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The “Stigma Highlighted: Portraits of Recovery” project is designed to use artwork and personal stories to challenge misconceptions and negativity toward individuals battling addiction.
The program is sponsored by the Giving Spirit Foundation, Worcester County Health Department, Worcester Goes Purple, Talbot Goes Purple and the ALOC.
Local artists, including Worcester Prep junior Izzy Huber, created portraits influenced by their stories of 12 survivors from Worcester, Wicomico, Talbot and Somerset counties in various stages of recovery.
The artists personally met with the individuals, listened to their journeys, and interpreted them in handpainted portraits.
The artists also wrote accounts of their interactions with their subjects and how it personally affected them.
Huber met with Brandon O’Brien, owner of Douglas K. Hamilton House for Recovery, who she describes as one of the most down-to-earth and humble people she has ever met.
“His story inspired me in many ways, but one of the most striking things was his determination and ability to face his fears,” Huber wrote. “Since beginning his journey away from addiction, Brandon has flourished. It was a great honor meeting him, and seeing how his hard work paid off. I was able to visit his very own recovery house, which he opened to serve his community, in the same way he was given help when he needed it most.”
For more information on Stigma Highlighted, visit www.StigmaHighlighted.com, where all 12 portraits and stories are on display.
New, unwrapped toys being collected for OCPD’s drive
(Dec. 2, 2022) The holiday season is quickly approaching and the Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) has begun collecting new, unwrapped toys for its annual Holiday Toy Drive.
This year, all toy donations will benefit Worcester County GOLD, a local nonprofit organization that strives to promote dignity by providing financial aid to families in crisis, vulnerable adults, and children in foster care in Worcester County.
This is the seventh year that the OCPD Holiday Toy Drive has benefited Worcester County GOLD.
All toys will be provided to Worcester County GOLD as part of its “Helping Hands for the Holidays” program.
In 2021, Worcester County GOLD provided holiday gifts for over 500 children and 50 vulnerable adults.
The OCPD is proud to join their efforts again this year.
New, unwrapped toys may be dropped off at the Public Safety Building, located at 6501 Coastal Highway. Worcester GOLD requests that all toys be valued at $40 or less, and do not include jewelry, bicycles, electronics, video games, or toy weapons of any kind.
All monetary donations and contributions should be directed to Worcester County GOLD and mailed to: 299 Commerce Street, Snow Hill, Maryland 21863.
Holiday event organizers wishing to partner with the OCPD Holiday Toy Drive are asked to contact Deputy Communications Manager Ashley Miller at 410-520-5395. The deadline for all toy donations is Wednesday, Dec. 7.
Worcester Preparatory School recently hosted representatives from the Art League of Ocean City who presented “Stigma Highlighted: Portraits of Recovery,” an art exhibit addressing negativity toward individuals battling addiction. A portrait of Brandon O’Brien was painted by Worcester Prep junior Izzy Huber. It is hanging in the “Stigma Highlighted: Portraits of Recovery” exhibit at the Art League of Ocean City on 94th Street.

Winter Train Garden now on display at Ocean City Library

(Dec. 2, 2022) The Ocean City Branch of the Worcester County Library will host a magical Winter Train Garden through Jan. 15.
The Winter Train Garden is provided from the personal collection of train enthusiast Dennis Moore, a local resident.
Visitors of all ages will delight in interacting with buttons that activate accessories and sounds.
A scavenger hunt for young patrons will also be available.
The Winter Train Garden is open during the library’s normal operating hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Tuesday: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
For more information, contact the Ocean City Branch at 410-524-1818, or visit 10003 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, Maryland 21842.
Facebook: Worcester County Maryland Library
Instagram: worcesterlibrarymd
The mission of the Worcester County Library is to promote reading, thinking, learning, and the enjoyment of the arts. Answers on page 34