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Oceans Publishing
Oceans Publishing is a division of Oceans, an organisation dedicated to the research and conservation of marine species throughout South Africa. Our motto 'explore - discover - understand - conserve' reflects the very principle of Oceans as a whole, as our focus on developing a better understanding of marine life, and then sharing that information in the most absorbing way possible is our highest priority. Oceans Publishing is very much in the early stages of development, but our premier publication Beyond Blue Magazine is already causing a huge stir, and helping people from all walks of life obtain a greater understanding of the oceans, and all life within them.
Rodney Cajudo
aman deep
Hillary Sobeck
Ian Jennings
nouhad a a
Andrew Schofield
Ícaro Gimenez
Gianfranco Giancaterino
Andre Paraguacu Moirera
Ajay Ranjith
Gabe Breeman
Bruce Mercer
Angela Christianson
aoustin lucille
Lindsay Aylesworth
愚 東野
christine cavallaro
deepak Jai
Jens Fedderson
Maharshi Bhatt
Neela Aleena
Dávid Félegyházi
Filip De Bot
Brian Lewis
Maurício Businari
Željko Serdar
Danielle Martin
Tristán Pendragon
Brett Nodwell
Sara Raimondi
ID Edition
cedric saveuse
Sakura Takanaga
sekar ajeng nawangsari
Justin Roberts
perez rocco
Amy Hinton
lisa hancke
Charles Scalliet
Craig Grobler
narelle dybing
Anthony Pagani
Patrick Stickler
Kathryn Urbanski
jhon accio rodas
Sidney de Godoi Paiva