Publication norms
“O Cosmopolítico”:
"O Cosmopolítico"1 is a journal made by the students of International Relations of the “Federal Fluminense University”2. Created at 2011, it was aimed to promote articles, essays, and other contents, to the academic community. By 2012 to now, the journal has stopped its publications, because it has been into a renovation process. So it might be, by now, an entirely online publication, which allows us to easily promote it and save some trees. At the new “O Cosmopolítico”, we shall adopt a publication pattern based on the basics rules of the editorial policies. On this document, we will present the themes and rules accepted at our journal.
Themes: “O Cosmopolítico “will be permanently available to receive submissions of articles, essays, analysis and reviews of interdisciplinary character, which approaches mainly to the International Relations area. They might be over one of those subjects: Foreign trade, Strategic Studies, Geopolitics, National Defense, International Cooperation, Diplomacy, Human’s Right, International Law, International Political Economy, Global Governance, History of International Relations, Regional Integration, International Negotiations, International Organizations, International Politics, International Security, as well as Theory of International Relations. By the literary texts, they do not need to be correlated to those themes.
“O Cosmopolítico” means, on a free translation, “The Cosmopolitics”. The name was chosen by the International Relations Students’ of Federal Fluminense University 2 Federal Fluminense University is located at the City of Niterói, in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Read more about our University: here!
Publication Norms :
1. The material submitted for publication must be unpublished, and written on Portuguese, English, Spanish or French. For essays, reviews and analysis, there is a limit of 7.000 characters (with space). By the articles, they shall be over 30.000 characters (with space), without counting the bibliographic references. At last, but not least, the literary texts may reach, at the most, 10.000 characters. 2. The content of the publications is of total responsibility of the author(s), so it will not represent the opinion of “O Cosmopolítico”, or of our editors. 3. All the contributions will be reviewed by our editorial’s assessors. 4. The document shall be send at .doc, .docx or .pdf formats for the e-mail ail,, with the subject “Contribution”, containing the author’s name, as well as its institutions, and a brief bio. 5. The texts must follow the cultured norms of each language, saving the literary texts, on which we will respect the poetic liberty of the author. 6. Being approved, the contribution shall be modified, if necessary, to fit with to the norms of publications required.
The Editor-in-Chief.