Agenda for 2011+ Kenya Emergency Humanitarian Response Plan Workshop on 28-29 September, 2010

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Facilitator: Luluwa Ali

2011+ Kenya Emergency Humanitarian Response Plan Workshop 28-29 September, 2010. Zen Garden , Lower Kabete, Westlands Agenda

DAY ONE Date Time Tuesday, 28 8.00 am September 8:30am


9.00am 9.15am


10.15am 10.30am



Registration; Tea and Coffee Welcome remarks by the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Kenya and Aeneas Chuma, Resident/Humanitarian Coordinatorintroduction of participants Kenya Introductory remarks by the Permanent Secretary-Ministry of State for Special Mr. Andrew Mondoh, Permanent Secretary- Ministry of State for Programmes Special Programmes Introduction to 2011+ Kenya EHRP Workshop Process Luluwa Ali – Humanitarian Affairs Officer , OCHA Kenya Presentation on addressing the relief/development ‘dichotomy’: An opportunity with the Jerotich Seii – Program Manager, Emergency and Post Crisis Unit2011+Kenya Emergency Humanitarian Response Plan IOM Jeanine Cooper - Head of Office, Year in Review - Review of humanitarian context and funding in 2010 Session includes a reflection on the humanitarian programme carried out since the OCHA Kenya beginning of 2010 with the aim of identifying options to strengthen strategic planning for 2011. Opportunity for a recap on the planning process from 2010 as well as to discuss opportunities for improvement. Coffee break Current Context and Humanitarian Consequences a) Presentation on Conflict and Peace Building in Kenya


Nirina Kiplagat, Peace Building and Conflict Prevention Unit, UNDP Kenya Meteorological Department

b) Presentation on climate change increasing the risk of humanitarian disasters Ministry of Development of Session includes presentation of current climatic conditions and predications as well as of Northern Kenya and other Arid specific hazards associated with climate change such as floods and drought and placing Lands them in relation to factors influencing human vulnerability Expected outcome: Big picture, emerging issues, needs and points of analysis

Facilitator: Luluwa Ali 11.45am

2011+ Kenya Emergency Humanitarian Response Plan Workshop 28-29 September, 2010. Zen Garden , Lower Kabete, Westlands Agenda

c) Presentation on Meeting Humanitarian Challenges in Urban Areas (MHCUA) Expected outcome: Big picture, emerging issues, needs and points of analysis

12.15pm Presentation on the Refugees and host communities’ situation in Kenya Expected outcome: Big picture, emerging issues, needs and points of analysis 12.45pm Integration of Cross Cutting Issues Presentation on the Gender Marker in the Kenya 2011+EHRP 1.00pm Presentation of HIV in Emergencies in the Kenya 2011+EHRP 1.30pm 2.30pm

Phillipa Crossland, Country Director-OXFAM Kenya; Sumananjali Mohanty; Food Security and Livelihoods AdvisorUrban Programme Mark Kirya, UNHCR Siobhan Foran, Gender Advisor UNAIDS

Lunch Presentation of 2010 Most Likely Scenario that was generated for the humanitarian Luluwa Ali, OCHA Kenya response strategy for 2010 Scenario Building- Group Work exercise Session is to develop the best, worst and most likely scenarios for the humanitarian situation for 2011. The scenarios should reflect the likelihood of certain events occurring and their potential impact on the humanitarian situation and affected populations.

3.30pm 3.45pm

4.15pm 5.15pm


Coffee break Cont’d scenario building exercise and presentation of 2011+ planning scenarios in plenary Outcome: The most likely scenario generated by the group will be used to identify the planning assumptions for the humanitarian response strategy. Training On-line Project System – Project Upload Sanjay Rane/Luluwa Ali, OCHA Kenya Presentation of sample project sheet Stephanie Shanler-Child Protection Specialist -UNICEF/Siobhan ForanGender Advisor End of Day

Facilitator: Luluwa Ali

DAY TWO Date Wednesday, 29 September

Time 8:30am 9.00am

2011+ Kenya Emergency Humanitarian Response Plan Workshop 28-29 September, 2010. Zen Garden , Lower Kabete, Westlands Agenda

Topic Registration; Tea and Coffee Re-cap of Day 1

Presenters Luluwa Ali, OCHA Kenya


Formulation of 2011-2013 overall Goal and 2011+ Strategic Objectives and criteria for Megan Gilgan, Chief, Field Operations and Emergency, prioritization UNICEF Group work exercise 12.30pm Presentation of group work exercise on strategic objectives to support 2011+ planning and Megan Gilgan/Luluwa Ali prioritization in 2011 Plenary discussion and agreement on 2011+EHRP Strategic Objectives

1.00 pm 2.00pm

Outcome: (i) Formulated Strategic Objectives that are a summary of how we will achieve goals, given operational and resource constraints. (ii) Agreement on criteria for the inclusion of projects in the appeal. Lunch Sector Response Planning Luluwa Ali, OCHA Kenya Sector Working Group Exercise Session involves sectors to consider how to plan for their sector-specific response


Sector Working Groups presentation of an overview of response plan elements (including monitoring and prioritisation)


Finalization and agreement of 2011+ Kenya EHRP milestones and timetable


Closing remarks – End of Workshop

Patrick Lavandhomme/Luluwa Ali, OCHA Kenya Patrick Lavandhomme

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