Octav Tirziu Architecture Portfolio

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Portfolio Contents




Campulung Muscel, Romania.



Cultural center

Constanta, Romania.



Contemporary dance center Bucharest, Romania.



Special structures study (400sqm covered space)



Romanian Yachting Federation’s training center Mangalia, Romania.


Curiculum VItae

01. project name: Campulung Muscel Hotel 2009

context: a sloping site on a hill in the vicinity of the small town of Campulung Muscel; Unbuilt environment with an access road at the upper part and great views towards the town in the valley and the mountains across. task: small hotel with capacity of 20 people. challange: creating a building that would integrate seamlessly in the yet unbuilt environment.

“ Man-made places are related to nature in three basic ways.

Firstly, man wants to make the natural structure more precise. That is, he wants to visualize his "understanding" of nature, "expressing" the existential foothold he has gained. To achieve this, he builds what he has seen. Where nature suggests a delimited space he builds an enclosure; where nature indicates a direction he makes a path. Secondly man has to complement the given situation by adding what it is "lacking". Finally he has to symbolize his understanding of nature. A natural character is for instance translated into a building whose properties somehow make the character manifest. � Norberg-Schulz, Intentions...

Design process

why build up? the main idea was to build down within the geometry of the hill

The main lines of the building follow the contour lines of the hill.

Some lines are shifted to provide the best views ( to the mountain peaks across) for the rooms.The shift breaks the monotony creating tension and making the relationship between the volumes more playful.

02. project name: Constanta cultural center 2010

context: the site is an empty lot situated high on the seafront between a square in the historical center and the city’s main marina. task: volumetry study on a site of historical importance. challenge: integrating the building in the historical context while balancing between enclosing the square and keeping the connection with the waterfront.

Ovidiu square, Constanta RO,

empty lot

The final proposal features an neutral approach that completes the front of urban window the image of the marina , the history museum and Ovid’s s

The cut in the building is the result of several visi

1921 the initial design of the square, a well defined space

1985 the front towards the sea was demolished due to structural problems

today the quality of the space is diminished by the improper enclosure

proposal an urban window which would bring both openness (to the sea) and enclosure (to the square)

“The distinctive quality of any man-made place is enclosure,and its character and spatial properties are determined by how it is enclosed.� Norberg-Schulz

the square , carefully framing in a large statue in the square.

ibility studies to ensure the best views.

03. project name: Contemporary Dance Center, Bucharest 2011

context: the site is across a small park in the center of Bucharest. The urban texture is old with some interesting particularities. task: designing a dance center. challenge: integrating a complex function in an urban context. creating a representative building.

The gesture of breaking a corner of the building is an invitation to the public to discover the inside of the world of dance that was before hidden.


1 2


The hard shell of travertine (1) is broken to reveal it’s transparent glass core (2).

1 Between the 2 volumes a plaza takes shape. The stairs mark the path on which the cube moved.

3 2

Like a magnet the center of the intersection seems to attract small parts of the surrounding texture towards the middle. On this direction the cube slides away from the main volume.

1 park / 2 main hall / 3 dance school


first floor plan


main facade

04. project name: Structure study ( 400sqm covered space ) 2012

task: design a structure able to cover an area of 400sqm challenge: creating a building whose beauty comes from the logic and clarity of it’s structure.

05. project name: Romanian Yachting Federation’s training center, Mangalia RO 2013

context: an island connected by a bridge to the mainland, covered in medium size vegetation facing a harbor to the Black sea. task: designing a training center for the Romanian Yachting Federation challenge: using the particularities of the place to integrate the building.

the horizontality of the place is emphasized by aligning and distributing the volume along the same axis

a neutral approach helps the integration of the building in the variety of existing textures

Breaking the volume in order to give all functions a view to the sea, plus creating direct access to the beach from the boats shed and gym.

Following the site’s sloping topography the accommodation and restaurant are placed higher near the road while the gym and boat shed are placed lower with direct access to the beach and sea.

This arrangement allows all the buildings to have a view and access towards the sea.

The different volumes are connected by a wooden deck. This deck resembles the functionality of a ship’s deck.


During bad weather, training can take place indoor. The gym floor system allows the floor to recede under the water revealing a pool that can be used for sailing maneuvers like recovery of a capsized boat.

beach level PLAN

Ti r zi uOct av 1988Bor n. Const ant a,Romani a

Educat i on:

Pr of essi onalexper i ence: I nt er nshi pTECONAr chi t ect ur e,2012

20062008Uni v er si t yofBuchar est ,f acul t yofMat hemat i cs andComput erSi ence.


20072013I onMi ncuUni v er si t yofAr chi t ect ur eandUr bani sm Buchar est . 2009Wor k shoponBi oni cAr chi t ect ur ecoor di nat edbyawar d wi ni ngar cht i ect sJ av i erG. Pi ozandMar i aRosaCer v er ai n T ar aHat egul ui Awar ds: * 1stpl ace*I FHP-" LASAPI ENZA"Uni v er si t yofRome“ Publ i cspaceandt hebeaut yoft heci t y ”compet i t i on. I t al y 2007 * 1stpl ace*“ ARHI TECTURAl aVI TRI NA”pr oj ectcompet i t i on. Buchar est2011 * 1stpl ace*“ Thes y mbi osi sbet weenol dandnewar chi t ect ur e” ar chi t ect ur ephot ogr aphycompet i t i on. Buchar est2011

Engl i shFl uent Romani an-Nat i v e I t al i an,Spani sh-Begi nner Ski l l sandcompet ences: Exper i encedi n3dmodel i ng,r ender i ngandi l l ust r at i on. Exper i encedi nf r eehanddr awi ng. Exper i encedi nmodel bui l di ng. Sof t war e: Aut oCAD,3dsMAX( Vr ay ) ,Sk et chUp( Vr ay ) Aut odeskRev i t ,Ar chi CAD,Rhi no3D,AdobePhot oshop, AdobeI l l ust r at or ,AdobeLi ght r oom,Mi cr osof tOf f i ce. I nt er est s: T r av el ,Sai l i ng,Phot ogr aphy Cont act : Emai l : oct av . t i r z i u@gmai l . com Phone:0040749039960

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