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Rope Debate
The last activity of the day was after the coffee break. We closed our day with an exercise called . First, we separated the room into two parts. The first one was representing the agreement and the second part, the disagreement. After that, we were given some topics and we had to go to the place that was compatible with our ideas. The coordinators were using a ‘’microphone’’ and they gave it to the participants that wanted to express their opinion.
That activity was wonderful for us because we had a first sight on the topic of the debate. We had the opportunity to listen to the other’s points of view and to think critically in order to reply to them, always with respect.
Be Media (E)literate forum took place in Busteni and we had a chance to visit other Romanian cities to get to knowRomaniabetterand to make our bounds stronger.
The 5th day of our project hasstarteddifferentlythan usually. We had external activity, a trip to Bran and Brasov. We not only explored the hosting country but also learned a piece of history from the castle in Bran and see interesting old city of Brasov.
1st part of the visit ‘Bran Castle’
Westartedourdayearlier than usual. The road was interesting because for most of us it is not commontodrivethrougha mountains.Therewasalot of switchbacks. And of course view on the mountains.
We arrived in Bran, most of us went inside and it was actually worth it. The castle is interesting not only outside but also inside. It was built in the 12th century and since then it has been renovated many times.
We could see how rooms looked like on that time. We could see the reference to Romanian culture, for example to the tradition of Dracula or the Lele.
We also could see a lot of pictures fromtheoldtimes.Therewereones showing princess Ileana from Romania. She was an important royal member, not only active in sports (sailing for example) but also involved in helping the society (organizingRedCross).
Bran castle’ s ‘’Birth’’ document issued on November 19th 1377 by the Hungarian King Ludovic I of Anjou at the Zvolen castle in Slovakia. (Handmade replica on special paper)
InfrontofthecastletherewasasmallLocalbazar,veryanimatedwhere wecanbuysouvenirs.