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REVIEW, cont’d.

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appealing with occasional levity and chapter summation when appropriate. Those foods he finds most beneficial are the ones called ‘Genius Foods’ and each has its own chapter. His solid dietary suggestions make for an informative as well as entertaining book. My copy has so many page tabs it looks like a porcupine. Also, some of you will be pleased to know black coffee is beneficial!

A Sad Grass Story


When my physical issues prevented me from being able to mow my lawn, I hired a local service. The lawn is St. Augustine, which I had been cutting at 3 1/2”. It was lush and green. The workers proceeded to scalp it down to 1/2 inch! I tried several times to get them to raise the mowers, but there was a significant language barrier and their management was not responsive. So it was too late to fix it. The following spring, the yard is nearly dead. I have fired the service, but the damage has been done.

I went online to the local Niceville chat site to warn others about this problem and the service in question and got some interesting replies. One ‘expert’ told me I needed lime.. Another said shade was killing it. (It’s St. Augustine, for Pete’ s sake.) Another said all I needed was a bunch of Black Cow® and another said to cover it with sand. Another said there were “other” issues, and scalping was not the problem. None of these ‘experts’ advised me to consult the Extension Office.

I’m determined to get the turf to recover, but there is an important lesson here. Thoroughly vet

Max Lugavere is not a medical doctor, but his co-author is, and his finding shave been reviewed by many respected in the medical field. One last quote from the end of his book, “I wrote this book with the sole intent of helping others to feel better and suffer less.” I urge you to read Genius Foods and stay health.

Genius Foods by Max Lugavere and Paul Grewald, M.D. ISBN 978-0-06-256285-2

by Bill Buckellew

the people you are trusting your grass to. I interviewed the new guys I’m hiring and got assurances that they would follow best practices in caring for my yard. I’ll be watching. Just heard from another ‘expert’ who recommended Weed and Feed®.

Rayless sunflowers may not be as showy as other sunflowers, but are very interesting in the landscape. This plant is usually found in a moist area near a ditch or drainage area. It has a basal set of leaves that blend into the surrounding grass. In summer a leafless stem will emerge that is topped by a round flower with discs but not rays. It mostly appears brown but may offer a tinge of red or purple from the disc flowers.

These pictures of rayless sunflowers were taken along the roadway in the Ft. Walton Beach area. They are a unique plant that should be included in your pollinator garden.

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