Oddy Labs- How to respond to a peer's post - Academic Writing

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What is peer feedback  A Response to a peer’s post (peer response, peer feedback) is a critical review of another student‘s work. Such papers are typical when group studies are assigned. By offering reactions, suggestions, and questions, responses to peers’ posts advance the discussion of the issues raised in initial posts.  Responding in helpful ways to each other's writing is one of the most important activities in a writing classroom.

Guide to Respond As you reply to your peer's writing, please follow these guides:  Respond in the spirit of helpfulness and respect.  Follow the peer response questions (provided to you) as you respond.  The best response are ones that are observational ones; they point directly to the writing in a specific way and observe something without making a judgment.  You need not respond in the role of the teacher or fixer of their writing. Respond as a fellow writer and as a reader.

Ways to Respond

 Relate the information in the post to your course assignments and (or) related research projects  Agree, disagree, or partially agree with the post and explain why  Indicate the post’s strong sides (with specific examples from the post)  Explain how the post has helped you understand the material or made you rethink your views

Ways to Respond  Share an insight or something you have learned from your peer's post  Expand on the post to demonstrate that you understand the topic  Evaluate the post critically and make a suggestion or respectfully indicate the issue that has not been addressed  Offer an opinion and support it with examples from the text  Suggest how the initial post can be improved

Ways to Respond  Discuss how comments of other students relate to your peer's post  Ask a probing question or seek clarification of a point made in the post  Reference the sources used in all your responses

Example of Good Response  Description was a concern expressed in the draft letter, whether or not she was able to show and not tell the audience.  I enjoyed the details given when she showed the audience what happened recently when the story was brought up by her mother. I was able to picture her return to her room and begin drifting off and recapturing every detail of that day.

Examples of Poor Peer Responses ď‚´ You were right about growing and maturing. We all go through changes as we get older and grow up. At least you can make the connection and continue to grow. ď‚´ I also think that there could be more description I also think there could be more descriptive.

Dos  Be polite  Make your critique objective  Suggest specific improvements (if required)  Narrow your response to the post’s major idea  Supplement impressions with specific examples

Don’ts  Use fancy language with difficult terms  Make your response too narrative or “creative” like a novel  Provide empty statements like "I agree" or "Wow, I never thought of that"  Offer no additional thoughts

Reach Out for More Help info@oddylabs.com +91 888 605 5156

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