Friends newsletter spring 2015

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Tr u s t e e s Lucy Erwin Allen Mark J. Costantino Robert E. Gibson Helen Hudson Mills Walter A. Sams III W. Thomas Wilfong Nancy B. Denson, Mayor, Athens-Clarke County, ex-officio B o a r d o f t h e Fr i e n d s Officers, 2014–2015

President, Joseph E. Tillman Vice-President/Recording Secretary Pro Tem, Nancy B. Bowen Corresponding Secretary, Susan C. Field Treasurer, Sue Boatright Board of Directors Sallyanne Barrow Jane S. Begnaud Devereux Burch Janie Bush Helen M. Costantino

From the President

Why do we volunteer? Why do you donate? When we see something worthwhile, we know it does not occur by happenstance. All great endeavors in life require effort and a certain number of people coming together and working for a common goal. At Oconee Hill, this has been a hallmark of the Friends organization. These dedicated volunteers share their time and efforts so that all of Athens can continue to enjoy the grand cemetery that Oconee Hill is. Please stop and thank one of our volunteers who serve on the board the next time you see them—they are doing good works! Author Richard Sheridan talks about the idea of joy occurring when “teams desire to work on goals bigger than themselves. They want to have a lasting and valued effect on the world. They want to make their mark not for glory, but for the purpose of bringing delight.” This is what the Friends board is all about, and we hope that is also why you choose to give and support our organization. Your gifts do make a difference every day at the cemetery, and we consider you part of the “team.” As we continue to support these efforts, remember why we are giving: to make a difference in a place that is historically significant to our community and remains relevant as an active cemetery today. Much continues to happen at the cemetery, as you will see in this issue. We hope you will stop by in the near future to visit and share its rich history with a friend. The website continues to be updated regularly, and you will now be able to connect with all things going at the cemetery via Facebook (search “Oconee Hill Cemetery”) and Twitter (@oconeehill)! Joe Tillman President

Anna B. Dyer Jodie Traylor Guy

Colonial Dames Donate Flag

Kathy Hoard Gene Howard Claire R. James

There is a new American flag flying at Oconee Hill. In 2004, Mr. Hugh Peeler of Bridges Funeral Home donated the flagpole, its installation and the first flag. A veteran of World War II and war hero, Mr. Peeler felt strongly that Oconee Hill should have a flag flying at all times to honor those who served their country. The Athens Town Committee of the Colonial Dames of America in Georgia recently gave a flag to Gib Johnston, OHC Board member and chair of the annual Veterans Day celebration. Mr. Peeler’s legacy continues as does our appreciation of our soldiers.

J. Gibson Johnston Mary Ann Bittner Kenner Richard B. Lane Nan R. Leathers Ann Green Moseley JoAn Lewis Salloum Cover Image: Richard Lane, Janie Bush and the Hinesleys of Piccadilly Farm and Nursery, planting Lenten roses at OHC. Photo by Richard Lane.

Gib Johnston raises the flag on the plaza at the cemetery. Photo by Jane Begnaud.

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Friends of Oconee Hill Cemetery

Spring 2015

Dyer Joins FOH Board Listed on the National Register of Historic Places

Affordable lots available (706) 543-6262

The Friends of Oconee Hill welcome Anna Dyer to the board of directors for the 2014–2015 term. Anna moved to Athens in 1970 to attend graduate school at UGA. That same year, she met Tom Dyer, a fellow graduate student in the history department. They married and made their home in Athens, where Anna was a founding teacher at Athens Academy and later a counselor and publications and alumni director. Tom joined the UGA faculty and served in a number of administrative posts, including as Vice President for Instruction and chair of the university’s bicentennial celebration. He died in 2013 and is buried at Oconee Hill. Given this and her love of history, Anna is excited to become involved with the Friends of Oconee Hill. She has a bachelor’s degree in history from BirminghamSouthern College and master’s degrees in history and in counseling, both from UGA. She is a charter member of Leadership Athens and a member of the Athens Historical Society, Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation and Emmanuel Episcopal Church, where she serves on the flower guild. She has one daughter, Elizabeth, who is getting her doctoral degree in history at the University of Pennsylvania.

Friends Materials Donated to the Hargrett Library The Friends of Oconee Hill Cemetery have donated archival materials to the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library, located in the University of Georgia’s Special Collections Libraries. These materials include minutes of meetings, correspondence, event programs, brochures, pamphlets, newspaper articles and photographs, as well as information on various projects to include the restoration of the Sexton’s House, the repair of the cemetery’s Iron Truss Bridge and the nomination materials used for the cemetery’s designation for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. These materials are in print as well as electronic formats. Hargrett Library staff

UGA’s Special Collections Libraries

created a “Finding Aid” for the collection, which can be found at http://hmfa. Housing these materials in the library will let anyone interested in Oconee Hill Cemetery access them. The Trustees of Oconee Hill Cemetery also recently donated archival materials to Hargrett. Other collections related to the cemetery are in other areas of the UGA Libraries and can be identified by using the online catalog at All of these materials are available during the Hargrett’s regular hours: Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. and Saturday 1 p.m.–5 p.m. (except when there is a UGA home football game). Friends of Oconee Hill Cemetery

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Spring Awakens at Oconee Hıll Cemetery Spring has arrived in all of its glory… and we want to thank all gardeners for their interest and support. Many do not realize that the Friends of Oconee Hill Cemetery was founded in 1999 as an Athens Garden Club Council project. Mary Ann Kenner was project chair for the council that year and encouraged it to start a support group. While living in Boston, she had spent much time at Mt. Auburn Cemetery and recognized the need for Athens to have a volunteer group to aid the Trustees in restoring and preserving the wonderful Victorian garden cemetery that she saw here. The rest, as they say, is history. Many groups and individuals have joined the Friends in the 16 years since that original meeting, and much has been done to encourage the maintenance and restoration of this Athens treasure. Now, as spring arrives and we celebrate the beauty of the gift that nature gives each year with the renewal of color and light, we particularly recognize the garden clubs and gardeners who have done so much to give life to OHC. A partial list of their accomplishments includes:

1999 Heritage Garden Club restored the Well House, painting and replacing the roof.

2000 Heritage Garden Club and Rose and Dahlia Garden Club began the Adopt-a-Lot Project.

2000 Athens Garden Club Council funded installation of two sets of iron railings.

2004 Heritage Garden Club funded landscaping of front en-

trance gates in honor of founding member Sylvia Gibson.

2008 Heritage Garden Club funded planting of row of cedars at Sexton’s House.

Junior Ladies Garden Club planted magnolia trees at entrance. Classic City Gardeners funded framing of Sexton’s House art. Ladies Garden Club planted tulips around front of Sexton’s House.


2013 2014

Garden Club of Georgia gave a challenge grant to clean the Pauper/African-American burial grounds. Rose and Dahlia Garden Club helped in said funding. Garden Club of Georgia gave challenge grant for tree removal and replanting. Heritage Garden Club assisted in funds for planting oaks at entrance.

Many others have given of their time and energy, and we appreciate their contributions. In addition, many local garden clubs have supported FOH by renewing their organization’s membership each year. These gifts help continue the work so important to the health of the cemetery.

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Friends of Oconee Hill Cemetery

Spring 2015

As the landscaping of the recently completed Wingfield Chapel begins, active gardeners are again at work! In honor of Harry Yates, longtime treasurer and archival photographer for FOH, and his wife JoAnn, a founding member and tireless volunteer for FOH, drifts of hellebores have been planted on the knoll where the chapel sits. Visitors will be able to see the lovely plants as they cross the bridge. Piccadilly Farm and Nursery donated a portion of the plants, and the Friends purchased more so that over 500 plants could grace the hillside to honor the Yateses. The next phase of the chapel landscaping will involve a columbarium and memory garden, an area for reflection and the scattering of ashes. It, too, will likely be enhanced by the efforts of local gardeners. Last, it is important to recognize individuals who tend to their own plots. The small staff of OHC can manage only two mowings each year due to a limited budget, and many visitors spend time caring for their lots as they visit their loved ones resting there. As public awareness of and love for this hallowed ground increases, we hope to see the results of more effort and attention. Thank you to all gardeners and lovers of nature. Keep up the support—the best is yet to come.

Harry Orbell Yates III moved to Athens with his wife, JoAnn, in 1963 “for about 2 years” to work for the Forest Service as a research entomologist. Fortunately for Athens and FOH, they decided to make Athens their home. They were charter members of the Friends, with Harry serving as the first treasurer and JoAnn as corresponding secretary. Harry managed the finances for 10 years, carrying the Friends through incorporation, acquisition of nonprofit status, fundraising and building the Sexton’s House. As an archival photographer, he documented projects and construction, creating an invaluable record of the history of the Friends. JoAnn was ever-present as well, becoming coordinator of Sexton’s House management and rental, establishing a working plan still in use today. They have been the consummate Friends. Our organization could not have succeeded without their tireless effort. It is with pleasure and appreciation that we plant these hellebores on the chapel grounds in their honor. The beautiful Lenten roses will grace the chapel area as Harry and JoAnn have graced our lives.

Preserving Our Urban Forest

Recognizing that trees are essential to the beauty and character of a “natural landscape” cemetery such as Oconee Hill and that the aging tree population within our cemetery is not being replaced and enhanced by younger trees at a rate necessary to maintain itself, the board of Friends of Oconee Hill Cemetery has been thinking about the removal of dead and dying trees and the planting of new trees for several years. Indeed, one of our most significant projects to date was the planting of 100+ trees in 2008. In 2013, the Friends, together with the Human and Economic Development Department of the Athens-Clarke County Unified Government, applied for and received an $11,100 Historic Preservation Fund Grant from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. Approximately half of this money, along with matching funds from the Friends, was for a tree assessment to include individual tree inventory, forest stand inventory, invasive species inventory and a forest-management plan. In anticipation of this tree assessment, FOH applied for and received a $2,000 Historic Landscape & Garden Grant from the Garden Club of Georgia in 2013 to put into action the resulting master plan. Although we initially expected to complete the removal of dead or dangerous trees and the subsequent planting of replacement trees outlined in our proposal early in 2014, we did not receive the master tree plan until well after that date, so our project was delayed by several months. Fortunately, the Garden Club of Georgia allowed us to extend the grant period, and

last month we were finally able to report what we have accomplished in our ongoing tree-management effort. First, we assisted the Trustees of Oconee Hill Cemetery in taking down and removing nine dead trees that had been identified in the tree assessment as being particularly dangerous or unsightly. Second, we relocated a couple of fairsized magnolias from just inside the front gate to a position outside the gate, where they will eventually create something of a screen between the cemetery and the busy “outside world” (the railroad track, the heavily trafficked East Campus Road and nearby Sanford Stadium). Third, we planted six exceptionally fine Highbeam® overcup oaks, three on either side of the driveway leading into the cemetery, where as their branches grow and spread they will eventually create a handsome allée. Incidentally, these trees have been named Mary Ann, JoAn, Richard, Helen, Tom and Jane in honor of the past presidents of the Friends. The total cost for this project was just over $10,000, half going to tree removal and half to tree planting. As mentioned above, $2,000 of this amount came as a grant from the Garden Club of Georgia. Remarkably, we were able to match the $2,000 grant from the Garden Club of Georgia three times, as we received matching funds from the Heritage Garden Club, the Terrell Family Foundation and the Thomas McKey Tillman Foundation. What generous friends we have! The $10,000 project was really worth much more than it cost. Mike Glenn of Select Trees supplied the six specimen oaks for less than half of their usual cost, and Bo Thurston of Athena Lawn Care discounted the charge for relocating the magnolias and planting the oaks. The Friends will continue to seek grant funding to support our ongoing effort to protect and enhance the tree population of our beautiful, historic “natural landscape” cemetery. As we do so, we certainly invite and encourage Friends members to make tax-deductible contributions toward this effort. Simply write the word “trees” on your check, and your gift will be used to help care for our wonderful 100-acre urban forest.

MEMBERSHIP We wish to thank our 2014–2015 members. Without our members, the accomplishments mentioned in this newsletter would have been impossible. The following list is current as of February 28, 2015.

FOUNDATIONS Alice and Noah N. Langdale Jr. Foundation Athens Chapter of the Watson-Brown Foundation Junior Board of Trustees Frances Wood Wilson Foundation Joseph L. Hull Jr. Foundation Terrell Family Foundation Thomas McKey Tillman Foundation T.R.R. Cobb House Watson-Brown Foundation

CORPORATE BENEFACTORS Allied Paving Contractors Bel-Jean Copy-Print Center Bridges Funeral Home First American Bank and Trust Georgia Football Lettermen’s Club National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, Athens Town Committee

GARDEN CLUBS Classic City Gardeners Glenwood Garden Club Green Acres Garden Club Heritage Garden Club Junior Ladies Garden Club Ladies Garden Club

RECIPROCAL MEMBERS Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation Athens Historical Society Cherokee Garden Library, Kenan Research Center, Atlanta History Center Friends of Brooklyn Cemetery Garden Club of Georgia

BENEFACTORS Mr. and Mrs. B. Heyward Allen Jr. The William N. Benedict Family Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Brumley Mr. and Mrs. E. Davison Burch Mr. Kevin Hart Butler Dr. and Mrs. Mark J. Costantino Ms. Greta Terrell Covington Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crisp Ms. Sue Wolfe David Ms. Meg Gunn Dure Ms. Anna Dyer

Friends of Oconee Hill Cemetery

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Mr. and Mrs. Fritz L. Felchlin Mr. R. Malcolm Fortson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. William S. Huggins Mr. Gerry G. Hull Ms. Lidwina G. Kelly Mr. Frank G. Lumpkin III Mr. and Mrs. Bowdre P. Mays Ms. Ann G. Moseley Dr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Moye Ms. Jane M. Payne Drs. Michael and Patricia Lane Petelle Mr. Ferdinand Phinizy Pointer Mr. and Mrs. Tom Scott Mr. John Spalding Ms. Amanda Harter Stone Ms. Elinor T. Terrell Ms. Katherine Trussell Wilson Mr. and Mrs. David A. Yoho Ms. Mary W. Zittrouer

DONORS Mr. and Mrs. Cuyler Adams Mr. and Mrs. Allan W. Barber Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Begnaud Mr. and Mrs. Mason Bentley Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Bishop Ms. Brenda Blanton Dr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Bowen Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ray P. Bush Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Cabaniss Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Carson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H.K. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Lauren M. Coile Ms. Camilla Collins and Mr. Benjamin Harden Ms. Catherine Cobb Cook Ms. Janey Mae Cooley Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cooney Ms. Caroline W. Cooper Ms. Ruth Moseley Curtis Ms. Sarah Grace Davis Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Dirr Ms. Elizabeth Coffee Downs Ms. Margarett McClung Dudley Mr. and Mrs. John D. Elliott Ms. Anne Garry Farnsworth Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Field Ms. Theresa M. Flynn and Mr. Douglas Hellman Dr. Laura Blackshear Rogers Fortson Leslie Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Denny Galis Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Green Ms. Gwen W. Griffin

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Friends of Oconee Hill Cemetery

Col. and Mrs. Robert A. Guy Dr. and Mrs. E. VanLandingham Herrin Mr. Paul Def Hicks Jr. Ms. Kathy Hoard Family of Cecilia W. Hooten Mr. and Mrs. Gene Howard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Hughes Dr. and Mrs. Pete Hutchinson Ms. Keren Hymo Ms. Claire R. James Ms. Nancy Hoban Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Billups P. Johnson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibson Johnston Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kassay Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lane Mr. and Mrs. Ben Leathers III Ms. Nan R. Leathers Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Lowe Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Hamilton Magill III Ms. Myra Norton Martin Drs. Hubert and Patricia Lane McAlexander Mr. and Mrs. Bill McWilliams Mr. Carlton N. Mell Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Milton Mills III Dr. Thomas H. Milner III Ms. Cecile Smith Moore Mr. Curtis G. Mosso Mr. and Mrs. James L. Newland Mr. and Mrs. John S. Noell Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parish Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Patterson Ms. Susan Paul Mr. Terry L. Peeler Dr. and Mrs. William Power Dr. and Mrs. Peter Rice Dr. Gary Roseman Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Ruppersburg Mr. and Mrs. Tony Salloum Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Sams Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Sams III Mr. Julian H. Scott Family of Nancy B. Scruggs Ms. Denise Smith Mr. Kent Smith Ms. Lynn W. Spratling Ms. Dorothy Belcher Stephenson Mrs. Malcolm F. Steuer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Tillman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Tillman Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Underwood Mr. and Mrs. John C. Waters The Robert Watt Family

Spring 2015

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wellman Ms. Gloria Coile Wells Mr. and Mrs. John Q. West Ms. Ellen Wilkins Wiley Dr. W. Thomas Wilfong Dr. and Mrs. W. Winston Wilfong Mr. and Mrs. Claude Williams Jr. Mr. G. Swift Williams Jr. Mrs. Gene Mac Winburn Mr. and Mrs. W. Terrell Wingfield Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winthrop II Mr. Richard W. Wortham III

SPONSORS Mr. William Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Jon Appleton Mr. William G. Appling Mr. and Mrs. James Barrow Mr. and Mrs. Terrell W. Benton Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Terry Beusse Mr. and Mrs. David W. Bishop Ms. Susan R. Boatright Mr. Charles B. Bonner Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin G. Brackett Mr. William J. Callaway Dr. and Mrs. William B. Carlton Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Carter Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Chambers Jr. Ms. Elizabeth B. Chastain Dr. and Mrs. John F. Crowley Mr. and Mrs. G. Lee Daniel Jr. Drs. Kenneth C. and Maxine P. Easom Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Elie Mr. Edward England Jr. Mr. William L. Foster Mrs. J. Michael Gregory Ms. Annis Orand Herring Dr. and Mrs. John B. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hodgson Mr. and Mrs. H. James Holcomb Ms. Mary D. Hutcherson Dr. Sylvia M. Hutchinson Ms. Georgia Baxter Kennedy Irvin Dr. and Mrs. Allen D. King Mr. and Mrs. Tom L. Lane Jr. Ms. Beverly Logan Ms. Mary K.W. Long Ms. Janet W. Macchi Ms. Susan S. Marion Ms. Debbie McAnallen Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas McGee Mrs. John D. McLanahan Mr. John R. Moore Ms. Elizabeth Spalding Morgan Ms. Beverly Moore Morton

Ms. Nancy K. O’Hare Mr. and Mrs. Lanier Scruggs III Ms. Irene R. Smith Ms. Margaret G. Smith Ms. Margaret Spalding Ms. Peggy Hoard Suddreth Dr. Claire Cochran Swann Ms. Gloria Ricks Taylor Dr. and Mrs. Lothar L. Tresp Ms. Laurie Wilder Mr. Smith M. Wilson IV

FAMILIES & INDIVIDUALS Ms. Elaine Aaron Dr. and Mrs. Howard T. Abney Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Adair Mr. Brian Adler Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Alexander Ms. Sylvia H. Arant Mr. Frank Bachelder Mr. John J. Barrow Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Beusse Ms. Anne Bonner Mrs. John N. Booth Mr. and Mrs. Al Bowers Ms. Candle Brumby Mr. James G. Bryant Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Burch Mr. Steven S. Bush Ms. Susan K. Bush Dr. and Mrs. James C. Cantrell Ms. Lynn Carithers Ms. Barbara R. Carson Ms. Barbara Seagraves Carter Mr. and Mrs. Warren Chandler Mr. and Mrs. William C. Childers Ms. Marian H. Christian Mr. and Mrs. Jim Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Clegg Ms. Anna Pryor Cobb Dr. and Mrs. James W. Cooper Dr. and Mrs. Frank T. Corker Mr. and Mrs. John Costantino Ms. Ansley J. Cotton Ms. Margaret Clayton Bryan Covington and Mrs. Albert A. Carmichael Ms. Virginia H. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Ted Crowe Jr. Coach and Mrs. Vincent J. Dooley Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Dopson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Doster Dr. Carol McCommon Downs Mr. and Mrs. William L. Easterlin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Elder Ms. M. Chadwick Erwin

Mr. Ron Evans Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Ferguson Ms. Edna B. Firor Mr. and Mrs. Terry Freeze Ms. Marion R. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. William R. Galt Ms. D. Anne Garner Mr. Kevin B. Garrison Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gatchell Mr. and Mrs. James A. Green Ms. Madge G. Green Mr. and Mrs. William R. Green Ms. Anita Holton Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Hannon Ms. Mary Talmadge Hardman Dr. and Mrs. William J. Hardman Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hawk Jr. Ms. Serena H. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. James Hefner Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Hester Family of Dr. Golden S. Hinton Ms. Marion Stegeman Hodgson Ms. Ruby Hodgson Mr. and Mrs. William Hopkins Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Hunnicutt Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hurley Dr. and Mrs. Leo S. Jensen Mr. Billups Phinizy Johnson III Dr. and Mrs. Francis Johnston Ms. Sandra B. Jordan Ms. Cynthia Kenney Mr. and Mrs. David A. Kidd Mrs. Harold W. King Mr. and Mrs. David Kissel Mr. and Mrs. John Koenig Ms. Vina H. Kremkau Ms. Shelby J. Lacy Ms. Barbara Laughlin Mr. and Mrs. James F. Law Dr. S. Edward Law Ms. Katherine Mell Lay Mr. Lan Lipscomb Ms. Jane W. Mann Mr. and Mrs. Richard Marbut Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence N. Mauney Ms. Barbara Howe McArthur Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Messina Mr. and Mrs. Ben Middendorf Mr. and Mrs. J. Gilbert Milner The Ernie Mitchell Family Ms. Leslie B. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris Family of William Lorenzo Moss

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nelson Ms. Lili Ouzts Ms. Josephine R. Paine Ms. Agnes Broadnax Parker Mr. Eddie Patat Ms. Page Gunn Pate Mr. and Mrs. John R. Phillips Ms. Hallie Ann Porter and Ms. Patricia Norris Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pou Dr. and Mrs. H.R. Powers Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ramsey Ms. Karen Whelchel Redwine Mr. and Mrs. Owen M. Roberts III Ms. Agnes Elizabeth Robertson Ms. Patricia A. Robison Ms. Susan Garrison Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Rusk Mrs. Edward Sams Ms. Janice Sand Capt. and Mrs. Leonard Sapera Mr. and Mrs. Ed Saye Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Schretter Mr. Richard Scott Ms. Mildred T. Simons Mr. William A. Simpson Ms. Jenny S. Sligh Mr. Theodore Bradford Sloan Mr. Robert M. Soule III Ms. Janet A. Stegeman Mr. David Sweat and Ms. Kay Giese Ms. Susan P. Tate Dr. and Mrs. Roger K. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Sam N. Thomas Jr. Ms. Beth H. Thurmond Mr. David Quillian Tuck Ms. Elizabeth Turner Mr. and Mrs. George Vest Ms. Mary Bondurant Warren Mr. and Mrs. J. Devereux Weeks Ms. Natalie Wellman Dr. and Mrs. John Whitehead Ms. Kathleen H. Wilfong Mr. and Mrs. Scott Willard The Williams Family Mr. Jack A. Wolfe Mr. George Wright and Ms. Maureen O’Brien Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list; however, if your name has been misspelled or omitted in error, or if you notice other inaccuracies, please accept our apology and notify Ann Moseley at or 706-353-2922. Friends of Oconee Hill Cemetery

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Friends of Oconee Hill Cemetery Post Office Box 49219 Athens, GA 30604 Return Service Requested

The Sexton’s House and the new Wingfield Chapel are available for events pertaining to the cemetery. For reservations or information, call Brian Adler at the Sexton’s Office: (706)543-6262.

Sexton’s House photo courtesy of Dennis O’Kain, Wingfield Chapel photo courtesy of Mark Costantino.

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