Youth Rally Planning Meeeting #5

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Diocesan Youth Rally 2011 Planning Meeting #5 Saturday August 20, 2011 Maude McLeod High School, Westmoreland Date for Youth Rally – Saturday, November 19, 2011  Present were: Mark Jones – St. Andrew, DYC Yanta Logan – St. Elizabeth, DYC Andre’ Riley – National Council­President Doreen Webley – St. Catherine­ DYC Devon Brown – Trelawny – DYC Sasha Wright Rev. Garfield Campbell Judith Montague ­ Chairperson  Participants had already participated in the Holy Eucharist, so the meeting began with the Minutes from the last meeting. 1. Matters Arising: 1. Theme for Youth Rally – “Rich Worship, Real Fellowship, Powerful Witness”. We want to ensure that all aspects of the theme is highlighted – rich worship: Celebration of the Liturgy in a way that will bring it to life for our youth; real fellowship : possibilities for youth to come together and make new friends while renewing old relationships and really sharing together during the day; powerful witness: witness to those at youth rally and those in the surrounding community, through our worship and fellowship. 2. Activities ­ Rev. Campbell reported that the programme committee met and made some suggestions, however nothing was concretized due to the fact that the venue was not finalized. The committee will meet soon after a visit to the venue. It was suggested that we have two March of Witness­ one to the Mona residential community and the other to the Liguanea commercial area. Sasha confirmed that she made contact with the Church of the Ascension and St. Margaret’s about both areas. Persons from the churches will be present at the next planning committee meeting.


3. Format / Agenda for the day: ­ this remains the same 8:30 am Eucharist 11:00 Roll Call / March of Witness* 12:30 Lunch 1:30 Fellowship Activities / D.E.A.P. 3:30 Sharing Our Gifts / Closing Charge (10 mins) 4:30 pm Dismissal 4. Venue –The decision has been made to have this year’s Youth Rally at Jamaica College in the St. Andrew Deanery. The auditorium that regularly holds the student population of 1,800 will be able to hold our youth for the Opening Eucharist. We will use the auditorium, side field and ten classrooms and bathrooms will be available to us. We will have to source chairs for the venue. Quotation for chairs to be had from Kingston Hireage. We are still in negotiation for the most reasonable financial contribution. Sound equipment will be coordinated for inside and outside. Both coordinators will visit venue.

5. Marketing: . Sasha suggested that the St. Andrew Area Council do flyers to drop in mail boxes in the Mona area. Andre’ Riley brought posters which were distributed at National Council Bible Quiz and Sports Day. Judith decided to contact TVJ about their event’s board on the Smile Jamaica morning programme. Banners for Youth Rally: the decision was made that banners will be designed in the Education and Youth Department, and hung at the venue. However, each Area Council / Deanery Council can purchase a banner that can be hung at a central point in the Deanery to advertise this event. Banners are to be prepared by October 19 th, one month before Youth Rally.


6. Youth Rally Timeline: the time line was viewed and accepted by all; change was made to the time line for the banner:          

Venue Confirmation – June 30 √ Poster #1 – to go home with Campers – July 22 / 29 √ Registration forms to go out – September 30 Technical / Site Visit – September 17, 2011 Volunteer Meeting – October 1, 2011 Decision on D.E.A.R. – October 2011 Return Registration forms ­ @ National Council Retreat / Education and Youth Dept. October 28th “Think on These Things” – October 2011 “Intense” / FAME – November 2011 th Banner – October 19

7. Target Numbers for Youth Rally: The decision was also taken that our target for Youth Rally this year is 2,500 youth / young adults. This means 600/650 persons from each Region. 8. New Business:   

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Mark advised that tents could be obtained from ODPEM. He advised that the amount of tents needed will be based on the programme. Security­ Security personnel will be needed on compound for cars. Unarmed guards from King Alarm is $260.00 per hour. A letter is to be written to the Mayor and the Police asking for permission and police escort for the March of Witness. Devon suggested asking the police for security for the day. Doreen is to check with Mother’s who holds the franchise for the canteen at J.C. to see if they can run the canteen for us. This would relieve us of the responsibility of making preparations for food for the day. She made contact with Milo for warm beverages for the day. They can give or sell. The churches in the St. Andrew deanery are to take on the cool drinks for the March of Witness. Doreen reported that she contacted St. John Ambulance and they are willing to assist us. They have received the letter she wnet. Their approximate cost is $5,000. Sasha reported that they would normally ask for contribution. The suggestion was made that we should use bandanas. Andre’ will check cost for kerchief­ the colours are green, orange, white, black. Judith suggested that we use the G­squad once again to keep the place clean. 3

9. The Youth Director also shared with the group the scheduled meeting dates for the Youth Rally Planning Committee:      

Saturday August 20 (same date and venue as National Council Bible Quiz and Sports’ Day) √ Saturday September 17 (venue to be decided) Saturday October 1 (same date and venue as Triple S) Saturday October 22 – Jamaica College Saturday November 5 – Jamaica College Saturday November 19 – Youth Rally

10. Committee Coordinators: The following persons are Coordinators on the Planning Committee: a. Prayer Coordinator – Karayan Holt b. Site Coordinator – Mark Jones c. Volunteer Coordinator – Sophia Wilson d. Marketing Coordinator – Kimona Brown / Andre Riley e. Registration Coordinator – Marcel Scott / Ashley Webley / Marsha Young f. Technical Coordinator – Rudolph Forsythe / Daryan Pallas g. Speaker Coordinator – Sasha Wright h. Programme Coordinator – Rev. Garfield / Sasha i. Hospitality Coordinator – Doreen Webley (St. John’s Ambulance will be contacted) At the next meeting, and all those to follow, each Coordinator is expected to make a report on their planning and preparation for this year’s youth rally. The recommendation was made that each coordinator needs to visit the venue so that they will know exactly what will be required, and they will make the requests for their needs in a timely manner, as this will impact other coordinators’ planning and preparation. Doreen volunteered to call all the coordinators to attend the planning meetings so that reports can be made to move the planning ahead.

11. Next meeting will be held on Saturday September 17, 2011 @ Jamaica College , St. Andrew 12. Meeting adjourned with the Grace said by all.


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