TABLE OF CONTENTS Mission Statement ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 Purpose …………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2 Professional Standard …………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………. 2 Public Relations / Administration ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 Planning a Public Relations Program ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3 Review and Evaluation …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 Public Education ..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 Responding to Inquiries and Issues ..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 4 Appeals Process …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 Taxpayer Liaison Officer ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5 Staff Public Relations / Customer Service ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5 Staff Preparedness …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6 Staff Standards ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 Providing Good Customer Service ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 Correspondence .……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8 Spokesperson for Media ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8 Important Dates & Deadlines .………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9 Means of Circulating Information .…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 News Releases ..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 Media Contacts ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10 Printed Information ….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11 Speaking Engagements .………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11 Internet .………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 Plan for Urgent Situations ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 Procedures on How to Handle Bad Press …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 Dealing with Hostile/Angry Customers ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 Techniques to Calm the Angry/Upset Taxpayer .……………………………………………………………………………………….. 13 Public Safety Navigation .………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 Responding to Inquiries and Complaints from the Public ..…………………………………………………………………………….… 14 How to Proceed with the Informal Process ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 14 How to File a Formal Complaint .…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14 Complaint Form from the Public …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16 Open Records Request ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16 Policy .…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16 Public Records Request Procedures ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17 Initial Response to Public Records Requests ..…………………………………………………………………………………………… 17 Clarification of Public Records Request .…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17 Charging for Public Records Request ..……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17 Open Records Request Form …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18 Media Contact List ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 20
MISSION STATEMENT The primary responsibility of the Denton Central Appraisal District is to appraise property for property taxation and maintain 100% of market value, allowing local funding for the school districts and ensuring that appraisals are performed in an equal and uniform manner in order that taxpayers pay only their fair share of the property tax burden. In carrying out these duties all employees will work with pride, honesty, and fairness in their dealing with individuals, and always treat the public with respect. We will keep in mind at all times that we work for the public, and must work as a team, ever striving to find a better way.
PURPOSE Public Relations is the practice of managing the communication between an organization and its public. It involves cooperative efforts with the public and organization to build mutually beneficial relationships. To help achieve an optimum level of transparency, the Denton Central Appraisal District encourages property owners to provide their feedback (positive and negative). This process will help the appraisal district improve their services. The purpose of the Public Relations Plan at the Denton Central Appraisal District is to create and sustain a strong and positive image of the appraisal district by maintaining an open line of communication with the public and keeping them well informed of their rights and responsibilities, and of the appraisal district’s mission, vision and purpose.
PROFESSIONAL STANDARD A proactive public relations program is essential to public awareness of the appraisal process and of the importance of the property tax in funding local government services. IAAO’s Standard on Public Relations is the basis for the Denton Central Appraisal District’s Public Relations Plan. This standard outlines the requirements for developing and maintaining an effective plan. The International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) is the internationally recognized leader and preeminent source for innovation, education, and research in property appraisal, assessment, administration, and property tax policy.
PUBLIC RELATIONS/ADMINISTRATION The appraisal district’s public relations program builds on a competent administration. It is the first line of defense. Courteous and effective implementation of the public relations program can eliminate the need for other defenses to be used. Without a sound public relations program, the appraisal district may meet the public only through complaints and appeals. The Chief Appraiser is responsible for ensuring that all staff meets the public in a courteous manner. Ensuring that the staff is knowledgeable about the functions of the appraisal district and capable of informing the property owners about their rights and obligations, may prevent further misconceptions and ill-feelings toward the appraisal district office. The Chief Appraiser’s public includes not only individual taxpayers, but also such groups as appraisers, developers, title companies, real estate brokers, lending institutions, communication media, taxing units and other units of government, civic and professional associations, and public institutions that benefit from the ad valorem property tax system. The appraisal district office must manage the information systems so that these various publics have access to the large amount of useful and necessary information to be found in appraisal records. These groups in turn, can be a communication network that informs the general public about the appraisal district office. The most important parts of a public relations program are a well-run office with well-planned records and record storage, an office layout that makes public access easy, a courteous staff trained to deal with the public and written rules of procedure. Planning a Public Relations Program A planned program of public relations includes well thought out responses to issues and inquiries, cooperation with other government agencies, and ways of getting information to the public through media contacts, printed information, and speaking engagements. The Chief Appraiser shall talk to the media and prepare printed information in advance, if possible. The first step in planning good public relations is a review of needs. Analysis of these questions shall be an on-going process by the Chief Appraiser. The Chief Appraiser shall consider: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
What is the appraisal districts public image? How well informed is the general public? What is the political environment? What staff improvements are needed? Are procedures that are already in place working? What issues have surfaced that need to be addressed and what are the anticipated issues?
Review and Evaluation The Chief Appraiser shall, with the aid and input of appraisal district employees, review and evaluate the public relations plan and its effectiveness. Adjustments shall be made as necessary. Press clippings from newspapers, magazines, and trade publications provide evidence for reviewing and evaluating the program. Comments from surveys, emails, etc. shall also be considered. 3
PUBLIC EDUCATION Appraisals and the functions of the appraisal district are difficult. We must work very hard to make technical terms and procedures understandable. The public needs to know the purpose of the appraisal and what public services are funded by property taxes. The taxpayer shall be made aware that the appraisal process is designed to establish a tax base and ensure that the tax burden is equitably distributed according to the appraised value of various properties. Taxpayers shall be informed that they have a voice in the local budgetary process they elect the officials who set tax rates, they can attend public hearings, and can vote on bonding or expenditure referendums. Taxpayers need to know the tax rates, how to apply it to the appraisal value, and how to arrive at the tax bill. It is the appraisal district’s responsibility to inform the taxpayer about the appraisal and assessment process, the information available for review, procedures for filing an appeal, and filing deadlines.
RESPONDING TO INQUIRIES AND ISSUES Many people often need information from the appraisal office. Property information and maps are important resources. The Chief Appraiser shall find an efficient means of responding to inquiries via telephone, computer, printed matter, electronic media, etc. Dedicated computers in the appraisal district office provide convenient access to information and records. The Chief Appraiser may charge fees to recover the costs of providing some forms of information. Appraisals are often controversial. Many issues will arise in response to specific events. The Chief Appraiser shall set out clear, well-defined responses to anticipated issues to create and increase public confidence in the appraisal process and appraisal district office. The Chief Appraiser shall be sure that all appraisal district employees are well-versed in the responses for anticipated issues. Additionally, education of the public prior to major actions of the district shall be performed by the Chief Appraiser. The Chief Appraiser may enlist the media to cover appraisal district actions as this will present the actions in a clear and well-written manner. The Chief Appraiser may choose other avenues of education for the public, such as speaking events with citizen’s groups.
APPEALS PROCESS Taxpayers shall be made aware of the rules and procedures for appealing appraisals. Information on what constitutes a valid appeal shall be made available. During this process, taxpayers shall be treated with courtesy and respect. New information shall be evaluated thoroughly and objectively. Adequate seating shall be made available for waiting taxpayers. When presenting their case at an appeal hearing the appraiser should be calm, knowledgeable and organized. They should not lose their cool or panic. It is important to testify clearly regarding how the appraisal was performed and to answer any questions concisely and convincingly. On direct examination during an appeal hearing explain the reasoning fully and explain your support for your conclusions of value. Do not wait until cross-examination to explain the weaknesses in your appraisal. Spend the most time on where you place the most weight in your appraisal. 4
On cross-examination, some things to keep in mind are the difference between defending a position and explaining it. Do not get defensive when answering questions. Do not take the appeal hearing as a personal affront. Do not let opposition affect your professional demeanor in a negative way.
TAXPAYER LIAISON OFFICER The Taxpayer Liaison Officer shall administer the public access functions required by the Texas Property Tax Code and is responsible for resolving disputes not involving matters that may be protested. In addition, the Taxpayer Liaison Officer is responsible for receiving, and compiling a list of comments and suggestions filed by the Chief Appraiser, a property owner, or a property owner’s agent concerning nonvalue related matters. The Taxpayer Liaison Officer shall provide to the public, information and material designed to assist property owners in understanding the appraisal process, protest procedures, the procedure for filing comments and suggestions or a complaint, and other matters. Information concerning the process for submitting comments and suggestions to the Comptroller concerning the Appraisal Review Board shall be provided at each protest hearing. The Taxpayer Liaison Officer will report to the Board of Directors at each meeting on the nature of complaints and the status of resolution.
STAFF PUBLIC RELATIONS/CUSTOMER SERVICE In many areas customer satisfaction ultimately boils down to the customer’s contact with frontline staff. The Denton Central Appraisal District takes great pride in achieving the best results in public relations with the taxpayers in Denton County. The first step for focusing staff on customer service is hiring the right people. The Denton Central Appraisal District requires that the staff members greeting the public take a Customer Service Seminar along with other personnel that deal with the public. The district also has made available, customer surveys, which also rates the staff on how well the public is being treated. Surveys allow the Denton Central Appraisal District to quickly capture vital information with relatively little expense and effort and confront any problems that may seem to arise. The Chief Appraiser or Department Manager will go over any updates, changes, expectations of staff members, and attitudes. This will allow staff members to learn more about the organization and the work from interaction with coworkers.
STAFF PREPAREDNESS Employee demeanor in serving the public is important to maintaining good public relations. Every public contact shall be considered an opportunity to improve the organization’s image. The Chief Appraiser is responsible for ensuring that the staff is equipped to communicate with the public in an efficient and courteous manner. The Chief Appraiser shall ensure that appraisal district employees are well-versed in the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
Professional standards; Important dates and deadlines; Rules on data disclosure and rules on confidentiality; Records retention standards; Identification of who is authorized and who is not authorized to communicate as an official spokesperson; Guidelines for interaction with the public; Guidelines and authorization process for using intellectual property, logos, trade-marks, and copyrights; Code of conduct for online behavior; Protocols and authorization for posting information to online media such as web sites, social media sites, and community forums; Identification of media outlets and communication services that staff are authorized to use; Policy regarding appropriate online use of the appraisal district’s name and identity; Policy regarding endorsements and political statements; Suggestions for responding to irate taxpayers; Guidelines for hearings and appeals; Appearance and attire; Telephone and email etiquette; Guidelines for the style and structure of letters and emails; Methods for recording actions.
STAFF STANDARDS Employees will be required to attend customer service classes or seminars annually to help improve the overall customer service and Appraisal Review Board relations of the appraisal district. There are six basic customer needs that are important when interacting with taxpayers... friendliness, understanding and empathy, fairness, control, options and alternatives, and information. Providing Good Customer Service A. Preparation. The service interaction requires preparation of materials, physical space and attitude. B. Approaching the Taxpayer. When interacting with taxpayers, you never get a second chance to make a positive first impression.
C. Listening and Offering Support. This step requires listening and inviting feedback to gain information about what the citizen needs and how you might address those needs. At this stage, you also work to convey interest in providing assistance to the taxpayer. D. Problem Solving. These are actions taken by staff during and following the service interaction to address the customer’s needs. 1. Often in dealing with difficult people, a problem or perceived problem is the catalyst for the anger. Whether the taxpayer is angry or truly does have a problem, there are effective ways of remedying the situation. 2. Most often the taxpayer is looking to you to fix the problem. Patience and clear open explanations are essential. Your explanations can create relief or magnify the problem. A few steps to consider are shown below: a. Once you have determined the problem, repeat what you heard to the taxpayer to be sure you address the real issue. b. If the issue is very confusing, concerning a subject you are not comfortable with or you do not understand the problem, seek assistance. Solve the problem the first time if at all possible. c. Indicate the steps and approximate date in which you will address the problem and be on time. d. If other offices are involved, make sure and explain the process and the date that you will send your information to the appropriate office. e. Ask the taxpayer to allow you to complete the work and do not call you before the stated time, unless additional information has become available to assist you. f. Ask for contact information and/or verify current contact information on file. A large amount of information is conveyed by email, so email address if available. g. If the issue is difficult or confusing, have other qualified staff review prior to communicating to the taxpayer. h. Make sure any explanations are on topic, clear and complete. i. Be prepared to tell them no and how to effectively use a cushion statement.
E. Follow Up! So often this is a missed opportunity to develop some good public relations. 1. If your work is to be sent to another office, contact the taxpayer stating that you have completed your portion of the work and where it was sent. Tell the taxpayer if they are not contacted or the problem solved by a set time to contact that office and provide the contact person and their phone number. 2. If the problem is entirely your responsibility to solve, follow-up with an email, letter or call to verify the information was received and if the problem was solved. 3. Take a proactive role!
CORRESPONDENCE Written correspondence shall follow specific guidelines as follows: 1. Answer letters and emails promptly and acknowledge those that cannot be responded to immediately; 2. State information clearly using common words and phrases; 3. Respond to all relevant questions; 4. Convey a professional image; 5. Add a personal touch whenever appropriate; 6. Correspond positively; 7. Retain a copy of all correspondence for future reference and in accordance to retention schedules; 8. Be consistent with the office’s style. To avoid contradictory responses, correspondence addressing policy issues shall cite controlling rules, statutes, or professional standards and be communicated within the appraisal office. Responses to criticisms should be addressed promptly and be resolved in a non-judgmental way.
SPOKESPERSON FOR MEDIA It is crucial that a spokesperson be assigned the responsibility of all communication with the media. The spokesperson for the Denton Central Appraisal District is listed below. Chief Appraiser:
Rudy Durham 3911 Morse Street Denton, TX 76209 (940) 349-3978
The Chief Appraiser may, in certain circumstances, designate an employee to serve in the capacity of spokesperson. The Chief Appraiser shall coordinate interviews, write and distribute news releases, newsletters, reports, correspondence, post information in all applicable places, ordinate special events, such as, open houses and public appearances, edit special publications and annual reports, and coordinate the release of information to media channels.
IMPORTANT DATES & DEADLINES January – December: Meetings, speaking engagements, and presentations to constituents to provide information on property tax (by invitation) Appraisal District related conferences Taxpayer Liaison Officer—ongoing taxpayer support as needed Open Records—ongoing response as requests are made Review and comply with adopted document retention schedule Quarterly Board of Directors meetings Annual Ag Advisory Meeting January – March: Review all public outreach materials (such as brochures, flyers, and website material) Deliver applications for exemptions requiring annual applications Publish annual report on website Field work to be completed Deliver applications for agricultural designation Meet with the taxing entities to answer questions and review the protest calendar Review/change internal procedures based on legal opinion and/or legislative changes if required Prepare press releases concerning notices of appraised value and the protest process Press Release—Ag valuation, exemptions, and renditions Run Data Integrity Audits April – May: Public Relations/Customer Service training Real Property Notices of Appraised Value to be mailed Business Personal Property rendition deadline (April 15th) 1-d-1 Open Space Valuation application deadline (April 30th) Exemption applications deadline (April 30th) Develop Mass Appraisal Summary Report In-house training for staff on protest procedures Business Personal Property rendition deadline that requested an extension (May 15th) Business Personal Property notices of appraised value to be mailed Publish Public Notice of Protest and Appeal Procedures Protest deadline (usual deadline is May 31st) Informal Review begins June - July: Appraisal Review Board hearings in progress ARB Approves Records Chief Appraiser certifies Appraisal Roll August - December: Development of field work plan Appraisal staff in field representing DCAD Sales entry Data collection
MEANS OF CIRCULATING INFORMATION Direct communications shall be used to explain the role of the appraisal office and the services it provides. Appraisal district staff shall be able to explain in detail the services provided by the appraisal office, special tax exemptions, the appraisal process, the appeal process, the distribution of tax revenue, and the relationship between the tax rate and the reappraisal process. The Chief Appraiser shall make use of these available media resources to communicate with the public. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Newspapers; Professional publications; Brochures; Website; Community forums; Community sponsored events; Any other local means available.
News Releases The news release is a valuable device that shall be used to promote activities, communicate policies, and inform the public of appraisal issues. Recommendations for writing news release:
Information shall be newsworthy (timely, unique, or significant) Public relations industry recommended format shall be followed when practical Contact information shall be provided Shall not exceed two pages in length, if possible Releases shall be as short and concise as possible Information shall be localized The release shall be proofread The most important facts shall appear first Deadlines, editing procedures, and other requirements of the media shall be accommodated Anyone mentioned in the release shall be notified before it is submitted for publication or distribution to the public
Media Contacts It is the responsibility of the Chief Appraiser to present technical information in a clear and understandable language. The Chief Appraiser shall speak carefully, explain fully, ask for feedback before the reporter leaves, arrange to review the material before it is published if possible, limit radio and television to selected staff members only, and use whatever means possible to avoid being misquoted. Any and all contact with national media would call for professional and legal guidance.
Printed Information Brochures can be as simple as a single typed sheet of paper or as complex as a professionally prepared, multipage brochure. Any printed information or electronic information placed before the public shall be carefully edited and proofed prior to release. All printed matter must be clear, accurate and attractive. The Chief Appraiser shall consider and research the possibility of preparing materials in Spanish if the district has a large population not fluent in the English language.
Speaking Engagements Speaking engagements are an important opportunity for contact between the appraisal office and the public. Engagements can be spur-of-the-moment or scheduled. Opportunities for speaking engagements are usually offered by service organizations, civic clubs, neighborhood associations, real estate appraisers and brokers, industry representatives, lending institutions, developers, attorneys, regularly scheduled public access stations or radio talk shows, legislators, and other elected officials. It is recommended that the Chief Appraiser, or designated staff member, meet with some of these groups just prior to mailing of appraisal notices or any other major action planned by the appraisal district. The Chief Appraiser, or designated staff member, shall prepare in advance, standard speeches, charts and graphs, and films or slide shows so that the quality of the presentation does not suffer. In performing speaking engagements, the Chief Appraiser, or designated staff member, shall be prepared to hold a question and answer period; shall have answers ready; and must have tact, sympathy and discretion.
Internet In addition to more traditional communication methods, the internet is an effective way of informing the public. Web pages are quickly becoming an avenue to reach a large number of people at very little cost. More and more of our customers are looking online before calling. This can be very positive if we provide good clear information. A website is an electronic brochure for the office. Relevant assessment and property tax information may be made available on the Web. If the Chief Appraiser determines this to be an effective and convenient way to communicate, he must research, plan and implement ways to deliver information on the Internet. Social media sites shall be evaluated to determine their effectiveness for public relations purposes and directing site visitors to authoritative sources of information such as the district’s web site. The appraisal district’s website shall be content driven so information can be quickly accessed, retrieved and reviewed. Data shall be accessible by multiple search criteria. The appraisal district’s website content shall be at the discretion of the Chief Appraiser. The Chief Appraiser shall include information determined to be within the guidelines of open records and public information. The site may include information found in the annual report and other informative data such as:
Office hours, location, and contact information; Property information, including ownership, property characteristic, sales history, and value; News releases or Public Notices; Mission statement or strategic plan; Job openings; An explanation of the protest/appeals process; Appraisal notice explanation; Exemptions; Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs); Maps; Taxpayer forms; Links to other relevant web sites.
PLAN FOR URGENT SITUATIONS Procedures on How to Handle Bad Press There may be a time when the Denton Central Appraisal District is confronted with an unflattering article. Whether the district deserves it or not, the negativity reflects badly on the appraisal district’s image and could affect the attitudes of the taxpayers towards the district. 1. Determine who is to receive all communication with the media. 2. Express your regret concerning the crisis. Taxpayers do not want to see the appraisal district pointing fingers during a crisis. Be confident in that the district understands what is at stake, apologize and take action before being forced to do so by legal means. 3. Explain to the public what your plans are and let the taxpayers know how you are going to rectify the damage. 4. Plan a structure to disseminate your message to the media. Send your media press releases out all at once, and if the releases will be ongoing, send them out at the same time every day. If a story has reached the taxpayers and looks as if it is doing some damage, a good way to counter is to compose our own response. Try not to get emotionally involved, this is unprofessional and the district might say something it might later regret. The media likes objective facts and statements, so they are also more likely to print something that is calm and to the point. Stick to all the facts involved and address each negative point of the original bad PR piece. Explain why the appraisal district made the mistake (if the district made one) and how the district is going to correct the problem. Give the taxpayers a reason to trust us.
DEALING WITH HOSTILE / ANGRY CUSTOMERS Customer service isn’t always a cheery interaction, and almost anyone who serves the public occasionally faces an angry or rude customer. Whether the blame falls on the appraisal district’s actions, issues over values, or just a bad day, how the district handles a problem customer can make a bad situation worse. Techniques to Calm the Angry/Upset Taxpayer: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
Speak Softly Take Notes Tell Them Your Name Use Their Name Let Them Get It Out Always Thank Them Offer Alternatives Restate What You Hear Sit Down When Possible Isolate Them When Possible Let Them Know You Want to Help Use Positive Body Language Give Written Guidelines Ask Questions Do Something Right Now Get Others Involved
Public Safety Navigation 1. React and respond to the individual in a calm, but firm manner. 2. Use a lower volume of voice to help the customer calm down. 3. Listen to all demands. 4. If the taxpayer wishes to file a complaint, have them fill out the Complaint Form. 5. Do not tolerate abusive behavior. 6. Make command statements in a firm, but non-challenging tone, saying what you want or do not want. I understand that you are upset. It sounds like you really are angry about this. I do not want to argue with you. I want you to leave. 7. Think over situations that could occur and how you would react. Go through the movements you would need to make to get help or get out of the situation. Practice. One strategy might be to keep a desk, chair, or other object between you and the person to keep distance. 8. If you anticipate problems with an individual let co-workers, Sheriff’s Department, or the Police Department know about it ahead of time. 9. If you feel you may be in jeopardy, remove yourself from the danger, providing it is safe to do so, and notify the Police.
10. If you observe a hostile confrontation in progress, do not get involved. Calmly move away from the area, providing it is safe to do so. Once clear of it, notify the Police if necessary. 11. Completely describe what you observed, how many individuals are involved, physical descriptions of those individuals and the exact location of the activity. 12. Attempt to bring the person to an isolated area or room. 13. Have at least two people remain with the person at all times until he/she calms down or professional assistance arrives. DO NOT TRY TO PHYSICALLY RESTRAIN THE PERSON. 14. Be prepared to seek protection under desks and behind solid walls.
RESPONDING TO INQUIRIES AND COMPLAINTS FROM THE PUBLIC There are times when an individual may make an inquiry with the Denton Central Appraisal District or file a complaint. When complaints or concerns occur, they should be resolved at the lowest possible administrative level through an informal process of cooperative agreement among the affected individuals. However, when the informal process fails to provide resolution, an individual is entitled to file a formal complaint and seek a review of any administrative decisions made by the Chief Appraiser to the Denton Central Appraisal District Board of Directors. How to Proceed with the Informal Process The Denton Central Appraisal District periodically distributes information in the local newspapers and forms that need to be completed regarding exemptions, special valuations, reappraisal notices, etc. Staff members may be contacted for informal help with specific concerns via the phone or at the front counter. All staff members should attempt to resolve the concern as amicably and expeditiously as possible. During this informal stage no records are required to be kept. If the district prepares anything in writing, a copy is kept. How to File a Formal Complaint When a concern or complaint is not resolved through the informal process, taxpayers may initiate the formal complaint process outlined below. 1. The Board of Directors provide for public complaints or grievances on any matter within the jurisdiction of the Board of Directors about policies and procedures of the Denton Central Appraisal District, Appraisal Review Board and the Board of Directors. The board will not consider complaints addressing any of the grounds for challenge and protest before the Appraisal Review Board as set out in Section 41.03 and 41.41, Tax Code. The Board of Directors has no authority to overrule the Chief Appraiser or Appraisal Review Board’s decision on a value, exemption, correction, or protest. The board intends that, whenever feasible, complaints and grievances are resolved at the lowest possible administrative level.
2. Correspondence shall be mailed to: Denton Central Appraisal District (Chief Appraiser, Taxpayer Liaison, ARB Chairman, or Board of Directors) P.O. Box 2816 Denton, TX 76202 3. The complaint/grievance should be in writing, request placement on the board agenda, along with all documentation, and specify the subject matter to be considered. The request must state who will make the presentation. 4. The complaint/grievance should be filed within 15 days of the event or series of events of which the complaint/grievance is alleged. 5. The Chief Appraiser shall have 10 days following the receipt of the complaint to notify the individuals, delegations, or complainants of the date, time and place of the meeting. 6. The Chief Appraiser shall provide the Board of Directors with copies of the original complaint/grievance, all responses, and any written documentation previously submitted by the individuals, delegations, complainants, and the administration. The Board is not required to consider documentation not previously submitted or issues not previously stated. 7. The Board’s deliberations at its meetings with respect to complaints shall occur in open session, as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Article 6252-17, Tex.Rev.Civ.Stats. 8. The Chairman of the Board of Directors may set reasonable time limits. The Board shall hear the complaint/grievance and may request a response from the appraisal district. The Board shall then make and communicate its decision orally or in writing at any time up to and including the next regularly scheduled board meeting. However, if the grievance involves a complaint or charge against another appraisal district employee or Board member, it shall be heard in a closed meeting unless an open hearing is requested in writing by the employee or Board member against whom the complaint or charge is brought. The employee will have to follow the guidelines set out in the Employee Handbook adopted by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall make public to the taxing jurisdictions information of public interest describing the functions of the board and procedures for filing and resolving complaints by the board. The Board of Directors, at least quarterly and until final disposition of any complaint filed, shall notify the parties to the complaint and the status of the complaint unless notice would jeopardize an undercover investigation. Citizens will not be permitted to enter into discussion or debate as other agenda items are being considered by the board.
Complaint Form from the Public
OPEN RECORDS REQUESTS Public access to appraisal records is crucial to good public relations. A climate of openness and transparency shall be established in the appraisal office. Appraisal office employees must understand policies and statutes pertaining to open records, public disclosure and confidentiality, including an awareness of compliance timeliness. The Chief Appraiser shall educate appraisal district employees on the guidelines for the dissemination of real estate records or taxpayer information and should be sensitive to privacy concerns. Information request must be delivered to the Chief Appraiser who may process it himself or designate an employee to do so and provide that employee specific guidelines to use. All open records or public information requests shall be processed in a manner that is compliant with state law and state time requirements. Policy All records of the Denton Central Appraisal District are subject to the Texas Public Information Act Government Code Chapter 552, unless determined to be confidential by law and will respond to the public requests as soon as practicable and without unreasonable delay, in the manner described below. The Deputy Chief Appraiser of Appraisal is the Public Information Officer for the appraisal district. All open records requests shall be made in writing and submitted to the Public Information Officer for processing. 16
Public Records Request Procedure The Deputy Chief Appraiser of Appraisal is responsible for coordinating public records requests made to the Denton Central Appraisal District and other staff as appropriate in fulfilling timely requests. All formal public records requests must be submitted in writing by fax or email and directed to: Public Information Officer Denton Central Appraisal District 3911 Morse Street Denton, TX 76208 Phone: (940) 349-3800 Fax: (940) 349-3801 Email:
Initial Response to Public Records Request After receiving a request for a public record or document, the Public Information Officer will respond to the public records request as soon as practicable and without unreasonable delay. The appraisal district will respond with one or more of the following: A statement that the Denton Central Appraisal District does or does not have custody of the requested documents. Copies of all requested public records for which the Denton Central Appraisal District is the custodian of is exempted from disclosure. A statement that the Denton Central Appraisal District is the custodian of some responsive records, an estimate of time in which copies will be provided or inspection will be available, and an estimate of the fees the requestor must pay. A statement that the Denton Central Appraisal District is uncertain whether it possesses any requested records and that it will search for the requested records and respond as soon as practicable. Clarification of Public Records Request If the Denton Central Appraisal District receives an unusual request or the scope of the request is unclear, the appraisal district may request additional clarification before responding to the request. Charging for Public Records Request The Denton Central Appraisal District is allowed to recover their actual costs in fulfilling a public records request. The district follows the Texas Administrative Code, the Office of the Attorney General’s Cost of Public Information. In such instances, the public records request coordinator will not fulfill the request until the requestor confirms in writing that the requestor wants to proceed with the request despite the estimated cost. See page 23 for those costs. 17
Denton Central Appraisal District Open Records Request for Information under Texas Public Information Act The Texas Public Information Act allows the public the right of access to government information. All persons who request information must do so in writing, submitting a written request that includes enough description and details of the information you are requesting, allowing the governmental body to accurately identify and locate the items which you are requesting. The request must be for records or information that already exists. The Public Information Act does not require a governmental body to create new records, perform legal research or to answer questions. The requestor may ask to inspect records, obtain copies of records or both. Although most government information is available under the Act, some exceptions exist. Written requests submitted under the Texas Public Information Act may be submitted by mail, fax, email or in person to the following: Public Information Officer Denton Central Appraisal District 3911 Morse Street, Denton Texas 76208 Phone: (940) 349-3800 Fax: (940) 349-3801 E-mail: Please Print Requestor’s Name: __________________________________________________________________ Firm/Company Representing: __________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________ State: ____________ Zip code: ______________________ E-mail Address: ____________________________________ Phone Number: __________________ Describe in detail the information you are requesting. Please include enough description of the information you are requesting so that we may accurately identify and locate those items for you. If your request cannot be determined, it will be returned to you for clarification. Property Address and/or Property ID (PID) Number(s): _____________________________________ Appraisal Year(s) Subject to Your Request: _______________________________________________ Detailed Description of the Records You Are Seeking (be specific):_________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ I request the information be sent in the following form: ___E-mail ___CD ___US mail ___FTP ___Pick-up Requestor’s Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________ 18
Price List for Services Readily Available Information Standard size paper (up to 8.5" x 14") Under 50 pages: Over 50 pages: Non-Standard size paper (over 8.5" x 14") Under 50 pages: Over 50 pages:
= =
.10 cents per page .10 cents per page (+ personnel charge)
= =
.50 cents per page .50 cents per page
Non-Readily Available Information Cost of copy (use "Readily Available Information" cost) + personnel charge + overhead charge
Maps Up to 8.5" x 14'" Copy or Print of Map Over 8.5" x 14" Copy or Print of Map 24"x 36" Copy or Print of Map 24" x 36" Print of Color Map
= = = =
Special Maps
.25 cents per page .50 cents per page $5.00 per page $15.00 per page .
24"x 36" PID Abstract Map = 24"x 36" Oil & Gas Map = 24' x 36" PID Abstract/Aerial Map = * Requires customized data manipulation to produce
$15.00 per page * $20.00 per page * $20.00 per page *
Property Record/Evaluation Forms Appraisal Card
.10 cents per page (no charge to owner)
Personnel Charge Overhead Charge Programming Time Other costs
= = = =
$15.00 per hour 20% of personnel charge $28.50 per hour actual cost
Computer Time Rewritable CD (CD-RW) Non-rewritable CD (CD-R)
= = =
$1.80 per minute $1.00 $1.00
Postage & Shipping Charges
actual cost
Other charges
Chief Appraiser:
Rudy Durham (940) 349-3978
Public Relations Officer:
George Clerihew (940) 349-3897
Denton Record-Chronicle P.O. Box 369, Denton, TX 76202 314 E. Hickory, Denton, TX 76201 Phone: (940) 566-6836
Fort Worth Star Telegram P.O. Box 1870, Fort Worth, TX 76101 808 Throckmorton St, Fort Worth, TX 76102 Phone: (800) 776-7827
Cross Timbers Gazette 6101 Long Prairie Rd, Ste 744-186 Flower Mound, TX 75028 Phone: (940) 728-8284