for us to see it abused to the point where exercising the right to freedom of expression infringes on the rights of others to exercise their right not to hear or see it, at least without having to penalize an unoffending third party. Still, there’s not much to be done about it, based on four decades of federal court rulings that have declared unconstitutional most, if not all, busker restrictions instituted on public property. The only guaranteed way for government to control street performances, apparently, is to make its financially attractive public venues private property. And it can only do that by leasing or deeding property over to another party or parties. The City of Seattle once tried a variation of that, except its approach was to pass a law allowing it to treat a particular district as private property, rather than turning the parcel over legally to another entity. Building on that premise, the city proceeded to ban buskers from that area, only to have a federal court throw out that attempt to work around the free speech guarantee. Because it’s doubtful that Ocean City government would want to relinquish ownership of the Boardwalk to anyone, no matter how benign, its only course is to continue with what it’s doing. It doesn’t make anyone completely happy, but it’s the best that can be done under the circumstances.
Ocean City Today P.O. Box 3500, Ocean City, Md. 21843 Phone: 410-723-6397 / Fax: 410-723-6511.
EDITOR/PUBLISHER.......................... Stewart Dobson MANAGING EDITOR................................ Lisa Capitelli ASSOCIATE EDITORS .......... Josh Davis, Brian Gilliland STAFF WRITERS............ Kara Hallissey, Katie Tabeling, ..............................................................Greg Ellison ASSISTANT PUBLISHER .......................... Elaine Brady ACCOUNT MANAGERS ........ Mary Cooper, Shelby Shea CLASSIFIEDS/LEGALS MANAGER ...... Nancy Hawrylko SENIOR DESIGNER ................................ Susan Parks GRAPHIC ARTISTS................ Kelly Brown, Kaitlin Sowa .............................................................. Debbie Haas COMPTROLLER.................................. Christine Brown ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ...................... Gini Tufts Ocean City Today is published weekly by FLAG Publications, Inc. at 8200 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, Md. 21842. Ocean City Today is available by subscription at $150 a year. Visit us on the Web at www.oceancitytoday.net.
Sept. 16, 2016
Ocean City Today
Page 93
Customer service? Ha!
By Stewart Dobson Editor/Publisher Courtesy of the computerized communications revolution, customer service has become a misnomer, which is to say that we are now living in a world where the conduct of business is governed by three rules: “Please press one,” “Please press two,” and “Sorry, but all our representatives would rather gouge out their eyes than take your call. Please try again.” I will admit to being fuzzy on the details, and my notes might not be entirely accurate, but what follows is a close approximation of the one-sided conversation I had recently. “Thank you for calling Big Bucks Bank and Fulfillment Warehouse with 455 branches to serve you, where you can earn interest on your checking, buy a toaster cheap if you sign up for a premium account, and where we have a friendly hometown atmosphere, assuming your hometown is populated by the walking dead. “To repeat this message, press one. To hear this message recited backwards in Swahili, press two. To hear this message as a Broadway show tune, press three. Otherwise, please hold. “If you are calling about investment opportunities, press one. If you are calling about your account, press two. If you are calling for other reasons, good luck with that.” (Pressing two). “Thank you for calling Big Bucks. To inquire about your monthly statement, press one. To inquire about a previously unanswered question, press two. To talk to a representative, the odds of that happening are now 49-to one.” (Pressing one). “Please answer your security question followed by the pound sign: What is the Chinese word for the capital of North Dakota? Please
speak clearly and distinctly.” “That is not my security question.” “I’m sorry. I didn’t catch that.” “Not—My—Security—Question.” “I’m sorry …” “NOT … MY...” “To change your security question, go to www.bigbucks.biz. For all other services, press two.” (Pressing two). “To speak to someone in customer service, press one. For all other calls, please hold while we direct your call to someone who’s in the wrong department.” (Pressing one). “Thank you for calling Big Bucks customer service. If you are calling about your personal account, press one. For tips on how to break the toilet plunger-type suction between your ear and the telephone handset, press two. Otherwise, please hold. “Please describe the nature of your call while speaking clearly and distinctly.” “I want you to pick up the phone.” “I’m sorry. I didn’t get that. Please repeat your message.” “Pick—up—the—phone.” “I’m sorry. I didn’t …” “PICK UP THE *&%@!^!! PHONE!” “I’m sorry. I didn’t ....” “PICK UP THE *&%@!^!! PHONE! PICK UP THE *&%@!^!! PHONE! PICK UP THE *&%@!^!! PHONE!” “Thank you. Please wait for the next available representative … All representatives are currently messing with other frustrated customers. Please call again.” (Calling). “Thank you for calling Big Bucks. Where may we direct your call? Please speak slowly and distinctly… “I’m sorry, we have no branch at that location, but if we did, I don’t think it would fit.”
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Worcester could be alluring for tech startups Economic Development Week provides ideal opportunity for county to examine next steps By Greg Ellison Staff Writer (Sept. 16, 2016) No one has to tell Ryan Mete about the positive impacts of conducting business on the coast. He also has a few ideas about what could be the next big thing here, as Worcester County marks “Economic Development Week.” Mete, who resides in Berlin, is a senior software engineer with Studio Codeworks and primarily telecommutes. That experience has led him to believe that Worcester County is a prime location for tech startups. “Because of the nature of the tech industry, because it’s all computerbased, I can work from my home office,” he said. “If there’s a meeting that’s scheduled, I’ll drive up for the day and have face-to-face time with a client, and then I’ll go back home.” Despite the occasional trek over the Chesapeake to visit the Studio Codeworks home office in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, Mete spends the bulk of his workday on the Eastern Shore. “The advantage for me working at
the beach is I’m on vacation when I It also makes sound fiscal sense close my laptop,” he said. “That’s from a business perspective, Mete why we live here. I can’t have an said. oceanside lunch with my wife in “You look at what an office space Washington D.C.” would cost you in Baltimore, From his experience, Mete has Philadelphia or D.C. versus what an discovered multiple benefits from office space would cost you in a more working and residrural area,” he ing in a resort area. said. “An office is “I get to enjoy ‘If I were to be an entrepreneur an office, whether my leisure time so in a highand start a tech company, you can you’re much more than if rise in a big city or I was living in a big plant a server anywhere that you you’re in a strip city,” he said. have an Internet connection. You mall in Berlin. “When I moved don’t need to be in a big city as Your physical here I noticed my space is going to long as you’ve got a blood pressure be the same, but high-speed Internet connection’ your cost of doing went down. Studio Codeworks Senior “It’s a more rebusiness is going laxed environment Software Engineer Ryan Mete to be a lot here and I feel like cheaper.” I’m more producIn the digital tive in that kind of environment.” age, the necessity for businesses to From Mete’s past experience, at- locate near major urban areas has tending undergraduate school at been altered, Mete said. Towson University, graduate school “If I were to be an entrepreneur at the University of Maryland College and start a tech company, you can Park, and residing in the Baltimore plant a server anywhere that you area for roughly eight years, he un- have an Internet connection,” he derstands how quality of life issues said. “You don’t need to be in a big crop up for many. city as long as you’ve got a high“I think that people are starting to speed Internet connection.” see the value in telecommuting,” he Mete noted infrastructure upsaid. “People don’t want to be stuck grades are needed to make Worcesin traffic for two hours in the morn- ter more attractive to ing trying to get to work.” technology-based businesses.
“The speeds out here are not what the speeds are in the big cities,” he said. “They are enough for what I do as a one-man shop out of my house, but I do think that some investment in high-speed fiber optics would definitely go a long way to attracting the kind of business that the county wants to have here.” The traditional concept of locating to a big city to find professional inroads is less prevalent with the millennial generation, Mete said. “I think it would be very attractive, especially for young college grads that are kind of seeing the world differently than our generation did,” he said. “With the proper business incubation, if there’s enough support for it with infrastructure and office space, a tech business would be perfectly at home in this area.” While the coastal area is quite a draw for tourists, Mete said the perks for year-round residents are also significant. Quite simply, it is an exciting area that draws a wealth of tourists, Mete said. “People don’t go and pay $3,000 to stay in Washington D.C. for a week for fun, but they do come here,” he said. “If people are willing to spend thousands of dollars to spend one week a year in a location, that’s the kind of place I want to live.”
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SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Ocean City Today
Ocean City Today
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
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