Mental Health and Recovery Services
“I am very excited about my new role with the OC Health Care Agency (HCA) as the new Chief of Mental Health and Recovery Services (MHRS),” said Dr. Veronica “Ronnie” Kelley. As she takes over MHRS, Dr. Kelley said, “California embarks on significant changes in mental health and addiction recovery services.” She said Orange County (OC) must be ready for change.
“Mental Health Czar”) and Darrel Steinberg (coauthor of the MHSA) have seen the programs I’ve worked on in action, so they have a deeper understanding of how implementation of the act really helps save lives.”
Dr. Kelley is very active both in the mental health field and as an educator. She is a member of the Governing Board for the County For the past 5 years, Dr. Kelley Behavioral Health Directors served as Behavioral Health (BH) Association of California (CBHDA), Director of San Bernardino County serving as past-President; she (SBC). Previously she served 3 sits on the Executive Committee years as Assistant BH Director and serves as the Co-Chair for in SBC. She returns to the HCA, the Substance Abuse Prevention where she served as Service & Treatment (SAPT) Committee; Chief in Cultural Competency and she is a Council Member to the Multicultural Services. “I look forCalifornia Behavioral Health ward to leading a great team, with Planning Council; Board Member open communication, to enhance to the California Mental Health the vision and mission of the HCA.” Services Authority; and Associate Member to the American Society Dr. Kelley is optimistic about what’s of Addiction Medicine. In August ahead. “I’m very proud of the shift of 2019 she was appointed by the in the role of substance use disorgovernor as a member of the No der (SUD) in the field of behavioral Dr. Veronica A. Kelley Place Like Home Program Advisory Chief of Mental Health and health, having worked with SBC and Recovery Services Committee. In education, Dr. Kelley the state to focus on the importance is an Assistant Clinical Professor of recovery from a substance use at Loma Linda University; Professor at Mount St. disorder as essential in overall wellness. I’ve worked Mary's University; and has taught at California State hard to ensure Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) University-San Bernardino. She’s also very involved programs meet stakeholder and regulation requirewith her family, “I’m a mother of 3, grandmother of ments, but most importantly, get funds out into the 1 and love spending time with my family, along with community so services are provided. I’m also proud teaching the next generation of social workers!” that both Dr. Tom Insel (Governor Gavin Newsom’s
“Together, with our partners and diverse communities, we can align ourselves with the vision of working together for a healthier tomorrow, having a focus on improving the mental health and recovery of all residents in an equitable manner.” 4
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