Plant Derived Natural Products

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Preface.- The chemical composition of plants: Introduction to the different classes of natural products.Natural products produced by marine plants/plants growing in other "different" habitats.- Natural variation/plant breeding.- Methods for analysis.- Ethnobotany.- Secondary metabolite biosynthesis: Introduction to the different classes of biosynthetic enzymes.- Structural analysis of biosynthetic enzymes.- Pathway elucidation.- Hormones, lipids, and signaling.- Regulators of natural product synthesis.- Metabolite channeling, protein complexes.- Glucosylation of secondary metabolites and xenobiotics.- Transport and release.- Links with growth and development.- Evolution of natural product pathways.- Biological activity: Biological activity effects on cells yeast, plants, animals, chemical genomics.- Role of natural products in nature pest and pathogen resistance.- Role of natural products in nature.- Carbohydrate signaling molecules.- Allelopathy.- Anticancer/disease prevention epidemiology and function.- Natural products and human receptors.- Flavors and fragrances.- New trends: Bioengineering.- Genome-wide approaches.- GM and substantive equivalence.- Traditional medicines and nutraceuticals.- Natural products as leads for drug discovery.- Novel non food crops.- Index. EAN/ISBN : 9780387854984 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin, Springer, New York Discussed keywords: Biologische Produkte Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Osbourn, Anne E. - Lanzotti, Virginia


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