County of Orange HCA February 2022 Newsletter

Page 6

Supporting the Mental Health of Orange County (OC) Youth through the Connect-OC Coalition


he Connect-OC Coalition (Coalition) is a

health community in Orange County, fosters collabo-

Community Networking project aimed at

ration, expands referral pathways and bridges the

supporting the mental health of youth ages

gaps in mental health services for teens, young adults

16-24 years. “Connect-OC's goals are to foster commu-

and their families.” The Coalition hosts community

nity collaboration, empower teens and young adults,

events on relevant mental health topics, sends a

break the stigma surrounding mental illness and

bi-monthly newsletter that spotlights young adult

substance use disorders and increase access to care,”

voices in OC, and has an active social media presence.

said Dr. Veronica Kelley, Chief of Mental Health and

“The Connect-OC website includes a comprehensive

Recovery Services (MHRS). “The Connect OC Coalition

Resource Directory for mental health and support

provides a unique opportunity for OC youth to be

services as well as an updated calendar that captures

involved in some great projects and feel empowered

mental health related events and programming

in taking charge of creating a new narrative for mental

happening countywide,” said Rebeka Sanchez, Health

health and wellness which includes recovery from

Program Specialist, OSP.

substance use and misuse.” Information on those opportunities is available on the Connect-OC website:

Connect-OC also hosts a monthly coalition meeting

that brings together more than 100 mental health providers and agencies, colleges and universities,

Connect-OC partners with local college campuses

and mental health peer leaders and advocates dedi-

and community providers who work in the area of

cated to improving the system of mental health care

mental health. The Coalition builds success said Dr.

for the Transitional Age Youth and Young Adult (TAY/

Bhuvana Rao, Director, Office of Suicide Prevention

YA) population in OC. Each month the Coalition hosts

(OSP). “Through fruitful discussion and aligning

a panel discussion on different topics related to TAY

existing efforts, the Coalition connects the mental

mental health. Most recently, a panel discussed the


What’s Up Newsletter

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