The Compost Pile October 2021

Page 11

Congratulations to Debbie Sewell who was awarded Master Gardener of the Year. Due to the pandemic, it wasn’t possible to present the award in person until now. Debbie has been a Master Gardener Volunteer since 2015. She has served as President-Elect, President and is the Community Outreach/Education chairman. She has served on many committees and is always there to lend a hand or a swift boot in the keister if needed. Congratulations again!

Photo by M. Stewart Larry Williams, UF/IFAS Extension Agent and Debbie Sewell

If you have volunteered to work at the Extension Teaching Landscape you are well aware of our tour de force, Sarah Petty. As the Landscape Chairman, Sarah has remained a force to be reckoned with when it comes to dealing with chamberbitter and any overgrown area will learn not to mess with her fortitude. For all her hard work and continued dedication to the landscape she was awarded the Pandemic Powerhouse recognition in keeping the landscape going through the difficult time we all faced. Congratulations Sarah!

An Okaloosa County Master Gardener Volunteer Publication


October, 2021

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