Architecture Portfolio Oscar Cheng

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final paper model

interior of the full scale pavilion

the rotationally symmetrical pavilion WAS well supported by connected “legs” that were attached with chairs at the bottom to increase contact area. In oder for the structure to garner enough support to sustain the load of the roof, the “legs” were envisioned to be sandbagged, as shown in the final model photos, though the weight of the roof alone in the fullscale pavilion haD been enough to prevent splatting from happening.

fibonacci torus

form explorations

before delving into the design of the fibonacci torus, a series of complex geometric forms were explored in variations. The following two, i.e. geometric compositions 1 & 2, are related to each other.

composition 1 inolved two tangentially stitched hyperb0loids, attached to a cylindrical form projected out from the same circle at a 45 degree angle. the resultant geomtric composition was then utilized as a basis for the projection of a self coiling ribbon, composition 2, wrapped around the former’s holographic form.

complex geometric compositions 1,2

form explorations

the implementation of a fibonacci sprial was tested among these two complex geometric compositions. Composition 3 showcases the use of a metric system drawn according to fibonacci proportions, divided up around a focal point, allowing the fibonnaci curve to be drawn and the creation of a visual guide to generate a shell-like form by sweeping an octagonal section curve that gradually grew in protions towards the larger end.

the same mesh was then utilized for composition 4 for the discretization of the object, by implementing the folded plate technique for the upper portion and the secant plane method for the lower portion. this gave the shell-like object the appearance of reptilian/ dragon scales. both of these compositions inspired the conception of the fibonacci torus.

complex geometric compositions 3,4

church complex de la tourette


spaces branched off from the central axis - the “vine” of the project which defines the border between the private and public domains.

major space of the complex

The churh is a double deck building of two common prayer and worship spaces for nuns (upper church for summer; lower church for winter). white birch is employed as its mass timber framing materials.






the project took on the architectural form of wooden decks as the manifestation of a physical link that connected the entire site from the entrance to the pier that extended beyond the shore. to fulfill the function of the camping site, programs were divided into three areas: camp, lighthouse, and marina. these three regions encompassed 11 different categories of program spaces, including reception, neighborhood facilities, cabins, refectory, admin spaces, lighthouse, private and public boathouses, amphitheatre, lookout, and pier.

camps were dedicated to host a toal of 48 campers within 8 cabins, divided into 2 neighborhoods with each responsible for their respective age group of campers: 8-11, 12-15. each cabin was designed to be hoisted temporarily when camp’s in session. during off seasons, these cabins would be taken down in order for the platforms to serve as parts of the public domain/ infrastructures for leirsure activities.

program spaces

The Building Is a Three-Stories Structure With Bathrooms and an Equipment Room at the Lower Ground Level; Day Hall,Reception, Archive and Training Workshop on the 1st Floor; Classrooms and the Instructors’ Office on the Mezannine Level; Main Meeting Hall, Executive Board Meeting Room, Local Union President’s Office, and a Local Union Business Manager’s Officeon the 2nd Floor.

The Building Includes Seven Regions of Program Spaces Presented in Axonometric View; Stairwells Occupying the Center of the Building Provides PeopleA Centralized Circulation Path to Access Different Parts of the Building.

The pavilion is employed with Glass and Steel as the Main Construction Materials; Trusses and Columns are the Main Load Bearing Strategies; Fritted Glass, and Frosted Glass Mediate Privacies; Louvres and Metal Plates Are Employed As Sun Shading devices.

Building System:

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