Superdoc health show kp

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SuperDoc Women’s’ Health Series 52 x 24’ SuperDoc is more than just is the ultimate source of holistic edutainment, information and useful knowledge. SupeDoc offers strategies for shifting attitudes and behavior change and offers audiences a gateway to better lifestyle choices.

SuperDoc is a show that will combine TV, and social media to offer support and information to millions of South Africa’s women who are in need of advice and access to meaningful holistic health, fitness and lifestyle content. SuperDoc is designed to offer a helping hand, a leg up in life and will contribute towards positively impacting on health indicators. SuperDoc will deliver a 360 content experience, and will ensure that we reach out to women across a number of channels.

Program Objectives  Assist with responsible decision making  Provide audiences with information and support services linked to content areas of the program  Promote healthy lifestyles Krisen Pather Development Executive I 082 3313679 I Zaheera Mahomed I AFP I

SuperDoc – Informed by the Health Context Health remains one of SA’s top five priorities. The Primary Health Care (PHC) approach remains a critical part of the NDOH’s strategy at home and on the continent. Promoting disease prevention, health promotion and community participation remains a hallmark of the Primary Health Care strategy and SuperDoc will seek to align our content strategies with priority Government health initiatives.

Life Stage Model The various stages of life present an ideal platform to locate health, lifestyle and fitness information. Good choices related to sexual health, drug dependencies, HIV, obesity, nutrition, emotional well-being and holistic health strategies are an essential part of the mix. The core 18-25 target group represents a critical cohort; they need the support to help them effect positive change in attitudes to junk food, exercise, health, nutrition, sex and holistic living. Research Research will be an integral part of the programming strategy. Formative research processes involving the use of focus groups, literature reviews, indepth interviews and new media consumption analysis inform the program content strategy. Key messages will be designed in consultation with government agencies, NGO stakeholders and esteemed health, fitness and lifestyle experts. This will ensure that SuperDoc remains relevant and offers real, impactful information and solutions.

Krisen Pather Development Executive I 082 3313679 I Zaheera Mahomed I AFP I

What informs our approach?

Our approach to programming is underpinned by a strong theoretical foundation. This essentially ensures that the approach to the development of quality, impactful change media is cognizant of a number of critical factors, such as: • • • •

The wider societal context Prevailing norms Barriers to change Individual knowledge and attitudes

It is this discipline that will ensure we highlight the appropriate risks and ensure the integrity of the content and message framework so as to drive positive outcomes.

Krisen Pather Development Executive I 082 3313679 I Zaheera Mahomed I AFP I

Track Record The Producers have a solid reputation in the provision of quality edutainment programming. Our programs have successfully developed educational objectives into entertainment formats and select studies indicate that our programs meet outcomes linked to attitudinal change. We understand the challenges and methodologies related to development and will nurture appropriate partnership strategies to increase SuperDoc’s social remit.

Our Understanding of the Health Context Challenges According to the WHO report, South Africa’s health system is “characterised by entrenched unequal distribution of resources dating back to the apartheid era, and this inequity that partially contributes to SA falling short of the health Millennium Development Goals... Despite some good progress, availability and accessibility still present challenges”. The health information media landscape in South Africa is characterised by pockets of information and could benefit from more consistent health programming. Government sponsored health, fitness and lifestyle content is largely organized around specific campaigns and there is a strong case for integrated easy to understand, dynamic interactive mass media health programming targeting at risk audiences. Our health care system is under growing pressure and a range of factors will determine quality of healthcare for the foreseeable future; these include: Krisen Pather Development Executive I 082 3313679 I Zaheera Mahomed I AFP I

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Shortages of health care workers skewed resource distribution between private sector and public sector health care The burden of Non Communicable Diseases (NCD) Negative impact of the social determinants of health increasing cost of health care on individuals, families, households, and communities

In the context of the above, our content solutions are designed to offer both prevention as well as treatment options and will provide solutions for people to positively shift their attitudes towards exercise, food, sexual health, beauty and emotional wellness. Information on SuperDoc contact: Sponsorship contact:

Krisen Pather Development Executive I 082 3313679 I Zaheera Mahomed I AFP I

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