OBAMACARE: Business people
SUBSTATION: Former city council-
packed chamber office to get details on how Affordable Care Act will affect them. Larger meeting planned PAGE 5
man Vince Gisriel tells PZ why neighborhood opposes power facility upgrade, but officials disagree and approve application PAGE 7
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: BUSINESS . . . . . . . . . 38 CLASSIFIED . . . . . . . . 56 ENTERTAINMENT . . . . 45 LEGALS . . . . . . . . . . . 58
LIFESTYLE . . . . . . . . . 41 OPINION . . . . . . . . . . 20 OUT&ABOUT . . . . . . . . 51 SPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Ocean City Today DECEMBER 14, 2012
Snow Hill woman killed Friday at intersection slated for improvements by State Highway Administration NANCY POWELL ■ Staff Writer (Dec. 14, 2012) A 65-year-old Snow Hill woman was fatally injured in a crash last Friday at the Snow Hill intersection that has been controversial for years. Iva Jane Justice was driving a 2002 Ford Explorer north on Route 113 past the Route 12 intersection at about 2:50 p.m., when her vehicle was struck by a Lowe’s flatbed truck driven by Gerald Dean Smith, 42, of Delmar. Justice, a nurse at Hartley Hall Nursing and Rehab in Pocomoke City, was pronounced dead at the scene. Smith was taken to Peninsula Regional Medical Center to be treated for non-life threatening injuries.
Following the collision, the intersection was closed for approximately six hours. The investigation involved the Maryland State Police Crash Team, the Maryland State Police Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division, the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office and the Maryland State Highway Administration. According to a press release from Maryland State Police, charges are pending against Smith, but neither drugs nor alcohol appear to be a contributing factor in the collision. That intersection has been the subject of much discussion during the past few years because of collisions there. In September, Donnie Drewer, district engineer for the State Highway Adminis-
tration, told the Worcester County Commissioners that J-turns would be constructed there to direct traffic away from the intersection. Instead of crossing Route 113, motorists on Route 12 who wish to continue on Route 12 on the other side of Route 113 would turn right onto Route 113 and then make a later turn left to reach the continuation of Route 12. See SHA’S on Page 12
The Ford Explorer was traveling on Route 113 when it was struck last Friday by the truck that was crossing the highway on Route 12. The driver of the SUV, a Snow Hill woman, was killed in the collision. PHOTO COURTESY DEPUTY FIRE MARSHAL ROBERT KORB JR.
Ocean City Police Department captains, from left, Michael Colbert, Kevin Kirstein and Greg Guiton are pictured at last week’s strategic planning session. The three senior officers will be rotating the responsibilities of chief until a permanent replacement for departing OCPD head Bernadette DiPino can be found.
Captains to rotate as interim OCPD chief Strong response means city will not require outside recruiter for search ZACK HOOPES ■ Staff Writer (Dec. 14, 2012) Anticipating the departure of Police Chief Bernadette DiPino at the end of this month, city officials announced Tuesday that the Ocean City Police Department’s three division captains will be rotating duties as interim chief until a long-term OCPD head is selected. City Manager David Recor said during this week’s mayor and City Council meeting that the council has approved his recommendation “to rotate the three captains on a 45 day basis as chief of police until a permanent replacement is found.” In October, DiPino was tapped to take the top position at the Sarasota, Florida Police Department. A 25year veteran of the OCPD, DiPino had served as chief since 2003 and was already committed to retire in October of 2013 under the de-
OCPD Chief Bernadette DiPino
partment’s Deferred Retirement Option Program. She will begin her new post in Sarasota on Jan 1, 2013. “Our goal is to have a police chief named by the start of the [summer 2013] season,” Recor said this week. The city has not yet begun to accept applications for the job, and Recor could not say whether or not any of the OCPD’s three senior officers intended to apply for the job. He did, however, note that “we’re very fortunate to have qualified candidates in the department.” See ICMA on Page 27
Ocean City Today
DECEMBER 14, 2012
DECEMBER 14, 2012
City may be odd duck in state’stax set-off scheme ZACK HOOPES Staff Writer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Hastings retires after 23 years with OC Fire Marshal -+ 0):4-; E )+3F );<16/; 0); :-<1:-, ).<-: 57:- <0)6 A-):; ?1<0 <0- <7?6 7. !+-)6 1<A );<16/; *-/)6 01; -5847A5-6< 16 )A )6, ;8-6< 01; +):--: ?1<0 <0!..1+- 7. <0- 1:):;0)4 1; :-;876 ;1*141<1-; 16+4=,-, 01/0:1;- 16;8-+<176; )6, 9=)41<A );;=: Jack Hastings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
Crab Roasted Corn Chowder a creamy blend of crab & roasted corn with red bell pepper & a hint of Caribbean spice
crisfield crab dip
cream cheese, lump crab & seasonings, blended and baked in a sourdough bread boule, topped with cheddar cheese
bermuda triangle entree cinnamon seared sea scallops with an ancho coulis. A broiled crabcake with sweet chili remoulade and finally, applewood smoked bacon wrapped around jumbo shrimp, grilled to perfection with jalapeno barbecue sauce
palm duet pan seared duck breast and sweet chili basted shrimp with a blackberry ginger sauce
palm chop salad finely chopped romaine, topped with jerk chicken, hearts of palm, crisp pancetta, avacado, tomato and gorgonzola cheese
caribbean caesar crisp hearts of romaine, lightly coated with our own island caesar dressing and asiago cheese
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
Fire station moves ahead; 130th St. to expand to 11,500 sq. ft. ZACK HOOPES Staff Writer
Station 4, the Ocean City Fire Departmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 130th Street substation, is scheduled to be completely rebuilt. The layout has been finalized, and the city will now commission construction designs.
Francis Scott Key Family Resor R
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
Insurers say 2014 Obamacare phase-in will change workforce ZACK HOOPES Staff Writer ! '.$*/#$ %.- "/'' !""! . 1%'' )*. ! "!'. /).%' )/ ,3 *" *, !-.!, */).3 /-%)!-- *1)!,- ,! ',! 3 -$*1%)# #,! . *) !,) *0!, .$! )!2. +*'% 3 +$ -! %) *" .$! ""*, '! ,! . +*+/' ,'3 &)*1) - 7 ( ,! 8 $! ,! -*) - 3 '* ' %)-/,!,- %- .$ . .$! -! -*) 1%'' ./ ''3 ! .$! ! % -%0! *)! !-+! % ''3 "*, ,!-*,. /-%)!--!- - " , - !.!,(%)%)# 1$ . .!#*,%! ) ' --%"% .%*)- .$!3 1%'' " '' /) !, %) .8- - !) ,%* .$ . ( 3 "*, ! .$!( .* ( &! -*(! $ , ! %-%*)- */. $*1 .$!3 -.,/ ./,! .$!%, 1*,&"*, ! 5 !*+'! -& 7 $!) * -. ,. 1*,,3 %)# */. .$%- 86 - % '* ' %)-/,!, $,% ,,*'' 5 $! )-1!, %- )*1 $ . 3*/ * %) 1%'' !.!,(%)! $*1 .$! #*0 !,)(!). '**&- . 3*/ %) 6 ,,*'' 0% ! +,!-% !). *" .' ).% (%.$ ,*++!, ) !!'!3 ) -/, ) ! '*)# 1%.$ *''! #/! $,% !!) +,!-% !). *" !!) )-/, ) ! --* % .!- # 0! +,!-!). .%*) ' -. ,% 3 .* + &! ,**( *" .* ..!) !!- . .$! ,! .!, ! ) %.3 $ ( !, *" *( (!, ! *""% !- %) !-. ! ) %.3 ,,*'' ) !!) $ 0! !!) 1*,&%)# .*#!.$!, "*, .$! + -. .1* 3! ,- *) + ,- %)# */. 1$ . !2 .'3 ,!"*,( 1%''
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Local insurance agent Chris Carroll gives a presentation to local business owners about the 2014 Affordable Care Act phase-in last Friday at the Greater Ocean City Chamber of Commerce visitorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; center.
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
‘Large employer’ determination will impact costs significantly Continued from Page 5
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Course OCGC Newport Bay OCGC Seaside Nutters Crossing Rum Pointe Lighthouse Sound Eagle’s Landing Glen Riddle Man O’ War Bay Club Bear Trap Dunes Bayside Ocean Pines Baywood Gr eens Heritage Shor es
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TEAK m^qfl=crokfqrob
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
Gisriel lobbies for city to conduct own study on 138th St. ZACK HOOPES Staff Writer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
Suburban expansion drives highest differentials Continued from Page 3
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4/5BR/3BA, on corner lot w/waterviews. Open floor plan with LOTS of windows! Totally updated kitchen. Oversized 2 car garage. 5th BR could be office or playroom. Motivated Seller. New roof, windows & fresh paint. Decks w/waterviews and views & park.
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24' Boat Slip accom modates a 26' Boat. Water, electric, insurance & parking included in annual fee. Easy access to open water. Marina Supply store & Boat Repair on-site..
) & $ $"!& "& ! " !#! % Direct frontage/ Wicomico River! Build your own multi-level home. Percolation on file.
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on quiet cul-de-sac. Loft area could be 4th BR. Ceramic Tiled floors, 3 skylights, vaulted ceiling, gas fireplace. Concrete drive, large patio, private boat dock. Double garage has large workbenches, cabinets, shelving & wood stove that heats the house & hot water!
Full of surprises! Laminate Wood & Ceramic Tile floors, Spacious Din. Rm, Huge eatin kitchen, Office, WrapAround Deck & Screened Porch. New Metal Roof, 2 Sheds, Cleared back yard.
10 acres convenient to schools, shopping, & beaches. Yet, provides privacy and sanctuary from the hustle and bustle. Property is currently being studied for a possible option of subdividing into lots. House has little to no value. Well and septic are newer. Possible owner financing available, too! Call for details!
$ !
$ !
& $
Rarely used. Looks like it was just built. Open floor plan with additional sunroom. 3BRM/2BA, quaint front porch and cozy fireplace adds a touch of warmth. Call for more details of this home.
) %& "
Attached 2-car garage, 3BR/2BA, newer roof, siding, insulated windows. New tile, sink, faucet, counters, garbage disposal & fridge in Kitchen. New carpet, outside HVAC unit. Just painted! Pellet stove in heated sunroom.
OCEAN VILLAGE- 3 BR/ 2 full bath, end unit on 2nd level with beautiful water view. Extra large screenedporch, gas Fireplace in the great room. indr & outdr pools, exercise room, basketball & hardball court, just
DECEMBER 14, 2012
cameras throughout the building during the theft. He was driving a gold Ford Explorer with unknown Maryland registration plates. Anyone with information about the suspect is asked to contact Crime Solvers of the Lower Eastern Shore at
Marijuana, gun in hotel During a business check at a resort hotel Dec. 7, two Ocean City police officers smelled the odor of marijuana coming from one of the guest rooms. After an officer knocked, Jody Lyn Paull, 26, of Ocean City, opened the door and said they could enter. According to the charging document, there was an “extremely strong odor of marijuana” and the beam of light from a flashlight could be seen because of the amount of marijuana smoke. In the bedroom, the police saw Michael Ryan Burdette, 26, of Delmar, and a bookbag. Burdette gave consent for a search of the bookbag and inside, police found a pipe and a small tin, both with marijuana residue, a sock with six .22 caliber cartridges and another sock with an unregistered .22 caliber revolver. Burdette reportedly said the gun belonged to a friend, but he was unable to recall the friend’s name. A search of the nightstand in the room revealed a plastic canister with marijuana and a pipe. Police charged Paull and Burdette with possession of marijuana and possession of paraphernalia. They also charged Burdette with having a handgun on his person and transporting a handgun in a vehicle.
Distribution of marijuana Ocean City police charged Brian Daniel Sterner, 37, of Ocean City, on Dec. 7, with drug offenses after finding a large quantity of marijuana in his resort hotel room. After arresting Sterner’s caretaker, Jody Lyn Paull, in the room next door, police visited Sterner’s room to check on his welfare at around
Suspect 410-548-1776.
Truck stolen
Police charged Sterner with possession of marijuana, possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute and distribution of marijuana.
Two Pocomoke men were charged in connection with the Nov. 13 theft of a truck from a Snow Hill residence. Troopers from the Berlin barrack of the Maryland State Police took the report of the burglary and troopers from the Princess Anne barrack recovered the stolen truck at the Dash-In in Crisfield on Nov. 26. Gary Michael Shortt, 22, was with the truck and was arrested. Detectives from the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation assisted in the investigation and learned that Chico Domingo Kenney, 40, had participated in the planning and execution of the burglary and theft. The men were charged with conspiracy to commit first-degree burglary, first-degree burglary, malicious destruction of property and unlawful taking of a motor vehicle.
Suspect sought
Stolen handguns
The Worcester County Bureau of Investigation is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying the suspect in a theft from Eastern Shore Lanes in Pocomoke on Oct. 27. The suspect was recorded on surveillance
Two Princess Anne men were arrested Nov. 30 in connection with the Nov. 28 theft of handguns from Benelli USA Corp. in Pocomoke. Detectives from the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation assisted the Pocomoke Police
Police found this stack of marijuana and the scale in Brian Sterner’s hotel room on Dec. 7.
9:40 a.m. and located him on the balcony. They reportedly saw a large amount of marijuana in his lap. After arresting Sterner, police executed a search warrant for the room. They found Brian Sterner approximately 23 ounces of marijuana, $604 in cash, several items of paraphernalia, computers, ledgers and phones.
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Thee Gina Renee Piazza 12308 Ocean Gateway, Suite 6 Ocean City, Maryland, 21842
DECEMBER 14, 2012
POLICE BRIEFS Department in the investigation. After extensive interviews with Benelli employees, a suspect was identified as Ivy Darneild Matthews, who has been a temporary worker for less than a month when the handgun theft was discovered. Search warrants were executed for Matthews’ cell phone and residence. Police said they revealed evidence of the theft and Matthews’ intention to sell them. Further information was obtained that revealed Jabri Wilson, also known as Jabri Melvin, conspired with Matthews to purchase the stolen handguns. Matthews, a convicted felon who is prohibited from possessing firearms, was charged with theft of less than $1,000 and possession of firearms by a person with a felony conviction. Wilson was charged with conspiracy to purchase stolen firearms and conspiracy to commit theft.
revealed a pipe with suspected marijuana resident and police charged him with possession of marijuana and possession of paraphernalia.
Golf course burglary The Worcester County Bureau of Investigation is seeking information related to the Dec. 5 burglary at the Ocean City Golf Club. Someone broke into the storage shed contained the golf carts and then used golf carts to damage several greens and fairways at the course. A similar incident at River Run Golf Course was reported to Maryland State Police on Dec. 3. Anyone with information regarding either of these cases is asked to contact the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation at 410-632-1111 or Eastern Shore Crime Solvers at 410-548-1776. Callers to Crime Solvers may remain anonymous and may be eligible for a reward for information leading to the arrest of a suspect or suspects.
Skipped out on bar tab
Domestic incident
Two Pittsville residents were arrested Dec. 8, after reportedly leaving a downtown Ocean City bar without paying. An employee of the Wicomico Street bar flagged down an Ocean City police officer to report that the two left the bar to go out to smoke, but told him they would return to pay their tab. Instead, they ran to a Ford Explorer and drove off. The police officer could see their vehicle going south, so he followed it to the inlet parking lot. The employee identified the two people as the customers who had failed to pay their $136.81 bar tab. Police arrested David Michael Zentmyer, 30, and Lacey Ann Willis, 27, and charged them with theft of less than $1,000. A search of Zentmyer
A 41-year-old Berlin man, Eric J. Nordstrom, was charged Dec. 6, with second-degree assault after a reported domestic disturbance involving a woman. During the investigation, Jennifer Pauline Boyer, 29, of Salisbury, became disorderly, according to the Berlin Police Department. When police tried to arrest her, she reportedly tried to fight with the officers. While police were trying to arrest Boyer, Brian Anthony Bell, 28, of Salisbury, reportedly tried to pull a police officer away from Boyer and he was then arrested. Police charged Boyer with resisting arrest. They charged Bell with second-degree assault and they charged both with failure to obey a reasonable and lawful order of a law enforcement officer.
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
Teen accused in August armed robbery will be tried as adult NANCY POWELL Staff Writer )' 2) 3* 8,) %00)+)( 4%6 8-'-4%287 -2 8,) %61)( 63&&)6= 3* 8,) %');%= -8+3 78%8-32 %8 8,) -28)67)'8-32 3* 398) %2( 398) -2 9+978 ;-00 &) 86-)( %7 %2 %(908 ):)2 8,39+, 7,) ;%7 %8 8,) 8-1) 3* 8,) '6-1) 36 %8 0)%78 % =)%6 &)*36) 8,) '6-1) 0-=%, %71-2) -00 ?;%7 )77)28-%00= )1%2'-4%8)( @ 9(+) -',%6( 03<31 7%-( 0%78 !,967(%= -2 -6'9-8 3968 -2 23; -00 278)%( 3* 0-:-2+ ;-8, ,)6 4%6 )287 7,) ;%7 ?0-:-2+ ;-8, ,)6 &3=*6-)2( %2( (3-2+ ;,%8 7,) ;%28)( 83 (3 ;,)2 7,) ;%28)( 83 (3 -8 ,) ;%7 0-:-2+ %2( *92'8-32-2+ %7 %2 %(908 @ !,) -779) 3* -00A7 %&97) 3* (69+7 -2 '09(-2+ '6%'/ ,)63-2 %2( -2,%0%287 ;%7 %073 '327-()6)( ,)-0% "%62)6 8,) 463 +6%1 794)6:-736 *36 .9:)2-0) 7)6:-')7 -2 "36')78)6 3928= 8)78-*-)( %&398 8;3 .9
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OCPD warns citizens of fraudulent checks in mail NANCY POWELL Staff Writer )' * 8,) ?',)'/A7 -2 8,) 1%-0 @ -8 '390( &) %2 92;)0'31)( 46)7)28 !,) ')%2 -8= 30-') )4%681)28 -7 %(:-7-2+ '-8->)27 83 &) ;%6= 3* ',)'/7 8,)= 1-+,8 6)')-:) -2 8,) 1%-0 !,) ',)'/7
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:-'8-1 ,%7 &))2 46) 7)0)'8)( %7 % '97 831)6 7)6:-') ):%09%836 27869'8-327 -2 8,) 0)88)6 8)00 8,) :-'8-1 83 ()437-8 8,) ',)'/ %2( 8,)2 '%00 % ')6 8%-2 8)0)4,32) 291&)6 %', 0)88)6 ,%7 % 92-59) ? )4 @ 291&)6 %2( ;,)2 8,) :-'8-1 '%007 8,) 8)0)4,32) 291&)6 +-:)2 See OCEAN on Page 12
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
Murder defendant wants new representation NANCY POWELL Staff Writer #! &# -!-+-)# + , 5&-1# +30"#0 !-,4'!2'-, 5 1 -4#0 230,#" ', .0'* 5 ,21 "'$$#0#,2 22-0 ,#7 32 &'1 #& 4'-0 ', !-302 * 12 5##) "0#5 2&# '0# -$ 2&# (3"%# , '0!3'2 -302 ', ,-5 '** * 12 &301" 7 +#1 "5 0" ** 0" 0 ,2#" -32 &'1 "'1 .*# 130# 5'2& 302-, James Ballard ,"#01-, 2&# *-,%2'+# .3 *'! "#$#,"#0 5&0#.0#1#,2#" &'+ "30',% 2&# 20' * 8 "-,:2 5 ,2 2- 0#.0#1#,2 +71#*$ 32 "-,:2 5 ,2 &'+ 2- 0#.0#1#,2 +# 9 * * 0" 2-*" 3"%# &-+ 1 0-2-, 8 # "-,:2 1## #7# 2- #7# 9 0-2-, 1 '" 2& 2 ** 0" & " ,-2 %'4#, &'+ ,7 %--" 0# 1-, 5&7 &# 5 ,2#" "'$$#0#,2 "#$#,1# 22-0,#7 ," 1 '" , "#01-, 8'1 1 %--" 1 2&# #12 2&#0# '1 ," #22#0 2& , +-12 -3:** # "#/3 2#*7 0#.0#1#,2#" 7 0 ,"#01-, 9 ** 0" 0#.# 2#"*7 ," *-3"*7 ',2#0 03.2#" 2&# (3"%# 5&- 7#**#" !) 2 &'+ 1 7',% 8 :+ 1'!) -$ 7-3 ',2#003.2',% +#9 ," 87-3 # /3'#2 ," *'12#, 9 0-2-, 2-*" ** 0" &# & " ,- +#0' 2-0'-31 0# 1-, 2- "'1!& 0%# ,"#01-, 32 ** 0" 1 '" &# 5 ,21 2- .-12.-,# 2&# ,3 07 20' * 1- &'1 $ +'*7 ! , $'," &'+ "#$#,1# 22-0,#7 &# 20' * + 7 # .-12.-,#" '$ 2&#
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
SHA’s Drewer to meet with citizens
Man gets jail for fifth DUI after jury conviction NANCY POWELL Staff Writer
Continued from Page 1
)& 563/4 806-% &-*.*/"5& '"3 4*%& "$$*%&/54 5)04& $0--*4*0/4 46$) "4 5)& 0/& -"45 3*%": 5)"5 0$$63 */ 5)& .&%*"/ #&$"64& 5)&: &-*.*/"5& $3044 53"''*$ "45 :&"3 5)& $0..*44*0/&34 "4,&% 5)& 5"5& *()8": %.*/*453"5*0/ 50 $0/%6$5 5)& 53"''*$ 456%: 8)*$) -&% 50 5)& %&$*4*0/ 50 $0/4536$5 563/4 3&8&3 8*-- .&&5 8*5) 3&4*%&/54 "5 1 . 0/ &$ */ 5)& $0..*44*0/ &34> #0"3% 300. 50 %*4$644 5)& 563/4 )& .&&5*/( )"% #&&/ 1-"//&% "5 5)& 3&26&45 0' 5)& $0..*44*0/&34 #&'03& 3*%":>4 '"5"- $0--*4*0/ &4*(/ 803, 4)06-% #& $0.1-&5&% #: 13*- 03 ": #65 <8& %0/>5 )"7& 5)& '6/%*/( '03 $0/4536$5*0/ :&5 = 3&8&3 4"*% < 5>4 6/'0356/"5& 8)&/ 40.&5)*/( -*,& 5)*4 )"11&/4 #65 8&>3& %0*/( "-8& $"/ %0 ' $06-% 4501 40.&5)*/( -*,& 5)"5 806-% = 30. 5)306() $0--* 4*0/4 */70-7*/( 7&)*$-&4 0$$633&% "5 5)& */5&34&$5*0/ "-' 0' 5)04& $3"4)&4 0$$633&% "'5&3 5)"5 4&$5*0/ 0' 065& 8"4 ."%& " %*7*%&% '063 -"/& )*()8": / &$&.#&3 "/$-& !*-40/ 0' -&/ 63/*& 8"4 ,*--&% "5 5)& 4".& */5&34&$5*0/ 8)&/ )& '"*-&% 50 4501 "5 5)& 3&% -*()5 0/ 065& / 0/$0.*/( 53"$503 53"*-&3 4536$, )*4 $"3 "/%)&8"4130/06/$&%%&"%"55)&4$&/&
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Ocean City police investigating check fraud scam Continued from Page 10
)& 03 4)& *4 "4,&% 50 1307*%& 5)& 6/*26& < &1 = /6.#&3 50 5)& 1&340/ 8)0 "/ 48&3&% 5)& $"-13&-*.*/"3: */7&45*("5*0/ 3&7&"-&% 5)"5 5)& $)&$, 4&/5 50 5)& 13041&$5*7& 7*$ 5*. *4 /05 3&"- "-5)06() 5)& "$$06/5 "/% $)&$, /6.#&34 "3& &$"64& 0' 5)*4 40.& 7*$5*.4 )"7& %&104*5&% $)&$,4 5)&: 3& $&*7&% "/% 5)& $)&$,4 $-&"3&% 08&7&3 5)& #"/, -"5&3 $0/5"$5&% 7*$5*.4 50 /05*': 5)&. 0' 5)& */7"-*% 53"/4"$5*0/ &'03& 5)& 1&01-& 3&"-*;& 5)&: )"7&
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
IRS offers tips for charity donations, refund planning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DECEMBER 14, 2012
Small Business Administration offers assistance NANCY POWELL Staff Writer
Mobile homes at Warren’s Park on 52nd Street in Ocean City are wrecked by ‘Superstorm’ Sandy’s surge in late October. Park resident Charlotte Litsinger’s home was a total loss. It will cost her $3,500 to dispose of it.
Lower shore residents urged to report Sandy damage to state ! / /! *""% % '. -! .&%)# -!.% !)/. *" *- $!./!*(!-.!/ % *(% * ) *- !./!- *0)/%!. 2$* .0./ %)! )3 ( #! /* /$!%- $*(! *0.%)!.. /* *)/ / /$! -3' ) !+ -/ (!)/ *" 0( ) !.*0- !. !'%!" */'%)! "*- 0+!-./*-( ) 3 $! /*'' "-!! +$*)! )0( !- %. $%. -!,0!./ %. !%)# ( ! /* # /$!- %) "*-( /%*) )!! ! /* ++! ' /$! !)% ' *" %) %1% 0 ' ..%./ ) ! . + -/ *" /$! +-!.%
!)/% ' %. ./!- ! ' - /%*) "*) 3 1!) %" -!.% !) ! *- 0.%)!.. $ . +-!1% *0.'3 !!) -!+*-/! /* '* ' !(!-#!) 3 ( ) #!-. *- !!) 1%.%/! 3 ( #! . .!..(!)/ /! ( +-*+!-/3 *2)!-. -! .&! /* '' .* ./ /! *""% % '. ) !//!- /- & /$! %)"*-( /%*) *- %)# /* /$! -3' ) (!-#!) 3 ) #!(!)/ #!) 3 '* ' ./ /! ) "! !- ' ( #! ..!..(!)/ /! (. -! & *) /$! '*2!- ./!-) $*-! /* ( &! .0-! %)
"*-( /%*) *0/ '' ( #!. %. +/0-! !' /%1!. "-%!) . *- )!%#$ *-. 2$* (%#$/ ! .* % ''3 %.*' /! *- -! /!(+*- -%'3 *0/ *" /$! -! .$*0' ! ( ! 2 -! *" /$! %(+*-/ ) ! *" +-*1% %)# /$%. %)"*-( /%*) )3*)! 2$* ''. /$! /*'' "-!! )0( !) #!/. -! *- ! (!.. #! %. .&! /* '! 1! $%. *- $!- ) (! +$*)! )0( !-!.. ) /$! -! .*) "*- /$! '' ) (!( !- *" /$! ) 3 -!'%!" +-*#- ( 2%'' -!/0-) /$! ''
410-524-3780 • www.ResortQuestOC.com • 37458 Lion Dr, Suite 7, Selbyville DE 19975 THUNDER ISLAND UNIT 180A, OCEAN CITY Direct Bayfront! Rare corner unit in the ''A'' building. Furnished, boat slips, pool, elevator, walk to beach! New since 2008: kitchen cabinets, sliders, HVAC, washer/dryer, fridge and some windows. Sizzling sunsets! (480153) $320,000 Jus t Re duc ed
704 ANCHOR CHAIN ROAD A3 3BR/2BA 1400 sf townhome duplex. No condo fees! Living area on 2nd floor. 1st floor has partially finished rooms and 1 full bath, but no heat. Possible in-law suite or additional living space. New heat pump Dec. 2010; water heater 7 yrs old. Sold ''AS IS'' short sale. (475897) $148,500
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! *2!- $*-! -!.% !)/. 2$*.! +-*+!-/3 2 . ( #! 0-%)# 0--% )! ) 3 *)/%)0! /* 2 %/ ) $*+! "*- "! !- ' ..%./ ) ! ) /$! (! )/%(! .*(! ( 3 2 )/ /* ++'3 "*- %. ./!- ..%./ ) ! -!'%!" /$-*0#$ /$! ( '' 0.%)!.. (%)%.//%*) ) %1% 0 '. 2%/$ ( #! /* /$!%- +-*+ C. Litsinger !-/3 *- !'*)#%)#. ( 3 ++'3 /* /$! ( '' 0.%)!.. (%)%.//%*) "*- '*2 %)/!-!./ %. ./!- -!'%!" '* ) $! . $! 0'! (!!/%)# / /$! "%-! $ '' %) -%."%!' *) $0-. 3 3!./!- 3 "*- +-*+!-/3 *2)!-. %) *- !./!% *(% * ) *(!-.!/ *0)/%!. *- %)# /* /$! ( '' 0.%)!.. (%)%./- /%*) ! .%/! / 222 . #*1 %/ %. /$! +-%( -3 .*0- ! *" "! !- ' "0) . "*- '*)# /!-( -! *1!-3 ..%./ ) ! *(!*2)!-. ) -! !%1! '* ). 0+ /* "*- -!+ %-. *- -!+' !(!)/ *" $*(!. ) 0+ /* "*- +!-.*) ' +-*+!-/3 $! %)/!-!./ - /! "*- /$*.! '* ). 2$% $ -! "*- 0+ /* 3! -. -! . '*2 . +!- !)/ "*- $*(!*2)!-.
DECEMBER 14, 2012
Mikulski, Cardin still pressing FEMA for individual assistance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DECEMBER 14, 2012
Embattled McLaughlin winning bidder on four franchise parcels ZACK HOOPES Staff Writer '% +6; 1((+%+#.5 5#; 6*'; #4' +0 6*' .')#. %.'#4 #(6'4 .#56 9''-@5 #7% 6+10 1( $'#%* '37+2/'06 %10%'55+105 5#9 # .1%#. $75+0'55/#0 2+%- 72 (174 #&&+ 6+10#. (4#0%*+5' 2#4%'.5 &'52+6' $'+0) '0)#)'& +0 # $#66.' 9+6* 6*' *' '% #7%6+10 5#9 (4#0%*+5'' #64+%- % #7)*.+0 9+00+0) (174 1( 6*' 0146* '0& 2#4%'.5 10 6*' $.1%% #7)*.+0 *#5 #.51 126+10'& #016*'4 9*+%* *' #.4'#&; *1.&5 (14 # 5'%10& 6*4'' ;'#4 6'4/ 0 %61$'4 1( 6*+5 ;'#4 *19'8'4 % #7)*.+0 9#5 5'06'0%'& 61 /106*5 +0 24+510 (14 (#+.+0) 61 (+.' 6#: 4'67405 #0& '/2.1;/'06 6#: 9+6**1.&+0)5 % #7)*.+0 12'4#6'5 700; 6*' 4' 5146@5 .#4)'56 $'#%* '37+2/'06 4'06#. 9*+%* *#& 910 4+)*65 61 0'#4.; 2'4
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
Ocean City Today
DECEMBER 14, 2012
OCVFC WARY OF CITYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S MOU REQUEST ZACK HOOPES Staff Writer &$ 46313*4& 3&26&45 '30. *5: "-- 50 3&7*4& 5)& $&"/ *5: 0-6/ 5&&3 *3& 0.1"/:?4 &.03"/%6. 0' / %&345"/%*/( 8*5) 5)& $*5: 4&&.4 50 )"7& $"64&% 5)& $0.1"/: 50 26&45*0/ 5)& (07 &3/.&/5?4 */5&/5*0/4 #65 $*5: */4*%&34 4": 5)"5 5)& ."55&3 *4 4*.1-: "%.*/*453"5*7& )064&,&&1*/( "45 )634%": &165: *3& "34)""/% 3&4*%&/5 -*'' )3*45&--0 4&/5 "/ &."*- 50 5)& $0.1"/:?4 .&.#&34 /0 5*':*/( 5)&. 5)"5 )& )"% 3&$&*7& " -&55&3 '30. *5: 0-*$*503 6: :3&4 */'03.*/( 5)& $0.1"/: 5)"5 *54 8*5) 5)& $*5: 8"4 /0 -0/(&3 */ &''&$5 )& 3&"40/*/( #&)*/% 5)*4 "$$03%*/( 50 )3*45&--0?4 &."*-4 "4 8&-- "4 05)&3 4063$&4 8*5)*/ *5: "-- 8"4 5)"5 5)& 41&$* '*&% 5)"5 5)& ?4 $)*&' "5 5)& 5*.& )3*4 "3.03& 806-% #&$0.& 5)& 07&3"-)&"% 0' " $0.#*/&% 01&3"5*0/ 8*5) 5)& 1"*% '*3& "/% %*7*4*0/4 "/% )"7& "/ 01&/ -*/& 0' $0..6/*$"5*0/ 8*5) 5)& .":03 "/% $06/$*- 0654*%& 0' 5)& $*5:?4 /03."- $)"*/ 0' $0.."/% /*5*"--: "3.03& 8&/5 0/ 5)& $*5:?4 1":30-- '03 " :&"3 / 5)& .&"/5*.& 5)& 70-6/5&&3 $0.1"/: &-&$5&% " /&8 $)*&' 8)*-& "3.03& .03& 03 -&44 453"%%-&% 5)& 580 01&3"5*0/4 65 #&$"64& "3.03& )"4 4*/$& #& $0.& " '6--: $0.1&/4"5&% '6-- 5*.& $*5: &.1-0:&& "/% " %&1"35.&/5 )&"% 5)& 03 ("/*;"5*0/"- 3&26*3&.&/54 6/%&3 8)*$) )& 01&3"5&4 "11"3&/5-: 13&4&/5 " $0/'-*$5 3 ("/*;"5*0/"--: "3.03& 4)06-% #& +645 -*,& "/: 05)&3 %&1"35.&/5 )&"% "/% 3&1035 50 *5: "/"(&3 "7*% &$03 8)*$) 5)& -&("- 5)*/,*/( (0&4 .&"/4 )& $"/ /0 -0/(&3 #& " 1"35: 50 5)& "(3&&.&/5 "/% %&"- %*3&$5-: 8*5) &-&$5&% 0''*$*"-4 < 44&/5*"--: *5 .&"/4 5)"5 8& /0 -0/(&3 )"7& " %*3&$5 -*/& 0' $0..6/*$"5*0/ 50 5)& .":03 "/% $06/$*- "/% 8& /08 )"7& 50 (0 5)306() 5)& $*5: ."/"(&3 = )3*45&--0 8305& */ )*4 &."*- < 5 "-40 .&"/4 )*&' "3.03& 806-% '"-- 6/%&3 5)& $*5: ."/"(&3 "4 8&-- = 08&7&3 *5 4&&.4 5)"5 :3&4?4 -&55&3 %*% /05 */5&/% 50 *.1-: 5)"5 5)& */ *54 &/5*3&-: 8"4 70*% #65 +645 5)"5 5)& $*5: 8"/5&% 50 '03."--: "#403# "3.03& "4 " %&1"35.&/5 )&"% $$03%*/( 50 4063$&4 */ *5: "-- 5)& -&55&3 8"4 ."*/-: */5&/%&% '03 "3.03& "/% 5)& 8"4 $01*&% 0/-: "4 " 1"35: 0' */5&3&45
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
LongtimememberRinaThaler named ALOC exec. director ZACK HOOPES Staff Writer &# % %% , () ( ) 1 * # )* * '# ) %* &% ) 1 &%4* +)+ ##/ &$ +% .' * +* &( * (* + & % */ * )+('( ) ) % - # &$ &* &%#/ ) * &( % 0 * &% ( %*#/ ) &, ( * * - ## *) * / ( +* * ) #)& &% * +)' & &' % % % + # % &( * ) ''& %* *) ()* . +* , ( *&(
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Premiering This NewYear’sEve
See ART LEAGUE on Page 25
at the
Palmetto Ballroom
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5 Course Gourmet Dinner Including: 6 Hour Open Bar, Assortment of Hot & Cold Hors d’Oeuvres Caesar Salad • Shrimp Cocktail “Perfect Pair” Filet Mignon & Crab Cake Princess Potatoes Chef’s Vegetable Medley Top 40 Music by “Out of Order” Dancing Champagne Toast Party Favors and more! Only
per person
Oceanfront Restaurant & Bar
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per person Excludes taxes & gratuities.
Delicious Buffet Including: Prime Rib of Beef Au Jus Honey Herb Roasted Chicken Seafood Newburg Assorted Salads & Dressings Caesar Salad • Vegetable Medley Red Bliss Potatoes •Pasta Primavera Assorted Desserts Live Entertainment from 9pm - 1am Seating beginning at 6pm Party Favors • Champagne Toast Cash Bar
Back By Popular Demand at OC’s Only Comedy Club Waves of Laughter Open December 28th, 29th & 30th One show nightly at 9pm!
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Enjoy a Bountiful Buffet Dinner Imported & Domestic Cheese & Fruit Platter Crisp Crudite & Tossed Salad with Assorted Dressings & Dips Manicotti with Fresh Plum Tomatoes Breast of Chicken Supreme Carved Top Round Seafood Newberg • Pork Tenderloin Rice Pilaf • Tortellini Salad Primavera Waldorf & Ceasar salads Assorted Desserts Champagne Toast 6 Hour Open Bar Live Top 40 Music by “Appaloosa” Party Favors ... and more!
Excludes taxes, service charges & gratuity.
For reservations or more information:
Oceanfront at 91st St. Ocean City, Maryland 21842
The new Ocean City Center for the Arts is nearing completion, with move-in to start in January. The Art League of Ocean City’s former president, Rina Thaler, has been appointed as the center’s first executive director.
per person
Excludes taxes, service charges & gratuity.
Other Fantastic Events New Year's Weekend at the Princess Royale:
New Year's Day Brunch in Schooners Oceanfront Restaurant New Year's Day Pool Party with Drink Specials & L ive Entertainment Annual AGH Penguin Swim
Ocean City Today
OPINION www.oceancitytoday.net
DECEMBER 14, 2012
Officials’ reassurance eases OCVFC’s fears The rumored concern within the Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company that its relationship with the Town of Ocean City might be shifting in an adversarial direction apparently has been put to rest. Last month, fire company officials were officially notified that the memorandum of understanding detailing how the company, the city and paid firefighters will work together is no longer valid. Because that MOU was forged after a particularly nasty public brawl in 2006 and 2007 that almost ended with the OCFVC leaving the resort and taking up residence in West Ocean City, this was the glue that held everything together. As it turns out, we learned this week that the MOU situation resulted from necessary structural changes within the city staff hierarchy and had nothing to do with the fire company itself. A new MOU will be written and the OCVFC will be unaffected. This is good news, considering that Ocean City can ill afford to spend the millions of dollars that would be required to field a full-fledged paid fire department. While some uneasiness among the volunteers with regard to their relationship with local government is only to be expected, it remains that the last thing the City Council would or should want is for them to feel alienated when city officials are about to begin negotiating a new contract with the firefighters union. The volunteer service isn’t free to taxpayers, since it does receive financial support from government, but there is no comparison between its cost and the cost of going all-paid. Mayor Rick Meehan and City Manager David Recor have attempted to calm the company’s fears and have reassured its members that they belong here. We couldn’t agree more.
Ocean City Today P.O. Box 3500, Ocean City, Md. 21843 Phone: 410-723-6397 / Fax: 410-723-6511.
MANAGING EDITOR ...................... Brandi Mellinger ASSISTANT EDITOR ............................ Lisa Capitelli STAFF WRITERS.......... Nancy Powell, Zack Hoopes ACCOUNT MANAGERS ...................... Mary Cooper, ...................................... Sandy Abbott, Julie Schmidt CLASSIFIEDS/LEGALS MANAGER .... Terry Burrier SENIOR DESIGNER .............................. Susan Parks GRAPHIC ARTISTS...... David Hooks, Corey Gilmore PUBLISHER .................................... Stewart Dobson ASSISTANT PUBLISHER ...................... Elaine Brady COMPTROLLER .............................. Christine Brown ADMIN. ASSISTANT .................................. Gini Tufts Ocean City Today is published weekly by FLAG Publications, Inc. at 8200 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, Md. 21842. Ocean City Today is available by subscription at $150 a year. Visit us on the Web at www.oceancitytoday.net.
Wide home defies Montego Bay policy Editor, We believe the residents of our community should be aware of a significant violation in our community. The Montego Bay community started more than 40 years ago and has always had a set of restriction covenants to which property owners agree upon purchase. Any revisions must have more than a 50 percent agreement of all property owners. These restrictions protect us all. They are in the process of being revised with notice going to all in March 2013 for a vote. The proposed changes are only posted on the community Web site, which may be available to all, but in actuality may only be available in the homes of half of the owners. These restrictions supersede the building codes of the town of Ocean City. The town is well aware of these restrictions and has always followed the Montego Bay rules when granting a permit for construction. In late November, the town granted a permit for the construction of a 25-foot wide home, knowing Montego Bay has restricted home widths to 24 feet on our 40-foot by 90-foot lots. The permit for construction is supposed to also be approved by a designated member of the Montego Bay board of directors before construction can begin. New construction of a 25-footwide home started in late No-
GOT MAIL? Mail your letter to editor@oceancitytoday.net All letters are subject to editing for clarity and potentially libelous material
vember, was noticed by a nearby resident, who questioned both the town and the Montego Bay office. Upon finding out that the town had approved this, an email was sent to both the town and the board asking under what authority had this construction, which is in violation of our restrictions, been approved? The change to a 25-foot home is part of the new proposals that, if passed by the community, will not take effect until next spring. With a lot of scurrying, a cease and desist order was placed on the construction. Apparently, both the builder and the town had been told by a member of the board that it was OK to proceed with a 25-foot-wide house. And, in fact, the board approved the construction Dec. 8, after the foundation had been set. The message to owners is that a significant violation has occurred. It is irrelevant that the change in size of a home is in the proposed restrictions; what if the community does not approve the many proposed changes? Why was the town told that it was OK to proceed now? Why did the builder, who also knows the restrictions well, put forth a plan for the 25-foot house now? What
will the board do with construction approvals between now and the spring? The good that can come of this is that all property owners can see the impact of a wider house at 109 Sea Lane before they vote on the proposed restriction changes. Andrea Albrecht and Joan Kutcher Residents of Montego Bay
Getting paid while you peacefully sleep Editor, Where can you get paid for eight hours of work while you are sleeping? You need to work for Ocean City as a paramedic and be a member of the union. Last month, a number of paramedics at the headquarters station turned off their radios while they slept during the overnight portion of their shift. When a call for assistance came in, no one answered the request. A call to another station also was missed. As a result, chief of the Ocean City fire department now wants one member of the on-duty paramedics to stay awake to monitor the radio for incoming calls. A union grievance has been filed in Continued on Page 21
DECEMBER 14, 2012
READERSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; FORUM Continued from Page 20
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Let congress know about fiscal cliff concerns +0;69 9, @6< *65*,95,+ ()6<; ;/, ,*6 5640* *90:0: ;/(; 6<9 *6<5;9@ 0: -(*05. 56> 9, @6< *65*,95,+ ()6<; ;/, 796.9,:: 69 3(*2 6- 0; ),05. 4(+, )@ 6<9 79,:0+,5; (5+ 65.9,:: ;6 (=60+ *90:0: $/, :0;<(;065 0: 56; .605. ;6 ), 9,:63=,+ )@ +0:*<::065 6=,9 ;/, )(*2
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Boat ramp expensive, land use duplicitous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GOT MAIL? Mail your letter to editor@oceancitytoday.net All letters are subject to editing for clarity and potentially libelous material
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
Caine Woods substation expansion to go back to City Council Continued from Page 7
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The four lots to the east of the current Delmarva Power substation on 138th Street, seen here, are proposed to be used for an expansion of the station that will see the installation of a Static Var Compensator to control voltage fluctuation.
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Oceanfront in the Victorian Room Restaurant T U E S D AY, D E C E M B E R 2 5 TH, 2 0 1 2
Seatings at 1pm / 3pm / 5pm / 7pm v Reservations Recommended All Dinners include Choice of Appetizer, Entrée, Fresh Asparagus Au Gratin Potatoes, Assorted Rolls & Muffins and Choice of Dessert
APPETIZERS Clams Casino Fresh Mozzarella & Tomato Salad Portabello Mushroom Stuffed with Sweet Italian Sausage Maryland Shore Crab & Corn Chowder
ENTRÉES Traditional Roast Turkey Dinner
Served with housemade dressing, giblet gravy, cranberry relish and traditional sides
Twin Broiled Crab Cakes
Two all lump crab cakes, broiled and served with tartar sauce
Grilled Filet Mignon
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410.213.1122 Open 7days a Week
Oyster Stuffed Flounder
! # !!
% ! "
Center-cut filet mignon, char-grilled to your liking
Holiday stuffing between layers of fresh flounder
Vegetable Bolognaise
Portabello mushrooms and vegetables cooked into a vegetarian red wine bolognaise sauce served over fettuccine
Chocolate Créme Brulee v Fruit Sorbet Port Soaked Fig Tower Port wine soaked figs stacked between fresh pound cake with an eggnog créme au glace
- No other menu offered on this day -
DUNES MANOR HOTEL 410.289.1100, X5232 / 28TH STREET & OCEANFRONT / OCEAN CITY, MD dunesmanor.com
DECEMBER 14, 2012
Delmarva Power says SVC must go at 138th Street, not 100th !+."*2 1$,.5$# 5$1 &$# ; .4=1$ 3 +*(-& !.43 !+."*2 3' 3 1$ "+.2$1 3. 3'$ !$ "' 1 3'$1 3' - %413'$1 (+ -# < (21($+ 2 (# ; .4=# 3'(-* /$./+$ 6.4+# !$ / 8(-& /1$,(4, 9 !43 3'$ 1$ 5$12$ ' 2 ' //$-$# 3 +$ 23 (-# ' 3 24&&$232 3' 3 , 8!$ 3'$ #(%%$1 $-"$ (2 #4$ 3. 3'$ /1.7(,(38 3. 3'$ 24!23 3(.- < 43 (21($+=2 1&4,$-3 #(# -.3 2$$, 3. 26 8 3'$ ".,,(22(.- 3'(2 6$$* 6(3' ., ,(22(.-$1 41$- 8+.1 2 8(-& 3' 3 3'1$$ '.42$2 6$1$ -.3 23 3(23(" ++8 2(&-(%(" -3 -4,!$1 -# 3' 3 3'$1$ 6 2 -. 6 8 3. " ".4-3 %.1 #(%%$1$-"$2 (- '.,$ 04 +(38 ; '$ + -# 5 +4$ .- 3'$ 2411.4-#(-& '.,$2 (2 3'$ 2 ,$ 6'("' (2 3'$ .-+8 3'(-& 8.4 " - +..* 3 < 8+.1 2 (# ; +$ /1("$ (2 &.(-& 3. !$ #(%%$1$-3 !$" 42$ .% ".-2314" 3(.- < ; 5$183'(-& 6(3' /1./$138 5 +4$ ' 2 +1$ #8 !$$- 3 *$- (-3. "".4-3 < 4"*+$8 2 (# ; 3 3'$ 24!23 3(.- ' 2 !$$- 3'$1$ /$./+$ *-.6 (3=2 3'$1$ #.-=3 3'(-* .-$ ,.1$ /($"$ .% $04(/,$-3 (2 &.(-& 3. %%$"3 /1./$138 5 +4$2 -8 %413'$1 < (*$+8 3'$ ' 1#$1 (224$ 3. #$ + 6(3' '.6$5$1 (2 3'$ ".-"$1- .5$1 - (-"1$ 2$ (2 $+$"31., &-$3(" %($+#2 &$-$1 3$# !8 '(&' 5.+3 &$ $+$"31(" + ".-#4"3(.'$ $%%$"3 .% +$5$+2 .- '4, '$ +3' ' 2 -$5$1 !$$- ".-"+42(5$+8 /1.5$!43 $7/$132 2 8 3' 3 3'(2 ".4+# !$ !$" 42$ - $%%$"3(5$ +.-& 3$1, 3$23 .% $7/. 241$ 6.4+# !$ (,/.22(!+$ 3. % "(+(3 3$ =2 $7/$13 1 (++( , (+$8 3$23(%($# 3 !.3' '$ 1(-&2 3. 3'$ $%%$"3 3' 3 3'$
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
Businesses named for Ocean Landings II, west of Home Depot HomeGoods, Ross, Joann Fabrics, Sally Beauty, Hair Cuttery to occupy space NANCY POWELL Staff Writer (& 274 5624(5 $1' 21( %($76; 5$/21 $4( 5/$6(' 62 23(1 1($4 73(4 "$/ $46 $1' 20( (326 21 276( 1($4 6+( 276( ,16(45(& 6,21 +( 5624(5 20( 22'5 255 2$11 $%4,&5 $//; ($76; $1' $,4 766(4;
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5,21 0((6,1*5 6+$6 6+( 342-(&6 +$' +$' 024( 5&476,1; 6+$6 $1; 26+(4 ,1 6+,5 &2716; ,1 4(&(16 ;($45 +( ),1$/ '(5,*1 ,5 5,0,/$4 62 6+( 73(4 "$/ $46 6+$6 23(1(' 6+,5 ;($4 +( &($1 $1',1*5 342-(&6 9$5 ),456 $33428(' ,1 +$6 $33428$/ (:3,4(' $)6(4 ,6 %(&$0( (8,'(16 6+$6 6+( 3/$11(' 5(48,&( 42$' 129 $07(/ 29(1 27/(8$4' 927/' &+$1*( 6+( 5,6( 3/$1 +( 4(8,5(' 342-(&6 9$5 $33428(' $*$,1 ,1 126+(4 1(9 %75,1(55 ,5 71'(4 &21 5647&6,21 21 276( ,1 "(56 &($1 ,6; ! 9,// +$8( $ 5624( 21 6+( 5,6( 2) $ )240(4 0$664(55 5624( $&4255 (;5(4
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
Art League of Ocean City membership looks forward to 50th year Continued from Page 19
#.(-& 3'$ !. 1# .% #(1$"3.12 6 -3$# 3. ' 5$ / (# 23 %% .- 2(3$ 3 ++ 3(,$2 '$ $7 $"43(5$ #(1$"3.1 (2 "' 1&$# 6(3' 14--(-& 3'$ % "(+(38 ; '$ -$6 !4(+#(-& 3. !$ #4!!$# 3'$ "$ - (38 $-3$1 %.1 3'$ 132 6(++ ".- 3(-4$ 3. !$ 14- !8 3'$ -.-/1.%(3 2 6 2 3'$ .+# +$ &4$ '$ #04 13$12 3' 3 6 2 #$,.+(2'$# 3'(2 3(,$ + 23 8$ 1 3. , *$ 6 8 %.1 3'$ -$6 "$-3$1 (-"$ 3'$- 3'$ +$ &4$ ' 2 !$$- 42(-& 3'$ %.1,$1 4204$ ' -- -* !4(+#(-& 3 3'$ 3' 31$$3 ++ 2 3$,/.1 18 2/ "$ '$ -$6 $-3$1 %.1 3'$ 132 (2 204 1$ %..3 % "(+(38 6(3' 5 23+8 $7/ -#$#
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
OC’s Smith named treasurer for code enforcement assn.
sweet gift...
ZACK HOOPES Staff Writer
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Wow… Best Deal:
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
DECEMBER 14, 2012
Officer Mike Valerio and PSA Leslie Santiago organize some of the many toys donated to the Ocean City Police Department’s annual Holiday Food and Toy Drive. Friday, Dec. 21, is the last day to donate toys and money to the drive. New, unwrapped toys may be dropped off at the Public Safety Building on 65th Street. Monetary donations will also be accepted at there, and at any Bank of Ocean City branch (account names are Town of Ocean City, Ocean City Police Department DBA-Holiday Food and Toy Drive). Checks should be made payable to “OCPD Christmas Toy Drive.”
ICMA to develop assessment criterion Continued from Page 1
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Interest Rates at lowest level in 40 years!
207 WEST Easy upkeep211 for thisPOWELL delightful 3 bedroom 2 bath CIRCLE rancher. Located within walking distance to downtown. Tile floored kitchen and bathrooms add to the home. Woodstove will keep the chill out of the home. Outside is an extra-large deck, backyard with detached heated floor two car garage with a workshop.
Call Duty Agent Lauren Bunting 410-422-9899
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
‘Name that Foal’ auction to benefit national seashore
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N2BHS-CK needs a name. A charitable eBay naming auction is under way and will continue until Dec. 17. Proceeds will benefit Assateague Island National Seashore.
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
Commission for Women seeks nominations for two leadership awards
SOLAR SYSTEM SESSION Students in Mrs. Collins’ kindergarten and first-grade classes at Seaside Christian Academy are learning about the solar system. Displaying their models, from left, are Genevieve Hilbert, Camdyn Chute, Jenesis Perez, Daevid Cook and Ethan Hitchens.
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Ocean City Today
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
Decatur boys earn second in season opener
Lady Seahawks earn dominating 81-24 win over Eaglesinopener
Ladies finish fourth in 20-school contest
LISA CAPITELLI ■ Assistant Editor
LISA CAPITELLI ■ Assistant Editor (Dec. 14, 2012) The Stephen Decatur boys’ indoor track and field team took second place, and the Lady Seahawks came in fourth, during the 20school season opener on Dec. 5, at the Worcester County Recreation Center in Snow Hill. Caesar Rodney High School of Delaware won the boys’ competition with 115 points. Decatur was runner up with 71 points. “To come in second place in a meet like that is good. We came in first out of all the Bayside [Conference] schools,” said Decatur Coach Jody Stigler. “I think we’re going to be strong, barring any injuries.” Senior Kyle Kelly won the 300-meter race in 37.46 seconds. “We had three guys in the top four in that race, which was good,” Stigler said. Senior James Mapp took third (38.46 seconds) and sophomore Jakhai Woodard finished in fourth place (38.92 seconds). Woodard earned first-place honors in the long jump with a distance of 20 feet 5.25 inches. Senior Patrick Phillips scored a victory in the shot put, throwing a distance of 43 feet 5 inches. Delaware schools, Cape Henlopen (69.5 points) and Caesar Rodney (69), placed first and second, respectively. Bayside Conference schools, Kent County (68) and Decatur (45.5), finished in third and fourth place. “The girls did pretty well,” Stigler said. “[Kent Island’s] top athletes are a little stronger than ours right now, but we’re a lot deeper. They’re the favorite in the Bayside, but we will be closer to them once the Bayside meet comes around [in late January].” Junior Layla Fowler outran her competitors in the 500-meter event, crossing the finish line in 1:25. And senior Ameerah Lewis threw the shot put 30 feet 6 inches, to win the competition.
Stephen Decatur seniors Ashley Trice, center left, and Skylar Siegfried sign mock Letters of Intent at the high school in Berlin last Friday to play Div. I lacrosse at Furman University in Greenville, S.C. and Jacksonville University in Florida, respectively. Pictured with the girls, seated from left, are Trice’s parents, Andrea and Lee, and Siegfried’s dad, Stanley; and standing, Decatur Principal Tom Sites, Athletic Director Don Howard and Lacrosse Coach Bob Musitano.
FRIENDLYRIVALS Skylar Siegfried, Ashley Trice have one season left at Decatur before heading off to opposing Div. I schools LISA CAPITELLI ■ Assistant Editor (Dec. 14, 2012) Stephen Decatur seniors Skylar Siegfried and Ashley Trice have played lacrosse together on recreational and travel teams since they were about 8 years old. But next year, when the two compete at the college level, they will be on opposite sidelines on game day, as the two have been awarded scholarships to play lacrosse at rival colleges. “It’s going to be fun,” Trice, who this past summer signed with Division I Furman University in Greenville, S.C., said of facing her longtime teammate on the field. Siegfried, a goalie, who committed last September to Jacksonville University in Florida, said it will be interesting to have Trice, a midfielder, shooting on her when they are playing for opposing teams. Trice will be a member of Furman’s first women’s lacrosse team. During her freshman year, the squad will practice and compete in scrimmages. The following year, when Trice is a sophomore, the program will become an official varsity sport
and participate in the Atlantic Sun Conference. “I want our program to be really good in the beginning,” the 18-year-old said. “I think it’s really exciting that we can start all the traditions for the team. We’ll be the first people to set records.” Added her father, Lee, “I told her if she scores the first goal she’ll be the leading goal scorer.” “I’m proud of her for dedicating so much time and effort over 12 years to reach a goal of playing Div. I lacrosse,” he said. Added Siegfried’s father, Stanley, “I feel exactly the same way.” “We’ve traveled together for years. Stan and I have stood on many sidelines together,” Lee Trice said. “We drove them around, but they’re the ones playing in 90-degree heat and 40-degree cold.” Jacksonville’s program is also fairly new, but the team has been quite successful. The Dolphins won the National Lacrosse Conference championship last spring. When Siegfried joins the squad, it will only be the program’s fifth year in existence. “I’m hoping that they’re still winning when I get
there,” the 18-year-old joked. “They’ve already started as a winning team and hopefully, I can continue that. It’s intimidating, but then again it’s kind of welcoming to know I’m coming into such a strong program.” Trice and Siegfried felt at home when they visited Furman and Jacksonville, respectively, and said they liked the coaches and their soonto-be teammates. Before they go off to college, where Trice plans to major in biology and Siegfried chemistry, the girls have one season left as Decatur Seahawks. “You both worked very hard to get to this stage in your lives … We all care about you and we’re all proud of the success you’ve achieved,” said Decatur Lacrosse Coach Bob Musitano. “When one door closes another opens … but the door at Decatur hasn’t closed yet. You’ve still got one more season and we have business to take care of. “Furman and Jacksonville are fortunate to have both of you,” he said, “and we’re also fortunate to have you for one more season.” Trice has been on the Decatur squad since she was a See GIRLS on Page 35
(Dec. 14, 2012) The Stephen Decatur girls’ basketball team opened the 2012-13 season with a bang, outscoring the North Dorchester Eagles 81-24 on the road in Hurlock, Md., last Thursday. The Lady Seahawks came out from the first whistle and dominated their opponent. The visiting team scored 33 points and held North Dorchester scoreless in the opening quarter. Decatur led 49-11 at the halftime break and by the end of the third quarter, the Seahawks had pulled ahead 71-19. “The team played very well. I was happy that we scored 81 points after all of our struggles to score in the past,” said Decatur Coach Amy Fenzel-Mergott. “We missed too many easy shots and have to clean some things up defensively, but I was very happy.” Senior co-captain Abbey Schorr led Decatur with 33 points and 17 rebounds. Fellow senior captain Monique Wise chipped in with 13 points. The James M. Bennett Clippers traveled to Berlin on Monday to challenge the Seahawks. Decatur’s full-court press was successful in the first quarter as the Seahawks forced several Bennett turnovers and intercepted a number of their opponent’s inbound passes. At the end of the quarter, the home team was ahead 24-15. “Our press gave them a hard time and caused some turnovers; however, we could have done a better job. We got a lot of fouls,” Fenzel-Mergott said. Decatur went into the halftime break on top 44-27. During the break, Fenzel-Mergott encouraged her players to not let up and to continue to play strong. The Seahawks led 61-32 after the third quarter and won the game 68-36. “We could have scored a few more. We missed 25 lay-ups,” FenzelMergott said. “We pressed in the second half because they’re the type of team that could get back in it … It was a huge win for us. We haven’t beaten Bennett in years.” Schorr was the Seahawks’ top producer with 21 points and 10 rebounds. Freshman Dayona Godwin scored 13 points. The Wi-Hi Indians will travel to Berlin today, Friday, for a 5:30 p.m. game against Decatur.
DECEMBER 14, 2012
Lady Mallards pull out 36-32 win over Jags LISA CAPITELLI Assistant Editor
Prep junior Lilly DiNardo is surrounded by three Salisbury Christian players as she dribbles to the basket during last Friday’s game in Berlin. Worcester won 36-32.
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/0(/-/2% %#),8 !33 "2/+% ! 4)% 3).+).' ! &/5, 3(/4 7)4( 2%-!).).' ). 4(% 15!24%2 %.)/2 #/ #!04!). Prep Coach %2%$)4( -)4( ()4 ! &2%% 4(2/7 Page Rogers !.$ 4(%. *5.)/2 2!.+)% ),,).' ).4%2#%04%$ ! !, )3"528 0!33 !.$ 3#/2%$ "//34).' /2#%34%2;3 !$6!.4!'% 4/ )4( /.% 15!24%2 4/ 0,!8 4(% !, ,!2$3 (!$ ! !$6!.4!'% (% !'5!23 #54 4(% ,%!$ 4/ 47/ 0/).43 7)4( ,%&4 ). 4(% #/.4%34 "54 4(% (/-% 4%!- (%,$ /. &/2 4(% 7). 9 % (!$ 4/.3 /& 34%!,3 !.$ 7% #!53%$ 4(%- 4/ 452. 4(% "!,, /6%2 (%8 (!$ ! (!2$ 4)-% '%44).' 4(%
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
Seahawks get 17-pt. win over Dorchester in season opener LISA CAPITELLI Assistant Editor (& !+( 7(3+(1 (&$785 %2<6@ %$6.(7%$// 7($0 .,&.(' 2)) 7+( 6($621 21 $ +,*+ 127( :,11,1* ,76 ),567 &203(7,7,21 29(5 7+( 257+ 25&+(67(5 $*/(6 /$67 !+856'$< ,1 (5/,1 >"( 3/$<(' :,7+ $ /27 2) ,17(16,7< ? 6$,' (&$785 2$&+ $5. 1*/( >"( '20, 1$7(' ,16,'( 7+( 3$,17 "( (;(&87(' 285 *$0( 3/$1 :+,&+ :$6 72 :25. 7+( %$// ,1 6,'( $1' :( ',' ,7 :(// 7 :$6 $ *5($7 23(1(5 ? !+( ($+$:.6 /(' $7 7+( (1' 2) 7+( ),567 48$57(5 21 7+(,5 +20( &2857 $1' :(17 ,172 7+( +$/)7,0( %5($. 21 723 < 7+( (1' 2) 7+( 7+,5' 48$57(5 ( &$785 +$' %8,/7 $ $'9$17$*( 81,25 !</(5 817(5 /(' (&$785 :,7+ 32,176 $1' 5(%281'6 +$6( $06 $ -81,25 7$//,(' 32,176 $1' 5(%281'6 1 21'$< 7+( ($+$:.6 75$9(/(' 72 $/,6%85< :+(5( 7+(< )(// 72 7+( $0(6 (11(77 /,33(56 !+( %2<6 1*/( 6$,' )$,/(' 72 >3/$< )81'$0(17$/ %$6.(7%$// ? (11(77 /(' $7 7+( (1' 2) 7+( ),567 48$57(5 >"( :(5( )25 21 )5(( 7+52:6 $1' :( 0,66(' )285 25 ),9( /$< 836 #28 &$1@7 '2 7+$7 $*$,167 $ *22' 7($0 ? 1*/( 6$,' (&$785 2876&25(' (11(77 ,1 7+( 6(&21' 48$57(5 $1' 75$,/(' $7 7+( %5($. !+( /,33(56 /(' $)7(5 7+5(( 48$57(56 >"( :(5( )25 )520 7+( )5(( 7+52: /,1( $1' :( 0,66(' $7 /($67 /$< 836 $1' 387 %$&.6 ? 1*/( 6$,' >"( 6((0(' )/$7 $1' :( /$&.(' ,17(16,7< = "(@9( *27 72 *2 %$&. %$6,&6 ? 817(5 :$6 (&$785@6 723 352'8&(5 :,7+ 32,176 $1' 5(%281'6 !+( ($+$:.6 :,// 75$9(/ 72 7( 9(169,//( 72 3/$< 7+( (17 6/$1' 8&&$ 1((56 21 21'$<
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Mallards will battle ESIAC rival Sabres today in Easton Continued from Page 32
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
Mallards squeak out four-point victory over visiting Jaguars LISA CAPITELLI Assistant Editor -+ "0- $7:+-;<-: :-8 *7A;E *);3-<*)44 <-)5 <:)14-, <0- !)41; *=:A 0:1;<1)6 )/=):; 16 <0- .1:;< 9=):<-: 7. 4);< :1,)AE; /)5- 16 -:416 *=< <0)44):,; 8:->)14-, ?16616/ <0- 5)<+0
Worcester Prep senior Zander Farr reaches to put the ball in the basket during last Friday’s game against Salisbury Christian. Zander had eight points and seven rebounds in Prep’s 46-42 victory.
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Decatur swim teams take down Golden Knights in ’12 opener LISA CAPITELLI Assistant Editor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DECEMBER 14, 2012
SDHS’s Rosenblatt wins WOTS 113-pound division, Kail first at 285 LISA CAPITELLI Assistant Editor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Girls have one more lax season together; will battle in college
Continued from Page 31
Ocean City’s Adult Soccer League ended its inaugural fall season Nov. 20. Participting in the first season were Real Azteca, Sunsations, Makos, Kingdom of God, Leon’s and O.C. United. The championship game was between Real Azteca and Sunsations, with Real Azteca, above, coming out with the win.
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
TOP ANGLERS RECOGNIZED During their December meeting, members of the Ocean Pines Anglers Club recognized the 2012 fishing season’s top anglers. Ten species of both fresh and saltwater fish qualified for the annual contest. Pictured, from left, are Walt Boge, who reeled in a 19-inch black sea bass; Ron Fisher, 20.5-inch tautog; Bill Bundy, 21-inch bluefish; John Jewer, 23.75-inch flounder; John McFalls, 15.25-inch weakfish; Dave Rippy, 21.5inch large mouth bass; and Vincent Lekowski, 17-inch fresh water trout. Missing from the photo are Greg Donahue, who caught a 39-inch striped bass; Ron Kurtz, 11.5-inch croaker; and James Spicknall, 48-inch, 69-pound tuna.
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Ocean City Today
DECEMBER 14, 2012
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Ocean City Today
DECEMBER 14, 2012
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Ocean City Today
BUSINESS www.oceancitytoday.net
DECEMBER 14, 2012
Realtor Code of Ethics marks 100 yrs LAUREN BUNTING ■ Contributing Writer (Dec. 14, 2012) The National Association of Realtors announced that 2013 marks the 100th anniversary for the strict Realtor Code of Ethics. Most consumers may not be aware of how in-depth this code of ethics is, and how strictly NAR adheres to the core values and commitment to excellence that the code of ethics embodies. NAR President Moe Veissi explained the difference between a Realtor and a real estate agent. “The term Realtor is a registered collective membership mark that identifies a licensed real estate professional who is a member of NAR,” said Veissi, broker-owner of Veissi & Associates Inc., in Miami. “Only members of NAR can call themselves Realtors, and as a condition of membership, Realtors subscribe to NAR’s strict code of ethics. Realtors are the heart of the deal, and the code of ethics is our guiding principle.” According to the 2012 NAR Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, “unassisted transactions,” or real estate transactions done without the help of a licensed Realtor, are at an all-time low with only 9 percent of sellers choosing to sell their home on their own. So, most buyers and sellers are able to see the value of a professional guiding them through the real estate process. All Realtors must subscribe to the Realtor Code of Ethics and take quadrennial code of ethics training to retain membership. The code of ethics identifies professional responsibilities or duties owed to clients, customers and other Realtors, as well as the general public. When NAR adopted its code of ethics in 1913, it was only the second trade or business group in the U.S. to adopt mandatory ethical standards. “The code of ethics is one way Realtors demonstrate value to home buyers, sellers and investors,” said Veissi. “Buying a home is one of the most important investments people will make in their lifetimes, so having a Realtor who abides by a code of ethics can provide an added layer of security.” If you are interested in reading over the Realtor Code of Ethics, you can find a summary of the code that explains how it benefits them at www.REALTOR.org/code-of-ethics.
— Lauren Bunting is a member of the Coastal Association of Realtors and a licensed REALTOR® with Bunting Realty, Inc. in Berlin.
Preeti Yonker
AGH neurologist honored
Wyatt Harrison, owner of Plak That, displays some of his photographs that have been printed on wood. Visitors to his Web site, www.plakthat.com, can upload their own images and have them custom printed on wood.
PHOTOS PRINTED ON WOOD Customers can also add text to pieces or create collages LISA CAPITELLI ■ Assistant Editor (Dec. 14, 2012) Many people have photographs they or others have taken displayed in frames in their homes. Some also have them printed on canvas. But how often have you seen those images printed on wood? Ocean City resident Wyatt Harrison is providing that service through his business, Plak That. While visiting his brother in California in April, Harrison, who graduated from the University of San Diego in 2010, saw a promotional “drink specials” sign at a bar printed on wood that piqued his interest. “You don’t come across products very often that are new. When I came across the idea, I thought it would be cool in beach-oriented places or bigger,” Harrison said. “It was very detailed and digitally printed on wood. I wondered what it would look like with photos.” Harrison experimented with the product this past summer at Malibu’s Surf Shop, on the Boardwalk at Eighth Street. Owner Lee Gerachis’ photographs were printed on wood and sold at the store, where
Harrison worked. There were a number of requests from people about the ability to personalize the product with their photos. That was when Harrison said “a light bulb went off.” He created his company, Plak That, in July and launched his Web site, www.plakthat.com, last month. The response and demand from people has been overwhelming, the 24-year-old said. “New York, Montana, I’ve been getting orders from everywhere,” Harrison said. “It’s a new application, a new way to show your photos ... I think the attraction is that most people haven’t seen something like this.” A number of photographs Harrison has taken have been printed on wood and are for sale on the site. They can also be purchased at The Nest and Burley Oak Brewery in Berlin, Ish Boutique on 34th Street in Ocean City and Studio S in Rehoboth Beach, Del. Or, people can upload their own images — original files work best — and have them custom-printed on wood in one of four sizes. Currently, pinewood is being used. Cus-
tomers can also add text to their products or create collages. The ideal size for Instagram photos is the 7.5 inch-by-7.5 inch piece of wood, Harrison said, while the most popular piece is the 10.5 inch-by-16.5 inch plaque. Other sizes available are 14 inches by 10.5 inches and 18.5 inches by 27.5 inches. “What’s neat is that you can print 10 of the same photo and each will look different,” he said. “When you’re working with wood, it’s never the same [because of the grain].” Once the order is complete, Harrison will send it to his manufacturer in Salisbury. It typically takes about two to three weeks for delivery once the product is ordered. Pieces come wired or with wall hooks and are ready to hang. The “Plak That” logo is laser etched into the back of the wood. To receive by Christmas, orders must be placed by Sunday, Dec. 16. The wood is sourced locally. The farthest place wood has been used from is Virginia, Harrison said. All of the wood is sustainably harvested and certified by the Forest StewardSee PLAK on Page 39
Preeti Yonker, M.D., a neurologist with Atlantic General Hospital and Health System, was honored with the 2012 Ed Duggan Community Champion Healthcare Professional Award by the Maryland chapter of the National MS Society this month. The annual award is presented to a doctor, nurse, neurologist, physical therapist, home health specialist or other healthcare professional who positively impacts the care and health of people living with multiple sclerosis. Yonker joined Atlantic General Hospital and Health System in 2008 after completing a clinical fellowship in neurophysiology at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Mich. She received her medical degree from West Virginia University School of Medicine and her neurology residency at Henry Ford. Yonker holds a subspecialty in epilepsy and also provides general neurology care including headache and migraine management and treatment of lower back pain, stroke, neuropathy, dementia, multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases. She is board certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and is a member of the American Academy of Neurology. Yonker is currently accepting new patients and can be reached at 410641- 4765.
Dec. 22 last day to purchase tickets It all started in March and now the winning ticket worth more than $5,500 (and still growing) will be selected on Dec. 22. Fr. Michael Moyer, Diakonia board member, will draw the winning ticket at noon. Last chance to buy tickets will be from 11 a.m. until noon that day at Berlin Chamber of Commerce Chamber building on Main Street. Diakoniais a 501(c)(3) non-profit and a United Way partnership agency located in West Ocean City. For more information, call 410213-0923.
DECEMBER 14, 2012
Plak That member of ‘1% For The Planet’ movement Continued from Page 38
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! !!! ! HANUKAH CELEBRATION Agents and employees of Hileman Real Estate celebrate the third day of Hanukah. They lit the Hanukah Menorah and ate latke. Participating in the celebration are Iris Bucheit, Cindy Crockett, Steve Cohen, Olga Parsons, Carol Johnson, Debbie Hileman, Peggi Bortz, Terri Bradford, Bethany Drew and Terri Bullock.
Ocean City Today
DECEMBER 14, 2012
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Lifestyle Ocean City Today
DECEMBER 14, 2012
2011 SantaCon
T ? SAN A WHO Legend has it, on Dec. 25, one man magically travels around the world, secretly delivering toys to good girls and boys? In Ocean City, a new tradition has a lively group of elves parading around the resort, spreading joy along the way. Cheers! LISA CAPITELLI ■ Assistant Editor (Dec. 14, 2012) Dozens of Santas, and maybe a few Mrs. Clauses and elves, will gather in Ocean City on Saturday for the resort’s second annual SantaCon. For the first time ever, Ocean City last year hosted SantaCon, an event during which people dress as Old St. Nick and then make their way as a group to various hot spots in t o w n . Ocean City included, SantaCon took place in more than 225 different locations in 32 countries. Each location had its own organizer, who remains anonymous. Friends of “Sandy Claws,” organizer of the resort event, had participated in SantaCon in different locations in the past and he thought Ocean City was an ideal place for Santas to converge. Last year, more than 100 people participated in
the Ocean City activity, which kicked off with a meeting at the southern end of Boardwalk near the replica shark. The group then traveled to a number of different bars. “It was a lot of fun,” he said. Everyone I talked to had a really good time.” This year, SantaCon is expected to take place in 272 locations in 37 countries. The local festivities will begin at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday at JC’s Northside Pub on 127th Street. Guests are encouraged to wear Santa outfits or dress in holiday attire, and to take gifts and treats to offer to children they meet. “Last year there were some really creative people. One group dressed like the characters in ‘A Christmas Story,’” Sandy Claws said. Sandy Claws said the group will stay at JC’s for about an hour before visiting other local hot spots. Participants are encouraged to drink responsibly and be transported by sober reindeer to different bars. On the SantaCon Ocean City Facebook page, more than 180 people had responded as of Monday that
they plan to attend. More than 750 people have been invited. Everyone 21 and older is welcome to participate. There is no set schedule or agenda. Sandy Claws suggests that those who cannot meet at JC’s should keep in contact with a SantaCon participant or check the event page on Facebook for location updates. People may join in at any point. “The goal is to spread good cheer,” Sandy Claws said. Visit SantaCon Ocean City on Facebook for a list of “SantaCon Ocean City Guidelines.” Some of those guidelines include: Santa does not make children cry; Santa dresses for all occasions; bring naughty gifts for grown ups and nice ones for children; pay for your beer and tip the bar staff; dress up! You don’t have to dress exactly like Santa; please remember that this is all about having fun; you must address everyone as “Santa”; and you should “ho-ho-ho” like Santa. The first SantaCon took place in San Francisco in 1994, and was sponsored by The San Francisco Cacophony Society. Several dozen Santas participated that first year.
OC event series celebrates most successful year LISA CAPITELLI ■ Assistant Editor (Dec. 14, 2012) The annual Pink Ribbon Classic at the Beach Series, which, in 2012 provided eight activities designed to draw attention to breast cancer while raising money for the American Cancer Society, had another record-breaking year. Judy Schoellkopf, Nancy Dofflemyer and other members of the Executive Women’s Golf Association established the Classic in 1996. Since its inception, the series has raised nearly $1.5 million for the organization. In 2011, the Pink Ribbon Classic brought in approximately $186,000 (net). It was the seventh consecutive year that more than $100,000 was donated to the organization. During a wrap-up meeting last week, it was announced that $269,659 had been raised during 2012 Classic events. “It was significantly higher this year. I think the series was absolutely fantastic,” said Laura Martin, senior community manager for the South Atlantic Division of the American Cancer Society. “There was such a dynamic committee that was totally committed and went above and beyond for the cause. This was my first time working with this group, and I’m so impressed with all the work they did.” The 2012 Classic kicked off Aug. 16, with the 19th annual Capt. Steve Harman’s Poor Girls Open, a three-day, ladies-only fishing tournament. In 2012, 108 boats registered and 499 females participated. The tournament garnered $62,500 for the American Cancer Society. The total donated by the Harman family through the tournament and See PORTION on Page 49
DECEMBER 14, 2012
Have you been naughty or nice? Irish and Santa know for sure SENIOR SLANT
’Tis the season for writer’s annual OC Christmas tale IRISH KEMP Contributing Writer )' ? 9%5 6,) 9)). &) *24) ,4-560%5 9,)1 %16% 57(()1/; %33)%4)( 21 4-5,?5 ()'. ) 9%5 % 94)'. 26%//; (-5'20&2&7/%6)( -* ;27 +)6 0; (4-*6 -< %16% 9%5 &2(% '-275/; ,7021+275/; 0-**)( *6)4 5,) ,%( 924(5 9-6, ,-0 %&276 6,)-4 291 *-5'%/ '/-** ,) 0-55)( ,-5 '74*)9 &; %1 ,274 24 52 6,4)) 1-+,65 -1 % 429 ) =6,71. = 4-5, 927/( &)/-)8) ,-5 6%/) 2* 92) %&276 *%//-1+ -162 6,) 2<21) ,2/) &76 5,) 42//)( ,)4 );)5 %1( 5,276)( = 2 > = )56 ;27 ',)'. 276 6,) 6291?5 +22( %1( &%(5 > 5,) 5'4))',)( =)53)'-%//; 6,25) +7;5 9,2 6,-1. ;27?4) 626%//; 4%( 7', %5 2(%;?5 -4%5'-&/) 37&/-5,)4 6)9%46 ?5 ,756)4 %1( 7//; &%( &%( 2&&; 7415 .-3 ,-/5 %1( -//5 2/5215 $%'. %1( 6,) 4)56 2* 6,) 3%'. 7.) -05 %'.5 2)5 2&5 %1( 2&5 = )41-)5 )44;5 "%/(2 )1 )1 ;%1 %; %1( %4; 29%4( ,%4/-)5 ")5 %1( %7/ -'.-) -'. 6)8) %1( -'. 20) 2* 6,)0 %4) 52 )%5-/; -0 34)55)( 6,);?4) % 0)55 4756 0) 0)1 1)8)4 (2 9,%6 6,); 27+,6% (2 =#27 ?53)'6 0) 62 &)/-)8) ;27 *)// -1 % ,2/) 4; 6)//-1? 6,%6 21) 62 % 32/) >
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This cute little guy has his own hotline to Santa.
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
Raffle to benefit county humane society "/% %0(3 *$,&43 $"/ #& 152$)"3&% "4 4)& &6&/4 7)&2& 4)&2& 7*-- "-30 #& .53*$ #9 *.1-& 254) '20. 1 . '0--07&% #9 *--9 "5$ 4*0/3 )"119 )052 %2*/, 31&$*"-3 "/% " 3."-- #5''&4 %.*33*0/ 40 (&4 */40 4)& 1"249 $0343 "/% "/ *4&. '20. 4)& %0( "/% $"4 7*3) -*34 3&& 3*%&#"2 < )& '00% #*-- '02 4)& 3)&-4&2 *3 " 7&&, $-03& 40 " .0/4) "/% 4)& 6&4 #*--3 "2& "3420 /0.*$"- = 3"*% 5%* "-5"2%* 02 ("/*:&2 0' 4)& 2"''-& "/% " 3)&-4&2 60-5/4&&2 3*/$& < 511-*&3 "2& (2&"4 #54 052 #*((&34 $)"--&/(& *3 40 1-"$& " %0( 02 $"4 !& 2&"--9 /&&% 40 +534 '*/% 4)&. " )0.& = )& !02$&34&2 05/49 5 ."/& 0$*&49 *3 01&/ 0/%"9 5&3%"9 )523%"9 2*%"9 "/% "452%"9 " . 40 1 . )& '" $*-*49 *3 $-03&% 5/%"9 "/% !&%/&3%"9 02 .02& */'02." 4*0/ $"-02 6*3*4 4)& !02$&34&2 05/49 5."/& 0$* &49 "$&#00, 1"(&
LISA CAPITELLI Assistant Editor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
The Worcester County Humane Society is in need of the following items. To make a donation, call 410-213-0146 or visit the shelter at 12330 Eagles Nest Road in West Ocean City.
PET CARE: Purina Puppy Chow with no
shreds, treasures); small dog treats/cat treats; kitty litter (non-scoopable); used blankets, quilts or towels; toys CLEANING SUPPLIES: Libman mops; paper towels; brooms/dust pans; toilet
coloring; Purina Dog Chow; Purina Cat Chow or Purina Naturals; Purina Kitten Chow; Mighty Dog or Pedigree canned food; Friskies canned cat food (Patte,
paper; bleach; dish soap; liquid laundry detergent; cotton balls and Q-tips; band-aids; Scotch Brite kitchen sponges; contractor size trash bags; kitchen trash bags
Frank the dog and this gray cat named Pewter are available for adoption at the Worcester County Humane Society. Proceeds from a Dec. 15 fundraiser at Harborside Bar & Grill in West Ocean City will help these and other animals at the shelter until they find their forever homes.
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HOROSCOPE ARIES (March 21 to April 19) An old adversary wants to make amends over the holidays. The decision is yours. But wouldn’t it be nice to share the upcoming new year with another friend? TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) As news of your work gets around, expect to receive a special holiday “gift” from influential contacts who could help you launch your new projects in the new year. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Instead of fussing over what you didn’t do to prepare for the holidays, relax and enjoy the kudos for a job truly well done. A happy surprise awaits you early next year. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) The best way to shake off lingering holiday blues is to join loved ones in the fun and festivities of this special time. A confusing situation starts to make sense in upcoming weeks. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Special emotional rewards mark this holiday time for Leos and Leonas who are able to open up to new relationships and the possibilities they offer in the upcoming year. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Your efforts to make the holidays especially memorable for some people will be rewarded in some unexpected (but very welcome) ways in the upcoming year. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Be assured that your efforts to make this holiday special for everyone won’t go unnoticed by those who could make some important changes in your life. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Lots of folks want you to light up their holiday parties. But try to take some quiet time ‘twixt those glittering galas to spend with some very special people. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) While the current round of holiday revels has your social life on the fast track, someone special might want to keep pace with you next year, as well. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Enjoy all the fun you deserve at this holiday time. However, don’t lose sight of the need to check out some of the changes the new year is expected to bring. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) What happens during this holiday time can help clear up some of the confusion jeopardizing a once-stable relationship. Follow your instincts on what to do next. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Your holidays are brightened by new friends eager to become part of your life. But don’t forget to spend time with that one special person. (You know who!) BORN THIS WEEK: You have the ability to encourage people to reach their potential by setting an example with your own efforts.
DECEMBER 14, 2012
Entertaining: begin with concept and add ideas 1'-,#" 0 !2'!# + )#1 .#0$#!2 ," 2&# . 2& -$ "#12',7 !-,20 07 2.-.3* 0 #*'#$ '1 ,-2 . 4#" ', 12-,# & 2 + )#1 , #4#,2 13! !#11$3* '1 2&# ',%0#"'#,2 -$ .#01-, * 127*# &#, -,# #,2#02 ',1 2&# '"# * %- * '1 2- & 4# .#0!#,2 -$ 2&# $--" .0#. 0#" &# " -$ 2'+# 0# 2',% 2'+#*',# &#*.1 7-3 12 7 -0% ,'8#" ," 13 1'"#1 1-+# -$ 2&# . 0 ,-' 2& 2 '1 !#0 2 ', 2- #+3*1'$7 ', 2&'1 27.# -$ #,4'0-, +#,2 2 "-#1 ,-2 & 4# 2- # , #* -0 2# .* , 32 , '2',#0 07 '1 &'%&*7 13%%#12#" &# +-12 !-++-, +'12 )# ', #,2#0 2 ',',% '1 .0#. 0',% +#,3 2& 2 '1 !-+ .*'! 2#" ," ,-2 ', 7-30 !-+$-02 8-,# ##. '2 1'+.*# ,- -,# '1 #4#0 2-- 1-.&'1 2'! 2#" $-0 2&# 1'! .*# 130# -$ &-+# !--)',% 20 '%&2$-05 0",#11 5'2&-32 !-+.*'! 2'-, '1 %0# 2*7 5#*!-+#" ', 2&# 1.#!203+ -$ #,2#02 ',',% $2#0 -,# & 1 $', *'8#" 2&# +#,3 2&# +-3,2 2- # 1#04#" '1 2&# ,#62 $--" $-0 2&-3%&2 ..#2'8#01 ! , # +-0# !& * *#,%',% 2& , 2&# #,209# &# %#,#0 * 03*# -$ 2&3+ '1 2&0## 27.#1 -$ ..#2'8#01 $-0 1+ ** . 027 2& 2 !-,1'121 -$ #'%&2 2%3#121 -30 2- $'4# "'$$#0#,2 ..#2'8#01 0# 13%%#12#" $-0 2- .#-.*# 0%#0 . 02'#1 -$ +-0# 2& , 32 $#5#0 2& , 0# **7 1&-3*" # -$$#0#" 1'6 "'$$#0#,2 . .#2'8#01 -0 . 02'#1 -$ +-0# 2& , %3#121 -,# 5-3*" '"# **7 .0#. 0# 1#4#, -0 #'%&2 27.#1 -$ ..#2'8#01 &'*# 5# 0# -, 2&# 13 (#!2 -$ 2&# $'012
Key is to have 90 percent of food prepared ahead of time DEBORAH LEE WALKER Contributing Writer #! ,2#02 ',',% '1 *'$#127*# ," ,-2 27.'$'#" 7 -,# #4#,2 &# )#7 '1 2- + )# '2 . 02 -$ 7-30 " '*7 0#.#0 2-'0# 4#07 "',',% #6.#0'#,!# '1 , -. .-023,'27 2- '+.0-4# -,#:1 1)'**1 ," 2#12 2&# #*31'4# 0#, -$ .'!30# ,'1+ &#, !0# 2',% , #4#,2 '2 '1 '+.-02 ,2 2- ',!-0.-0 2# 7-30 -5, 1#,1-0' * 4#,3# -$ -.2'-,1 312 *')# . ',2',% .'!230# 7-3 #%', 5'2& !-,!#.2 ," "" '"# 1 3,2'* 2&# $','1&#" .0-"3!2 '1 5& 2 7-3 #,4'
Crossword answers from page 53
Serving the Entire Menu Daily, Year Round 11 am - 1:30 am
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NEW YEAR IS ST ’S EVE ILL T H * Our entire E SAM menu from will b E 1 1 a m e * t
offere No co o 1:30 v a e m r , the fo d No m * All t llo ini h * At m e bowl gam mum, No r wing morn in es es i * DJ p dnight FRE will be on ervations r g eq E la o * Cou ying tunes party favo ur 18 TV’s uired. rs and rtesy and b v a a r n o a pen u champag * Join vailab ne nt u le to g et you il 4:00am. . openi s NEW YEA n home R while g Bloody M ’S DAY at . you w ary (F 11am at am w * Enti re me ch the bowl ous for 33 ith an eye nu y g includserved 11 ames with ears) From us ing R am to 1 Our F aw Ba :30am . r. am
We would like to thank everyone for supporting the Worcester County Humane Society! during our Christmas Party
ily to Your s Me rry C hristm as
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
APPEARING LIVE 19TH HOLE BAR & GRILL 9636 Stephen Decatur Highway West Ocean City 410-213-9204 Dec. 14: TBA, 6-10 p.m. Dec. 15: TBA, 6-10 p.m. Dec. 16: Louis Wright, 9 a.m. to noon
Dec. 16: Jazz Brunch w/Everett Spells, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
ADOLFO’S ITALIAN RESTAURANT 13th Street and the Boardwalk in the Beach Plaza Hotel 410-289-4001 Dec. 14: Rhonda Apple and Dale Britt (dinner hours) Dec. 15: Dale Britt on piano
HARBORSIDE BAR & GRILL 12841 S. Harbor Road West Ocean City 410-213-1846 Dec. 14: Ladies Night w/DJ Billy T, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Dec. 15: Simple Truth, 2-6 p.m.; DJ Jeremy, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Dec. 16: Opposite Directions, 2-6 p.m.; DJ Billy T/DJ Bigler, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Dec. 20: Opposite Directions, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
BJ’S ON THE WATER 75th Street and the bay 410-524-7575 Dec. 14: Mood Swingers, 9 p.m. Dec. 15: Over Time, 9 p.m. Dec. 19: 2 Guys & A Mama, 8 p.m. COTTAGE CAFÉ Route 1, Bethany Beach, Del. 302-539-8710 Every Friday: DJ Bump, 5-8 p.m. Every Tuesday: Pub Party Trivia w/DJ Bump, 6-9 p.m. Dec. 15: Monkee Paw, 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. FAGER’S ISLAND 60th Street and the bay 410-524-5500 Dec. 14: DJ Hook, 9 p.m. Dec. 15: DJ Groove, 9 p.m.
GALAXY 66 66th Street, bayside 410-723-6762 Dec. 14: Philly George Project, 7-11 p.m.
HOUSE OF WELSH 1106 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, Del. 888-666-0728 302-541-0728 Every Friday: DJ Norm, 3-6 p.m.; Tony Vega, 6-10 p.m. Every Saturday: Tony Vega, 6-10 p.m. Every Sunday: Tony Vega, 6-10 p.m. Every Monday: DJ Norm, 6-9 p.m. Every Wednesday: DJ Norm, 6-9 p.m. JC’S NORTHSIDE PUB 127th Street and Coastal Highway
410-250-BEER Dec. 14: Harry O, 9 p.m. Dec. 15: Paul Lewis, 9 p.m.; 2nd Annual SantaCon “Start Party,” 200+ Santas attending JOHNNY’S PIZZA & PUB 56th Street, bayside 410-524-7499 Dec. 14: Hard Drive, 8-11 p.m. Dec. 15: Lauren Glick, 8-11 p.m. OCEAN CLUB NIGHTCLUB In the Horizons Restaurant In the Clarion Fontainebleau Hotel 101st Street and the ocean 410-524-3535 Dec. 14-15: Full Circle, 9:30 p.m. SEACRETS 49th Street and the bay 410-524-4900 Dec. 14: Second Majesty, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Dec. 15: Big Bang Baby, 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.; Jon Maurer Band, 5-9 p.m.
FULL CIRCLE Ocean Club Nightclub: Friday and Saturday, Dec. 14-15, 9:30 p.m.
SMITTY MCGEE’S Route 54 West Fenwick Island, Del. 302-436-4716 Every Tuesday: Let’s Do Trivia, 7 p.m. Every Thursday: Randy Lee Ashcraft, 8 p.m. Every Friday: Randy Lee Ashcraft and the Saltwater Cowboys, 8 p.m.
SECOND MAJESTY Seacrets: Friday, Dec. 14, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Cottage Café: Saturday, Dec. 15, 10 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Harborside Bar & Grill: Sunday, Dec. 16, 2-6 p.m. and Thursday, Dec. 20, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
DECEMBER 14, 2012
Dawne Pappas, chairwoman of the 24th annual “Holiday Wrappings” luncheon, above left, is joined by, from left, her daughter, Dara, top teen fund raiser for North Worcester County Relay For Life, Kaylyn Cobb, the No. 1 youth fund raiser, and Dawn Hodge, co-chairwoman of North Worcester County Relay For Life, during the Dec. 4 afternoon event to benefit the American Cancer Society at the Ocean City convention center. The “Holiday Wrappings” event included silent and Chinese auctions, 50/50 raffle, a fashion show and music by DJ Batman. (Left) Original Greene Turtle server Sydney Stoner, left, and OCPD Officer Marie Caron hold toys donated by customers attending the 116th Street restaurant’s annual Christmas party on Monday. The toys were collected for the First State Detachment’s Toys for Tots program and the OCPD toy drive.
Jerry and Jennifer Albright enjoy themselves at the Pour House with friend Linda Jones.
HOLIDAY PROGRESSIVE DINNER The Downtown Association of Ocean City held its annual Holiday Progressive Dinner on Friday, Dec. 7. Festivities began at the Pour House on Wicomico Street and Baltimore Avenue, and were followed by carriage rides at Sunset Park. Dinner was held at the Captain’s Table at the Courtyard Marriott on the Boardwalk at 15th Street, with dessert and carousel rides afterwards at Trimper’s on the Boardwalk. Donations were collected for Helping Hands.
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
Ocean City Council Secretary Mary Knight attended the event with her husband, Frank, right, and Inn on the Ocean owner Charlie Barrett. OCEAN CITY TODAY/ZACK HOOPES
Also celebrating at the Pour House on Friday were, from left, Robert Ortiz, Lori Ciminelli and Mary Ann and Joe Manganello. (Left) Pour House owners Danelle and Mike Amos were proud to showcase their business during the event.
The Stephen Decatur High School Show Choir performed several holiday numbers during cocktail hour at the Pour House.
Resort New Year’s Eve celebration to include fireworks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
DECEMBER 14, 2012
Brandied fruit adds luxurious flavor to stuffings and desserts FOOD FOR THOUGHT Continued from Page 44
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Join us for the 19th Annual AGH Penguin Swim Tuesday, January 1, 2013 Nate Clendenen
FREE Every Weekend
Registration at 11:30 am Swim at 1pm Princess Royale – 91st Street Ocean City
To register today, visit www.penguinswim.atlanticgeneral.org
Prizes awarded for most money raised by team and individual & youngest and oldest penguins. Incentive gifts provided for each donation level.
Dec 14 Dec 15 Dec 21 Dec 22 Dec 28 Dec 29 Dec 31 Jan 1
Dave Sherman (acoustic) Nate Clendenen Tommy Edward Josh Pryor Danny Shivers (acoustic) Ginger Duo (acoustic) New Year’s Eve Party! New Year’s Day Brunch ... Open All Day!
Sunday Brunch on the Bay 9am–1pm / $11.95 / $6.95 Child Tommy Edward
All U Can Eat Buffet with Juice & Coffee $3 Mimosas & Bloody Marys
Open Thurs–Sun @ 8am
Dave Sherman
oceanpines.org For Carry Out, call 410.641.7501
Hours & Full Menu @
1 M U M F O R D S L A N D I N G R D, O C E A N P I N E S , M D
DECEMBER 14, 2012
Portion of proceeds fromâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;12 series benefits local programs,services PINK RIBBON CLASSIC Continued from Page 41
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SUNDAY NIGHT SPECIAL (until itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gone)
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14 oz. Tender, Juicy, Certified Angus Prime Rib served w/ Salad, Vegetable & Roasted Potatoes No Substitutes
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Ahi Tuna topped with Jumbo Lump Crabmeat
$$! & ! ( % $!%%! ( !# %# " ! !#
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Stuffed with Jumbo Lump Crabmeat ! $% # % ) !# %
Marsala or Piccata
% # &% % !
Prepared Tableside
Reservations Suggested
1 1
1 2-16â&#x20AC;? CHEESE PIZZAS $17.99
$500 LUNCH SPECIAL 11:30AM - 3PM DAILY â&#x20AC;˘ 410-213-0303
Served with Bearnaise Sauce #!&" # !
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Ocean City Today
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DINING GUIDE ■ CREDIT CARDS: V-Visa, MC-Master Card, AE-American Express, DIS-Discover ■ PRICE RANGE: $, $$, $$$ ________________________________ ■ 19TH HOLE BAR & GRILLE, 9936 Stephen Decatur Highway, West Ocean City 410-213-9204 / $-$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / Reservations accepted / Children’s menu / Full bar / Casual and family-friendly, featuring great American cuisine for breakfast, lunch and dinner at affordable prices. Open seven days a week, year-round. Happy hour daily, 3-7 p.m. Entertainment Friday through Sunday. ■ 32 PALM, 32nd Street, in the Hilton Suites, Ocean City 410-289-2525 / www.ocmdrestaurants. com / $$ / V-MC-AEDIS / Reservations accepted / Children’s menu / Full bar / Western Caribbean cuisine, Eastern Shore favorites, gourmet and tasty liquid desserts. ■ ADOLFO’S, 13th Street, on the Boardwalk, Ocean City 410-289-4001 / www.ocadolfos.com / $$ / V-MC-AE / Reservations accepted / Children’s menu / Full bar / Northern and southern Italian dishes, prepared fresh daily. Quiet, intimate atmosphere for couples, room for large families or choose to enjoy our outside seating with views of the ocean. ■ BJ’S ON THE WATER, 75th Street, Ocean City 410-524-7575 / www.bjsonthewater.com / $-$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Open year-round. Entire dining menu served 11 a.m. to 1:30 a.m., seven days a week. Daily specials, daily duck feeding. Entertainment every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. No cover. Available for parties and banquets. Indoor and outdoor dining. ■ BLUE FISH JAPANESE & CHINESE RESTAURANT AND SUSHI BAR, 94th Street, Ocean City 410-524-3983 / www.bluefishoc.com / $-$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / Reservations accepted / Full bar / Japanese and Chinese restaurant and sushi bar with beer, wine and cocktails. Dine in, take out and delivery available. Open Monday-Friday, 11:30 a.m.; Saturday and Sunday, noon. ■ CAPTAIN’S TABLE RESTAURANT, 15th Street and the Boardwalk, Ocean City 410289-7192 / www.captainstableoc.com / $$$$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / Reservations accepted / Children’s menu / Full bar / Family-owned, serving fine seafood, steaks and poultry on the third floor of the Courtyard by Marriott. Open 7 days a week, serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. ■ DEVITO’S ITALIAN DELI AND SUB SHOP, 143rd Street, Ocean City 410-250-1122 / $ / V-MC / No reservations required / Italian cold cuts pizza, sandwiches and subs for lunch and dinner. ■ DUFFY’S TAVERN, 130th Street, Montego Bay Shopping Center, Ocean City 410250-1449 / $ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Unique Irish tavern serving the best steaks, seafood and over-stuffed sandwiches. A local’s favorite with authentic Irish specialities, including shepard’s pie and corned beef and cabbage. Outdoor seating available. Open for lunch and dinner. ■ FAGER’S ISLAND RESTAURANT & BAR, 60th Street on the bay, Ocean City 410524-5500 / www.fagers.com / $$-$$$ / VMC-AE-DIS / Reservations accepted in the dining room only / Children’s menu / Full bar
DECEMBER 14, 2012
/ Upscale restaurant on the bay. Casual fine dining, fresh fish, prime rib and seafood. Lighter fare menu served on our decks or inside. ■ FRESCO’S, 82nd Street, Ocean City 410524-8202 / www.ocfrescos.com / $$-$$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / Reservations accepted / Children’s menu / Full bar / On the bay, serving seafood, steaks and pasta in an intimate atmosphere. Reservations highly recommended. ■ GALAXY 66 BAR & GRILLE, 66th Street, Ocean City 410-723-6762 / $$-$$$ / V-MAE-DIS / Reservations accepted / Full bar / Contemporary restaurant offering light fare and full entrees. Award- winning wine list, signature drinks and cocktails. ■ GIUSEPPE O’LEARY, Sunset Avenue, West Ocean City 410-213-2868 / www.submarinaoc.com / $-$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Full bar / Featuring homemade Italian cuisine in a cozy atmosphere. Open year-round. Happy hour food and drink specials Monday-Friday, 4-7 p.m. ■ GREENE TURTLE NORTH, 116th Street, Ocean City 410-723-2120 / www.thegreeneturtle.com / $$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / The Turtle, est. 1976, is an Ocean City tradition with a friendly staff, great food and something for everyone! Menu favorites are homemade crab cakes, kids’ menu, salads, burgers, wings and more! Featuring weekday lunch specials and happy hour, 50 high-def flat screen TVs, game room, gift shop, carry out, party trays, nightly drink specials, Keno, MD lottery, DJs with dance floor. Open 11 a.m. to 2 a.m., year-round. ■ HALL’S SEAFOOD & STEAK, 60th Street, Ocean City 410-524-5008 / www.HallsOC.com / $-$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / Reservations accepted / Children’s menu / Full bar / Serving Ocean City’s finest breakfast buffet and all-you-can-eat sea-food buffet. Open 7 days a week, all summer. New menu serving old favorites and new treats. ■ HARBORSIDE BAR & GRILL, 12841 S. Harbor Road, West Ocean City 410-2131846 / www.ocharborside.com / $$ / V-MCAE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Open seven days a week, 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. Casual waterfront dining serving seafood, steaks, sandwiches, salads, wraps and pasta. Home of the “Original Orange Crush.” Entertainment Thursday through Sunday. ■ HARPOON HANNA’S RESTAURANT & BAR, Route 54 and the bay, Fenwick Island, Del. www.harpoonhannasrestaurant.com / $$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Casual waterfront restaurant serving lunch, dinner. Fresh fish, seafood, steaks, sandwiches and all-you-caneat Alaskan crab legs. Open year-round. ■ HEMINGWAY’S AT THE CORAL REEF, 17th Street, in the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites, Ocean City 410-289-2612 / www.ocmdrestaurants.com / $$$ / V-MC-AEDIS / Reservations accepted / Children’s menu / Full bar / Elegant dining room, Floridian/island-style cuisine. Sea-food, tropical salsas, grilled steaks, pork chops, grilled pineapple, banana fritters, entree salads. ■ HIGH STAKES BAR & GRILL, Route 54, Fenwick Island, Del. 302-537-6971 / $-$$ / V-M-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Carry-out available / Full bar / Casual dining, daily happy hour and daily food specials. Live
Add a QR Code to your Dining Guide listing and give your patrons a direct link to your Web site, Facebook page, App, etc. Cost is $15 for current advertisers ~ $25 for new listings Contact a Sales Representative at 410-723-6397
entertainment. ■ HOOTERS, three Ocean City locations: 123rd Street, Ocean City 410-250-7081, Fifth Street, on the Boardwalk, Ocean City 410-289-2690 and Route 50, West Ocean City 410-213-1841 / www.hootersofoc.com / $-$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS. Fresh new menu items include ground chuck burgers, green salads, world famous chicken wings with 11 flavorful sauces, healthy choice sandwiches and seafood. Fun children’s menu. Relaxed beach atmosphere. Full bar. Large flat screen TVs, attentive service by delightful Hooters girls. Wingfest: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3-6 p.m., featuring 50-cent wings and awesome drink specials. Like us on Facebook. This is why we say Hooters makes you happy. ■ HORIZONS OCEANFRONT RESTAURANT, 101st Street, Ocean City 410-524-3535 / www.clarionoc.com / $-$$ ($20-45) / V-MCAE-DIS / Reservations accepted / Open tables / Children’s menu / Full bar / Proud to have Chef Shawn Reese creating beach-inspired dishes in both oceanfront restaurants, Horizons and Breaker’s Pub. New all-day menu, available 11:30 a.m. to 11 p.m., features many favorites, as well as exciting new creations with a local flare. Deluxe Sunday breakfast buffet open year-round and AUCE prime rib, crab legs and seafood buffet available most weekends. ■ HOUSE OF WELSH, 1106 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, Del. 1-800-311-2707 / www.houseofwelsh.net / $, $$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / Reservations accepted / Children’s menu / Full bar / Specializing in steaks and seafood. Open daily. Happy hour all day and night. Entertainment Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Casual attire. ■ JOHNNY’S PIZZA PUB, 56th Street, Ocean City 410-524-7499 / www.johnnys56.com / $ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Pizza, subs, wings, salads, beer, live music, high definition TVs, surf, movies, BlueRay. ■ JR’S THE ORIGINAL PLACE FOR RIBS, 61st and 131st streets, Ocean City 410250-3100, 410-524-7427 / www.jrsribs.com / $$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / Reservations accepted / Children’s menu / Full bar / The place for ribs since 1981. Family-friendly dining. Angus steaks, jumbo lump crab cakes, prime rib, seafood, chicken. Early bird. ■ JULES FINE DINING, 118th Street, Ocean City 410-524-3396 / www.ocjules.com / $$, $$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / Reservations accepted / Children’s menu / Full bar / Local fare, global flair. Fresh seafood year-round, fresh local produce. ■ OCEAN PINES YACHT CLUB, 1 Mumfords Landing Road, Ocean Pines 410-641-7501 / www.oceanpines.org, www.theclubsofoceanpines.com / $$ / V-MC-AE / Reservations accepted / Children’s menu / Full bar / Ocean Pines Yacht Club and Marina is open to the public for casual waterfront dining. Fresh local menu, on-site catering and Sunday brunch. ■ P.G.N. CRABHOUSE, 29th Street, Ocean City 410-289-8380 / $ / V-MC-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Beer, wine / The Kaouris family has been serving the finest crabs, seafood, steaks and chicken to Ocean City locals and visitors since 1969. ■ PHILLIPS CRAB HOUSE, 20th Street, Ocean City 410-289-6821 / www.phillipsseafood.com / $$ / V-MC-AE-DIS
/ No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / The original Phillips, serving the finest seafood since 1956. Complete with allyou-can-eat seafood buffet, a la carte menu and carryout counter. Daily early bird specials and plenty of free parking. ■ PHILLIPS SEAFOOD HOUSE, 141st Street, Ocean City 410-250-1200 / www.phillipsseafood.com / $$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Just minutes to the Delaware line. All-you-can-eat seafood buffet, a la carte menu and carryout counter. Daily early bird specials and plenty of free parking. ■ PONZETTI’S PIZZA, 144th Street, Ocean City www.ponzettispizza.com / $ / MC / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Italian dinners, subs and homemade pizza. Happy hour Monday through Friday, 3-6 p.m. Sports bar, live music on weekends. Light fare served till 1 a.m. Carry out available. ■ REFLECTIONS RESTAURANT, 67th Street, in the Holiday Inn Oceanfront, Ocean City 410-524-5252 / www.ocmdrestaurants.com / $$$ / V-MC-AE-DIS / Reservations accepted / Children’s menu / Full bar / Tableside flambé dining. Casually elegant, cuisine prepared tableside in the European tradition. Private dining rooms. Eclectic chef’s specials accompanied by an award-winning wine list. ■ SEACRETS, 49th Street, Ocean City 410524-4900 / www.seacrets.com / $$ / V-MCAE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Island atmosphere. Soups, salads, Jamaican jerk chicken, appetizers, sandwiches, paninis, pizza and fresh seafood. ■ SMITTY McGEE’S, 37234 Lighthouse Road, West Fenwick Island, Del. 302-4364716 / www.smittymcgees.com / $$ / V-MCAE-DIS / No reservations required / No children’s menu / Full bar / Casual. Big menu, including hot wings and drinks. ■ THE COTTAGE CAFE, Route 1 (across from Sea Colony), Bethany Beach, Del. 302-539-8710 / www.cottagecafe.com / $, $$ / V-MC-AE / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Seafood, kids’ menu, happy hour specials. Lunch and dinner daily. Breakfast buffet on weekends. ■ THE STERLING SEAFOOD GRILL & OYSTER BAR, 67th Street, in the Holiday Inn Oceanfront, Ocean City 410-524-5252 / www.ocmdrestaurants.com / $$ / V-MC-AEDIS / Reservations accepted / Children’s menu / Full bar / Fabulous raw bar serving the freshest raw oysters and clams, steamed shrimp, crab legs, mussels and oyster stew, made to order. “Fresh off the grill” items include rockfish, tuna, mahi mahi and salmon. Happy hour specials daily, 4-6 p.m. ■ WHISKERS PUB, 120th Street, OC Square, Ocean City 410-524-2609 / www.whiskerspub.com / $ / V-MC-AE-DIS / No reservations required / Children’s menu / Full bar / Old World saloon-type feel, Whisker’s is famous for its Certified Angus® burgers and delicious casual fare, as well as its entertaining atmosphere and photo lined walls of famous and infamous “whiskers.” Enjoy flat screen TVs to watch your favorite sports. Open year-round, 11:30 a.m. to 2 a.m., serving lunch and dinner daily. Happy hour every day 4-7 p.m. Nightly food specials.
OUT&ABOUT www.oceancitytoday.net
DECEMBER 14, 2012
FRIDAY, DEC. 14 LAP TIME — Berlin library, 220 N. Main St., 10:30 a.m. For infants and young toddlers. Children will be introduced to songs, games, finger plays and movement activities. Parents and caregivers will learn new ways to communicate with their toddlers. Registration is required by calling 410-641-0650. BINGO — Knights of Columbus, 9901 Coastal Highway (rear of St. Luke’s Church) in Ocean City. Doors open at 5 p.m. and games begin at 6:30 p.m. Refreshments for sale. Info: 410-524-7994. CHRISTMAS CONCERT — Atlantic United Methodist Church, 105 Fourth St., in Ocean City, 7:30 p.m. Featuring the Pine Tones Chorus. The chorus includes about 60 singers performing favorites ranging from traditional, classical themes to recent musical arrangements. Admission is free and an offering will be received. Refreshments available. Info: Chuck Strang, 410-208-6748 or June Todd, 410-289-7373. 2ND FRIDAY ART STROLL — Downtown Berlin, 5-8 p.m. Art openings and gallery receptions. Shops and galleries open late. CHARLES DICKENS’ A CHRISTMAS CAROL PERFORMANCE — Mar-Va Theater Performing Arts Center, 103 Market St., Pocomoke City, 7 p.m. Cost is $15 for adult, $7 for children 12 and younger. Tickets: Mar-Va Theater Box Office, online at www.marvatheater.com or at the door. Info: Box office, 410-957-4230 or Katy@marvatheater.com. Group seating available, wheelchair accessible. Call box office for any other special needs.
SATURDAY, DEC. 15 CHRISTMAS COOKIE WALK — Community Church at Ocean Pines, 11227 Racetrack Road, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Cookies cost $7 per pound, or take five dozen homemade Christmas cookies and receive one dozen free. All proceeds benefit Diakonia. SWIM WITH SANTA — Sports Core Pool, 11144 Cathell Road in Ocean Pines, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Join Santa while he floats in the heated pool. Donations of food and/or unwrapped toys will be accepted on behalf of the Worcester County
Sheriff Department’s “Christmas for the Needy” program. Open to the public. Cost is $3 for swim members; $5 for non-members. Spectators who are not swimming will not be charged entry fee. Register: Sports Core Pool, 410-641-5255 (open daily 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.); or info@oceanpines.org. ANNUAL RAFFLE TICKET DRAWING — Sponsored by Worcester County Humane Society and held at Harborside Bar & Grill, 12841 South Harbor Road, West Ocean City, 4-8 p.m. Live music, DJ Billy T, happy hour drink prices, a small buffet and Chinese and silent auctions. Drawing prizes are $3,000 for first place, $1,500 for second place and $500 for third place. A $10 donation entry and wish list item. To see the wish list, visit Harborside or the WCHS Facebook page. Tickets can be purchased the day of the drawing. 4TH ANNUAL REINDEER RUN — The 5K starts at 9 a.m., 1-mile fun run starts at 10 a.m. at the Atlantic Hotel on Main Street in Berlin. Jingle bells and other festive holiday wear encouraged. Participants receive a swag bag and longsleeve T-shirt. Medals awarded to top finishers. Food, drinks, bake sale, Santa and the town offers carriage rides beginning at 11 a.m. Fundraising has been set up for Worcester Youth and Family. Register: active.com or 410213-1078. A Berlin Victorian Christmas event. TAYLOR HOUSE MUSEUM TOURS — Visit the Taylor House Museum, 208 N. Main St., Berlin, 1-4 p.m., to explore historic displays of Berlin and Worcester County. This is part of the Museums of Worcester County traditional Christmas celebrations. Info: www.taylorhousemuseum.org. CHARLES DICKENS’ A CHRISTMAS CAROL PERFORMANCE — Mar-Va Theater Performing Arts Center, 103 Market St., Pocomoke City, 7 p.m. Cost is $15 for adult, $7 for children 12 and younger. Tickets: Mar-Va Theater Box Office, online at www.marvatheater.com or at the door. Info: Box office, 410-957-4230 or Katy@marvatheater.com. Group seating available, wheelchair accessible. Call box office for any other special needs. PANCAKE BREAKFAST — VFW, Post 8296, 104 66th St., bayside in Ocean City, 8-11 a.m. A $5 donation for all-you-can-eat pancakes or 2-22, two eggs, two pancakes and two bacon slices, includes coffee and juice. Bloody Marys cost $3. Info: 410-524-8196. Continued on Page 52
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Dallas Disney and his 14-month-old son, Dallas, of Huntington, Md., meet Santa on Dec. 1, in the Berlin Chamber Visitor’s Center. Old St. Nick will be there from noon to 2 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays through Dec. 22, as part of the town’s annual Victorian Christmas celebration.
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LOCALS’ FAVORITE FOR 57 YEARS The Courtyard by Marriott Hotel Parking 15th St. & Baltimore Ave. Ocean City, Maryland 410.289.7192 for Reservations www.captainstableoc.com
" & DRAFT BEER, HOUSE WINE OR MARYLAND CRAB CHOWDER with the purchase of dinner menu entreé & coupon. Cannot be combined with other coupons/vouchers/EB.
DECEMBER 14, 2012
Ocean Pines, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Shop features handcrafted home decor, jewelry and fashion accessories created by members of the Pine’eer Craft Club.
OUT&ABOUT Continued from Page 51 OLD TIME RADIO PERFORMED — Whimsical Cottage, 11 Artisans Way, Berlin, 7 p.m. Radio Airwaves will re-enact “The Bickersons Christmas Show” radio show, including music, sound effects and the cast dressed in clothes from the 1946-1951 era. Christmas carols performed by the cast. Audience is encouraged to join in. Cost is $10. Reservations: 443-513-4768 or 302698-1201.
‘SHARING SUNDAY’ DONATIONS — Ocean Pines South Side Fire Station, 1-3 p.m. Collecting nonperishable food, paper goods and grocery cards. “Sharing Sunday” donations collected third Sunday of each month and given to local food pantry. Info: Democratic Women’s Club of Worcester County, 410-641-6683. ‘A FESTIVAL OF LESSONS AND CAROLS’ — St. John Neumann Catholic Parish, 11211 Beauchamp Road, Berlin, 3 p.m. Scriptural readings, hymns and carols, along with time for meditative silence. All are welcome. A basket will be available for free-will donations. Info: 410-208-2956.
SUNDAY, DEC. 16 PRAISE AND WORSHIP, CHRISTMAS CANTANA — Atlantic United Methodist Church, 105 Fourth St., in Ocean City. Praise and worship at 8:30 a.m.; Chancel Choir Christmas Cantata, 10 a.m. Info: 410-289-7430.
CHARLES DICKENS’ A CHRISTMAS CAROL PERFORMANCE — Mar-Va Theater Performing Arts Center, 103 Market St., Pocomoke City, 2 p.m. Cost is $15 for adult, $7 for children 12
PINE’EER CRAFT AND GIFT SHOP CLOSING DAY FOR SEASON — Pine’eer Craft and Gift Shop, White Horse Park, 239 Ocean Parkway,
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DELMARVA SWEET ADELINE CHORUS MEETS WEEKLY — The Delmarva Sweet Adeline Chorus, under the direction of Carol Ludwig, meets each Monday from 7-9 p.m., at the Ocean Pines Community Center, 239 Ocean Parkway, White Horse Park. Women interested in learning and singing in a barbershop format are welcome. Info: 410-208-4171. HAND DANCING — House of Welsh, 1106 Coastal Highway, Fenwick, Del. Free lessons from 6-7 p.m., open dancing 7-10 p.m. No cover charge. Info: DC Hand Dance Club, 302-541-0728.
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YOGA — James G. Barrett Medical Office Building, rotunda, 10231 Old Ocean City Boulevard, Berlin, 5:30-6:45 p.m. All levels welcome. Cost is $72 for eight sessions or $10 drop-in fee for first time. Info: Georgette Rhoads, 410-641-9734 or grhoads@atlanticgeneral.org. WORCESTER COUNTY COMMISSION FOR WOMEN MEETING — Si’Culi Italian Restaurant, 104 N. Main St., Berlin, 5-7 p.m. Short meeting, followed by a social gathering to thank Friends of Worcester County Commission for Women for a successful year. Meeting open to public and a Friends’ membership is $30 per year, $20 of which is a tax deduction to the McGuffey Literacy Project. Info: 410-208-2569.
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 19 PLAYTIME — Ocean City library, 10003 Coastal Highway, 10:30 a.m. For children ages infant to 5 years. Foster creativity and confidence with age appropriate toys, games and activities. Develop cognitive, physical and social skills
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YOUNG AND RESTLESS — Pocomoke library, 301 Market St., 10:30 a.m. For children ages 35 years. Creative science, art and music activities. Dress for a mess. Pre-registration required by calling 410-957-0878.
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TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY MEETING — Berlin group No. 169, Atlantic General Hospital, conference room 2, 9733 Healthway Drive in Berlin, 5-6:30 p.m. TOPS is a support and educational group promoting weight loss and healthy lifestyle. It meets weekly. Info: Edna Berkey, 410-629-1006.
STORY TIME — Berlin library, 220 N. Main St., 10:30 a.m. For children ages 3-5 years. Stories, rhymes, finger plays, music and crafts. Info: 410-641-0650.
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CPAP MASK FITTING — Atlantic General Hospital Sleep Disorders Diagnostic Center, 9733 Healthway Drive in Berlin. Free, monthly mask fitting clinic for patients who are having trouble adjusting to their CPAP equipment. Additional clinic offered for those who are apprehensive about the idea of using CPAP. By appointment only: Robin Rohlfing, 410-641-9726.
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and younger. Tickets: Mar-Va Theater Box Office, online at www.marvatheater.com or at the door. Info: Box office, 410-957-4230 or Katy@marvatheater.com. Group seating available, wheelchair accessible. Call box office for any other special needs.
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
OUT&ABOUT through this interactive, free play program. Info: 410-524-1818. HYPERTENSION CLINICS — Sponsored by Atlantic General Hospital and takes place at Walgreen’s, Bethany Beach, Del., 10 a.m. to noon and at Walgreen’s, Selbyville, Del., 1-3 p.m. Free blood pressure screening and health information. Info: Dawn Denton, 410-641-9268.
are welcome. Discounted food and drink prices. Info: 302-337-3638. BINGO — Every Wednesday at Ocean City Elks Lodge 2645, 138th Street across from Fenwick Inn. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., games start 6:30 p.m. A $1,000 jackpot available, food, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. No one under 18 years allowed in the hall during bingo. Info: 410250-2645.
WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY SEMINAR — Berlin Main Place Complex, 9956 N. Main St., Berlin, 5-6 p.m. Receive information about the lap band and gastric sleeve weight loss procedures. Pre-register: 410-641-3960.
TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY MEETING — Ocean City library, 10003 Coastal Highway, Wednesdays, 4:45-6 p.m. TOPS is a support and educational group promoting weight loss and healthy lifestyle. It meets weekly. Info: 302436-3682.
DELMARVA HAND DANCING CLUB — Meets every Wednesday at Skyline Bar & Grille at The Fenwick Inn, 138th Street and Coastal Highway in Ocean City. Beginner and intermediate lessons, 5:30-6:30 p.m., followed by dancing until 9 p.m. Jitterbug, swing, cha-cha to the sounds of the ’50s, ’60s and Carolina beach music. All
SUICIDE GRIEVERS’ SUPPORT GROUP — Worcester County Health Department, 9730 Healthway Drive, Berlin at 6 p.m., on the third Wednesday of each month. Open to anyone who has lost a friend or loved on to suicide. Free of charge. Info: 410-629-0164 or www.jessespaddle.org.
lic. Info: 410-289-3166.
THURSDAY, DEC. 20 PLAYTIME — Snow Hill library, 307 N. Washington St., 10:30 a.m. For children ages infant to 5 years. Foster creativity and confidence with age appropriate toys, games and activities. Develop cognitive, physical and social skills through this interactive, free play program. Info: 410-632-3495. STORY TIME — Ocean Pines library, 11107 Cathell Road, 10:30 a.m. For children ages 3-5 years. Stories, rhymes, finger plays, music and crafts. Info: 410-208-4014. BEACH SINGLES — Every Thursday, Beach Singles 45-Plus meets for happy hour at Lighthouse Sound, 12723 St. Martins Neck Road, Bishopville, 4 p.m. Info: Arlene, 302-436-9577; Kate, 410-524-0649; or Dianne, 302-541-4642. BINGO — American Legion Post 166, 2308 Philadelphia Ave., in Ocean City, every Thursday, year round. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., games start at 7 p.m. Food available. Open to the pub-
COMMUNITY GIVE BACK PROGRAM — Dine at Ruby Tuesday at The Centre at Salisbury, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., present event flyer and 20 percent of the check will go to Humane Society of Wicomico County. Flyers: www.wicomicohumane.org.
ONGOING EVENTS BENEFIT DANCE FOR PHIL ENGSTROM — Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company Headquarters, 1409 N. Philadelphia Ave., Ocean City, Feb. 2, 7-11 p.m. Food, dancing, door prizes and auction. Phil Engstrom, a hand dancing instructor and member of the DC Hand Dancing, suffered a massive stroke in April. His insurance stopped in September. Cost is $25. Tickets: Gina, 240-765-9457. All proceeds will go to Engstrom and his recovery. Donations can be made through Philengstrom.webs.com or can be mailed to Phil Engstrom, 778 94th St., #304, Ocean City, MD. 21842.
Answers on page 44
DECEMBER 14, 2012
Large stuffed animals, above, ride on a float sponsored by the Salisbury Zoological Society in Berlin’s holiday parade last Thursday night. The Hotel Atlantic’s float, left, portraying the manger scene, makes its way along Main Street during the Berlin Christmas Parade.
Chelsea Hale, 16, above, of Ocean Pines, a student at Stephen Decatur High School and Worcester Technical High School, participates in the parade. OC Stars of Ocean City Elementary School, at right, took first place in the Youth Performing category.
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The annual Berlin Christmas Parade, which took place on Main Street last Thursday night, had nearly 90 entries and attracted thousands of spectators to the downtown area. Prizes were given to the top entrants in 14 categories. For the first time, the parade began on Bryan Avenue and went down Main Street past the Atlantic Hotel. The town of Berlin sponsored and organized the parade. Members of the Berlin Volunteer Fire Company helped with traffic control and directing hundreds of motorists to parking places.
ADULT-SPONSORED FLOATS 1. River Church of The Nazarene 2. Delmarva Zoological Society 3. Atlantic General Hospital YOUTH-SPONSORED FLOATS 1. Stevenson U.M. Church 2. Worcester Youth & Family 3. Worcester Beach Bots SCHOOL-SPONSORED FLOATS 1. Cedar Chapel Special 2. Berlin Intermediate 3. Buckingham Elementary FIRE DEPARTMENTS 1. Ocean Pines 2. Berlin 3. Snow Hill YOUTH MARCHING UNIT 1. Seaside Dance Academy 2. Brownie Troop #329 3. Eastern Shore Karate Academy ROTC 1. Snow Hill 2. Pocomoke 3. Stephen Decatur VEHICLE CLUBS 1. AGH Penguin Swim 2. East Coast Car & Truck 3. East Coast Rejects ANTIQUE CARS 1. Scott Wainwright’s Military Vehicle SCHOOL MARCHING BANDS 1. Snow Hill 2. Pocomoke MOTORCYCLES 1. MD Black Knights 2. Prince Hall Shriners 3. MD Eastern Shore Ruff ADULT MARCHING UNIT 1. Duncan Showell Post 231 2. Ocean City Ladies Auxiliary 3. Prince hall Shriners YOUTH PERFORMING 1. OC Stars 2. SDHS Show Choir 3. Around Sound Music COMMERCIAL FLOATS 1. Harrison Group 2. Trimper’s Rides 3. Frontier Town CROWNED YOUTH 1. Pocomoke Miss Fire Prevention 2. Worcester County Farm Bureau 3. Jr. Women’s Club of Pocomoke
Ocean City Today
DECEMBER 14, 2012
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
Classifieds now appear in Ocean City Today & the Bayside Gazette each week and online at oceancitytoday.net and baysideoc.com.
HeLp wAnTeD Security Guard Hi-rise condo - security needed for year round, part time positions 4pm-12 midnight and 12 midnight - 8am shifts. Background check and Transportation is required. All interested persons please fax your resume to 410-524-5449.
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YR-2 Bedroom, 1 Bath House, large yard, close to WalMart. $900/month. Call Dale 443-736-5589 or e-mail dale@ocrooms.com
Arctic Heating & Air Conditioning is hiring a Full Time Maintenance Technician Benefits following 90 days of employment. Competitive pay, please fax resume to 410-6411437 or call our office at 410641-1434. \
Condo Resident Management Team Vacancy The condo association of a highly regarded, mid-rise, Ocean City building is seeking an experienced, full-time Resident Management Team to replace a husband/wife team that will be retiring in the spring of 2013. Applicants must have computer skills, maintenance experience, outgoing personalities, and the ability to interact with owners, tenants, contractors and government officials. References required, as well as an excellent credit history and resident management experience or equivalent. Veteran’s preference is a positive in the applicant evaluation process. Salary and benefits to be negotiated. Financial and police checks may be performed. Resumes will be accepted until December 31, 2012; interviews will be scheduled beginning in December, and the anticipated start date for the new team is about March 1st, 2013. Please send application including desired salary to: ccacondo@verizon.net or mail to: CCA, P.O. Box 4561, Ocean City, MD 21843.
Nite Club Taxi is hiring F/T & P/T Drivers. Call Michael 443373-1319. Now hiring sales reps and promo models for weekend work. Paid travel, $100 a day + bonuses. J-1 welcome. Experienced sales managers for travel also needed for PT/FT salaried position. Please call 443-2917651 Now hiring Stay at Home Moms, Senior Citizens or anyone who wants to work F/T or P/T, setting your own hours in your area & surrounding areas. For just a $10 investment you can make up to 50%. Call your Avon Representative Christine @ 443-880-8397 Visit www.startavon.com Use reference code: cbrown2272 to sign up online or email snowhillavon@comcast.net
Dunkin Donuts Now Hiring
Kitchen Help Location: 9919 Golf Course Road, OC, MD
Please apply online at: www.delmarvadd.com Applications or resumes will not be accepted thru Email or fax.
Winter Rental-2BR apt. $200/ wk. Eff. Apt.-$165/week ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED. No/ Pets. 410-289-5831 YR RentalOceanfront AtlantisFurnished 2BR/2BA condo. Clean, freshly painted with new appliances. $1200/mo. Call JoAnn 410-524-7777 Year round, furn., 3/BR townhouse 123rd St., $1200/mo. Washer/dryer central a/c, outdoor pool. Utilities and Security Deposit extra. No/Pets. Resort Rentals, 410-524-0295. YR, Bayside 2BR/1BA-W/D, great view. No Smoking/Pets $1000/mo. + Sec. Dep + Util. Also, 2/seasonal boat slips for rent April thru Oct. $2800 + $3500. 443-235-1843 YR Ocean Pines-Furn., 3/4 BR, 2 1/2 BA, W/D, DW, 1/car garage, Available Immed. $1300/ mo. + Utilities + Sec. Dep. No Smoking/Pets. Call 240-3819112
Employment Opportunities:
Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel Attn: Human Resources Dept. 10100 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD 21842 Phone: 410-524-3535 Fax: 410-723-9109 EOE M/F/D/V
Rent/Buy option-Ocean Pines. 3BR/2BA Rancher. Fenced yard, CAC, fireplace, screened porch plus two decks. $1,250/ month plus security deposit. 410-668-0680
Winter Rental - 1st St. and Philadelphia Ave. Large 2 bedroom, 1 bath Apartment. $600/ month, $600 S/D, utilities not included. Call Dale 443-7365589 or e-mail to dale@ocrooms.com.
1BR Nicely Furnished, 28th Street w/great canal view. New/carpet. W/D. Now to 6/1/13. $600/month + Sec. Deposit. Incl. util, HBO & ShowTime. 10% off if paid in advance! 302-448-9999
Winter OC Rooms for Rent! Lg. rms. $100. Furnished and all utilities. Call 410-430-1746.
YR, Bishopville, 3BR/2BA, Mobile on water-near Williamsville. Unfurnished, screened porch. No/Smoking, No/Pets $850/mo. Howard Martin Realty 410-352-5555
Just reduced to $19,900. 2BR Mobile, very close to the water. Terrific Condition! Lot rent $350/mo. includes water/sewer, trash & taxes. Call Howard Martin Realty 410-352-5555
WR or YR - 2BR/2BA Bright, spacious, newly remodeled, Furnished House in WOC. Nr Harbor. Potential studio in loft. Vaulted ceilings, fireplace & deck. 240-620-3041
$159.900 Bishopville - 3BR Home - 1 acre, garage, 3 season room, NO city taxes. Need 20% down for financing. Call Howard Martin Realty 410352-5555.
Winter Rental - Two Pristine Condos. 3BR/3BA and 2BR/ 2BA. Call Bill 443-373-7232. Winter Rental or Year Round2BR/2BA 142nd Street Winter Rental-3BR/2BA-28th Street-$700. Call 443-880-0510
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Berlin - 4BR/2BA - Remodeled Rancher, hardwood floors. Large yard, shed. $1300/mo. Call Bunting Realty 410-6413313
OC Yearly Rental. Fully furnished 1BR/1BA condo. 127th St. bayside. The Raffles. $800/ month + utilities. References required 1-410-320-4017/1-410827-3170
Winter Rental
Top wages, excellent benefits package and free employee meal available to successful candidates.
Year Round Rental-43rd St. 2 large bedrooms, 1 bath Apartment. Coin-op washer and dryer on site. Family friendly building. $900 per month. Call Dale at 443-736-5589 or e-mail to dale@ocrooms.com.
YR WOC, 4BR/4.5BA Penthouse, unfurnished, elevator, pool & tennis. 3BR/2BA Oceanfront Condo, furnished, (Rent negotiable) Available now! Income verification req’d. Call 443-521-3202.
Berlin YR, 2BR/1BA, SFH with outbuilding and large yard for $800/month + util. pets allowed. Contact hall5774@aol.com or 410-726-7965.
Available Now-April 1. 312 Sunset Dr. 2BR/1.5BA, newly remodeled, big kitchen/living area. $250/week includes utilities or $800/mo. you pay utilities. Security deposit $1200. Call 410-428-7333 or 410-251-4259 www.SunsetTerraceRentals.com
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Cute, YR Efficiency, 32nd St. OC-with cable, HBO, W/D. Need good credit or steady job. No/Smoking $750/mo. 443504-4460
Advertise Your Rentals Here Contact us today! 410-723-6397 www.oceancitytoday.net www.baysideoc.com
Yearly & Seasonal Rentals We Welcome Pets 7700 Coastal Hwy 410-524-7700 www.holidayoc.com
WINTER RENTAL Month to month. Blue Turtle Apts. on 57th St., oceanside. 2BR/1BA, fully furn., kitch., lvg. rm. Cable incl. Elect. Incl. up to $150 a month only. $575-$600 depending on one or two persons. 2 person max. $300 sec. dep. Quiet required 24/7 inside & out. No stereos, visitors after 11pm, pets, or smoking inside.
410-422-4780 Due to Christmas holiday, Classifieds deadline for Dec. 28 edition is Friday, Dec. 21, 5 p.m.
Now you can order your classifieds online
COMMeRCIAL COMMeRCIAL 2000 Sq Ft Warehouse. Large garage door, insulated walls, lights/outlets. Route 54 Delaware. Close to route 1. $800/Month. Call 443-8568772 3500 Sq Ft WarehouseGarage door, entry door, private gated area, bathroom, lights/outlets. $1200 Month. Route 54 DE close to Rt. 1 Call 443-856-8772
Upscale Mid-town Office Space in O.C. for Lease. Flexible floor plan. From 650 to 5,150 sq. ft. Call Brian 443-880-2225
Ocean City Today
DECEMBER 14, 2012
Office Space w/bathroom in West Ocean City, RT/50 West near UPS store. Parking, electric/sign. Move-in ready! 1000/sq. ft. $700/mo. Call 240447-7554
Seasoned Firewood for sale$150/cord + delivery. Parker Plant Depot 410-835-8197 Please leave message.
“GROW YOUR OWN OYSTERS” Capt. Tom’s Oyster Floats. Custom made on the Eastern Shore. Spat/Supplies/ Instructions. 757-710-0279 bill@oystergardening.com
Bishopville Movers Inc. Fast, reliable service. 410-352-5555.
Self-Storage Units on Route 50. Various sizes starting at $75 to $175/month. 100 to 200 sq. ft. Call Bill 301-537-5391
Puzzle Place Daycare has immediate openings for ages 19 mos. and older. Structured curriculum in my home. Crafts, story time, lesson time and outside play. Accredited daycare license with 25 years experience. 410-641-1952
Prime Office Space for Rent On the corner of Main St. & Broad St., Berlin. 1250 sq.ft. Second floor unit with exclusive deck. Central air conditioning & heat. Recently remodeled. Starting at $1100/mo. for long term lease. Call Russell 443497-2729.
DOCK WANTED BOAT BOAT DOCK WANTED Boat Dock Wanted: Looking for boat dock to rent in Ocean City for 2013 season (April to October) to fit 25’ Parker boat. Lift preferred, but not necessary. Call 443-690-2767 or emial ericcall@gmail.com
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Ocean City Today
DECEMBER 14, 2012
Legal Notices BWW Law Group, LLC 4520 East West Highway, Suite 200 Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 961-6555
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY IMPROVEMENTS THEREON 300 ROBIN DR., UNIT #213 OCEAN CITY, MD 21842 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from Linda M. Ropka dated September 29, 2003 and recorded in Liber 3889, Folio 330 among the Land Records of Worcester Co., MD, with an original principal balance of $84,000.00 and an original interest rate of 6.500% default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Worcester Co., at the Court House Door, Snow Hill, on DECEMBER 21, 2012 AT 1:00 PM ALL THAT fee-simple LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings or improvements thereon situated in Worcester Co., MD and described as Unit Number 213 in the “Key West Villas Condominium” and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. Terms of Sale: A deposit of $9,000 in cash, cashiers check or certified check is required at time of sale. Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of current real property taxes will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. All past due property taxes paid by the purchaser. All other public and/or private charges or assessments, including water/sewer charges, ground rent, whether incurred prior to or after the sale to be paid by the purchaser. All transfer taxes shall be paid by the Purchaser. Purchaser shall pay all applicable agricultural tax, if any. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to settle within 10 days of ratification, the Sub. Trustees may file a motion to resell the property. If Purchaser defaults under these terms, deposit shall be for-
feited. The Sub. Trustees may then resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. The defaulted purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. If Sub. Trustees are unable to convey either insurable or marketable title, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is the return of the deposit without interest. Howard N. Bierman, Jacob Geesing, Carrie M. Ward, David W. Simpson, Jr., Substitute Trustees OCD-12/6/3t ___________________________________ BWW Law Group, LLC 4520 East West Highway, Suite 200 Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 961-6555
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY IMPROVEMENTS THEREON 2307 POINT’S REACH, UNIT #2307 BERLIN A/R/T/A OCEAN PINES, MD 21811 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from Douglas D. Galloway and Sandra J. McAlisterGalloway dated September 30, 2005 and recorded in Liber 4550, Folio 115 among the Land Records of Worcester Co., MD, with an original principal balance of $368,000.00 and an original interest rate of 5.875% default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Worcester Co., at the Court House Door, Snow Hill, on DECEMBER 21, 2012 AT 1:10 PM ALL THAT fee-simple LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings or improvements thereon situated in Worcester Co., MD and described as Unit No. 2307, Phase Three, in the “Point’s Reach Condominium” and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. Terms of Sale: A deposit of $35,000 in cash, cashiers check or certified check is required at time of sale. Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of current real property taxes will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. All past due property taxes paid by the purchaser. All other public and/or private charges or assessments, including water/sewer charges, ground rent, whether incurred prior to or after the
sale to be paid by the purchaser. All transfer taxes shall be paid by the Purchaser. Purchaser shall pay all applicable agricultural tax, if any. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to settle within 10 days of ratification, the Sub. Trustees may file a motion to resell the property. If Purchaser defaults under these terms, deposit shall be forfeited. The Sub. Trustees may then resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. The defaulted purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. If Sub. Trustees are unable to convey either insurable or marketable title, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is the return of the deposit without interest. Howard N. Bierman, Jacob Geesing, Carrie M. Ward, David W. Simpson, Jr., Substitute Trustees OCD-12/6/3t ___________________________________ McCabe, Weisberg & Conway, LLC 312 Marshall Avenue, Suite 800 Laurel, Maryland 20707 www.mwc-law.com
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY 10305 BRISTOL RD. OCEAN CITY, MD 21842 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from Charles R. Harman, III a/k/a Charles Harman a/k/a Charles R. Harman, II, dated January 18, 2008 and recorded in Liber 5052, folio 262 among the Land Records of Worcester Co., MD, default having occurred under the terms thereof and at the request of the parties secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at the Circuit Court for Worcester Co., at the Court House Door, Snow Hill, on DECEMBER 17, 2012 AT 1:20 PM ALL THAT fee-simple LOT OF GROUND AND THE IMPROVEMENTS THEREON situated in Worcester Co., Maryland and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property is improved by a dwelling. The property will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions, easements, encumbrances and agreements of record affecting the subject property, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. Terms of Sale: A deposit in the form of cashier’s or certified check, or in such other form as the Substitute
Trustees may determine, at their sole discretion, for $24,000 at the time of sale. If the noteholder and/or servicer is the successful bidder, the deposit requirement is waived. Balance of the purchase price is to be paid within fifteen (15) days of the final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court for Worcester Co., Maryland. Interest is to be paid on the unpaid purchase price at the rate of 8% per annum from date of sale to the date the funds are received in the office of the Substitute Trustees, if the property is purchased by an entity other than the noteholder and/or servicer. If payment of the balance does not occur within fifteen days of ratification, the deposit will be forfeited and the property will be resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. There will be no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event settlement is delayed for any reason. Taxes, ground rent, water rent, and all other public charges and assessments payable on an annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges to be adjusted for the current year to the date of sale, and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the ground rent escrow, if required. Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, and all settlement charges shall be borne by the purchaser. If the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable title, the purchaser’s sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to the refund of the deposit to the purchaser. Upon refund of the deposit, the sale shall be void and of no effect, and the purchaser shall have no further claim against the Substitute Trustees. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale shall assume the risk of loss for the property immediately after the sale. (Matter #2011-17195) Laura H. G. O’Sullivan, Deborah K. Curran, Erin M. Brady, Diana C. Theologou, Laura L. Latta, Jonathan Elefant, Chasity Brown, Substitute Trustees ALEX COOPER AUCTS., INC. 908 YORK ROAD, TOWSON, MARYLAND 21204 410-828-4838 OCD-11/29/3t ___________________________________
NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE ESTATE NO. 14930 Notice is given that the Chancery court of Sussex County, DE appointed David M. Hinkel, 114 W. County Road 575N, Shelburn, IN 47879 as the Executor of the Estate of Sally Ann Hinkel who died on August 10, 2012 domiciled in Delaware, USA. The Maryland resident agent for service of process is Catherine Potter whose address is 115 Old Wharf Rd., Ocean City, MD 21842. At the time of death, the decedent owned real or leasehold property in the following Maryland counties: Worcester Co. All persons having claims against the decedent must file their claims with the Register of Wills for Worcester County with a copy to the foreign personal representative on or before the
Ocean City Today
DECEMBER 14, 2012
Legal Notices earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent’s death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent’s death; or (2) Two months after the foreign personal representative mails or delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claim within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. Claims filed after that date or after a date extended by law will be barred. David M. Hinkel Foreign Personal Representative Charlotte K. Cathell Register of Wills Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 Name of newspaper designated by personal representative: Ocean City Digest Date of first publication: November 29, 2012 OCD-11/29/3t ___________________________________ WILLIAMS, MOORE, SHOCKLEY & HARRISON PA RAYMOND C. SHOCKLEY 3509 COASTAL HIGHWAY P.O. BOX 739 OCEAN CITY, MD 21842
NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE ESTATE NO. 14942 NOTICE IS GIVEN that the Circuit court of Fairfax County, VA appointed Lillian Gigliotti, 7308 Peter Place, McLean, VA 22102 as the Executor of the Estate of Loretto D. Desjardins who died on February 07, 2011 domiciled in Virginia, America. The Maryland resident agent for service of process is Raymond C. Shockley whose address is 3509 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD 21842. At the time of death, the decedent owned real or leasehold property in the following Maryland counties: Worcester County. All persons having claims against the decedent must file their claims with the Register of Wills for Worcester County with a copy to the foreign personal representative on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent’s death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent’s death; or (2) Two months after the foreign personal representative mails or delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claim within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. Claims filed after that date or after a date extended by law will be barred. Lillian Gigliotti Foreign Personal Representative Charlotte K. Cathell Register of Wills Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 Name of newspaper designated by personal representative:
Ocean City Digest Date of first publication: December 06, 2012 OCD-12/6/3t ___________________________________ BWW Law Group. LLC 4520 East West Highway, Suite 200 Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 961-6555 Carrie M. Ward, et al. 4520 East West Highway, Suite 200 Bethesda, MD 20814 Substitute Trustees Plaintiffs vs. DARYLL L. GRABEK 106 120th Street, Unit #404 arta 106 Edward Taylor Road, Unit 404 Ocean City, MD 21842 Defendant(s) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR WORCESTER COUNTY, MARYLAND Case No. 23-C-12-000972
NOTICE Notice is hereby given this 21st day of November, 2012, by the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland, that the sale of the property mentioned in these proceedings and described as 106 120th Street, unit #404, arta 106 Edward Taylor Road, unit 404, Ocean City, MD 21842, made and reported by Howard N. Bierman, Substitute Trustee, will be RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 24th day of December, 2012, provided a copy of this NOTICE be inserted in some weekly newspaper printed in said County, once in each of three successive weeks before the 17th day of December, 2012. The report states the purchase price at the Foreclosure sale to be $176,459.00. Stephen V. Hales Clerk, Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland True Copy Test: Stephen V. Hales Clerk of the Circuit Court Worcester County, Md. OCD-11/29/3t ___________________________________ BWW Law Group. LLC 4520 East West Highway, Suite 200 Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 961-6555 Carrie M. Ward, et al. 4520 East West Highway, Suite 200 Bethesda, MD 20814 Substitute Trustees Plaintiffs vs. SHIREEN RAMADAN 16 Decatur Street Berlin, MD 21811 Defendant(s) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR WORCESTER COUNTY, MARYLAND Case No. 23-C-12-000665
NOTICE Notice is hereby given this 21st day of November, 2012, by the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland, that the sale of the property mentioned in these proceedings and described as 16 Decatur Street, Berlin, MD 21811, made and reported by Howard N. Bierman, Substitute Trustee, will be RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 24th day of December,
2012, provided a copy of this NOTICE be inserted in some weekly newspaper printed in said County, once in each of three successive weeks before the 17th day of December, 2012. The report states the purchase price at the Foreclosure sale to be $153,600.00. Stephen V. Hales Clerk, Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland True Copy Test: Stephen V. Hales Clerk of the Circuit Court Worcester County, Md. OCD-11/29/3t ___________________________________
NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE ESTATE NO. 14931 NOTICE IS GIVEN that the Orphans’ court of Montgomery County, PA appointed John Collevechio, 10 Wheat Sheaf Lane, Edgleville, PA 19403 and Sharon Hamel, 648 Barrington Rd., Collegeville, PA 19426 as the Personal Representatives of the Estate of Joan A. Kucharik who died on September 08, 2012 domiciled in Pennsylvania, USA. The Maryland resident agent for service of process is David R. Jewells whose address is 11954 E. Yardarm Dr., Berlin, MD 21811. At the time of death, the decedent owned real or leasehold property in the following Maryland counties: Worcester County. All persons having claims against the decedent must file their claims with the Register of Wills for Worcester County with a copy to the foreign personal representative on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent’s death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent’s death; or (2) Two months after the foreign personal representative mails or delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claim within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. Claims filed after that date or after a date extended by law will be barred. John Collevechio Sharon Hamel Foreign Personal Representatives Charlotte K. Cathell Register of Wills Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 Name of newspaper designated by personal representative: Ocean City Digest Date of first publication: November 29, 2012 OCD-11/29/3t ___________________________________
NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE Application has been made by the Undersigned for a Transfer of a Class “B” BEER-WINE-LIQUOR License, 7 Day, By Harry E. Shepherd, 12616 Old Bridge Road, Ocean City, Maryland 21842; Royette Tarry Shepherd, 12616 Old Bridge Road, Ocean City, Maryland 21842; Ryan E. Intrieri, 10719
Admiral’s Lassie, Berlin, Maryland 21811. For: Hooper’s Crab House, Inc. For the premises know as and located at: T/A: Hooper’s Restaurant 12913 Ocean Gateway Ocean City, Maryland 21842 Formerly: Stockyard, Inc. There will be a public hearing on the application in the Board Room, Room 1102 in the Government Center Snow Hill, Maryland, on: December 19, 2012 @ 1:50 P.M. The Board welcomes written or oral comment at said public hearing from any interested party. WORCESTER COUNTY BOARD OF LICENSE COMMISSIONERS OCD-12/6/2t ___________________________________
NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE Application has been made by the Undersigned for a Transfer of a Class “B” BEER-WINE-LIQUOR License, 7 Day, By Harry E. Shepherd, 12616 Old Bridge Road, Ocean City, Maryland 21842; Royette Tarry Shepherd, 12616 Old Bridge Road, Ocean City, Maryland 21842; Ryan E. Intrieri, 10719 Admiral’s Lassie, Berlin, Maryland 21811. For: Hooper’s Crab House, Inc. Caterer’s License For the premises know as and located at: T/A: Hooper’s Restaurant 12913 Ocean Gateway Ocean City, Maryland 21842 Formerly: Stockyard, Inc. There will be a public hearing on the application in the Board Room, Room 1102 in the Government Center Snow Hill, Maryland, on: December 19, 2012 @ 1:55 P.M. The Board welcomes written or oral comment at said public hearing from any interested party. WORCESTER COUNTY BOARD OF LICENSE COMMISSIONERS OCD-12/6/2t ___________________________________
NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE Application has been made by the Undersigned for the transfer of a Class A Beer & Wine license as well as a transfer of location for Class “A” BEERWINE License, 7 Day, By Walid Saleh, 10114 Godspeed Drive, Ocean City, Maryland 21842; Natalie Saleh, 10114 Godspeed Drive, Ocean City, Maryland 21842; Ghassan I. Neshawat, 14445 Burntwoods Road, Glenwood, Maryland 21738. For: OC Dollar Store LLC For the premises know as and located at: T/A: OC Dollar Store 203 North Philadelphia Avenue Ocean City, Maryland 21842 Formerly: Winners of OC, Inc. at 5 North Philadelphia Avenue There will be a public hearing on the application in the Board Room, Room 1102 in the Government Center Snow Hill, Maryland, on: December 19, 2012 @ 1:40 P.M. The Board welcomes written or oral comment at said public hearing from any interested party. WORCESTER COUNTY BOARD
Ocean City Today
DECEMBER 14, 2012
NOTICE OF JUDICIAL PROBATE To all Persons Interested in the above estate: You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed by Lou Mazzulli, Jr. of Hospital Support Services, Inc., 1020 Stiles Street, Baltimore, MD 21202 for the appointment of a personal representative. A hearing will be held at Worcester County Court House, Court Room 4, One West Market Street, Snow Hill, MD 21863 on 12/18/2012 at 10:15 a.m. This hearing may be transferred or postponed to a subsequent time. Further information may be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills. Charlotte K. Cathell Register of Wills Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 Phone: (410) 632-1529 Newspaper designated by personal representative: Ocean City Digest Publication Date: 12/06/2012 OCD-12/6/2t ___________________________________ JOSEPH E. MOORE WILLIAMS, MOORE, SHOCKLEY & HARRISON P.O. BOX 739, 3509 COASTAL HWY. OCEAN CITY, MD 21842
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Estate No. 14945 TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF EVELYN LOUISE HALLOWELL Notice is given that G. Scott Hallowell, 93 Ocelot Drive, Hanover, PA 17331, was on December 03, 2012 appointed Personal Representative of the estate of Evelyn Louise Hallowell who died on November 19, 2012, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 3rd day of June, 2013. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent’s death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent’s death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice,
notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. G. Scott Hallowell Personal Representative True Test Copy Charlotte K. Cathell Register of Wills Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 Name of newspaper designated by personal representative: Ocean City Digest Date of publication: December 06, 2012 OCD-12/6/3t ___________________________________ McCabe, Weisberg & Conway LLC 312 Marshall Avenue, Suite 800 Laurel, Maryland 20707 301-490-3361 Laura H.G. O’Sullivan, et al., Substitute Trustees Plaintiffs vs. Cynthia M. Kirkwood Defendant IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR WORCESTER COUNTY, MARYLAND Civil No. 23C12001054
NOTICE ORDERED, this 30th day of November, 2012 by the Circuit Court of WORCESTER COUNTY, Maryland, that the sale of the property at 1702 Cedar Street, Pocomoke City, Maryland 21851 mentioned in these proceedings, made and reported by Laura H.G. O’Sullivan, et. al, Substitute Trustees, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 31st day of December, 2012 next, provided a copy of this notice be inserted in some newspaper published in said County once in each of three successive weeks before the 24th day of December, 2012, next. The report states the amount of sale to be $479,662.76. Stephen V. Hales CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT WORCESTER COUNTY, MARYLAND True Copy Test: Stephen V. Hales Clerk of the Circuit Court Worcester County, Md. OCD-12/6/3t ___________________________________ McCabe, Weisberg & Conway LLC 312 Marshall Avenue, Suite 800 Laurel, Maryland 20707 301-490-3361 Laura H.G. O’Sullivan, et al., Substitute Trustees Plaintiffs vs. Gisella P. Gonzales Defendant IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR WORCESTER COUNTY, MARYLAND Civil No. 23C12000931
NOTICE ORDERED, this 29th day of November, 2012 by the Circuit Court of WORCESTER COUNTY, Maryland,
that the sale of the property at 6 127th Street #406, Ocean City, Maryland 21842 mentioned in these proceedings, made and reported by Laura H.G. O’Sullivan, et. al, Substitute Trustees, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 31st day of December, 2012 next, provided a copy of this notice be inserted in some newspaper published in said County once in each of three successive weeks before the 24th day of December, 2012, next. The report states the amount of sale to be $151,000.00. Stephen V. Hales CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT WORCESTER COUNTY, MARYLAND True Copy Test: Stephen V. Hales Clerk of the Circuit Court Worcester County, Md. OCD-12/6/3t ___________________________________
NOTICE OF HOLDERS OF 7 DAY CLASS “B”, “C”, AND “D” ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSES ISSUED BY WORCESTER COUNTY Pursuant to Article 2B, Section 11402 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, the Board of License Commissioners for Worcester County has determined that all premises holding 7 Day Class “B”, “C”, and “D” alcoholic beverage licenses shall be permitted to sell alcoholic beverages for ON PREMISES CONSUMPTION ONLY until 4:00 a.m. on January 1, 2013. This notice shall not be construed as enlarging or broadening any other privilege conferred under said license except the two (2) additional hours of sale for ON PREMISES CONSUMPTION ON NEW YEAR’S EVE. BOARD OF LICENSE COMMISSIONERS FOR WORCESTER COUNTY, William E. Esham, Jr., Chairman R. Charles Nichols, Member Marc L. Scher ********************** April R. Payne, License Administrator OCD-12/13/3t ___________________________________ BWW Law Group, LLC 4520 East West Highway, Suite 200 Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 961-6555 Carrie M. Ward, et al. 4520 East West Highway, Suite 200 Bethesda, MD 20815 Substitute Trustees Plaintiffs vs. LIZABETH C. LIND GORDON P. HARRINGTON 101 Davis Court Berlin, MD 21811 Defendant IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR WORCESTER COUNTY, MARYLAND Case No. 23-C-12-001121
NOTICE Notice is hereby given this 27th day of November, 2012, by the Circuit Court of Worcester County, Maryland, that the sale of the property mentionied in these proceedings and described as 101 Davis Court, Berlin, MD 21811,
made and reported by Howard N. Bierman, Substitute Trustee, will be RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 31st day of December, 2012, provided a copy of this NOTICE be inserted in some weekly newspaper printed in said County, once in each of three successive weeks before the 24th day of December, 2012. The report states the purchase price at the Foreclosure sale to be $329,000.00. Stephen V. Hales Clerk, Circuit Court foor Worcester County, Maryland True Copy Test: Stephen V. Hales Clerk of the Circuit Court Worcester County, Md. OCD-12/6/3t ___________________________________ WILLIAM E. ESHAM III AYRES, JENKINS, GORDY & ALMAND PA 11047 RACETRACK ROAD BERLIN, MD 21811 410-641-5033
NOTICE OF BULK TRANSFER Transferor: Donaway Furniture, Inc. 13001 Coastal Hwy. Ocean City, MD 28142 Transferee: Furnish, Inc P O Box 397 Bethany Beach, DE 19930 Notice is hereby given that the above named Transferor will sell and convey unto the above named Transferee all the inventory of the business named Donaway Furniture located at 13001 Coastal Hwy., Ocean City, MD 21842. The final purchase price of the property, goods and assets shall take place on Monday, December 3, 2012. It is anticipated that the debts of the Transferor to the extent of the sales price will be paid from the proceeds. The Transferee will not assume any debts of the Transferor. The property to be transferred is generally all of the inventory, which may be inspected at the place of business, above stated. The list of creditors may be inspected at the address of the undersigned attorney. Creditors claims can be filed with the undersigned attorney at the above address. William E. Esham III OCD-12/6/3t ___________________________________ SMALL ESTATE
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS ESTATE NO. 14938 TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF HERBERT F. HARRIS Notice is given that Barbara M. Harris, 5 Linwood Garth, Bel Air, MD 21014, was on November 27, 2012 appointed personal representative of the small estate of Herbert F. Harris who died on November 24, 2012, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment shall file their objec-
Ocean City Today
DECEMBER 14, 2012
Legal Notices tions with the Register of Wills within 30 days after the date of publication of this Notice. All persons having an objection to the probate of the will shall file their objections with the Register of Wills within six months after the date of publication of this Notice. All persons having claims against the decedent must serve their claims on the undersigned personal representative or file them with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent’s death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent’s death; or (2) Thirty days after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claim within thirty days from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. Any claim not served or filed within that time, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Barbara M. Harris Personal Representative True Test Copy Register of Wills for Worcester County Charlotte K. Cathell Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 Name of newspaper designated by personal representative: Ocean City Digest Date of publication: December 13, 2012 OCD-12/13/1t ___________________________________ RAYMOND C. SHOCKLEY WILLIAMS, MOORE, SHOCKLEY & HARRISON PA 3509 COASTAL HIGHWAY, P.O. BOX 739 OCEAN CITY, MD 21842
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Estate No. 14951 TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF MILDRED ANN TYNDALL VILLANI Notice is given that Titiana Cropper, 118 Cedar Avenue, Berlin, MD 21811, was on December 06, 2012 appointed Personal Representative of the estate of Mildred Ann Tyndall Villani who died on November 27, 2012, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 6th day of June, 2013. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent’s death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent’s
death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Titiana Cropper Personal Representative True Test Copy Charlotte K. Cathell Register of Wills Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 Name of newspaper designated by personal representative: Ocean City Digest Date of publication: December 13, 2012 OCD-12/13/3t ___________________________________
BID NOTICE The Mayor and City Council of Ocean City, Maryland are accepting sealed bids on the following item(s): TANDEM AXLE TRACTOR Sealed bids must be in the City Manager’s Office, City Hall, 301 Baltimore Avenue, Ocean City, Maryland no later than 11:00 A.M. Tuesday, January 15th, 2013. Mailed bids must be received by this time as postmarks will not be considered. The bids will be acknowledged by the Mayor and City Council at their regular Work Session on Tuesday, January 15th, 2013 at 1:00 P.M., at City Hall, Council Chambers first floor, Ocean City, Maryland. Copies of these bid packages are available at the Town of Ocean City Purchasing Department, 65th Street & Bayside, Ocean City, Maryland or by calling (410) 723-6643. OCD-12/13/1t ___________________________________
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Mayor and City Council of Ocean City that ORDINANCE 2012-32 was introduced for first reading in the December 3, 2012 Regular Session. Ordinance 2012-32 amends Chapter 30-383 Environment, Violations punishable as municipal infraction as follows: (1) It shall be a municipal infraction if a property owner fails to exercise due diligence, within the meaning of section 30-403, in controlling noise on or emanating from his property, and shall be punishable by a
fine not exceeding $1,000.00, with each violation being a separate offense. If the board adjudges that the owner of any such property has failed to exercise due diligence, the board may, in addition to any actions it may take under section 30-403, serve, in any manner permitted by the Maryland rules for service of original process, a citation to the owner. (2) If a second or greater incident occurs the property owner is required to appear before the Noise Board. If the property owner fails to appear or reschedule, then this will be considered a municipal infraction, which infraction shall be punishable by a fine of $1 ,000. A complete text of all ordinances are available for review in the City Clerk’s Office, City Hall, 3rd Street and Baltimore Avenue, Ocean City, Maryland 21842 Kelly L. Allmond, CMC City Clerk, Town of Ocean City Desk: 410-289-8842 OCD-12/13/1t ___________________________________
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Estate No. 14947 TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF JACQUELINE A. REGLER Notice is given that Andrea M. Haag, 711 Kircaldy Way, Abingdon, MD 21009, was on December 04, 2012 appointed Personal Representative of the estate of Jacqueline A. Regler who died on October 31, 2012, with a will. Further information can be obtained by reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register of Wills or by contacting the personal representative
or the attorney. All persons having any objection to the appointment (or to the probate of the decedent’s will) shall file their objections with the Register of Wills on or before the 4th day of June, 2013. Any person having a claim against the decedent must present the claim to the undersigned personal representative or file it with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned on or before the earlier of the following dates: (1) Six months from the date of the decedent’s death, except if the decedent died before October 1, 1992, nine months from the date of the decedent’s death; or (2) Two months after the personal representative mails or otherwise delivers to the creditor a copy of this published notice or other written notice, notifying the creditor that the claim will be barred unless the creditor presents the claims within two months from the mailing or other delivery of the notice. A claim not presented or filed on or before that date, or any extension provided by law, is unenforceable thereafter. Claim forms may be obtained from the Register of Wills. Andrea M. Haag Personal Representative True Test Copy Charlotte K. Cathell Register of Wills Worcester County Room 102 - Court House One W. Market Street Snow Hill, MD 21863-1074 Name of newspaper designated by personal representative: Ocean City Digest Date of publication: December 13, 2012 OCD-12/13/3t ___________________________________
OCEAN CITY TODAY Legal Advertising Call TERRY BURRIER 410-723-6397, Fax: 410-723-6511 or E-mail: legals@oceancitytoday.net DEADLINE: 5 P.M. MONDAY
Ocean City Today
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OCEAN CITYTHE WATERFRONT HOME SMELL SALT AIR! This beautifully maintained 3BR/2BA This new 1 bedroom, 1 bath waterfront Ocean City home home is located in North Theand homefeatures is is just 1 block fromOcean the City. ocean an located on a cement deep canaldeck, with easy access to the elevated drywall interior, central open Features include a dock, a pierawith an air, bay. cathedral ceilings and breakfast bar. electric boatthere lift, a large with patio an electric Outside is asundeck concrete and storage awning, an open floorplan, a huge for storage, Park is underneath the home. Theattic Sundowner aabreakfast and with crown & baseboard moldings co-op bar park shareholders. There is no throughout. Community amenities include pools,property. ground rent or ground lease on this tennis, miniature HOA$122.00 fee is The shuffleboard monthly and park fee isgolf. just and just $199/yr. The property is being offeredpool. at Offered includes usage of a community $429,900 and is fully furnished. at $199,900.
DECEMBER 14, 2012
bedroom, home 2 bathiswaterfront is locatedBay in This 32BR/1.5BA located inhome the Montego the MontegoinBay community in North community N. Ocean City. The home Ocean featuresCity. an This property on onekitchen of the widest canals in open floorplan,isalocated large eat-in with a breakfast Ocean City andinoffers quick andair easy to the bar, a screened porch, central andaccess new carpet. open bay. The openparking floorplan, Outside there is ahome utility features shed and an a 2-car pad. cathedral Bay ceilings, and offers 1368 sq. min. ft. of Montego offerscentral pools,air tennis, shuffleboard, living Outside there iswith a large sundeck and golf andspace. a bayfront boardwalk fishing & crabbing cement parking pad. A new bulkhead, pier piers. The HOA fee is only $199/yr. The dock homeand is being werewith installed community sold a 40’ x in 90’ 2009. deededThe lot with no groundfeatures rent or pools, tennis, andisminiature golf. The ground lease. shuffleboard The property being offered at HOA fee isand justis$199/year. Offered at $373,000. $147,000 fully furnished.
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
Ocean City Today
Ocean City Today
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DECEMBER 14, 2012
The Horizons Oceanfront Restaurant and Ocean Club feature Oceanfront Dining at its Finest with American and Continental Cuisine, serving Breakfast 7am - Noon, Lunch 11am - 2pm and Dinner 5pm - 10pm
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