eZine April 2010

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The Odd F



Another O dd Fellow Or iginal Mem ber

The award HENRY BU of the Victori , been a ,Cross to Privat The cita RTONhas e RICHA two platootion reads: "Ingazetted. RD as was his • moved for ns of the Du Italy on qctobe home exp grandf ke of We r 8th, .19 ward to 44, is being ress the llingto metres hig take a stro kept op ngly hel n Regiment "The caph.. where a d feature ture of thIS fea of operati 7ffJ third me warm w . mber of . . main acc ons, as it dom ture was vital III inated all ess of adv thIs stage good pro gress to ance and the ass the troops on ault troo the within 20 "When ps spandaus they came under yards of the cre met with st. the wither and the on the crest, the ing fire pla from pany com toon commande leadmg platoon wa ma r Burton wa nder took anothe was wounded ... s held up The ~om r platoon "Throughs runner. of whIch the assaul Pnvate spandaus t the cre at least st from forward were firi wh and ng, Privat ich four engaging tommy gun e Surton the kill firs .rushed ed the cre t spanda was held w u machine up under the mu of three. When with Ius for his guns Private Bu rdero~s fire fro the assault ow m rton with gun until n safety dashed complete t~o more his ammu for dis nition \\'a ward US11lgIll regard S tommy s exhaus ted. OWN INI "He the TIATIVE hip succeen picked up a bre two machi ded in killing or n gun and firing from the of Privat ne guns. Throug wound11lg the e Burton cre h solidate the compan the outstand11lgw of the tow courage y was "The elle ards the slope my immedi of the fea then able to con Burton, ture. ately in or wound spite of his com counter ~ttacked, . initiative ed once again rades bemg under but Pnvate dashed for and directe fIre, dead on the wa d rd accurate enemy tha fire with on his own t they firmly in his retired lea our hands. .••••.... "The ene ving the bren gun my later feature adjoining counter . attacked municatio placed himplatoon position aga Morecam ns be forwarded to bear tha self on the flankand Private Burtonm on the brought t this cou who had ton, of thebe Lodge (Ulversto "To dislod su~ nte h acc r attack District), Earl of Gainsbor als? faile<; urate fire Burton ma ge the compan the Order,expressing, on beh of his ow gnificently, gal y from ItS.positIL . lantly and On which the appreciation of in mud n safety during with t<;> ,.Prl\'ate th ma and tal congratula awards were ma his comrad continuous rain ny hours <;>fl.er dlsreg~rd tion ce flghtmg es." was an thu s attaine s of the Dire msplratIO d. n to all ODD FEL LOW REC Director Bro OR D . J. \oJowbra y District, A. JORDAN, Provo C.S - "Bro. R. writes :. of the Melton were am H. Burton, along AT the 1[owbray ongst the origina with his brother and Bough closini meeting and sister, 1928. All District Juvenile l members. of muster of ton Lodge, Rugbyf on attainin three joined the Lodge on Its the !\felton the ensuin members. The for g Ear ma the g year too l of 0a1 in age of 16, on the 22n l1sbor.ou tIOn 111 somewhat k place our d gl.l loc Feb t L al ?dg Bro. R. rua and V.G unique in as mu S. Burton ry, 1939. The hero be1l1g1I11tla e . District ted Lodges. chairs will be fill ch , was boy's ed In thanki borougl; and became atta a member of grandfather, devoted ng the che support, m years agoLodge on coming d to the Ear the Oundle said the Sec tha l t the Lod retary supporters and the family to ~[e1ton !\10wbof Gainsthat on ge was the occasio ray many pro In a \'ag of our work her ha\'e always bee been una n during u c." n keen t the premie ue reference. to ing placeble to open the Lodge r a\\'ard the explOi.. and time "I must yea . Pnvate t whlcl~ have gon \von hUll for rs and he trus had been Burton e either Pri\'ate tell tu~ ted s hiS par e the that g ents, is a bric Burton was 22 bomb-happy or ma record thro Lodge would klayer, so on the 29t d." be abl ugh the demand h of Jan is his fath coming uary. cr, ~rr. ye being at had fallen very Gcorge Bu He rton, mcmbers the present timhea"ily e away in samc hra on nch

of JUYen


A War R

Fellows' Ma gazine,


nile Lodge.




father bef e hope tha ore him. Most of t his job pen, It with a lochis letters is welcome so in the lodge al builder aw roo the Order aits. Bro. Burton m door to win the is the V.c.

The Odd Fellows' Ma gazine, Fe bruary,


M.P.'s Ope n Mind. Directo


IT was the centenary of the ilf Ne occasion, wport (Salop) the Marquis of Sta ffo Harper wabut in a sense it District. It was rd Lodge was s present mentary THE EarA GIFT frie ndly to state a g,rim occasion, a festive the q,ase mos~ imp discussion might Director borough l of Gainsoutlined society in the sch for the by the Go CUSSIOn ortant ~hat the think advisable, allocated Lodge havefor the Wr vernment eme of social ins voluntary a eki , by Friendand ventilatlOn ofre should be free and it was ura and sum of n Divisio 拢5 5s. fro Bro. W. ly Societi n, was pre Mr. A. Colegatence as the whole public dis m Fra a es. There nk rec , M.P social effo sent to hea scheme, Central Co ent Stenson, especiallyr and rep . hon. secreta believed were, at present, the town rt towards. The Ch unties' Group ly. ry should bethat in the interestwo schools of tho . Mowbray of Melton Manchesteairman referred Conference, presidof the West everything ~dministered ma ts of efficiency ught. One testimonial. 's tion and r Unity, which,to the ~normous ed. inly the sho gro country fro wis uld he elected by wth m Whiteh e investm said, thro be in the pay half all and tha ent, was the people ugh goo of the han a mil ds bel lion iev of d t . The able to pay direcIt had, ed the he claimemore than it receiv out in DIRECTOR strictly limthat the Gover other, to which Government d, thorou sick S' RESOLU ghly jus ed in contributions. all parties ited. That div nment's powers he belonged, tified its isio "BUYING . AT the Bo TIONS sho n of He favour uld Societies, existence. INSURAN ed preser opinion ran thro he held last ard Meeting, CE AT Director experience if possible, and ugh vat THE BE . The Na so makin ion of Friend Directors month, theof Appro Harper, in a stro ST of SH g the lv tional use OP" big following passed theSecurity, '-ed Societies und ng appeal for 500 clausegest ever introdu Insurance Bill of their va;t res the retentio would be ced s, but as Members said they had got er the new pla \VAR DE olution: one His bia yet no , containing pos n of Soc n to convin -That the CORATIONS. that the of Parliament ial them fit s was in favour of Bill had been dra sibly some ce the reference report with best inte abolition of Fri at the next Gener public and find that to meet new needs, existing institutionfted. rests of end Friendly s and awards, dur to publicly the genera ly Societies wa al Election the he full tho y accepted Soc ught the, makincr sent war, ing the prey would~ its escape stated his convic l public. Lord s not in the the societiieties would be mu st be of Bal preserved tion that from rev es' the Vicdwin had toria Cro Unions . He thmg wa oonsidered with the contention that'th this couqtry and Friendolution and dictato s done tha eir claims utmost gra members ss to threestated by ow~d The importa ly Societi rsh t Sir 'V111. es. Am ip to the Trade nt thing would break dow vity before any one beingof the Order. Societies their wis Jowitt for ong n the wa mous aw a posthudisposing the reasons members was the differe touch withes known, ands that the people ir structure. h their M.P should ma he urged late Bro. ard to the were 11a of different soc nce in benefits of Friendly It eve .s, wa ieti J. t ryo received s es. It app Beeley ne to get ke the Gre hest shop, to be allowed show tha clearly a case by eared in enjackets , of to Lodge (So the amoun but Sir William buy their insura that people democracyt it was thorou where democracy uthampto had t nce ghl had of wa y ove District) at hy Sta s alive. n got to rlooked one of the the and he wa te insura Parliam great bul A decentralised and that be received, Mancheste ent. The Go nce benefit wathe fact that speak upo s prepared to warks suitable com to Bros. s laid dow much of r Unity, followvernment had also Parliamentn every clause consider and, if of freedom, n on Distric F. Jefferson, of of the Bil necessary told the He wo it must its surplus funds ing the last val them and . l wh , to rough Lodt) and Bro. R. H. the cU;scuss uld be glad, the en it came before allowed invest. He urged it could use, anduation, how BurFrumdly it with n, to. com to continu half of the ge (Melton Mowb tha SO how t Cie the e dea the mu m, so tha ty movem before e to adm which its th ben ch societi he gallan ir fellow members ray ent t gre supervisio efits as they had inister sick, maes should be Bro. Ste at intrinsic me received the trea the great ternity, ade, andt actions in respec of done since nson app rits entitle tment to done a;; n of the Minis and Mr t sen of . rov 191 d dm Co try effi ed it. 2, und leg g the hea ectors upo ciently as of (Applause less cost at Welsh ate, and invited the sentiments rty n the hig in the pasHealth. This couer the tha expressed .) him to h honour t and at ld be would bepool at which it To t.he n if done by was hoped attend a confere by present. ' funds sho argument that the Government. considerably nce Sir Wm. Beveridge servants uld be entrusted it was undesirabl e that larg that such were not Gover for disposal t<l age e nm ment's procontrol was alre ent controlled ncies whose thrift but posals were cal ady exercised. . he replied for 1944 The Gover culated to discou of the Ne J30 not rage person nl\I.P.s District, wcom FLGT, SG al indepeonly t<l destroy hoped tha had been circula nstallation there was a gao o nde meritoriou T. C. SHAWhas d careful cont Mr, Colegate rised on the ma nce. Some been award the elect.i of Officers for Bro. Sha s service and out "'upersede sideration. The would give the tter, and he ed the w is a me h as dun on of whom wa letter District, mber of thestanding devotio B.E.M. for (Applall;;ed by a cold-hear ir organisation s ng passing t<l n to. dut should notmost .) ted Gover by two me 1945 the N.G. Earl Grey yea y. rs of it fro nment De be mbers of Lod members partment. other the Juveniage. His two m the Juvenile Socge, Ilkeston M.P for .'s REPLY Mr, C'oleg their loy y (Bro. Female Secle Section, andchildren are also iety at two al ate. i\LP .. H. '''as tion H. his to be Tan ud to be in wife a me members of The citation . sideration brought before his reply, said tha mb able to ser), er say the war of one of the report s the and exp of the decision the House calling t a motion most effi he is a most excelle e in due years had they res cient N.C assist the sing the view to abolish Friend for a reconform, the .O.s in the nt organiser and O.B.E. FO kept as meetAir Force. scheme of development andthat their rete ly Societies R BRO. in COMMAN gi\'cn rca thc pre-war ASHDOW that mot路io Social Insurance efficiency of ntion would N'S SON-I R T, MO the propos in-law of DEH. le to ma sonable good . N-LAW. He was he made n. but he had LY intain this ed Bro NE UX not . B. M.C Major Bar , ear. good affecting it a practice nevnot put his name opposed to The clay LodAshdown, P.G.M.., R.N.V.R" son awarded y on the man power ge, , a Legislationlegislation whicher to put his nam to it be.cause Lodge the e to motion Fleet Air the O.B.E. for Mitcham Distric P.G. of the was not nc out 10 be pro arising out of re t, meritoriou Arm. before s of tinction s servic has been of the Scr e~'ery fi\'e it was undduced, and whenthe Beveridge Rep the House. in the infaBro. Molyneux, to the ran vlces. ort had who servede with the the White ntry during modified erstood that it stil k l Pap the of During the Cap first World with disI ion wouldbefore a scheme would have to beer was issued years of tain and was aw Wa r, could be and con have to em ros siderably e at the peace arded the introdu body sUc volunteer outbreak of the he became an M.C. h adjustme ced. Legislants as Par Air Arm ed and obtained present war he expert pilot. liaMerchant. A son of Bro. a commission immediatel,in the Molyn Navy and has twice eux is an office Fleet r in the been torp edoed.

r Harper Leads Of f.



War Disti nctions


William Harold Coltman

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