Tuesday ,14 September Wednesday, 15 September
EVENT Inter-sector Coordination meetingIntroduction of multi-annual appeal concept; Gender-Marker in the CAP; identification of Gender Sector focal points; sharing of 2011 CAP Guidelines and OPS Guidance material Kick-off for sector coordinators to compile their sectoral needs assessments, draft sectoral needs analysis & discuss with sector members Notification and presentation of draft timeline of multi-annual appeal process at KHPT Inter-sector coordination meeting to agree on strategy for multi-annual appeal process
FOCAL POINTS and PARTICIPANTS OCHA –Jeanine Cooper/Patrick Lavandhomme/Carolin Waldchen/Luluwa Ali/Murugi Maina/Siobhan Foran
OCHA - Jeanine Cooper/Patrick Lavandhomme/Luluwa Ali
Sector leads/Patrick Lavandhomme/Luluwa Ali
In progress Monday 20 - 21 September
Thursday 23 September
Workshop preparations and material and presentations finalized; workshop facilitators and presenters confirmed; venue confirmed. Sector Coordinators forward finalized sectoral needs analysis to OCHA by COB 23 Sept.
OCHA staff
Sector Leads
In progress
In progress
Friday 24 September
Deadline for OCHA to draft intersectoral needs analysis based on sectors’ needs analyses and circulates to HCT, for discussion at CAP workshop.
Tuesday 28Wednesday 29 September Thursday 30 September
Kenya 2011+ Emergency Humanitarian Response Plan Workshop
OCHA; Humanitarian Community incl Donors and Government
Circulate agreed 3 year overall Goal and 2011 strategic priorities and scenarios for final review Final templates for Year in Review 2011, Sector Response Plan, Project Sheets shared
Monday 4 – 11 October
NGOs and agencies draft project sheets and sector response plans; Apply the Gender-Code
Agencies, NGOs
Tuesday 12 - 14 October
Peer review of project proposals
Sector Leads
Friday 1 October
Organizations develop their project proposals in line with sector response plan, in collaboration with their HQs and upload them on OPS, for peer review on sector. No projects uploaded to OPS after this date will be considered in the sector peer review. Sectors peer-review project proposals saved in OPS to select those that meet the selection criteria, prioritise
among the elected projects, and ensure that the projects cover the map of needs. Organizations amend the project proposals on-line according to peer recommendations. Friday 15 October
Sector Leads give two-page sector response plans to OCHA
Sector leads
Monday 18 – 21 October
OCHA compiles first draft of appeal document
Friday 22- 27 October
Humanitarian Coordinator distributes first draft appeal document to agencies and NGOs. Agencies have three full working days to read first draft. It is recommended that agencies consult their headquarters to discuss draft
HC, Agencies and NGOs
Thursday 28 October
DEADLINE Agencies provide comments on first draft of appeal document to OCHA
Sector leads, Agencies, OCHA
Friday 29 October
OCHA incorporates comments and completes final field draft of document including project sheets; HC circulates final draft appeal document to agencies and NGOs for final comments Deadline for Agencies, NGOs and sector Leads to provide final comments on the complete field document to OCHA OCHA incorporates comments and completes final field draft of document including project sheets; Humanitarian Coordinator signs off on field draft and sends to OCHA CAP Section OCHA’s CAP Section circulates appeal doc to agency UN HQs who have 6 working days to return amendments on the document. DEADLINE AT COB for final comments from HQs on document OCHA Desk incorporates HQ comments and finalizes substantive reviewing CAP section does copy-editing; stylechecking, financial tracking, formatting, and final review of all CAPSs; submits to print shop and publishes on line. Secretary-General launches Global 2011 Consolidated Appeals Launch of Kenya Multi-Annual Humanitarian Action Plan
Monday 1 November Tuesday 2 November
Wednesday 3 – 10 November Wednesday 10 November Thursday 11 - 12 November Monday 15 – 22 November
Tuesday 30 November Date TBD
Sector leads, Agencies, NGOs
HC, OCHA Projects on OPS are frozen, for final processing by OCHA CAP section. HQs Agencies
CAP section starts formatting and style-checking documents; OCHA desk starts reviewing substantively
HQs Agencies OCHA HQs OCHA HQs
OCHA Geneva/New York Humanitarian Community and Government