Cardiovascular Pediatric Critical Illness And Injury DOWNLOAD HERE
Developmental Cardiac Physiology. Hemodynamic Monitoring. Cardiopulmonary Interactions. Echocardiography in the Pediatric Critical Care Setting. Cardiac Catheterization in the Pediatric Critical Care Setting. Introduction to Congenital Heart Disease: Nomenclature and Classification. Palliative Procedures. Congenital Heart Disease: Left-to-Right Shunt Lesions. Congenital Heart Disease: Cyanotic Lesions with Decreased Pulmonary Blood Flow. Congenital Heart Disease: Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction. Congenital Heart Disease: Cyanotic Lesions with Increased Pulmonary Blood Flow. Single Ventricle Lesions. Vascular Rings and Associated Malformations. Cardiopulmonary Bypass. Pediatric Myocardial Protection. Post-Operative Care of the Pediatric Cardiac Surgical Patient. Mechanical Support of the Cardiovascular System: ECLS/ECMO and LVAD. Mechanical Support of the Cardiovascular System: Intraaortic Balloon Pumping in Children. Arrhythmias. Inflammatory Diseases of the Heart and Pericardium: Infective Endocarditis and Kawasaki Disease. Inflammatory Diseases of the Heart and Pericardium: Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Myocarditis. Diseases of the Pericardium. Management of Hypertension in the PICU. Heart Transplantation. EAN/ISBN : 9781848009233 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin, Springer, London Discussed keywords: Kinderheilkunde, Kardiologie Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Wheeler, Derek S. - Wong, Hector R. - Shanley, Thomas P.
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