Counselling Therapy And The Different Types Of Therapy Sometimes we feel down and depressed over minor things that have gone out of control. In order for us to recover from the confusing, depressing, uncomfortable, painful, distressing, or frightening events or experiences that we are currently facing, we would need to seek help from professionals who offer counselling therapy and other effective types of psychotherapy.
At some point in our lives, we feel down and depressed over minor things that have gone out of control. Catastrophic events and traumatic experiences are sometimes inevitable. In times when you feel like everything seems to get more confusing, depressing, uncomfortable, and painful, a help from a professional therapist or counsellor can greatly make things better.
Therapy is one of the safest and most effective ways to get over these types of events and experiences. Normally, we tend to avoid talking about painful and other negative things in our lives not knowing that the baggage they bring can build up over time, which can result in a more serious physical, emotional, and psychological turmoil. As the old saying goes, the best way to solve any problem is to face it directly. In this case, counselling therapy can be of great help.
Counselling Therapy Ottawa
you to talk about your life, feelings, experiences, problems, and other things that cause your distress. Counselling is generally done within a dependable,
Professional counsellors or therapists are trained to attentively listen to their patients with empathy. They help their patients understand and solve their situation not only based on their own understanding and education but also by putting themselves in the shoes of their patients.
Although counselling generally refers to talking therapies, it is actually just one of the many types of therapies.
Emotion Focused Therapy Ottawa
focused originally
called the process-experiential therapy, is a structured, unique, short-term, collaborative, and empirically based approach that helps people express, accept, transform, and regulate their emotions. Emotion focused therapy Ottawa has become one of the most effective types of therapy for individuals, families, and couples.
EFT is technically considered as a process of transforming distress to recovery by converting negative interaction patterns into a safe emotional connection between family members and spouses or intimate partners. It fosters and facilitates the building of secure relationship bond and developing
evidence-based treatment.
EMDR Therapy Ottawa
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing or EMDR therapy is a non-traditional and new form of psychotherapy that was created to resolve the signs and symptoms of unresolved, distressing, and traumatic life experiences. Because of its effectiveness, many therapists are utilizing this type of therapy in treating PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder which is often caused by prolonged traumatic, distressing, and frightening life experiences or events like rape, military combat, serious accidents, and violent personal assaults.
Narrative Therapy Ottawa
The narrative therapy is a kind of psychotherapy that aims to help
narrative of yourself by identifying and evaluating your values, skills, knowledge, and qualities in order for you to effectively and successfully confront any problem that you are currently handling or you will be facing in the future. It is known as a social justice approach to therapeutic conversations. Even though narrative therapy falls under the field of family therapy, many authors, therapists, and practitioners find this type of therapy effective in schools, community, and higher education settings.
Other types include behavioural therapy, cognitive therapy, systematic therapy, cognitive analytic therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, family therapy, Gestalt therapy, humanistic therapy,
therapy, dialectical
integrative behavioural
therapy, therapy,
Adlerian primal
therapy, rational emotive behavioural therapy, and more.