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Real Estate
THE COASTAL REAL ESTATE RESOURCE Coastal Association of Realtors/Ocean City Today

Published by Ocean City Today for the Coastal Association of Realtors. Advertising in this publication is limited to members and affiliated members of the Association.
The COASTAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (CAR) is a trade organization for real estate professionals in Wicomico, Worcester and Somerset Counties on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Its membership consists of more than 1,000 REALTORs® and affiliate members serving the home-buying and home-selling needs of the public since 1957.
The term REALTOR® is a registered collective membership mark, which may be used only by real estate professionals who are members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and subscribe to its strict Code of Ethics.
The COASTAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS is located at 314 Franklin Avenue, Suite 106 • Berlin, MD 21811. Phone: 410-641-4409. On the Web: www.coastalrealtor.org

OCEAN CITY TODAY is the leading newspaper publisher on the Maryland coast, with Ocean City Today publishing weekly on Friday, Bayside Gazette and Ocean City Digest publishing on Thursdays and Real Estate, the Coastal Real Estate Resource publishing key weekends throughout the year. On the Web: www.oceancitytoday.com
Editor .........................................................................Stewart Dobson
Managing Editor............................................................... Lisa Capitelli
Account Managers.................. Mary Cooper, Vicki Shrier, Amanda Shick, ....................................................................................Gabby Goodwin
Classifieds/Legals/Production Manager .................... Nancy MacCubbin

Senior Designer .............................................................. Susan Parks
Graphic Artist ................................................................... Kelly Brown
Publisher..................................................................... Christine Brown Admin. Assistant................................................................... Gini Tufts