St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook
TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I: LITURGICAL ETIQUETTE ........................................................................................................ 3 Dress ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 Etiquette at the altar .............................................................................................................................. 3 Vesting .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Reverencing the altar ............................................................................................................................ 4 Kneeling................................................................................................................................................ 4 The Sign of the Cross............................................................................................................................ 4 Lighting and extinguishing the candles ................................................................................................ 4 Special note on use of lighter/extinguisher: .......................................................................................... 6 Holding a book...................................................................................................................................... 7 Carrying the cross ................................................................................................................................. 7 PART II: SUMMARY OF DUTIES............................................................................................................ 8 9 o’Clock Service...................................................................................................................................... 8 Preparation for the service .................................................................................................................... 8 Gospel processional .............................................................................................................................. 8 Offertory ............................................................................................................................................... 8 Communion........................................................................................................................................... 9 Close of service..................................................................................................................................... 9 11 o’Clock Service.................................................................................................................................. 10 Preparation for the service .................................................................................................................. 10 Gospel Processional ............................................................................................................................ 10 Offertory ............................................................................................................................................. 11 At Breaking of the Bread .................................................................................................................... 12
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook Communion......................................................................................................................................... 12 Recessional ......................................................................................................................................... 13 11 o’Clock Service with Gospel Bearer.................................................................................................. 14 Preparation for the service .................................................................................................................. 14 Processional ........................................................................................................................................ 14 Gospel Processional ............................................................................................................................ 15 Offertory ............................................................................................................................................. 16 At Breaking of the Bread .................................................................................................................... 17 Communion......................................................................................................................................... 17 Recessional ......................................................................................................................................... 18 Part III: Detailed Instructions for Services ................................................................................................ 20 Duties of the Acolytes at the 9 o’Clock Service ..................................................................................... 20 Junior Server or Crucifer .................................................................................................................... 20 Senior Server....................................................................................................................................... 21 Duties Of The Acolytes At The 11 o’Clock Service............................................................................... 23 Crucifer ............................................................................................................................................... 23 Senior Server....................................................................................................................................... 24 Junior Server ....................................................................................................................................... 26 Duties Of The Acolytes At The 11 o’Clock Service with Gospel Bearer............................................... 29 Crucifer ............................................................................................................................................... 29 Senior Server....................................................................................................................................... 30 Junior Server ....................................................................................................................................... 32 Gospel Bearer...................................................................................................................................... 34
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook PART I: LITURGICAL ETIQUETTE Dress Since you are helping us in a celebration focused at the altar, your appearance and attire should not detract or call attention to it. This means: For Young Men: shirt, shoes, and slacks that blend with vestments. Shorts, cut-offs, etc. are inappropriate for service at the altar. Please no sneakers, sandals or open-toe shoes. For Young Ladies: Jewelry (earrings or hair clamps or bows) should be small and inconspicuous. Shoes should blend in, not stand out. Please do not wear sneakers or flip-flops/shower shoes. Please wear blouses that have collars that can be turned under or covered by vestments. Etiquette at the altar During the service, there will be no gum chewing or eating. You should remain attentive throughout the service. Make certain you have a service insert and hymnal at your place, and participate fully in the prayers and hymns. Do not sit when the congregations stands or kneels. Focus on the altar, reader, celebrant or preacher. Staring at the congregation or ceiling distracts others. Hands -- when not holding a book for participating -- can be folded in your lap when sitting or folded and held just above the waist when standing. Vesting You should be completely vested 15 minutes before the service. Allow ample time to arrive and vest; there will always be unexpected problems. Acolytes not vested 15 minutes before the service will be replaced. The vestments are found in the family room closets. Each vestment is labeled according to size - width and length. Hangars are also labeled. There is a chart with each acolytes’ name and the size he or she wears for each vestment. Your cassock or cassock-alb should fall at the ankle, and not a particular distance from the floor. Sleeves should come to the wrist. Be careful not to wear a robe that is too long; all acolytes carry crosses, candles, Gospel books, etc. up and down stairs and can trip over long robes. Absolutely do not think you can wear a longer robe because you are wearing high heels! The robe falls at the ankle, not at a particular distance from the floor. Cottas should be wide enough to flow over the cassock without looking stretched across the body, but not so wide as to hang off the shoulders. Sleeves should fall at least halfway between elbow and wrist, preferably closer to the wrist. If you believe that your size is not represented, please let the acolyte coordinator know. Please also let us know if the vestments need repairs (small holes, missing buttons, snaps that do not work, etc.). We would like to fix the problems while they are small and before they become significant. Crucifers wear the cassock-alb and a cincture. Instructions for tying the cincture are posted on the closet door.
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook Servers (senior and junior) wear the cassock and usually the cotta. Wear a red cassock for most of the year, always with a white cotta. Wear the black cassock with white cotta during Advent and Lent. However, on weekday services in Lent (Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday) wear the black cassock alone with no cotta. Acolyte cottas have a square neckline. Choir cottas have a round neckline. Occasionally a choir cotta makes its way to the acolyte closet. Please don’t wear it. Return it if you have time. Please hang your vestments up after use in consideration of the next person and to keep them neat. Hang them on the appropriate hangars. Turn right side out. Fasten the top snap or button of cassocks, and all the shoulder snaps of the cassock-albs. Make certain that all vestments are arranged correctly on the hangar and are not hanging crookedly. Reverencing the altar When entering and departing a pause and a bow of the head including the shoulders slightly is a sign of our acknowledging Jesus as Lord. When carrying the cross or torches, you do not bow, but instead pause briefly. After entering and while working around the altar, it is not necessary to reverence every time that you cross in front of the altar. Kneeling When kneeling – put all of your weight on your knees and kneel upright. Do not squat or slouch. It looks terrible! The kneeling cushions have been removed from the sanctuary. You will usually stand instead of kneeling. The crucifer may kneel at the communion rail during the prayer following communion.
The Sign of the Cross This is optional for you and you should do what has meaning for you. The sign of the Cross should always be made reverently and in a dignified manner. Remember, you are signing yourself with the Cross of Christ and this act of devotion should convey that meaning. With your right hand, fingers together, touch your forehead first, then your chest, then your left shoulder, and finally your right shoulder. Keep the hand motions unobtrusive.
Lighting and extinguishing the candles The traditional manner for lighting the candles is as follows: 1. Always be vested before lighting the candles. They should be lighted about ten (10) minutes before the service.Make sure the taper in the candle lighter is long enough. 2. Bend the taper slightly in case the wick of a candle is down.
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook 3. Light the taper in the sacristy, before you go to the altar. During the Fifty Days of Easter, the taper should be lighted from the Pascal candle. If this candle is not already burning, it is always lighted first. 4. Reverence the altar at the center, before you enter the communion rail. Then proceed to light the candles on the altar before any others. • If there are two candles on the altar, the one on your right as you face the altar is lighted first. Bow again at the center and light the one on the left.
• If there are six or more candles on the altar, start with the one on your right nearest the center and continue with the others, going to your right. Go back to the center, bow, start with the one on your left nearest the center, then light the others, going to your left.
5 4
1 2 3
• (Return to Preparation for the Service)
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook Extinguish candles in the reverse order (ones on the left are extinguished first). Those on the main altar should be extinguished first. Take the candle lighter; go to the center of the altar and reverence. • If there are two candles, the one to your left as you face the altar is extinguished first. Go to the center, bow, and extinguish the other
. • If there are six or more candles on the altar, start with the one on your left farthest from the center and work toward the center. Then bow, and start with the one on your right farthest from the center and work toward the center.
1 2
5 4
(Return to Recessional) Special note on use of lighter/extinguisher: • Extra wicks are in the double doors below the Sacristy counter. • When you retract the wick to extinguish it, please push it back out or else the wax in the wick may stick to inside of the metal tube, making it very difficult to get the wick back out or to light it the next time it is used. • When extinguishing, hold the extinguisher gently over the flame without touching the candle. The idea is to smother the flame without pressing down on the candle.
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook
Holding a book If you are instructed to hold a book for the prayers of the Celebrant, for the reading of the Gospel, during a baptism, wedding, funeral, or a blessing do so in the following way:
Holding Book
Holding Book on Forehead
1. Standing in front of the person who is to read, hold the book open. 2. The bottom of the book should rest in the palms of your hands, but make sure that your fingers are not blocking any of the text. The top of the book should be just below your chin (if you are short and the reader is tall, rest the top of the book on your forehead). The book should be slightly tilted for easy reading. 3. If the reader hands you the book un-opened, let the reader open it! Hold as above. Carrying the cross The cross must always be carried with dignity. Any position that would look either stiff or sloppy must be avoided. The best way is to hold the cross firmly with both hands in the middle of the pole, palms of both hands facing inward (toward you). Your elbows should be relaxed. Be sure that the symbol or figure of Christ crucified is facing out. Carry the processional cross slightly raised from the ground. This all depends on your height - but in all cases make sure that it is held firmly and that the position looks relaxed and dignified. Please avoid holding the brass at the top of the cross.
Your effective leadership of our worship lends a dignity and reverence most appreciated by our congregation and clergy. Thank you for your loyal help.
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook PART II: SUMMARY OF DUTIES
Senior Server
Junior Server
9 o’Clock Service
Sr. Server
Jr. Server (may be Crucifer)
10 minutes before
Assemble in sacristy.
Assemble in sacristy. Light oil lamps
5 minutes before
Enter chancel behind CL. Sit in the first choir pew on the lectern side; you will be seated closest to the congregation.
Enter chancel behind SS. Sit in the first choir pew on the lectern side; SS will be seated closest to the congregation.
Go to the pulpit side of the altar and pick up the oil lamp. Hold the lamp away from you, with the wick and flame facing outward. Process down center aisle.
Go to the lectern side of the altar and pick up the oil lamp. Hold the lamp away from you, with the wick and flame facing outward. Process down center aisle.
Preparation for the service
Gospel processional During Alleluia and Verse before Gospel (there is only 1 reading before the Alleluia and Verse)
Stop at the third pillar (rows 50/51), remain facing forward standing next to the pews to allow room for CL to pass. Gospel reading
Face inward, providing light for the Gospeler.
After gospel reading
Turn and process to altar. Place lamp on altar table, with the wick facing inward.
Offertory When congregants start up the aisle with oblations
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Move to top step before the altar. Receive the oblations, turn and place on altar.
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook
When ushers start up the aisle with alms
Sr. Server
Jr. Server (may be Crucifer)
Step out of pew when JS returns so he doesn’t have to step over you.
Move to top step before the altar. Receive the offering plates, turn to altar and hand them to CL.
Communion Receive Communion
Stand on lectern side of altar, with SS closest to congregation. Remain standing there until CL gives you your cruets of consecrated wine.
During communion
When CL hands you your cruet of wine, proceed with LEM to pulpit side and stand within the elevator enclosure. You are there to refill LEM chalice.
After communion
Return with LEM to chancel and place your cruet on the altar table. Resume your seat.
When CL hands you your cruet of wine, proceed with LEM to lectern side and stand near the wall, between LEM and the doors to the sacristy. You are there to refill LEM chalice.
Close of service After the Thanksgiving
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CL will blow out the lamps and exit down the center aisle. When he is about halfway down, follow JS to the far end of the pew and leave through the sacristy door.
CL will blow out the lamps and exit down the center aisle. When he is about halfway down, go to the far end of the pew and leave through the sacristy door.
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook 11 o’Clock Service
Sr. Server
Jr. Server
Preparation for the service 10 minutes before
5 minutes before
Check with CL for special instructions.
Light candles; prop lighter against wall near chair.
Get brass cross.
Get a torch. Replace candle if necessary.
Get a torch. Replace candle if necessary
Assemble acolytes in Narthex
Assemble in Narthex, light torch.
Assemble in Narthex, light torch.
Stand behind last pew on lectern side, in front of JS & choir.
Stand behind last pew on pulpit side, in front of choir.
Stand behind last pew on lectern side, behind CR and in front of choir.
Lead processional. Stop at altar rail.When choir has passed into pews, secure cross in rack at end of first choir pew
Follow CR to altar rail. Go around CR and stand inside rail, facing JS. When CR puts up cross, place torch in wall bracket on pulpit side of altar.
Follow CR to altar rail Go around CR and stand inside rail, facing SS. When CR puts up cross, place torch in wall bracket on lectern side of altar.
Sit in chair in corner of sactuary on lectern side, near the JS.
Sit in chair beside communion rail on pulpit side.
Sit in chair beside communion rail on lectern side.
Watch for signal from CL. Retrieve Gospel book from altar, follow servers down center aisle to pews 54/55.
Pick up your torch, process down center aisle in front of the CR to third pillar (pews 50/51).
Pick up your torch, process down center aisle in front of the CR to third pillar (pews 50/51).
Allow CL to pass.
Remain facing forward until CL passes and turns to face the altar.
Remain facing forward until CL passes and turns to face the altar.
Processional Processional - when congregation begins to sing (not when organ begins opening hymn)
Gospel Processional During song before Gospel
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook Crucifer
Sr. Server
Jr. Server
Gospel reading
Bring Gospel Book forward for reading.
Turn to provide light on Gospel book.
Turn to provide light on Gospel book
After gospel reading
Turn to altar, allow servers to pass you, follow them to altar and replace Bible
Turn to altar, pass CR and lead way back; replace torch.
Turn to altar, pass CR to and lead way back; replace torch.
Offertory During the Peace
Retrieve cross, leave through side door, through family room, up stairs and into the narthex until Offertory.
When congregants start up aisle with oblations
Lead procession with oblations up center aisle to communion rail.
Stand in front of altar, adjacent to gate, to receive oblations. Place on altar. Take cruet of water and place on end of altar. Be seated. Remain standing at end of altar. When CR has used cruet and replaced on end of altar, retrieve and place back on table. Be seated.
When ushers start up aisle with alms
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Pick up brass basin. Stand in front of altar, in opening of communion rail, to receive offering plates in basin. Turn and extend basin to clergy to bless, then place on wall shelf.
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook Crucifer
Sr. Server
Jr. Server
At Breaking of the Bread Approach end of altar to be instructed. You will carry vessels and elements from credence table/shelf as instructed, often aided by CL. Communion Receive Communion
Standing at lectern end of altar
Standing at pulpit end of altar
Standing at lectern end of altar
Open two doors leading to sacristy and steps.
Wait for: chalice bearers to enter sanctuary JS, CR, and second CL to leave sanctuary. Place cushion across gap, close gate, return to chair.
Pick up the cruet of wine and breadbox with consecrated wafers that CL has placed at your end of the altar. Move to pulpit area.
During communion
Remain at base of stairs to help parishioners
Be alert for signals from clergy, or to help JR. Watch carefully for end of communion and be ready to open gate and move cushion as LEMs return from stations.
Stand behind the pulpit and watch for chalices and patens at stations, in case they need more.
After communion
Come back up the stairs, but remain near the doorway. At the closing prayer, kneel at the communion rail.
Open gate and remove cushion as soon as rail is empty. Be ready to take chalices etc. from chalice bearers & patens as directed. Move elements to credence shelf as direted. Keep returning to the altar for instructions until you are dismissed.
Return cruet and breadbox to the very back of credence shelf, and cover with cloth. Return to your chair.
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook Crucifer
Sr. Server
Jr. Server
Retrieve cross, stand in opening of altar rail facing altar.
Retrieve torch, stand at gate inside altar rail, facing JR.
Get extinguisher from where it is propped beside your chair, extinguish candles, replace extinguisher beside the chair.
Recessional End of service
Retrieve torch, and stand inside gate facing SR. At end of first verse of Turn around and lead hymn (or after candles procession into narthex. extinguished, if necessary)
Follow when CR begins recessional.
Follow when CR begins recessional.
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Return torch. Hang up your vestments neatly on the correct hangers.
Return torch. Hang up your vestments neatly on the correct hangers.
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook 11 o’Clock Service with Gospel Bearer
Sr. Server
Jr. Server
Gospel Bearer
Preparation for the service 10 minutes before
5 minutes before
Check with CL for special instructions.
Light candles; prop lighter against wall near chair.
Take appropriate cross from stand.
Take a torch from stand. Replace candle if necessary.
Take a torch from stand. Replace candle if necessary
Take the Gospel book from altar stand.
Assemble acolytes in narthex.
Assemble in narthex, light torch.
Assemble in narthex, light torch.
Assemble in narthex.
Stand behind last pew on lectern side, in front of JS & choir.
Stand behind last pew on pulpit side, in front of GB and choir.
Stand behind last pew on lectern side, behind CR and in front of choir.
Stand behind last pew on pulpit side, behind SS and in front of choir.
At signal from clergy, move into aisle and stand under center light.
Move into center aisle and stand beside JS, behind CR
Follow CR into center aisle, beside SS
Follow SS into center aisle, move into place behind SS and JS.
Processional Move into positions
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook
Sr. Server
Jr. Server
Gospel Bearer
Begin processional when congregation starts singing 1st verse.
Follow CR to altar rail. Go around CR and stand inside rail, facing JS. When CR puts up cross, place torch in wall bracket on pulpit side of altar.
Follow CR to altar rail. Go around CR and stand inside rail, facing SS. When CR puts up cross, place torch in wall bracket on lectern side of altar.
Follow JS and SS to altar rail. Go around CR and pass through communion rail gate. JS and SS will turn to face each other; pass between them turn to face congregation. When CR puts up cross, place Gospel book on stand on lectern side of altar.
Sit in chair beside communion rail on pulpit side.
Sit in chair beside communion rail on lectern side.
Sit in chair in corner of sanctuary on pulpit side, near the SS.
Stop at altar rail.When choir has passed into pews, secure cross in rack at end of first choir pew
Sit in chair in corner of sactuary on lectern side, near JS. Gospel Processional During song before Gospel
Watch for signal from CL. Retrieve cross, lead procession down center aisle.
Pick up your torch, process down center aisle behind CR.
Retrieve the Gospel book from the stand, process down center aisle behind SS and JS.
CR and torches take their positions
Stop at pews 54/55. Stand while all pass you.
When CR stops, pass him & go to third pillar (pews 50/51). Halt.
When CR stops, pass him & follow SS & JS. Stop far enough behind to them to allow CL to pass you.
Final positions for Gospel reading
After GB moves toward torches and stops, move closer behind GB.
Remain facing forward until CL passes and turns to face the altar.
Allow CL to pass you, then move up almost to SS and JS.CL will move beyond SS and JS; you will not.
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook Crucifer
Sr. Server
Jr. Server
Gospel Bearer
Gospel reading
Raise the cross when CL intones “A reading . . .”
Turn toward Gospel book to provide light.
(see instructions on holding a book)
After gospel reading
Lower cross. Turn and lead procession back to chancel; replace cross.
Turn toward altar, pass GB, follow CR, enter sanctuary and replace torch.
Turn toward altar, allow SS and JS to pass you, follow them to sanctuary and replace Gospel book.
Offertory During the Peace
Retrieve cross, leave through side door, through family room, up stairs and into the narthex until Offertory.
When congregants start up aisle with oblations
Lead procession with oblations up center aisle to communion rail.
Stand in front of altar, adjacent to gate, to receive oblations. Hand to clergy. Take cruet of water and set on altar. Go to pulpit end of altar and stand. When CL is finished with cruet, return it to credence table.
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook Crucifer
Sr. Server
When ushers start up aisle with alms
Jr. Server
Gospel Bearer
Pick up brass basin. Stand in front of altar, in opening of communion rail, to receive offering plates in basin. Turn and extend basin to clergy to bless, then place on wall shelf.
At Breaking of the Bread Approach end of altar to be instructed. You will carry vessels and elements from credence table/shelf as instructed, often aided by CL. Communion Receive Communion
Standing at lectern end of altar.
Standing at pulpit end of altar.
Standing at lectern end of altar.
Standing at pulpit end of altar.
Prepare for your communion duties
Open two doors leading to sacristy and steps.
Wait for: chalice bearers to enter sanctuary, JS, CR, and second CL to leave sanctuary. Place cushion across gap, close gate, return to chair.
Pick up the cruet of wine and breadbox with consecrated wafers that CL has placed at your end of the altar. Move to pulpit area.
Be seated.
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook Crucifer
Sr. Server
Jr. Server
During communion
Remain at base of stairs to help parishioners
Be alert for signals from clergy, or to help JR. Watch carefully for end of communion and be ready to open gate and move cushion as LEMs return from stations.
Stand behind the pulpit and watch for chalices and patens at stations, in case they need more.
After communion
Come back up the stairs, but remain near the doorway. You may sit in the last choir pew if there is room. At the closing prayer, kneel at the communion rail.
Open gate and remove cushion as soon as rail is empty. Be ready to take chalices etc. from chalice bearers & patens as directed. Move elements to credence shelf as directed. Keep returning to the altar for instructions until you are dismissed.
Return cruet and breadbox to the very back of credence shelf, and cover cruet with cloth. Return to your chair.
Gospel Bearer
Recessional End of service
Retrieve cross, stand in opening of communion rail facing altar.
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Get extinguisher from where it is propped beside your chair, extinguish candles, replace extinguisher beside the chair.
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook Crucifer
At end of first verse of hymn (or after candles extinguished, if necessary)
Turn around and lead procession into narthex.
Sr. Server
Jr. Server
Gospel Bearer
Retrieve torch, and After JR stand inside gate extinguishes facing SR candles and puts down extinguisher, retrieve torch, stand at gate inside altar rail, facing JR.
After JR extinguishes candles and puts down extinguisher, retrieve Gospel book, move to center front of altar, face congregation standing between SS and JS
Follow when CR begins recessional.
Follow SS and JS for recessional.
Follow when CR begins recessional.
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Return torch. Hang up your vestments neatly on the correct hangers.
Return torch. Hang up your vestments neatly on the correct hangers.
Return Gospel book to altar. Hang up your vestments neatly on the correct hangars.
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook PART III: DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS FOR SERVICES Duties of the Acolytes at the 9 o’Clock Service Junior Server or Crucifer The duties of the crucifer at the 9:00 service are those normally assumed by a junior server. Either crucifers or junior servers will be assigned for this service. PREPARATION FOR THE SERVICE •
Arrive 25 minutes before the service. Be completely vested by 15 minutes before the service in the crucifer cassock-alb found in the family room closet. Then check with the clergy in the sacristy for any special instructions.
Light the oil lamps on the altar table 10 minutes before the service. Stand on the east side of the altar table, facing the congregation, to light the lamps. Return the candle lighter to the sacristy.
There is no processional for this service. About five minutes before the service begins you will enter from the sacristy in single file -- clergy, then senior server, then junior server. Follow senior server into the first choir pew (pew closest to main aisle) entering at end nearest the communion rail. Go to end near congegation and be seated.
There are only two readings during the service. During the song prior to the Gospel reading, you and the senior server will pick up the lighted oil lamps on the altar table. You will be on the lectern side, and the senior server will be on the pulpit side. Hold the lamps so that the wicks are pointing away from you.
Process down the center aisle and stop when you are even with the third pillar (beside pews 50 and 51). Face forward until the Gospeler has passed you and has turned to face the altar table. Then turn and provide light for the Gospeler.
Once the Gospel reading is complete, turn around and process back to the chancel. Replace the oil lamps on the altar table, ensuring the wicks are pointing inwards.
OFFERTORY. When the alms (offertory money) are brought forward, receive the collection plates from the ushers. Turn toward the altar table and pause briefly, then hand the collection plates to the clergy, who will place them in the pews behind the pulpit. Return to your seat by going around the altar table on the lectern side. Wait for the senior server to rise and leave the pew so you don’t have to step over him to reach your place. (Should the clergy bless the alms and not move to take them from you, go to the far end of your pew, place them on the seat, then move down the pew and be seated in your usual place.) COMMUNION •
To receive communion, follow the senior server out of the pew and stand side by side on the lectern side of the altar table. The Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM) will be standing opposite you to receive their communion. Once you have received communion, remain standing beside the altar table while the Celebrant completes preparation for communion.
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The Celebrant will hand you a cruet of consecrated wine. Follow the LEM to the lectern side aisle, standing beyond the LEM toward the door to the sacristy and out of the way of the flow of traffic. You are there to refill the LEM’s chalice when needed.
At the end of communion, return to the lectern side of the altar table; hand your cruet of wine to the Celebrant (or place it on the altar table), and then resume your seat. If the senior server is already seated, allow him to rise and leave the pew so you may enter without stepping over him.
The celebrant will blow out the oil lamps and exit down the center aisle. When he is about halfway down the aisle, lead the way out of the far end of the pew, then leave through the door to the sacristy.
Please return your vestments to the closet where you got them and hang them up.
Senior Server Note for the service - at the 11:00 service, the Senior Server fills the former Server role, and is responsible for fetching and returning communion vessels from the credence table and shelf. At the 9:00 service, the Celebrant moves all vessels to and from the credence table himself. You will not need to approach the credence table at all. He will hand you your cruets of wine at communion, and you will hand them back to him or place them on the altar after communion. PREPARATION FOR THE SERVICE •
Please arrive 25 minutes before the service. Be completely vested by 15 minutes before the service. Vest in a red cassock and white cotta (black cassock and white cotta for Advent and Lent, black cassock with no cotta for Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday). Go to the sacristy to check with the clergy for any special arrangements.
There is no processional for this service. About five minutes before the service begins you will enter from the sacristy in single file -- clergy, then senior server, then junior server. Lead the way into the first choir pew (pew closest to main aisle) entering at end nearest the communion rail. Go to end near congegation and be seated.
There are only two readings during the service. During the song prior to the Gospel reading, you and the junior server will pick up the lighted oil lamps on the altar table. You will be on the pulpit side, and the junior server will be on the lectern side. Hold the lamps so that the wicks are pointing away from you.
Process down the center aisle, past the second pillar, and stop when you are even with the third pillar (pews 50 and 51). Face forward until the Gospeler has passed you and has turned to face the altar table. Then turn and provide light for the Gospeler.
Once the Gospel reading is complete, turn around and process back to the chancel. Replace the oil lamps on the altar table, ensuring the wicks are pointing inwards.
OFFERTORY. When the oblations (bread and wine) are brought forward, move to the step in front of the altar table to receive the paten and cruet from the parishioners. Turn and hand them to the Celebrant, and resume your seat. When the junior server rises to receive the alms, and when he
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook returns, stand up and step out of the pew to allow him to leave and enter the pew without stepping over you. COMMUNION •
To receive communion, lead the way out of the pew and stand side by side on the lectern side of the altar table. The lay eucharistic ministers (LEM) will be standing opposite you to receive their communion. Once you have received communion, remain standing beside the altar table while the Celebrant completes preparation for communion.
When the Celebrant hands you a cruet of consecrated wine, follow the LEM to the pulpit side aisle. You will stand in the elevator box; the LEM will stand in the side aisle. You are there to refill the LEM’s chalice when needed.
At the end of communion, return to the lectern side of the altar table to hand your cruet to the clergy (or place it on the altar table), and then resume your seat. If the junior server returns after you are seated, leave the pew and step aside to allow him to enter the pew without stepping over you.
The celebrant will blow out the oil lamps and exit down the center aisle. When he is about halfway down the aisle, follow the junior server to the far end of your pew and leave through the sacristy door.
Please return your vestments to the closet and hang them up.
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook Duties Of The Acolytes At The 11 o’Clock Service Crucifer You are expected to be the most experienced acolyte. Therefore, you are expected to guide and assist the others as needed. PREPARATION FOR THE SERVICE •
Arrive 25 minutes before the service. Be completely vested by 15 minutes before the service in the crucifer cassock-alb found in the family room closet. Then check with the clergy in the sacristy for any special instructions.
Get the brass cross (wood during Lent) from the bracket in the Sacristy hallway and meet the choir in the narthex. (Do not go to the narthex through the church; instead go back downstairs and through the family room.)
Assemble all of the acolytes in the narthex about 5 minutes prior to the start of the service. Then you will wait behind the pews on the lectern side, with the junior server behind you.
At a signal from the clergy, move down the aisle a few pews until you are directly under the center down light. Wait there for processional to form behind you.
You will begin leading the processional when the congregation begins to sing (not when the organist begins the hymn). Lead the processional up the center aisle and stop at the altar rail. Stand on the brass cross in the floor and allow servers and Gospel bearer to move around you, and then step closer to the altar so your toes almost touch the kneeler. This allows enough room for the choir to move behind you to their pews. Once the choir members are in place, turn and secure the cross in the rack on the end of the first choir pew.
You will sit in the sanctuary (inside the communion rail) in the chair in the corner of the lectern side. You will be beside the junior server. Be alert to giving guidance to the junior server, and helping if he is not able to reach the wall shelf with the offering plates.
There are three readings during the service. During the song prior to the Gospel reading watch for a signal from the clergy. Retrieve the Gospel book and follow the servers down the center aisle. They will at the third pillar. You will stop at the same time, about two rows behind them (pews 54/55) to allow room for the Gospeler to pass by you.
The Gospeler will pass you, and you will follow him. He will pass the servers and turn to face the altar. You will move up almost even with the servers, so that their torches will illuminate the Gospel book and the Gospeler can pick up and read from it.
Once the Gospel reading is finished and the Gospeler has returned the book to you, turn to face the altar. The servers will pass you to lead the way back to the sanctuary. Follow them, return the Gospel book to the stand, and be seated.
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During the Peace, retrieve the cross and slip out the side door, go through the family room, and wait in the narthex until the Offertory.
As the Offertory begins, you will process with the oblations (bread and wine carried by parishioners) by leading them up the center aisle to the chancel. The ushers will also follow you, but will turn aside when they reach the first row in order to take up the collection. Lead the oblation bearers up to the communion rail. Turn to the left to put up the cross, which will allow the parishioners behind you to reach the senior server.
Receive your communion standing on the lectern side of the altar, beside the junior server.
Once you have received communion, go into the sacristy hallway, down the steps, and open the two doors that lead to the side aisle of the church. Then stand at the base of the steps that lead to sacristy. You are there to assist parishioners to get down the steps and to prevent falls.
When communion is over, step just into the chancel and wait for the conclusion of the service. You may sit on the last bench behind the choir if there is space, or remain standing. During the final prayer, kneel at the altar rail.
At the end of the service, retrieve the cross and stand in the opening of the altar rail facing the altar.
At the conclusion of the first verse of the recessional hymn, or as soon thereafter as the junior server has extinguished the candles and the servers are assembled, turn around and process out of the church. This is neither a race nor a funereal trudge – however, do permit the choir and clergy to catch up and form a dignified recessional column. This can be done by starting faster (but not fast) and slow down as you recess down the center aisle. Ideally, the choir and clergy will join the end of the processional column by the time you are 3/4th of the way down the aisle.
Once in the narthex, turn to face the altar, forming a semi-circle with the servers. THE SERVICE IS NOT OVER, AND THE ACOLYTES MUST NOT LEAVE. Remain there through the end of the dismissal, and until the clergy has spoken to you.
Replace your cross in the stand outside the the sacristy.
Return your vestments to the closet where you got them and hang them up.
If you are asked to serve at weddings or funerals, you will receive special instructions from the clergy. Senior Server PREPARATION FOR THE SERVICE •
Arrive 25 minutes before the service. Be completely vested by 15 minutes before the service. Vest in a red cassock and white cotta (black cassock and white cotta for Advent and Lent, black cassock with no cotta for Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday). If the crucifer has not, then go to the sacristy to check with the clergy for any special arrangements.
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Get a torch (except during Lent) from the stand in the hallway outside the sacristy. If fresh candles are needed, they are under the sacristy counter behind the double doors. Light the torch in the narthex. (Do not go to the narthex through the church; instead go back downstairs and through the family room.) There should be a lighter and a book or box of matches in the table on the lectern side of the door; lift the top. (Extra matches are in the sacristy, either on the countertop or in the center top cabinet behind the double doors.) Torches will not be used during Lent.
Once your torch is lit, wait behind the pews on the pulpit side, in front of the Gospel bearer and the choir.
When the crucifer begins to process, move out to follow, standing beside the junior server.
When the crucifer stops before the communion rail, go around him and enter the sanctuary. Stand in front of the altar, leaving the entire opening in the communion rail clear, and turn to face the junior server. When the crucifer steps away to put up the cross, turn and place your torch in the bracket on the pulpit side.
Your chair is within the sanctuary, beside the communion rail on the pulpit side. Participate in the service from the pulpit end of the altar, standing and sitting as appropriate.
There are three readings during the service. During the song prior to the Gospel reading when the crucifer stands to retrieve the Gospel book, you and the junior server will pick up the lighted torches. Lead the way down the center aisle and stop at the third pillar (pews 50 and 51). The Gospeler (clergy reading the Gospel) will pass between you and turn to face the altar. The crucifer will come up right behind you. You and the junior server will turn toward the Gospel book to provide illumination.
Once the Gospel reading is complete, you and the junior server will turn to the altar, pass on either side of the crucifer, and lead the way back to the sanctuary. Do not pause. Replace your torch and resume your seat.
As members of the congregation bring the oblations (bread and wine) up the aisle, stand in front of the altar in the communion rail opening to the gate to receive the paten and flagon (if an alms basin is brought, take this also) and hand them to the clergy to be prepared.
Bring the water cruet from the credence table and place it on the altar. Move to the end pulpit end of the altar and wait.
When the clergy places the water cruet back on the altar on the side near you, or hands it to you, remove it to the credence table.
At the conclusion of the Breaking of the Bread, bring the items on the credence shelf and credence table to the altar. Often the clergy will assist you, or will otherwise instruct you.
When receiving or returning any of the elements, the Celebrant may acknowledge the server with a simple bow. If so, the server bows to the Celebrant.
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Receive your communion standing at the pulpit end of the altar.
After the chalice bearers have entered the sanctuary, and the junior server, crucifer, and second clergy have left, place the cushion across the gap, close the gate and return to your chair.
During the communion, be alert should the clergy need for you to get anything (that may be missing or expended) from the sacristy.
After the rail is empty of people, open the gate and remove the cushion. Stand in the opening and take the communion vessels from the LEMS who were at the communion stations. They should not have to enter the sanctuary. Place the vessels on the altar, or as instructed by the clergy.
Remove communion vessels from the altar and replace on the credence table and shelf as instructed by the clergy. Keep returning to the altar after each trip to the credence table until the clergy specifically directs you to sit or otherwise indicates you are not needed again.
At the Recessional hymn, wait until the junior server has extinguished the candles and replaced the extinguisher near his chair. Retrieve your torch and go to the gate standing inside and facing the junior server.
Follow the crucifer for the recessional into the narthex. Once in the narthex, turn to face the altar, forming a semi-circle. THE SERVICE IS NOT OVER, AND THE ACOLYTES MUST NOT LEAVE. Remain there through the end of the dismissal, and until the clergy has spoken to you.
Return through the church and replace your torch in the stand outside the the sacristy.
Return your vestments to the closet where you got them and hang them up.
If you are asked to serve at weddings or funerals, you will receive special instructions from the clergy. Junior Server PREPARATION FOR THE SERVICE •
Arrive 25 minutes before the service. Be completely vested by 15 minutes before the service. Vest in a red cassock and white cotta (black cassock and white cotta for Advent and Lent, black cassock with no cotta for Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday). If the crucifer and senior server have not, then go to the sacristy to check with the clergy for any special arrangements.
Light candles at about ten (10) minutes before the service. The taper lighter/extinguisher is located behind the sacristy door and matches or lighter should be on the counter in the sacristy. You must always be vested before lighting the candles. See elsewhere in this manual for procedures for lighting and extinguishing candles. Once the candles are lit, prop the lighter/extinguisher against the wall beside your chair, and under the wall shelf for the offering plates.
Get a torch (except during Lent) from the bracket in the hallway by the sacristy. If fresh candles are needed, they are under the sacristy counter behind the double doors. Light the torch in the narthex. (Do not go to the narthex through the church; instead go back downstairs and through the family room.) There should be a lighter and a book or box of matches in the table on the lectern
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook side of the door; lift the top (extra matches are in the sacristy, either on the countertop or in the center top cabinet behind the double doors). •
Once your torch is lit, wait behind the pews on the lectern side, with the crucifer.
When the crucifer begins to process, move out to follow, standing beside the senior server.
When the crucifer stops before the communion rail, go around him and enter the sanctuary. Stand in front of the altar, leaving the entire opening in the communion rail clear, and turn to face the senior server. When the crucifer steps away to put up the cross, turn and place your torch in the bracket on the lectern side.
Your chair is within the sanctuary, beside the communion rail on the lectern side. Participate in the service from the lectern end of the altar, standing and sitting as appropriate.
There are three readings during the service. During the song prior to the Gospel reading when the crucifer stands to retrieve the Gospel book, you and the senior server will pick up the lighted torches. Lead the way down the center aisle and stop at the third pillar (pews 50 and 51). The Gospeler (clergy reading the Gospel) will pass between you and turn to face the altar. The crucifer will come up right behind you. You and the senior server will turn toward the Gospel book to provide illumination.
Once the Gospel reading is complete, you and the senior server will turn to the altar, pass on either side of the crucifer, and lead the way back to the sanctuary. Do not pause. Replace your torch and resume your seat.
• OFFERTORY. Receive the offering plates from the ushers at the communion rail gate using the brass receiving basin. Turn and pause, extending the plates to the celebrant to acknowledge and bless, then place on the wall shelf and return to your chair. COMMUNION •
Receive your communion standing at the lectern end of the altar.
The Celebrant will have placed a cruet of consecrated wine and a bread box with consecrated wafers near your end of the altar. Take these elements and move to stand behind the pulpit in order to refill the chalice or paten for the two communion stations that are away from the altar. You will watch the communion station in front of the sound equipment and the communion station in front of the baptismal font. Be available to refill the chalice or paten for either station, if or when needed. When the chalice-bearer or paten-bearer needs more wine or wafers, they will wave (or try to get your attention). Though it may never happen, if your cruet or bread box become empty, return to the communion rail and signal the clergy or the senior server.
When communion is over, return the cruet and bread box to the very back of the credence table and cover the cruet with the cloth you will find there.
At the recessional hymn, pick up the extinguisher and extinguish the candles. See elsewhere in this manual for proper order. Replace the extinguisher beside the chair.
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Get the torch and go to the gate, standing inside and facing the senior server.
Follow the crucifer for the recessional into the narthex. Once in the narthex, turn to face the altar, forming a semi-circle. THE SERVICE IS NOT OVER, AND THE ACOLYTES MUST NOT LEAVE. Remain there through the end of the dismissal, and until the clergy has spoken to you.
Return through the church and replace your torch in the stand outside the the sacristy.
Return your vestments to the closet where you got them and hang them up.
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook Duties Of The Acolytes At The 11 o’Clock Service with Gospel Bearer Crucifer You are expected to be the most experienced acolyte. Therefore, you are expected to guide and assist the others as needed. PREPARATION FOR THE SERVICE •
Arrive 25 minutes before the service. Be completely vested by 15 minutes before the service in the crucifer cassock-alb found in the family room closet. Then check with the clergy in the sacristy for any special instructions.
Get the brass cross (wood during Lent) from the bracket in the Sacristy hallway and meet the choir in the narthex. (Do not go to the narthex through the church; instead go back downstairs and through the family room.)
Assemble all of the acolytes in the narthex about 5 minutes prior to the start of the service. Then you will wait behind the pews on the lectern side, with the junior server behind you.
At a signal from the clergy, move down the aisle a few pews until you are directly under the center down light. Wait there for processional to form behind you.
You will begin leading the processional when the congregation begins to sing (not when the organist begins the hymn). Lead the processional up the center aisle and stop at the altar rail. Stand on the brass cross in the floor and allow servers and Gospel bearer to move around you, and then step closer to the altar so your toes almost touch the kneeler. This allows enough room for the choir to move behind you to their pews. Once the choir members are in place, turn and secure the cross in the rack on the end of the first choir pew.
You will sit in the sanctuary (inside the communion rail) in the chair in the corner of the lectern side. You will be beside the junior server. Be alert to giving guidance to the junior server, and helping if he is not able to reach the wall shelf with the offering plates.
There are three readings during the service. During the song prior to the Gospel reading watch for a signal from the clergy. Retrieve the cross and move in front of the communion rail opening, facing the altar, until servers and Gospel bearer are assembled. This should be a very brief pause; as soon as Gospel bearer approaches center of altar and turns toward you, turn and lead procession down the center aisle until you are adjacent to pews 54/55.
All others in processional will pass you to assume their places for Gospel reading. When Gospel bearer is in place, move up to close the gap between you.
When Gospeler intones “A reading from . . .” raise the cross and keep it raised throughout the Gospel reading. Lower it when congregations says “Praise to You, Lord Christ.”
Once Gospeler has returned Gospel book to Gospel bearer and he is holding it securely, turn and process back to the chancel. Stop before communion rail, allow servers and Gospel bearers to go around you into sanctuary. Once the Gospel bearer has passed inside the communion rail, replace the cross and go back to your seat.
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook OFFERTORY •
During the Peace, retrieve the cross and slip out the side door, go through the family room, and wait in the narthex until the Offertory.
As the Offertory begins, you will process with the oblations (bread and wine carried by parishioners) by leading them up the center aisle to the chancel. The ushers will also follow you, but will turn aside when they reach the first row in order to take up the collection. Lead the oblation bearers up to the communion rail. Turn to the left to put up the cross, which will allow the parishioners behind you to reach the senior server.
Receive your communion standing on the lectern side of the altar, beside the junior server.
Once you have received communion, go into the sacristy hallway, down the steps, and open the two doors that lead to the side aisle of the church. Then stand at the base of the steps that lead to sacristy. You are there to assist parishioners to get down the steps and to prevent falls.
When communion is over, step just into the chancel and wait for the conclusion of the service. You may sit on the last bench behind the choir if there is space, or remain standing. During the final prayer, kneel at the altar rail.
At the end of the service, retrieve the cross and stand in the opening of the altar rail facing the altar.
At the conclusion of the first verse of the recessional hymn, or as soon thereafter as the junior server has extinguished the candles and the servers and Gospel bearer are assembled, turn around and process out of the church. This is neither a race nor a funereal trudge – however, do permit the choir and clergy to catch up and form a dignified recessional column. This can be done by starting faster (but not fast) and slow down as you recess down the center aisle. Ideally, the choir and clergy will join the end of the processional column by the time you are 3/4th of the way down the aisle.
Once in the narthex, turn to face the altar, forming a semi-circle with the servers, and with the Gospel bearer in front of you. THE SERVICE IS NOT OVER, AND THE ACOLYTES MUST NOT LEAVE. Remain there through the end of the dismissal, and until the clergy has spoken to you.
Replace your cross in the stand outside the the sacristy.
Return your vestments to the closet where you got them and hang them up.
If you are asked to serve at weddings or funerals, you will receive special instructions from the clergy. Senior Server PREPARATION FOR THE SERVICE •
Arrive 25 minutes before the service. Be completely vested by 15 minutes before the service. Vest in a red cassock and white cotta (black cassock and white cotta for Advent and Lent, black
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook cassock with no cotta for Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday). If the crucifer has not, then go to the sacristy to check with the clergy for any special arrangements. •
Get a torch (except during Lent) from the stand in the hallway outside the sacristy. If fresh candles are needed, they are under the sacristy counter behind the double doors. Light the torch in the narthex. (Do not go to the narthex through the church; instead go back downstairs and through the family room.) There should be a lighter and a book or box of matches in the table on the lectern side of the door; lift the top. (Extra matches are in the sacristy, either on the countertop or in the center top cabinet behind the double doors.) Torches will not be used during Lent.
Once your torch is lit, wait behind the pews on the pulpit side, in front of the Gospel bearer and the choir.
When the crucifer begins to process, move out to follow, standing beside the junior server.
When the crucifer stops before the communion rail, go around him and enter the sanctuary. Stand in front of the altar, leaving the entire opening in the communion rail clear, and turn to face the junior server. When the crucifer steps away to put up the cross, turn and place your torch in the bracket on the pulpit side.
Your chair is within the sanctuary, beside the communion rail on the pulpit side. Participate in the service from the pulpit end of the altar, standing and sitting as appropriate.
There are three readings during the service. During the song prior to the Gospel reading when the crucifer stands to retrieve the cross, you and the junior server will pick up the lighted torches. Meet at the communion rail opening, facing each other, and wait for the Gospel bearer to join you. This should be only the briefest of pauses, simply to make certain all move together in the processional. Process down the center aisle. When the crucifer stops, will you pass on either side of him and continue on until you are adjacent to the third pillar (pews 50 and 51). Halt there. The Gospeler (clergy reading the Gospel) will pass between you and turn to face the altar. The Gospel bearer will come up right behind you. You and the junior server will turn toward the Gospel book to provide illumination.
Once the Gospel reading is complete, turn around, pass on either side of the Gospel bearer, and follow the crucifer back to the chancel. Do not pause. Replace your torch and resume your seat.
As members of the congregation bring the oblations (bread and wine) up the aisle, stand in front of the altar in the communion rail opening to the gate to receive the paten and flagon (if an alms basin is brought, take this also) and hand them to the clergy to be prepared.
Bring the water cruet from the credence table and place it on the altar. Move to the end pulpit end of the altar and wait.
When the clergy places the water cruet back on the altar on the side near you, or hands it to you, remove it to the credence table.
At the conclusion of the Breaking of the Bread, bring the items on the credence shelf and credence table to the altar. Often the clergy will assist you, or will otherwise instruct you.
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When receiving or returning any of the elements, the Celebrant may acknowledge the server with a simple bow. If so, the server bows to the Celebrant.
Receive your communion standing at the pulpit end of the altar.
After the chalice bearers have entered the sanctuary, and the junior server, crucifer, and second clergy have left, place the cushion across the gap, close the gate and return to your chair.
During the communion, be alert should the clergy need for you to get anything (that may be missing or expended) from the sacristy.
After the rail is empty of people, open the gate and remove the cushion. Stand in the opening and take the communion vessels from the LEMS who were at the communion stations. They should not have to enter the sanctuary. Place the vessels on the altar, or as instructed by the clergy.
Remove communion vessels from the altar and replace on the credence table and shelf as instructed by the clergy. Keep returning to the altar after each trip to the credence table until the clergy specifically directs you to sit or otherwise indicates you are not needed again.
At the Recessional hymn, wait until the junior server has extinguished the candles and replaced the extinguisher near his chair. Retrieve your torch and go to the gate standing inside and facing the junior server.
Follow the crucifer for the recessional into the narthex. Once in the narthex, turn to face the altar, forming a semi-circle. THE SERVICE IS NOT OVER, AND THE ACOLYTES MUST NOT LEAVE. Remain there through the end of the dismissal, and until the clergy has spoken to you.
Return through the church and replace your torch in the stand outside the the sacristy.
Return your vestments to the closet where you got them and hang them up.
If you are asked to serve at weddings or funerals, you will receive special instructions from the clergy. Junior Server PREPARATION FOR THE SERVICE •
Arrive 25 minutes before the service. Be completely vested by 15 minutes before the service. Vest in a red cassock and white cotta (black cassock and white cotta for Advent and Lent, black cassock with no cotta for Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday). If the crucifer and senior server have not, then go to the sacristy to check with the clergy for any special arrangements.
Light candles at about ten (10) minutes before the service. The taper lighter/extinguisher is located behind the sacristy door and matches or lighter should be on the counter in the sacristy. You must always be vested before lighting the candles. See below for procedures for lighting and extinguishing candles. Once the candles are lit, prop the lighter/extinguisher against the wall beside your chair, and under the wall shelf for the offering plates.
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Get a torch (except during Lent) from the bracket in the hallway by the sacristy. If fresh candles are needed, they are under the sacristy counter behind the double doors. Light the torch in the narthex. (Do not go to the narthex through the church; instead go back downstairs and through the family room.) There should be a lighter and a book or box of matches in the table on the lectern side of the door; lift the top (extra matches are in the sacristy, either on the countertop or in the center top cabinet behind the double doors).
Once your torch is lit, wait behind the pews on the lectern side, with the crucifer.
When the crucifer begins to process, move out to follow, standing beside the senior server.
When the crucifer stops before the communion rail, go around him and enter the sanctuary. Stand in front of the altar, leaving the entire opening in the communion rail clear, and turn to face the senior server. When the crucifer steps away to put up the cross, turn and place your torch in the bracket on the lectern side.
Your chair is within the sanctuary, beside the communion rail on the lectern side. Participate in the service from the lectern end of the altar, standing and sitting as appropriate.
There are three readings during the service. During the song prior to the Gospel reading when the crucifer stands to retrieve the cross, you and the senior server will pick up the lighted torches. Meet at the communion rail opening, facing each other, and wait for the Gospel bearer to join you. This should be only the briefest of pauses, simply to make certain all move together in the processional. Process down the center aisle. When the crucifer stops, will you pass on either side of him and continue on until you are adjacent to the third pillar (pews 50 and 51). Halt there. The Gospeler (clergy reading the Gospel) will pass between you and turn to face the altar. The Gospel bearer will come up right behind you. You and the senior server will turn toward the Gospel book to provide illumination.
Once the Gospel reading is complete, turn around, pass on either side of the Gospel bearer, and follow the crucifer back to the chancel. Do not pause. Replace your torch and resume your seat
OFFERTORY. Receive the offering plates from the ushers at the communion rail gate using the brass receiving basin. Turn and pause, extending the plates to the celebrant to acknowledge and bless, then place on the wall shelf and return to your chair. COMMUNION •
Receive your communion standing at the lectern end of the altar.
The Celebrant will have placed a cruet of consecrated wine and a bread box with consecrated wafers near your end of the altar. Take these elements and move to stand behind the pulpit in order to refill the chalice or paten for the two communion stations that are away from the altar. You will watch the communion station in front of the sound equipment and the communion station in front of the baptismal font. Be available to refill the chalice or paten for either station, if or when needed. When the chalice-bearer or paten-bearer needs more wine or wafers, they will wave (or try to get your attention). Though it may never happen, if your cruet or bread box become empty, return to the communion rail and signal the clergy or the senior server.
When communion is over, return the cruet and bread box to the very back of the credence table and cover the cruet with the cloth you will find there.
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook RECESSIONAL •
At the recessional hymn, pick up the extinguisher and extinguish the candles. See below for proper order. Replace the extinguisher beside the chair.
Get the torch and go to the gate, standing inside and facing the senior server.
Follow the crucifer for the recessional into the narthex. Once in the narthex, turn to face the altar, forming a semi-circle. THE SERVICE IS NOT OVER, AND THE ACOLYTES MUST NOT LEAVE. Remain there through the end of the dismissal, and until the clergy has spoken to you.
Return through the church and replace your torch in the stand outside the the sacristy.
Return your vestments to the closet where you got them and hang them up.
Arrive 25 minutes before the service. Be completely vested by 15 minutes before the service. Vest in a red cassock and white cotta (black cassock and white cotta for Advent and Lent, black cassock with no cotta for Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday).
Take the Gospel book from the sacristy, or from its stand on the altar. Meet the other acolytes in the narthex. (Do not go to the narthex through the church; instead go back downstairs and through the family room.)
Wait behind the pews on the pulpit side, behind the senior server and in front of the choir..
When the crucifer begins to process, move out to follow the senior server and junior server.
When the crucifer stops before the communion rail, follow the servers to go around him and enter the sanctuary. Pass between the servers, turn, and face the congregation until the crucifer moves to put up the cross. Then place the Gospel book in its stand on the altar.
Your chair is within the sanctuary, in the corner on the pulpit side. Participate in the service from the pulpit end of the altar, standing and sitting as appropriate.
There are three readings during the service. During the song prior to the Gospel reading when the crucifer stands to retrieve the cross, you will pick up the Gospel book from its stand on the altar. Join the servers who are waiting for you at the altar rail. Follow them down the center aisle, staying about two rows behind. The crucifer will stop at rows 46/47. You will stop at the same time, at rows 42/43. The Gospeler will pass you, and you will follow him. He will pass the servers and turn to face the altar. You will move up almost even with the servers, so that their torches will illuminate the Gospel book and the Gospeler can pick up and read from it.
Once the Gospel reading is complete, turn around and process back to the altar, following the crucifer. When the crucifer halts before the communion rail, go around him into sanctuary. Without pausing, continue on and replace the Gospel book. Resume your seat.
Receive your communion standing at the pulpit end of the altar.
Updated November 17, 2005
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St. George’s Episcopal Church Acolyte Handbook RECESSIONAL •
At the Recessional hymn, wait until the junior server has extinguished the candles and replaced the extinguisher near his chair. Retrieve the Gospel book and go to the altar, just beyond the servers, and face the congregation.
Follow the servers for the recessional into the narthex. Once in the narthex, turn to face the altar, forming a semi-circle (but you will be standing in the center, in front of the crucifer). THE SERVICE IS NOT OVER, AND THE ACOLYTES MUST NOT LEAVE. Remain there through the end of the dismissal, and until the clergy has spoken to you.
Return through the church and replace the Gospel book in the sacristy.
Return your vestments to the closet where you got them and hang them up.
Updated November 17, 2005
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